TUESDAY- -NOVEMBER 16, 2021- -6:59 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 7:39 p.m. Councilmember Herrera
Spencer led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers/Commissioners Daysog, Herrera
Spencer, Knox White, Vella and Mayor/Chair Ezzy
Ashcraft— 5. [Note: The meeting was held via Zoom.]
Absent: None.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer moved approval of the Consent
Councilmember/Commissioner Knox White seconded the motion, which carried by the
following roll call vote: Councilmembers/Commissioners Daysog: Aye; Herrera Spencer:
Aye; Knox White: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5. [Items
so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
(*21-728 CC/21-21SACIC) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and Successor
Agency to the Community Improvement Commission Meeting Held on November 2,
2021. Approved.
(21-729 CC/21-22 SACIC) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute
a Memorandum of Understanding between DignityMoves, Five Keys Schools and
Programs, Successor Agency to the Community Improvement Commission and the City
of Alameda to Participate in the State of California Homekey Program to Develop the
Bottle Parcel Located at 2350 5th Street, Alameda, California; and
(21-729A CC) Resolution No. 15834, "of The Governing Body of City of Alameda, A
Municipal Corporation Authorizing Joint Application to and Participation in the Homekey
Program." Adopted; and
(21-22A SACIC) Resolution No. 21-13, "of the Governing Body of the Successor
Agency to the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda, A Public
Body Corporate and Politic Authorizing Joint Application to and Participation in the
Homekey Program." Adopted; and
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission 1
November 2,2021
(21-729B CC) Resolution No. 15835, "to Increase Expenditure Appropriations in the
American Rescue Plan 2021 Project (C99300) in the Capital Projects Fund (310) by
$4,640,000 and to Encumber $1,200,000 in General Funds (10061833) to Operate
Interim Supportive Homeless Housing at the Bottle Parcel Located at 2350 5th Street,
Alameda, California, for Fiscal Years 2021-22 through 2027-28". Adopted.
The Community Development Director gave a Power Point presentation.
Elizabeth Funk, DignityMoves, and Steve Good, Five Key, gave a brief presentation.
(21-730) Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer moved approval of allowing
an extra 5 minutes for the presentation.
Councilmember/Commissioner Knox White seconded the motion, which carried by the
following roll call vote: Councilmembers/Commissioners Daysog: Aye; Herrera Spencer:
Aye; Knox White: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
Mr. Good completed the presentation.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer inquired whether the population being
served will be all unhoused Alamedans.
The Community Development Director responded staff will attempt to give an Alameda
preference; stated there is potential County funds and the Coordinated Entry process
will be used.
In response to Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft's request for clarification of Coordinated Entry, the
Community Development Director stated Coordinated Entry is the County system where
each individual is registered; once registered, individuals are prioritized based on need;
needs are based on medical, age and different vulnerabilities; individuals are prioritized
for housing based on need; there is possibility for Alameda to receive individuals from
outside of the City but still within Alameda County.
Mr. Good stated that he spoke with the Alameda County Director of Services; the City
can prioritize services for Alamedans; anyone living in Alameda would be the first
priority; if the services are for permanent supportive housing, the prioritization for
Alamedans would not be possible; since the program being is interim housing, Alameda
can prioritize for Alamedans; if there are not enough eligible participants, the City can
look outside of Alameda for participants.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer inquired whether outreach will be
provided to ensure all of the unsheltered would be eligible for the Continuum of Care
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Alameda City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission 2
November 2,2021
The Community Development Director responded in the affirmative; stated staff will
reach out to the unhoused community members and will often try to have members
move into the housing opportunity; the program is low-barrier and has minimal
qualifications, with the exception of being a registered sex offender.
Mr. Good stated that he will work with the Continuum of Care system and the
Coordinated Entry system; Five Key will work to do everything possible to fulfil the
obligation to address encampments and unsheltered individuals, including working with
non-profits and other City agencies.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer inquired about the general response to
the program and what percentage agree to be on the list to be housed.
Mr. Good responded there are reasons why people do not wish to be housed; stated the
same situation exists in San Francisco; it helps if the City provides a place that is clean,
welcoming, treats people as guests, not numbers, and where safety is paramount; the
program is unique in that people get what they want, including their own individual
space; the program is a great opportunity and will show an immediately significant
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer stated the report shows insufficient
funds for the program, which will need General Fund money in year five; the contract is
for 15 to 20 years; the City will be the backstop for future years; inquired the estimate
for the backstop amount per year.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether there are any additional funding sources aside
from the General Fund.
The Community Development Director responded staff does not currently have the
funding identified after year five; stated there is a requirement to identify funding through
year five in order to apply; it will be important for staff to begin pursuing other grant
opportunities and funding sources once the application is submitted; staff will be diligent
in efforts to pursue funding opportunities.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer inquired whether there is an estimate
of the annual operating budget for the program for years five through fifteen or twenty;
stated the annual operating budget is the maximum amount the City would be forced to
The Community Development responded the cost is roughly $1.5 million per year.
Mr. Good stated that he has already applied for State grant funding and other funding
opportunities; the program is a commitment to get people off the street; paying for the
program now is cheaper than other services in the long-run.
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Alameda City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission 3
November 2,2021
Expressed support for the needed project; stated the bottle parcel is an odd site, which
is difficult to develop; the program is a great use of the parcel; the project Homekey
grants have weird timelines; modular construction makes sense; the program is
necessary for Alameda to try to help with the homeless crisis; the units are able to be
counted toward the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA): Zac Bowling,
Expressed support for the project; stated that he would like to see the project go in so
that people can be moved into housing and away from the business district: Steven
Chabre, Alameda.
Expressed support for the project; stated the parcel should not be vacant when people
can be housed; people will have their own space, a roof over their head, their own
bathroom and access to services; he is sympathetic to others' suffering and wants
people to be in their own space: Josh Geyer, Alameda.
Stated the opportunity to build projects like this is a moral imperative; many crises are
dealt with every day; no single project can build the housing needed for homeless
neighbors; the projects should be moved forward as quickly as possible; the matter is
urgent; the project is special and does many things right, including using modular
construction and strong innovation; each member of the team is a proven entity:
Nicholas Nagle, Housing Action Coalition.
Stated that he has been tracking housing in Alameda since the 1990s; the program
takes a needed housing first approach; the wraparound services will reduce the amount
of money spent; the project is encouraging; expressed concern about sea-level rise and
permanent housing; stated modular housing is a good investment: William Smith,
Stated it is a struggle to be homeless in Alameda; people do not take the time to
understand that everyone is one Alameda; expressed support for available programs
and providers; stated that he has been sleeping near the Alameda Police Station for
one year and nine months; he is deeply affected by being homeless and is supported by
Village of Love: Kareem Williams, Alameda.
Stated that she previously worked with the community based organizations; housing is
the solution; expressed support for the project: Ana Bagtas, Alameda.
Expressed support for the project; stated there has been an emphasis on prioritizing
Alamedans; expressed support for also helping people from outside Alameda: Jenice
Anderson, Alameda.
Expressed support for the program; stated housing is a human right; Alameda needs to
do something to support those who are unhoused and provide a safe space for people
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Alameda City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission 4
November 2,2021
to care for themselves: Laura Cutrona, Alameda.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer inquired whether the units will count
toward the RHNA numbers.
The Community Development Director responded staff is not positive the units would
count towards RHNA; staff will advocate for the units to be counted; there is a State
level discussion to make the determination.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft stated the potential for allocating units towards RHNA
numbers would be new information; she visited the DignityMoves and Five Keys
Mountain View site; the funding timeline is fast.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer stated that she has raised the question
of how the City will be paying for the program; noted the program will use General Fund
monies; the City's last five year forecast shows a negative or near-negative balance;
inquired how staff anticipates being able to pay the additional $1.5 million each year
moving forward; stated that she would like more information about the plan to pay for
the program; questioned whether Council will be asked to cut funding somewhere in
order to make funding available or whether a tax will be passed in order to pay for
The Community Development Director responded staff has had discussions about an
affordable housing bond; stated staff has discussed pursing grant funding, General
Fund and private funding sources.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer inquired whether the program will need
new monies in order to meet the expenditures moving forward and whether the City has
sufficient funds within the budget.
The City Manager responded future deficits are mostly caused by increases to pension
costs; stated staff has been concentrating on ways to level out future pension costs;
housing and homelessness are two City Council priorities; staff is looking at ways the
General Fund can assist the priorities; the program will have grant funding and other
types of funding.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer stated that she has concerns about the
money moving forward; she does not think it is appropriate for Council to continually go
back to community members and ask for more money; it is important for Council to
acknowledge that the City cannot continue to pay for everything; it is important that the
project be for Alamedans; she would like annual updates provided to Council in order to
see who is being housed; Alameda is not a big city and has limited funds; Alameda has
the expense of trying to house the currently unhoused; the City is not in the position to
house the County or State unhoused population; expressed support for the project;
stated the team presenting is stellar; she trusts that the staff will help the City get grant
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Alameda City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission 5
November 2,2021
funding as much as possible to help in the later years; the location is good and is close
to services; noted the location is close to College of Alameda; stated there are
unhoused college students; participants of the program might be able to take advantage
of courses offered by the College of Alameda; the location is also close to public
transportation; noted that she will not support any tax efforts for program funding.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Vella stated housing and lack of housing is a problem for all,
regardless of location; costs continues to escalate; everyone pays the price when
people need social services and assistance due to not being provided with routine and
basic human necessities; the first basic human necessity is shelter; there have been
concerns and comments related to interference with college students; many of her
students face housing insecurity; housing insecurity creates adverse effects in many
different ways; society pays a high price for housing insecurity; the program is a step in
the right direction; expressed support for more similar projects; stated the State will
have discussions about whether or not the project will count towards the Housing
Element; the program is the right thing to do; Council should find funding for the
program; the future cost is to the General Fund is trivial in order to see the project
through; expressed support for compassion through actions; stated compassion is
where the biggest difference can be made; the City depends on the network of County
services for the overall social welfare of the community; the City needs to do its part;
expressed support for the City's ability to move quickly and seeing the program come to
Councilmember/Commissioner Daysog stated the City needs to seize the opportunity to
do something bold; the project will potentially put 46 to 60 individuals back onto a path
of stability; the program will significantly the homeless population numbers; expressed
support for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; stated City staff will be creative in
future years if General Fund monies are needed; the project is exciting due to the
modular characteristics and ability to be quickly implemented; expressed support for the
Councilmember/Commissioner Knox White expressed support for the project; stated
that he would like to provide direction to staff to work with providers to ensure housing is
maximized over parking; providing parking is needed to run a successful program;
expressed support for 48 to 49 units on the parcel and extending the ability to provide
services and support and for engaging with the neighborhood Homeowners
Associations ; stated concerns and questions are arising; the earlier discussions occur,
the better and more successful the program will be.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft discussed a center in Berkeley and a facility in Mountain
View; stated results are possible and within the City's grasp; the housing is modular and
can be stood up quickly; inquired whether the Mountain View project contains more
housing than what is proposed for Alameda, to which Mr. Good responded in the
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Alameda City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission 6
November 2,2021
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft stated the Mountain View project has multiple wings with a
common area and was put up within six months; the fast timeline is promising and
encouraging; ARPA funds are available; the direct allocation of funding is exciting;
however, the funding is one-time, not for operating and ongoing expenses; State
Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funds and Homekey funds are going to be
utilized; the City will pay for the program one way or another; there is a cost to having
someone sleep in a business's doorway; the program is a way for the City to help
people with dignity; the housing is transitional; some participants of the program will
move onto a more permanent housing situation; the wrap-around services will help; the
work being done is life-changing; the City has not yet had a place where an unsheltered
individual could go at any time; the Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter (FAAS)
developed a mobile unit which provides veterinary care for homeless individual's pets;
the FAAS mobile unit will come to the bottle parcel as well; she understands the desire
to help Alameda residents; however, if there are openings, the City will reach out to the
County to fill the spaces; many times the County has provided help for people to get
vouchers to go elsewhere; the City will have to abide by the regulations which govern
the funding received; the City will likely be starting with many, if not all, Alameda
residents for the program.
Councilmember/Commissioner Knox White moved approval of the staff
recommendation [including adoption of the resolutions].
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Vella seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer stated a
Memorandum of Understanding and two other documents are being recommended for
Council approval; requested clarification for the true ask of the matter.
The City Clerk stated the motion is understood as approving all of the actions, including
adoption of the three resolutions and approval of the two MOUs; noted the staff
recommendation is to approve all matters.
Councilmember/Commissioner Knox White stated that his understanding of the motion
is the same.
Councilmember/Commissioner Herrera Spencer stated that she would like confirmation
that the program will be prioritizing Alamedans.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she and Mr. Good have confirmed Alamedans will be
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers/Commissioners Daysog: Aye; Herrera Spencer: Aye; Knox White:
Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
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to the Community Improvement Commission 7
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There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft adjourned the meeting at
8:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, SACIC
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.
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Alameda City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission 8
November 2,2021