2002-10-15 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY - - OCTOBER 15, 2002 - - 7:30 P.M. Acting Mayor DeWitt convened the Regular Meeting at 7:45 p.m. Councilmember Kerr led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Kerr, Johnson and Acting Mayor DeWitt - 4. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES (02 -472) Acting Mayor DeWitt announced that there is a correction to the Record; the Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of September 24, 2002 should be corrected to reflect the vote taken by Council regarding the settlement of the City of Alameda /CLASS v. Port of Oakland; the action is reflected as follows: DeWitt: Aye; Johnson: Aye; Kerr: Aye and Daysog: No. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (02 -473) Presentation regarding Housing Element Annual Report: Programs and Accomplishments 1988 -2001. The Development Services Manager gave a Power Point presentation on the Housing Element programs and accomplishments. Joan Cummings, Alameda, stated that she has been waiting for senior housing for three years; the Housing Authority will not provide her with her position on the waiting list; inquired as to how much longer she will have to wait for senior housing. Acting Mayor DeWitt requested the City Manager to follow up with Ms. Cummings. Connie Alaniz, Alameda, stated that she has been waiting for senior housing for two years; the Housing Authority will not provide her with her position on the waiting list; noted that she meets the requirements for senior housing. The City Manager stated that space becomes available when someone moves out; the Housing Authority cannot predict when someone will move out; the City will provide more information on waiting list status. Ms. Alaniz stated housing is being given to people who do not meet the requirements. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 October 15, 2002 The City Manager stated there are two different rate structures: market rate and subsidized rate. Ms. Alaniz stated that she wants to be made aware of the types of housing for which she might qualify. The City Manager stated the City would provide updated information. Councilmember Johnson requested that literature be made available which adequately explains the process of getting market rate- and subsidized rate - units; requested a review of placement lists. Councilmember Daysog suggested the City discuss expanding the volume of affordable housing for seniors with the Alameda Point developer. Richard Neveln, Alameda, stated public transit should be considered when discussing housing issues; developers should provide for transit as a part of development fees. Councilmember Kerr noted that the City passed a traffic mitigation ordinance for new development in Alameda. Acting Mayor DeWitt stated the City's greatest demand is affordable housing for working people and seniors; stated there are areas for improvement. (02 -474) Presentation on the Recycling Program. The Public Works Environmental Services Administrative Intern gave a Power Point presentation and puppet show on City's recycling program. Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated that he is happy that his neighborhood was chosen for the pilot program. Councilmember Kerr inquired where Alameda County Industries (ACI) office will be located, to which Mr. Pellegrini, ACI, responded on Blanding Avenue. Acting Mayor DeWitt inquired about when the cans and containers will be delivered to residents, to which Mr. Pellegrini responded the containers would be delivered starting on February 1, 2003 and completed by April 30, 2003. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether residents are required to roll cans to the curb, to which Mr. Pellegrini responded only the residents in the pilot program area are required to roll cans to Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 October 15, 2002 the curb. Councilmember Johnson inquired if the small food waste buckets are emptied into the green yard waste containers, to which Mr. Pellegrini responded in the affirmative. (02 -475) Acting Mayor DeWitt announced that the week of October 20 -26, 2002 is National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number] ( *02 -476) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on October 1, 2002. Approved. ( *02 -477) Recommendation to terminate the contract with Youngar- Wunar, Inc. for Washington Park ADA Restrooms, No. P.W. 10 -00 -16 and authorize project completion. Accepted. ( *02 -478) Recommendation to accept the work of Mike Brown Electric Company for the Audible Signal and Truncated Dome Warning Surface Installation Project, No. P.W. 04- 01 -13. Accepted. ( *02 -479) Recommendation to accept report on Public Citizens Option for Public Safety Program (COPS) AB 3229. Accepted. ( *02 -480) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Replacing Subsection 23 -3.3 (Allowing Branches to Extend Over Sidewalks) of Section 23 -3 (Trees and Shrubbery) of Chapter XXIII (Parks, Recreation Areas and Public Property). Introduced. ( *02 -481) Ratified bills in the amount of $ 1,897,751.07. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (02 -482) Public input for consideration in the naming of a City street or other public facility in memory of the late Mayor Ralph Appezzato. Former Councilmember Lil Arnerich, Alameda, suggested Atlantic Avenue west of Webster Street to Main Street be named the Ralph Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 October 15, 2002 Appezzato Memorial Parkway; presented Council with an example of the street sign. Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated there should be many memorials named after Ralph Appezzato; suggested the new library, a meeting room at the library, the public square envisioned for Lincoln Avenue, a new ferry, the new school on the FISC property, and the Alameda Point park [Main Street Linear Park] all be named after Ralph Appezzato. Peter Lenhardt, Alameda, suggested the park at Alameda Point [Main Street Linear Park] be named after Ralph Appezzato. Richard Neveln, Alameda, suggested the future Golf Course at Alameda Point be named The Ralph Appezzato Memorial Golf Course. Michael John Torrey, Alameda, stated that he supports Councilmember Johnson's suggestion to name the future City Hall Tower after Ralph Appezzato; suggested a City street be named Ralph Appezzato Memorial Boulevard. Councilmember Johnson stated Council should proceed forward; a review process is not required; suggested all options be brought back to Council for action. Acting Mayor DeWitt stated the present Council should review all considerations and make a decision at the November 19, 2002 Regular City Council meeting. Councilmember Kerr stated the boards and commissions should have input on the decision. Councilmember Johnson stated the boards and commissions could be notified when the matter is placed on the [Council] agenda to allow members to provide suggestions and opinions. Councilmember Daysog concurred with Councilmember Johnson. Acting Mayor DeWitt inquired whether Council should state a specific choice or a review of all suggestions. Councilmember Johnson stated that she supports the Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway with additional memorials to be decided in the future. Councilmember Kerr stated the City's boards and commissions want to provide input on the decision. Councilmember Johnson stated the Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 October 15, 2002 could be presented to the boards and commissions for consideration. The City Manager stated staff can frame the request to have boards and commissions review the matter with a priority, but without foreclosing other opportunities. Mr. Arnerich stated Council should take everything under advisement and go forward at the next meeting. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of Council supporting naming the street [Atlantic Avenue] west of Webster Street traveling to the main former Navy base entrance "Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway" and directed that boards and commissions have the option to review suggestions and provide comments prior to the matter returning to Council on November 19, 2002. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. (02 -483) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Historical Advisory Board's decision to deny a certificate to allow the demolition of a residence, damaged by fire, listed within the City's Historical Buildings' Study List. The residence is located at 1525 Minturn Street within an R -5 Residential Zoning District. Applicant /Appellant: Will Harrison. (02 -483A) Resolution No. 13535, "Denying the Requested Appeal of the Historical Advisory Board's Decision Denying a Certificate of Demolition of the Structure Listed within the City's Historical Building's Study List." Adopted. Acting Mayor DeWitt opened the Public Hearing. Proponents (If favor of Appeal) Alex Ramos, Applicant; Tom Pavletic, Alameda. Opponents (Opposed to Appeal) David Baker, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (RAPS); Randy Horton, RAPS; Haldis Fearn, Alameda; Janelle Spatz, RAPS; Nancy Hird, Alameda; Denise Brady, Alameda; Scott Brady, Chair, Historical Advisory Board; Trent Tillman, Alameda; and Jon Spangler, Alameda. There being no further speakers, Acting Mayor DeWitt closed the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 October 15, 2002 public portion of the hearing. Councilmember Johnson stated Council's responsibility is to balance the issue; the family is asking to demolish the structure and build a new house; Alameda is full of Victorian houses; an individual who purchases a Victorian house on the Historic Study List has a special responsibility; the Grand Street Station area is a very historic part of Alameda; Minturn Street is special because there is a cluster of Victorians; many Victorians in Alameda have brick foundations; if the fire damage had not occurred, the owners would be living on a brick foundations; the Building Official determined the structure is less than 70% damaged by fire and can be restored; the owner is proposing a 2300 square foot house on the small lot, which would change the character of the neighborhood; most of the historic elements are intact according to the HAB Chair; restoring the structure is economically feasible; historic neighborhoods should be preserved. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of denying the Demolition Permit [adoption of resolution denying the Appeal]. Councilmember Daysog stated the cost of restoration is between $175,000 and $225,700; inquired what the homeowner would do if the cost of restoration goes above $225,700. The Planning and Building Director responded staff requested the Appellant /Applicant to provide as much detail as possible; staff has provided all information to Council; cost estimates could vary as restoration proceeds; Council has to decide whether there is a chance for so much fluctuation that the restoration could be rendered economically infeasible, which staff does not believe will be the case. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether staff has dealt with preliminary restoration costs of Victorians in the past and what is the record of accuracy. The Planning and Building Director responded that said record is not something which staff tracks; fluctuation from the initial estimate is not uncommon; however, based upon the information provided staff does not believe fluctuation would render restoration economically infeasible. Councilmember Kerr questioned the less than 70% damage to the building; stated from the church behind the building, the house appears gutted to the front door. The Building Official responded the assessment is based upon the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 October 15, 2002 fact that the building still has a foundation and lower level supports; the entire exterior, lower level and main floor still exist. Councilmember Kerr stated the back of the building is gone; the walls are questionable and would have to be restructured; the property taxes will probably increase greatly and the owners might not be able to stay in the house; an economic return is hard to estimate; although the house will be worth more, the owners might have to move; that she questions whether the house can be restored with the insurance money available; Victorians are jacked up all over the City, which destroys architectural integrity because the proportions are destroyed and the houses become boxes. Acting Mayor DeWitt stated Council is voting on whether or not to allow demolition; the question is whether the insurance money will cover the cost of restoration; the Planning Department should have worked out an arrangement to give the owners discretion while requiring use the salvageable parts. Councilmember Daysog stated the question is whether or not the conditions warrant the City Council to allow the family to demolish and build anew; the Applicant believes that the current foundation is inadequate to rebuild on; the HAB believes the building can be restored on existing foundation; the key question is restoration cost; the owner is willing to pay $352,800 to build a new house; hopefully, restoration costs would not go above $175,000; comparing restoration cost against the cost the Appellant is willing to pay to build a new house, there is a lot of room to have lower restoration costs and still reap an economic return; the cost of restoration is less than the cost of building anew; that he concurs with the HAB's decision. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr stated aside from the front wall there is not much left of the building; that she does not believe the house can be restored with the [insurance] money. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Johnson and Acting Mayor DeWitt - 3. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1. (02 -484) Ordinance No. 2885, "Urgency Ordinance Adopting Ordinance No. 2886 Which Repeals and Replaces Chapter XXI (Solid Waste and Recycling) of the Alameda Municipal Code and Making Said Ordinance Effective on October 6, 2002." Finally passed. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 October 15, 2002 (02 -484A) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing and Replacing Chapter XXI (Solid Waste and Recycling). Introduced. Louie Pellegrini, Alameda County Industries (ACI), stated the ordinance addresses all matters necessary to provide the services agreed to in the franchise and has a rate structure which provides a rebate for single family residences and raises revenue for the City to cover costs; the ordinance clarifies how ACI will provide standard recycling services for businesses and takes into consideration existing recycling providers. Barry Wilee, Attorney for Biagini Waste Reduction Services (BWRS), stated that he received a revision from the City on grandfathering [Section 21- 20.3(g)]; wording can be dealt with on the staff level; however, there are several philosophical differences about the recycling program for businesses; BWRS has been providing recycling services for businesses in Alameda for years; the ordinance adopts a monopolistic approach; the ordinance will make it uneconomic for recycling companies, other than the franchisee, to provide commercial recycling services by requiring that businesses be paid for materials taken; resale of products does not provide enough income to justify money going from the recycling company to the commercial enterprise; other jurisdictions have allowed commercial recycling subject to permit, bonding, insurance, etc.; the grandfathering provision will eliminate BWRS over time because additional services cannot be provided to existing clients and new service cannot be provided to new clients. In response to Councilmember Daysog's inquiry whether BWRS holds other franchises, Mr. Wilee responded in the negative. Councilmember Daysog further inquired whether BWRS could increase efficiencies to still be profitable with existing clients. Mr. Wilee responded if allowed to compete on equal footing, BWRS can handle recycling in an economic way; however, no recycling company can pay clients money for picking up, transporting or disposing of recycling. Ruth Abbee, Alameda, stated that she is thrilled about the new recycling service; she is in one of the pilot areas for [food waste recycling]; she is able to recycle everything and has no waste; the program is wonderful; thanked staff for the open, inclusive public process; stated commercial recycling has always been open market competition in Alameda; grandfathering existing commercial recyclers and disallowing new recyclers will eliminate all commercial recyclers other than the franchisee through attrition, Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 October 15, 2002 which is not best for recycling in Alameda; open competition would be best; ACI will have to work hard to provide the minimum level of service to commercial businesses, let alone to create special programs for hard to service customers; having a minimum level of service for all customers works well; businesses should be able to choose to use additional recyclers; said practice has worked in Oakland; further stated the current ordinance requires construction and demolition projects under $100,000 be exclusive to the franchisee; construction and demolition debris is a lively market and should be open market competition; all of the players, including the franchisee, should be permitted to provide said service; allowing free and open market competition for commercial recycling and construction and demolition would provide the maximum level of recycling. Councilmember Daysog inquired if there are logical reasons for having a residential franchisee, why does the same not hold true for commercial. Ms. Abbee responded residences and businesses generate recyclables differently; residences can live with the minimum level of recycling; considering every area in the franchise agreement, to ask ACI to be the number one recycler for demolition and construction projects under $100,000 and the number one specialty recycler for all commercial businesses is a lot to ask; ACI has a profitable franchise without providing said services; requested a retention of the status quo for commercial businesses and demolition projects under $100,000 to maximize recycling for Alameda. Councilmember Kerr requested Ms. Abbee to provide an example of special recyclable materials, which are generated by commercial businesses. Ms. Abbee stated bailed cardboard from a grocery store or large volumes of mixed paper from an office facility could be handled by individual recyclers; however, the franchise is exclusive for mixed recycling; the franchisee is the only provider who picks up mixed recycling in a single bin; other providers currently pick up mixed recycling; there is no policy or financial reason to prohibit said providers; rates are cheaper; ACI does not need to occupy the entire field; specialty materials will still fall under open market competition. Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed garbage service. John McCabe, Alameda, stated businesses should be allowed to hire any company to handle recycling; residences should be allowed to Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 October 15, 2002 hire any permitted recycler for residential construction demolition debris. The Deputy Public Works Director suggested Council amend the ordinances by revising section 21- 20.3(8) on Grandfathered Recyclers and deleting section 21- 2O.3(e) on Landscape Contracts. The Deputy Public Works Director stated the franchise requires business service to be exclusive to make the rates work; the amendment allows current business recyclers to continue with current customers and to collect specialty materials or materials distinctive from the franchisee; the matter can be reviewed after one year. Councilmember Daysog inquired about the percent of commercial business recycling considered specialty recycling, to which the Deputy Public Works Director responded businesses predominantly generate specialty recycling. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether anyone can self -haul to Davis Street, to which the Deputy Public Works Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether a 30 -day notice would be sufficient evidence for a landlord to receive a temporary exemption, to which the Deputy Public Works Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Kerr inquired where would low income and senior residents apply for a discount, to which the Deputy Public Works Director responded at the ACI office on Blanding Avenue. The Deputy Public Works Director stated the construction and demolition debris section of the ordinance states that for projects greater than $100,000 the hauling can be done by the permittee or the franchisee and for projects under $100,000 the hauling can be done by the franchisee, a contractor or can be self - hauled. The Assistant City Attorney stated the first motion to adopt the ordinance as an urgency measure will go into effect immediately and requires four affirmative votes; the second motion to waive the first reading and introduce the regular ordinance will go into effect 30 days after final adoption. Councilmember Kerr inquired why there are two ordinances, to which the Assistant City Attorney responded to allow the findings that are necessary to adopt the ordinance as an urgency matter to be eliminated; further stated when the regular ordinance is adopted, Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 October 15, 2002 the urgency ordinance and findings will be repealed. Councilmember Johnson stated Council is adopting the ordinance as an urgency ordinance on a temporary basis. Councilmember Johnson moved final passage of the urgency ordinance [No. 28851, including suggested changes [deleting section 21- 20.3(e) on Landscape Contracts and revising section 21- 20.3(8) on Grandfathered Recycler]. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of waiving the first reading and introduction of the ordinance [Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing and Replacing Chapter XXI (Solid Waste and Recycling)], including suggested changes [deleting section 21- 20.3(e) on Landscape Contracts and revising section 21- 20.3(8) on Grandfathered Recycler]. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (02 -485) Bob Rubin, Alameda, submitted a letter to Council and outlined his concerns regarding the street conditions on Park Avenue from Otis Drive to the park; a potential fire hazard in his neighborhood; graffiti; speeding; the street conditions on the Oakland side of the Park Street Bridge; and the Alameda Hospital. Acting Mayor DeWitt requested the City Manager to follow up with Mr. Rubin. (02 -486) Haldis Fearn, Alameda, stated tenants are living in sub- standard housing because every time repairs are requested rent is increased; there should be protection for tenants; suggested the City create a program which provides anonymity for renters in individual rental houses. Councilmember Kerr noted a State law protects tenants who make complaints about repairs and habitability from having their rent raised. Acting Mayor DeWitt requested the City Manager to provide said information to Ms. Fearn. (02 -487) Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed alternative medicines. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 1 October 15, 2002 (02 -488) Jean Sweeney, Alameda, discussed public policies involved with the Alameda Beltline Measure E, including the courts involvement with the matter. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (02 -489) Consideration of Acting Mayor's appointments to the Mayor's Committee on Disability Issues. Acting Mayor DeWitt appointed James Gwynne and Teresa Thomas to the Mayor's Committee on Disability Issues. (02 -490) Consideration of Acting Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Social Service Human Relations Board. (Partial term expiring June 30, 2003) Acting Mayor DeWitt nominated Teresa E. Thomas for appointment to the Social Service Human Relations Board. (02 -491) Acting Mayor DeWitt announced that the next Regular Council Meeting would be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2002, due to the General Municipal Election on Tuesday, November 5, 2002. (02 -492) Councilmember Kerr stated Sonoma and a few other cities in California have instituted alternative methods for enforcing municipal infractions; repeated calls use a lot of police time; Sonoma appointed a City Prosecutor with authority over a limited number of matters; the City Prosecutor uses methods such as massive amounts of small claims; when someone is creating a disturbance in a neighborhood, the Prosecutor has neighbors file small claims; owners facing 20 fines of $5,000 each generally stop the noise, debris, or whatever is bothering the neighbors; noted the matter is addressed in an article in the Western Cities publication; further stated the program was cost effective because it saves sworn officers' time going on calls and appearing in court; requested staff to review the matter and determine whether the program would be financially possible and would work in Alameda. The City Manager stated that he would work with the City Attorney's office to prepare a report on the matter. (02 -493) Councilmember Kerr stated Alameda Point Community Partners (APCP) is providing a monthly report; requested the reports be collected and retained in the Council's common area. In response to the City Manager's inquiry about whether Councilmember Kerr was referring to the report APCP provides on leasing activity, Councilmember Kerr responded in the affirmative. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 12 October 15, 2002 The City Manager stated the report would be provided in the Council's common area. (02 -494) Councilmember Kerr stated the Governor vetoed Senate Bill (SB) 905, which would have prevented deductions from public salaries, but he approved Assembly Bill (AB) 1243; requested the City Attorney to provide information on the impact of AB 1243 being chaptered into law. In response to the City Manager's inquiry whether Councilmember Kerr checked with the League of California Cities about the matter, Councilmember Kerr responded in the affirmative. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Acting Mayor DeWitt adjourned the Regular Meeting at 11:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The Agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 13 October 15, 2002