TUESDAY - - OCTOBER 1, 2002 - - 7:30 PM
Acting Mayor DeWitt convened the Regular Meeting at 7:33 p.m.
Councilmember Daysog led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Johnson, and
Acting Mayor DeWitt - 3.
Absent: Councilmember Kerr -1. [Note: Absent due
to representing the City at the League of
California Cities Conference.]
(02 -452) Acting Mayor DeWitt announced that the Public Hearing to
consider an Appeal of the Historical Advisory Board [paragraph no.
02 -463], the Final Passage of Ordinance and Urgency Ordinance
repealing and replacing Chapter XXI (Solid Waste and Recycling) of
the Alameda Municipal Code [paragraph no. 02 -646], and the
Consideration of Acting Mayor's three (3) appointments to the
Mayor's Committee on Disability Issues [paragraph no. 02 -467] would
be held over to the next meeting.
(02 -453) Proclamation declaring the month of October 2002 as
Alameda Volunteer Month.
Acting Mayor DeWitt read the proclamation and presented it to Jim
Franz, President, Social Service Human Relations Board.
Mr. Franz thanked Council for the proclamation; invited Council to
attend the Volunteer Fair on Saturday, October 5, 2002 in the
Alameda High School Gymnasium.
(02 -454) Mosetta Rose London read a poem in memory of Ralph
Appezzato and presented it to Acting Mayor DeWitt for forwarding to
Mrs. Appezzato.
Acting Mayor DeWitt announced that the recommendation to accept
Quarterly Financial Report for period ending June 30, 2002
[paragraph no. 02 -456], was removed from the Consent Calendar for
Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
October 1, 2002
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 3. [Absent: Councilmember Kerr - 1.]
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *02 -455) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on
September 11, 2002, the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on September 17, 2002, and the Special City Council Meeting
held on September 24, 2002. Approved.
(02 -456) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Financial Report for
period ending June 30, 2002 (Year -End) and authorize supplemental
appropriations and carry -over of year -end balance. Accepted.
Councilmember Daysog stated the Quarterly Financial Report contains
the revenues and expenditures for fiscal year 2001/2002; there is
$1.68 million in revenues above expenditures; estimated
expenditures were $56 million and actual expenditures were $55
million; estimated revenues were $56.1 million and actual revenues
were $56.8 million; liquid reserves are at almost 200; noted that
Special Revenue Funds could be reviewed.
Councilmember Daysog moved acceptance of the recommendation.
Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 3. [Absent: Councilmember Kerr - 1.]
( *02 -457) Recommendation to endorse Proposition 46, Housing and
Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002. Accepted.
( *02 -458) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to enter
into a Contract with Alameda County Waste Management Authority for
Residential Food Waste Recycling Program. Accepted.
( *02 -459) Resolution No 13532, "Amending Master Fee Resolution No.
12191 to Establish a New Permit Fee for Recycling and Organic
Materials Hauling Permits Pursuant to Section 21 -21.2 of the
Alameda Municipal Code." Adopted.
( *02 -460) Resolution No. 13533, "Approving and Adopting a
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Established Overall
Annual Goal of loo for Federal Fiscal Year 2002/2003." Adopted.
(02 -461) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,001,152.58.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 2
October 1, 2002
(02 -462) Public Hearing to
"Vacating a Portion of Cypress
Street." Adopted.
consider Resolution
Street Right -of -way
No. 13534,
East of Third
Acting Mayor DeWitt opened the public portion of the hearing.
There being no speakers, Acting Mayor DeWitt closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 3. [Absent: Councilmember Kerr - 1.]
(02 -463) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Historical
Advisory Board's decision to deny a certificate to allow the
demolition of a residence, damaged by fire, listed within the
City's Historical Buildings' Study List; and adoption of related
Resolution. The residence is located at 1525 Minturn Street within
an R -5 Residential Zoning District. Applicant /Appellant: Will
Harrison. Held over.
(02 -464) Final Passage of Urgency Ordinance Adopting Ordinance No.
Which Repeals and Replaces Chapter XXI (Solid Waste and
Recycling) of the Alameda Municipal Code and Making Said Ordinance
Effective on October 6, 2002. Held over.
(02 -464A) Final Passage of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Repealing and Replacing Chapter XXI (Solid Waste and
Recycling). Held over.
(02 -465) Richard Neveln, Alameda, noted that Fleet Week starts
October 7, 2002; stated there is no transit from Bay Farm Island on
the weekends; that he is running as Director of Ward 3 at AC
Transit; urged caution for the approaching ARRA negotiations with
the Navy for Alameda Point property.
(02 -466) Mary Rudge, Poet Laureate, Alameda, presented the Mayor
with books from Assisi Italy; requested that Council sponsor a
city -wide fundraiser to reconstruct the City Hall tower as a
memorial to Mayor Appezzato; requested Council honor Acting Mayor
Al DeWitt for his service to the City.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 3
October 1, 2002
(02 -467) Consideration of Acting Mayor's three (3) appointments to
the Mayor's Committee on Disability Issues. Held over.
(02 -468) Councilmember Daysog requested the Arts Council review
the Poet Laureate.
(02 -469) Councilmember Johnson requested that the City Manager
provide an opportunity for the public to suggest ideas for
memorializing Mayor Appezzato.
The City Manager requested that council make a motion to direct the
City Manger to place the matter on the October 15th agenda as a
regular agenda action item.
Councilmember Johnson moved approval of placing the matter on the
October 15, 2002 agenda.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 3. [Absent: Councilmember Kerr -1.]
Councilmember Johnson moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion.
There being no further business, Acting Mayor DeWitt adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 7:57 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 4
October 1, 2002