TUESDAY- - SEPTEMBER 18, 2001- -7:30 P.M.
Mayor Appezzato convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 7:41
p.m. Vice Mayor DeWitt led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Dave
Nederhood, Christian Reformed Church, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Dewitt, Johnson,
Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5.
Absent: None.
(01 -485) Tribute to the United States of America in memory of our
fellow Americans who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
Edison School Second Grade students in Ms. Mongerson's, Mrs.
Sherman's and Ms. Downey's classes sang a patriotic medley of
"America the Beautiful," "God Bless America," and "This Land is
Your Land." Alameda Civic Light Opera performer, Laurie
Deseguirant, sang "God Bless the USA."
Don Bergen, Alameda, stated Congresswoman Barbara Lee voted not to
support President Bush and the United States Congress in waging a
war against terrorism; most Alameda citizens do not support
Congresswoman Lee; urged the City Council to consider a Resolution
of non - support of Congresswoman Lee's vote at the next City Council
(01 -486) Presentation on the Emergency Operations Plan.
Fire Department Captain Rick Zombeck gave a Power Point
presentation outlining the Emergency Operations Plan, recent
revisions to the Plan and instances when the Plan would be used.
The City Manager thanked the Fire Department staff for activating
the Emergency Operations Center last Tuesday [September 11].
Harry Hartman, American Red Cross, thanked the Fire Department for
working with Red Cross on the Plan; stated Red Cross's primary job
during disasters is to provide support and direct relief, e.g.,
mental health, mass care, and feeding; the City and Red Cross have
worked together to provide material and classes to prepare people
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for disasters.
(01 -487) Mayor Appezzato announced that a local lawyer, Mike
Maloney, has arranged a fundraiser, sponsored by Rotary and
Kiwanis, to be held on Sunday, September 23 from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
at the Elks Lodge; funds raised will go to victims [of September
11, 2001 tragedy] on the East Coast.
(01 -488) Proclamation declaring October 2, 2001 as Walk and Roll
Your Child To School Day in the City of Alameda.
Mayor Appezzato read the proclamation and presented it to Audrey
Lord Hausmen, Pedestrian Friendly Alameda.
(01 -489) Proclamation declaring the month of September, 2001 as
Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in the City of Alameda.
Mayor Appezzato read the proclamation and presented it to Barbara
McClury, Xanthos, Inc.
Mayor Appezzato announced that the recommendation to approve the
Sixth Amendment to the City Attorney Contract [paragraph no. 01-
491], the Resolution Declaring Support for Measure A, [paragraph
no. 01 -504], and the Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Repealing Section 4 -37 [paragraph no. 01 -506] were removed from
the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number]
( *01 -490) Minutes of the Special City Council Meetings (Closed
Sessions), Special Joint City Council and Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority Meeting (Closed Session) and the Regular
City Council Meeting held on September 4, 2001. Approved.
(01 -491) Recommendation to approve Sixth Amendment to the City
Attorney Contract to provide for vesting of Benefits.
Councilmember Kerr stated the three principal officers of the City
requested increased retirement benefits, which will cost the
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taxpayers $20,000; that she did not support the increase and will
not support the City Attorney's current request; the City is
entering into negotiations with its largest union; the rank and
file should be taken care of first; the Sixth Amendment provides
the City Attorney with benefits beyond the benefits previously
approved for the three officers; noted her vote does not reflect
her opinion of the City Attorney's performance.
Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson
and Mayor Appezzato - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1.
( *01 -492) Recommendation to approve City's Response to 2000 -01
Alameda County Grand Jury Report. Accepted.
( *01 -493) Recommendation to accept Year -end Financial Report for
2000 -01 Fiscal Year. Accepted.
( *01 -494) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and
authorize Call for Bids for Mastick Senior Center Heating and
Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), No. P.W. 10- 00 -17.
( *01 -495) Recommendation to adopt Procurement Documents and
authorize Call for Bids for Express II Ferry Vessel Conversion
Project, No. P.W. 08- 01 -22. Accepted.
( *01 -496) Recommendation to award Contract to Redgwick Construction
Company in the amount of $1,971,000 for Resurfacing of Certain
Streets, Phase 22, No. P.W. 04- 01 -11. Accepted.
( *01 -497) Recommendation to award Contract to Younger - Wunar, Inc.,
in the amount of $198,400 for the Washington Park Americans with
Disabilities Act Restrooms Project, No. P.W. 10- 00 -16. Accepted.
( *01 -498) Recommendation to accept work of Rubicon Enterprises for
Landscape Maintenance of Median Strips and Special Areas for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001, No. P.W. 02- 99 -05. Accepted.
( *01 -499) Recommendation to accept the work of TruGreen LandCare
for Pruning Trees within the City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year
Ending June 30, 2001, No. P.W. 02- 99 -06. Accepted.
( *01 -500) Recommendation to accept the work of Action Maintenance
Systems for Janitorial Services in Various City Buildings Located
in Alameda for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001, No. P.W. 02-
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99 -07. Accepted.
( *01 -501) Resolution No. 13393, "Authorizing Filing of an
Application for the Tinker Avenue Extension Project for Funding
Inclusion in the State Transportation Improvement Program."
( *01 -502) Resolution No. 13394, "Authorizing Execution of First
Amendment to Maintenance Agreement Between Port of Oakland and City
of Alameda for Landscape Maintenance on Harbor Bay Parkway."
( *01 -503) Resolution No. 13395, "Updating the City of Alameda
Emergency Operations Plan." Adopted.
(01 -504) Resolution No. 13396, "Declaring Support for Measure A,
Alameda Unified School District Parcel Tax Measure." Adopted.
Carla Greathouse, Alamedans for Better Schools, stated Alameda
Unified School District (AUSD) currently faces difficult
circumstances; encouraged unanimous endorsement of Measure A;
stated AUSD receives less money per student than surrounding school
districts; annual educational spending is almost $1,500 less per
student than the National average and almost $1,000 less than
nearby districts; AUSD cut over $1 Million from its budget last
spring; without an additional revenue source, AUSD will be required
to cut an additional $2 Million next year; for the past two years,
Alamedans for Better Schools explored all avenues for augmenting
AUSD funding; AUSD provides quality public education with limited
resources; AUSD is running lean; administration is doing everything
possible to maximize the District's take of State and federal tax
dollars; the financial base for operating schools comes from the
State and is determined by a formula set in place decades ago; the
formula resulted in AUSD receiving the fewest education dollars per
child of any school district in Alameda County and the bottom 200
of districts statewide; AUSD cannot look to the State for
assistance with ongoing financial difficulties; the local community
should augment public school funding, as is done in many
surrounding communities; in August, the Alameda Board of Trustees
placed Measure A on the ballot to provide additional local funding
for a limited 5 -year period; every penny will stay in Alameda;
without Measure A, AUSD will have to eliminate teaching positions,
increase class sizes and eliminate critical educational programs;
seniors 65 and older will receive an exemption; an independent
citizens oversight committee will monitor expenditures to ensure
Measure A monies are spent properly.
Councilmember Johnson requested Ms. Greathouse to explain how the
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exemptions for seniors will work.
Ms. Greathouse responded seniors 65 and older can receive exemption
on their primary residence; the exemption process is used
statewide; the District will provide a form; seniors must show
proof of age and the tax bill of their primary residence.
Martha O'Connell Dawdy, Alameda, stated the senior exemption is
misleading; there is no guarantee that funds go directly into
classrooms; salary increases went to administrators, not only
teachers; teachers improving results in classrooms should receive a
bonus; the District spent close to $100,000 for a survey, which
indicated only 380 of citizens would vote for the measure; the
assessment per parcel is unfair; a condominium on Shoreline pays
$109, South Shore Shopping Center pays $327, Harbor Bay Shopping
Center pays $109 because it is on one parcel, Marina Village pays
$981 because it is on nine parcels, and a $1 Million dollar home
pays $109; Berkeley's tax is computed on a square footage basis;
the Superior Court Judge required modification of language
pertaining to seniors; the case was not thrown out; Assemblymember
Wilma Chan admits the problem lies with the State; State Senator
Don Perata and Assemblymember Chan should address the matter;
Senator Perata's website indicates education is his primary
concern, however he does not serve on any education committees;
Assemblymember Chan has backed Assembly Bill 193; Senator Perata
has not taken a stand on Senate Bill 5, which would revise the
State's formula.
Mayor Appezzato stated that he plans to support Measure A, which
must pass with a vote; citizens will be taxed $545 over a five -year
Councilmember Johnson stated the School Board and leaders have
explored other sources of funding; people should find $109 per year
to help ease the situation at the School District.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution.
Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor DeWitt stated that he attended public
schools; children in school now deserve the same; teachers should
be properly paid.
Councilmember Daysog stated that he and Councilmember Johnson
attended Alameda public schools; he could not repay the teachers,
administrator, janitors or counselors; everyone should help the
School District, which is a vital asset to the City and its
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Councilmember Kerr stated the guidelines for the senior exemption
will not be set up until after the election; before election day,
seniors should have answers to questions, e.g. holding property in
trust, community property with only one spouse over 65, apartment
houses with principle residents over 65, someone in a nursing home
on a long -term basis who rents their house to pay medical bills;
voters should have exact information prior to the election.
Mayor Appezzato stated the school system contributes to quality of
life; if the school system begins to deteriorate, needed programs
are not offered, and teachers are not adequately paid, it will not
take long for the community to deteriorate; the Judge threw out the
lawsuit which challenged the ballot Measure.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she would abstain and urged the
School District to establish guidelines prior to election day.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson and Mayor
Appezzato - 4. Abstentions: Councilmember Kerr - 1.
( *01 -505) Introduction of Ordinance Approving and Authorizing
Execution of Third Lease Amendment Between Mohammad and Farida
Sheikh, as Lessees, and the City of Alameda, as Lessor, for the
Lease of the Property at 2310 Lincoln Avenue, Linoaks Motel.
(01 -506) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Repealing Section 4 -37 (Saturday Night Special /Junk Gun
Sales Prohibition) of Article V (Firearms and Explosives) of
Chapter IV (Offenses and Public Safety). Introduced.
Guy Smith, Alameda, stated there are reasons for repealing the Code
Section; there is pre - emption by State law; lawsuits are being
filed against the City of West Hollywood, which is in violation of
the State pre- emption; Saturday Night Specials or Junk Guns were a
fake issue and were not the choice of criminals; banning sales only
served to disarm the poor in the community; thanked the City for
cleaning up the books.
Councilmember Daysog moved introduction of the Ordinance.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
* * *
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Mayor Appezzato called a recess at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened the
Regular Meeting at 9:11 p.m.
* * *
( *01 -507) Ratified bills in the amount of $1,481,489.32.
(01 -508) Public Hearing to consider a recommendation by the
Planning Board to approve Tentative Map 7302 and a proposed
Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 00 -05) and Finding of No
Significant Impact pursuant to the California Environmental Quality
Act Initial Study and to consider two Appeals of the Planning
Board's decision approving a Planned Development, PD- 01 -02, to set
development standards for a 28 -unit subdivision. The property is
located at 3500 Oleander Avenue, within the R -2 -PD, Two - Family
Residence, Planned Development Combining Zoning District.
Applicant: Carl Wesenberg. Appellants: Amberson McColloch /George
(01 -508A) Resolution No. 13397, "Upholding the Planning Board
Approval of Planned Development, PD- 00 -02, at 3500 Oleander (Bay
Cove Development." Adopted.
(01 -508B) Resolution No. 13398, "Approving Tentative Map 7302 at
3500 Oleander (Bay Cove Development)." Adopted.
Mayor Appezzato opened the Public Hearing.
Andrea Scarnecchia, Appellant ( Amberson McColloch Appeal), stated
that she was representing six homeowners with the support of the
Heritage Board; prior to the Council meeting, an agreement was
reached with the Developer; concerns regarding lighting, lack of
privacy and proximity to backyards, have been addressed by
condensing lots 24 and 25 into a single lot; the majority of the
homes will be single- story, with possibility for a two -story
component on a portion; the Planning Director will assist with
parameters; the minimum set back will be 15 -feet; the two -story
element would be on the second lot; the two -story maximum height
will be 26.6 -feet; the sidewall shall be 12 -feet high, rather than
26 -feet high on the one -story side; the rear yard shall remain 25-
feet on lot 24 and 18 -feet on lot 25; minimum sill height
parameters on the second story will keep windows from peering into
adjacent backyards; requests regarding apparent massing, such as
hipped roofing, will reduce the image of a 26 -foot wall; the first
story will be no higher than comparable properties in Heritage; the
agreement addresses the Appellant's specific issue.
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Mayor Appezzato stated the second Appeal [regarding gate] would be
George Thenn, Appellant, stated a gate was not requested by the
Lighthouse Cove Homeowners' Association because the matter was
being discussed with the developer; arrangements were being made
for escrows to pay for a gate; therefore, the matter was not
discussed with City staff.
Roy Greer, Alameda, urged Council to approve the Plan.
Anthony Calamonaci, Alameda,
Cove; parking is an issue; a
of the proposed development
there does not seem to be sL
over into his neighborhood;
discussed a gate.
stated that he lives at Lighthouse
gate should be installed; the design
is different than Lighthouse Cove;
fficient parking; parking will spill
that he was informed the developer
Carl Wesenberg, Applicant, Bay Cove LLC, stated that during the
past 2- years, there have been discussions regarding the gate; other
than a minority group of homeowners, no one wants a gate; the gate
has negative impacts, e.g. does not allow refuse trucks or mail
delivery to use the site easily; staff does not recommend a gate;
the Public Works Department does not want a gate; Bay Cove is
willing to eliminate an additional lot and create additional open
space in the area [to resolve the McColloch Appeal]; with the
understanding reached, the Appellant [McColloch] is withdrawing the
There being no further speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public
portion of the Hearing.
Mayor Appezzato inquired whether Mr. Wesenberg agreed to all the
height limits and other conditions, to which Mr. Wesenberg
responded in the affirmative.
In response to Mayor Appezzato's inquiry whether all homes would
have 2 car garages, Mr. Wesenberg responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Appezzato inquired the number of additional parking spaces.
Mr. Wesenberg responded there are 14 spaces, which is in excess of
the City's requirement for 27 homes; unlike typical development,
parking spaces will be throughout the project area; cars will be
able to park in driveways; further stated there is nearly 4,000
square feet of common area at the center of the project, not 2,800
square feet as indicated in the staff report; nearly 7,000 square
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feet, 80 of the total site, is common greenscape.
Mayor Appezzato inquired whether cars could park on the street, to
which Mr. Wesenberg responded in the negative.
Mayor Appezzato inquired whether additions would be prohibited on
homes in the development.
Mr. Wesenberg responded in the affirmative; stated there is a
strict building envelope around the homes; people will not be
permitted to add on to the square footage.
In response to Mayor Appezzato's inquiry whether people would know
about the restriction [prohibiting additions] when houses are
purchased, Mr. Wesenberg stated people will be aware; it will be
included in the CC &Rs.
Mayor Appezzato inquired whether Mr. Wesenberg agreed with the
conditions negotiated to resolve the Appeal [McColloch], Mr.
Wesenberg responded in the affirmative, provided the project is
Mayor Appezzato stated the Police and Fire Departments oppose the
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the driveways are long enough
to park a car, to which Mr. Wesenberg responded in the affirmative;
stated all homes in the rear and smaller homes in the front will
have driveway parking.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether residents could use the
parking spaces, to which Mr. Wesenberg responded the CC &Rs would
preclude residents from using spaces, e.g., for a third car.
Councilmember Johnson stated lighting is close to the back of
houses; the developer should ensure lighting does not glare in back
Mr. Wesenberg stated the lighting will be shielded and the height
will be reduced.
Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether the McColloch Appeal was
withdrawn or whether Council should take action on said Appeal.
The Planning Director responded the Council should grant the
[McColloch] Appeal, in part, with the conditions which have been
mutually agreed upon between the neighbors.
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Mayor Appezzato inquired whether Council could move approval of
everything which was discussed and direct staff to write up the
appropriate document.
The Planning Director responded in the affirmative; stated Council
should move approval of the [McColloch] Appeal, in part.
Mayor Appezzato stated staff should ensure both parties [neighbors
and developer] agree with conditions prepared by staff.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether Council will grant the
[McColloch] Appeal, with condition that there be one house on lots
24 and 25, to implement the discussion tonight.
The Planning Director responded in the affirmative; stated 48 -inch
sill height or fixed and translucent windows will be included also.
McColloch Appeal:
Vice Mayor DeWitt moved approval of granting the Appeal in part,
including discussion of lots 24 and 25.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Thenn Appeal:
Vice Mayor DeWitt moved denial of the Appeal.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the residents could request
the gate be reviewed if a problem arises.
The City Attorney responded in the affirmative; stated denying the
Appeal does not result in neighbors enduring conditions forever.
The Planning Director stated the City Council should approve the
Negative Declaration and Tentative Map; stated the draft Tentative
Map will be amended to reflect there are 27 lots now.
Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the Negative Declaration and
Tentative Map [adoption of Resolutions: 1) Adopting a Mitigated
Negative Declaration, IS00 -05, and Mitigation Monitoring Program
for Tentative Map TM -7302; and 2) Approving Tentative Map 7302 at
3500 Oleander].
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
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(01 -509) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Historical
Advisory Board's decision approving the removal of a Coast Live Oak
tree, a protected species. The property is located at 301 Spruce
Street within the R -2, Two - Family Residence Zoning District.
Applicant: Hinh Ngyuyen. Appellants: Patrick G. Lynch /Jeanne
(01 -509A) Resolution No. 13399, "Upholding the Historical Advisory
Board Approving Certificate of Approval, CA- 01 -08, 301 Spruce
Mayor Appezzato opened the public hearing.
Opponent (Not in favor of Appeal):
Anthony Phan, Applicant's representative.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Mayor Appezzato stated the stump is large and does not appear to be
live; other trees will be preserved; two additional 10- gallon trees
will be planted.
Councilmember Daysog requested a report reviewing tree ordinances;
stated the applicants are following procedure.
Councilmember Johnson moved approval of upholding the Historical
Advisory Board's decision [adoption of the Resolution Upholding the
Historical Advisory Board Approving Certificate of Approval, CA -01-
08, 301 Spruce Street].
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr stated that she will support
the motion, with regret for the exceptional tree.
Mayor Appezzato stated nothing can be built without removing the
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
Vice Mayor DeWitt stated the Appellant should not be required to
pay the appeal fee; the Appeal was not for personal gratification,
rather it was to retain the beautiful tree.
Councilmember Daysog moved approval of waiving the appeal fee.
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Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(01 -510) Rod Murray, Alameda, stated that he has lived in the same
apartment for 18 years; the apartment was sold last June; he and
eight others in the apartment complex were given a notice to vacate
within 30 days, which was not based upon previous mishaps; the
[eviction] notice read: "the service of this notice does not
reflect on your tenancy or your payment history;" he was given the
option to rent another recently vacated unit; his rent was $900 per
month and will become $1500 per month, which is a 70% increase;
others face increases of around 800; one tenant, a retired woman
with a fixed income, was forced to move; another single woman had
to move in with a friend; one month does not provide sufficient
time to relocate; further stated a law was created this year which
requires tenants be provided at least two months to adjust to
[rent] increases of 100; the landlord got around the law because it
is apartment renovation; the Rent Review Advisory Committee (RRAC)
cannot hear the matter because it is apartment eviction; the City
is considering a new Housing Element; some communities have unjust
evictions considered in Housing Elements; said option has been
considered before; however, it was turned down due to the Board of
Realtors' strength; Alameda does not have rent control; the City
should have unjust eviction addressed in the Housing Element.
Mayor Appezzato requested staff to look into the comments about the
Councilmember Kerr concurred with Mayor Appezzato's request and
noted the RRAC has solved many problems in the past.
Mayor Appezzato stated the City is trying to build additional
housing; Council adopted an affordable housing policy; there should
be a balance between housing and jobs.
Councilmember Kerr inquired the address of the property, to which
Mr. Murray responded 1911 and 1909 Santa Clara Avenue.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she would be waiting for the report
from the City Manager's Office on the RRAC; maybe the Committee's
scope needs to be expanded a little bit.
(01 -511) Jean Sweeney, Alameda, stated the General Plan discusses
implementing the policies of parks and recreation, and planned
parks; 10 acres or more are to be acquired and developed for an
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estuary park; General Plan Diagram, Figure 3.1, indicates a park
along 1,400 feet of estuary frontage west of Oak Street in a mixed
use area; the area is along the water north of Thompson Field and
McKinley Park, from the Marine Corp. Installation to Oak Street;
the General Plan states: "This park will require a major funding
commitment by the City, but will probably do more than any other
single project to ensure Alameda's long term quality. It could
have the character of San Francisco's Marina Green and would
attract all age groups to enjoy large and small boats on the
estuary, views of the Oakland skyline and hills, and active sports.
The new park would serve a sector of the City that is short of
park space and would guarantee the high quality of housing proposed
for that area." Ms. Sweeney further stated someone is planning a
housing project in said area [Laguna Harbor] ; people in Alameda
should be asked whether there should be housing or the planned park
in said area; the West End, along the waterfront, is short of
parks; McKinley Park is not adequate; the State is considering $109
Million Park Bond; Brownfields has funding to clean parks; water
quality has funding to protect water runoff; the citizens of
Alameda should be permitted to review the matter, rather than
allowing the property to be developed, eliminating the chance for a
park at the site.
(01 -512) Councilmember Kerr suggested the Meeting be adjourned
with a moment of silence for Dan Lasar; stated Mr. Lasar did a lot
for the golf course as a Golf Commissioner; when the Rent Review
Advisory Committee started 20 years ago, Mr. Lasar was the first
Chair and served on the Committee ever since; he brightened the air
around him with his laughter, contributed so much to the community
and will be missed.
(01 -513) Vice Mayor DeWitt stated that he attended the 65th
Anniversary celebration of the Bohol Circle Organization, which is
a Filipino American organization with many members in Alameda; the
celebration was started with a Mass in remembrance of the September
11 tragedy.
(01 -514) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to
the Golf Commission.
Mayor Appezzato nominated Anthony M. Santare for Appointment to
the Golf Commission.
(01 -515) Mayor Appezzato thanked the City staff, Police Department
and Fire Department for opening the Emergency Operations Center
last Tuesday [September 11, 2001].
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(01 -516) Mayor Appezzato stated Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funding was increased; the City will receive over $1.4
Million in CDBG funds this year.
(01 -517) There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato
adjourned the Regular Meeting at 10:10 p.m., in memory of Dan
Lasar, founding member of the Rent Review Advisory Committee and
former Golf Commissioner, and in memory of our fellow Americans in
the three East Coast States who lost their lives, are still missing
and were injured [on September 11, 2001].
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
Acting City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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