TUESDAY - - OCTOBER 2, 2001 - - 7:30 P.M.
Vice Mayor DeWitt convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 7:39
p.m. Councilmember Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend
Clark Flesher, First Baptist Church, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Johnson, Kerr and
Vice Mayor DeWitt - 4.
Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.
(01 -520) Proclamation declaring the week of October 15 through 19,
2001, as National Businesswomen's Week in the City of Alameda.
Vice Mayor DeWitt read the proclamation and presented it to
Kimberlee Garfinkle, President of Isle City Business and
Professional Women.
(01 -521) Proclamation designating the week of October 7 through
13, 2001, as Public Power Week in the City of Alameda.
Vice Mayor DeWitt read the proclamation and presented it to
Sebastian Baldassarre, President of the Public Utilities Board.
Vice Mayor DeWitt announced that the Resolution Approving Revised
Memorandum of Understanding and Salary Resolution Between
International Association of Firefighters, Local 689 and the City
of Alameda [paragraph no. 01 -525] and the Resolution Approving
Revised Memorandum of Understanding and Salary Resolution Between
the Alameda Municipal Fire Management Association and the City of
Alameda [paragraph no. 01 -526] were removed from the Consent
Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.1 [Items so
enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the
paragraph number]
( *01 -522) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
October 2, 2001
held on September 18, 2001. Approved.
( *01 -523) Recommendation to adopt Specification No. MSP 9 -01 -1,
Vehicle Tow Contract for the Police Department and MSP 9 -01 -2,
Vehicle Tow Contract for Abandoned Vehicles for the Police
Department. Accepted.
( *01 -524) Recommendation to accept report on Local Law Enforcement
Block Grant Program. Accepted.
(01 -525) Resolution No. 13401, "Approving Revised Memorandum of
Understanding and Salary
Association of Firefighters,
the Period Commencing October
Resolution Between International
Local 689 and the City of Alameda for
1, 2001 and Ending January 2, 2010."
Irene Dieter, Alameda, stated firefighters should be compensated
for their risk; however, there is only so much money in the budget;
3% at age 50 will cost a lot of money; inquired whether any
programs will be cut or compromised because of the increased
benefit for the firefighters; further stated money will be
reallocated and taken from somewhere; there is only so much money
to go around; roads, libraries and other projects should not be
The City Manager stated no programs will be compromised; the City
will continue to deliver the best quality Fire and Medical
Emergency Service in the County of Alameda; average response times
are 3 minutes and 50 seconds; the County -wide average is between 8
and 12 minutes.
Vice Mayor DeWitt stated no programs are being cut at this time.
Councilmember Johnson stated the City Council is always concerned
about money; during the last budget cycle, a small Capital
Improvement Project list was established to address small projects
not being done because there are so many big projects; the City
Council tries to be fiscally aware, conservative and conscientious;
dealing with the taxpayers money is a big responsibility; Police
Officers receive the 3% at age 50 benefit; the Governor authorized
the benefit; the City needs to keep competitive with other Fire
Departments; the benefit is available Statewide.
The City Manager stated the City does not have enough money to do
everything desired; cities never have sufficient funds to
accomplish all programs and desires of communities; over the last
41� to 5 years, the City has added loo to the General Fund reserve;
growing reserves from 18.5% to 28.50, due to solid management
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 2
October 2, 2001
practices by staff and the Council; the City takes a conservative
approach to managing limited resources.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she concurs with Councilmember
Johnson's comments; the increase in the retirement benefit was
introduced by the Governor and made mandatory for State employees;
cities and other local jurisdictions were given the option of
adopting the increased retirement benefit; the benefit became a
competitive tool for luring people away from other jurisdictions;
once said benefits were offered in other jurisdictions, the City of
Alameda had to review the matter; the cost of training new
employees is very expensive; turnover can cost the City a great
deal; the Council reviewed said cost when making the decision.
Councilmember Daysog moved adoption of the Resolutions [Nos. 13401
and 134021 approving revised MOUs for the firefighter and fire
management associations.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.1
(01 -526) Resolution No. 13402, "Approving Revised Memorandum of
Understanding and Salary Resolution Between the Alameda Municipal
Fire Management Association and the City of Alameda for the Period
Commencing October 1, 2001 and Ending January 2, 2010." Adopted.
[Refer to paragraph no. 01 -525 for discussion and motion.]
( *01 -527) Ratified bills in the amount of $1,881,567.60.
(01 -528) Resolution No. 13403, "Appointing Anthony M. Santare as a
Member of the City Golf Commission." Adopted.
Councilmember Kerr moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.1
The Acting City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented
Mr. Santare with a Certificate of Appointment.
(01 -529) Resolution No. 13404, "Declaring the City of Alameda a
Domestic Violence Free City." Adopted.
(01 -529A) Recommendation that the Council Adopt a Resolution
Declaring the City of Alameda a Domestic Violence Free City.
Candace Workman, Soroptomists of Alameda, stated the Soroptomists
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
October 2, 2001
support the Resolution; the Soroptomists' goal is to work towards
ending domestic violence; increasing attention can help more people
understand what to do; the Soroptomists support the Resolution and
hope the issue gains attention in the City.
Cindy Lambdin, Domestic Violence Task Force, stated as a Nurse
Manager at the Alameda Hospital Emergency Department for 15 years,
she has seen many women and children come and go from the Hospital,
many of them victims of violence; it is difficult to get people to
admit that there was a violent incident; members of the Task Force
include representatives from the City, Police Department, Family
Violence Law Center, Alameda Hospital Social Services,
Soroptomists, Xanthos, Alameda Head Start, Alameda Point
Collaborative, Building Futures with Women and Children and the
faith community; often, people who will not talk to family members,
will talk to those in faith services; the Task Force assessed the
City's perception of the problem; survey sites were set up with the
Alameda Police Department, College of Alameda and Hospital; the
survey was anonymous; all age groups were included; the survey
indicated: 1) Alamedans believe that domestic violence is a
problem; 2) education is needed, including dating violence; 3) more
sheltering services are needed; and 4) service agencies need to
work together; urged Council to support the Resolution.
Councilmember Kerr stated nothing could be more important than
preventing domestic violence; inquired who will decide the content
of literature which will be distributed in schools.
Ms. Lambdin responded the Domestic Violence Task Force will make a
presentation to the School Board; many types of literature are
available; schools should take an active role in determining what
literature and services are needed; as the Task Force moves
forward, the matter will be addressed.
Councilmember Kerr stated making people aware that there are
resources and ways out is important; however, one should not get
too colorful with kids; sometimes, there can be information
overkill; there should be a delicate balance.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether information for adults will
be available in different languages.
Ms. Lambdin responded in the affirmative; stated multilingual
services are important; currently, information is available
Camille Constantino, Building Futures with Women and Children,
stated her organization worked to form the Task Force and hired a
consultant to conduct assessments; demographic assessment will be
used to determine whether literature should be provided in other
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
October 2, 2001
languages; the Task Force will consider the matter; information
will probably be provided in different languages; further stated
Building Futures with Women and Children has served survivors of
domestic violence for the past 6 years and has worked with the City
to reestablish operations of the Midway Shelter, which serves women
and children; since 750 of the women who seek shelter services have
histories of domestic violence, providing domestic violence
services in the City is important; the City has a strong network of
services available to survivors; after assessment, the Task Force
determined prevention services are needed in the City of Alameda;
the Resolution is part of the effort to make the City become a
domestic violence free city.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Daysog thanked the Police Chief,
Development Services Director, Community Development Manager and
the individuals and organizations working with Building Futures
with Women and Children; stated that he serves on the Alameda
County Community Action Board, which is a welfare reform entity; a
whole range of services are needed to help people move from
domestic violence situations; the City should join with the [Task
Force] members in promoting a domestic violence free city; Alameda
should be proud of taking a leadership role and working with Davis
Street to locate a shelter at Alameda Point.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.1
Vice Mayor DeWitt read the resolution.
(01 -530) Ordinance No.
2863, "Approving and Authorizing Execution
of Third Lease Amendment Between Mohammad and Farida Sheikh, as
Lessees, and the City of Alameda, as Lessor, for the Lease of the
Property at 2310 Lincoln Avenue, Linoaks Motel." Finally Passed.
Councilmember Kerr moved final passage of the Ordinance.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.]
(01 -531) Ordinance No. 2864, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Repealing Section 4 -37 (Saturday Night Special /Junk Gun Sales
Prohibition) of Article V (Firearms and Explosives) of Chapter IV
(Offenses and Public Safety)." Finally passed.
Councilmember Johnson moved final passage of the Ordinance.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
October 2, 2001
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Appezzato - 1.1
(01 -532) Don Bergen, Alameda, stated that he read his proclamation
denouncing Congresswoman Barbara Lee to former Councilmember Lil
Arnerich; Mr. Arnerich agreed with his [Mr. Bergen's] sentiments;
Mr. Arnerich wrote a letter to Congresswoman Lee on the matter;
further stated that he [Mr. Bergen] requested a Resolution be
placed on the City Council agenda denouncing Congresswoman Lee's
unwillingness to support President Bush and the United States
Congress after war was declared against America.
(01 -533) Deborah Mitchell, Councilmember Johnson's sister, brought
a cake for Councilmember Johnson's birthday.
(01 -534) Councilmember Kerr stated that she participated in Walk
and Roll Your Child to School Day and at school, she heard young
voices recite the Pledge of Allegiance; the community still has
children living in safety who are free to pledge allegiance to
their Flag.
(01 -535) Consideration of Mayor's appointment to the Rent Review
Advisory Committee. [Tenant Seat]
On behalf of Mayor Appezzato, Vice Mayor DeWitt appointed Kris Z.
Lukesh to the Rent Review Advisory Committee.
There being no further business, Vice Mayor DeWitt adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
October 2, 2001