Johnson 700 Leaving Office C STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERE D '^ (���/��� ���� i JAN ~� .� . ' ^— � - � . Please type or print mink, k-AMEDA NAME OFFILER (LAST) (FIRST) Johnson Beverly J 1. Office, Agency, or Court Agency Name City ofAlameda Divisiom, Bnord, Department,District, if applicable You,PuoiUno Counoi|membor s� U filing for multiple positions, list below orvnanattachment, Agency: Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box�) []State []Judge m Court Commissioner(Statewide Jurisdiction) []Mmti-Coumy County of Alameda []��, 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) AoAnnual: The period covered is January 1. 2012, through Z Leaving Office: Date Le 12 18� L- / 2012 December (Check one) -or- � � m The period covered is / / .through 0 The period covered is January 1. 2012. through the date of December 31. 201Z leaving office, F-1 Assuming Office: Date assumed / / O The period covered is / / . through the date of leaving office. LJ Candidate: Election year and office sought, if different than Fart 1: 4. Schedule Summary Check applicable schedules m'No e.^ P> Total number of pages including this cover page: Schedule A'1 'Investments-schedule attached Schedule C-Income, Loans, & Business Positions-schedule attached E] Schedule A'z-Investmentsschedule- attaoh V me- Gifts-schedule attached [] Schedule B'Real Property-schedule attached [] Schedule E-Income-Gifts- Travel Payments-schedule attached -or- None-No reporta le interests on any schedule 5. Verification MAILING ADDRESS srnssr c/rr snns ZIP CODE (Business o/Agency Address Recommended mmmDocument) 17OG Moreland Drive Alameda CA 94501 oaxnwsrsLs,xowsNUMB q preparing this statement, I have reviewed this statement and to the best ofmy knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules iotrue and complete. | acknowledge thisi | cnni�under pena|�v[po�u�under the laws of the State vfCo|i�miu � � 01/17/ Oi3 � Date Signed ^ Signature,, .�� ��m.u�r°* f~= � ��m � — ' - \ i U p��C Form 7uo(zo1a7o13) �f°"cNuwceV�ao:aumceo»fppc,ca,yov ppPc Toll-Free He|ponc:oe6/z7s'z77zwww|pFc.m,gov SCHEDULE A1 CALIFORNIA FORM 700 investments FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Stocks, Bonds, and Other interests Name (Ownership Interest is Less Than 10%) Beverly J. Johnson Do not attach brokerage or financial statements. • NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY ei- NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY Intel Corporation GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Computer Company Stock FAIR MARKET VALUE FAIR MARKET VALUE $2,000-$10,000 0$10,001 -$100,000 0 $2,000-$10,000 Ei$10,001 -$100,000 0$100,001 -$1,000,000 0 Over$1,000,000 0$100,001 -$1,000,000 0 Over$1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT NATURE OF INVESTMENT 0 Stock 0 Other 0 Stock 0 Other (Describe) (Describe) 0 Partnership 0 Income Received of$0-$499 0 Partnership 0 Income Received of$0-$499 0 Income Received of$500 or More(Report on Schedule C) 0 Income Received of$500 or More(Report on Schedule c) IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: IF APPLICABLE,LIST DATE: / / 11 I / 11 I / 11 / / 11 ACQUIRED DISPOSED ACQUIRED DISPOSED • NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY Oii NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY General Electric Company GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Manufacturing Company Stock FAIR MARKET VALUE FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$2,000-$10,000 0 $10,001 -$100,000 0 $2,000-$10,000 0$10,001 -$100,000 0$100,001 -$1,000,000 Ej Over$1,000,000 0 $100,001 -$1,000,000 Ei Over$1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT NATURE OF INVESTMENT Ei Stock 0 Other 0 Stock 0 Other (Describe) (Describe) Ei Partnership 0 Income Received of$0-$499 0 Partnership 0 Income Received of$0-$499 0 Income Received of$500 or More(Report on Schedule C) 0 Income Received of$500 or More(Report on Schedule C) IF APPLICABLE. LIST DATE: IF APPLICABLE LIST DATE: / / 11 / ill I / 11 / / 11 ACQUIRED DISPOSED ACQUIRED DISPOSED NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY IGO Inc. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Computer Company Stock FAIR MARKET VALUE FAIR MARKET VALUE $2,000-$10,000 0$10,001 -$100,000 i 0 $2,000-$10,000 0$10,001 -$100,000 0$100,001 -$1,000,000 0 Over$1,000,000 0 $100,001 -$1,000,000 0 Over$1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT NATURE OF INVESTMENT 0 Stock D Other Ei S• tock 0 Other (Describe) (Describe) E Partnership 0 Income Received of$0-$499 0 P• artnership 0 Income Received of$0-$499 0 Income Received of$500 or More(Report on Schedule C) 0 Income Received of$500 or More(Report on Schedule C) IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: IF APPLICABLE,LIST DATE I / 11 / / 11 I / 11 / / 11 ACQUIRED DISPOSED ACQUIRED DISPOSED Comments: FPPC Form 700(2011/2012)Sch.A-1