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2006-11-21 Packet
somwr ■ /, CITY OF ALAMEDA • CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) TUESDAY - - - NOVEMBER 21, 2006 - - - 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 5:30 p.m. Time: Place: City Council Chambers Conference Room, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street Agenda: 1. Roll Call 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items only may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: CITY COUNCIL 3 -A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency negotiators: Craig Jory and Human Resources Director Employee organizations: Alameda City Employees Association, Management and Confidential Employees Association, and Police Association Non -Sworn 3 -B. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Property: Ballena Isle Marina Negotiating parties: City of Alameda and Ballena Isle Marina LLP Under negotiation: Price and terms ARRA- 3-C. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Property: Alameda Naval Air Station Negotiating parties: ARRA and Area 51 Productions Under negotiation: Price and Terms 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any Adjournment Beverly Joh e•. ,1 Ma or Chair, AlamReuse and Redevelopment Authority Housing Authority of the City of Alameda 701 Atlantic Avenue - Alameda, California 94501 -2161 - TEL: (510) 747 -4300 - FAX: (510) 522 -7848 - TDD: (510) 522 -8467 IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE BOARD: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Executive Director, and upon recognition by the Chair, approach the rostrum and state your name; speakers are limited to 3 minutes per item. 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally. 3. Applause and demonstrations are prohibited during Board of Commissioners meetings. AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE & TIME Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 7:25 PM LOCATION City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 390, 2263 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda, CA Welcome to the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda meeting. Regular Board of Commissioners meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each quarter in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda items or business introduced by Commissioners may speak for a maximum of three minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Board. Please file a speaker's slip with the Housing Authority Executive Director if you wish to address the Board of Commissioners. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. ROLL CALL - Board of Commissioners 2. CONSENT CALENDAR • Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be approved or accepted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Board of Commissioners or a member of the public. 2 -A. Award Contract to Complete Playground Rehabilitation at Parrot Village and Eagle Village to Community Playgrounds. The Chief Executive Officer recommends the Board of Commissioners: Board of Commissioners Meeting November 21, 2006 Page 2 1. Approve a contract with Community Playgrounds, Inc. to complete the rehabilitation of the playgrounds at Eagle Village and Parrot Village for $88,629, allowing up to $8,863 in change orders, for a total not to exceed $97,492 for both projects; and 2. Authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract. 3. AGENDA 3 -A. None. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, Non - Agenda (Public Comment) 5. COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS, (Communications from the Commissioners) 6. ADJOURNMENT Note: * Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact Carol Weaver, Secretary, at 747 -4325 voice or 522 -8467 TDD at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. * Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. * Minutes of the meeting are available in large print. * Audiotapes of the meeting are available on request. * Please contact Carol Weaver at 747 -4325 voice of 522 -8467 TDD at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting. CITY OF ALAMEDA • CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item. 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally. 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Council meetings. AGENDA TUESDAY REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL - - NOVEMBER 21, 2006 - - - - 7:30 P.M. [Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7:30 p.m., City Hall, Council Chambers, corner of Santa Clara Ave and Oak St.] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Consent Calendar 5. Agenda Items 6. Oral Communications, Non - Agenda (Public Comment) 7. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 8. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 5:30 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda (Closed Session) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD 7:25 P.M. OF COMMISSIONERS, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND 7:31 P.M. REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND 7:32 P.M. COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda 1. ROLL CALL - City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 -A. Presentation to the Library Building Team recognizing their efforts for the successful completion of the New Main Library. 3 -B. Presentation by the Army Corps of Engineers. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public. 4 -A. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting held on November 14, 2006. (City Clerk) 4 -B. Bills for ratification. (Finance) 4 -C. Recommendation to accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the period ending June 30, 2006. (Finance) 4 -D. Recommendation to accept the Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending September 30, 2006. (Finance) 4 -E. Recommendation to execute a Five Year Contract in the amount of $200,609.04 to John Deere, Inc. for the lease of two greens mowers, two reel mowers, one tractor and five electric utility vehicles. (Golf) 4 -F. Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and authorize Call for Bids for Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals Video Inspection, No. P.W. 10- 06 -21. (Public Works) 4 -G. Adoption of Resolution Approving Parcel Map No. 8891 (2201 Harbor Bay Parkway). (Public Works) 5. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 5 -A. Adoption of Resolutions Appointing Margaret A. Hakason as a Member of the Commission on Disability Issues; Joy Pratt as a Member of the Housing Commission; Joseph S. Restagno as a Member of the Recreation and Park Commission; Jonathan D. Soglin as a Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board; and Srikant Subramaniam as a Member of the Transportation Commission. 5 -B. Recommendation to appropriate $107,200 in Measure B Paratransit Funds to renew the Holiday Shuttle and purchase additional East Bay Paratransit and Friendly Taxi Service coupons. (Public Works) 5 -C. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Applications for the Measure B Bicycle /Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Funds and the Bicycle Transportation Account to Conduct an Estuary Crossing Feasibility Study, Appropriate Measure B Funds as Local Match, and Authorize the Public Works Director to Execute All Necessary Grant Documents. (Public Works) 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda. 7. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Councilmembers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended. 8. ADJOURNMENT - City Council • For use in preparing the Official Record, speakers reading a written statement are invited to submit a copy to the City Clerk at the meeting or e -mail to: lweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us • Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter • Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting • Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available • Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print • Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request • Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting AGENDA Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority * * * * * * ** Alameda City Hall Council Chamber, Room 390 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Tuesday, November 21, 2006 Meeting will begin at 7:31 p.m. Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Board or a member of the public. 2 -A. Approval of 2 -year lease with 3 one -year options with Makani Power for Building 19. 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS None. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) 5. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 6. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be cablecast live on channel 15. Notes: • Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA Secretary at 749 -5800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. • Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. • Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. • Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. CITY OF ALAMEDA • CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION TUESDAY - - - NOVEMBER 21, 2006 - - - 7:32 P.M. Location: City Council Chambers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street. Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council /Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Council /Commission may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council /Commission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk if you wish to speak. 1. ROLL CALL - City Council, Community Improvement Commission 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council /Commission or a member of the public. 2 -A. Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and Community Improvement Commission (CIC) Meeting held on October 17, 2006, the Special CIC Meeting held on November 1, 2006, and the Special Joint City Council and CIC Meeting held on November 14, 2006. (City Clerk) 2 -B. Recommendation to accept the FY07 First - quarter Financial Report and approve budget adjustments. (Finance) 3. AGENDA ITEMS 3 -A. Presentation of Concept Plans for Northern Waterfront Development and recommendation to approve an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with Encinal Real Estate, Inc. for relevant properties within the Northern Waterfront redevelopment area. (Development Services) [Community Improvement Commission] 3 -B. Joint Public Hearing to consider the Proposed Sixth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project. (Development Services) 3 -C. Joint Public Hearing to consider certification of a supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR), approval of a General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment, a Development Agreement Amendment, two new Development Agreements, a Disposition and Development Agreement Amendment and a new Disposition and Development Agreement to replace 1,300,000 square feet of approved, but not yet constructed, office and research and development uses with 400,000 square feet of a Health Club and up to 300 residential units in the Catellus Mixed Use Development. (Development Services) [To be continued to December 5, 2006] 4. ADJOURNMENT - City Council, Community Improvement Commission Bev y o Chair, Comm Commission or rovement Housing Authority of the City of Alameda 701 Atlantic Avenue - Alameda, California 94501 -2161 - Tel: (510) 747 -4300 - Fax: (510)522 -7848 - TDD: (510) 522 -8467 November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Board of Commissioners From: Debra Kurita Chief Executive Officer Re: Award Contract to Complete Playground Rehabilitation at Parrot Village and Eagle Village to Community Playgrounds BACKGROUND The Housing Authority's budget includes two extraordinary maintenance projects — EV3-07 and PV2 -07 to complete the playground rehabilitation at Eagle Village ($35,000) Parrot Village ($117,000). Eagle Village has one playground area and Parrot Village has five small playground areas. The Board of Commissioners awarded a contract for these projects in January 2006 in the amount of $153,000 to Kids Play, Inc. A Notice to Proceed was issued in February 2006. In June 2006, the playground equipment was delivered; removal of the old playground equipment was completed, and site preparation was underway. Several factors delayed the project into the current fiscal year. The delays were caused by discovering large catch basins in the middle of each playground area requiring their relocation as well as the drain lines that go into them, replacing a section of damaged drain line, and abating the asbestos found in the drain lines. Obtaining bids and having this work done took additional time. After completion of the drainage work in early August, a new deadline of October 6, 2006, was established for the contractor to complete the project. The contractor agreed that this deadline would be met. Kids Play offered numerous excuses for not starting back to work and, once started, working at a very slow pace. Staff determined that Kids Play would fail to complete the project by the October 6 deadline. A warning letter was sent September 14 requiring a speedy completion of the project. Little work was completed; the contractor continued to find excuses for not completing the project. As a result, on October 12, 2006, the Housing Authority terminated the contract and deposited the check in the amount of $27,935 that the contractor provided in lieu of a performance bond. HABOC Agenda Item #2 -A 11 -21 -06 Honorable Chair and Members November 21, 2006 of the Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION The Housing Authority sought competitive bids for the completion of the playground rehabilitation projects. Two bids were received: Community Playgrounds, Inc., Novato G & G Builders Inc., Pleasanton $88,629.00 $103,566.52 Community Playgrounds has provided similar services for the City of Alameda Recreation and Park Department. They have been able to meet the City's insurance and bonding requirements. A copy of the contract is attached and is also on file in the City Clerk's office. FISCAL IMPACT Last fiscal year, Kids Play was paid for delivering the playground equipment and for removal and disposal of the old equipment and other debris. The Housing Authority can expect to receive an invoice from Kids Play for work that was completed this fiscal year, which includes reinstallation of the equipment in Parrot Village Court 1 and pouring concrete ($3,099) and installation of equipment in Parrot Village Court 3 and pouring concrete ($6,155) for a total of $9,254. The budget includes $35,000 for Eagle Village and $117,000 for Parrot Village for a total of $152,000. Thus far, the Housing Authority has expended $28,865 toward these projects, leaving a balance of $123,135 for a new contract. The budget is adequate for the contract of $88,629. $152,000 Budget - 350 Payment to Synergy for asbestos abatement - 28,865 Payment to Harry Clark Plumbing for drain relocation /repairs - 9,254 Anticipated Payment to Kids Play - 88,629 Recommended contract with Community Playgrounds $24,902 Surplus 27,935 Payment from Kids Play (in lieu of performance bond) $52,837 Additional funds available for project completion The Housing Authority will incur additional costs for security fencing and debris removal, which may be accomplished through a change order with Community Playgrounds. All costs should be well within the funds available. If for any reason, costs run over budget, the check in lieu of a performance bond from the defaulting contractor is available to make up the difference. In addition, the defaulting contractor is responsible for all costs beyond what was budgeted, though it appears unlikely to be needed. Honorable Chair and Members November 21, 2006 of the Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION The Chief Executive Officer recommends the Board of Commissioners: 1. Approve a contract with Community Playgrounds, Inc. to complete the rehabilitation of the playgrounds at Eagle Village and Parrot Village for $88,629, allowing up to $8,863 in change orders, for a total not to exceed $97,492 for both projects; and 2. Authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract. Respectfully submitted, Michael T. Pucci Executive Director MTP:ED Attachment Agenda Item #3 -A 11 -21 -06 LIBRARY BUILDING TEAM MEMBERS Honora Murphy Karen Butter Donna Fletcher Marilyn Ashcraft Greg McFann Carol Beaver Stephanie Prothero Mike Hartigan Judy Jacobs Monyee Kazek Terri Brohard Carole Robie Susan Hardie Bob Haun Donna Greenberg Elaine Hung David Hall Arta Benzie - Youssef Jane Chisaki Re: Item 3 -A 11/21/06 Certificate Recipients • • • • 0 0 0 • 0 a 0 0 1 1 1 1 • • US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District OAKLAND INNER HARBOR 'TIDAL CANAL ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL BRIEF NOVEMBER 2006 Agenda Item #3 -B 11/21/06 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District OAKLAND INNER HARBOR TIDAL CANAL Alameda County, California CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: 9th District, Rep. Barbara Lee (Oakland) 13th District, Rep. Pete Stark (Alameda) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project is located between and adjacent to the cities of Oakland and Alameda, consisting of 85 acres comprised of a 50 -foot upland strip on each side, tidelands, and submerged lands. The property condemned in 1882 no longer supports any Army mission and therefore transfer of the property is appropriate to allow the local entities to manage their own waterfront. The Corps' primary objective is disposal and cleanup of the Oakland Inner Harbor Tidal Canal (OIHTC); with half going to the city of Alameda and the other half to Oakland. PRESENT STATUS: WRDA 1990 authorized the Corps to transfer the property to the Cities. A 1996 amendment authorized the Corps to transfer the property to adjacent landowners. In both cases, without special legislation, the Corps would have to receive fair market value for the property. Several years ago the District implemented a moratorium on new real estate leases and licenses and regulatory permits to implement consistent management of the OIHTC. The District suggested the issuance of a Programmatic General Permit (PGP) to the City of Alameda to allow it to oversee the issuance of general permits to adjacent property owners. The District hopes to have all environmental documentation, an Environmental Assessment, a Phase II Assessment [of contaminants], all permits, and a Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) by October '07. ALAMEDA'S CONCERNS: a. The liability associated with cleanup is negligible and distinguishable from the Navy's land transfer. First, the preliminary environmental reports indicate a minimal contamination; much of the canal's scouring action contributes to the stability of the environment. Second, there is no effort here to shift liability to the City, i.e., CERCLA 120(h) remains in full force. Meaning the Corps is required to take all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment. b. The Corps will continue to regulate the canal. There is no intention of relinquishing the Clean Water Act or River and Harbors Act jurisdiction. Even the proposed permit issued to City by the Corps (such as the PGP) would still have Corps oversight. c. The Corps will continue in its dredging, operations and maintenance responsibilities over the navigational channel. Of course, both missions are subject to the availability of funds. This could be remedied with special legislation. d. The overall concern of general liability, i.e. an action in tort that requires proof of negligence. Agreed that this is a legitimate concern which must be weighed against the benefits from increased revenues, via taxation. However, given the history of liability to the Corps, since 1882 (i.e. no claims), the likelihood is probably minimal. e. The concern that the Corps will demolish the Fruitvale Avenue Railroad Bridge can be alleviated by transfer of the Bridge to Alameda County to manage and /or special legislation. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District OAKLAND INNER HARBOR TIDAL CANAL US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District NOTES UNAPPROVED MINUTES MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- - NOVEMBER 14, 2006- -7:30 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the Meeting at 7:51 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Absent: AGENDA CHANGES Councilmembers Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 5. None. (06- ) Mayor Johnson announced that the Public Hearing to consider a proposal by Warmington Homes [paragraph no. 06- ] was continued and would be noticed for a later date. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (06- ) Proclamation declaring November as Lung Cancer Awareness month. Mayor Johnson read the Proclamation and presented it to Sandy Phillips Britt, Lung Cancer Alliance. (06- ) Proclamation congratulating and commending the Alameda Collaborative for Children, Youth and Their Families for ten years of service to Alameda residents. Mayor Johnson read the Proclamation and presented it to Audrey Lord - Hausman. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Johnson announced that the Resolution Setting Free All Day Parking [paragraph no. 06- ] was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] ( *06- ) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on October 17, 2006; and the Special Joint City Council and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Meeting, and Special City Council Meeting held on November 1, 2006. Approved. ( *06- ) Ratified bills in the amount of 7,328,150.29. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 November 14, 2006 ( *06- ) Recommendation to appropriate in the General Fund the 2006 -2007 Citizen's Option for Public Safety Program (COPS AB 3229) Grant Funding in the amount of $144,820 to enhance frontline police services. Accepted. (06- ) Resolution No. 14031, "Setting Free All -Day Parking for the Park Street and the West Alameda Business Districts on All Saturdays Between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day." Adopted. The Development Services Director requested that the Resolution be amended to include the Saturday following Thanksgiving similar to the request last year. Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the Resolution as amended by the Development Services Director. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the meters in front of the High School would be included. The Development Services Director responded in the affirmative; stated all metered parking would be free. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *06- ) Resolution No. 14032, "Superceding and Rescinding Resolution No. 13277 Designating the Person to Perform the Duties of the City Manager in the Event of His /Her Absence or Disability." Adopted. ( *06- ) Resolution No. 14033, "Resolution Approving Revised Memorandum of Understanding Between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the City of Alameda for the Period Commencing January 1, 2005 and Ending December 31, 2008." Adopted. ( *06- ) Resolution No. 14034, "Resolution Approving Revised Executive Management Compensation Plan for the City Clerk, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Human Resources Director and the Executive Management Team Commencing June 25, 2006 and Ending June 23, 2007." Adopted; and ( *06- A) Resolution No. 14035, "Resolution Approving Revised Salary and Establishing a Five -Day Workweek. Alternative Option with Corresponding Salary for the Classification of Fire Chief." Adopted. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council November 14, 2006 2 (06- ) Public Hearing to consider a proposal by Warmington Homes, California for a General Plan Amendment (GP05 -002) rezoning (R05 -004), Master Plan (MP05 -001), Tentative Map (TM05 -002), and adoption of a mitigated Negative Declaration (IS05 -0003) for a development of forty (40) new, detached single- family residences, and related utilities, streets, open space and visitor parking and an appeal of certain conditions of approval on Development Plan and Design Review permits (PD05 -02). The project site is located at the northwest corner of Grand Street and Fortmann Way at 2051 -2099 Grand Street. Continued; (06- A) Adoption of Resolution Adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program for the Grand Marina Village Development Located at the Northwest Corner of Grand Street and Fortmann Way (State Clearinghouse #2006 -04- 2145). Not adopted; (06- B) Adoption of Resolution Approving General Plan Amendment (GPA- 05 -02) for Grand Marina Village to Amend the General Plan Land Use Diagram to Change the Designation of Approximately 8.3 Acres to Specified Mixed Use and Amend Sections 2.2, 2.3, and 2.6 and Associated Tables of the Land Use Element to Reflect the Specified Mixed Use Designation. Not adopted; (06- C) Introduction of Ordinance Reclassifying and Rezoning Property Located Adjacent to the Oakland Estuary and Grand Street from M -2, General Industrial (Manufacturing) District to MX, Mixed Use Planned Development District (MX). Not introduced; (06- D) Introduction of Ordinance Approving Master Plan MP05 -01 for a Mixed Use Development Including Single- Family Residential, Recreational Marina, Maritime Commercial, and Open Space Uses, Located within a Project Area Encompassing Approximately 8.36 Acres of Land and Water at the Intersection of Grand Street and the Oakland Estuary. Not introduced; (06- E) Adoption of Resolution Approving Tentative Map, TM05- 0002, for Property Located Between Grand Street, Fortmann Way, and the Oakland Estuary. Not adopted; and (06- F) Adoption of Resolution Upholding the Planning Board Approval of Planned Development, PD05 -02 and Design Review DR05- 0126 for Grand Marina Village. Not adopted. Continued to be noticed for a later date. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (06- ) Bill Stremmel, ACTIA Citizen Advisory Committee, stated there was a lack of direction and detour management during the closure of the Posey Tube on October 31; outlined the incident; Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 November 14, 2006 stated disaster preparedness should include comprehensive plans for detouring traffic around the tubes or bridges and ensure everyone is informed of alternate routes when accidents occur. Mayor Johnson requested that the City's protocols be reviewed. Councilmember deHaan outlined a similar situation that occurred at the Park Street Bridge; stated redirecting traffic earlier would be advantageous. The City Manager stated the Police Chief would report back on the matter. (06- ) Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association, thanked the Council and staff for the free meter parking and wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (06- ) Consideration of Mayor's nominations for appointment to the Commission on Disability Issues, Housing Commission, Recreation and Parks Commission, Social Services Human Relations Board, and Transportation Commission; and Mayor's appointment to the Rent Review Advisory Committee. Mayor Johnson nominated Margaret A. Hakason to the Commission on Disability Issues; Joy Pratt to the Housing Commission; Joseph S. Restagno to the Recreation and Park Commission; Jonathan D. Soglin to the Social Service Human Relations Board; and Srikant Subramaniam to the Transportation Commission; and appointed Gail Patton to the Rent Review Advisory Committee. (06- ) Councilmember Matarrese requested that the midyear budget review include budget tracking, and updates on staffing and revenues. Mayor Johnson noted updates were in February the last two years. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he wants to ensure the last several years' direction on how the City is accomplishing the delivery of services is being followed; requested that the continued decline in sales tax be highlighted to make the public aware. (06- ) Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that she received complaints about cars parking too close to intersections, for example at St. Charles Street and Lincoln Avenue; drivers cannot see until they are out into the oncoming traffic lane because cars are parked too Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council November 14, 2006 4 close to the intersection; the paint has worn off of red curbs, in particular along Central and Lincoln Avenues. (06- ) Councilmember deHaan stated that he would like to know when the ten -year financial forecast item would be scheduled. (06- ) Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City received feedback on the Theater Cineplex funding. The City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated City staff, the developer and the Bank of Alameda met last week to review conditions and confirm that there are no major issues; closing is expected to occur in December; the developer has provided the bank with the appraisal, plans and specs, the initial deposit, and the partnership capital account statement; acceptance of the general contractor still remains; the developer is negotiating with Overaa, the City's contractor; the final construction bid and contract have to be finalized and submitted to the bank; it is on schedule and should close in December. Councilmember deHaan stated monthly updates were provided on the Library project; suggested similar briefings be scheduled at least bi- monthly. Councilmember Matarrese suggested that the updates be monthly. Councilmember deHaan concurred that he would prefer monthly updates. Mayor Johnson noted that the public is curious because work is underway. (06- ) Councilmember deHaan congratulated Mayor Johnson, and Councilmember Matarrese on being re- elected and Lena Tam on being elected to fill Councilmember Daysog's seat. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council November 14, 2006 5 November 16, 2006 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: This is to certify that the claims listed on the check register and shown below have been approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers Amount 154048 - 154295 $1,407,718.44 EFT 277 $38,564.43 Void Checks: GRAND TOTAL $1,446,282.87 Respectfully submitted, v■ J 3 (ve -i Pamela J. Sibley Council Warrants 11/21/06 BILLS #4 -B 11/21/2006 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Quarterly Sales Tax Report For the Period Ending June 30, 2006 BACKGROUND This report relates to the sales tax transactions during April through June 2006. These tax transactions are the basis for sales tax revenues received during the July — September 2006, time period. These transactions and resulting revenues occurred within the context of a state economy that experienced slower growth than the same period of the prior year. During this period, the Bay Area experienced 5.9 percent growth while statewide growth was 5.5 percent. DISCUSSION The sales transactions for this period increased by 1.8 percent or $25,805 from the same quarter of the prior year. The key gains were in transportation (4.4 percent or $18,239) and food products (3.4 percent or $10,493). The key declines came from business -to- business ( -1.3 percent or $4,527) and miscellaneous ( -38.6 percent or $6,680). The top 25 businesses represent 47 percent of the sales transactions. The top 100 businesses represent 74 percent of the sales transactions. Agenda Item #4 -C CC 11 -21 -06 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers A comparison of the key economic categories follows: November 21, 2006 Page 2 of 3 The transportation category, while increasing overall, experienced decreases in new auto sales of 8.5 %. These were more than offset by an increase in service station sales of 21.1% ($23,433) and yacht sales of 10.7% ($7,924). The miscellaneous category experienced a substantial percentage decline but minimal dollar change. The majority of this category is smaller businesses that may report sales less often. A comparison of the geographic generation of sales tax for the fourth quarter of 2005 as compared to the same period in 2004 follows. Total Sales Transactions 2 "d Quarter 2006 2 "d Quarter 2005 Percent Change Economic Category Total Percent of Total Total Percent of Total 4.4% Transportation $428,572 29.9% $410,333 29.13% 3.4% Food Products $319,930 22.3% $309,437 21.97% 2.7$ General Retail $279,203 19.5% $271,849 19.30% (1.3)% Business -to- Business $339,187 23.6% $343,714 24.40% 1.7% Construction $56,763 4.0% $55,837 3.96% (38.6)% Miscellaneous $10,641 0.7% $17,321 1.23% 1.8% Total - Quarter $1,434,296 100.0% $1,408,491 100.0% The transportation category, while increasing overall, experienced decreases in new auto sales of 8.5 %. These were more than offset by an increase in service station sales of 21.1% ($23,433) and yacht sales of 10.7% ($7,924). The miscellaneous category experienced a substantial percentage decline but minimal dollar change. The majority of this category is smaller businesses that may report sales less often. A comparison of the geographic generation of sales tax for the fourth quarter of 2005 as compared to the same period in 2004 follows. Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers November 21, 2006 Page 3 of 3 Percent Change Total Sales Transactions Geographic Areas 2nd Qtr 2006 Total Percent of Total 2nd Qtr 2005 Total Percent of Total (0.93)% Park — North of Lincoln $296,595 20.7% $299,368 21.2% 4.02% Park — South of Lincoln $162,632 11.3% $156,350 11.10% (6.38)% Alameda Towne Centre $219,190 15.3% $234,133 16.6% 21.58% Webster — North of Lincoln $91,865 6.4% $75,558 5.3% (12.17)% Webster — South of Lincoln $28,000 2.0% $31,878 2.3% 4.1% All Other Areas $636,014 44.3% $611,204 43.5% 1.9% Total - Quarter $1,434,296 100.0% $1,408,491 100.0% It is important to note that Alameda Towne Centre had major construction work in progress during the second quarter of 2006. BUDGET /FISCAL IMPACT Sales tax revenues received in the first quarter of FY07 as compared to the first quarter of FY06 increased by three and three quarters percent. The payments by the State Board of Equalization are advanced based on estimated sales tax reports with a balancing payment at the end of the quarter that creates a lag in reported revenues for the City. The sales tax projections for the 2006 -07 Budget have taken into consideration these trends and appear to be on track. We continue to monitor this revenue source closely. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the period ending June 30, 2006. JAB /dI Respectfully submitted, elle -An oyer Chief Financial Officer CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Quarterly Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2006 BACKGROUND Each quarter the Investment Summary report is provided to the Council. Attached is the investment portfolio report for the quarter ending September 30, 2006. DISCUSSION The attached portfolio summary reflects the invested operating funds as well as the various assessment district funds and trusteed bond funds. These investments have been made in accordance with the provisions of the City's approved Investment Guidelines. The City of Alameda's expenditure requirements for the next six months are more than sufficiently covered by anticipated revenues from regular operations and liquidity of current investments. FINANCIAL IMPACT As of September 30, 2006, the City has received 51.8 percent of the projected interest income for the fiscal year. This report is provided for information purposes only. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending September 30, 2006. Respectfully submitted, uelle -Ann toyer Chief Financial Officer JAB:di Attachment G: \FINANCE \COON CI L\2006 \112106 \I nvestment093006. doc Agenda Item #4 -D CC 11 -21 -06 City of Alameda California November 21, 2006 Honorable Mayor and City Council I have reviewed the City of Alameda's Investment Report for the quarter ending September 30, 2006 and find that it complies with the Investment Policy established by my office. The interest of the Council is always appreciated KK/d I Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer Office of the City Treasurer 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 220 Alameda, California 94501 -4477 510.747.4881 Office • Fax 510.747.4890 • TDD 510.522.7538 Sinc en Cry Treas er INVESTMENT SUMMARY PAR VALUE o o)'LO LO LO (0 O 1.- ch u) 0 N 00) 7 V c0 Ih CO N CO 0) N O 0 O c0 N 0 O 0) 110 ' n.0 V c co co co 0.00 C )!0 (O WIN O O'i0 :01(0 0,(0001Ian):'' nlN 0 0 '41 ' CO O, 01f�'W� V co EA10 �'�a0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 o (0,o vl0 0 N CO CON (h CO N O 'f-- 0) C'0 7 V V 4 V to N O C0 U) CO W'.0'0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 C7 N 0) CO N h CO 0 0 0) N 0 C-- 4 c0'CO'0) 0 0 CO 0 C N W O '0-. 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N!>", 1) 0 U' J.H Q,m x} H.J -.Z ¢ 0'0 LLW 0'50• O = ¢ J U LL O = O 0 }'U LL (-)'W J z 0 1- LL W W 2,W : z'C;1D' x!?j� xx 74'rF •>zzzz -QQ CO 0 N O ( W m w W a w O Z O z Q W • a W W ¢ Q 7 OO o W_ F X U re 0 LL 0 0 LL 0 a H Z W 1- F- m W z w ▪ w O YDR J,O >i0) a BOOK VALUE DESCRIPTION CITY POOLED FUNDS 6.1 --,0 o'oi(0 (0 (0 O (0 (00'0 0:0 (.( U) U) O U) cO a0 M O,O O'O (0 0 OIIO 7'0 Mlo o (OI00.0'0.0.0 o ('. 0 0 U):W W O!O h O'N'IO ( (01(0.6 U) W h'O) r, t r- 0 (W N W O O O,U) O 4-'O O r O 4-l0 U) W O 7 O'U)'f-- ON.00(0 W (O '.001(0 0i0 0170)110 (0 (0E- W N (0 10 O) O ('M (00 a0 O (0' (0 (1 (0:N. 0.0 7 7 WO r 10.V'N'(�:U) 014-, h,N h W!7'M O'O'. hIU) (0 W (100'.00 Wh17 N N;0) h I"N M 7 N (0 NI4-1N0) O O 0)�,0) N O N 0'(0'(0:(0 ''O (0 M (0 (0(0 N!NII- O:O O)IO'O (- U) :v-.1C4 (:1■17101 4- T,,r N 0):7 n 4- r -( IO Iicol,-,,!O O O',O 610 CO 0 4-U)IO)I4- NI( O'OIW 601(0 0'(0'(07_ O O W O),17I�!U) (0 (0IN'�O (01(10 h M'W 0) c0 N (0 rf"(01(0 U) Mfr I,N ( 00'(0 I(0 W'Oti I-i(O ,M O)Ih U) CO CO 0) 0) (O ( CO I O CO 1 0) CO ( ' (0 7 4 00 ( 1 (0 (� (0 co co ' 0) ! 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Z,.m ',� U U 0 000 2,2 -Q .......0w0 Z U J .-.J a Z a Q J 0 ¢ Z Z Z ''J W¢ W ZIZ,Z I-- 1- Z Q W W, W W W W WW 2IIO H m d J. 0',. a 11�l JIO .�iU U w.,w 010 UW Iwi LWL WW LWL.IW (n g 611 Zc2.)�.w m LLI�IWL LWL UJ > ><I= I O W z =Q W o �' OIM ?.ail¢ op) 6 0 0' °I °i(n'W'I0 0 0 00'0 0 a 0IIW WIo JIW W w } } U'U W H J 1.1 0 2 U Z 2:14'i' ,Z V 7,0 IW Z U m Z'ZIWIre *6 W' mZ J J 2= 2= JIZ',Z U WIZJ m!Z 0I-J -JJ Z Z LL LL Z M ='(n O Q(nIW(n Z° LL WIC. OIO w Q a'�O,OIOO¢ cC M M WW M a J''Iw O a Q w w (nmM M Q Q Y QQ U OJ >. H 0 ZIHIZ H' -O 0OI',¢ Z0 W O CC ZW2 0IQ10 O O 717 0711°0110 Z 7'- O 71° H OJ OJ OJ - J .¢J ¢,v) O ° 0 H z a zlz U Z 0'I 11 010HImOIa W'WIF'00lvi,4- O.W 010 WIIW V1w10I10I'1 --'wja C71w m!z 0'0 0 0'U , Z Z 2 7,2 _ .:0 W CC ICT 0 2-J 7_J Z m Z Z 2 H Hm Z'J'm 2 H -I'- MCC _'H m'- m H' 2IH (()j:� _J 0 0 O Q Z 2 O Z W'- LL 2 LLW 20.2 Q2 Q W Z M U 2QW 2 Z (O 22(/)(4 2 U 2.2 2 (4 ,--,W Z (/) LL Z 2 2 2 - J -J 7',H M U- LL 0 ILL J1UILL ¢ U-2:LL , 2 10- CD U. m, O! LL', 7, 7,, U. an s. 1Li_ U- D U. U_ 7 7 LL 7'LL ; LL U- 7, 2 :U. 7 LL',U -1 U- LL LL 0 w w Jco Q = m 0 a LL LL LL H a cn a 1- z w F- w w z 0 O W J 1 0 U ■ TOTAL AND AVERAGES $1,586,992.48 5.1520% 5.1400% 2,809 2,345 $1,586,992.48 $1,586,992.481 ■ ■ ■ HBI ASSESSMENT DIST. 92 -1 C.A.M.P. - MONEY MARKET (IMPROVEMENT FUND) $1,167,329.27 5.2100% 5.2100% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 BNY - WELLS FARGO TREASURY PLUS 106.78 4.6300% 4.6300% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 BNY - INVESTMENT AGREEMENT 2,128,659.41 5.1500% 5.1500% 1- Apr -06 02- Sep -12 1 TOTAL AND AVERAGES $3,296,095.46 5.1712% 5.1712% C.A.M.P. MONEY MARKET (IMPROVEMENT FUND) $2,584,055.35 5.2100% 5.2100% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 1 TOTAL AND AVERAGES $6,010,814.81 5.3183% 5.3183% CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION (CITY HALL) MBIA INVESTMENT AGREEMENT 829,950.00 4.9250% 4.9250% 1- Oct -03 01- May -25 BNY - WELLS FARGO TREASURY PLUS 41,300.91 4.6300% 4.6300% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 1 TOTAL AND AVERAGES $871,250.91 4.9110% 4.9110% BNY - WELLS FARGO TREASURY PLUS $1,157,396.66 4.6300% 4.6300% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 1 TOTAL AND AVERAGES $1,157,396.66 4.6300% 4.6300% - WELLS FARGO TREASURY PLUS $113.13 4.6300% 4.6300% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 US TREAS NOTES 3.625% , 1/15/10 241,602.97 3.6250% 3.6250% 1- Feb -05 15- Jan -10 BNY - WELLS FARGO TREASURY PLUS 19,209.41 4.6400% 4.6400% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 1 TOTAL AND AVERAGES $260,925.51 0.3436% 0.3436% 1BNY - WELLS FARGO TREASURY PLUS $53.88 4.6300% 4.6300% 1- Jul -06 01- Oct -06 0 w 2 1 0 0 CD O O O M W CO w a w U) Z_ 0 z Q W ❑ W W W • H g< Q j O w 2 O Ce O LL 0 0 CC a 0 a H Z w 2 H w w Z LC) N 0 �CD '1CO in W N. t0 o(00) Q Q' N co O Ico a> ZQ —4 — Z - p'I LLL' J 0 H w 0 J MATURITY DAYS � W D Q, Q O W • W O Q. D CC 0 a 0 w } BOOK VALUE DESCRIPTION M N N - N 0) 0) CO 0) CO .CO CO CO ▪ 0 0'0 0 0 0 0 CO LOO 0 u(j 0) 0) 0 0) N J O N M (0 ',O op co co O (0 co. N CO C H z w CO 2. MO N a' U) 00:00 H Q Z' D D1 D O''I a a',V), LL Ca, H H >,H 0 I U)'U) ZlU) 0' Z Z xJ - H'H W H O 0 Z H 5'5'W > <01 0.0 ' Q 0 (=n'', a ! a 0 a VI Y Y Z_1Y• O • m00Z(0 2, p'pl'a''O g z z o'z $1,801,629.12 0) 0 0 O up up u) $1,801,629.12 TOTAL AND AVERAGES > OCO N tq CO 'h MM u) , h u). u) r--'u) V V.N 'N �O) h 4 • ' I� E9, n co Ifs W O)' d) (V .-I(0 (4) (0 N- N (O • (0 N I M ' I 0,,u0), �'i u) ,IN!)' 1 . u) CO 0 00 •O• (01(0i (0 (0 N r < N (0 (O • .1-COa) 0 LO (O 'CO CD OIO N N :N 1 CO 1 CO N',N N N',(-• O) ' O co , co • 0) '. O) O) - 0) I co (O'(0 (D O O' M (D CO co (0 co CO CO CO O' O'(0 (0 O'O 9 O' 9 9 c)9 9 9 9 c 0 0 5 00 0 0 0 0 0 CO (O co so co • 0 (O CO CO O' O'. O O'O'IO 9 0'OU ' 7 7 7.7'5'j10 0? ?o ▪ N.'• • � � <0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0'0 o'Olo 0 •o'O O'O 01000 O'O',0 u)I ('1 u)u)u)u)'o O m1.0)-W W'0) O' a' 4iu7:0 7 a 4'4 O' 0 0 '0 0 0 0'.0 o oo 0 O, OI0 0 O 0'0'0 0)'.0) O', O 0)' u) )) O'O'NN O'O O 'O V VIU) 0 4 4 V V'C' (NI 7 O CO N CO r-- • op Col) ' 1 � u) (n A- ,N0p0))M • OO O CD LO CO N- CO N (O O ALAMEDA CIC SUB TAX ALLOC BONDS 2003A1 & A2 ❑❑ 0 0 010'0'❑ Z N N ZI,Z'Z ZIO DDOO U_ a LL'a, LL_ LL, 0 0 z IIO! Z Z,a' wiw 0 0 w'w'Iw',W,O'. 010 z Z 0 010'0!z' > > 00 > >! >>''0. a' a LL U. a a 0 Q IJ Y'Y W W Y Y -Y Y 1IWi Z'Z 2 2',Z'IZ Z!Z,I Q1,Q U 0 Q'Q Q',Q CO CO HHi CO I CO CO,MH 0 0 21',00,010.2 Izzc?C?''Z,Z'ZZ'.c? $17,640,154.52 $17,640,154.52 0) N LO N N O $17,640,154.52 TOTAL AND AVERAGES O w 10 la 0 z 0 m 0 0 N (V N CO M. O 69 00)) O 9 O O 0) O O N co (0 69 0) H z W 0 a- 0 F= O CC', 0) (/), z' 0 0 QC CO CV O co O (A N CDO W CO 0) TOTAL AND AVERAGES •0) • Z W 1- H > z_ } 0 0 0 Z 2 O w H z .Lu 2 W w cr 10 • Q 'w • a 2 0 Ia' ID a iw 0) W J O' CO CD 0,0 O U' z:0 co 0 , co co .. Q 010 O I O. CO ''u) N 7 °n 100 'u m u) N 3 M W (u 0) COM O 0) M $254,332.82 TOTAL AND AVERAGES 0 0 M W m uJ W w W Z z QO W cc W w • H g< ¢ LL O w H U Cr O LL 0 0 LL 0 0 z Z W 1- H w W Z w 0 > Z Q Z O LL F- Q. o 2 W =H 0 O O O'CL 010 O0. 0 'i0 (A N M 00 007 ' M n 0 0 d LL. /) Li (O O a 0 oo. w 0 0 0 co } (0 0) DESCRIPTION 1. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS M M e e o (0 0) () M 0,0 0'0 010 0 0 0)0)) (n O O O O 0 0) 0 O O O O O 0 0 M LO 0 M 0 0 W 00 0 07 O 0 TOTAL AND AVERAGES 0'10,010 O, MIO 1()''010''0) O O O OIO O',� O 010 O (0 co O O, O:o 1f) 0 0100 0 010 O O 0 O V Ih O 010 0), n,h h 0)01 (D O 0) 0 0 O lIn 0 r O 00)'(0 0 10), n O N W (0) In l 0)' 0 CO O 0'0 (0 0'O) '0 V 0'.0 N u) OI1M !I0 O (O N 10 N:16:614 V 0.0 hlr, 0 V n' 10 o 0'N hIN • 0) M :r'.0 OIO n,0'. n 10)10 n'� 0 N 0') N 0 0110 010 N,0 N ��}} 0 CO CO 0,10 co O co 00101 n, 0 N'0 0)110 0 10.N 0'0 n:r CO V NC 1"-- N- CO r hj0 O,O O 010 (D M O r 0 r1N CO OIO 0'10 Mi0 0;10 ON101h'0 x.010 n a1N h'0 0I0 .co N h n 0 Lo 10 0) ,N co , 01(0 0 011"1- 10 MI, O) h }110 7 !v 0 N''.M M1(D 00 H(0 0 10'h. n 0 n LL) n!0 n o h (0 10 0 O'0 h 0', 0 0o 10 hio n'N 1100 co' N.0 0) 0 0 ,M'01:h V 0 V iO:M (o N10 O 0 co 0!u)1a) I0 0 0'(0 0I'- h 0 n'0 h 0 CV. 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O 0 0 O N', 0 0'0 Cr, V' n' 0 o, O' co 'M V 0' n,0' N' 0110 I (010' 0' 0 0 O M N'M V d' V'U1 LO 10 0 0 010 0 0'.0 0.0!0 n''.n n 0'0'0'.0!00 010'0''0 0,0'0 0,0' :0 00,0.0 • N- CO V 10 O M, O.n.IO 0.0.0 n1 0 r O', h 0.0,0 O'V10 a'0•0'101Mi0) (0 CO M 0) co 0) n N 0 0 N N•0 r 0!0) ,0 10)'010) O,O'ti' 0, (0 10.0 ',0 N10 :(010).0 010 ',V n 0,0'10 0,0 7' 0) 0 0 n r r 0'N c0 :n'O 10 :0,n' ,v'.n h• co lr)'rn'n•Ol o 0 O'o'I� c1 O'o•rn.n co,h N O :o;h r o.n t- 0 (D (D•h n.n 0(0 '0 00 03.0 0 :0 :0 0 000 000 0 CO 03'03 (0 ',0 0) 0 0.0) 0 0 a)• 0'O) 0). 0),0 0 0 0)• 0 0 O •o 0 0,0•0 0 0 0 O o -0 •O,O o Olo 0.019 10 0 0 •0'0 o O o OIO o O o'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y'', 0' N N. 9 0 0 0 7 7 m' 7) ) N d N 0'' 0 0 0, N' N C C. C d .O 4, a T T T C C C C== 1T O O ¢ LL',LL �'i� ¢ Q ¢ (n'w w (� 0 0 Z Z'.o,❑ ? ? ? LL L�I-2:2 i ? 7'� ��,�,� o''A 1A'(l1 M'.M �(fi ltn In In 1n,11j.(t)l1O'In,7 N'N 10.0 0'N ,�i,,�,10 (n t(l ll') (C) N0'0.0 O •- r r r r r r r r r r •- • r r r r • r r r r r 0 0 7, (O'0, CO . 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W1 N',0!0) O:0)'n' n (0 CO CO N,m U U CO m'm zzzz OOzzz' LIJ 0,Y,YI10 Y Y 0 0 0 I w¢1a'w a¢wwwl �2I 22 (n (n;w xl2,w (� co 0l(n''x 1 w w w1 W wlu_ 0 0'W W W,wIWIO O LL IL W H L-'w Z Z wIH H'HIH'1Z Z W w W' 0Ox LUAU CCO000101W W CC CC Z Z J 03103 JIZ,w'Z ZZ103 03 J J J'. } J Q -1,-I,<'>- H} _j'>-_j'>-:-1 J Q Q,a a a m a'Q m Ix O(Y',a,m;a a m CO CO D 0 0 CO m'O ( z,('m (0 CO 0 0 0 0) 0 J 0 O;J m Q.:6:0 6,0 O J J J Q J 0 J --LO Q <:<.-J a J J 0 0,0 W 0 0 0 0 U w F- 1W'I(71W 0 0.0,0'0. CO 2 2 Z Z 2,C0,2 a) 2'O Z Z'I2'2 2 n 0.0. ,W, 0' LL,D''W,); LL,D, LLI LL LULL a, $55,506,589.79 CO 0 (!! O b9 co LO $55,971,559.52 [TOTAL AND AVERAGES O 00 O', 0 01'(0 O' OHO plop C4101 C4101 O'. CO (0 0) U / O I M ' ' 0 O ' . C D 0); M (O'W O 0) M 6I'O' MIN(0 co .N CO OD CO • N.n n.0 N O!N' CD U1 y- .(V n n1 N' 0) M (n '(n ..-I 0 0)'7'' (11I(0 CCU/ N. CO CO 0- (0 L0 (') 010)' M n 'M OD 0- nI n (0 0) n' c0 0'. O ! col O O n'' 0) O 0'0000,00'00000 010'0 O O O'o'o''o'o O O O 010 0 0 oi,o'ol0,0'10 0 0 0,. 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During the 2006 -2007 budget process, the Golf Department, in compliance with the City's newly adopted resolution to establish guiding principles for the management of the City fleet vehicles and equipment, has determined a need to replace two greens mowers, two reel mowers, one rotary mower and five electric utility vehicles. The rotary mower will be replaced with a more efficient tractor. The tractor pulls a seven unit mowing reel. The Alameda City Council approved the bid specifications on the aforementioned equipment at the August 1, 2006 City Council meeting. DISCUSSION The Golf Department received formal bids from John Deere, Toro and Jacobsen equipment companies. Bids were opened on Thursday, August 17, 2006. Bidders for the lowest to the highest for total 60 month lease is as follows: Bidder Location 60 Mth Lease Amount Reed Equipment (John Deere) Stockton, CA $227,872.00 Turf Star (Toro) Hayward, CA $241,592.00 H. V. Carter (Jacobsen) Livermore, CA $280,416.00 John Deere provided the lowest cost proposal for a lease purchase contract of five years as described in Attachment A. The Golf Department employs a mechanic and therefore, maintains all of the department vehicles and equipment. Attachment B is a list of all Golf Department vehicles and equipment. This equipment is in direct compliance with the City's guiding principles for the management of the City fleet vehicles and equipment. In order to ensure that the golf courses are maintained at a high standard, equipment replacement is an important component of that effort, which will provide golf patrons with the best golfing experience possible. Agenda Rem #4 -E CC 11 -21 -06 Honorable Mayor and November 21, 2006 Councilmembers Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT The cost for the lease of this equipment has been approved by City Council in the 2006 -2008 Golf Department Operations Budget (Enterprise Fund). The lease purchase cost will be $45,574 per year, totaling $200,609 for the five year term. RECOMMENDATION Direct the City Manager to execute the contract for a five -year lease agreement for two greens mowers, two reel mowers, one tractor and five electric utility vehicles for use at the Chuck Corica Golf Complex. DK/DVB /nem Attachment A: Attachment B: Respectfully submitted, Dana V. Banke General Manager, Golf Wells Fargo Lease Agreement Inventory of Golf Complex Vehicles and Equipment Master Lease Agreement Attachment A Number: Lessee (full legal name) 'City of Alameda Address #1 Clubhouse Drive City 'Alameda Fed Tax ID: Co- Lessee (full legal name 94-6000288 1 Address State ICA County 'Alameda Zip Code 194502 City State County Zip Code In this Master Lease Agreement (this "Master Agreement "), the words "You" and "Your" refer to the Lessee (or if a co- Lessee is indicated above, the Lessee and Co- Lessee, jointly and severally) indicated above. The words "We," "Us" and "Our" refer to Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. 1. LEASE OF EQUIPMENT. We agree to lease to You, and You agree to lease from Us, the equipment listed on each Equipment Lease Schedule (together with all accessories, attachments, replacements, substitutions, replacement parts, additions and repairs now or hereafter incorporated therein, affixed thereto or used in connection therewith, the "Equipment ") now or hereafter executed by You and Us (each, a "Schedule "), upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Schedule and, as incorporated therein, this Master Agreement. Each Schedule shall be in form and substance acceptable to Us, shall incorporate all of the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement, and shall constitute a separate lease between You and Us. As used herein, the term "Lease" shall refer to each Schedule entered into in accordance with this Section 1. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Master Agreement and the provisions of any Schedule, the provisions of this Master Agreement shall control. You promise to pay to Us the Lease Payment indicated in each Lease, plus all other amounts that may become due under each Lease. 2. MISCELLANEOUS. The payment amounts shown on each Lease may not include any or all applicable Taxes. In addition, You authorize Us to insert or correct missing or incorrect information on this Master Agreement or any Lease at any time. You agree to all the terms and conditions set forth on this page and those set forth on the next page /reverse side of this Master Agreement, that those terms and conditions are a complete and exclusive statement of Our agreement, that they supersede all prior oral or written negotiations, understandings and commitments, and that they may be modified only by written agreement between You and Us. Oral or written promises or agreements that are not written in this Master Agreement (including, without limitation, those contained in any purchase agreement or order entered into or issued in connection with the Equipment and /or this Master Agreement or any Lease) shall not be binding upon Us. Any delay or failure in Our enforcing any right or seeking any remedy conferred herein or otherwise shall not constitute a waiver of any such right or remedy. You represent, warrant and agree that the Equipment will be used for commercial purposes only and not for personal, family or household purposes. Headings and titles of sections are included for convenience only, and are not substantive provisions of this Master Lease. This Master Lease and each Lease may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute the same instrument. You acknowledge that You have received of a copy of this Master Agreement and agree that a facsimile or other copy of this Master Agreement and each Lease shall be as enforceable as the original executed Master Agreement. This Master Agreement is not binding upon on Us unless and until We accept it by signing below. If You are a partnership or a corporation, LLC or other legal entity, You represent and warrant that that the execution and delivery of this Master Agreement and Your performance of Your obligations hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary company action, and that the person signing this Master Agreement on Your behalf has been duly authorized to do so. You represent and warrant that all of the information submitted to Us in connection with this Master Agreement and each Lease (including, without limitation, information contained in the credit application and any financial statements) and the Lessee information set forth above are true and correct. Time is of the essence of this Master Agreement and each Lease. This Master Agreement nor any Lease is binding upon on Us until We accept by signing the same. You may not terminate any Lease except in accordance with Section 5 of this Master Agreement, 3. ORIGINAL TERM OF LEASE. The Original Term of each Lease will begin on a date designated by Us after We have executed the Lease and received all required documentation (the "Commencement Date ") and will continue for the number of months designated as the Original Term on the Lease. As used herein, "Term" shall mean, with respect to each Lease, the Original Term (including any extension thereof) and each Renewal Term entered into pursuant to Section 6 of this Master Agreement. 4. LEASE PAYMENTS. You agree to pay Us the amount specified in each Lease as the Lease Payment Amount (plus any and all applicable Taxes) when each such payment is due (each, a "Lease Payment "). Unless We notify You in writing otherwise, all Lease Payments are payable in advance periodically as stated in each Lease. If you choose to make payments electronically, We will provide You with an Authorization Agreement for Electronic Payments. Restrictive endorsements on checks You send to Us will not reduce Your obligations to Us. All payments received will be applied to past due balances, Taxes, fees, late charges and the current amount then due, or in such order as We may, from time -to -time, determine. To the extent permitted by applicable law: (a) each time a Lease Payment or other amount Is not received by Us on or before Its due date, You agree to pay Us, within 30 days, a late charge equal to $20.00 and (b) if any check You send to Us Is retumed for Insufficient funds or any other reason, You agree to pay Us, within 30 days, a fee equal to $20.00. 5. EARLY TERMINATION. So long as You do not default under any Lease or other agreement between You and Us, You may terminate any Lease (in whole or with respect to any specific items of Equipment) before the expiration of any Term as follows: (a) You may submit to Us a written request for early termination that identifies the applicable Lease and the Equipment You wish to purchase; and (b) After We receive Your request, We will provide You with a written Termination Option that includes: (1) a Termination Buyout, which will be an amount determined by Us in Our sole discretion based upon the following factors: (1) Lease Payments then due, (ii) the present value of all remaining future Lease Payments, (iii) the present value of the booked residual of the applicable Equipment, and (iv) other amounts due or to become due under the Lease; and (2) an Option Expiration Date. In order for You to exercise the Termination Option, We must receive Your payment of the Termination Buyout on or before the Option Expiration Date, in which case You shall purchase the applicable Equipment for the amount of the Termination Option AS IS, WHERE IS" from Us. You will be solely responsible for any and all taxes and other charges associated with Your purchase of Equipment. If We do not receive Your payment of the Termination Buyout on or before the Option Expiration Date, the Termination Option will automatically expire. 6. AUTOMATIC RENEWAL; PURCHASE OPTION. With respect to each Lease: A. Original Term Provisions. The following terms apply during the Original Term of the Lease unless the Original Term Purchase Option Price set forth in the Lease is $1.00 (in which case Subsection C., below, is applicable): (1) Automatic Renewal; Exercise of Other Options. Unless You notify Us in writing at least 60 days before the end of the Original Term that You intend to either exercise the Purchase Option (if any) described in Subsection (2), below, or retum the Equipment at the end of the Original Term, then: (a) If a Renewal Term is set forth in the Lease: (i) the Lease will automatically renew for that Renewal Term, (ii) the Renewal Term will commence immediately upon the expiration of the Original Term on the same terms and conditions except the amount of each Lease Payment shall be equal to the Renewal Lease Payment indicated in the Lease, and (iii) the first Renewal Lease Payment will be due on the first day of the Renewal Term; or (b) If no Renewal Term is set forth in the Lease, You will return the Equipment immediately upon the expiration of the Original Term in accordance with Section 15 of this Master Lease. If You do notify Us in writing within the time period set forth above that You intend to return the Equipment at the end of such Term, You shall return the Equipment pursuant to Section 15 of this Lease. If you do notify Us in writing within the time period set forth above that You intend to exercise the Purchase Option (if any) described in Subsection (2), below, You shall purchase the Equipment from Us immediately upon the expiration of the Original Term under the terms and conditions set forth in Subsection (2), below. (2) Purchase Option. Subject to Subsection (1), above, so long as You are not in default under this Master Lease, if a there is an amount set forth in the Lease as a Original Tenn Purchase Option Price, You shall have the option to purchase the Equipment at the end of the Original Term of the Lease "AS IS, WHERE IS" for that price. You will be solely responsible for any and all taxes and other charges associated with Your purchase of Equipment. We shall not have any delivery obligations with respect to any Equipment. B. Renewal Term Provisions (Automatic Renewal). The following terns apply during each Renewal Term (if any) of the Lease: Unless You notify Us in writing at least 60 days before the end of the then - current Renewal Term that You intend to retum the Equipment at the end of that Renewal Term, then: (i) the Lease will automatically renew for an additional Renewal Term, (ii) the additional Renewal Term will commence immediately upon the expiration of the then-current Renewal Term on the same terms and conditions, and (iii) the first Renewal Lease Payment for the additional Renewal Term will be due on the first day of the additional Renewal Term. If You do notify Us in writing within the time period set forth above that You intend to return the Equipment at the end of the then - current Renewal Term, You shall retum the Equipment pursuant to Section 15 of this Lease. C. $1.00 Purchase Option Provisions. Notwithstanding the provisions in Subsections A. and B. above, if the Original Term Purchase Option Price in the Lease is $1.00, You shall have the option to purchase the Equipment at the end of the Original Term of the Lease AS IS WHERE, IS" for $1.00 so long as (i) You have fully complied with the terms and conditions of the Lease, (ii) the Lease has not been terminated, and (6) all of Your obligations under the Lease have been satisfied. You will be solely responsible for any and all taxes and other charges associated with Your purchase of the Equipment. We shall not have any delivery obligations with respect to any Equipment. Lessee; By: Name/Title: Lessor: City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex Date: Deborah Kurita, City Manager WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING, INC. By: Des Moines, Iowa Date: Co- Lessee: By: Name/Title: Terms and conditions of this Master Agreement are continued on the reverse side /Page 2 hereof. 63846 -v7 Approved as to Form CITY ATTO NEY Unit OIt , Alit,. nesy Date: Page 1 of 2 7. DELIVERY, LOCATION AND OWNERSHIP OF EQUIPMENT. You will keep and use the Equipment only at the Equipment Location Address identified in the applicable Lease. The Equipment shall not be removed from that address unless You first get Our written permission to move it. You shall give Us and any designee of Ours access to the premises where the Equipment is located so that We (or Our designee) may inspect the Equipment's existence, location, installation, condition and /or proper maintenance. We are the owner of the Equipment and have title to the Equipment, All replacement parts, accessories and repairs will become Our property. You shall keep the Equipment free and clear of all mortgages, pledges, security interests, liens, levies, encumbrances, claims and any other charges (other than those specifically created or permitted in writing by Us), and shall not cause or permit any Equipment to become attached or affixed to real property. You agree the Equipment is and shall remain personal property. 8. NO WARRANTIES. WE ARE LEASING THE EQUIPMENT TO YOU "AS IS ". WE HAVE NOT MADE AND HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY APPLICABLE LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are entitled under Article 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code (as existing and as hereafter amended from time -to -time, the "UCC ") to the promises and warranties (including those of any third party) provided to Us by the above - referenced supplier of the Equipment (the "Supplier") in connection with or as part of the contract (if any) by which We acquire the Equipment, and You may communicate with the Supplier and receive an accurate and complete statement of those promises and warranties (including any disclaimers and limitations of them or of remedies). We transfer to You for the Term of the applicable Lease all automatically transferable warranties, if any, made by the manufacturer or Supplier to Us relative to the Equipment. We are not liable to You for any modification(s) or rescission(s) of any Supplier or manufacturer warranties, nor for the failure to comply therewith. 9. USE AND MAINTENANCE. You shall use and care for the Equipment in a careful and prudent manner. You shall operate and maintain the Equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's operator's manuals, maintenance manuals, technical manuals, all other instructions conceming operation and maintenance and in accordance with all laws and regulations and policies of insurance. You shall, at Your own cost, perform all maintenance and make any and all repairs which may be necessary to keep the Equipment in as good condition as it was when delivered to You (except for ordinary wear and tear) and You shall keep it eligible for any and all supplier's and manufacturer's certifications and standard full service maintenance contracts. You shall not make any permanent alterations to the Equipment. The Equipment shall not be operated for more than the Maximum Number of Hours shown on the applicable Lease and You agree to pay the excess use charge shown on such Lease for each hour the Equipment Is used In excess of such time. If a meter is provided, You agree to keep it connected to the Equipment and operational at all times. 10. LOSS; DAMAGE; INSURANCE. You shall bear the risk of loss or damage to the Equipment (including, without limitation, loss or damage occurring during shipment and /or delivery of the Equipment to You and Equipment installation) and are responsible for protecting the Equipment from damage (except for ordinary wear and tear) and losses until the Equipment is received by Us or Our designee pursuant to Section 15 of this Master Agreement, or until the expiration of the Term, whichever occurs later. If the Equipment is damaged or lost, You agree to continue to make all Lease Payments when and as they become due and to otherwise continue to fully perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement and each Lease. Until the Equipment is received by Us or Our designee pursuant to Section 15 of this Master Agreement, or until the expiration of the Term of the applicable Lease, whichever occurs later, You shall, at Your own expense: (a) keep the Equipment insured against all risks of loss in an amount at least equal to its full replacement cost (without deductible and without co-insurance) and name Us as the sole loss payee on such property insurance, and (b) carry public liability insurance covering contractual liability on the Equipment, personal injury and property damage of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, including death and $250,000 for property damage and name Us as an additional insured on such liability insurance. The terms of each insurance policy required herein shall expressly require at least 30 days prior written notice to Us before it may be cancelled, terminated or modified by You or the insurer. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE ADEQUACY OF THE MINIMUM INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH ABOVE. You hereby irrevocably appoint Us Your attomey -in -fad to sign Your name to any document(s) for the purpose of making claims for, receiving payment(s) of and /or to execute and endorse all checks, drafts or other documents for any liability, loss or damage under any insurance policy. Prior to the Commencement Date, You shall provide Us with written proof that You have obtained the insurance described above in form and substance acceptable to Us and shall provide Us notice of any changes in such insurance and continue to maintain insurance in such amounts throughout the term of the Lease. 11. ASSIGNMENT. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO AND SHALL NOT SELL, TRANSFER, ASSIGN PLEDGE, GRANT A SECURITY INTEREST IN OR SUBLEASE ANY EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS MASTER AGREEMENT OR ANY LEASE IN WHOLE OR IN PART. We may, without notice to You, sell, assign pledge, grant a security interest or participation in, or transfer this Master Agreement any or all Leases and /or, subject to Your rights under this Master Agreement and each Lease, any Equipment, in which case the new owner, assignee or secured party will, to the extent of such sale, assignment, pledge, security interest or participation, have all of Our rights and benefits under this Master Agreement and each Lease, but will not have to perform any of Our obligations (if any). You agree not to assert against the new owner, assignee or secured party any claim or defense that You may have against Us or any other predecessor in interest. We may, without notice to You, release any information that We may have or obtain about You, this Master Agreement, each Lease and /or the Equipment to the Equipment manufacturer, the Supplier and/or any actual or prospective assignee, participant or investor of Ours. 12. TAXES AND OTHER FEES. You shall be solely liable for all sales and use taxes, personal property taxes, withholdings, levies, impositions, duties, assessments and all other taxes and charges, license and registration fees, relating to the ownership, leasing, rental, sale, purchase, possession or use of the Equipment as part of each Lease or as billed by Us (collectively, "Taxes "). The Taxes indicated on each Lease are estimates and are subject to change. You authorize Us to pay any Taxes when and as they may become due, and You agree to reimburse Us for all such Taxes by Our adding a charge to Your Lease Payment. In addition, You agree to pay Us, and We shall have the right to bit You periodically (as determined by Us) for. (a) estimated Taxes, together with the fees described herein, and (b) any remaining estimated amount due upon assessment of such Taxes. The estimated monthly Tax payment shall be based upon the full amount of the estimated Taxes, without regard to any discounts We may obtain. If We pay any Taxes on Your behalf in excess of the estimated Taxes previously collected, You shall reimburse Us for all such payments upon Our demand. You hereby appoint Us as Your attorney -in -fact to sign Your name to any document for the purpose of filing retums associated with any Taxes, so long as the filing does not interfere with Your right to use the Equipment. None of the activities We undertake with respect to Taxes shall constitute the provision of tax advice. ANY CHARGES AND FEES SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 12 AND ANY OTHER SECTION OF THIS LEASE MAY INCLUDE A PROFIT COMPONENT. 13. LIABILITY: We are not responsible for any claims, demands, actions, damages (whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential), liabilities, losses, injuries or costs incurred as a result of or relating, directly or indirectly, to the Equipment and /or its delivery, installation, possession, use, return, loss of use, defect or malfunction. You shall save, indemnify and hold Us harmless for, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attoneys' fees) made against or incurred by Us that, directly or Indirectly, arise from or relate to the Equipment, Its delivery, installation, possession, use, return, Toss of use, defect and /or malfunction. 14. DEFAULT. You will be in default if: (a) You fail to make any Lease Payment when and as due, You otherwise fail to fully perform in accordance with this Master Agreement, any Lease or any other agreement between You and Us, or any of Your representations or warranties (or that of any guarantor) 63846 -v7 are untrue, (b) any guarantor fails to perform in accordance with any agreement between the guarantor and Us, (c) You (or any guarantor) become insolvent, make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or file a petition in bankruptcy, (d) a petition in bankruptcy is filed against You or any guarantor, (e) You, any partner or guarantor dies, ceases to conduct business as a going concern, is sold to, merged with or otherwise acquired by another entity, or suffers a substantial deterioration in financial condition. If You default, We may, in Our sole discretion, exercise any one or more of the following remedies: (i) cancel any and /or all Lease(s) as to any or all of the Equipment, (ii) require You to assemble and retum any or all of the Equipment pursuant to Section 15 of this Master Agreement, (iii) take possession of and /or render unusable by You any or all of the Equipment, wherever it may be located, and You hereby authorize Us and any designee of Ours to enter Your premises where any or all of the Equipment is located with or without notice, court order or other process of law and without liability for any damages occasioned by such taking of possession, (iv) require You to pay to Us, as damages and not as a penalty, but herein liquidated for all purposes, an amount equal to the sum of: (1) all Lease Payments then due or delinquent, (2) all Lease Payments for the then - remaining Term(s) of each Lease, (3) Our residual interest in the Equipment as indicated by Our records, and (4) all Taxes, fees, charges and other amounts which are then, or which may thereafter, become due Us under each Lease (You and We agree that the foregoing formula is reasonable in light of the harm now anticipated to be caused by Your default), and /or (v) exercise any additional and /or other right or remedy available to Us at law (including, without limitation, under the UCC) and /or in equity. You also agree to reimburse Us on demand for all costs and expenses incurred by Us as a result of or otherwise relating to Your default (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, accountants' fees, expert witness fees, filing fees, travel costs, and repossession and other recovery costs). You agree that any delay or failure to enforce Our rights under this Master Agreement or any Lease does not prevent Us from enforcing any rights at a later time. 15. RETURN OF EQUIPMENT. With respect to each Lease: (a) if You elect or are required to return the Equipment under Sections 6 or 14 of this Master Agreement or any Lease, You shall, at Your expense, send the Equipment to any location(s) within 50 Miles of the Equipment Location Address indicated on the applicable Lease, (b) if You elect or are required to retum the Equipment under Section 6, You shall do so immediately upon the expiration of the then - current Term, (c) if You are required to return the Equipment under Section 14, You shall do so immediately upon notice from Us, (d) the Equipment must be returned having been maintained in accordance with Section 9 of this Master Agreement, and (e) You will continue to make all Lease Payments and pay all other amounts due under the applicable Lease until the Equipment is received and accepted by Us or Our designee. 16. FINANCE LEASE. You agree that each Lease is a Finance Lease under Article 2A of the UCC. To the extent permitted by applicable law, You hereby waive any and all rights and remedies conferred upon You under UCC Sections 2A -303 and 2A -508 through 522. If it is determined that any Lease constitutes a secured transaction, You hereby grant to Us a security interest in the Equipment related to such Lease and all proceeds thereof. You authorize Us to record a UCC -1 financing statement or similar instrument in order to protect Our interest in the Equipment. 17. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS; APPLICABLE LAW. You understand that the Equipment may be purchased for cash or it may be leased. By signing each Lease, You acknowledge that You have chosen to lease the Equipment from Us for the Term of the Lease, and that You have agreed to pay the specified Lease Payment Amount and all other fees and amounts described herein and in the Lease. You shall comply with applicable laws in the performance of the Lease. If it is determined that any amount due under any Lease results a payment greater than would be allowed by applicable law, then any excess amounts collected by Us will be applied to any outstanding balance due and owing under such Lease, adjusted to conform with such applicable law, or, if there is no such outstanding balance, will be refunded to You upon request. This Master Agreement and each Lease shall be govemed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Iowa without regard to its choice of law considerations. The parties agree that this Master Agreement and each Lease shall be treated as though executed and performed in Polk County, Iowa, and that all legal actions relating to this Lease shall be venued exclusively in a state or federal court located in Polk County, Iowa. You hereby agree to not object to venue as set forth above and consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts. YOU AND WE HEREBY WAIVE YOUR AND OUR RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL ACTION BETWEEN YOU AND US. Each provision of this Master Agreement and each Lease shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective, valid and enforceable under applicable law. If any provision of this Master Agreement or any Lease is construed to be prohibited or unenforceable, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and without invalidating or otherwise affecting the remainder of such provision, the remaining provisions of this Master Agreement or any Lease, or the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction. 18. UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT: (A) YOU, NOT US, SELECTED THE EQUIPMENT AND THE SUPPLIER AND DIRECTED THAT WE ACQUIRE THE EQUIPMENT FROM THE ABOVE- REFERENCED SUPPLIER, (B) WE ARE NOT THE SELLER, SUPPLIER, MANUFACTURER OR DEALER OF THE EQUIPMENT (EACH, A "VENDOR "), (C) WE ARE A SEPARATE AND INDEPENDENT COMPANY FROM EACH OF THE VENDORS, (D) NO VENDOR IS OUR AGENT, (E) NO STATEMENT, PROMISE, REPRESENTATION, GUARANTY OR WARRANTY BY ANY VENDOR OR OTHER THIRD PERSON OR ENTITY IS BINDING ON US, (F) NO BREACH BY ANY VENDOR OR OTHER THIRD PERSON OR ENTITY WILL EXCUSE YOU FROM FULLY PERFORMING YOUR OBLIGATIONS TO US, (G) YOUR DUTY TO MAKE ALL LEASE PAYMENTS (AND OTHERWISE FULLY PERFORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH EACH LEASE) IS UNCONDITIONAL DESPITE ANY EQUIPMENT FAILURE, DAMAGE OR LOSS, THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LAW RESTRICTING OR PROHIBITING THE POSSESSION AND /OR ANY USE OF THE EQUPMENT, OR ANY OTHER MATTER OR CONDITION WHATSOEVER, (H) IF THE EQUIPMENT DOES NOT WORK AS REPRESENTED BY ANY VENDOR OR OTHER THIRD PERSON OR ENTITY, OR IF ANY VENDOR OR OTHER THIRD PERSON OR ENTITY FAILS TO PROVIDE ANY SERVICE OR MAINTENANCE OR FULFILL ANY OTHER OBLIGATION TO YOU, OR IF THE EQUIPMENT IS UNSATISFACTORY FOR ANY OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER, YOU SHALL MAKE ANY CLAIM ASSOCIATED THEREWITH AGAINST THE APPLICABLE VENDOR OR OTHER THIRD PERSON OR ENTITY ONLY, SHALL NOT HAVE OR MAKE ANY CLAIM AGAINST US, AND SHALL CONTINUE TO MAKE ALL LEASE PAYMENTS AND OTHERWISE FULLY PERFORM UNDER THIS LEASE. YOU HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS WHICH WOULD ALLOW YOU TO: (I) CANCEL OR REPUDIATE ANY LEASE, (II) REJECT OR REVOKE ACCEPTANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT, (III) GRANT A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE EQUIPMENT (OTHER THAN TO US), (IV) ACCEPT PARTIAL DELIVERY OF THE EQUIPMENT, (V) "COVER" BY MAKING ANY PURCHASE OR LEASE OF SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT, (VI) SEEK SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE AGAINST US, AND /OR (VII) WITHHOLD ANY PAYMENT OR OTHER AMOUNT FROM US. 19. THIRD PARTY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. If You have entered into a written or oral maintenance, service or similar agreement (a "Maintenance Agreement ") with any Vendor or any other party relative to the Equipment (the "Maintenance Provider"), You acknowledge and agree that: (a) We are not a party to the Maintenance Agreement, (b) if the cost to You of such maintenance and services is included in each Lease Payment Amount and /or any of Our invoices to You, We are collecting such costs as an administrative convenience to You and the Maintenance Provider, and (c) You will look only to the Maintenance Provider for the provision of any maintenance, repairs and other services and supplies required or permitted under the Maintenance Agreement, and We have no maintenance, repair, service, supply or other obligations or liabilities whatsoever under the Maintenance Agreement or otherwise. 20. POWER GOLF CARS. If the Equipment includes any power golf cars ( "Carts "), notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, You may temporarily sub -rent such Carts on a daily or per -round basis to your patron(s) on Your premises only, but You shall remain solely liable for all of Your duties and obligations hereunder and You shall collect from such patron(s) and remit to the proper taxin nsdiction all sales and use taxes that may be due under applicable law in relation to any such Ca (s). Lessee: Initial Here Co- Lessee: Initial Here Page 2 of 2 Master Lease Schedule No. General Lessee's Name: City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex Information Co Lessee's Name: Master Lease Agreement No: Lessee's Address: #1 Clubhouse Drive Alameda CA 94502 Co- Lessee's Address: Application #: 504138 Billing Address (if different than Lessee Address shown above) #1 Clubhouse Drive Alameda CA 94502 Supplier (Dealer's) Name & Address: Reed Equipment Dealer # 5180.19 Lessor: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. Equipment Information Wells Fargo hereby agrees to lease to Lessee, and Lessee hereby agrees to lease from Wells Fargo, the Equipment identified on Addendum A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Equipment Location #1 Clubhouse Original Term: 60 Months (Address, City, State, County, Drive Alameda CA 94502 Commencement Date: 11/25/2006 Zip Code): Lease / Payment Original Term Purchase Option Price: $0.00 Information Lease Payment: $3,797.87 ❑ Check Here if Equipment Location is outside of Limits Property Tax: $0.00 City Use $0.00 Insurance: ❑ Proof Tax: of Insurance Attached Total Lease Payment: $3,797.87 Renewal Information Renewal Tenn: Renewal Date: Renewal Term Purchase Option Price: Renewal Lease Payment: Property Tax: Use Tax: Total Renewal Lease Payment Date Payment Begins: 11/25/2006 Payments are due on day(s): ® Monthly Payments ❑ Payments other than monthly (if checked, payments are: ❑ Quarterly; or ❑ Payment Schedule Attached) Advance Lease Payment: $3,797.87 includes the first 1 payment(s) and the last 0 payment(s). Total Finance Charges due during the Original Term of this Schedule: $0.00 This Equipment Lease Schedule (this "Schedule ") is made and entered into as of the Effective Date identified above and is entered into in connection with the above - identified Master Lease Agreement (the "Master Agreement "). All of the terms and conditions set forth in the Master Agreement are hereby reaffirmed and incorporated in and made part of this Schedule, as if fully set forth herein. This Schedule, inclusive of the terms and conditions set forth in the Master Agreement as aforesaid, constitutes a separate lease between Wells Fargo and Lessee that may be referred herein to as this "Lease ". This Lease is not binding upon Wells Fargo until Wells Fargo accepts this Lease by signing below. A facsimile copy of this Lease shall have the same force and effect as the original. This Lease may not be modified except in writing, signed by Wells Fargo and Lessee. This Lease may be terminated early only in accordance with Section 5 of the Master Agreement. Lessee: City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex By: Co- Lessee: By: Name/Title: Date: Name/Title: Deborah Kurita, City Manager Date: Lessor: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. By: Date: Name/Title: B 71029 -v6 Approved as to Form CITY ATTORN Y stant City A orney Addendum A to Master Lease Schedule <.rry¢f.L S, f. This Addendum A is entered into in connection with Master Lease Schedule No. (the "Schedule "). Wells Fargo hereby agrees to lease to Lessee, and Lessee hereby agrees to lease from Wells Fargo, the following - described Equipment upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Schedule: Description of Equipment: (2) NEW JOHN DEERE 3235C FAIRWAY MOWERS (2) NEW JOHN DEERE 2500A RIDING GREENSMOWERS NEW JOHN DEERE 4720 UTILITY TRACTOR (5) NEW JOHN DEERE GATOR TXE UTILITY VEHICLES Serial Number Maximum # of Excess Use Beginning Hr. Hours Per Year: Charge Per Hour: Meter # Lessee agrees that Wells Fargo may insert the Serial Numbers for the Equipment after Lessee's execution hereof. A facsimile copy of this Addendum shall have the same force and effect as the original. This Addendum may not be modified except in writing, signed by Wells Fargo and Lessee. Lesse • • City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex Co- Lessee: By: By: Namtl�: Deborah Kurita, City Manager Name/Title: Date: - Date: Lessor: WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING, INC. By: Name/Title: Date: By: Approved as to corm CITY ATTORN Y As .1 tent City Attorney Delivery and Acceptance Certification To: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc., MAC F4045 -050, 400 Locust Street, 5th Floor, Des Moines, IA 50309 ( "Wells Fargo ") Re: Master Lease Schedule No: (the "Lease ") Lessee (and Co- Lessee, if applicable) hereby unconditionally certifies that: (1) all of the Equipment (a) has been properly delivered to it at the Equipment location described in the Lease, (b) has been installed and is in good working order, and (c) meets all of its requirements and is suitable for its purposes, (2) it has had a reasonable opportunity to inspect the Equipment and unconditionally and irrevocably accepts all of the Equipment for all purposes, (3) it has duly executed the Lease and no side agreements or cancellation is have b en granted to it with respect to the Lease or any Equipment, (4) all of its representations and warranties set forth in the Le re tru nd correct, and (5) it has not been induced to sign this Certificat y any assurances of Wells Fargo or anyone else. Less and Co- see, if applicable) authorizes Wells Fargo to, at any time, insert number of the Lease in this Certificate. Date By IX rint Name and Title of Signor 71025 -v5 Page 1 of 2 VARGO Customer Insurance Certification Lessee: City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Application Number: 504138 Complex Co- Lessee: Master Lease No.: Schedule No.: dame of Insuce Agency: C,c&lorna 0-6-la Leic 11is\:... fligni4 . , , hone Number of Agency: sic25 - 3'1' 0G6 9 Mailing Address of Agency: t lha U *x333 &li\ fuvvi i O 1 UGII i3l lsuile aso a I 3 ax Number of Agency: 7c3'7 ' 5 D 6 7 We agree and understand that, under the'4erms of our Master Lease Agreement with you, we must at all times keep the Equipment under the Schedule referenced above insured against all risks, loss, damage or destruction for the full replacement cost with Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. named as sole loss payee. Additionally, we must maintain, throughout the term of the Schedule, public liability insurance in the amounts specified in the Master Lease and name Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. as an additional Insured. We must receive thirty (30) days prior notice before any termination, modification or cancellation for all types of Insurance. I authorize you to contact the agencies identified above and authorize the agents to release insurance certificates o Wells Fargo indicating the above. e Signa ure Co- Lessee Signature , ?, Zd© c;) Date Date B Approved as to Form CITY ATTOI*JEY Send to Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. via mail to: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc., Golf and Turf Division, MAC# F4045 -050, 400 Locust Street, 5`h Floor, Des Moines, IA 50309; or via Fax to: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc., attn: Golf and Turf Division Fax #866- 336 -8375. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION. See Addendum A to Master Lease Schedule for the equipment description. Office Use Only Contact Date: Contact Name: Insurance Company(s): Policy No(s): Expiration Date(s): Insured Value: Named Sole Loss Payee: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. ❑ YES ❑ WILL BE ADDED Verified By: Additional Insured: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. ❑ YES ❑ WILL BE ADDED Public Liability Insurance Limits: 60602 -v7 City of Alameda • California SENT BY FAX October 25, 2006 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. Attn: Golf and Turf Division Re: Lease of Golf Turf Equipment — Application #200277080 Gentlemen; This will certify that we have added golf turf equipment as listed on Addendum A to Master Lease Schedule, to our Contents Coverage at the location at which the equipment will be garaged, to our Property Program through the California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority (CJPRMA), on Fireman's Fund paper. We have insured the equipment for the full amount of the lease, $227,872.20. This is all risk replacement coverage, excluding quake and flood, but including theft. In the event of a loss, Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc., will be named as the loss payee. As for the liability coverage requested, you will be receiving a Certificate of Coverage from CJPRMA, for $1,000,000 naming Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. as an Additional Covered Party. Office of the City Attorney 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room #280 Alameda, California 94501 -4477 510.747.4750 • Fax 510.747.4767 • TDD 510.522.7538 Sincerely, CiMat Darrell W. Handy \ Risk Manager 0 Printed on Rayckd Paper CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Certificate Holder and Additional Covered Party: CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc., Golf and Turf Division 400 Locust Street, 5th Floor Des Moines, IA 50309 Attention: Golf and Turf Division This certifies that the coverage Described herein has been issued to: City of Alameda Description of Activity: Lease of Turf Equipment. Date(s) of Activity: October 17, 2006 - October 17, 2011 Location of Activity: Chuck Coriea Golf Course, Alameda, CA Entity Providing Coverage Excess Coverage Certificate Expiration Date 6/30/2007 California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority _ 5 500,000 excess of 5 500,000 The following coverage is in effect and is provided through participation in a risk sharing joint powers authority: comprehensive general liability, automobile liability, and public officials errors and omissions, as defined in the Memorandum of Coverage on file with the entity and which will be made available upon request. The coverage being provided is limited to the activity and the time period indicated herein and is subject to all the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Memorandum of Coverage of the California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority. Pursuant to Section II, subsection 8, relating to the definition of a covered party, the certificate holder named herein is only an additional covered party for covered claims arising out of the activity described herein and is subject to the limits stated herein. Coverage is in effect at this time and will not be cancelled, limited or allowed to expire at a date other than that indicated herein except upon 30 days written notice to the certificate holder. 10/27/2006 Date Form C— Revised 09109/2003 Robert J. German, General Manager Name and Title (Print or type) 2333 San Ramon valley Blvd. • Suite 250 • San Ramon, CA 94583-4456 • Phone (925) 837-0667 • FAX (925) 837 -5067 Non - Appropriation Addendum Lessee Name: I City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex Master Lease Agreement Number WELLS ARGO This Non - Appropriation Addendum (this "Addendum ") is made and entered into effective as of October 15, 2006, by and between the above - referenced Lessee ( "Lessee ") and Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. ( "Wells Fargo "). Recitals: Whereas, Lessee and Wells Fargo are parties to the above - referenced Master Lease Agreement (as amended, supplemented, restated or extended, the "Master Agreement ") and Lessee and Wells Fargo wish to supplement the terms of the Master Agreement with provisions relative to Lessee's appropriation of funds for Lease Payments, all upon the terms and conditions hereafter set forth; Now, therefore, in exchange for the mutual promises and agreements hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound hereby, Wells Fargo and Lessee hereby agree as follows: 1. Incorporation and Effect. This Addendum is hereby made a part of and incorporated into the Master Agreement as though fully set forth therein. As supplemented by the terms and conditions set forth in this Addendum, the provisions of the Master Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, provided that, in the event of a conflict between any provision of this Addendum and any provision of the Master Agreement, the provision of this Addendum shall control. 2. Definitions. Capitalized terms not otherwise specifically defined herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Master Agreement. As used in this Addendum, the following terms shall have the following- described meanings: A. "Non- Appropriation of Funds" means, with respect to a given Lease, any failure of Your governing body or legislature to appropriate funds for the Lease Payments and other amounts due and to become due in a given fiscal year during the Term thereof. B. "Non- Appropriation Notice" means, with respect to a given Lease, a written notice to Us from Your chief legal counsel certifying that (i) a Non - Appropriation of Funds has occurred, and (ii) You have exhausted all funds appropriated for the applicable Lease Payments. C. "Lease Related Documents" means, with respect to a given Lease, any related solicitation, request for proposal, bid, contract award, purchase order or other document or specification. 3. Non - Appropriation. To the extent permitted by law, You intend to remit all Lease Payments and other sums due and to become due under each Lease for the full Term thereof, provided funds are appropriated for such purpose. In the event of a Non - Appropriation of Funds, You will have the right to retum the affected Equipment (in accordance with the Section 15 of the Master Agreement) and thereafter terminate the applicable Lease as of the last day of the fiscal year for which such Lease related appropriations were received. No Lease shall constitute an obligation payable in any fiscal year beyond the last fiscal year for which applicable Lease related funds are lawfully appropriated. In order to invoke Your rights under this provision, You agree, to the extent permitted by law, that at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the applicable fiscal period, You will provide us with a Non - Appropriation Notice. 4. Additional Representations and Warranties. In addition to the representations and warranties set forth in the Master Agreement, You hereby represent and warrant that the Master Agreement and each Lease: (a) is a valid and legally binding contract, entered into in compliance with all applicable law, including, without limitation, law governing open meetings, public bidding, procurement and appropriations, (b) conforms with, but does not incorporate, the terms and conditions of any applicable Lease Related Documents and is the sole governing contract with respect to the Lease of the Equipment, and (c) constitutes a current expense (not debt under state law) and does not constitute a pledge of Your tax or general revenues. You acknowledge and agree that Lease Related Documents are not a part of the Lease and that the terms and conditions of the Lease supersede and control over any additional or conflicting terms set forth in any Lease Related Documents. 5. Choice of Law. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Master Agreement to the contrary, the Master Agreement and each Lease shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state in which You are located. 6. Miscellaneous. This Addendum, together with the other provisions of the Master Agreement not superseded hereby, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters addressed herein, and shall supersede all prior oral or written negotiations, understandings and commitments. No modification or addition to this Addendum shall be effective unless it is in a writing signed by Vendor and Wells Fargo. Each provision of this Addendum shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. You agree that we may insert the Master Agreement number in the space where indicated above at any time, including, without limitation, after Your execution of this Addendum. If any provision of this Addendum is construed to be prohibited or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, and without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Addendum. Section headings have been included for convenience purposes only, and shall not be construed as substantive parts of this Addendum. This Addendum may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. A facsimile or other copy of this Addendum shall have the full force and effect of the original. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Addendum effective as set forth above. Less e: City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Complex Co-Lessee: By: Date: By: Name/Title Deborah Kurita, City Manager Name/Title: Lessor: WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING, INC. By: Date: By: Approved as to Form CITY ATTORN Date: A sl tent City A . • rney 63166 -v4 Title Transfer Amendment to Equipment Lease Agreement WELLS FARGO This Title Transfer Amendment to Equipment Lease Agreement (this "Amendment ") is made and entered into as of the 15th day of Oct, 2006 by and between City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex ( "Lessee, You, and Your ") and Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. ( "Wells Fargo, We, Our, and Us "). Whereas, Lessee and Wells Fargo are executing, contemporaneously with this Amendment that certain Equipment Lease Agreement Number: (the "Lease "); and Whereas, Lessee and Wells Fargo wish to amend the terms of the Lease as hereinafter set forth; Now, therefore, in exchange for the mutual promises and agreements hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Lessee and Wells Fargo hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Except as otherwise specifically defined herein, terms used herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Lease. 2. Amendment to Lease. A. Transfer of Ownership. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease, including without limitation Section 4 of the Lease, Lessee shall be the owner of the Equipment (and all replacement parts and repairs thereto) throughout the entire term of this Lease. In order to secure Your obligations to Us under the terms of the Lease You hereby grant us a first priority security interest in and to the Equipment (as well as any attachments or improvements thereto or proceeds thereof) and You agree that You shall defend and keep the Equipment free and clear of any and all liens or encumbrances of any kind or nature whatsoever (including, without limitation, tax liens), throughout the entire Lease term. You acknowledge, agree and authorize Us to prepare and file a UCC -1 financing statement in order to record and perfect Our security interest in and to the Equipment without Your signature. B. Modification of Section 4 (Term of Lease; End of Term Purchase Option). Section 4 of the Lease is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "RELEASE OF SECURITY INTEREST. At the end of the Lease term, provided You are not in default and have performed all of Your obligations under this Lease, We shall release any security interest(s) and /or other filings relative to the Equipment filed in relation to the Lease and deliver to You such documents as You may reasonably request in order to effectuate the sale and purchase consistent with the terms of this section." C. Modification of Section 11 (Taxes and Other Fees). The first sentence of Section 11 of the Lease is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "TAXES AND OTHER FEES: You agree to pay when due, and file with all relevant taxing authorities, all sales and use taxes, personal property taxes and all other taxes and charges, license and registration fees, relating to the ownership, leasing, rental, sale, purchase, possession or use of the Equipment as part of the Lease or as billed by Us. You agree to indemnify Us for any losses, damages, claims or expenses (including, without limitation, attorney fees and court costs) arising out of or related to any failure by You to perform Your duties and obligations under this Section." All other provisions of Section-10 shall remain. D. Modification of Section 13 (Default). Subsections (B) and (C) of Section 13 of the Lease are hereby deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: "(B) require You to return the Equipment pursuant to Section 14 below and the title to such Equipment shall automatically revert to Us upon our demand and You agree to execute all documents necessary to effectuate the transfer of title from You to Us, (C) take possession of (and the title to such Equipment shall automatically revert to Us upon our demand and You agree to execute all documents necessary to effectuate the transfer of title from You to Us) and /or render the Equipment unusable, and for such purposes You hereby authorize Us and Our designees to enter Your premises, with or without prior notice or other process of law," 3. Miscellaneous. This Amendment shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. The failure of either party to exercise any of its rights under this Amendment shall not constitute a waiver of such rights. This Amendment, together with those provisions of the Lease not deleted or modified hereby, represents the entire agreement between the parties as to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior oral and written negotiations, agreements and understandings. To the extent any current provision of the Lease conflicts with any provision added to the Lease or modified via this Amendment, the provision added via this Amendment shall control. As amended herein, the terms and conditions of the Lease shall remain in full force and effect. Lessee agrees that Wells Fargo may, following the execution of this Amendment, insert the Lease Number referenced above. This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute the same instrument. A facsimile or other copy of this Amendment shall have the full force and effect of the original. No modification or addition to this Amendment shall be effective unless such modification or addition is in writing and signed by both parties. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. y: By: Print: Print: Its: Its: Approved as to Form CITY ATTORNEY By: For TL -YR 09 -04 / 81210 -v1 tant City Attorney Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. 400 Locust Street, Suite 500 MAC F4045 -050 Des Moines, IA 50309 Attn: Re: Lease No. (the "Lease ") between Wells Fargo, as Lessor, and ( "Lessee "), as Lessee. Ladies and Gentlemen: We are the attorneys for Lessee in connection with the above - described Lease. In the course of our representation, we have reviewed and examined the following documents executed by Lessee on (unless otherwise indicated therein), relative to the Lease: 1. The Master Lease Agreement between Lessor and Lessee; 2. The Non - Appropriation Addendum to the Equipment Lease Agreement; City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex The documents listed above are collectively referred to as the "Lease Documents." In addition, we have reviewed and examined such other documents, laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations and other matters as we have deemed necessary or advisable in order to enable us to render the following opinions to you and to induce you to take assignment of the Lease with Lessee. Based upon the foregoing, it is our opinion that: 1. The execution, delivery and performance by Lessee of the Lease Documents and the obligations and liabilities incurred thereunder, and the representations and acknowledgements contained therein: (a) have been duly authorized by all necessary action of the Lessee, (b) do not require the approval or consent of any governmental authority or party, or any filing or registration with any governmental entity, which has not been given, filed or registered, (c) do not contravene any law, regulation, rule or order binding upon Lessee. All actions, approvals and consents necessary to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of the Lease Documents by Lessee have occurred or been obtained. 2. The Lease Documents have been duly and validly executed and delivered by Lessee in compliance with the laws of the State of , including without limitation all laws, regulations, rules and orders related to the procurement of goods by the Lessee and the Lease Documents constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of Lessee, enforceable against Lessee in accordance with their respective terms and provisions, except that enforcement may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, arrangement, moratorium or similar laws, or by equitable principles, relating to or limiting the rights of creditors generally. 3. The Lease Documents and the equipment subject to the Lease Documents are exclusively governed by the terms and conditions contained in the Lease Documents. This opinion is given for the benefit of Wells Fargo, its successors, assigns and any subsequent purchaser or purchasers of the Lease. It is intended that Wells Fargo and its counsel may rely upon the opinions set forth herein. Sincerely, 64377 -v1 IMPORTANT: INCLUDE A VOIDED CHECK FOR VERIFICATION OF YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT NUMBER. PLEASE FAX TO 1- 866 - 336 -8375 OR MAIL TO: Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. Golf and Turf Division 400 Locust Street, Suite 500 MAC # F4045 -050 Des Moines, IA 50309 With the Automatic Payment Plan, all your payments to us will be deducted from your checking account and paid to Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. on the payment due date as shown on your regular invoice. Your regular invoice will show the amount to be deducted and the due date. Enrollment is Easy. Simply... 1. Complete the Authorization Form. 2. Return the Authorization Form with your voided check to Golf and Turf. (Customer Name) City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex ( "Customer ") hereby authorizes Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc. ( "Wells Fargo ") to initiate debit entries to its checking account indicated below at the depository named below, hereinafter called "DEPOSITORY ", and authorizes the DEPOSITORY to debit the same to such account for amounts due Wells Fargo pursuant to the terms of the Agreement(s) dated between Wells Fargo and City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex. Depository Name Branch City State Zip Routing Number Account Number This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until Wells Fargo has received written notification from Customer of its termination in such time and in such manner as to afford Wells Fargo and DEPOSITORY a reasonable opportunity to act on it. Customer agrees that a facsimile copy of this agreement bearing signatures may be treated as an original. CUSTOMER NAME: City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER: BY (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FOR BANK ACCOUNT) TITLE: DATE: 64165 -v4 11/15/2006 9:41:43 AM Page 1 City of Alameda Compound Period: Monthly Nominal Annual Rate: 5.314 % CASH FLOW DATA Event Date Amount Number Period End Date 1 Loan 11/25/2006 200,609.04 1 2 Payment 11/25/2006 3,797.87 60 Monthly 10/25/2011 3 Payment 11/25/2011 0.00 1 AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE - Normal Amortization Date Payment Interest Principal Loan 11/25/2006 1 11/25/2006 3,797.87 0.00 3,797.87 2 12/25/2006 3,797.87 871.58 2,926.29 2006 Totals 7,595.74 871.58 6,724.16 3 01/25/2007 3,797.87 858.63 2,939.24 4 02/25/2007 3,797.87 845.61 2,952.26 5 03/25/2007 3,797.87 832.53 2,965.34 6 04/25/2007 3,797.87 819.40 2,978.47 7 05/25/2007 3,797.87 806.21 2,991.66 8 06/25/2007 3,797.87 792.96 3,004.91 9 07/25/2007 3,797.87 779.66 3,018.21 10 08/25/2007 3,797.87 766.29 3,031.58 11 09/25/2007 3,797.87 752.86 3,045.01 12 10/25/2007 3,797.87 739.38 3,058.49 13 11/25/2007 3,797.87 725.84 3,072.03 14 12/25/2007 3,797.87 712.23 3,085.64 2007 Totals 45,574.44 9,431.60 36,142.84 15 01/25/2008 3,797.87 698.57 3,099.30 16 02/25/2008 3,797.87 684.84 3,113.03 17 03/25/2008 3,797.87 671.05 3,126.82 18 04/25/2008 3,797.87 657.21 3,140.66 19 05/25/2008 3,797.87 643.30 3,154.57 20 06/25/2008 3,797.87 629.33 3,168.54 21 07/25/2008 3,797.87 615.30 3,182.57 22 08/25/2008 3,797.87 601.20 3,196.67 23 09/25/2008 3,797.87 587.05 3,210.82 24 10/25/2008 3,797.87 572.83 3,225.04 25 11/25/2008 3,797.87 558.54 3,239.33 26 12/25/2008 3,797.87 544.20 3,253.67 11/15/2006 9:41:43 AM Page 2 2008 Totals 45,574.44 7,463.42 38,111.02 27 01/25/2009 3,797.87 529.79 3,268.08 28 02/25/2009 3,797.87 515.32 3,282.55 29 03/25/2009 3,797.87 500.78 3,297.09 30 04/25/2009 3,797.87 486.18 3,311.69 31 05/25/2009 3,797.87 471.51 3,326.36 32 06/25/2009 3,797.87 456.78 3,341.09 33 07/25/2009 3,797.87 441.99 3,355.88 34 08/25/2009 3,797.87 427.12 3,370.75 35 09/25/2009 3,797.87 412.20 3,385.67 36 10/25/2009 3,797.87 397.20 3,400.67 37 11/25/2009 3,797.87 382.14 3,415.73 38 12/25/2009 3,797.87 367.02 3,430.85 2009 Totals 45,574.44 5,388.03 40,186.41 39 01/25/2010 3,797.87 351.82 3,446.05 40 02/25/2010 3,797.87 336.56 3,461.31 41 03/25/2010 3,797.87 321.23 3,476.64 42 04/25/2010 3,797.87 305.84 3,492.03 43 05/25/2010 3,797.87 290.37 3,507.50 44 06/25/2010 3,797.87 274.84 3,523.03 45 07/25/2010 3,797.87 259.24 3,538.63 46 08/25/2010 3,797.87 243.57 3,554.30 47 09/25/2010 3,797.87 227.83 3,570.04 48 10/25/2010 3,797.87 212.02 3,585.85 49 11/25/2010 3,797.87 196.14 3,601.73 50 12/25/2010 3,797.87 180.19 3,617.68 2010 Totals 45,574.44 3,199.65 42,374.79 51 01/25/2011 3,797.87 164.16 3,633.71 52 02/25/2011 3,797.87 148.07 3,649.80 53 03/25/2011 3,797.87 131.91 3,665.96 54 04/25/2011 3,797.87 115.67 3,682.20 55 05/25/2011 3,797.87 99.37 3,698.50 56 06/25/2011 3,797.87 82.99 3,714.88 57 07/25/2011 3,797.87 66.54 3,731.33 58 08/25/2011 3,797.87 50.01 3,747.86 59 09/25/2011 3,797.87 33.42 3,764.45 60 10/25/2011 3,797.87 16.74 3,781.13 61 11/25/2011 0.00 0.00 0.00 2011 Totals 37,978.70 908.88 37,069.82 Grand Totals 227,872.20 27,263.16 200,609.04 Lessee: City of Alameda dba Chuck Corica Golf Complex Signer: Date: Print Name: Deborah Kurita, City Manager INVENTORY OF GOLF COMPLEX MAINTENANCE VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT Make and Model John Deere 310D John Deere 4600 John Deere 3235 John Deere 3235 John Deere 2243 John Deere 2243 John Deere 800 John Deere 800 John Deere 1500 John Deere 1800 John Deere 1200A Jacobsen 1900D Jacobsen 5111 Jacobsen 5111 Jacobsen SV3422 Jacobsen Greens King V Jacobsen Greens King V Jacobsen Greens King 4 Jacobsen Greens King 4 Jacobsen Greens King 4 Jacobsen 422D National National Ford Loader Forklift Metermatic 2 Lely Cushman 120 Kawasaki Mule (5) EZGO 120 (3) Tennant Turfco 1530 SP Toro GF (2) Toro Reel Master Toro Reel Master Toro Grounds Master Toro Greens Master Ford Ranger (3) (QT) Function Hours Backhoe Loader 4203 Tractor 1832 Fairway Mower 4476 Fairway Mower 4663 Tee Mower 1508 Tee Mower 1870 Greens Aerator 150 Greens Aerator 187 Fairway Aerator 200 Gallon Spray Rig 898 Sand Pro 1360 Trim Mower Rough Mower Rough Mower Core harvester Greens Mower Greens Mower Tee Mower Tee Mower Tee Mower Rotary Mower Rough Mower Rough Mower Loader Forklift Top Dresser Fertilizer Hopper 120 Gallon Spray Rig Utility Vehicle Utility Vehicle Street Sweeper Top Dresser Greens Aerator Fairway Mower (gas) Fairway Mower (diesel) Rotory Mower Greens Mower Pickup Truck 1206 4830 5477 2173 4389 3295 2526 13988 15640 576 3575 1977 2400 2117 5460 Approx. 756 38008 25262 1429 13258 Year 1991 1998 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1989 1995 1997 1994 1990 1990 1995 1998 1998 1982 1986 1980 1980 1989 1994 2004 2000 1998 1989 1987 1990 1994 1990 1996 ATTACHMENT B CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize Call for Bids for Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals Video Inspection, No. P.W. 10 -06 -21 BACKGROUND: The City Alameda, as a Sanitary Sewer Collection System Agency, is required to prepare a sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) pursuant to Section 13267 of the California Water Code. The SSMP will include, in general, the following elements: condition assessment, preventive maintenance program, fats, oil, grease (FOG) control program, capacity management, and up -to -date sewer system infrastructure maps. DISCUSSION The first step in developing the SSMP is a condition assessment. Staff recommends conducting this assessment through a video inspection of the sanitary sewer collection system. Results from the video inspection will be incorporated into the City Sewer Master Plan to develop a maintenance program and a comprehensive capital improvement program for the sanitary sewer collection system. The inspection will also identify areas of concern related to FOG, which will be used to identify dischargers and enable us to work with EBMUD to reduce the amount of FOG discharged into our collection system. The scope of the project includes cleaning and video inspecting approximately 123,000 linear feet of sewer mains and approximately 45,000 linear feet of sewer laterals. A copy of the plans and specifications are on file in the City Clerk's office. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE The project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act in Accordance with CEQA Section 15306- information collection. The project does not alter or add new elements to the existing sewer collection system facilities. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The project is budgeted at $435,000 as CIP# 90 -61 from Sewer Enterprise Funds. Agenda Item #4 -F CC 11 -21 -06 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 Councilmembers MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed action does not affect the Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATION November 21, 2006 Adopt plans and specifications and authorize a call for bids for Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals by Video Inspection, No. P.W. 10- 06 -21. Respectful, s> bmitted Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Prepared by: czAbc-142Go LaN,0 Barbara Hawkins 68 S City Engineer MTN:BH:gc G : \pubworks \pwadmin \COUNCIL\2006 \112106 \video sewer.doc CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Recommendation to Adopt a Resolution Approving Parcel Map No. 8891(2201 Harbor Bay Parkway) BACKGROUND On April 4, 2004, the City Council adopted Resolution No.13941 approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 8891, a one -lot subdivision with three buildings containing 24 commercial condominium units. The property is located at 2201 Harbor Bay Parkway. DISCUSSION The Parcel Map has been reviewed and determined to be technically correct and in substantial conformance with the approved Tentative Parcel Map and Conditions of Approval. The site is currently under construction with approved building permit plans for three office /research/development commercial buildings with associated parking and landscaped improvements. The subdivider, Venture Commerce Center of Alameda, will file a condominium plan and covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC &R's) separate from the Parcel Map, as allowed and in accordance with Section 66427(b) of the State of California Subdivision Map Act. All improvements are private; therefore, no new public easements are required. The applicant has deposited sufficient funds to cover charges for review and a mylar copy of the recorded Parcel Map. A copy of the Parcel Map is on file in the City Clerk's Office. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Approval of the tentative parcel map and resolution does not affect the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed action does not affect the Municipal Code. Agenda Item #4 -G CC 11 -21 -06 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 Councilmembers RECOMMENDATION November 21, 2006 Adopt a resolution approving Parcel Map No. 8891(2201 Harbor Bay Parkway). Respectfully submitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Barbara Hawkins City Engineer MTN:BH:gc G:\ pubworks\ pwadmin \ COUNCIL \2006 \112106'parcel map2201hbp.dcc Approved as to Form CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 8891 WHEREAS, the City Council upheld the appeal by Venture Corporation of the February 27, 2006 Planning Board decision to not approve Tentative Map 8891 and approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 8891 per Resolution No. 13941 on April 4, 2006; and WHEREAS, the City Council upheld the appeal by Venture Corporation \ for development of three new commercial buildings per Resolution No.13940 on 4 R April 4, 2006; and ► WHEREAS, Parcel Map 8891 was found in compliance with the ► California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Harbor Bay Business Park, including this site, was approved and pursuant to CEQA Section 15162, no new significant environmental impacts have been identified, nor have mitigation measures previously found to be infeasible become feasible since the EIR was adopted; therefore, no additional review pursuant to CEQA is required; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has reviewed Parcel Map 8891 and has proposed a number of Conditions which have been incorporated as Conditions in City Council Resolution No. 13941. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda pursuant to Section 30 -81.8 of the Alameda Municipal Code, hereto accepted and conditionally approved by the City Council, is hereby approved and permission given to the subdivider to record same, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions set forth in City of Alameda Council Resolution Number 13941. Resolution # 4 -G CC 11 -21 -06 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of November, 2006, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 21st day of November 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING MARGARET A. HAKASON AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that pursuant to Section 2 -17.2 of the Alameda Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 2931, and upon nomination of the Mayor, MARGARET A. HAKASON is hereby appointed to the office of member of the Commission on Disability Issues of the City of Alameda to fill the unexpired term of Gina D. McGaughey for a term commencing on November 21, 2006 and expiring on June 30, 2007, and to serve until her successor is appointed and qualified. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2006, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this day of , 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Resolutions # 5 -A 11 -21 -06 Approved as to Form CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING JOY PRATT AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY HOUSING COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 2 -12.2 of the Alameda Municipal Code, and upon nomination of the Mayor, JOY PRATT is hereby appointed to the office of member of the Housing Commission of the City of Alameda for the term commencing on November 21, 2006 and expiring on June 30, 2010 and to serve until her successor is appointed and qualified. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2006 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of , 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Approves as to rorm CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING JOSEPH S. RESTAGNO AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that pursuant to Section 2- 7.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code, and upon nomination of the Mayor, JOSEPH S. RESTAGNO is hereby appointed to the office of member of the Recreation and Park Commission of the City of Alameda commencing on November 21, 2006 and expiring on September 30, 2010, and to serve until his successor is appointed and is qualified. I, the undersigned hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2006 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of , 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING JONATHAN D. SOGLIN AS A MEMBER OF THE SOCIAL SERVICE HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that pursuant to the provisions of Article X of the Charter of the City of Alameda, and upon nomination by the Mayor, JONATHAN D. SOGLIN is hereby appointed to the office of member of the Social Service Human Relations Board of the City of Alameda, to fill the unexpired term of Karen Hollinger, commencing November 21, 2006 and expiring on June 30, 2009, and to serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in adjourned regular meeting assembled on the day of 2006, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of , 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Approved as to Form CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING SRIKANT SUBRAMANIAM AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that pursuant to provisions of Section 2 -8 of the Alameda Municipal Code, and upon nomination of the Mayor, SRIKANT SUBRAMANIAM is hereby appointed to the office of member of the Transportation Commission of the City of Alameda for a term commencing on November 21, 2006 and expiring on June 30, 2010 and to serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2006, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this day of , 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Appropriate $107,200 in Measure B Paratransit Funds to Renew the Holiday Shuttle and Purchase Additional East Bay Paratransit and Friendly Taxi Service Coupons BACKGROUND The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires transit agencies to offer equivalent paratransit service for persons certified under ADA as unable to drive or take public transit (eligible users). ADA further requires that paratransit services must be made available to eligible users within 3/4 mile of the existing transit fixed route during the normal operating hours of the fixed route services (mandated services). In Alameda, this service is provided by East Bay Paratransit (EBP). While nearly all disabled residents can utilize EBP to meet their paratransit service needs, there are some service gaps, including locations that are without bus service on weekends or at certain times of day. Alameda provides paratransit services to address these service gaps, even though they are not required by ADA (non- mandated services). Non - mandated paratransit services are administered at the City level and provided by Friendly Transportation. The City's Paratransit Service Plan identifies the need to continue funding both mandated and non - mandated services. In Alameda County, Measure B sales tax funds provide a dedicated funding source for both mandated and non - mandated paratransit services. These resources are administered by the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA), which has determined that they can be used to provide services for seniors as well as people with disabilities. Consistent with the City's Paratransit Service Plan and guided by input from the public, including the Mayor's Commission on Disability Issues, staff has developed recommendations to supplement the City's Paratransit Program. The appropriation of funds by Council is required before the program enhancements can be implemented. DISCUSSION Early in 2006, staff elicited feedback from the Mayor's Commission on Disability Issues and at a public meeting at the Mastick Senior Center to identify priorities for distributing the City's paratransit resources. Priorities identified at these meetings included: 1) expanding eligibility to Alameda residents age 70 and older, regardless of disability; it was noted that at age 70, drivers can no longer renew their licenses by mail; 2) participation in the program should not be restricted to Agenda Item #5 -B 11 -21 -06 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 Councilmembers November 21, 2006 certain trip types, although medical trips were identified as a high priority; and 3) maintain the Medical Return Trip Program (MRTIP), which allows people with disabilities to schedule taxi trips home from medical appointments rather than scheduling them a day earlier with EBP. Based on the public input, staff developed recommendations for an enhanced paratransit program. Two major elements of the program are the purchase of EBP travel coupons and taxi travel coupons. Encouraging eligible residents to use EBP is the most cost - effective method of utilizing long -term available regional resources since the service is not funded by the City. The expansion of the City's taxi program will open up the services to non - disabled seniors, and provide a more flexible travel option to EBP users when they might need an alternative. Staff presented the proposed modification of the City's program to ACTIA's Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee (PAPCO), which recommended this proposed use of City of Alameda funds to the ACTIA board. The recommended program elements are as follows: 1. Purchase EBP travel coupons — $36,000 - A primary emphasis of the City's paratransit program has been to provide two free EBP coupon books (20 trip coupons total) to eligible residents. It is proposed that the City purchase and distribute up to two additional books per eligible resident, free of charge. 2. Purchase Friendly Transportation taxi coupons — $49,400 - Currently the taxi component of the City's paratransit program is open only to EBP - eligible residents for return trips from medical appointments, residents who live outside the EBP service area, or residents awaiting EBP certification. Since Measure B Paratransit funds can be used for seniors as well as people with disabilities, staff proposes that participation in the taxi program be opened up to all residents age 75 and older, regardless of disability, as well as residents age 70 and older who do not currently have a driver's license or are unable to renew their license. The expansion of this service is intended to introduce paratransit service to a population of residents who may soon need the full EBP services. Under this proposal, the City would purchase travel coupons from Friendly Transportation, the City's taxi provider, and would distribute them to program participants. 3. Shoppers Shuttle Program — $12,600 — Last year the City initiated a Shoppers Shuttle service for resident's age 65 and older, as well as ambulatory people with disabilities, for two weeks during the December holiday period. Based on the success of the shuttle, staff recommends renewing and expanding the shuttle program to operate for three two -week periods that will coincide with the post - Thanksgiving/December holiday period, Presidents' Day and Memorial Day. Friendly Transportation will provide this service again this year. 4. Group Trips - $9,200 — Mastick Senior Center, which serves individuals age 50 and older, uses Measure B funds to provide transportation for social outings. These resources will be used to expand the group trip program, and will also be used as an opportunity to distribute information to potential users of the paratransit program. Honorable Mayor and Page 3 Councilmembers November 21, 2006 BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The estimated cost to implement the proposed program enhancements is $107,200. Funds are available from the City's Measure B Paratransit account. These programs will have no impact on the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed action does not affect the Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATION Appropriate $107,200 in paratransit funding to renew the Holiday Shuttle and purchase additional East Bay Paratransit and Friendly Taxi service coupons. Respect i,flnitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Prepared by: f°4-4)ki". Barbara Hawkins City Engineer MTN:BH:gc cc: Watchdog Committee G: \pubworks \pwadmin\ COUNCIL \2006 \112106 \paratransit.doc CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Recommendation to Adopt a Resolution to Apply for Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Fund and the Bicycle Transportation Account to Conduct an Estuary Crossing Feasibility Study, Appropriate Measure B Funds as Local Match and Authorize the Public Works Director to Execute all Necessary Grant Documents BACKGROUND: The City's Bicycle Master Plan identifies an improved bicycle /pedestrian estuary crossing between Alameda and Oakland as the City's highest priority project. The current crossing via the Posey Tube is substandard and creates a major gap in the regional bicycle and pedestrian facilities network. There are currently s ignificant r esidential and n onresidential d estinations o n b oth s ides o f t he estuary, including the College of Alameda, the Webster Street Business District, Marina Village, Jack L ondon S quare, a nd 0 akland C hinatown. W ith t he i ncreased n umber o f r esidences and employment sites in this corridor, and the potential for many short trips to link them together, the demand for bicycling and walking facilities at this location is expected to increase dramatically. DISCUSSION: As indicated in the City's Bike Master Plan, the first step in providing for the bicycle /pedestrian estuary crossing is to conduct a feasibility study to identify and evaluate project alternatives. Staff recommends that the City seek funding from two grant programs: 1) The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will be awarding approximately $5 million in competitive grants from the Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) funds. BTA is one of the principal funding sources for bicycle projects. The program requires a 10 percent local match. 2) The Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) has allocated $3 million for the Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Fund. This is a competitive grant program that provides funds for projects in Alameda County. There is a 50 percent local match required for the City's proposed project. Current Estuary Crossing Options Currently bicyclists and pedestrians have three options available to them if they wish to cross the estuary in the vicinity of the Posey Tube: Agenda Item #5 -C 11 -21 -06 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 Councilmembers November 21, 2006 1. Posey Tube: Caltrans permits bicycle and pedestrian access along the walkway in the Posey Tube; but the path is only three feet wide, significantly narrower than the 10 feet recommended by Caltrans for two -way paths. In addition to the limited space available, bicyclists and pedestrians are faced with vehicle fumes and soot accumulated on the walls in the Tube. 2. AC Transit buses: Bicyclists may use buses because they have bike racks on the front of buses. Only two bicycles can fit on a rack at any given time. 3. Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service: The schedule is geared toward serving commuters from the East Bay to San Francisco; so, Alameda- Oakland trips are limited. The time required for loading and unloading significantly increases travel time. The proposed feasibility study will evaluate a range of issues including physical constraints, capital and operating costs, required permits and agency approvals, and anticipated usage. At a minimum, the following three options will be analyzed: 1. Construction and location at bicycle /pedestrian bridge: A number of technical issues would need to be addressed to determine the best bridge option. In addition to the expense of constructing such a bridge, ongoing operational costs would be required if a drawbridge were determined to be the best option. 2. Modifications to the Posey Tube to improve the current crossing. 3. Development of a water -based service for bicyclists and pedestrians: The capital costs would be much less than constructing a bridge; but this would require funding for ongoing operations. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated total project cost for the feasibility study is $200,000. It is proposed that $100,000 be requested from BTA, and $100,000 be requested from the Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Discretionary Fund. The minimum required match for a BTA grant is 10 percent of project costs, while the minimum for the Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Discretionary Fund is 50 percent. If the City is awarded both grants, each grant could be used to provide matching funds for the other. However, if only one of the grant applications is successful, the maximum local match requirement would be $100,000. The City has sufficient future year Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian allocations which can be used for this purpose in fiscal year 2007/2008. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE: The proposed action does not affect the Municipal Code. Honorable Mayor and Page 3 Councilmembers RECOMMENDATION: November 21, 2006 Adopt a Resolution to applying for Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Fund and the Bicycle Transportation Account to conduct an Estuary Crossing Feasibility Study, appropriate Measure B funds as Local Match, and authorize the Public Works Director to execute all necessary grant documents. Respectfully submitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Prepared by: arB baa r Hawkins City Engineer MTN:BH:gc cc: Watchdog Committee BikeAlameda G : \pubworks\pwadmin \COUNCIL\2006 \112106 \estuary revised.doc CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING APPLICATIONS FOR THE MEASURE B BICYCLE /PEDESTRIAN COUNTYWIDE DISCRETIONARY FUND AND THE BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION ACCOUNT TO CONDUCT AN ESTUARY CROSSING FEASIBILITY STUDY, APPROPRIATE MEASURE B FUNDS AS LOCAL MATCH, AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY GRANT DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, an improved estuary crossing between Alameda's West End and the City of Oakland has been identified as the highest priority in the City's Bicycle Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has allocated Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) funds for bicycle projects for fiscal year 2007/2008; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda wishes to apply to Caltrans to fund $100,000 for a West End Estuary Crossing Feasibility Study; and WHEREAS, the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) has allocated funds for bicycle and pedestrian projects for fiscal year 2006/2007; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda wishes to apply to ACTIA to fund $100,000 for a West End Estuary Crossing Feasibility Study; and WHEREAS, BTA funding guidelines require that local agencies provide at least a 10 percent match; and WHEREAS, ACTIA funding guidelines require that local jurisdictions applying for funding for feasibility studies provide a minimum 50 percent match; and WHEREAS, the City intends to use the funds from Measure B and BTA as matching funds for one another; and WHEREAS, if only one of the grants is approved, to provide the local matching funds the City is allocated $ 100,000 in Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda authorizes the filing of an application with Caltrans for an allocation from the Bicycle Transportation Account and an application with ACTIA for allocation from the Measure B Bicycle /Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Fund for the Resolution #5 -C 11 -21 -06 project described above, appropriate Measure B funds as local match and authorize the Public Works Director to execute any necessary documents. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of November, 2006, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 21st day of November, 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum November 21, 2006 TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Debra Kurita, Executive Director 2 -A SUBJ: Approve a 2 -year lease with 3 one -year options with Makani Power for Building 19 Background At the October 2006 ARRA meeting, the ARRA approved a five one -year option lease with Makani Power $242,640 annually or $1.15 per sq foot for the building and $0.35 per sq foot for the shed. Makani Power is an alternative energy company that will use Building 19 and the associated shed for office and some light manufacturing of their product. Since the approval of the lease, Makani has asked for qualified shell improvements to ensure the building remains safe from water intrusion and enable them to comply with the maintenance service requirements of the lease. Building 19 is the former airport control tower, which is in good condition since being renovated in 1999. A map of Building 19 is attached. Discussion While Building 19 is in general good condition, there are some maintenance issues with the building that were not addressed in the 1999 renovation. Staff is recommending a $150,000 qualified shell improvement credit to be amortized over the initial 2 -year period of the lease ($6,250 /month). In the first year, the new rental income will be $167,640 ($75,000 less). In addition to the shell credit, the ARRA will use a portion of its existing roof contingency budget to perform repairs to the building. Fiscal Impact The Makani lease represents new revenue to the ARRA, not included in the lease revenue projection for fiscal year 2006 -07. The projected revenue of $242,640 will be adjusted for the shell credit to $167,640, with annual 3% increases. Recommendation It is recommended that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority approve the 2- year lease with 3 one -year options with Makani Power for Building 19. ARRA Agenda Item #2 -A 11 -21 -06 Honorable Chair and Members of the November 21, 2006 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2 DK/LAL /NB:dc Attachments: Map of Building 19 Respectfully submitted, 4/1 -/)-{)-( t_, Leslie Little Development Services Director By: Nanette B Finance & Administration Manager C ) C ) cc 0 EL_ 7 UNAPPROVED MINUTES MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY - - - OCTOBER 17, 2006 - - - 7:25 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 7:50 p.m. Councilmember /Commissioner Daysog led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers /Commissioners Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 5. Absent: None. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember /Commissioner Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] ( *06- CIC) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Community Improvement Commission, and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Meeting and Special Community Improvement Commission Meeting held on October 3, 2006. Approved. ( *06- CIC) Resolution No. 06 -147, "Approving the Report to the City Council on the Proposed Sixth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project, Authorizing Transmittal of Said Report to the City Council of the City of Alameda, and Consenting to Holding a Joint Public Hearing with the City Council." Adopted; and ( *06- CC) Resolution No. 14028, "Receiving the Report to City Council Prepared for the Proposed Sixth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project and Consenting to Holding a Joint Public Hearing with the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda." Adopted. AGENDA ITEM (06- CC /06- CIC) Public Hearing to consider certification of a supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR), approval of a General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment, a Development Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and 1 Community Improvement Commission October 17, 2006 Agreement Amendment, two new Development Agreements, a Disposition and Development Agreement Amendment and a new Disposition and Development Agreement to replace 1,300,000 square feet of approved, but not yet constructed, office and research and development uses with 400,000 square feet of a Health Club and up to 300 residential units in the Catellus Mixed Use Development. Continued to November 21, 2006. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Joint Meeting at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, City Clerk Secretary, Community Improvement Commission The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission October 17, 2006 2 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY- - NOVEMBER 1, 2006- -6:55 P.M. Acting Chair Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:18 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Commissioners Daysog, deHaan, Matarrese and Acting Chair Gilmore - 4. Absent: Chair Johnson - 1. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Commissioner deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Chair Johnson - 1.] [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] ( *06- ) Recommendation to authorize the Executive Director to enter into Contracts with the Park Street Business Association (PSBA) in the amount of $108,020.00 and the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) in the amount of $98,200.00 for Fiscal Year 2006 -07. ( *06- ) Recommendation to approve Amendment to Predevelopment Agreement with the Alameda Unified School District for Affordable Housing at the Island High School Site. AGENDA ITEM None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Acting Chair Gilmore adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission November 1, 2006 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY- - NOVEMBER 14, 2006- -6:00 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 6:20 p.m. Roll Call - Present: Councilmembers /Commissioners Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 5. Absent: None. The Special Joint Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: (06- CC) Conference with Labor Negotiators; Agency negotiators: Craig Jory and Human Resources Director; Employee organizations: Alameda City Employees Association, Executive Management Group, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Management and Confidential Employees Association, and Police Association Non - Sworn. (06- CIC) Conference with Real Property Negotiators; Property: Fleet Industrial Supply Center; Negotiating parties: CIC and Prologis /Catellus; Under negotiation: Price and terms. Following the Closed Session, the Special Joint Meeting was reconvened and Mayor /Chair Johnson announced that regarding Labor, the Council met with its Labor Negotiators and received a briefing on the status of negotiations with each bargaining unit and provided direction; and regarding Real Property, the Commission received a briefing from its Real Property Negotiators regarding the status of negotiations with Prologis regarding the potential sale of property at the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center and direction was given to negotiators. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Joint Meeting at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, City Clerk Secretary, Community Improvement Commission The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission November 14, 2006 CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Honorable Chair and Community Improvement Commission Members From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Recommendation to Accept the FY07 First - Quarter Financial Report and Budget Adjustments BACKGROUND On July 5, 2006, the City Council adopted the budget for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 consistent with the City Charter and Government Code requirements. The total adjusted 2006 -07 budget for all City funds is $250,197,363. The attached exhibits provide the details for recommended first- quarter budget adjustments for the General Fund and all other fund categories. The final exhibit is a Summary Analysis of Funds as of September 30, 2006, concluding with the Estimated Fund Balance as of June 30, 2007. DISCUSSION /ANALYSIS Exhibits A through D detail, by fund category, the revenues and expenditures as of September 30, 2006. Included in the exhibits are the recommended adjustments to the current budget resulting from estimated changes in revenues and expenditures. The exhibits also reflect the intra -period changes, such as transfers between funds, and council- approved adjustments since the adoption of the budget. General Fund Revenues: General Fund revenues for the period ending September 30, 2006 totaled $13,151,302 representing 17% of revenue projections of $77,558,813. The main sources of local tax revenues include the property tax (27 %), the local component of the sales and use tax (6 %), Utility Users Tax (11 %), Motor Vehicle In Lieu (8 %), Property Transfer Tax (7 %) and a variety of "all other levies" (11%). The latter includes franchise fees and payment in lieu of taxes, etc. Adjustments to revenue total $337,548, and include re- appropriation of funding to carry forward FY06 annual maintenance projects, insurance reimbursement for Krusi Park damages, and other items. Details of all adjustments to the revenue estimates can be found on the Summary of Adjustments, Exhibit A, page 2. General Fund revenue detail can be found in Exhibit B on pages 3 -6 of the attachment. Special Joint CC /CIC Agenda Item #2 -B 11 -21 -06 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers November 21, 2006 Honorable Chair and CIC Members Page 2 Certain revenue sources may appear below projected annual estimates. Property tax payments are received twice yearly; in January and April. There is a 30 -60 day lag in receipt of several major revenues. These revenue sources include sales tax, utility user tax, vehicle -in -lieu subventions, and franchise fee payments from Waste Management, Inc. These revenues are only accrued at year -end and recorded on a cash basis during the fiscal year. The cable television providers make franchise fee payments quarterly while PG &E remits a franchise fee for natural gas on an annual basis. Transfers from Alameda Power & Telecom are remitted to the City's General Fund in 10 equal monthly installments. Finally, sales tax payments received in July and August are accrued for the prior year as these payments represent taxes paid or generated in Alameda for sales transactions in April, May and June of the prior fiscal year. There will be a separate report analyzing the sales tax revenues. General Fund Appropriations: General Fund adjustments of $3,853,058 for the first quarter reflect re- appropriation of $3,788,058 for CIP and annual maintenance projects approved in FY06 but not completed by June 30th, and the cost, net of the insurance reimbursement, of replacing the vandalized play structure at Krusi Park. The recommended adjustments and other offsetting items are detailed in the Summary of Adjustments (Exhibit A, page 2). General Fund Expenditures: Year -to -date General Fund operating expenditures for the period ending September 30, 2006, are $19,286808 representing 23.5% of the adjusted operating budget of $82,195,373 or 1.5 percentage points lower than the 25% straight -line target. Non - departmental expenditures totaled $26,684, comprised of rent subsidy to the Alameda Historical Museum and administrative support for the Social Services Human Resources Board. Additionally, transfers from the General Fund to special funds included: Library operations $451,724, Post - Employment Benefits $426,750, Capital Improvements (PW) $276,046, Debt Service - City Hall $207,160, Risk Management $202,220, and Urban Runoff $16,577. General Fund expenditures by departments are detailed on pages 7 -9 of Exhibit B. Special Revenue and Enterprise Funds: The summary of revenues and expenditures for special funds and enterprise funds are summarized in Exhibit C: Revenues, pages 10 -13, Expenditures, pages 14 -17. The majority of the adjustments are re- appropriation of funds for CIP projects approved in FY06 but not completed by June 30th. A summary of adjustments can be found at Exhibit C, pagel8. It is important to note that the timing of receipts and payments have caused some deviations from the straight -line projections. Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers November 21, 2006 Honorable Chair and CIC Members Page 3 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT A Summary Analysis of funds for Fiscal Year 2006 -07 can be found at Exhibit D. Alameda Power & Telecom and Alameda Housing are included only as memo entries. The projected General Fund balance for June 30, 2007, based on estimated revenues and expenses, is $18,367,142 representing 22% of FY07 appropriations. General Fund Reserves Outlook: Certain identified future liabilities are expected to impact the fund balance during the current fiscal year. One of these liabilities is the portion of the Fund Balance ($400,000) that the Council designated for the acquisition and construction of Fire Station No. 3. Additionally, there are three outstanding unencumbered obligations that will affect this balance. These obligations include an outstanding payment to the County Emergency Medical Service Agency (EMS), an adjustment to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the balance of the appropriation for the street improvement project. In terms of the EMS payment, as the Council will recall, the City has been negotiating with this Agency since the contract expired in 2004 with the objective of defining the terms and conditions of a new agreement. The current estimate of the outstanding fee for this obligation for the 2005 -2006 fiscal year is $650,000. The second unencumbered obligation concerns the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that defines the calculation for overtime payments. Staff has identified and continues to research a potential obligation in this area with a preliminary estimate of an obligation of $350,000. The actual amounts for appropriation for these two areas will be finalized and then recommended to Council in a future quarter or under separate cover. The final outstanding obligation is the $465,321 that represents the additional appropriation necessary to meet the goal of funding the street improvement project at $2.2 million for the current fiscal year. Given these adjustments, the pro forma fund balance shown below represents a reserve at 20.1% of current appropriations, which is within the 20 -25% range. Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers November 21, 2006 Honorable Chair and CIC Members Page 4 Pct of Current Appropriations Estimated Fund Balance - 6/30/07 $ 18,367,142 22.3% Less designated fund balance: Fire Station No.3 400,000 $ 17,967,142 21.9% Less Estimated Obligations: a) FY06 EMS Fee b) Restatement of FLSA obligation c) Resurfacing target: gap to $2.2 million goal Estimated Pro forma Fund Balance - 6/30/07 Targeted Fund Balance Range: RECOMMENDATION 650,000 350,000 465,321 $ 1,465,321 $ 16,501,821 20.1% Upper value $ 20,548,843 25% Lower value 16,439,075 20% Accept the first quarter financial report on the results of operations for the quarter ending September 30, 2006 for all funds and approve the supplemental appropriations. Respectfully submitted, 41,24t 1.1dA) Juelle -Ann Boyer delu Chief Financial Officer JAB: dl Attachments General Fund Recap and Summary of Adjustments, Exhibit A General Fund Detail Receipts/Disbursements, Exhibit B Special Funds Detail Receipts/Disbursements and Summary of Adjustments, Exhibit C Summary Analysis of Funds, Exhibit D G:\FINANCE \COUNCIL\2006 \111406 \Sep 06 Qtrly Fin Rpt Memo_1_.doc GENERAL FUND 11 11 1 EXHIBIT A RECAPITUALTION OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS PERIOD ENDING September 30, 2006 I U 2006 -07 Adopted a- O a- O CC) CO' a- ER H $ 20,883,496 27,038,179 4,227,253 1,862,440 1 731,850 7,152,630 7,278,795 1 CO e- CO M N 701,004 $ 77,221,265 $ 6,548,028 7 46,897,8461 3,935,555 1 CA O) C, COCJ^ 00 1,7 4,011,806 69,050 701,004 1 779,452 M 00 O 00 CO Tis 1,822,054 828,638 $ 78,342,315 1 I $ (1,121,050)1 $ 17,397,131 a- r+ 11 Amendments 1 $ 4,485,522 O co CA CA Cy O a- 1 173,548 $ 337,548 e M N v (133,388) 45,000 521,098 1,234 g g 1 3,221,960 1 198,388 $ 3,853,058 1 1 $ (3,515,510)1 a- 0 O w N O Ca O O N 1 Amended 11 Budgeted r� $ 23,003,703 1 $ 20,883,496 27,038,184 4,227,253 �I 1,862,440 731,850 1 7,152,630 1 7,278,795 7,509,613 874,552 $ 77,558,813 • 0) I, ID CD Cd, 46,764,458 3,980,555 8,380,897 4,011,806 70,284 1 '7 0 0 N 1 779,452 8,111,043 2,020,442 828,638 $ 82,195,373 0 CO 00 CI 00 C9 $ 18,367,142 1 co WS = V 11Budgeted e C0 0) CD a- o 0 M N 1- O CO O O N Actual to date $ 23,003,703 $ 13,151,302 00 0 CO 00 N CA a- CR $ (6,135,506) 1 ti 0) a- 00 CO 00 EA $ 985,045 4,693,464 1,535,430 O tl M ti 179,294 [ 532,411 1,434,534 1,677,291 350,349 M O Or-- - EA 12,202,725 11 917,338 1,378,379 1,135,311 6,998 175,251 26,684 1,373,317 159,081 O co 1.: N a- AUDITED FUND BALANCE - June 30, 2006 II ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30, 2007[ Property Taxes Other Local Taxes Licenses and Permits Use of Money and Property Fines and Forfeitures Revenue from Other Agencies Current Services Contributions from other funds Equipmt Replmt/Depreciation City Administration (Public Safety I Planning /Building Public Works Recreation Services Capital Outlay Depreciation 1Non-Departmental �[ Transfers Vehicles & Equipment Replacement Debt Service CURRENT YEAR BALANCE OF j (REVENUES VS. EXPENDITURES EXHIBIT AI SUMMARY OF ADJUSTMENTS - GENERAL FUNDS Department & Description 1 L as Vs 1 L Y ca O L U 1 (n > as Q -o N Oy... > O c a) E L = _a E 0 N U c O = N c c 0 E U O U 0 c O Q 0- w Increased Sewer PILOT due to asset valuation update, offset by decreased Golf and AP &T ROI rate Internal process improvement -Fire: transfer 1995 and 2003 fire truck debt service to equipment a) O iii U E a U 2 �. c E z w c N E > 0 E U O U O 2 s1. c — = Park: adjust transfer from Marina Cove to assessment district appropriations .c L Q. c 2' iii c La U O O w fa >+ O Ts Q 8 o c cn as L •1-+ c as c IL Capital Outlay: transfer from Finance P &B annual maintenance Public Works: transfers in from various funds for annual maintenance ITransfer to Capital Improvement Projects Total General Fund Adjustment (Appropriations 65,000 (133,388) 133,388 C) r 1,234 45,000 1 521,098 3,221,960 $ 3,853,058 Revenue 40,160 LC) 133,388 O O O O I- LC) 0) a) O co N 1 $ 337,548 I 1- z W ce W w Z J CO TO COLLECT COLLECTED Adjustments co W n a9 Z w C7 O N 0 1— J Z H w O ce I- CU LL 0 0 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS PROPERTY TAXES (3100) 0 O N O O O O 6 0 0 0 0 0) 7t. ' M C O N N N n(OLO o Lc) O 00 C' 0) r O (O W N N r CV CO CV- ER 0) CO O O N- CO C O C O O N N N N- CO O O O 00 O) O) r 00 (O W N N- N 4 (O r N 64 O O O O N- CO C O C O O N N N N- CO O O O O N 10 N-� N- N CO N N C (O N- 69 w c O Q- Q E IL W Q a d 0) Et , a) ;`12 c W ~ '3 GG)) C 3 >a<3 (x6 2 0 f/) 8 H H CO) m 0 0 E 2 2 O O O O O O r O 0 0 (O LCD 'Cr OO 00) 00) r r CO M CO CO CO CO CO cN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (f) N O r-- C O CO N co co N O O t` r 00 4 4 0 0 0) 00 0 6 4 0 0 f` N r r .- .- r N N- 1() N Cr) N Cr CO CO O CO N- 0 0 0 O O rs O O O N N 0) O CA CO 0 O CO CO O 'Cr co co CO N CO O CO CO N O CO N O O W r N 0) 03 d• N M 0) N- O N- O r O 'Cr CO n CO O O CO CO O O 0 N- CO I• C) CO N C' CO O N r N- 05 (O tR ER O Co 00 n n 4 ' 4 co ' 0 0 ' 0 0 C~ co O) N Cr O 0 co 0 N- O N 0 CO C0 CO 0) r r CO O 00 O C• O C' 00 O co- N Cr- 00 O .- O OS CO 0) r 0) 10 O O O C' 0) O r CO M O r 4 r r tR t!} (O C' 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0) O O f- O O 0) co 0 0 0 CO O N- M O C r O O n O N 0 0 I- 0 0) M co- r 0 N O- O N N- O O O r C' 0 N- O O O f� O (O CA N a0 co O N N (0 O C' O 00 N SUB TOTAL - PROPERTY TAXES OTHER LOCAL TAXES (3200) CO LO x 0 0 0 0 0) O O O O 000 0 co E co O C• x 0 0 N. O N O O n 0 0) CO T O i- N- N N- O ti O N N- O 0) r C• O I- 00 O O C• (O O O _ r co Co ,- 0) N CO. CO O N N CO_ O 00 r N r x H X > N M m a) N y LL O 0) C6 O 0 O m c H 0 - C a) 2 CL c_ c O c I" c X X H a) 2 Li-co Y N 1- H 'C D a) o) IL a) o 0- ,�_' C >, O CC Q AODH 0UU Bureau of Elec Franchise Fees c C0 O X J N c H a) LL• >, O LL• a) = O M 0 a) CO -C J c La Q c W lL cn 15 X 0 7 >, m d o (u H Q 2 0- SUB TOTAL - OTHER TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS (3300) 0 0 0 0 0 C O M O O n O M O (o Cr CO N N 1� CO O 0 N CO O O U) N CO CO N I- N M 00 0 Cr H3 M 0) C' co co co co N 00 I- co 0) co 0) di O O co 0 O O O O 0 0 O O C) O CO C7 O 0) r N N OR O O M O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O CD O (h N O r N N di a) a) a) 0 C co c (c/) C co c - d 0 o J C". "E C (n H , (n N 0 E c E E •i .X 0 U m H Bicycle Licenses O O O O O O O N O 0 0 'O O O M Cr O O O O r O O O O r r N CO O CO O r CO CO 0 O O C71 T N CO C' 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO Co O O T r N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M CV C O C O C O C O C O C O C O C O co co co co co co co co co co co EXHIBIT B GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS H G Z W W F- C) 0 W W J a O 0 Wf- Q J J CO V 0 H J O O ct- f%7 Q M F- N W G f` O fez co O W N C � w N Q W J < O Z C° O 5 ire N 0 J Z < W Ce U O W O. O ' o 0 0 O CO O O) N M (f) T M T CO ' T CO N CO N Tr N T co O 00 4 co co 0) co T O ' CA Tr CA T ti l() 6 t` O M M O ' 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 O co o O O LO T O co (O O T T N 0 ' 0 O co O O o co O O 1 .- O co CO 0 - - ( . ' J a) a) u_ z "= O ir) co u) f) . o_ a E E a) a) a) E o- 0 0)0 c0i c� C na3 TD W 5 C y j `1) m W W o d 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co co co co co co co M CO Cr) SUB TOTAL - LICENSES & PERMITS FINES AND FORFEITURES (3400) 0 0 0 N CO O O O co N M co T O (f) O (D O 0) f- O 00 O co M Eft 0 CA ' '0 (n CO 0 N co- O CS) N Eft O O 0 0 (n 0 0 0 CO 0 O O O O (O T Eft 0 0 0 0 O O O co co co o o O O T O (C) Eft (0 cn a) o n o °5 > co C 0 a) c E fn co U 0 E o 1.2 O O 0_ w H o O O O 0 T T 10 T O) 0) d. CO CO CO CO E9 O ER SUB TOTAL - FINES & FORFEITS USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY (3500) 0 M M 0) T c( O N 0) O) N M CO CO 2A CO 0) '2) CO CO CO CO M N CCOO ti Eft Eft Eft ER O ER } W Z 0 I 0 W (n a) a) U 0 < - c H 0 t w f/) 0 0 0 0 T M M M REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES o o e 0 0 0 0 N O O O M C`•) (O O O O 00 00 co M N N N d• 0 0 0 0 (C1 N d) 4 0 0 0 0 In Q) M CO 'f) 0) N 0 0 'n N N (O CA 4 O O c.f. 00 In v M 'c)• N 0 N CO CO Eft N N 'Cr ' ' ' CO (n N O CO lO O 0 CO LO 0)) O M N N (n a- 69. 0 0 0 0 CO 0 CO N 0 0 COO 0 CO O 'fit O O 4 10 T •- 'ch O 0 N O N- C ER '' O O O 0 CO O st CO 0 0 0 0 0 CO 1- N 0 0 CO 0 171- O 0 N 60) N- T N Eft a) 0) •U C a) C7 L C a) J o E Q a) a) 0 C0 m a�i Z ) fn c2 < E m a) m E i E .Q 7 w 7 a .0 a) "O O A E E C2 c c20 0 _ 'car) o E0 a) Y C - 0 7 7 0 y (0 fn Q(ifCn2mUQo_ n oo00(Oti000 O T T N N N T O O) O T N N N N M V• V CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO) CO EXHIBIT B GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS Z W U CC W a. J O V W H Q J J V 0 F J C0 O H CB ao M N W G t- ut O co CO O C N N F+ 0 3 N Q co W ~ Q O Z O 5 O N O J Z W o I- 11.1 a O z 0 H 0 V W ~O • 0 z 0 0 0 0 CO CO O co N (o M co L() 0) (0 r O r ti 00 T CO - M C- O LC LC) I- N CO LO 'd' 0) 00 N CO CO r in CO r r 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O LE) LCi M LE) (0 CO CCV CO N (0 0 Cr) 0 0 O 0 0 0 O O O Ln 10 M LE) (0 (b CN 00 N Mandated Cost Reimb State (0 Motor Vehicle in Lieu Park Fund Contribution Other Contrib /Donation 0 0 0 0 N 0 CO 0) LO CO 0) 0) CO (0 CO CO CO CO CO CO ti SUB TOTAL - REV FROM OTH AG CURRENT SERVICES (3700 & 3900) \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O co O O O L0 N O N er r O N M 1- M N co; O CO CO N CO CO 0 r CO I- N- CO r 0) O ch Cr) ' Cr 0 N N- V) CO 0 0 0 LO CO 0 CO O CO N- (o cr. (o co_ co O co M QO N. C` CO M O r O r N M Ln O CO N CO CO LO N C0 I,- Cr) r 0) Tr I,- r r C0 r CO_ r r r Ef) 47 N CO r LO O LL) CO () N r Cr) CO CO Cfl (0 LLB 00 00 O M 0 cr n LO r 0) N N N N Eft CO N- L0 CO CO - O r OLCi Cr) Cr) 10 O 0) N OD cr 0 0 CO O N O O 0) 0 1- CO cr 0) 0 0 Cs O N O ch O O Is Cs r Ns O O O O 0) O CO 'cf I: N O (X) 0) 0 c N: T O Ln O N CO O M L0 ti OD CO M LE) Is T Co 0) T r 0) T (0 r r r Eft I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b9 L0 O O N N cr 0 0 (0 O N O 0) 0 0) 0 cr CO 'ch O O O ti O N O c' 0) O h Cs r Is 00 O O O O 0 CO ch N O 00 0) 0- I- M O 10 O N Co O M Ln C` O Co M r 10 Is (0 0) T r O T (O r r T r to a) C a) > c 0 (n (n = CO U d U u_ cn co U N (/) " L E _c L > c -p • Y a) a) O U C a) a`) m,cUQU a) U.1 U C C 0) >. .0 . DawCO a c 0C)o Police Contract Overtime 0) O 0 `) U a) Public Works Fire - Ambulance Fees O O O O O O O O O O O O O LE) 0 0 CO CO CO 0 0 CO 0 0 0 CO r r 0) O 0 r 0) 0) 0) CO 0) 0) 0 Ln 10 0) N- N- r O C. O N- 0) 0) 0) t- N. r- co co co co co co co co co co co co co co SUB TOTAL - CURRENT SERVICES CONTRIBUTIONS FR OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ti O co M L() CD O O N N N N N N co LE) O) O O O I- 10 N 0 CO r r I- 0) N d' O LO. CO O T- (0 O O 0) r 0) (0 M O N N L0 r Ef) M r C- O CO N (0 _ O r LCi O C- N CO r CO N CO LC) L() N M M C- O LE) - co- r Ns T N Eft i ti M (00 CO CO cco O 0)) O O ti CO N O M N (O N Ln NO O ti O N N Eft 0) O Ki 0 CO (0 CO CO N N LO 0 CO (0 00 CO O O O Ln r h CO N O O (b M N (0 N Ln (0 OO CV ( 0 0 � 0) N N CO fft rom Low /Mod BWIP om CIC- Alameda Point 0 0 2 N O E E 0 0 CO (n CA Cn CV H I- H H I- N 0) LO CO _O CO N 0 0 0 0 0 N (0(0(0(0(0(0(0(0 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO I— G w G' w w J O. O v W I- Q Z Q J m 0 0 H J co a° Cn Q M N w 0 O cn co O W N ce N C tU v 0 N N w J r Q O Z co O (' O N 0 J Z < w O cc V 1— a O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O (O O 00 O O O 0 0 0 ti O O (NI O O LC) O) In In M O f• O co O O 'd' LC) LC) N N •- N N N CO N N N CO 0 N CO ' T CO ' O ' N CO N- 00 O ' 'd' ' M CO N- 0 T 0 CO CO CO LC) N O) LC) CO 0 N N O CO T L() N O CO CO co e}' co e O e- e' co 00 00 M O N O) CS) 00 00 10 N LC) M Tr O r- (O (A LC) O O 0.1 v- 111 C'') O 00 ,- O N T t` 'Et r- O N O O Et r N LO N CO 10 (NI co co ' r- co ' O ' ' ti ' co ' ' ' N N CO 0 N- 0 CO N 00 T CO 0 N N- N 0 O O N CO co r• O N (0 00 00 CO tt N CO r M N. 6. O (0 N O) .1' Ti= O (O O CO CO M N T M CO N 0 00 CO CO T N N co O 0 O 0 O N- 0 CO O N O C` 0 O 0 LC) 0 0 LC) N- • O O 0 0 CO N- CO CO N O O 0) 0 CO N O LC) O O O CO N- CO T O L() N O 0) LC) W •Cr M O LCD (A M T O N L() M 6) O LC) LC) e' T LO— N N aM- N 0) .- CO N M CO x- N 0 0 (0 N et (0 cfl M CO O 0 0 0O0 0 L CO 0 CO O ° N O 00)) O ° O ° 0 CO N- L 0°0 'Cr O O N h 00 a- O LC) N O 0) "t O M O LC) 00 LC) O N LC0 M O) (O LC) N ' 'ct O LC) CO 0) — N CO N N 0) T N N- O CO T LC) N T N- T ,- - N CO O x- N N N E9 O N 0. n CO CA M CO CA O O ti EA O CA CA CO T CO ER M M CA O O (p N ER CO N co co (0 (0 ER O O O e o CO OO! o co O N LC) O O Ln 'd' er co ER E9 03 CV M M C!) LC) M T T E9 ER (0 r O p0 'EF CO O L() ti ti E9 ER EA ER 00 T co T C0 O CO CO N O N 11) O e- er r4 T M co 0 N h (0 h 1- r- ER ER ER ER 0 as Z Z 11.1 LL (m (u 0) O 0 c c c N- F p J >, N ) o v U v CO m Z c w m 0 '> c? 2 0 0 ° N o o 0 5 E2 LL E Z CD X m CO n a�i m a) 0 U °� Z -I c0i 0 H U m m c E O U -0 in .0 a a) M m 0 a) 0 w Q J coo 2 0) -0 m c`o o o ca = co m m E 0- 00 .o o aa) cz J W IX H 0H2H00_001E<OC.)2maUNDOcnQ a 0 c O E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O J D 0 a 0. (n u) V) V) (n 0 to to CO CO CI) 0 V) (n V) CI) V) 0 V) CA (n (n CO H H H H I— I— H I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— I— C/=) 0 W (9 T M (0 -- N CO CO (0 O M CO O O 0 O .- N O T .- Ln N N N CO LC) CO CO N N- N- N- N- 00 .— N LC) O O LC) N N .- N CV N CV N N LCD N N N N N N N CO CO CO CO CO CO CO O N CO O CO O CO CO N CO O CO CO CO O O O CO O CO CO CO CO (c") CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO M CO CO CO CO CO M M CO CA e- a 0 U. CO EXHIBIT BI PERCENT' 1 EXPENDED 1 33.22 %I 0 co ) CO N 1 24.64%1 0 co O. CO N 1 23.53 %I 0 0) CO N 0 O CO N 25.63% 26.94% 25.74% 0.00% ..a.12. N- r N 21.86 %I Q Z $ 16,840,549 ( 26.73 %I 26.74%1 23.68%1 23.43%1 $ 15,509,106 25.45% o O. e O CO 1 BALANCE CO O d N O co $ 84,908 794,523 290,712 641,348 1,476,456 tf) T l` CO co 687,132 $ 4,842,231 $ 4,327,391 11,854,437 333,836 57,942 0Op LO O 0) r 76,358 NA $ 9,230,390 795,448 5,483,268 1 $ 2,278,638 1 $ 34,628,293 1 EXPENDITURES CO O d co ■ CO 1 $ 42,246 287,825 95,074 232,771 537,165 266,888 242,595 co CO Cl) 4:17 0 1^ a— V> CO O) N N- O) `— Cfl 4,371,522 O O r-- (0 r t_ 22,058 31,732 21,356 O co co Cfl CO $ 6,120,225 $ 3,369,294 246,834 1,678,258 $ 5,294,385 co CO CO N. CH $12,202,725 1 Adjusted CA C O CI 'L O $ 127,154 1,082,348 385,786 874,119 2,013,621 1,134,039 929,727 $ 6,546,794 I $ 5,818,687 0) O L N N O 449,536 80,000 222,318 7.- l` 0) O $ 22,894,214 d' COO 0) 0) 10 N <— Ei3 1,042,281 CO IN CO Tr M Co CO O N ti, $ 3,066,753 $ 46,764,458 First Qtr Adjustments (1,234) ($1,234) !fl (133,388) 1 $ (133,388) to $ (133,388) 1' ORIGINAL APPROPRIATIONS CO O C V, $ 127,154 1,082,348 385,786 874,119 2,014,855 0) M M a— 929,727 $ 6,548,028 $ 5,818,687 O c N cri N (0 449,536 80,000 222,318 97,714 O $ 22,894,214 $ 12,599,684 O CO N - O 1 CO a- ti $ 20,936,879 M N. CO CR $ 46,897,846 (GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS C O w t6 'City Council City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Finance Human Resources Information Technology GENERAL GOVT SUB TOTAL: Public Safety Services Bureau of Services Bureau of Operations Animal Shelter Police Contract Overtime Crossing Guards Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Grant programs: JAG, COPS, OTS DUI ervices Emergency Services Preventive Services Advanced Life Support Police I Fire Pension PUBLIC SAFETY SUB TOTAL: 'O > . O O O O , _ N 1 2200 O 0 N 2400 2500 2600 w V 0. O CO 3120 3130 3140 O 0) CO 1315006 3210 3220 3230 EXHIBIT BI PERCENT( EXPENDED 24.13% 3.56%1 0 0 LC) O M N 0 0 Cn O CO 21.45% 23.17%1 0 0 to CO to <- 11.43 %I 0 0 '7 CC) 0 C() Cr CO 0 0 CO O CO N 29.41 24.73%1 0.00% z O M O N 24.88 %1 r BALANCE CO 9 CV o O co $ 2,860,687 202,531 $ 3,063,217 $ 281,475 C) Lo O co- to co. r 1,832,365 46,943 333,471 2,651,305 $ 7,002,518 $ 1,138,043 1,320,581 367,871 50,000 $ 2,876,495 $ 52.412.754 1 1 EXPENDITURES O d co O co $ 909,868 O Co ti $ 917,338 $ 123,216 507,046 552,585 O r- W 43,029 143,793 $ 1,378,379 $ 464,313 550,117 120,881 $ 1,135,311 $ 17.338.317 Adjusted Appropriations $ 3,770,555 O Ol 6 N $ 3,980,555 $ 404,691 2,364,005 2,384,950 55,653 O Co M co O to N $ 8,380,897 $ 1,602,356 co COO O c x- 488,752 50,000 I $ 4,011,806 O CCC ) d' coo CS CO C9 1 First Qtr Adjustments 45,000 0 0 0 CC) d' 40 521,098 $ 521,098 E+9 $ 431,4761 ORIGINAL APPROPRIATIONS n O C O N $ 3,770,555 O O r $ 3,935,555 $ 404,691 2,364,005 2,384,950 55,653 376,500 2,274,000 $ 7,859,799 $ 1,602,356 co COO_ O� co 488,752 I O O t� $ 4,011,806 $ 69,253,034 4L FUND DISBURSEMENTS & Building 1Permit Center Works Administration Engineering Maintenance Services Cable Television Street Lighting PW Annual Maintenance PUBLIC WORKS SUB TOTAL: on Services Recreation Parks l Mastick Senior Center ARPD Annual Maintenance RECREATION /PARKS SUB TOTAL: nq Sub -Total 4100 4600 (Public 4205 4210 4230 4245 O o) N 4300 Recreati O ,- if') I 5120 O C[) L- 1 0005 1 Operati 1 EXHIBIT BI 1 PERCENT' 1 EXPENDED 0 CO C O 0 0 0 O N 0.00% 0.00% 32.52% 0 0 O N 0 0 O N 3.42% 0 0 O N 0 0 O N 25.00%1 0 0 ~ 0 c O N 0 0 CD � 23.86 %I 0.00%1 0 0 0~0 ~ 23.46 %1 1 BALANCE CD O ' Cr) 6 M 1 $ 63.286 1 $ 525.753 $ 524,452 O O O O CO T CA CI) 750 33,150 $ 752,768 $ 621,479 1,355,172 606,660 1,280,250 3,445,914 49,730 $ 7,359,204 CO ti e- r T EA. $ 1,665,506 195,855 T M b0 T CR $ 62,975,126 1 EXPENDITURES V CCO O elO D) t0 0) $175.251 fA ' 15,384 250 cl. T O In $ 26,684 O CV O O T ti Eft 451,724 202,220 426,750 276,046 16,577 $ 1,580,477 $ 19,127,727 Ee 159,081 1 $ 159,081 $ 19,286,808 1 Adjusted Appropriations $ 70,284 $ 701,004 $ 524,452 162,500 47,300 1,000 44,200 $ 779,452 $ 828,638 CO O) CO O O CO 808,880 O O O r- O 3,721,960 t- O M O O $ 8,939,681 $ 80,174,931 CO O CC) Cn CO O Efi 354,936 $ 2,020,442 $ 82,195,373 I First Qtr 1 Adjustments 1 $ 1,234 ' di EA 3,221,960 0 CO CA N N Ch ER? $ 3,654,670 198,388 $ 198,388 $ 3,853,0581 ORIGINAL APPROPRIATIONS O CO GCA N Ill O CO d3 O O T Is- d! $ 524,452 162,500 47,300 O O T 44,200 $779,452 $ 828,638 1,806,896 808,880 O O N: N 500,000 1 O C+') CO $ 5,717,721 ' $ 76,520,261 O LO CCOO CO Eg 156,548 $ 1,822,054 $ 78,342,315 'GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS Outlay Sub -Total )artmental Strategic Alignment Initiatives Alameda County - Tax Collection Museum -Space Rental Affordble Housing SSHRB I Sub -total - Non - Departmental Transfers out: 1 Debt Service - City Hall, Jail Facility, Carnegie a' CO J Risk Management OPEB Capital Improvements (PW) j Urban Runoff Sub -total - Transfers Out TOTAL - GENERAL FUND Vehicle Replacement Other Equipment Replacement Sub -total Equipment Replacement GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND CD T T L EXHIBIT CI 1 PERCENT 1 COLLECTED' 1 3.8 %1 0 CO O Ch 0 O O 0 N O 0.0 %I 0 O O 0 I� O 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 89, CO O r• 0 00 CO 0 O O O r• .C.:'0 Cp r 0 O r 0 00 O r. 0 CA O 0 r r• r• 0 O) 4 0 N O 0 CCi O M 0 CO CO N N- 0 ;3 O N BALANCE 1 TO COLLECT 1 230,920 1 588,705 4,502,870 (8,296) (1,366,430) (11,080) 953,577 CO 0 1' O CA O CC) 1,039,022 M O 'ch O 27,291 425,145 139,956 2,738,689 1,522,805 146,455 (787)1 CA 0 C() CO r 1' r• r• CO 671,026 122,732 57,619 CO s- T O ' 228,352 1 N M fs — �' CO M O 0. Cr) . 333,703 1 i (91,945) 22,207,722 1 ACTUAL CO O O. m () O M 1 9,080 1 261,579 ' CO 0 CA M N 1, co" cfl M r• 11,080 i 1,623 1 ■ 152,969 i i 552,891 110,683 554,679 33,545 787 145,491 O CO 0) 82,274 15,269 O r• CO ti v O .- N- cfl O r r 1,732 21,964 146,297 437,615 5,654,242 ADJUSTED REVENUE EST 240,000 850,284 4,502,870 i i 955,200 5,990,408 1,039,022 i 917,000 r N N N 425,145 139,956 3,291,580 1,633,488 554,679 O 0 0 0 • 1,330,000 180,600 753,300 138,000 1 i i 1 240,000 1 i 215,000 1 i O O O O- O 345,670 27,861,964 1 1st Qtr Adjustment 554,679 1 AL REVENUE FUNDS FY2006 -07 ESTIMATED REVENUE 240,000 850,284 4,502,870 i N C() LO 0) 5,990,408 1,039,022 917,0001 27,291 425,145 139,956 3,291,580 1,633,488 180,000 i 1,330,000 00 CO O 00 r 753,300 138,000 1 • • 1 240,000 1 O 0 CI) N 1 480,000 345,670 CO .- CO ti N 'DESCRIPTION IPOLICE /FIRE IMPACT FEES CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT FUND WEST END COMM. IMP PROJ. 2003 CIC TAX ALLOC 2003A1 2003 CIC TAX ALLOC 2003A2 2003 CIC TAX ALLOC 2003B FISC /CATELLUS LAND SALE LOW & MOD INCOME HSG - WECIP BUSINESS & WATERFRONT CIC PROJ. LOW & MOD INCOME HSG - BWIP CIC- BWIP HSG 2002 BOND PROJECT CIC - HOUSING IN -LIEU FEE AUSD HOUSING FUND CIC- ALAMEDA POINT CIC- APIP LOW /MOD INC HSG LIBRARY FUND - OPERATIONS GAS TAX FUNDS XIX TRANS IMPROVEMENT FUND TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND MEASURE B MEASURE B LOCAL ST & RD J MEASURE B BICYCLE PED IMP MEASURE B TRANSBAY FERRY MEASURE B PARATRANSIT MEASURE B CAPITAL PROJECT MEASURE B GAP FUNDING MEASURE B NEW COUNTY PROG TIDELANDS TRUST ASSET SEIZURE FUNDS DWELLING UNIT TAX FUND PARKING IN -LIEU FUND PARKING METER FUND TSM/TDM COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION THEATRE /PARKING STRUCTR PROJ () W CL CO I FUND# CO r CO T 201 201.11 201.13 201.15 201.16 202 203 204 204.4 204.5 204.6 205 206 210 r• N 212 213 215 215.1 215.2 215.3 '1' 6 N 215.5 215.6 215.7 CO N O) N 221 223 e' N 225 227 1 EXHIBIT CI PERCENT 1 COLLECTED' 8E.; CO CO 1 2.2 %I 37.3 %I 0 r O co 0 r O 0 0 O 0 CO O r` r 0 00 O r O O 0 CO O N *-2' O O 0 O O 0.0% 0.0 %I 0 O O 0 O O 0 O 00 r 0.0 %1 0 O O 0.0% 22.5 %I 0 N O BALANCE 1 TO COLLECT 398,895 1 1,912,393 1 CO CO O) r r 562,515 1 11,043,932 620,115 i 1 1 0 CO O) CO 54,875 3,800 (29,167) O � C) r` LO 0) N CO 1 300 1,122 1,260 4,364 0 CO M O 0 r 21,667 (2,350) 81,017 23,119 341,712 1,585,630 (11,750)1 LC) CO ' 25,639,369 (45,458)1 (22,487) co .L�- 1 ACTUAL CO O y 0 M 26,723 43,582 1 •Zr. CO c O 242,485 r- 7,060 1 1 O CO O rn 11,075 (3,800) CO N 1 M 0 o CO r 1 1 1 0 O O M 1 1 1 460,805 0 In r� 1- 375 (62,145) 45,458 22,487 10,158 ADJUSTED REVENUE EST 425,618 1,955,975 1 0 O O) T.- 805,000 0)) 0) O LO O C.. r O N (C) O O r LC) 65,950 3,700 0 LO 0)) r-- 4,800 18,622 0 r'S Cfl 61,364 CO O 326,667 0 l CO Cfl 81,017 I 23,119 341,712 2,046,435 25,577,224 i i 1st Qtr L Adjustment O O O M O 6 O O co 1,122 1 1,260 4,364 O co 6 O r L 21,667 1 O 6 5,017 O —O .- M N 156,712 9,246,224 AL REVENUE FUNDS FY2006 -07 ESTIMATED REVENUE 425,618 1,563,112 190,000 775,000 N CZ ) O O Lf) 0 r 620,115 i 1 1 51,000 55,950 1 1 0 O� Ch 792,50C1 i 4,500 17,500 0 It) L6 r 57,000 670,000 305,000 O 0 CO r 76,000 i 185,000 2,046,435 i i i 16,331,000 . 1 1 DESCRIPTION 1 HOME FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HOME REPAYMENT FUND REHAB REPAYMENT FUND FISC LEASE REVENUE BOND FISC CATELLUS FISC CATELLUS PH II VEHICLE REGISTRATION AB434 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT HA SECTION 8 PROJECTS AFFORDABLE HOUSING SSHRB LEAD ABATEMENT GARBAGE SURCHARGE CURBSIDE RECYCLING FEE WASTE MANAGEMENT /RECYCLING ISLAND CITY MTE DIST 84 -2 ISLAND CITY MTE DIST ZONE 1 ISLAND CITY MTE DIST ZONE 2 ISLAND CITY MTE DIST ZONE 3 ISLAND CITY MTE DIST ZONE 4 ISLAND CITY MTE DIST ZONE 5 ISLAND CITY MTE DIST ZONE 6 ISLAND CITY MTE DIST ZONE 7 MARINA COVE MAINT DT 01 -1 RESERVE MARINA COVE 01 -01 BAYPORT AD 03 -1 ATHLETIC TRUST PUBLIC ARTS HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD WASTEWATER CAPITAL RESV EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FISC CATELLUS TRAFFIC FEE J MARINA VILLAGE AD# - 89 -1 HARBOR BAY AD # - 92 -1 0 W CL CO FUND# 235 236 248 249 256 r cri N 256.2 259 265 265.1 CO co 267 268 0 N 273 274 275 275.1 N Is N 275.3 275.4 275.5 CO N 275.7 276 276.1 278 280 285 286 N CO 298 0 M 310.1 312 M M I EXHIBIT CI 1 PERCENTI COLLECTED ii:g O O 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 88.8% 0.0% 88.7% 85.0%1 10.0%1 o 0 CO O , i 25.0 %I 0 O 1.6 N 5.2%1 25.3%1 25.0% o O N N 28.9%1 ' 0 O O M 0 LC) O BALANCE TO COLLECT (99,342) i 0 N O 254,500 0 O 0 500 200 1 1 i i 18,542 1,320 ^ f- 0 822 i 1 i i 310,603 2,736,541 1 i 180,105 f 279,581 625,562 I i 1 553,063 621,478 744,970 1,940,924 (12,087) 3,382,669. 5,598,038 1 ACTUAL CO O p, Cl) 0 M 99,342 5,020 146,458 5,323 4,678 34,397 N. ' ' LC) C) 0 93,194 34,438 1 ' ' C) ti 0 co <- O CO O N 0) 0) 0) co N 788,935 12,087 1,509,431 00 f� LC) N 1 ADJUSTED REVENUE EST 1 254,500 O o C0 500 200 • 1 1 i 165,000 1,320 O O CO 5,500 i i i 1 345,000 2,753,718 i 1 240,140 372,775 O O O CO CO , i i (0 co O 'cr f- 828,638 0) 00) CO O 2,729,859 ' O O,-- N 0) CO 5,624,616 1st Qtr Adjustment 250,000 AL REVENU E FUNDS FY2006 -07 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1 1 4,500 O O CO 500 200 1 I I 1 O 0 L. (.0 N- 1,3201 6,000 5,500 1 1 345,000 I 2,753,718 240,140 372,775 I 660,000 i 1 1 740,0361 828,638 1,034,969 2,729,859 1 0 0 N- 0) CO 5,624,616 ID ESCRIPTION 1LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION OPEN SPACE IMPROVEMENT 2003 AP REVENUE BOND CDF- WE TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF- WE PARKS & RECREATION CDF- WE PUBLIC FACILITIES CDF- WE PUBLIC SAFETY CDF- NW TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF- NW PARKS & RECREATION CDF NW PUBLIC FACILITIES CDF- NW PUBLIC SAFETY CDF- CEE TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF- CEE PARKS & REC CDF- CEE PUBLIC FACILITIES CDF- CEE PUBLIC SAFETY CDF- BF TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF- BF PARKS & RECREATION CDF- BF PUBLIC FACILITIES CDF- BF PUBLIC SAFETY l TRANSPORTATION IMP FUND URBAN RUNOFF CFD #1 - HARBOR BAY 1 CFD# 2 - PARAGON DEBT SERVICE - JAIL FACILITY DEBT SERVICE - LIB & GOLF PROJ DEBT SERVICE - LIBRARY BOND DEBT SERVICE - 84 -3A DEBT SERVICE - 84 -3B DEBT SERVICE - CIC TAX ALLOC BOND DEBT SERVICE - CIC SUB BOND DEBT SERVICE REFINANCE CITY HALL 2003 TAX ALLOC REF BWIP TAX ALLOC BONDS - MERGED PROJECT.I 2003 AP REV BOND DEBT GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND SPECI FUND# 317 318 328 340.11 340.12 340.13 340.14 340.21 340.22 340.23 340.24 340.31 340.32 340.33 340.34 340.41 340.42 340.43 340.44 O LO M e- CC) Co) 360 a- CO M Cl a- Nr O e- d' r N V 458 I 460 r CO V N CO et CO d' CO Cr CO ct I 468 0 CO 0 CO EXHIBIT CI PERCENT COLLECTED' 0 (f) C) 1 0 O N O 0 O O 4 388.3 %1 0 O M O) T 0) 54.3%1 0 O 0) O N 25.7% 25.2%1 0 O U) N 25.4%1 1 1 1 1 p M I■ ti 1 1 p T N ' 1 G O) N LC) N- 1 BALANCE TO COLLECT 162,804 1 1,302,446 LO CO T T CO O C) (140,481) (57,835) 419,302 1,022,002 910,946 23,154 (o 0 M ti N 2,248,777 O 1.0 CO 0) N 1 1 1 1 col N CO O 1 8,548,354 I 1 1 $ 123,209,142 1 ACTUAL (0 O C o O M CO T 1.6 1 148,554 151,957 ti O N Op - 64,894 CO T CO co 340,667 240,514 8,015 429,694 Ln n N. 10,140 1 1 1 1 O ((00 M O M 1 1 2,321,454 1 1 $ 22,435,060 ADJUSTED REVENUE EST 157,288 1,451,000 3,843,142 48,726 0) O t: L0 O (O T O 0) CO N CO Cr). O CO N- O T T 0) O N— C) 1,707,000 N LO (O N O C) 40,000 1 1 1 3,922,738 1 1 1 10,869,808 1 1 $ 146,729,703 1st Qtr Adjustment (23,852) $ 10,774,955 AL REVENUE FUNDS FY2006 -07 ESTIMATED REVENUE 157,288 1,451,000 { 3,843,142 48,726 7,059 (() T 0) (6 T 0) T N In (0 CO C) T O CO In T T 0) CO N- T C) 1,707,000 3,026,752 40,000 1 1 1 1 3,922,738 1 1 10,869,808 1 1 1 $ 135,954,748 (DESCRIPTION 'SENIOR CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION FERRY SERVICE FUND HARBOR BAY FERRY - EAST ALA/OAKLAND FERRY - WEST CENTRAL STORES FUND CENTRAL GARAGE FUND TECHNOLOGY SERVICE FUND WORKERS COMPENSATION TRUST 'RISK MANAGEMENT UNEMPLOYMENT POST EMPLOYMENT FUND POLICE AND FIRE - PLAN 1079 POLICE AND FIRE - PLAN 1082 WEST LAGOON DEBT SERVICE - 89 -1 DEBT SERVICE - 92 -1 1998 REVENUE BOND DEBT 1999 REVENUE BOND DEBT ALA PT BOND PROJ FUND DEBT SRV ALA PT ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMEN. DEBT SERVICE - CFD #1 DEBT SERVICE - PARAGON DIKE MAINTENANCE N 0 Z M LL J Q U W 0 N Q 0 H SPEC( It CI Z LL 620 621 e- N co 621.2 702 703 704 h 712 715 720 801 802 820 832 Co 835 836 O 857 858 co co 0~0 I- EXHIBIT CI BALANCEI PERCENTI i 378,772 I 3.5 %I 1 10,943,768 13.4% 1 1,165,509 I 31.7 %I i O O N 0.0 %I i 0.0%1 i 0.0 %I 0.0% i c O 0.0%1 e O 363.0 %1 0.0 %I ..4..„ 6) 8.0 %I C 0 N o 0.0 %I 1 341,632 0) CO 1 21,182,860 474,054 0 O r CO CO LI) O CV- r 9,075 6,000 2,565 4,000 (123,602) CO CO CO CA M (2,802,471) (559) 433,016 I CO r r N 25,597,367 1,788,934 2,211,897 15,714 1 49,865 374,375 EXPENDITURES • Q. O CO r N CO CD C CO, r 1 540,052 ' 1 80 O Ch 1 4,394,363 N O r CO CO ' 393 2,802,471 559 ' 68,387 2,233,633 167,041 55,357 1 (15,714) LO r r ' Adjusted 1 Appropriations 392,441 12,640,570 1 1,705,561 i 341,712 i 25,577,224 474,054 i ' O O CO r CO O CO r Lc) i i p Cl O N r 9,075 i 1 6,000 2,565 p O p i 433,016 1 359,500 27,831,000 1,955,975 2,267,254 241,840 374,375 L First Qtr Adjustments 1 159,712 1 9,246,224 401,863 928,254- O O r APPROPRIATIONS C N UNDS AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND 392,441 ALAMEDA REDEV & REUSE AUTHORITY 12,640,570 ASSET SEIZURE FUNDS - ATHLETIC TRUST 1,705,561 !AUSD HOUSING FUND BAYPORT ASSASSMENT DISTRICT 182,000 16,331,000 474,054 ' O O CO- O CO Lf7 Or ' ' O O 9,075 ' O LA O !O CO- N O O O O 433,016 359,500 27,831,000 1,554,112 1,339,000 241,740 374,375 } CALIFORNIA LEAD ABATEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CDF - WE TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF - WE PARKS & RECREATION CDF - WE PUBLIC FACILITIES CDF - WE PUBLIC SAFETY CDF - NW TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF - NW PARKS & REC CDF - NW PUBLIC FACILITIES CDF - NW PUBLIC SAFETY CDF- CEE TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF- CEE PARKS & REC CDF- CEE PUBLIC FACILITIES CDF- CEE PUBLIC SAFETY CDF- BF TRAFFIC SAFETY CDF- BF PUBLIC SAFETY CENTRAL STORES CENTRAL GARAGE 1 CFD #2 PARAGON CIC 2003A1 TAX ALLOCATION CIC 2003A2 TAX ALLOCATION CIC 2003B TAX ALLOCATION CIC -BWIP HSG 2002 Bd Project COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION THEATRE /PARKING STRUCTURE PROJ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT TAX CURBSIDE RECYCLING DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: 1 2003 AP REV BD PROJ 1990 Police Bldg Debt Service - Library and Golf Project O co N 858 219 280 204.6 278 268 310 340.11 340.12 340.13 340.14 340.21 340.22 340.23 340.24 340.31 340.32 340.33 340.34 340.41 340.44 702 M h r co 201.11 201.13 201.15 204.4 ti N 227.1 co CO cr e- 273 328 413 EXHIBIT CI PERCENT lL O Z z LLI 0. X W o I� N Co 0 O O O 1 0.0 %I ■ 0 O 0) T 0 O O 0 M O ct 0 CO 0) 23.5 %I 0 M N t` 0 N (O co 86.3%1 .a.„5., (0 Co 0 N h N- 0 O N 12.8 %1 0 0) 0 - 0 0 T 15.2 %I 0 0 (O 0 O I- 0 N T 23.2 %I 0....E., O .- M 0 0 O 0 0 1` T 0 10 In CO 22.2 %I 0 O T C1' 0 0) 10 T BALANCE co ' 0. G) O M 1 245,800 ' 98,895 1 596,610 828,638 619,057 1,384,854 306,180 793,234 381,190 498,126 521,115 in I� O (41,273) 205,966 1 co (0 co T 3,423,756 616,593 5,858,411 O O O T 1 1 1 M N- I0 T ' (0 Oo 00) T CD 10 0) 0 .4' ' 0 T N ' T 0) O M T 54,235 137,469 2,670,442 658,852 487,340 EXPENDITURES (p O o_ �d w O co 412,450 1 327,915 1 1 145,026 1 N l! Cr 1,345,005 93,820 2,702,694 2,385,065 3,1 29,504 1,029,365 138,388 41,273 4,211 1 r, co co- CO 419,386 72,323 1,048,114 0) O co- N. 1 1 1 00 0) 1 287,670 1,220,046 1 94,704 1 11,800 CO ti T T 817,377 761,432 457,345 113,907 Adjusted Appropriations 658,250 327,915 I0 O) co 00) ' 741,636 828,638 0) co 10 M O T 2,729,859 400,000 3,495,928 2,766,255 0 co (o N (o M 1,550,480 CO (O N T ' N. T O N ■ 1,451,000 3,843,142 (o T 0) CO (0 In N 10 O 0) (O 1,132,800 1 1 1 125,000 1 2,256,354 5,249,102 1 305,731 I T Cr) N O T T 0) Ifs O 954,846 3,431,874 � (O T 601,247 First Qtr Adjustments 210,177 O O O O M 472,866 f� f� 4) In ti O 145,794 APPROPRIATIONS O N 658,250 327,915 98,895 1 741,636 828,638 1,036,569 2,729,859 400,000 3,495,928 2,766,255 3,627,630 1,550,480 (0 T N- T 1 1 1 O O IC) '4: <-- 3,843,142 0) O CO 6,906,525 1,132,80 1 1 1 O O N T 1 1,783,488 4,573,125 1 305,731 1 T M O cr T T 0)) CO 954,846 3,286,080 N- N- T 601,247 UNDS Debt Service - Library BD 2003 Assess Dist 84 -3A Assess Dist 84 -3B Debt CIC Tax AIIo Bd Debt CIC Sub Bond Refinance. Cityhall 2003 Tax Allocation Refi - BWIP 2003 CIC Tax Allocation Bond 2003 AP Revenue Bond Debt Assess Dist 89 -1 1998 Revenue Bond Debt 1999 Revenue Bond Debt ASSESS DIST CFD #1 ASSESS DIST CDF #2 PARAGON DIKE MAINTENANCE DWELLING UNIT TAX FUND FERRY SERVICES HARBOR BAY FERRY - EAST ALA/OAKLAND FERRY - WEST FISC LEASE REVENUE FUND FISC - CATELLUS PH II FISC - CATELLUS HBIA ASSESSMENT DIST 92 -1 FISC /CATELLUS LAND SALE FISC CATELLUS TRAFFIC FEE GARBAGE SURCHARGE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT GAS TAX FUND GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD HOME FUND HOME REPAYMENT FUND HOUSING IN LIEU HUMAN SERVICES /SSHRB/YOUTH COLLAB. LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND LIBRARY FUND LOW AND MOD INC HOUSING (WECIP) LOW AND MOD INC HOUSING (BWIP) 421 458 460 461 462 464 465 466 468 832 835 836 860 861 876 221 621 T T CO 621.2 CO Iii N 256.1 256.2 313 CO T T O N 310.1 270 265 T T N T O CO CO CO N 235 CO V N 204.5 h (0 N i,- T M 210 202 EXHIBIT CI PERCENT w C Z W 0. K W 24.5% o CO O 0 N M c 0 O 0 15.2%1 0 O O 0 I� r 0 O o 0 r D ' 0 CA o 0 M ti 0 co- t` r 0.0 %1 0.0 %l 0 co O .- 0 Iz- U) N 25.4% 25.0%1 0 rt O N 0 � r c.1.9. O M r 18.5 %1 0 r r r 42.7 %I 0 f� . r 0 N r 0 r C r 8.5%1 BALANCE CO O 0. (1) O Ch 72,445 ' 11,451 78,112 76,881 123,750 CO CO CO 0) 297,398 0 0 CO OM 118,943 23,119 ' 525,396 1,928,204 r N CO CO N 0 r-- O 'a' "CI: r 297,747 57,619 CO r O 0 0 O M 456,614 1 2,248,777 0 CO CO N LL) 0 r CO 1- ' ' 1,358,339 1 ' 4,218,554 I 4,807,895 257,336 348,096 1,327,502 CO CO CO 0) 145,895 1 COO CO CCOO 0) COO N r 112,500 EXPENDITURES CO O & 0 O co 23,528 ' 0) Co 978 978 1,120 123,844 54,269 2,074 i i (365) 142,189 20,519 300,511 6-.) N- v T c i 52,618 LC) r- r- 10,140 60,035 348,661 I 904,557 CO a) CO r- 58,263 43,582 0 M O OO) 1,494,346 M O) CO r 0) CA CO N 13,827 37,500 Adjusted Appropriations co f- 0 O) ' 11,520 0 O) O r- 77,859 124,870 814,710 351,667 0 O CO N 121,017 O) T co N ' 525,031 2,070,393 282,340 1,740,581 297,747 ' ' 0 0 p c6 C) 509,232 3,026,752 40,000 240,140 ' ' 1,707,000 5,123,112 1 5,583,791 315,599 391,678 2,317,532 8,462,028 157,288 LO Lo ti r e- 163,095 00 0 6 LO r First Qtr Adjustments 0 O f� 61,590 L 62,359 0 N I� CO 144,710 46,667 0 CO r 5,017 O) a- M N 525,031 CO ) 0) CO .- O 69,740 787,651 30,459 OO 0 CO M 201,678 .- 0 0 co CO (279,344) APPROPRIATIONS p' 95,973 4,500 17,500 15,500 57,000 670,000 305,000 0 o O co- 0 O co- r " ' 1,053,400 0 0 coo _N N 952,930 267,288 509,2321 3,026,752 0 0 p 240,140 1 i 1,707,000 1 5,123,112 5,583,791 315,599 190,000 2,256,731 8,741,372 Co co N 1,175,559 163,095 150,000 SPECIAL FUNDS LOW AND MOD INC HOUSING (APIP) ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 Zone 1 ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 Zone 2 ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 Zone 3 ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 Zone 4 ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 Zone 5 ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 Zone 6 I ISLAND CITY MAINT 84 -2 Zone 7 MARINA COVE MAINT DT 01 -1 RESERVE MARINA COVE MAINT DT 01 -1 MARINA DISTRICT A.D.89 -1 MEASURE B FUND MEASURE B FUND Local St & Rd MEASURE B BICYCLE PED IMP MEASURE B TRANSBAY FERRY MEASURE B PARA TRANSIT MEASURE B CAP PROJECT MEASURE B GAP FUNDING MEASURE B NEW COUNTY PROG PARKING METER FUND PENSION FUND - 1079 PENSION FUND - 1082 POLICE /FIRE IMPACT FEES OPEN SPACE IMPROVEMENT PARKING IN LIEU POST EMPLOYMENT FUND PUBLIC ART FUND REDEV. WECIP REDEV. BWIP a 0_ Q U U REHAB REPAYMENT FUND RISK MANAGEMENT SANITARY SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND SENIOR CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICE FUND TIDELANDS TRUST FUND TRAFFIC SAFETY FUNDS 206 275 275.1 275.2 275.3 275.4 275.5 275.6 275.7 276 276.1 312 215 215.1 215.2 215.3 215.4 215.5 215.6 1� LC; r N 224 r CO 802 r CO r 318 Cl N N 0 N h 285 r O N 203 205 249 712 602 0 N CO d' CO N 213 EXHIBIT CI PERCENT W 0 Z W O. X W o O O 0 W M r 0 � In T 0 CO N T 24.9% 0.0% 22.7% 0 O) N N BALANCE CO 9 a cu O M 291,318 26,832 3,092,178 708,855 O v N 0 C I- CO 1- co W $ 129,935,400 $ 192,843,965 EXPENDITURES (O 9 Q. 0 W O M ' r., M M 549,204 103,939 860,810 CO 0) ti CO- CO G co- CO 64 $ 57,353,601 Adjusted Appropriations 291,318 31,169 3,641,382 812,794 3,463,211 O) ti co Ni O) I,- $ 168,002,192 $ 250,197,565 First Qtr Adjustments 43,918 LO O) co 1,-- 't 0) 2,248,985 r- CO 'ci' 0) 1- O N 00 CO O) $23,041,263 APPROPRIATIONS CO O 247,400 31,169 2,693,687 812,794 1,214,226 $ 148,813,988 $ 227,156,303 SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND UNEMPLOYMENT URBAN RUNOFF WASTE MANAGEMENT /RECYCLING WORKERS COMPENSATION TRUST XIXB TRANS IMPROVEMENT FUND Total Special Funds (GRAND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS _ l 350 715 a- in M 274 e- T r 212 EXHIBIT DI Gam) �+ EmN W co C !9 C LL ti O O O w `° IT 0) 1 $ 16.707.174 1 CO a O Lo r $ 18,367,142 1 .4- ' Lo 152.7791 1.070,188 662.0201 15.118.3361 M 0) I` O O 662,5441 622.6991 934,579 154,0031 41.8201 (0 r r r o N (1,209.04411 Cr N- (0 (268.651) 25.8201 30.0001 403.3541 1.302.2131 s- `o 157.4761 0 0) 2006 -07 1 Estimated 1 Net Change f =b -d 1 $ (3,490,671) (1,145,890) $ (4,636,561) 0 Ch T... 0 0) (O (620,242) 0 0 0 0 I-- O 0) O co r r CO (fl O 437,775 (433,016) (485,391)1 27,291 109,546 43,983 1 (140,294) (622,866) (240,000) 30,000 (525,031) (740,393) (101,740) (987,281) (159,747)1 0 0 1 Expenses (e) ti CV N N- O r (fl 159,081 $19,286,808 $ 60,035 55,357 904,557 393 2,802,471 559 O 457,345 co 0) co ti rs. N- 0 6) T- T- r O 11,800 O 58,263 23,528 761,432 287,670 O 37,500 co M 142,189 20,519 300,511 O (57,619) 1 (O a— 0 Appropriations V 1 $ 80,174,931 1 2,020,442 $ 82,195,373 1 $ 240,140 2,267,254 5,123,112 0 0 0 0 N- r (0 r r 5,583,791 601,247 433,016 1,402,391 I 0 315,599 CO 0) L() 0) 3,431,874. 2,256,354 f 0)) (.0 0) N. 0 0 0 O (f) r 525,031 2,070,393 282,340 1,740,581 297,747 0 0 Actual Revenue M Lo O N r ER 350,349 $13,151,302 $ 9,080 0) N- (0 N 0 8,296 1,366,430 11,080 0 1,623 O 0 0 152,969 1 0 0 0 552,891 110,683 554,679 I 33,545 787 145,491 (0 co O r 82,274 15,269 1 (57,619)1 O r co- 1 Estimated Revenue N— 0 N O co d4 874,552 $ 77,558,813 $ 240,000 850,284 4,502,870 0 0 0 0 955,200 5,990,408 1,039,022 0 917,000 1 27,291 425,145 (0 0)) () 3,291,580 1,633,488 554,679 180,000 0 0 0 O M 0 co r r 753,300 138,000 0 0 Audited Fund Balance 0 O M CO {C $ 20,197,844 2,805,858 $ 23,003,703 tevenue Fund Group: $ 294 1,569,749 0) N 0) 662,020 15,118, 336 M 0) 0 823,541 216,082 496,804 0) r O 527,211 2,013,825 (1,318,590) 302,100 147,068 265,820 0 928,385 2,042,606 0) (p O In CO 1,144, 751 308,047 0 0) SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS FY 2006 -07 IAs of September 30, 2006 DESCRIPTION 'General Fund Equipment Replacement Total General Fund 1Const Improvement Fund CIC -WECIP 2003 CIC Tax AIIo 2003A1 2003 CIC Tax AIIo 2003A2 2003 CIC Tax Alio 2003B FISC /Catellus Land Sale CIC -WECIP Housing a_ m a U CIC -BWIP Housing CIC -BWIP Hsg 2002 Bond Proceeds CIC- Housing In -Lieu Fee AUSD Housing Fund CIC -APIP CIC -APIP Housing Alameda City Library Fund Gas Tax Fund XIXB Trans Improvement Fund Traffic Safety Fund County Measure B Fund Measure B - Local St & Rd Measure B - Bicycle Ped Imp Measure B - Transbay Ferry Measure B - Para Transit Measure B - Capital Projects Measure B - Transp Sr & Disab FUND 'General! r 0 O 6) r r LL CU 0 d N r (p r 1 164 r O N r r r O N M r O N 201.15 1 201.16 O N O N 204 204.4 204.5 204.6 O N O N r N r N I 212 r N r N r 6) N 1 215.2 C". (f) (0 I0� N N N ■ EXHIBIT DI Estimated Fund Balance 1 O N 0 (0 to w C0 11 IT O 0 tf) a- r 0 M N 0 .. O 000 .- COO s- CO 0 CO '- CO 0 'd' CO 0 00) CO 8.432.4281 CO ~ CO a- a- 0 0 CO CO (0 C `- 0) 992.3161 (963.318)1 0 M M 0 108.5731 56,648 28.5911 22,114 461,477 175.482 CO O a- co at N. O O 0 N r 0 M O O CO CO CO 0 "s*". 0 0 .N 0 0 N 0 M O CO CO N 0 0 Lf) Cn N 102,201 O CO O N Estimated Net Change 11 w 0 O 0) CO 0 4,823 0 (29,232) O , (13,830) 30,964 119,887 O O (201,678) 116,084 4,144,467 (512,685) 1 0 0 0 (341,441) .... 0 0 O 0 N. 0 0 N M (20,294)1 O O r- 0 CO (60.468i1- O) ' CO CO 0 CO CO (43,8861 O 0 CV (13,950) O 0 O 'Tr 1 Expenses (e) 13,827 0 4,211 0 52,618 0 68,387 2,233,633 94,704 167,041 0 43,582 72,323 .,— 00 d- O 0) 1- CO 1-- 0 0 0 0 0 M .- CO r- ,— •- 0 O) M N- co O) 0 0) 6) M O• 0 0) CO 0) 978 1,120 123,844 1 54,269 O at O (\I- LAppropriations r 163,095 0 N- r O N 0 509,232 0 359,500 27,831,000 305,731 (0 O 0 0 O T 0 CO0 CO '— 6) CO CO 0) 00 00 0 6,906,525 1,132,800 0 0 0 392,441 C 65,951 f 0 125,000 1 0 812,794 0 11,520 1 0 cm O O) r- in C)) 00 h N- 124,870 0_ t- et a- CO 351,667 O 0 (5 CO 121,017 Actual Revenue (c) 11,648 1,732 �- O� N CO 0 437,615 5,654,242 26,723 43,582 0 CO O O 1` 242,485 7,060 0 0 0 0 N. CD O O 6) 11,075 00 CO 00 co" v O) N 0 162,903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O M 0 Estimated Revenue 240,000 O 215,000 0 480,000 O 345,670 eh r 000 N L 425,618 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ,- 805,000 N O r a- 620,115 0 0 0 51,000 65,950 1 0 0 3,700 792,500 0 0 �' 18,622 16,760 61,364 770,830 326,667 0 CO `— 81,017 Audited Fund Balance O O M CO 0 0) CO 0 O (82,355) 176,121 73,160 1,646,821 41,584 710,788 8,401,464 0 0 0 968,339 (2,085,202) (3,152,152) (450,633) 0 M CO 0 108,573 1 0) O CO M 28,592 22,114 586,477 171,782 CN O) at CO I- 0) 0) 0 - CO a- 0 O) 0 r- O CO 42,921 343,295 312,935 42,450 SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS FY 2006 -07 eptember 30, 2006 Z O O. 2 U co W 0 Tidelands Fund Narcotics Asset Seizure Dwelling Unit Fund Parking In -Lieu Fund Parking Meter Fund TSM/TDM Fund Commercial Revitalization Theatre Project/Parking Garage Home Fund CDBG Home Repymt Fund Rehab Repayment Fund FISC Lease Revenue Fund CO 3 CD R V ' 0 f/) a !FISC - Catellus Ph II Vehicle Registr. AB434 Housg Developmt -HA Reimb HA Section 8 Projects Affordable Housing Human Services CHRPO /LEAD Garbage Subcharge Fund Curbside Recycling Waste Reduction Subcharge Island City Maint 84 -2 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z1 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z2 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z3 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z4 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z5 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z6 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z7 Marina Cove Maint Dist 01 -1 FUND 1 216 0) a- N �- N N M of N N N N 0 N N 1� N N • ti N C[1 CM N CO M N CO eF N 0) et N CO 0 N CO N CO N 0) Cn N 0 CO N r 0 N CO CO N 1• CO N CO CD N 0 1s. N Cl 1- N et h N 0 1- ') N^ N N in ti N M in N Cr 49 ti N Cn In N CD 0 ti N h i • I 1s- I N EXHIBIT DI 1 Estimated 1 Fund Balance 1' 0 N 0 CO w CO 11 68.1141 213,889 981,653 32,9181 0 0 26.022 4.692.4721 ti 0) CO T $ 46,541,241 $ 16,393 7,728,505 1,097,0221 2,635,9851 1,155,7151 39,6921 917.5591 597,189 313,2761 12,0251 16.078 rn co N 171.8581 129.484 25.6421 N 420.0401 13.674 T O , N h- `- ..Cr O CO O 9CO O co O O N 1 Estimated 1 Net Change f =b -d 0 0 1 340,874 0 0 0 0 N O 0 ti v O $ (4,106,738) 0 0 0 0 (954,846) 0 0 (219,554) 0 - T . 0 1) 0 CO (4 (51,686) 0 0 0 O N 155,925 1.320 O O (.6 O 11 ) Expenses ^... . 0 80 540,052 0 0 0 11,393 O O O 0 O 41,273 $ 13,240,941 4,394,363 0 0 0 817,377 0 (15,714) • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appropriations 23,119 1 341,712 1 1,705,561 O O O 157,288 O O � N O $ 87,094,117 25,577,224 O O O 954,846 1 O O 474,054 1 O O 00 O r 0 co l!) 0 0 00 O r co LC) O 0 0 6,000 Actual Revenue 0 0 460,805 0 LCD T `- L 375 0 (5,516) 2,321,454 0 $ 13,008,041 (62,145) 45,458 22,4871 10,158 99,342 1 0 0 0 LL) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146,458 0 5,323 CCO CO N. Estimated Revenue ... 0) T T N 341,712 2,046,435 0 0 0 157,288 CO 0 CO � CO 0 0 $ 82,987,379 E9 25,577,224 0 0 0 0 0 0 254,500 0 0 C.O. T 0 0 O 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 165,000 1 0 M T 0 O O 5,500 Audited Fund Balance CO 0 N 0 M CO � v 68,114 213,889 0) 0 Ci CO 32,918 0 0 26,022 6,463,234 0 06 T $ 50,647,979 roiect Fund Group: $ 16,3931 7,728,505 1,097,022 2,635,985 1,155,715 994,538 917,559 0) � 0) O 532,830 10,425 15,578 13,089 1 223,544 129,484 25,642 12,217 264,115 12,354 11,261 ST O O 1SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS IFY 2006 -07 eptember 30, 2006 IDESCRIPTION Reserve Marina Cove 01 -01 Bayport AD 03 -1 Athletic Fund Public Art Fund Historical Advisory Board Equip. Acquisition Fund Sr Citizen Transportation Alameda Reuse & Redevelop Dike Maintenance Fund Total Special Revenue Fund Capital Improvement Proj. FISC Catellus Traffic Fee Marina .Village A.D. 89 -1 H.B.I. 92 -1 Assessmt Dist Library Construction Fund Open Space Improvement Fund 2003 AP Rev Bond Project Fund CDF -WE Traffic Safety CDF -WE Parks & Rec CDF -WE Public Facilities CDF -WE Public Safety CDF -NW Traffic Safety CDF -NW Park & Recreation CDF -NW Public Safety CDF -NW Public Safety CDF -CEE Traffic Safety CDF -CEE Parks & Recreation CDF -CEE Public Facilities CDF -CEE Public Safety FUND e- N O N O N 1!) N <O N 00 N co 1 858 <O W 310 310.1 N M M M 317 318 328 340.11 NC1 e- M C') 340.14 N `1' N '1' N 'I' N 'It M •41' M M M M 1 EXHIBIT DI Estimated Fund Balance 1 ti O 0 N O C '~ ' CC 11 N Co_ r N Co_ ct CO c N a~) 0 0) 3,712.7531 N- N 477.2211 $ 20,544,674 1 CO LO O CNV H9 630.3891 ° 546.093 1,573.3431 1,513.8751 4.429.920 1,597.995 $ 10,968,3271 $ 6.182 513 43.414.235 1,- CO CO ti O N - d7 Or� N r U) CO O N o_) N- $ 58,958,9421 1- Oi CO 0 Cal Estimated Net Change '8 -CI 11 w (2,565) 0 O O C) 0 v 53,682 (887,664) 0 O $ (1,926,588) 00 0 N r Efi CO CO .r.. 1,750 00000 co., .r.. co .r... (400,000)1 $ (404,750)1 $ (357.002) (2,837,412)1 , 0 0 O �t �F �' a7 M .� CA d CA c a x w .-. == 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 6) 0 0 $ 5,745,230 (0 0) r 0 412,450 0 145,026 0 417,512 1 1,345,005 93,820 1 $ 2,605,788 $ 1,220,046 CO CO ‘710) 0) 0 186,387 419,386 $ 3,320,165 Appropriations LO (000 (0 N 1 4,000 291,318 3,641,382 00 $ 31,037,150 $ 241,840 374,375 658,250 0 741,636 828,638 0) (0 Cfl Cp 0 N- 2,729,859 400,000 f CO .= 0 � ER $ 5,249,102 8,462,028 00 0 O r 3,843,142 $ 19,005,272 Actual Revenue 1 (c) 0 0 0 0 N- CO M N- r r 0 0 $ 328,352 $ 60,035 N- 0) 34,438 0 186,973 0 0 N CD C) CO N 788,935 0 r $ 1,672,820 $ 1,509,431 26,578 0 148,554 151,957 $ 1,836,519 1 Estimated Revenue v 0 0 0 0 345,000 2,753,718 0 0 1 $ 29,110,562 $ 240,140 372,775 660,000 0 740,036 828,638 1 0) Co_ 0) co r 2,729,8591 O $ 6,606,416 0 0 r CO 'ct EA CO — CO c Lc 0 0 0 O LO r- 3,843,142 $ 15,810,858 Audited Fund Balance CO 0 M 14,177 46,256 8,803 4,209 917,415 4,600,417 215 477,221 $ 22,471,262 rvice Fund Group: $ 230,756 a 0 r (0 CO 445,907 0 547,693 1,573,343 1,515,475 4,429,920 CA 0) O) $ 11,373,077 $ 6,539,515 Co_ co om N C0 9,207,867 35,120 119,207 $ 62,153,355 SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS FY 2006 -07 eptember 30, 2006 !DESCRIPTION !CDF -BF Traffic Safety CDF -BF Parks & Recreation CDF -BF Public Facilities CDF- BFPublic Safety Transportation Impmt. Fund Urban Runoff CFD #1 Harbor Bay CFD #2 Paragon Gateway I Total Capital Project Fund 1Debt Svc - Library/Golf Proj Debt Svc - Library Bond 2003 Debt Svc -Debt Sery CIC Tx All Bd Debt Svc -CIC Sub Bond Debt Svc -Refin CityHall 2002 Debt Svc 2003 Tax Alio Refd BWIP Debt Svc 2003 CIC Tax Alloc Bd Debt Svc 2003 AP Rev Bond Total Debt Service Fund e Fund Group: Sewer Service Fund Ferry Service Fund East End Ferry West End Ferry Total Enterprise Fund I FUND r O M N �; O M M V ?' 0 O O(0 'C! M M M r O M 0 CO Ch r CO M 'Debt Se 419 r N r CO Cr N CO '1' at CO CO CO CO CO "1' CO CO 0 CO N r CO N CO N • r' N CO EXHIBIT DI d E we U.I W c m -0 3 LL I's p N O M ...... CO a =a -f 1 $ 83.241 1 M O CO O � N DD (7.555.652) (745.618) 10.459 1 O CO M CO Ov ER $ 326.764 1 O N CO 0 0 2.988.512 320 18.113.276 23,331.740 LC) CO CD cJ . c- h L() .. V- $ 47,930,8951 $ 195,247,835 1 G 0) CO O N Estimated Net Change M , 11 w 1 $ 1,726 1 7,059 (258,644) (2,100,542) O CO v 0 0 0 $ (3,516,473) -$ 327,9151 (98,895) 0 0 (3,495,928) 0 (2,766,255) 295,108 (1,550.480) C) CO rs- a- $ (8,123,527) o C[) 0 G O) N 1 Expenses (e) $ 170,602 66,486 212,699 860,810 O O O 0) 0) O 4,337 (0 O 00 't C) $ 2,653,625 $327,915 O r CA r" I• 10,140 2,702,694 I 0 2,385,065 3,129,504 1,029,365 138,388 $ 10,501,044 $ 57,353,601 Appropriations .� 00 O I: d' E 0 0) LO LC) h f 3,463,211 2,317,532 O 0) a- t- ) 1,707,000 $ 8,741,471 $ 327,915 98,895 3,026,752 40,000 3,495,928 I 0 2,766,255 3,627,630 1,550,480 M O) N- r N- 0 CO a- T T $ 250,197,565 $ 27,451,311 66,238,156 $ 343,887,032 Actual Revenue 1 (c) NO CO H9 64,894 497,613 340,667 240,514 8,015 429,694 0 O a- En. Efl O 10,140 O 0 0 3,030,609 0 0 $ 3,818,724 $ 35,586,363 Estimated Revenue $ 48,726 7,059 LO r- O) O) O) O CO C(0 C `- 0 CO Cr. L0 a- `- 0 0) CO a- M 1,707,000 $ 5,224,998 O 3,026,752 40,000 O 0 0 3,922,738 1 0 0 0 0) CO O) CO $ 224,288,515 0) O) CO O LC) N- N N M N CO CO $ 318,218,351 Audited Fund Balance CO 0 O N 0 M GOO v $ 81,515 78,880 316,890 (5,455,110) 420,454 O 10,459 0 $ (4,546,912.26) Lgencv Fund Group: O) O (f} O � O O O) � a0 320 20,879,531 23,036,632 3,276,745 1,710,887 $ 56,054,422 $ 221,156,886 SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS FY 2006 -07 eptember 30, 2006 1 DESCRIPTION Central Stores Fund Central Garage Fund Techology Sery Fund Worker's Comp Self lnsur Risk Management Fund Dental Insurance Fund Unemployment Insurance !Post Employment Fund Total Internal Service Fund Debt Svc for 510 84 -3B I Police /Fire Pension 1079 Police /Fire Pension 1082 Debt Svc for 512 89 -1 Debt Svc for 513 92 -1 1998 Revenue Bond Debt Fd 1999 Revenue Bond Debt Fd Assessment District CFD #1 Assessment District CFD #2 Total Trust & Agency Fund GRAND TOTAL L >, 0 0 E a) 2 Housing Authority Alameda Power & Telecom All Inclusive Total I FUND M O Is. Nt. O Is. a — e- h N a- 1ss M r f-. L[) t- 1's O N N O O d' O CEO N O C N M CC) M M CIO L[) M CO CO M aO O CO C a- CO CO CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission From: Debra Kurita Executive Director Re: Presentation of Concept Plans for Northern Waterfront Development and Recommendation to Approve an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement to Negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement with Encinal Real Estate, Inc. for Relevant Properties within the Northern Waterfront Redevelopment Area BACKGROUND The City of Alameda is seeking to manage and direct the redevelopment of underutilized industrial properties in the Northern Waterfront area through the adoption of amendments to the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The proposed Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment (Northern Waterfront GPA) and its Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) were prepared by the City and are slated to be presented to the City Council with recommendation for approval in January 2007. The Northern Waterfront GPA area is centrally located on the northern shore of Alameda on the Oakland /Alameda Estuary, generally bounded by Sherman Street on the west, Buena Vista Avenue on the south, and Grand Street on the east. The Oakland /Alameda Estuary forms the northern border of the area. The Northern Waterfront GPA area consists of a diverse range of existing land uses, including marina, light industrial, trucking, warehouse, commercial, recreation and residential uses. In addition, portions of the area are vacant and underutilized. Maritime and industrial uses, such as the Encinal Terminals Container Care facility, the Del Monte Building, Chipman Warehouse, and the Pennzoil tank farm, dominate the Northern Waterfront GPA area. However, marina and watercraft - related commercial facilities are also important influences in the vicinity of the waterfront. Encinal Real Estate, Inc., the property owner of the Del Monte building, Encinal Terminals Container Care facility, Chipman Warehouse and part-owner of Grand Marina area (dba Encinal Marina), has approached Community Improvement Commission (CIC) staff with conceptual designs for redevelopment of their property including public waterfront and open space, commercial reuse of the historic Del Monte warehouse, and Special Joint CC /CIC Agenda Item #3 -A 11 -21 -06 Honorable Chair and November 21, 2006 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 2 of 3 a mix of residential and commercial uses along the waterfront (conceptual site plan on file with the Clerk's Office). The realization of the current plan would require a Tidelands Trust land exchange. DISCUSSION Encinal Real Estate, Inc. and their architects, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), will present design concepts for their properties within the Northern Waterfront area to the CIC at tonight's meeting. The presentation will visually represent and discuss design concepts related to proposed open space (i.e., boardwalk and beaches), residential (i.e., canal and beach houses), retail, commercial, and hotel uses, as well as adaptive reuse of the historic Del Monte building (renderings on file with the Clerk's Office). Encinal Real Estate, Inc. has requested that the CIC participate in the implementation of their proposed redevelopment plan generally through (1) support and facilitation of the Tidelands Trust land exchange; and (2) public financing including property tax increment financing. If directed by the CIC tonight, CIC staff will commence exclusive negotiation of a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Encinal Real Estate, Inc. The proposed Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) is on file with the Clerk's Office. BUDGET CONSIDERATION /FISCAL IMPACT This action will not have a financial impact on the General Fund. If an ENA with Encinal Real Estate, Inc. is approved by the CIC, the CIC's cost of conducting these negotiations will be funded by Encinal Real Estate, Inc. through an agreed upon cost recovery budget. POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE • Five -Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Years 2004/05 — 2008/09 Business and Waterfront Improvement Project -- III -2 (B) BWIP Non - Housing Programs — "Facilitation of high priority or publicly sponsored catalyst development projects in the form of financial/ engineering /architectural /environmental analyses, site planning and project development, toxic remediation, land acquisition, etc... . Possible projects include: reuse and /or redevelopment of underutilized sites in the Northern Waterfront ... " (page 8). • Economic Development Strategic Plan (2000) — Strategy #4 — "Create recreational and entertainment facilities that serve residents and employees of local firms as well as business and tourist visitors to the community ... It is vital to provide visual and pedestrian access to the water at all points, and desirable to create nodes of public waterfront activity such as restaurants, boating, water sports competitions, and recreation such as kite flying and bicycling" (page 22). Honorable Chair and November 21, 2006 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION Approve an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement to negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement with Encinal Real Estate, Inc. for relevant properties within the Northern Waterfront redevelopment area. Respectfull mitted, Leslie A. Little Development Services Director By: Dorene E. Soto Manager, Business Development Division Jennifer Ott Development Manager DK/LAL /DES /JO: ry Attachments: 1. Conceptual Site Plan 2. Renderings of Northern Waterfront Design Concepts cc: Peter Wang, Encinal Real Estate, Inc. Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager G: \Comdev \econdev \Jennifer \Northern Waterfront \CIC 11 -14 -06 Norther Waterfront.doc EXHIBIT 1- CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ATTACHMENT 1 ite plan rev.doc G: \econdev \Rosemary \Encinal Real Estate \ENA October 2006 \I0 -16 -06 trans \Exhibit 1 ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: November 21, 2006 To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita Executive Director /City Manager Re: Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and the Community Improvement Commission to Consider the Proposed Sixth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project BACKGROUND On September 21, 2006, the Economic Development Commission endorsed a proposed Sixth Amendment to the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) Community Improvement Plan (CIP) that would update the Plan's land use designations to conform to the City's General Plan as it currently exists and as it may be amended from time to time. The BWIP CIP was adopted in 1991 and has been amended previously a total of five times. On October 23, 2006, the Planning Board found that the proposed Sixth Amendment is consistent with the City's General Plan and recommended the approval of the proposed Sixth Amendment by the City Council and Community Improvement Commission. DISCUSSION The BWIP CIP was adopted in 1991. At that time, the BWIP land use designations were found to be consistent with General Plan land use designations. Currently, there are seven areas within the BWIP with land use designations that are different from the General Plan land use designations. The proposed Sixth Amendment (on file with the City Clerk) updates the current specific land use references in the BWIP CIP to refer to the City of Alameda General Plan as it currently exists and as it may be amended from time to time. The proposed amendment would make the land use designations for those seven areas identical to the General Plan land use designations and would not impact the current allowable uses for those areas. Special Joint CC /CIC Agenda Item #3 -B 11 -21 -06 Honorable Chair and November 21, 2006 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 2 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Section 33457.1 of the Community Redevelopment Law (CRL) requires the CIC to prepare a Report to the City Council that provides information, documentation and evidence to assist the Council in its consideration of the proposed Sixth Amendment and in making the various and necessary findings associated with the adoption of the amendment. The CIC approved and adopted the Report to the City Council and transmitted it to the City Council on October 17, 2006. A supplement to the Report to the City Council, which includes the Planning Board's report and recommendation, is on file with the City Clerk. In addition, an Addendum has been required because of the timing of the Grand Marina General Plan Amendment (Attachment 1). In order to amend the BWIP CIP, CRL provides that there be a joint public hearing of the City Council and the CIC to hear testimony for and against the proposed amendment. The joint public hearing was widely noticed in a newspaper of general circulation for four weeks; and notices were mailed to all property and business owners, tenants and residents in the Project Area. The notices and publication also invited interested parties to a community information meeting, which was held on October 30, 2006. Following the joint public hearing, the final steps in the amendment process are: 1) introduction of the ordinance adopting the amendment (tentatively scheduled for December 5, 2006); and 2) second reading of the ordinance adopting the amendment (tentatively scheduled for January 2, 2007). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed Sixth Amendment is technical in nature and assures continued conformance with the City's General Plan. The proposed Sixth Amendment is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Section 15061.b.3 which states that CEQA only applies to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The land use designations described in the existing CIP provide for a greater range of uses than the current General Plan; therefore, there are no significant effects on the environment because the greater range of uses allowed by the CIP would not be allowed without a future General Plan amendment and related environmental review. Thus, revising the land use designations within the CIP to reflect the General Plan would not result in any environmental effects. As a result, a Notice of Exemption will also be prepared. BUDGET CONSIDERATION /FISCAL IMPACT Tax increment funds were approved in the FY 2006 -07 budget for the CIP amendment. The CIP amendment is expected to cost approximately $41,000. There is no impact on the General Fund. Honorable Chair and November 21, 2006 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 3 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed amendment will change the BWIP CIP so that BWIP land use designations are always consistent with the General Plan, as it currently exists and as it may be amended in the future. RECOMMENDATION Hold a joint public hearing to consider the proposed Sixth Amendment. Respectfully bmitted, Leal' - A . Little Development Services Director By: Dorene E. Soto Manager, Business Development Division By: Rachel Silver Development Manager, Housing DK /LAL /DES /RS:ry Attachment: Addendum to the Report to the City Council Prepared for the Proposed Sixth Amendment to the community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project ADDENDUM TO THE REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL PREPARED FOR THE PROPOSED SIXTH AMENDMENT TO THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR THE BUSINESS AND WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The purpose of the Sixth Amendment is to amend the existing land use references in the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) to refer to the General Plan of the City of Alameda as it currently exists or as it may be amended from time to time. In preparation of the Sixth Amendment differences in land use designations between the Community Improvement Plan and General Plan were identified, including the pending General Plan amendment for the Grand Marina site. These differences in land use designations are described and shown on Map 5 of the Report to the City Council, which was approved by the Community Improvement Commission on October 17, 2006. It was anticipated that the Grand Marina General Plan amendment would be adopted prior to the adoption of the Sixth Amendment. However, on November 14, 2006, the applicant for the Grand Marina General Plan land use amendment requested a continuance in consideration of the Grand Marina General Plan land use amendment until January of 2007. Rather than delay consideration of the Sixth Amendment to a date uncertain, the proposed Grand Marina General Plan land use amendment has been excluded from the Sixth Amendment. With the adoption of the Sixth Amendment all current General Plan land uses will be consistent with the Community Improvement Plan and any future amendment to the City's General Plan will be an automatic change in the Community Improvement Plan. Therefore, if or when the Grand Marina General Plan amendment is approved this amendment will be incorporated in the Community Improvement Plan. Attachment No. 3 to the Sixth Amendment (also Map 6 within the Report to the City Council) entitled "Proposed Redevelopment Plan Map" (attached) has been revised to reflect the existing Commercial Recreation (Marina) and General Industrial land use designations which are consistent with the existing General Plan land use designations for the Grand Marina site. This change does not materially affect the findings presented in the Report to the City Council for the proposed Sixth Amendment to the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project or the Supplement thereto. More specifically, with the exception of the pending Grand Marina General Plan amendment for which a Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared, the remaining land use changes provided by the Sixth Amendment (illustrated on the attached map entitled "Proposed Sixth Amendment Land Use Changes ") are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Action (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3). Therefore, with the exclusion of the pending Grand Marina General Plan amendment the Sixth Amendment is exempt from CEQA. Furthermore, the Planning Commission's findings of consistency between the Sixth Amendment and the City's General Plan are unchanged Special Joint CC /CIC Agenda Item #3 -B 11 -21 -06 Addendum to the Report by the deletion of the references to the pending Grand Marina General Plan land use amendment. The Planning Commission's conformance recommendation allowed for approval of the pending Grand Marina General Plan land use amendment but with its withdrawal from the Sixth Amendment the existing General Plan land uses are referenced with no possible inconsistency between the Sixth Amendment and the General Plan. No other aspects of the Sixth Amendment or Report to the City Council are affected by the exclusion of the Grand Marina General Plan land use amendment from the Sixth Amendment. The Sixth Amendment as modified will allow the City Council and Community Improvement Commission to approve the Sixth Amendment insuring on -going conformance with the General Plan and will allow future consideration of the Grand Marina General Plan Amendment. Attachment No. 3 0 w 0 Legend jjarbo Q BW1P Boundary IIiiiTTTINNN \ Neighborhood Business �,__ %si- glelonAye 4',!';\-7--i I / � \ C, ' I 1 �' milz Dr I; age o(. Community Commercial e ess cn_sl„ f/ Eimarron Dr'-- __ , - -�,rlb /\ ^[/ l 'ny Office rMltlwa oval �� iA{ /,,/ 1 /� jo I Yr LL� Fox Av_ - _ -Tlnke AVe �'* \ 1 �a!P�\ /`PU/ j _ - Business Park .1 Lip /slarduat _ ` Buck ' 1 .I7 : _.._.- ._ I-- sy - \ / _ i U / i Specified Mixed Use r o / gmoltl " IJ �h / \ General Industry __rower Ave - .a.1� d' I i�� / \ v J Trltleril A i { - -- Marine Vlla9 Pk / Public/Institutional/School jal �— { l�I 'Ba nb dge I `1 tl.?e d li eDr -Commercial Recreation a Plane Lagoo `I _ - / Ci)L!S! _�-(� 1 1 a. =Ill lR r s 1 , `� r: -? _ Commercial Recreation All nticq� j f ''. Co T Allan�P Aye -� , -` , i Guard D e Brush sly 651 -- f Weld R var WaY Y 1 i (Marina) CYPres ' _ °' '�` _ ... 11:.;-. / �d� i NE Federal Facilities i 551 i �s1 0�— al 15.p « _1y EagleA I Parks /Public Open Space 4i: m its _ W _ 81. _ B ena VI 1 Ave a ` '• r nY Av I � //W � 1l U ,, I - 1 0 _ .mar _ rn \ - t _ 'Haight Ave �lil �`.I � _ '/ -UL' a cN; -�'- � / \ I wl —_— N� -r rj ��I :.--- v' = iPfG...'�! .c - /'°' of ` •� 1 __ - -_ __ ' Sama Clara Ave J _ y y, y �D E. "Hornet \N. I __ i TaYlargve ' I giii n6 - _ - 1 - _ i >: ,nl y. m - -¢'0 .o % (' r7 d n Rag. /Ue- L. _ v ID' MNI v E. - 65' • . ( j • ' \�I_ _ -- III 1111 m �. ,Taylor Ave m. =I 0/ / ^C /nq _6j/ 0. �� �\ \ 1� • 1 NI i -m - Cenl al A e 1 ,: c m ri �`��yY ii r . mod. . v _ .4w o /ij / _ s� \ /j o n \ m a�' \ �> / , f v v sty - Ro - `-.1 / f / 7i / • \ - O / , c _ ' , )/ T . e. d 'j� j� , - , aY O / r � e � ''/ ebs , a n / v y P o,y .,\m ▪ \ / , � • ,4 s c /S \\\eo/ � h / r / ntl a C P! / f'/ v C ,,, k yyY / \ N U 0.35 0.7 1.4 Miles r o°° /¢ �• ' cP� °/ / v 1 Y j. . JC \ Prepared by: Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Filename: Attachment No. 3 - 11.15.06.ai; cb Medium Density Residential Note: Amendments in "yellow boxes" indicate where General Plan I amendments have been adopted and corresponding BWIP land use Legend Mixed Use amendments are proposed. The numbers refer to the area numbers arbor described in Figure 2 of the Report to City Council. Q BWIP Boundary pnkland Inset �� P tY i / General Plan Land Use • t A _o =lay Ave Low Density Residential �A o\ , 1 %�� Medium Density Residential \ °+ / Neighborhood Business -i -''� I ., rJ aA., • s(�glelo " ^ " =`� `� r c'yr, Community Commercial i _�rpus ChnsblRd 1 • ��flz Dr I , Business Park Cuyr row, / r 1 Office ° Emanon Dry'-- - V /1 /,rnr.a,� L�.r :i, \ _ M�dwaygve �-d — R- ' Conm,ercio! Uses — G +i \FOZA Tin nAv, r/a 13L i r. �_ - . t Business Park i g1 1 6 srard„nP I i MIN cl A e y I_ B �' i l : Specified Mixed Use f I E(i ' I� ((dj�{ iowe'r Ave i _ I a i ay, a .. w� \ m T /N. \ General Industry Tntleritgve - f - - -: MannaVlla9ePk`"Y ,� �/ Public/Institutional/School lai [ _ L . 2I s goo J1\ C'uust ,W ., ,�� ^' Al- II Ave _ Ay C ,� , / 'Liar Recreation ' > Gamd at Commercial 1 a e 1 +d viand (Marina) Wmd River WaY Low Density Residential ' ilia____. I I Federal Facilities _ n e'I -- ... �?,— Eagle Ave l I I - -_' .4.I\-:./Z,'.,' f /oh I Mixed Use a G Parks /Public Open Space i-=- I-- '.I__1 Nj -_ -_ - -_I - . ' �E -N -- - Buena Us,- Ave 'n j, I rn' I �T— I �'ya ar /: cAve Q t ; mLl 3r ° 1 -- '. t `,,// •.. Proposed Use(General Plan) ons`ary A`e ., , i -�--_ . lk,,, .L \ -I-I-°� r ,� r" N/ / 'li L -�r —` 1 Z Parks /Public Open Space 1. I�.- _��9tp't" t r j — ..� _' ` Cto. /ii-;, '',"c-.4'".,/ r e,n„ne C',r (BIM) _�I � Mixed lire 3hlAv: 10 r1 t-',„%- , r y� �4 °0:� _� Taylor AVa -in Nt IL " c I 2: :iN a9r-. ♦\ • Hammel Ave .K_- �, .ti_ ti E y _ r- T I ' W I v w I iapor qua I tl. 1 0 - /" . h / ., ' o' -- �.I ._ . °I Medium Density Residential <' na / / 1 yj -J c m '1.'''''''''/'. y /; Office o — iI Commercial/Residential w y/ ' \ 6 a °�� r -- a 1 / �/ �' Commercial Uses U / , � X, I m I - 3 i -- co - -`,I __ \na /q e :',/,-.% 1 , 3.'-, �� *, !. - a\ /i�1T� i 1 '� I I cl_ - Bangs/ -. oc -.0aaaq � / '` ,...,\ � • �.\ ,0 ii % ,' � //, n'49Ga / /-- r = A Medium Density Residential �' I °°oq 3/� me ' 4/40 , . ",„. y 1; /i /� /+ \J + Commercial/Residential = 1y I/. ,, / /Yyaiy L - �ti / �� i 1 �CHT1den� h a Blird Bagena 3 .., _ yonq Sa `,,,s, e / , -\ kilt- , \� `/ ,t, eq P/ /. mod, / \i de\° \�A / �?'C, a . tL aY O 3i / N r `/4-` a/ �y%�' ` • /C .iii o / n er / Q �� Q° y \,/ /67 GibbonsD 3 h e47 3?�� W i h 44N 77' ;/ N-' / 5K ‘//‘',7. • v 0 0.35 0.7 1.4 Miles ~ t� ' .. anosea ha p/ S� \ / /� , a, „:, . / �� C/4 / GT �c \7 a \a,\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c..„ Joao A / /// / j� / / / A°'Ss�'F / A3"9e� Prepared by: Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Land uses are based on the map titled, "Existing Alameda General Plan Diagram” Filename: Proposed LU Changes - 11.16.06.ai: cb (created in 200 /) which was provided by the City.