2001-06-19 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY - - JUNE 19, 2001 - - 7:30 P.M. Mayor Appezzato convened the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (01 -290) Presentation on the Status of Meningitis in Alameda County by Dr. Rosilyn Ryals, Alameda County Public Health Department. [Councilmember Daysog] Dr. Ryals provided a handout to Council; outlined symptoms of the disease; stated medicines are available to eradicate the carrying of the organism in the nasal pharynx; people with the established disease must be admitted to the hospital for treatment; the disease has a loo mortality rate; the incubation period is one to ten days; there are five different groups of the same bacteria that cause infection in humans; the vaccine covers all but one of the five groups; in Alameda County excluding Berkeley, there were 20 cases in the year 2000 and 12 cases to date in 2001; persons with symptoms should visit an emergency room. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether anyone in Alameda has been involved in the cases, to which Dr. Ryals responded in the negative. Mayor Appezzato stated the message being sent is if people feel bad, get to a doctor. Councilmember Daysog stated there are higher rates [of people with the disease] outside of the Country; inquired when individuals should get a vaccination prior to leaving on a trip elsewhere. Dr. Ryals responded vaccines should be received one month prior to leaving [abroad]; stated that due to a recent case, the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta released a recommendation for persons traveling on airplanes longer than eight hours. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the rate has gone up. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 June 19, 2001 Dr. Ryals responded there does not seem to be an increase; the rate is variable, e.g. there were 16 cases in 1999 and 32 cases in 1997. Councilmember Johnson noted the Alameda Unified School District has made an effort to educate children. Dr. Ryals stated education allays unreasonable concerns. (01 -291) Mayor Appezzato stated most people probably know Trader Joe's might locate in Alameda; the City has been working on the matter for a couple of years; Trader Joe's is going through the City's application process. (01 -292) Mayor Appezzato announced Alameda County Supervisor Alice Lai - Bitker held a redistricting hearing in the Alameda Council Chambers last week; stated that he and Councilmember Daysog spoke at said hearing; the message they sent was Alameda should remain whole and not be split in the redistricting; the City is split with two representatives on the County Board of Education; he and Councilmember Daysog requested that the City have one [County Board of Education] representative; there will be additional hearings; he and other Councilmembers will attend to make a case for Alameda remaining a united City with one County Supervisor. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Appezzato announced that authorization for Harbor Bay Maritime to extend the Term of the East End Ferry Service Contract [paragraph no. 01 -295]; the Resolution Endorsing and Joining in Building a Consensus on a New Shared Vision [paragraph no. 01 -308] and the Resolution Adopting a Traffic Capacity Management Program [paragraph no. 01 -3101 were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number] ( *01 -293) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Meeting held on April 17, 2001; the Special City Council Meeting held on May 25, 2001; and the Special and Regular City Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 June 19, 2001 Council Meetings held on June 5, 2001. Approved. ( *01 -294) Recommendation to award Contract for Publishing of Legal Advertisements for Fiscal Year 2001 -02. Accepted. (01 -295) Recommendation to authorize Harbor Bay Maritime to exercise its Option to extend the Term of the East End Ferry Service Contract from July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002; to authorize the City Manager to execute an Amendment to the Agreement for the One -Year Extension; to allocate Traffic Improvement Funds for Operating Subsidy and to authorize Fare Increase. Accepted. Councilmember Kerr stated Council authorized better public relations and advertising when voting to raise fares in the past; one of the most effective notifications of the ferry service is the television program "Mornings on 2;" the program covers the Golden Gate Ferry and does not include the Alameda Oakland Ferry Service; requested staff to find a way to have notification on said program. Mayor Appezzato concurred with said suggestion; requested the City Manager to have staff address the matter. Councilmember Kerr stated there will be an investigation on why the ridership on the Alameda Oakland Ferry was falling, while the ridership on the East End ferry was increasing; the ridership increased on the ferry which had lower fares; now the fare will be equal; before spending money [to investigate matter], staff should see if ridership returns to the way it was. Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Johnson stated the City should review the issue of the ridership decline on the West End Ferry without spending a lot of money; most people would not drive across town for a quarter; the East End Ferry has been engaged in a publicity campaign that extended to San Leandro, which may have been a reason for part of the increase in ridership. Councilmember Kerr noted the shift [in ridership] has occurred since there was a disparity in the fares. Councilmember Johnson noted the publicity campaign was fairly recent; Councilmember Kerr might have a valid point. Mayor Appezzato stated the ferries have free parking; parking at BART stations can cost $5.00 a day; to travel one station on BART, e.g. from West Oakland to Embarcadero, costs $4.10; parking and Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 June 19, 2001 traveling one BART station costs more than riding the ferry, which is $7.00 or $8.00 round -trip for commuters; requested an Off Agenda Report comparing the cost of riding the ferry and BART. Councilmember Johnson stated there should not be competition between the two ferries, rather both ferries should compete with other transit providers. Mayor Appezzato stated the completion of the Cross Airport Roadway should increase the ridership on the East End ferry; the Metropolitan Transportation Commission voted to approve the 20 and 5% set aside of bridge toll funds for ferry services. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *01 -296) Recommendation to accept the work of Granite Construction Company for Main Street Improvements and Greenway Project, No. P.W. 05- 98 -09. Accepted. ( *01 -297) Recommendation to accept the work of West Coast Contractors, Inc. for Alameda Point Building 11 and 400A, Phase II Shell Improvements Project, No. P.W. 08- 00 -11. Accepted. ( *01 -298) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and authorize Call for Bids for Phase 22, Resurfacing of Certain Streets and Park Pathway Repairs, No. P.W. 04- 01 -11. Accepted. ( *01 -299) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of $270,000 to J.W. Riley & Sons, Inc. for the Fiscal Year 2001 -02 Repair of Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter and Driveway, No. P.W. 02- 01 -05. Accepted. ( *01 -300) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of $97,917 to TruGreen LandCare for Pruning Trees within the City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2002, No. P.W. 03- 01 -06. Accepted. ( *01 -301) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of $120,427 to Phoenix Programs, Inc. for Landscape Maintenance of Median Strips and Special Areas for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2002, No. P.W. 03- 01 -07. Accepted. ( *01 -302) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of $55,045 to Action Maintenance Systems for Janitorial Services in Various City Buildings located in Alameda, California for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2002, No. P.W. 03- 01 -08. Accepted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 June 19, 2001 ( *01 -303) Recommendation to accept Annual Submittal of the City of Alameda's Investment Policy. Accepted. ( *01 -304) Recommendation to accept the Tenth Annual Report on Implementation of the Housing Element. Accepted. ( *01 -305) Recommendation to confirm a new West Alameda Business Association Representative to the Northern Waterfront Specific Plan Advisory Committee. Accepted. ( *01 -306) Recommendation to endorse City of Alameda Legislative Policy Positions and authorize the City Manager to direct the preparation of Letters of Support or Opposition consistent to Stated Policies. Accepted. ( *01 -307) Resolution No. 13342, "Amending Conflict of Interest Code by Amending Paragraph Two of Resolution No. 9460 Relative to Disclosure Positions and Disclosure Categories and Rescinding Resolution No. 13240." Adopted. (01 -308) Resolution No. 13343, "Adoption of Resolution Endorsing and Joining in Building a Consensus on a New Shared Vision Through the Development and Adoption of the Draft Compact for a Sustainable Bay Area." Adopted. Councilmember Kerr stated the document [Draft Compact] has 23 pages of policies; said policies were established because cities surrounded by open space were looking for ways to expand within their boundaries; the Draft Compact does not fit Alameda, because the water is a natural, built -in constraint; Planning Board actions will include certain findings can be made based upon the policies [Draft Compact] adopted by the City Council; future City Councils should not be burdened with 23 pages of policies that are not necessary; the policies include language that is anti - Measure A [1973]; that she is concerned about language regarding shared revenues between cities; many policies seem good on the surface, however, so do ABAG [Association of Bay Area Governments] housing allocations; that she will not support the staff recommendation. Mayor Appezzato stated the Planning Board unanimously approved the policies; listed other agencies which support the policies; stated that he will support the staff recommendation. Councilmember Daysog stated sprawl, e.g. in Livermore or Pinole, seems far away, however, it impacts Alameda; sharing revenues between cities is included [in the Draft Compact] because cities are competing with each other for sales tax generators; cities need Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 June 19, 2001 to begin to work cooperatively; there should be better regional planning; it is great that the common plan [Draft Compact] includes everyone and is flexible enough to accommodate the peculiarities and uniqueness of cities such as Alameda. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Appezzato stated Alameda needs to act regionally; the document encompasses issues that effect Alameda and other cities. Vice Mayor DeWitt stated the City should participate in regional activities or it will lose out. Councilmember Johnson stated other communities impact Alameda, e.g. regional development causes traffic on freeways; Alameda is already dealing with many of the issues [included in the Draft Compact]. Councilmember Kerr stated that she objects to burdening future City Councils with 23 pages of policies; the City has an Agreement, possibly through EDAB [Economic Development Advisory Board], in which cities agree not to steal each others' big box sales tax producers; the concept of having a regional agency telling Alameda how to share revenue is scary; selfish voting occurs at ABAG; language [in the Draft Compact] could be used to support killing Measure A [1973]. Mayor Appezzato read some of the policies; stated great points are included in the policies. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Dewitt, Johnson, and Mayor Appezzato - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1. ( *01 -309) Resolution Reimbursement of Per Travel." Adopted. No. 13344, "Establishing Guidelines for Diem Allowance for City of Alameda Business (01 -310) Resolution No. 13345, "Adoption of Resolution Adopting a Traffic Capacity Management Program to Mitigate Cumulative Traffic Impacts from Development West of Grand Street on the Webster and Posey Tubes." Adopted. Mayor Appezzato announced staff would provide a brief presentation. The Public Works Director stated the Webster and Posey Tubes are Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 June 19, 2001 critical ingress and egress links into the western portion of Alameda; the idea of managing traffic for the Webster and Posey Tubes was initially identified in the Naval Air Station Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and was carried into the Catellus EIR; Transportation Mitigation Measure T/C 19b of the Catellus EIR requires the Tubes not to exceed capacity and provides for the management of traffic capacity; the Resolution before Council provides a mechanism to manage traffic capacity and allows future development while there is capacity in the Tubes; all development west of Grand Street is required to provide a traffic study; Transportation System Management and Transportation Demand Management Measures suggest thresholds of loo for residential development and 30% for non - residential development; based on traffic counts taken in the fall of 2000, it is estimated that approximately 1.3 million square feet of manufacturing use, 1.9 million square feet of warehouse use, almost a million square feet of light industrial use, and several other uses, e.g. 700 single family residences, 1300 duplex units, could be accommodated in the current remaining capacity in the Tubes; the procedure recommended by staff requires an annual traffic count at the Tubes to monitor reserve capacity. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether the annual traffic count will be provided to the City Council, to which the Public Works Director responded annual traffic counts could be provided in formal- or off agenda reports. Councilmember Kerr stated the annual traffic count report should be placed on the Consent Calendar of the City Council Agenda; the report is essential; that development at Alameda Point cannot be left out in the cold because of a traffic cap; and a five -year traffic estimate should be included in said report. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether the annual traffic report would preclude a full EIS /EIR. The Public Works Director responded in the affirmative; stated the Planning Department would go through the CEQA Checklist; if there were potential impacts that could not be mitigated, an EIR would be required. Mayor Appezzato stated the Base Reuse Plan established geographical limits; the Annual Report should include all of the impacts of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's Regional Transportation Plan projects, e.g. Jackson Street [Oakland] interchange. Vice Mayor DeWitt stated Council should be advised when developments are being studied, and provided with information on Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 June 19, 2001 related impacts and traffic analyses. The Public Works Director explained there is a two step process; stated if a development project exceeds the to threshold of the reserve capacity, a traffic analysis is done; an analysis identifies the amount of trips through the Tubes during the morning and evening peak hours generated by a project; the City will request residential developments to reduce trips by loo and non- residential developments by 300; if target percentages cannot be met, developers will be required to justify why, and the Planning Board will consider the matter; during the fall of every year, the City will conduct traffic counts to ensure projections are accurate. Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether there is a long -range vision for developments. Councilmember Johnson stated City Council approves developments, and the Traffic Capacity Management Procedure adds an extra burden for developers. The Planning Director stated projects which fully comply with the General Plan, Zoning and the City's Policies & Standards, cannot be denied; however, the City Council has full authority and the discretion to deny a project which seeks a legislative change. Councilmember Daysog stated the data demonstrates that the City is working with very close margins. Mayor Appezzato stated Alameda could be impacted by: 1) the Water Transit Authority's Study on ferries, cargo ferries, and passenger /automobile ferries; and, 2) the Southern Crossing Study on rail on the Dumbarton Bridge, a new bridge, another Tube from the East Bay into San Francisco to alleviate pressure on the current BART Tube, and a high speed railway to alleviate pressure on airports. The Public Works Director stated annual traffic counts will capture any regional and local changes. Mayor Appezzato stated the fact that Alameda lost population should be taken into consideration. Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated Bike Alameda and Alameda Transit Advocates are in favor of the concept, and the whole island should be considered. Councilmember Johnson stated traffic patterns outside of Alameda Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 June 19, 2001 can impact how people come into the City. Dan Wood, Alameda, stated Bike Alameda is very much in favor of the proposal; the Resolution needs more teeth; reduction numbers for residential and non - residential developments should be increased, e.g. 30% and 50% respectively; it is important to reduce dependency on the automobile. Mayor Appezzato stated the Resolution should not be changed at this point; it would be rash to throw in different percentages at this time; the ultimate goal is to reduce the reliance on automobiles. Eugenie Thomson, Alameda, stated Traffic Management Plans should be used to move people out of single automobiles into public transit, bicycles and so forth; however, such plans should not be used to mitigate cumulative impacts of the amount proposed for the Naval Air Station (NAS) and within other [areas] of the community; both sides of the equation should be considered: the land use equation and traffic management plans; the Resolution is a step in the right direction, however, it needs more work; land use and the transportation system overall should be reviewed; a future transportation system for Alameda should be considered; the traffic counts in the Tubes have not changed because of downstream congestion in Oakland; the monitoring idea set forth in the Resolution does not have much teeth; the level of congestion should be monitored; the Resolution should go back to the Planning Board for community input; if the Resolution is adopted, the Council should leave the door open so that the mechanisms in the draft resolution can be reviewed, particularly relating to the traffic counts. Mayor Appezzato stated Council plans to monitor so that changes can be made. Ms. Thomson inquired whether there could be a Planning Board workshop to bring the issues forward. Mayor Appezzato responded the Planning Board should address the matter of a workshop. Ms. Thomson inquired how to get her input into the current resolution. Mayor Appezzato responded that Ms. Thomson had been provided three minutes tonight to do so. Ms. Thomson stated there should be input from the Planning Board and others to work out the mechanisms. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 June 19, 2001 Councilmember Kerr stated the remarks about land use and congestion were good. Mayor Appezzato stated the appropriate Boards and Commissions should be involved in the reviews; City Council should move forward; if the Planning Board addresses the matter, changes can be made at that time. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the language is broad enough to include monitoring of congestion, to which the Public Works Director responded the Program addresses the number of trips through the Tubes and capacity impacts; however, the Traffic Capacity Management Procedure does not alleviate the need for a private developer to provide a traffic study, project impacts and meet other criteria. Mayor Appezzato stated the Traffic Capacity Management Program document is very important; changes should be made to make it better. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the staff recommendation to adopt the Resolution implementing the Traffic Capacity Management Procedure. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr stated the suggestions heard this evening should be kept in mind. Mayor Appezzato stated when the first minor or major development is considered, the document should be revisited. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *01 -311) Ratified bills in the amount of $1,866,498.61 REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (01 -312) Resolution No. 13346, "Reappointing Nancy Gill as a Member of the City Historical Advisory Board (Member -at- Large)." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 June 19, 2001 The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Ms. Gill with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -313) Resolution No. 13347, "Reappointing Jerry Jacopetti as a Member of the City Historical Advisory Board (Member -at- Large). Adoption. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr. Jacopetti with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -314) Resolution No. 13348, "Reappointing Dian McPherson as a Member of the City Historical Advisory Board (Building Designer)." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -315) Resolution No. 13349, "Appointing Ed W. Flanagan as a Member of the City Housing Commission (Senior Tenant Member)." Adopted. C. Richard Bartalini, Housing Commission, thanked the Mayor for allowing Commission members to be involved with the appointment process. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr. Flanagan with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -316) Resolution No. 13350, "Appointing Dr. Alan D. Mitchell as a Member of the City Library Board." Adopted. Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 1 June 19, 2001 The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Dr. Mitchell with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -317) Resolution No. 13351, "Reappointing Gary W. Bard as a Member of the City Planning Board." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -318) Resolution No. 13352, "Reappointing John A. Piziali as a Member of the City Planning Board." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr. Piziali with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -319) Resolution No. 13353, "Reappointing Ronald J. Rossi as a Member of the City Planning Board." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -320) Resolution No. Baldassarre Adopted. 13354, "Reappointing Sebastian M. as a Member of the City Public Utilities Board." Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr. Baldassare with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -321) Resolution No. 13355, "Reappointing Edwin G. Dankworth as a Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 12 June 19, 2001 Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr. Dankworth with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -322) Resolution No. 13356, "Reappointing Kenneth P. Werner as a Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr. Werner with a Certificate of Appointment. (01 -323) Public Hearing to establish Proposition 4 Limit (Appropriation Limit) for FY 2001 -02 City of Alameda's Spending Limitations; and (01 -323A) Resolution No. for Fiscal Year 2001 -02." 13357, "Establishing Appropriations Limit Adopted. Mayor Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing. There being no speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public portion of the Hearing. Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -324) Public Hearing to consider collection of delinquent Business License Fees via Property Tax Bills. Mayor Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing. There being no speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public portion of the Hearing. Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -325) Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 13358, Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 13 June 19, 2001 "Approving Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Ordering Levy of Assessments, Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84 -2." Adopted. Mayor Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing. There being no speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public portion of the Hearing. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -326) Resolution No. 13359, "Approving and Adopting the Operating Budget and Capital Improvements for Fiscal Year 2001 -02 and Appropriating Certain Moneys for the Expenditures Provided in Said Fiscal Year." Adopted. Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01- 327) Resolution No. 13360, "Authorizing an Advance Under the Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Alameda and the Community Improvement Commission." Adopted. Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -328) Resolution No. 13361, "Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for Five Percent Unrestricted State Funds and Two Percent Bridge Toll Reserve Funds for Operating Subsidy and Capital Projects for the City of Alameda Ferry Services, to Allocate Local Match Funds and to Enter into All Agreements Necessary to Secure These Funds for FY 2001 -02." Adopted. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -329) Resolution No. 13362, "Declaring Intention to Establish a Community Facilities District and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes." Adopted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 14 June 19, 2001 Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -330) Resolution No. 13363, "Declaring Intention to Incur Bonded Indebtedness of the Proposed Community Facilities District No. 4 (Demolition and Backbone Infrastructure - Fleet Industrial Supply Center and East Housing Sites)." Adopted. Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBR), stated the PSBR Board had a number of questions regarding the budget of the bonded indebtedness; the Board is concerned about$3.2 Million in unspecified improvements within the BWIP [Business and Waterfront Improvement Project] boundaries; the Development Services Director and Business Development Manager agreed to meet with the Board to identify certain areas within the Park Street Business District that could utilize part of the $3.2 Million; proposals for specific Park Street Business District projects will be completed by July 10. Marti Buxton, Catellus, stated preparing to move forward with the bond proceeds is an exciting step; Catellus has been involved in the project since 1996; following this action, physical differences will be noticeable at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center /East Housing site; Catellus is excited to begin the residential portion of the project and looks forward to completing the entire project. Kevin Roberts, Catellus, stated the bond issue is critical to the successful start of the commercial and residential project; the City will benefit from redevelopment. Councilmember Johnson stated this is the first major step in the redevelopment of the former Navy base; finally, the community will begin to see progress. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr stated it will be nice to see physical evidence [of redevelopment]; that she has been involved in the process for a total of eight years - -3 1� years on BRAG [Base Reuse Advisory Group] and 4 1� years on the City Council; noted there should be a party to celebrate. Councilmember Daysog thanked Catellus. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 15 June 19, 2001 On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (01 -331) Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated the last scheduled meeting of the Public Transit Committee will be tomorrow night; something needs to happen thereafter for comprehensive transportation planning in the community; that he prepared a response to the Deputy Public Works Director's draft proposal. Mayor Appezzato stated the Council received copies of Mr. Spangler's letter. (01 -332) Kris Krider, Alameda, stated that he has concerns regarding parking during vacation or extended absence from home; that he does not have a driveway and when he was called away from home due to a family emergency, he received four [parking] tickets; his appeal of the tickets was denied; recently, upon returning from a vacation, his car was towed; California law requires cars be moved every 72- hours; no warning was placed on his vehicle [prior to towing] ; the vehicle is registered and is not an abandoned vehicle; Police ticketed the car Monday and towed it the next morning; the bill for towing was $284; his call to the Police Department was not returned; suggested residential parking stickers be established or a vacation pass be made available. Mayor Appezzato requested staff to respond to Mr. Krider. The Assistant City Manager, Operations stated he would contact Mr. Krider. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (01 -333) Mayor Appezzato announced that he received a letter from the California Energy Commission congratulating the City for completing the Led Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signal Project to reduce electrical demand; and read an excerpt from the letter. The City Manager stated the total project cost was $411,000; the City received a $200,000 grant; a deadline was met to receive the full grant; crews worked through the night to complete the project; Alameda Power & Telecom and Public Works worked together on the project; the project will result in an annual energy savings of $100,000 and a savings of $200,000 in materials and time to replace lamps. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 16 June 19, 2001 (01 -334) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Civil Service Board. Mayor Appezzato nominated Amando Delosreyes for appointment to the Civil Service Board. (01 -335) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Housing and Building Code Hearing and Appeals Board. [Partial term expiring June 30, 2004] Mayor Appezzato nominated George Humphreys for appointment to the Housing and Building Code Hearing and Appeals Board. (01 -336) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Housing Commission. Mayor Appezzato nominated Garnette King for appointment to the Housing Commission. (01 -337) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Library Board. Mayor Appezzato held over his Library Board nomination. (01 -338) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Planning Board. [Partial term expiring June 30, 20021 Mayor Appezzato nominated Andrew Cunningham to the Planning Board. (01 -339) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Social Service Human Relations Board. Mayor Appezzato held over his Social Service Board nomination. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted Diane B. Felsch, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 17 June 19, 2001