2006-11-21 Submittal"Encouraging the everyday use of the bwcvcle al and around Alameda" BIKEALAMEDA PO Box 2732 Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 595 -4690 ww. c.b'ikealameda, orb A 501 C; :i' organization ESTUARY CROSSING CAMPAIGN Our mission is to find effective, economical transportation alternatives across the estuary between Alameda's West End and Oakland, and help get them implemented. View Irom Alameda to lack London Square, one -hall mile away Page 1 of 6 Submitted by Lucy Gigli at the 11 -21 -06 Council Meeting Re: Agenda Item #5 -C "Encouraging the evervdav use of the bicvcle zrr and around Alameda" Status Quo The Estuary Crossing Coalition recognizes that: 1 The Posey Tube /Oakland Connection is identified as the number one priority in the City of Alameda Bicycle Master Plan. 2 Pedestrians and bicyclists are limited to the Posey Tube walkway, which is so narrow that it cannot accommodate wheelchairs, bike trailers; or two passing bikes. 3. Tube capacity is limited and congestion is growing. 4. For this short crossing, bus access is limited and costly; the bus capacity for bicyclists is limited to only two bikes per bus This ,Hakes the service unreliable because the bicyclist may not be accommodated. 5 A ride or walk through the Tube exposes one to sooty walls; smelly; toxic fumes. Page 2 ol 6 PO Box 2732 Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 595 -4690 w w.b'ikealwrneda, org A 501 c; Vii' organization A cyclic' passes a man with a •hopping r,vrt. Note the handlebar scrape marks alnng wall "Encouraging the evervdav use of the bzcvcle zrr and around Alameda" Campaign Goals Short term - Build a large coalition - Help the City of Alameda with a feasibility study for estuary crossing alternatives - fork on Alameda Landing agreement for Estuary Water Shuttle (EWS) Medium term - Secure funding for the estuary water shuttle - 1Vork on other relatively cheap and easy solutions Long term - Implement recommendations of the feasibility study and a permanent solution Page 3 ol 6 PO Box 2732 Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 595 -4690 w w.b'ikealwrneda, org A 501 c; 3' organization "Encouraging the evervdav use of the bicycle zn and around Alameda" bike a • e dl Campaign History and Activities PO Box 2732 Alaiiieda, CA 94501 (510) 595 -4690 w w.b'ikealwweda org A 501 c; 3' organization Bike Alaiiieda members have worked on and off to get improved access between West Alameda and Oakland. (See Alaiiieda Bicycle Master Plan 1999; Alaiiieda Countywide Bike Plan 2001.) Currently the only real options are a substandard walkway in the Posey Tube, and AC Transit bus bike racks. There are significant issues with each of these options. While many agencies and groups recognize the problem, the issue is complex, so finding and implementing solutions has proven very difficult. BikeAlainecla initiated a campaign to concentrate efforts and builcl a coalition of similarly concerned groups. Monthly meetings began in April 2006. We have been busy. Below is a list of some of our activities and accomplishments. April 2006 -Meeting' with groups to share our concerns and build a large coalition that can't be ignored. So far, we've enlisted the support of a number of organizations (see below). May 2006 Meetings with Catellus on Alaiiieda Landing development. Agreement proposes to build a dock and operate a bike and pedestrian water shuttle across the estuary. Sept 2006 Working with the City of Alaiiiecla Public Works Department on grants for feasibility study as identified in Alameda Countywide Bike Plan and Alaiiieda Bicycle Master Plan, Oct 2006 Conducted bicycle and pedestrian counts for the Posey Tube and Park Street Bridge to gather data for future grants. Ak 2006 We've been reviewing Developer Agreements and Master Plans for the Alameda Landing project. Campaign Partners (so fart BikeAlameda (120 iuetiibeis) East Bay Bicycle Coalition (800 inembels) Pedestrian Friendly Alameda (25 menthe's) Northside Neighborhood Network (100 members) Alameda Open Space (50 members) Alameda Point Collaborative (200 residents, 25 employees) Sierra Club (750.000 inembeis) Oakland Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee Alameda Sun Page 4 ol 6 "Encourv%) the evendav use Y' the bkvcle nr and wound Alameda" PO Box 2732 Alameda; CA 94501 (510) 595-4690 www. bike alameda. Ing A 50 1(c.X3' organization perspective E.1,3q flko Pall- Bike Lane City Center 12th Street BART - Old 'Oakland k•L‘c. • 0 CurrenWbe access ‘Y, Ce Lake Merritt BART :47 ...Jack London uare Laney College CaLgina Porh (housing) Alameda Ferry ° • Coast Guard Housing Bayport (housing) Alameda Landing (Mixed use) Oak to 9th Project College of Alameda Page 5 of 6 :r Marina VIII V Shopping 0 r. Marina Village Business Park Webster Street Business District Atlantic Ave "Encouraging the evervdav use of the bicycle zrr and around Alameda" What we need from you: PO Box 2732 Alaiiieda, CA 94501 (510) 595 -4690 www.bikealamedaorg A 501 c; 3' organization JOIN our coalition. When we publicly talk about our campaign and the need for the estuary- water shuttle, we will use the names of those groups in our coalition. 1 Write a letter of support 2 Involve a member on our committee. We currently meet monthly; 3rd Monday of the _Month at Otaez Restaurant, 1414 Webster Street at Lincoln Avenue, at 7PM. 3 Join our discussion list... Send an blank email to; DiscussEstuar'vCr'os sing - subs crib e @bikealarneda. org ...or join our announcements list. Send a blank entail to; AnnounceEstuarnCrossing - subs crib e@bikealarraeda. org Page 6 ol 6 BIKE ALAMEDA COUNTS BICYCLIST AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC AT POSEY TUBE AND PARK STREET BRIDGE BikeAlanieda recently conducted counts of bicyclists and pedestrians traveling between Alameda and Oakland. The numbers suggest that an alternative estuary crossing on Alameda's West End would enable substantially more people to bike or walk, reducing automobile traffic through the tube. While 95 bicyclists and pedestrians used the Posey Tube to cross the estuary, five times as many used the Park Street Bridge. It is not surprising that the Posey Tube count is lower, Although there are many destinations close to the Posey Tube, such as BART's City Center Station and Amtrak, a ride or walk through the tube exposes one to toxic exhaust and excessive noise. Additionally, the walkway, which must support traffic going in both directions, is too narrow to accommodate wheelchairs, bike trailers, or two passing bikes. The high number of trips over the Park Street Bridge underscores the demand for alternatives to biking or walking through the Posey Tube. The City of Alameda Public Works Department, under the direction of Matt Naclerio, will be initiating a feasibility study in 2007 to evaluate the short and long term options for crossing the estuary. Among the many options is a water shuttle. As part of its Alameda Landing project, Prologis/Catellus will be operating a water shuttle on a one year pilot basis. "We are very excited about expanding the range of transportation solutions in the West End," said Bruce Knopf, VP of Development for Prologis/Catellus. In re-viewing the progress BikeAlameda has made in creating awareness of the problems associated with the Posey Tube, President Lucy Gigli said, "We're excited to see that the City of Alameda and Prologis / Catellus share Bike Alameda's vision for a more pleasant way to cross the estuary," BikeAlameda is a non - profit bicycle advocacy group whose mission is to increase bicycle use in and around Alameda. For additional information, please contact: Lucy Gigli, President, BikeAlameda Lucy @b ikea lameda. org 510- 522 -3252 Matt Nacicrio, City of Alameda Public Works Department 510 -749 -5890 Bruce Knopf, Vice President Catellus Development Group, a Prologis Company bknopf @prologis.com Direct Dial 510- 267 -3404 U. S. Mobile 510 -508 -3175