TUESDAY - - AUGUST 7, 2001 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Appezzato convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 7:32
p.m. Vice Mayor DeWitt led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Don
Taylor, Central Baptist Church, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson,
Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5.
Absent: None.
(01 -409) Announcement of Clean and Green Boaters' Kits Promotion.
The Public Works Waste Management Specialist presented the Mayor
and Councilmembers with Boaters' Kits.
Mayor Appezzato announced that the recommendation to authorize the
Mayor to send a letter to the California Public Utilities
Commission [paragraph no. 01- 411] and the recommendation to adopt
Amendment No. 1 to FY 2001 -02 Community Development Block Grant
Action Plan [paragraph no. 01 -4121 were removed from the Consent
Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the remainder of the
consent calendar.
Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number]
( *01 -410) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on July
17, 2001. Approved.
(01 -411) Recommendation to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to
the California Public Utilities Commission requesting that any
future orders to rebate revenues to customers consider the impacts
of such actions on local governments.
Regular Meeting 1
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
Councilmember Kerr stated Councilmember Daysog raised good points;
shortly, the League of California Cities (LCC) will start a
grassroots campaign; [LCC] representatives will work with cities in
a more direct fashion; to be more effective and put more muscle
into the ideas, Councilmember Daysog's points should be raised with
the LCC.
Mayor Appezzato stated cities joining together as a lobbying force
has a greater impact on the State.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether Councilmember Kerr
recommends that the City Council go through the League's grassroots
Councilmember Kerr responded that Council should put as much muscle
as possible into its ideas; the LCC grassroots will put bulk behind
the City's desires in Sacramento.
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Mayor Appezzato suggested that there be a policy to have similar
letters go through Councilmember Kerr and the League in the future;
inquired whether Councilmember Kerr would agree to said policy.
Councilmember Kerr responded that she would be happy to do the
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Daysog stated that he reviewed the
Utility Users Tax (UUT) received on a quarterly basis since 1997;
during the second quarter of 2000, there was a significant drop;
after investigation, the Finance Director learned that the Public
Utilities Commission (PUC) granted a rebate as a result of
overcharges by the gas provider; the message to the PUC is to
remember that small cities, such as Alameda, depend upon the UUT.
Mayor Appezzato stated other State mandates include taking back
license fees and ERAF [Educational Revenue Augmentation Funds];
representatives in Sacramento will pay more attention to all of the
cities in the State operating from the grassroots level, than one
letter from Alameda; there are almost 20 different letters which
could be sent to the State on different issues; operating in
combination with all of the cities in the State will have a greater
Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether the Mayor would send a letter or
Regular Meeting 2
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
whether the matter would go through the LCC.
Mayor Appezzato stated that the policy should be that he signs
letters, however, matters should be brought to Council through
Councilmember Kerr and the LCC.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
(01 -412) Recommendation to adopt Amendment No. 1 to FY 2001 -02
Community Development Block Grant Action Plan to include Washington
Park Restroom Construction and Alameda Family Literacy Portable
Acquisition, and to authorize negotiation and execution of Grant
Agreements and /or Modifications and Related Documents.
Councilmember Kerr stated [CDBG funding] changes are at the expense
of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) project to provide
access to the second floor of City Hall West; people's access to
government is of primary importance.
Councilmember Kerr moved that the CDBG funding not be modified
[that the staff recommendation not be approved].
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether improvements to Washington
Park would make restrooms ADA accessible.
The Community Development Manager stated there are portable
restrooms which are ADA accessible; however, permanent restrooms
are not ADA accessible.
Councilmember Johnson inquired where the portable restrooms are
located, to which the Community Development Manager responded the
restrooms are located in the park office portable unit adjacent to
the ballfield.
The Community Development Manager further stated funds will remain
for design of the elevator in Building 1; design work will not be
completed in time to meet [construction] expenditures for this
fiscal year; staff will establish a cost estimate for the next
[CDBG] funding cycle.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether staff would not be able to
complete construction of the [Building 11 elevator project during
this budget cycle, to which the Community Development Manager
responded in the affirmative.
The Community Development Manager stated funds for elevator design
are in the Capital Improvement Budget for the Fiscal Year 2001 -02.
Regular Meeting 3
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
The City Manager stated the City Hall West elevator is a high
priority for staff.
Mayor Appezzato stated Washington Park can move forward now and the
City Hall West elevator cannot.
The Community Development Manager stated construction can begin at
Washington Park; cost estimates need to be completed prior to
funding Building 1 elevator construction.
Councilmember Kerr stated funding has a way of disappearing; due to
delays, funding for Jackson Park improvements had to be protected
year after year.
Councilmember Daysog stated funding will be set aside for the Even
Start Reading Program to allow Alameda Unified School District to
purchase a site for children in the West End; that he supports the
staff recommendation.
Mayor Appezzato stated funds could be taken from the General Fund
reserve [for Building 1 elevator construction]; however, the design
is not ready yet; when staff is ready to begin construction, the
Council can address funding.
The Community Development Manager stated staff will review other
reprogramming [of funds] throughout the year; if [Building 1
elevator] design work is completed, the funding can be addressed.
Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor DeWitt stated Washington Park has been
in need of proper restroom facilities for a number of years.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson and Mayor
Appezzato - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1.
( *01 -413) Recommendation to accept the work of Valley Crest for the
Earl Fry Golf Course Irrigation System Project, No. P.W. 03- 00 -07.
( *01 -414) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Sales Tax Report for
Period Ending June 30, 2001 for Sales Transactions in the First
Calendar Quarter. Accepted.
Regular Meeting 4
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
( *01 -415) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Investment Portfolio
for Period Ending June 30, 2001. Accepted.
( *01 -416) Resolution No. 13376, "(1) Confirming a Letter Agreement
Amending Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Alameda
and Alameda Management and Confidential Employees Association; (2)
Confirming a Letter Agreement Amending Memorandum of Understanding
Between the City of Alameda and the Alameda Fire Management
Association; and (3) Adopting a Salary Schedule for Specified
Unrepresented Employees in Executive Management Positions."
( *01 -417) Ratified bills in the amount of $3,712,154.70.
(01 -418) Mayor Appezzato announced that the Metropolitan
Transportation Commission approved an approximately $900,000 grant
for the Webster Renaissance Project; the City will provide a match
of half the funds; $1.4 Million will be spent to beautify the West
End; further stated that the City of Alameda has been selected to
participate in the Mayor's Institute on City Design; at no cost to
the City of Alameda, the Institute on City Design will come to
Alameda, conduct a City survey and demographics study and provide
ideas on how to develop different portions of Alameda; examples of
projects include a new or revitalized public park or residential
district, design of a new civic building, e.g. library, downtown
revitalization, and redesign of a major thoroughfare, waterfront
redevelopment, or entrance corridor; the Institute will come to
Alameda in September; in October, design challenges will be
presented to a group of mayors, architects, designers, and others
to come up with a solution; the Councilmembers will be invited to
meet with [Institute] representatives on September 11; a great deal
of time will be spent with business leaders to review Webster
Street, Park Street, Fruitvale or other sites; one or two sites
will be selected; there will be an intensive design study of a
blighted area in the community; results will be presented after the
process has been completed; requested the Assistant City Manager,
Operations to provide a brief presentation on what to expect at the
August 21 or September 4 Council Meeting.
(01 -419) Resolution No. 13377, "Appointing Stewart G. Chen as a
Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board." Adopted.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution.
Regular Meeting 5
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The Acting City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented
Mr. Chen with a Certificate of Appointment.
(01 -420) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning
Board's Finding that the project is incomplete for filing and that
additional information must be submitted for a proposed Commercial
Office Complex to replace an existing Retail Commercial Complex at
the Bridgeside Shopping Center; and adoption of related Resolution.
The property is located at 2523 Blanding Avenue within the C -2 /PD
Central Business District /Planned Development Combining Zoning
District. Applicant /Appellant: Eric Starr on behalf of Carl
Pines /IRES California. Held over to September 4, 2001.
(01 -421) Consideration of recommendation to retain an Arts Advisor
to promote Community Arts.
The Recreation and Park Director stated Alameda residents of all
ages can benefit from art programs; retaining an Arts Advisor will
assist with meeting the Economic Strategic Plan's goal to create
recreational and activity opportunities for residents, local
businesses and tourists; an Alameda resident, Lisa Piatetsky,
created a non - profit local Arts Council; the Arts Council's
objective is to create and promote art programs; the Arts Council's
programs could be expanded to create a comprehensive arts program
for the community; the [Arts Advisor] work program includes: 1)
creating a Citywide Arts Directory, 2) sponsoring programs, such as
Art in the Parks, 3) creating a calendar, 4) developing public art,
5) expanding art in education and 6) developing fund raising and
grant opportunities for the arts; the cost of the consultant
agreement is $15,000, which will be funded from the City Manager's
contingency budget; staff recommends that the City Council
conceptually approve the request to retain an Arts Advisor.
Mayor Appezzato stated that he will support the staff
recommendation; the City Council endorses most art projects, e.g.
Historical Museum and Alameda Civic Light Opera; the City spends
approximately $100,000 on the arts, which is not much money.
Lisa Piatetsky, Alameda City Arts Council, stated Alameda has a
welcoming arts community; there should be focus on developing
cultural aspects of the community; activities, such as theatrical
performance, music, dance and art exhibits, provide recreational
activities for residents; that she serves on the Alameda County
Arts Commission, which has many programs and activities; Alameda
Regular Meeting 6
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
should participate in the County Arts Commission's activities; over
the past year, she has developed the Alameda City Arts Council; an
extensive program has been created to serve all artists and
enthusiasts, from musicians to performing artists, e.g. poets,
dancers, film makers; urged Council to support the arts.
Mayor Appezzato stated the City has funded the Historical Museum
and Civic Light Opera; an Alameda student won Congresswoman Barbara
Lee's art contest and the painting hung in Congress for a year;
high schools participate in said contest every year; the Museum
also has an art contest; the Architectural Preservation Society
should be involved with the Arts Council; the City has the oldest
continuously operating City Hall west of the Mississippi; City Hall
had a tower which a group is trying to rebuild; architecture should
be part of the Arts Council's charge; the Alameda Photographic
Society hangs pictures in City Hall; the Art Council should review
other public buildings in the City where art can be displayed.
In response to Councilmember Johnson's inquiry regarding Alameda
City Arts Council's programs and projects, Ms. Piatetsky stated the
Council's programs will be carried out independent of the City's
contract with an Arts Advisor; it would be mutually beneficial to
work in cooperation with the City.
Councilmember Johnson inquired as to the role of the Alameda City
Arts Council.
The City Manager responded the City will contract with the Arts
Council, which will carry out community activities on behalf of the
City; rather than working independently, the City is connecting
with work that has been accomplished [by the Arts Council].
Ms. Piatetsky stated funding will go to the Arts Council's program
development; all of the Arts Council's Board Members are residents
of Alameda.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the membership of the Arts
Council represented a broad -base of arts, to which Ms. Piatetsky
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Johnson stated the Alameda Education Foundation
raises money to support music programs in schools.
Ms. Piatetsky stated there are groups, e.g. Alameda Women Artists,
which serve a purpose; the Arts Advisor will become a resource for
existing groups, provide information on grant opportunities and
have programs on non - profit formation and to teach artists how to
become professionals; the Arts Council wants to be inclusive; in
Regular Meeting 7
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
the future, the Arts Council hopes to provide grants to artists and
art groups.
Councilmember Johnson stated the Arts Advisor will be charged with
seeking grants; the City of Alameda is lacking public art and might
be able to get money for public art; the Arts Advisor should focus
on obtaining grants for public art.
Ms. Piatetsky stated a member of the Arts Council is an expert in
said field; finding funding will be one of the groups larger
The Recreation and Park Director stated the Recreation Activity
Guide, which is published by the City three times a year, does not
touch upon arts very much; an Arts Advisor will provide linkage to
the community.
Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether poets would be involved.
Ms. Piatetsky responded in the affirmative; stated any poets
interested in serving on the [Arts Council] Board should contact
Mayor Appezzato suggested Ms. Piatetsky contact the community band
and the great, local musician Frederica von Stade.
Roberta Babcock, Alameda City Arts Council and City of Oakland
Public Art Administrator; applauded Council for considering the
development of a program supporting arts in Alameda; stated the
potential for an ordinance requiring a percent [of developer funds]
for public art would be wonderful; arts enhance the lives of
residents and bring visitors to the City; the Arts Council can work
to develop a directory of local artists, create a website and
sponsor art events; the [Arts] Council could be instrumental in
fund raising and assisting groups with acquiring grants; work can
be done with schools to enrich and diversify programs; urged
Council to fund the Arts Advisor and approve an ordinance to set
aside a percent [of new development money] for art.
Mayor Appezzato suggested that the Arts Council work with Catellus
on the development of the Fleet Industrial Supply Center and East
Housing, and work with the selected Alameda Point Master Developer
on the potential for public art in developments.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether there is grant money
available for public art or education programs.
Ms. Babcock responded in the affirmative; stated the Gunk
Foundation has $500,000 available in grants for public art;
Regular Meeting 8
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
matching funds make it easier to receive grants.
Mayor Appezzato stated the National Endowment for the Arts has
grants, which the City should pursue.
Dr. Susan Kuner, Alameda City Arts Council, stated when she lived
in Nashville, she organized a group of non - profits to apply for
grants; the Arts Council will develop programs and events which
attract wide and diverse audiences; thanked the City Council for
its support.
Larry Wilson, Alameda, stated Kaufman Auditorium is home for the
performing arts; the Carnegie Building should be home for the
visual arts; there could be local exhibits as well as regional and
national traveling shows [in the Carnegie Building]; said events
would draw people from throughout the Bay Area.
Elizabeth Zackheim, Alameda, stated cities, such as Hayward and San
Leandro, have received money from the Alameda County Arts
Commission, which has money for art programs; art groups should be
educated on how to submit requests for funding; art programs have
been cut in schools across the State; there should be programs for
children; the Alameda County Arts Commission receives a percentage
of money from new development; urged Council to support the Arts
Councilmember Kerr stated Lisa Piatetsky has the talent and
knowledge to put on art events, such as Art in the Park; many
people are not aware of Alameda artists' talent level; there should
be greater education and interaction with the arts; the Arts
Council will obtain grants or assist people with pursuing grants.
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the staff recommendation to
retain an Arts Advisor.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Daysog stated the Arts Council will
be like a Chamber of Commerce for the arts.
Vice Mayor DeWitt stated that he received a phone call from Mr.
Groom, who would like to donate a sculpture for Alameda Point; now,
people like Mr. Groom can be directed to the Arts Council;
requested an update on the status of the selection of a Poet
Laureate; stated if there is a Poet Laureate, the person should
serve on the Arts Council; requested the City Manager to review an
Ordinance which would provide a percentage of funds from [new]
development be set aside for art programs.
Regular Meeting 9
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
(01 -422) Jon Spangler, Bike Alameda, stated a report [on the
Alameda Point Master Developer] was completed on Friday [August 3];
said report contained a letter from the HOME Project supporting
Mayor Appezzato stated Master Developer selection would be
addressed on Thursday [August 9 at the Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority Meeting].
Mr. Spangler stated the Long Range Transit Plan was the basis for
the [Master Developer] proposals; the Long Range Transit Plan can
be completed with any Master Developer which is chosen; points were
awarded to a developer on the basis of a multi -modal hub; Alameda
Point Community Property recommends up to 1,800 parking spaces;
from a trip reduction standpoint, a more diversified, less
intensive transit hub is more preferable.
(01 -423) Councilmember Kerr requested that the procedure, by which
City Committees are selected, be placed on a City Council agenda;
stated that she is referring to Ad Hoc Committees, rather than the
Planning Board or any permanent, standing Committees; for example,
the Housing Committee had a large expansion of membership; the City
approved the Transit Committee, however, there was an expansion
beyond what was approved; that she has heard concerns about the
Committee selection process; the Council should address the matter.
The City Manager inquired whether Councilmember Kerr was addressing
Council appointed Committees, rather than teams appointed by the
City Manager.
Councilmember Kerr responded the Council needs to express its
opinion on how Committees are selected; there should be a general
Mayor Appezzato noted the Council endorses the Mayor's
(01 -424) Councilmember Kerr stated AC Transit is changing its
routes; the Public Transit Committee (PTC) report has not come to
Council for approval; a local advocacy group put off AC Transit
Regular Meeting 10
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
rerouting the old bus, which wandered around downtown Oakland
before going to San Francisco; the City should take an official
position on the PTC Report.
Councilmember Johnson noted the PTC will meet on August 30 and
should be forwarding a recommendation to Council at said time.
(01 -425) Councilmember Daysog requested a report or spreadsheet on
the status of streets and sidewalks in Alameda, including how the
City grades streets and sidewalks.
(01 -426) Councilmember Johnson stated there has been activity on
the library facility issue; suggested that the Library Director
provide a report at an upcoming Council meeting.
The City Manager responded a brief presentation could be given at a
Council meeting.
Councilmember Johnson stated the public should be aware of what is
going on with the library.
(01 -427) Consideration of Mayor's nominations (2) for appointment
to the Social Service Human Relations Board. [Partial terms
expiring June 30, 20031
Mayor Appezzato nominated Floyd Hibbits and Patricia A. Simmons for
appointment to the Social Service Human Relations Board.
(01 -428) Consideration of Mayor's appointments to the Mayor's
Committee on Disability Issues.
Mayor Appezzato appointed Roxanne Black, Charles Bunker, Ed Cooney,
Adrienne Longley -Cook, Debra Paschke and Ethel Simon to the Mayor's
Committee on Disability Issues.
(01 -429) Mayor Appezzato stated Sunset Magazine had a three page
article titled, "Alameda, Here We Come, This Island City is
Suddenly Hot, but It Still Holds on to Its Small Town Charm;"
suggested citizens read the article.
(01 -430) Mayor Appezzato stated that he received a letter from a
citizen on Otis Drive requesting the street be rebuilt from
Broadway to Park Street; requested the City Manager to meet with
the citizen to advise him of the process followed to complete major
Capital Improvement Projects; stated the City does not have a great
deal of money; the City has to prioritize projects; projects, such
as rebuilding the sewer system and under - grounding electrical
lines, must be completed; the process should be explained to the
Regular Meeting 1 1
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001
There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 8:56 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lara Weisiger
Acting City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting 12
Alameda City Council
August 7, 2001