2006-07-18 5-C Power PointJ City of Alameda July 2006 IN TA WATER TRANSIT AUTHORITY Agenda What is the WTA mission Who are the WTA staff What are our plans for Alameda service What are our other activities WATER TRANS!? RM1 rNOkr7Y 1 Mandate "The primary focus of the authority shall be the provision of services through the development and operation of a comprehensive water transit system." Accomplishments to Date Approval by State of California to operate a comprehensive San Francisco Bay Area regional public water transit system • Completed ten year expansion plan and programmatic EIR • Set environmental standards for vessel emissions, wake wash, noise, etc • Developed funding plan in partnership with local communities. • Begun implementation of plan. WATER JRANEfT AUTNpOiry Vallejo HerculeslRodeo Larkspur Martinez to Pittsburg! Antioch Richmond Tiburon AlbanylBerkeley Sausalito Treasure Island AlamedalOakland Harbor Bay S an Leandro South San Francisco H..Wwa rd • FT.1: :G. Redwood City The Regional Ferry Plan • 6 existing routes • 3 new or expanded routes funded • 4 routes partially funded • 1 unfunded route WATER TRANS ri R {rrNos rV 2 Schedule of WTA Activities Activity /Year 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 South San Francisco Environmenta•esign Construction Service Berkeley En ronmentallDesign Construction Service Build Spare Vessels r Co struction Ferry Building Imprvmnts Design Construction Other Studies Stu es 1 New South San Francisco and Berkeley services to begin in the next 3 years WAY F'N TRAN:5fr AU TNO ITY WTA staff are experts in their fields • John Sindzinski - 30 years transit experience, including MTC and CCCTA • Mary Culnane - Kings Point, Chevron, Chief Engineer • Keith Stahnke - Senior B &G Captain, Maintenance Manager • Nina Rannells - Grants Manager for largest ferry operator • Shirley Douglas - 30 years marketing /community relations for Bechtel • Linda Mitchell - 20 years of ferry marketing maaira ''CRO» f■ A1ER TRANS fl AUiHOWTY 3 WTA Plans for AOFS service • Increase marketing (new JLS residents, TALC Travel Choice Educational Outreach in Alameda) • Cross marketing with other ferry and transit providers (Lunch Bunch events) • Increased use of real time information • Backup "bus bridge" service for schedule interruptions • Relief from Harbor Bay farebo recovery requirements • Continued coordination with Alameda Point project WATER MANS r1 AUTHOAfTY WTA Plans for AOFS service - Investigate best practices for expanded service Alameda Departures Alameda Arrivals 6:10 7:15 7:15 8:20 8:20 9:25 9:25 10:50 10:50 12:35 2:20 4:30 5:40 5:40 6:10 6:10 6:45 6:45 7:45 7:45 8:45 8:45 Additional bus connections provide hourly service all day 1:30 3:30 9:45 WATER TFiAN$fT AfJTMOA'fTY 4 Response to question about plans for service changes JLS —13 departures, 30 min trip Ala Gateway —13 departures, 20 min trip Current Service HB — 6 departures, 17 min trip JLS —16 departures, 30 min trip Ala Point — 14 departures, 18 min trip Service Variation HB — 9 departures, 25 min trip Issues related to variation No clear benefit Significant additional operational costs Not consistent with existing contracts Actions WTA and City to consider if /when City considers Alameda Point WATER TRANirr AVINCMITY Other WTA Activities: Ferry Building Improvements Consolidated ferry schedule information Emergency plans WATER rpANSr rNOkrrY 5 Ferry Building Improvements 1 Improve signing and wayfinding to increase "tourist" ridership Provide all weather protection to address 30% reduction in ridership from rain days Consolidated Ferry Schedules Network Map Consolidating schedules allows riders to more easily access multiple services MUER TRANSIT RUTNORJIY 6 WTA disaster response activities: Develop Regional Maritime Contingency Plan, which includes an inventory of resources and potential procedures Make key short term capacity additions of docks in San Francisco and Oakland Continue implementation of the Regional Ferry Plan Public Information Hervu leslaotleo Larkspur Pilisburol Antioch Ricknonel AlbanylBerkeley Treasure Island AametlalOaklantl Rechnootl City WATER rRANirr g211'Ni7RfrY Conclusion The WTA mission is to build a regional ferry system The WTA staff are some of the best transit and maritime professionals WTA would investigate low cost investments to expand ridership and coordinate with landside improvements Our other activities are intended to improve the service to our customers WATER rpANSr rNOkrrY 7