TUESDAY- - JANUARY 16, 2001- -7:30 P.M.
Vice Mayor DeWitt convened the Regular Meeting at 7:35 p.m. The
Cheetah Girls Soccer Team led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend
Craig Windham, Central Baptist Church, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson,
and Kerr - 4.
Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.
(01 -012) Vice Mayor DeWitt requested that Oral Communications be
addressed following the Consent Calendar; and announced that the
Resolution Amending Resolution No. 12567, Establishing the Rules of
Order Governing the Proceedings and Order of Business of City
Council Meetings [paragraph no 01 -034], and the Resolution adopting
the Transit First Policy [paragraph no 01 -037] were removed from
the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar; and approval of hearing Oral Communications after
Council addresses the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.1
(01 -013) Progress Report on H.O.M.E. Project.
Jenna Marsh, Amanda Fenton, Porter Weston and Liz Yosofzay,
H.O.M.E. Project, provided handouts to Council; gave a brief
history of the Community Build Project; invited Council to the
grand opening on March 22; requested Council to: 1) give City
employees 4 hours off to work at the community build, and 2) send
letters to local contractors suggesting they support the project
through donation of labor.
Councilmember Johnson stated progress has been made; encouraged
families to spend the day volunteering.
Councilmember Daysog stated the youth and staff have done a
professional job; inquired about the Charter School project.
Amanda Fenton, H.O.M.E. Project, stated the possibility of forming
a Charter School is being reviewed to continue teaching real world
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Alameda City Council 1
January 16, 2001
skills along with conventional education, without going through the
public school system.
Mike Dunlap, Operating Engineers Local #3, stated there has not
been enough adult public participation; the children have done a
remarkable job; encouraged Council to consider release time for
City employees.
(01 -014) Proclamation Declaring January 30, 2001 through April 4,
2001 as "A Season for Non- Violence ".
Vice Mayor DeWitt read the Proclamation and presented it to Tom
(01 -015) Presentation on "Bienvenidos a la Biblioteca! Welcome to
the Library!" Alameda Free Library Outreach Project for the
Spanish- Speaking Community.
The Library Director and Araceli Quezada, Community Outreach
Liaison, gave a presentation on the Spanish- speaking outreach
(01 -016) Vice Mayor DeWitt requested that the speakers wishing to
address Alameda Hospital Maternity Ward closure under Oral
Communications be heard next; requested the City Manager to clarify
that Council cannot take action on non - agenda items.
The City Manager stated the City Council can: 1) listen to and
receive the information being presented without taking any action;
2) direct the matter to the City Manager's office for review and a
report back to the City Council; or 3) place the matter on a future
Council Agenda for action; further stated no action can be taken on
any requests made by speakers this evening.
(01 -017) Kathleen Valerio, Alameda, stated that she is due with
her second child on February 26th; that she switched her doctor and
medical health plan specifically to come to Alameda [Hospital]; the
announcement of the [Alameda Hospital] maternity ward closure
should have been three to six months prior to closure; invited
Councilmembers to attend a rally on Saturday, January 20th; further
stated that she has suggested revenue generating options, such as
allocating space for day care; however, the Board has not provided
any opportunity for public input.
(01 -018) Harriette Roberts, Alameda, stated all five of her
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January 16, 2001
children were born in Alameda Hospital; there will be no more
Alameda birth certificates; Alameda is an island; the tubes could
be closed and the bridges up; the City should review the matter.
(01 -019) Roxanna Augustine, Alameda Hospital Nurse, discussed the
services provided by the Alameda Hospital maternity ward; stated
six weeks is a short period of time to give notice to staff and
expecting mothers; insurance companies are dictating where people
will have babies; the community was not made aware that the
maternity unit was a financial drain; more advertising could be
done to promote the [maternity] unit.
(01 -020) Cathryn Hicks, Alameda Hospital Nurse, stated that she
agreed with everything stated; although she commutes to Alameda,
she cares about the community.
(01 -021) JoAnn Lucero, Alameda Hospital Nurse, stated that she
agreed with everything stated.
(01 -022) Elizabeth Foster, Alameda Hospital Nurse, stated closing
the unit is a disservice to the community and reflects the overall
decline in health care.
(01 -023) Kevin Reilly, Alameda resident and California Nurses
Association Member, stated Alameda Hospital is not supposed to
operate for profit; other units which are not making money could be
lost over time; the City Council should seek answers to questions
regarding the Hospital finances; the closure is due to market
driven health care; hopefully, physicians are not benefiting from
closure; the [Hospital] Board of Trustees should be questioned;
there will be additional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) costs to
the City; thanked Councilmembers Johnson and Kerr for attending the
(01 -024) Cecelia Wavrick, California Nurses Association, stated
the City Council should take [maternity ward] closure seriously;
there could be a gradual dismantling of the [Alameda] Hospital;
urged Council to attend the rally on Saturday.
(01 -025) Surinda Grewal, Alameda Hospital Nurse, stated mothers
due next month should be permitted to deliver their babies at
Alameda Hospital.
(01 -026) Thomas Quinn, Alameda, stated he is in the Air Force; his
wife is pregnant and due February 3rd, three days after the January
31st cut -off; there are 437 military families in the area; there
will be new housing at the former Naval Air Station; families and
companies might not want to relocate to Alameda if there is not a
full service hospital; the tubes close every night from 9:00 p.m.
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January 16, 2001
to 6:00 a.m. and the bridges go up; some women deliver in half an
(01 -027) Lisa Rich, Alameda, requested Council to try to convince
the [Alameda Hospital] Board of Trustees to reconsider its decision
[to close the Maternity Ward] ; stated there are sentimental and
practical reasons not to close the maternity ward; the unit has
been losing money for several years and previous administrators did
not believe closing the unit was a good idea; the population of
Alameda is growing, not shrinking; there will be new development at
Alameda Point; as the [former] Base is redeveloped, the need for a
maternity ward will increase.
(01 -028) David O'Neill, Chief Executive Officer, Alameda Hospital,
stated the Board of Trustees' decision to close the Hospital's
maternity service effective January 31, 2001 was painful; six years
of the past eleven years, less than one baby was born per day at
Alameda Hospital; the most recent County statistics, from 1998,
indicate there were approximately 800 babies born to Alameda
residents, and 2 out of 3 Alameda residents delivered their babies
outside of Alameda; last year, there were only 267 births at
Alameda Hospital; there are not enough births at Alameda Hospital
to maintain an economically viable maternity service; the maternity
service has operated with significant losses for several years; in
2000, the loss was approximately $885,000 on direct costs alone; in
the past, the Hospital was able to subsidize losses, but to remain
economically viable, can no longer do so; the Hospital lost money
in 1999 and 2000; physicians presently using Alameda Hospital plan
to continue providing pre- natal, maternity and pediatric care to
the community; arrangements have been made with Alta Bates and
Summit [Hospitals] regarding the care of maternity patients;
Alameda Hospital will continue to provide a range of women health
services, as well as other services essential to the community,
e.g. emergency care, surgery, acute in- patient care, and diagnostic
(01 -029) Councilmember Kerr requested the City Manager to explore
options available to the City Council, determine if there is any
action which can be taken, and report back to Council.
(01 -030) Councilmember Daysog requested that the Regular Agenda
precede the two items which were removed from Consent Calendar for
(01 -031) Public Hearing to consider a Call for Review of the
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January 16, 2001
Planning Board's approval of Use Permit UP -00 -29 to renew and amend
a previous Interim Use Permit for athletic fields to be used 9:00
a.m. to dusk, seven days a week, except that the last game may not
start after 5:00 p.m., and related Resolution. The property is
located at 1951 Main Street, Alameda Point, within the M -2(G)
General Industrial /Special Government Combining Zoning District.
Applicant: City of Alameda. Call for Review: Councilmember Kerr.
(01 -031A) Resolution No. 13309, "Sustaining the Planning Board
Approval of Use Permit UP- 00 -29, and Amending Use Permit UP- 95 -19,
1951 Main Street, Alameda Point, for Athletic Fields for City of
Alameda Recreation and Park Department and Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority." Adopted.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she called the matter for review
because issues need to be discussed; problems could have been
avoided if [City] staff had not dropped implementation of the Inner
Harbor Interim Leasing Committee; the Planning Board approved
formation of said Committee in May, 1999 after staff attempted to
move in a sea -going container operation; activities in the area,
including the soccer field, were supposed to be sent to the
Committee; the Committee could have been a forum for interested
groups to discuss issues in an on -going basis; Woodstock neighbors
have provided a compromise offer on the Use Permit; the soccer
people have ideas on noise mitigation; the two groups are willing
to work together and should have had the forum to do so; soccer
speakers should expand on noise mitigation ideas; the neighborhood
should comment on Use Permit compromises; in April, 1999 the
Recreation and Park Department sent a letter to Woodstock neighbors
memorializing an agreement between soccer players and the
neighborhood; the neighbors agreed to drop opposition to Use Permit
extension because of the settlement reached on playing times and
days; the two groups came to an agreement; seven months later, the
neighbors received three days notice that the matter was going to
the Planning Board, and staff was suggesting that the agreement be
overturned; the finding that there is no noise impact has been made
without any measurement effort; sound reflection from Building 360
should be settled objectively; measurements should be taken.
The City Manager stated staff would address the Inner Harbor
Interim Leasing Committee following the public testimony.
Vice Mayor DeWitt announced that due to the large volume of
speakers, each speaker would be limited to two minutes; opened the
public portion of the Hearing.
Proponents (In favor of Use Permit):
Horst Breuer, Planning Board;
Dan Shaw, Alameda Soccer Club;
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January 16, 2001
Nino Borsoni, Alameda Soccer Club;
Chris Murray, Jack London Soccer League;
Joe Mariscal, Encinal High School;
John Platt, Encinal Junior Varsity Soccer Team;
Elizabeth Murray, Alameda Soccer League Player;
Ron Matthews, Alameda Little League;
Ashley Wilson, Alameda Soccer League Player;
Arianna Borsoni, Alameda Soccer League Player;
Susan Serrventi, Alameda;
Al Mullendore, Alameda;
Jay Taylor, Alameda Soccer Club;
Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Alameda; and
Lil Arnerich, former Councilmember.
Opponents (Opposed to Use Permit):
Jon Spangler, Alameda;
Jennifer Calderon, Alameda;
Al Claderon, Alameda; [wife, Jennifer Calderon, commented on his
Kathleen Jensen, Alameda;
Jean Sweeney, Alameda;
Jim Sweeney, Alameda; and
Jenny Curtis, Alameda.
There being no further speakers, Vice Mayor DeWitt closed the
public portion of the Hearing.
The Assistant City Manager, Community and Economic Development,
stated the Inner Harbor Planning Committee was initiated by the
Planning Board in mid -1999, however, formation was not completed;
the Committee has not met because the Planner assigned to staff the
Committee left; due to the tight labor market, the City has been
unsuccessful in replacing the Planning Department employee; there
have been multiple recruitments; workload has expanded; the
Planning Director and staff were unable to get all of the workload
for the last 18 months executed; certain tasks had to be deferred;
City staff supporting the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
(ARRA) leasing program were directed not to initiate additional
leases for new uses with outdoor impact in the southeast portion of
Alameda Point; the only items which have come to the Planning Board
are extensions of existing uses; further stated the area noticed
has been expanded to beyond 300 feet for all uses in the southeast
portion of Alameda Point.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether a school was leasing the field
which is enclosed on three sides by the Bachelors' Enlisted
The Assistant City Manager, Community and Economic Development
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responded in the affirmative; stated the lease is year -to -year.
Councilmember Kerr stated Council and ARRA could review leasing out
play space [to agencies outside of Alameda] when Alameda children
are in need of play space; the Inner Harbor Interim Leasing
Committee is a matter of setting priorities; projects, such as
Kaufman & Broad (Marina Cove), moved forward without Kaufman &
Broad owning the land; planning committees which would provide an
opportunity for neighbors to work out problems are not being
implemented; neighborhood input is important.
Vice Mayor DeWitt requested the Planning Director to explain the
Use Permit.
The Planning Director stated the Planning Board approved the use of
the field for athletic use, not limited to soccer, starting at 9:00
a.m. with the last organized sports game not commencing after 5:00
p.m.; the Applicant, the City's Recreation and Park Department, is
required to identify eight weeks to recondition the field each
year, which would provide a quiet period for neighbors.
Councilmember Kerr stated speaker Jenny Curtis suggested a
compromise to extend the Use Permit to December 1, 2002, which
would allow children to finish the fall schedule next year; the
City should provide an expert acoustical study of the entire field
topography and the impact of Building 360; there should be a sound
Councilmember Kerr further stated [moved that] the City should
extend the Use Permit for two years; during said period, the City
should measure the sound and come up with plans, which would
probably include planting, to mitigate sound from the soccer field.
Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether Councilmember Kerr was making a
Councilmember Kerr responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether there was a second to the
Councilmember Johnson stated there are over 1,300 children and 100
coaches in the [soccer] program; the field is further from homes
than other fields in Alameda, e.g. Rittler Park, Woodstock Park,
Thompson Field, Tillman Park, Doc Harrington Park, Lincoln School,
Lincoln Park, Krusi Park, Godfrey Park, and Franklin Park; on the
City's waterfront access trails, people walk right behind
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January 16, 2001
residential backyards; impacts are mitigated to the best extent
possible; other parks, e.g. Leydecker, have lights and games which
go as late as 10:00 p.m.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Use Permit as approved
by the Planning Board [adoption of the Resolution Sustaining the
Planning Board Approval of Use Permit UP- 00 -29, and Amending Use
Permit UP- 95 -19, 1951 Main Street, Alameda Point, for Athletic
Fields for City of Alameda Recreation and Park Department and
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority].
Councilmember Daysog stated the noise problem seems to be parents
getting excited; rather than an acoustical study, the Recreation
and Park Director should make recommendations on how the adults can
temper themselves during games; the space should be reserved for
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether Councilmember
Daysog was amending the motion to include that the Recreation and
Park Director should work on the noise problem with the neighbors
and parents.
Councilmember Daysog responded his request did not need to be
included in the motion; stated that he is requesting the Recreation
and Park Director to review the behavior of parents and provide
recommendations, e.g. larger signage.
The City Manager stated staff will follow through and work with the
neighbors and soccer club.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt and Johnson - 3.
Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1. Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.
(01 -032) Ordinance No. 2852, "Approving and Authorizing the
Execution of an Easement Between the United States of America,
Acting By and Through the United States Coast Guard, Commander,
Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific, as Grantee, and the City
of Alameda, as Grantor, for the Purposes of Constructing, Using,
Operating, Maintaining, Repairing, Replacing, Restoring, and
Reconstructing a Causeway for Access to Coast Guard Island."
Finally passed; and
(01 -032A) Resolution No. 13310,
for the Granting of an Easement
Existing Bridge to Coast Guard
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January 16, 2001
"Adopting a Negative Declaration
Related to the Replacement of the
Island." Adopted.
Councilmember Kerr moved final passage of the Ordinance.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.]
The Planning Director stated Council must complete environmental
review and adopt the Resolution to grant the Negative Declaration
for the Coast Guard Island Bridge.
Councilmember Kerr moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.]
[See Agenda Changes Paragraph No. 01 -012 for the motion to accept
the Consent Calendar.]
( *01 -033) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on December 19, 2000 and January 2, 2001. Approved.
(01 -034) Resolution No. 13304, "Amending Resolution No. 12567,
Establishing the Rules of Order Governing the Proceedings and Order
of Business of City Council Meetings by Repealing Section 1(c) of
the City Council Rules of Order." Adopted.
Councilmember Kerr stated that when a matter is appealed or called
for review, Councilmembers cannot discuss the issue; said rule has
limited Councilmembers' ability to obtain information; now,
Councilmembers will be able to discuss matters with people
involved, educate themselves, and even bring people together.
Councilmember Kerr moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.]
( *01 -035) Resolution No. 13305, "Authorizing Application for a
Transportation Community and System Preservation Grant for Smart -
Growth Transportation Implementation Plan Integrating Military
Reuse and Community and Development Conversion Strategies."
( *01 -036) Resolution No. 13306, "Authorizing the City Manager to
Negotiate in the Open Market and Execute a Contract Pursuant to
Section 3 -15 of the City Charter for Annual Sewer Point Repairs and
Asphalt Concrete Pavement Replacement, No. P.W. 09- 00 -12."
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January 16, 2001
(01 -037) Resolution No. 13307, "Adopting the Transit First Policy
for the City of Alameda." Adopted.
Jon Spangler, Alameda Transit Advocates, stated the General Plan
Update should include a strong transit first element.
Councilmember Daysog requested information on the process for the
elimination of bus stops; inquired whether the decision would be
made by the City Council.
Vice Mayor DeWitt responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Daysog stated that he did not need a response
tonight; that he would like an understanding of the theory on
elimination of bus stops.
The City Manager inquired whether Councilmember Daysog would like a
report on the matter.
Councilmember Daysog responded that he would e -mail his questions
[to staff] to focus the Report.
Vice Mayor DeWitt stated public hearings are being held on the
elimination of bus stops.
The Deputy Public Works Director stated the matter was heard at the
January Public Transit Committee (PTC) Meeting and was held over to
the February PTC Meeting; the PTC's recommendation will go to the
Transportation Advisory Committee, then to Council for final
Councilmember Johnson stated notices have been placed at bus stops
and on buses; there has been a significant amount of public
comment; suggested the City's consultant contact Councilmember
Councilmember Daysog moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.]
( *01 -038) Resolution No. 13308, "Resolution of Intention to Approve
an Amendment to Contract Between the Board of Administration of the
California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council
of the City of Alameda." Adopted; and
( *01 -038A) Introduction of Ordinance Authorizing Amendment to
Contract Between the Board of Administration of the California
Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council of the
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January 16, 2001
City of Alameda. Introduced.
( *01 -039) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,358,215.09.
(01 -040) Councilmember Kerr stated that she attended a League of
California Cities (LOCO) conference last week; a court ruling on
Proposition 13 gave the State control of the distribution of
property taxes; the State shifted a great amount of property taxes
to schools, which is known as the ERAF shift; the City of Alameda
loses $3.5 Million every year due to the ERAF shift; the LOCO is
discussing a [State] Constitutional Amendment in two years to
return the control of property taxes to cities; currently, the City
of Alameda only keep 260 of property taxes outside of redevelopment
areas; further stated the voters passed a [State] Constitutional
Amendment that Vehicle License Fees would go almost entirely to
local jurisdictions; [State] elected officials reducing the Vehicle
License Fee actually enforced a tax cut to cities; urged residents
to support the movement to give local control back to the City.
(01 -041) Vice Mayor DeWitt announced that at the request of the
Applicant, the Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning
Board's denial of revisions to the Wienerschnitzel project at 1700
Webster Street was re- scheduled for the Regular Council Meeting of
February 20, 2001.
(01 -042) Vice Mayor DeWitt announced that the Mayor was not
present because he was attending the U.S. Conference of Mayors' in
Washington D.C.
There being no further business, Vice Mayor DeWitt adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 10:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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January 16, 2001