TUESDAY - - JULY 3, 2001 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Appezzato convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 7:36
p.m. Vice Mayor DeWitt led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend
Clark Flesher, First Baptist Church, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson,
Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5.
Absent: None.
(01 -342) Mayor Appezzato announced that the Memorandum of
Understanding with American Tower Corporation [paragraph no.01 -3601
would be held over to the July 17 City Council Meeting.
(01 -343) Mayor Appezzato announced that he serves on the
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) ; there is a new
program called "Transportation for Liveable Communities;" last
year, the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) submitted a
project [to MTC for funding] , which was not recognized; this year,
WABA submitted the Webster Renaissance Project [to MTC for
funding] ; the project would provide street scape improvements on
Webster Street between Central Avenue and Pacific Avenue, as well
as develop Neptune Plaza at the foot of Webster Street; Alameda
[Webster Renaissance Project] has made the short list; on July 11,
MTC's Planning Committee, which he sits on, will vote on the
matter; the full Commission will review the matter on July 25; if
it passes, Alameda will receive a grant from MTC of almost
$900,000, which will be matched substantially by the City of
(01 -344) Mayor Appezzato introduced Peralta Community College
District Trustee Amey Stone and stated Trustee Stone was present to
make an announcement.
Trustee Stone acknowledged certain College of Alameda faculty
members in attendance; announced Juan Vazquez has been selected as
the Interim President of the College of Alameda; stated Mr. Vazquez
has lived in Alameda for 26 years; gave a brief overview of Mr.
Vazquez's career with the College.
Mayor Appezzato congratulated Mr. Vazquez for his appointment as
Interim President of the College of Alameda.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
July 3, 2001
(01 -345) Reciting of the Declaration of Independence by Robert
Wood. (Mayor Appezzato)
Robert Wood recited the Declaration of Independence.
(01 -346) Presentation by the Public Utilities Board on Cable
Sebastian Baldassarre, President, Public Utilities Board,
introduced AP &T Cable Services Charter Members, Russ and Linda
Grant, and presented the City Council with Charter Memberships.
Mayor Appezzato announced that the Ordinance Authorizing
Acquisition by Quitclaim Deed That Real Property at 2834 Adams
Street [paragraph no. 01 -354] was removed from the Consent Calendar
for discussion.
Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *01 -347) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on June 19, 2001. Approved.
( *01 -348) Recommendation to approve League of California Cities
Proposed Bylaws Amendment to increase dues to implement the
League's Grassroots Network. Accepted.
( *01 -349) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and
authorize Call for Bids for Washington Park Americans with
Disabilities Act Bathroom Project, No. P.W. 10- 00 -16. Accepted.
( *01 -350) Recommendation to approve the Second Amendment of the
Agreement to Implement the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program.
( *01 -351) Recommendation to approve Filling and Dredging Permit for
Ballena Isle Marina, Inc. Accepted.
( *01 -352) Resolution No. 13364, "Authorizing the Destruction of
Certain City Clerk Department Obsolete Records." Adopted.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 2
July 3, 2001
( *01 -353) Resolution No. 13365, "Authorizing Open Market Purchase
of Five Police Vehicles for the Police Department." Adopted.
(01 -354) Introduction of Ordinance Authorizing Acquisition by
Quitclaim Deed That Real Property at 2834 Adams Street, Alameda.
Noel Folsom, Alameda, stated the property was vacated on June 2;
that he contacted the City regarding maintenance of the property;
finally, on June 28 someone from the City mowed the lawn and
supposedly turned on the sprinklers; however, the water is still
turned off; plants are turning brown; the City should water the
The Recreation and Park Director stated the Recreation and Park
Department was given the keys to the property three weeks ago; the
water was turned on immediately; it was later discovered that the
electricity had to be turned on in order to have the automatic
watering system operate; the yard was mowed; annual flowers have
expired; more flowers are being planted; that she will confirm the
sprinklers are coming on twice a day.
Mayor Appezzato stated the property should be maintained.
The City Manager stated the property will be maintained until the
City decides whether the property will be rented or sold with the
funds placed at the discretion of the Mastick Senior Center.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether a recommendation about what
the City should do with the property would be brought to the City
The City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated options are
being explored; the matter will be reviewed by the Recreation and
Park Commission and then presented to Council with a
Councilmember Johnson stated Mastick Senior Center should be
included in the process.
Councilmember Kerr moved introduction of the Ordinance.
Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
( *01 -355) Ratified bills in the amount of $3,821,370.10.
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Alameda City Council 3
July 3, 2001
(01 -356) Resolution No. 13366, "Appointing Amando Delosreyes as a
member of the City Civil Service Board." Adopted.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr.
Delosreyes with a Certificate of Appointment.
(01 -357) Resolution No. 13367, "Appointing George Humphreys as a
member of the Housing and Building Code Hearing and Appeals Board."
Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr.
Humphreys with a Certificate of Appointment.
(01 -358) Resolution No. 13368, "Appointing Garnette King as a
member of the City Housing Commission." Adopted.
Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Ms.
King with a Certificate of Appointment.
(01 -359) Resolution No. 13369, "Appointing Andrew Cunningham as a
member of the City Planning Board." Adopted.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr.
Cunningham with a Certificate of Appointment.
(01 -360) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to execute a
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 4
July 3, 2001
Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Alameda and
American Tower Corporation regarding negotiation of Master Lease
for the installation of Telecommunication Transmission Facilities.
Held over.
(01 -361) Resolution No. 13370, "Amending City of Alameda
Resolution Nos. 12243 and 12624 Storm Water Utility Fees, to
Incorporate Increased Annual Costs, and to Add Exemption for Vacant
Unimproved Parcels and Appeal Process for Impervious Area
Calculations." Adopted.
Mayor Appezzato stated Council received a letter from George
Herring, Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Operations Officer of
Peralta Community College District, requesting the matter be held
over; inquired whether the matter should be held over.
The Deputy Public Works Director stated staff spoke to Dr. Herring;
staff will coordinate with each party which was not billed in the
past to develop a mutually agreeable program and payment schedule
for each entity.
Mayor Appezzato stated entities should be informed of the deficit;
the bills must be paid.
Councilmember Kerr noted the current deficit is almost $2 million
per year; stated the federal government keeps adding mandates, but
does not provide funding.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether Dr. Herring still wanted the
matter held over after discussions with City staff.
The Deputy Public Works stated Dr. Herring did not respond with a
final determination; if a mutually agreeable option cannot be
reached with Peralta Community College District, the matter can
return to Council.
Councilmember Johnson stated the City hates to request the College
District to contribute to the fund, however, there is no choice in
the matter; the federal government requires a wastewater system be
provided to keep dirty water from going into the Bay; the City does
not have the money to subsidize the program.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Daysog thanked staff for striking a balance with the
Alameda Unified School District, which has a tight budget.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 5
July 3, 2001
Under discussion, Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired how the fees would be
The Deputy Public Works Director responded the fee will be
collected on property tax bills.
Vice Mayor DeWitt stated the federal government assesses penalties
and fines against cities that do not comply [with regulations].
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
(01 -362) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to
the Library Board.
Mayor Appezzato nominated Ruth Belikove for appointment to the
Library Board.
(01 -363) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to
the Social Service Human Relations Board.
Mayor Appezzato held over his Social Service Human Relations Board
(01 -364) Written Communication from the League of California
Cities requesting Designation of Voting Delegate for the League's
Annual Conference.
Councilmember Johnson moved Councilmember Kerr be designated as the
League's voting delegate and Mayor Appezzato be the alternate.
Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(01 -365) Mayor Appezzato stated there was a major fire a week ago;
two houses were destroyed; there was a tremendous response from the
Oakland Fire Department; a letter of thanks was sent to the City of
Oakland; the City Council should publicly thank the Fire
Department; that he visited every fire station last Saturday and
personally congratulated the firefighters.
(01 -366) Mayor Appezzato stated a request that the Social Service
Human Relations Board forward a recommendation on the Invocations
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 6
July 3, 2001
[at Regular Council Meetings] should be placed on the agenda for
Council action. He further commented that said matter would be
brought back to Council for discussion at a later time.
(01 -367) Mayor Appezzato announced there will be a number of
people on the U.S.S. Hornet at Alameda Point tomorrow; there have
been comments about maximizing the traffic flow to ensure there are
no traffic jams; correspondence indicates that the City is on top
of the matter.
(01 -368) Mayor Appezzato announced the Annual Pub Crawl is
scheduled for Saturday night; there has been sufficient discussion;
the City should ensure there are no incidents; thanked
Councilmember Johnson for taking the lead on said issue.
(01 -369) Mayor Appezzato wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July.
(01 -370) Councilmember Daysog stated that he met Lourdes Peralta,
one of the fire victims; Ms. Peralta expressed her appreciation to
the professionalism of the City of Alameda and the Fire Department.
(01 -371) Councilmember Kerr stated two buildings in the Bay
Station Heritage Area leave blue recycling cans out front; the cans
are overflowing with non - recyclable materials; the Recycling
Ordinance should prohibit cans being left out on the street;
requested staff to look into the matter; provided addresses of the
two buildings to the Assistant City Manager, Operations.
(01 -372) The City Manager stated in addition to thanking the
Alameda and Oakland Fire Departments, the Alameda Police
Department, Alameda Power and Telecom and Public Works Department
should be thanked for their responses to the fire last week.
There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 8:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 7
July 3, 2001