TUESDAY - - JUNE 5, 2001 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Appezzato convened the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Councilmember Kerr led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Jack
Buckley, First Presbyterian Church, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson,
Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5.
Absent: None.
(01 -260) Mayor Appezzato announced that the Council Communications
Item regarding a Joint Meeting between the City of Alameda and City
of Oakland Councils [paragraph no. 01 -283] would not be heard.
(01 -261) Proclamation recognizing Gay Pride Month and the Gay and
Lesbian Community of Alameda.
Mayor Appezzato read the proclamation and presented it to Jim
Franz, Social Service Human Relations Board; and requested Mr.
Franz share the proclamation with members of the community.
(01 -262) Presentation by the Chief of Police recognizing Emily R.
Schultheis for her efforts to raise funding for the purchase of
ballistic vests for the Police Department's K -9 "Officers."
The Chief of Police presented a Certificate of Appreciation to
Emily Schulteis for demonstrating civic pride and dedication to the
Alameda Police Department K -9 Unit.
The Chief of Police outlined Miss Schulteis' fund raising efforts;
stated over $3,000 was raised for the purchase three vests for
Police service dogs; introduced the Police Department K -9 unit.
Sergeant Dwyer presented Miss Schulteis with tickets to Great
America and acknowledged Miss Schulteis' mother, Cathy.
Mayor Appezzato stated Miss Schulteis sets an example for members
of the community.
Emily Schulteis introduced her family; thanked everyone for helping
with the "Protect Our Pups" Project.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
June 5, 2001
Mayor Appezzato requested a Proclamation declaring a day or week in
honor of Miss Schulteis be placed on an upcoming Council Agenda.
(01 -263) Proclamation declaring June 1 through June 10, 2001, as
"Affordable Housing Week."
Mayor Appezzato read the proclamation and presented it to Gregg
Fujita and Robert Kemp, Alameda Development Corporation (ADC);
David Mercado, Housing Commission; Jack Shepard and Jim Franz,
Alameda Point Collaborative; Lisa Motoyama, East Bay Housing
Organization (EBHO); and Peggy Doherty, Renewed HOPE and EBHO.
Gregg Fujita, ADC, stated ADC is looking forward to its first
ground breaking ceremony in the near future.
David Mercado, Housing Commission, stated the Housing Authority
created three new homeownership units at the corner of Santa Clara
Avenue and Walnut Avenue.
Councilmember Kerr stated the Housing Authority is responsible for
providing almost all assisted housing in Alameda and supervising
over 1,300 Section 8 Certificates in the City.
Mayor Appezzato noted the Housing Authority has won awards from HUD
[Housing and Urban Development].
Councilmember Johnson stated a survey indicated Housing Authority
tenants have high satisfaction levels.
Jim Franz, Alameda Point Collaborative, stated the Collaborative is
composed of many County -wide organizations and provides housing in
Alameda; by the end of the year, there will be over 200 families,
including Veterans, living at Alameda Point.
Jack Shepard, Alameda Point Collaborative Interim Executive
Director, stated that he looks forward to working with the City to
make the Collaborative and the [former Navy] Base a success.
Lisa Motoyama, EBHO Board Member, thanked the City Council and
Mayor for recognizing EBHO's efforts in Alameda.
Peggy Doherty, EBHO, presented Council with EBHO's publication
entitled "Healthy Communities Build Affordable Housing;" stated
Alameda faces formidable challenges to meet housing goals; that she
attended a recent workshop on the Housing Element [of the General
Plan]; citizens are providing quality suggestions.
Mayor Appezzato suggested Alameda Development Corporation submit
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 2
June 5, 2001
photographs of its project for inclusion in EBHO's publication next
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote -5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *01 -264) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on May 15, 2001. Approved.
( *01 -265) Recommendation to allocate additional funds for the
construction of the Naval Air Station Alameda Replacement
Wastewater Interceptor System Project - Phase 3 Pump Station No. 1
Rehabilitation Project. Accepted.
( *01 -266) Recommendation to approve an Agreement between the City
of Alameda and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority regarding
Payments In Lieu of the Application of the Citywide Development
Impact Fee. Accepted.
( *01 -267) Resolution No. 13339, "Authorizing Open Market Purchase
from Tiburon, Inc., Pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the Alameda City
Charter for Purchase of Servers and Software Upgrades for the
Police Department Computer Upgrade (Requires four (4) affirmative
votes) and by motion, authorize the execution of a Contract with
Tiburon, Inc." Adopted.
( *01 -268) Resolution No. 13340, "Approving and Adopting the Final
Overall Annual
Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and Established
DBE Goal of loo for Federal Fiscal Year 2000 -01."
( *01 -269) Ratified Bills in the amount of $2,368,543.65.
(01 -270) Public Hearing to consider Adoption of Resolution
Confirming the Business Improvement Area Report for FY 2001 -02 and
Levying an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement
Area of the City of Alameda for FY 2001 -02.
(01 -270A) Resolution No. 13341, "Confirming the Business
Improvement Area Report for FY 2001 -02 and Levying an Annual
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 3
June 5, 2001
Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of
Alameda for FY 2001 -02." Adopted.
Mayor Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing.
Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public
portion of the Hearing.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(01 -271) Final Passage of Ordinance No. 2859, "Amending the
Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing the Existing Article 27 -1 and
Adding a New Article 27 -1 (Affordable Housing Unit /Fee
Requirements) to Chapter XXVII (Development Fees)." Finally
Vice Mayor DeWitt moved final passage of Ordinance.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous vote vote - 5.
(01 -272) Bob Woods, BMX Riders Organization and Alameda resident,
stated the City of Santa Clarita's Public Skate Park has allowed a
trial period for bicycle riders [to use skate park]; the trial
period has gone well; on June 12, the Santa Clarita City Council
will vote on whether the use will be allowed permanently; in
Oregon, bicycle riders are permitted to use a skate park during
separate times [than skateboards]; in Utah, a new skate park
permits bicycle riders all day on Mondays and Wednesdays; other
areas in the State and country are allowing bicycles in skate
parks; information could not be given to him from the City Attorney
because it fell under Client - Attorney privilege; the matter will be
addressed at the next Recreation and Park Commission meeting;
bicycle riders helped build the Skate Park and are being denied
access and ticketed for using the Skate Park.
Mayor Appezzato requested the City Manager to take the matter under
Councilmember Kerr stated that when the Skate Park came before the
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 4
June 5, 2001
Council, legal issues were discussed openly, e.g. insurance
problems; there is not a big secret; the discussion is in the
Minutes, which are available to the public.
The City Attorney stated extensive information has been provided to
the Recreation and Park Department and is available to anyone who
requests it; the BMX Bicycle people asked for a copy of a
confidential Attorney- Client privileged memorandum, which was the
only document that was not produced.
Councilmember Daysog noted the City of Piedmont will be allowing
bikes in its skateboard park; suggested Mr. Woods review a recent
newspaper article on the matter.
(01 -273) Mayor Appezzato stated Mr. [Alan] Burfford submitted a
letter regarding the sale of lethal weapons to children, including
crossbows; Mr. Burfford's children bought and used a crossbow which
penetrated a board; Mr. Burfford is concerned about potentially
lethal crossbows and bb guns; requested the City Manager to have
staff contact Mr. Burfford and inform him the City is looking into
the matter to determine ramifications.
(01 -274) Mayor Appezzato stated that he received a number of phone
calls and letters regarding dioxin and requested the City Manager
to provide as much information as possible; the issue is being
dealt with by the City of Oakland, the Bay Area Air Quality
District, the Board of Supervisors and the federal government;
unions and jobs are involved; the issue is complicated; requested
the City Manager review information and bring a Proclamation to
Council, if appropriate.
(01 -275) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to
the Civil Service Board.
Mayor Appezzato announced that he would hold over his nomination
for the Civil Service Board.
(01 -276) Consideration of Mayor's nominations (3) for appointment
to the Historical Advisory Board. [2 Member -at -Large Seats and 1
Seat to be represented by a Landscape Architect, Architect or
Building Designer]
Mayor Appezzato nominated Nancy Gill, Member -at- Large; Jerry
Jacopetti, Member -at- Large; and Dian McPherson, Registered
Landscape Architect, Architect or Building Designer for
reappointment to the Historical Advisory Board.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 5
June 5, 2001
(01 -277) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to
the Housing and Building Code Hearing and Appeals Board. [Partial
term expiring June 30, 2004.]
Mayor Appezzato announced that he would hold over his nomination
for the Housing and Building Code Hearing and Appeals Board.
(01 -278) Consideration of Mayor's nominations (2) for appointment
to the Housing Commission. [1 Member -at -large Seat and 1 Senior
Tenant Seat]
Mayor Appezzato nominated Ed W. Flanagan, Senior Tenant, for
appointment to the Housing Commission and announced that he would
hold over his nomination for the Member -at -Large Seat.
(01 -279) Consideration of Mayor's nominations (2) for appointment
to the Library Board.
Mayor Appezzato nominated Dr. Alan D. Mitchell for appointment to
the Library Board and announced that he would hold over the other
Library Board nomination.
(01 -280) Consideration of Mayor's nominations (4) for appointment
to the Planning Board. [1 Seat for partial term expiring June 30,
Mayor Appezzato nominated Gary W. Bard, John A. Piziali and Ronald
Rossi for reappointment to the Planning Board and announced that he
would hold over the other Planning Board nomination.
(01 -281) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to
the Public Utilities Board.
Mayor Appezzato nominated Sebastian M. Baldassarre for
reappointment to the Public Utilities Board.
(01 -282) Consideration of Mayor's nominations (3) for appointment
to the Social Service Human Relations Board.
Mayor Appezzato nominated Edwin G. Dankworth and Kenneth P. Werner
for reappointment to the Social Service Human Relations Board
(SSHRB) and announced that he would hold over the other SSHRB
(01 -283) Consideration of Joint Meeting between the City of
Alameda and City of Oakland Councils to review major development
projects and transportation initiatives in the two cities.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 6
June 5, 2001
(Councilmember Daysog) Not heard.
(01 -284) Vice Mayor DeWitt congratulated the Encinal Baseball Team
and staff for becoming the North Coast Section Champions on
Saturday [June 21.
(01 -285) Councilmember Kerr stated the Mitigated Negative
Declaration for the Tinker Avenue Extension Project is available;
the deadline for submitting public comment to the Planning
Department is July 2; many people have attended meetings over the
past two years on the matter; the public comment period is for the
environmental concerns, not the project itself.
(01 -286) Councilmember Johnson stated the Park Street Crawl takes
place on July 4; requested an Off Agenda Report on the matter;
stated last year after Council received complaints about the
unofficial event, the Police Department was requested to prepare a
plan on how to handle the matter.
The City Manager stated the Police and Fire Departments are working
with the Park Street Business Association to ensure the unofficial
activity is handled.
Mayor Appezzato inquired whether a flyer could be distributed to
all the bars outlining: 1) public drunkenness is not acceptable; 2)
underage drinking is not acceptable; and 3) disorderly conduct is
not acceptable.
(01 -287) Mayor Appezzato announced that last Saturday there was a
Main Street Park dedication ceremony; stated the over $5 Million
project improved the flood plain, created a couple of miles of bike
path and protected some animal species, e.g. ducks; not one
environmental- or bike group representative attended the
dedication; the project will benefit the community for many years.
There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 7
June 5, 2001