SUNDAY- -MARCH 16, 2003- -2:00 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 2:25 p.m. Vice Mayor
Daysog led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Kerr, Matarrese
and Mayor Johnson - 4.
Absent: Councilmember DeWitt - 1.
enda Item
(03 -101) Resolution No 13565, "Supporting a Multilateral Approach
to the Iraq Situation that is Provided by the United Nations."
Mayor Johnson stated that unless there was Council objection, she
would like to limit speaker's time to 2 minutes, rather than 3
minutes; that she would announce that speaker slips are due at a
specific point in the meeting, after which time no additional
speaker slips would be accepted; urged speakers to keep comments
within the 2 minute time limit; thanked everyone for attending the
meeting; encouraged everyone to show respect to speakers and not
interrupt, react or applaud.
A member of the audience requested Council vote on the 2 minute
time limit.
Mayor Johnson requested the Deputy City Attorney to clarify whether
a vote is necessary.
The Deputy City Attorney stated that Council could proceed with or
without a vote.
Mayor Johnson stated that she did not object to having Council vote
on the matter.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of limiting speakers' time to 2
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember DeWitt - 1.]
Proponents (In favor of Resolution):
Billy Trice, Jr., Oakland; Carl Halpern, Alameda; Simeon Gant,
Representing Senator Don Parata (Read and submitted letter); Irene
Thomas, Alameda; Mark Irons, Alameda; Rae Lisker, Alameda; Bonnie
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
March 16, 2003
Bone, Alameda; Richard Bangert, Alameda; Michael Kaufman, Alameda;
Andrew Jacobson Davis, Alameda; Barbara Kahn, Alameda; Honora
Murphy, Alameda; Morton Wellhaven, Alameda; Doug Henderson,
Alameda; Ann Miller Muir, Alameda; Gail Weininger, Alameda; Sylvia
Blumberg, Alameda; Jim Oddie, Alameda; Gretchen Mackler- Lipow,
Alameda; Paul Owens, Alameda; Galen Wong, Alameda; Helen Harris,
Alameda (read and submitted letter) ; Gordon Fullmer, Alameda;
Marcus Holder, Alameda; Mary Rudge, Alameda; Laura Thomas, Alameda;
Lena Tam, League of Women Voters; Joanne McKray, Alameda; Mosetta
Rose - London, Alameda (not present); Herb Behrstock, Alameda;
Elizabeth Rogers, Alameda; Nancy Matthews, Alameda (not present);
Michael Yoshii, Buena Vista United Methodist Church; Ingrid Baur,
Alameda; Mary Dosch, Alameda; Paula Rainey, Alameda; Barbara Boje,
Alameda; Ken Peterson, Alameda; Debra Arbuckle, Alameda; Michell
Vital, Alameda (did not speak) ; Jon Spangler, Alameda; Nancy
Wakeman, Alameda; Bill Smith, Alameda; School District Board Member
Janet Gibson, Alameda Peace Network (read and submitted letter);
Kevin Reilly, Green Party; Wendy Horisoshi, Alameda.
Opponents (Not in favor of Resolution):
Peter Hagberg; Gerhard Degemann, Alameda; Len Grzanka, Alameda;
Robert Rugg, Alameda; Don Bergen, Alameda; Dr. Alice Challen,
Alameda; Paul Stagnard, Alameda; Mark Ferro, Alameda; Dave Hamner,
Alameda; Bruce Elerick, Alameda; Michael Goetz, Alameda; Freddie
Smith, Alameda; Agnes Haworth, Alameda; Marlene Kerr, Alameda;
Colleen Powers, Alameda; Andrew McCormack, Alameda; Susan
McCormack, Alameda; Mike King, Alameda; Jean Mancus, Alameda;
Claudia Bermudez, Alameda; Brion Wikes, Alameda; Jill Singleton,
San Leandro; Gordon Warren, Alameda; Christine Warren, Alameda;
Paul Chapot, Alameda; Michael Lien, Alameda; Jack Stevens, Alameda;
Mike Sheppard, Alameda; Gilbert Salas, Alameda; Jose Gonzalez,
Joey Wever; and Mark Weinstein, Alameda.
Following School Board Member Janet Gibson's comments, Vice Mayor
Daysog inquired whether Ms. Gibson would be requesting the School
Board to take a similar action.
Ms. Gibson responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson announced that the public comment portion of the
meeting was closed.
Mayor Johnson called a recess at 4:40 p.m. and reconvened the
Special Meeting at 4:55 p.m.
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Alameda City Council 2
March 16, 2003
Vice Mayor Daysog thanked the attendees for being respectful;
stated regardless how a person feels about the situation, 250,000
people are already deployed; everyone should thank and offer their
hopes and prayers for the deployed troops risking their lives; that
he reviewed 10 resolutions adopted by other agencies and only one
mentioned the troops; the early 1970's should not be repeated; the
troops should not be frowned upon for following orders issued by
Washington D.C.; the City of Alameda should be involved with the
issue; the City has a tremendous history of supporting the
military; the matter is within the purview of the City Council and
is within the purview of Alameda's history of having a military
base; that he is not a foreign policy expert and would speak from
his gut level; the United States should make every effort to work
through the United Nations (UN), which offers a forum for
multilaterally dealing with countries like Iraq; although said
approach might not work, it should be given a shot; British Prime
Minister Tony Blair suggested a little more time be given to work
through the UN, which is included in the resolution; the UN is not
perfect and might not work; however, at least all efforts to bring
in as many countries as possible would be exhausted, which is the
proper course; that he supports the resolution as written.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she believes the City Council should
not be getting involved or using its scarce resources for matters
outside its jurisdiction; that she will abstain from the vote as a
symbolic way of saying that the Council should not be voting on the
matter; however, she will not hide behind the abstention to keep
from sharing her personal opinion on the war; that she does not
believe the United States should go to war in Iraq, whether or not
the UN approves; the UN does not have clean hands; Russia and
France strongly oppose the action because they have successfully
negotiated very good oil rights with Iraq; Vice President Chaney
was formally associated with the xalliburton Corporation; said
corporation has already received the contract to clean up oil
fields after the war, which indicates the war would be about
something other than peace and freedom; that she has respect for
the work the UN does around the world; the City Council should
stick to matters it was elected to address; there have been calls
to see if Council would consider the addressing the death penalty;
that she has strong feelings on the death penalty; however, the
Council should not get involved with the matter; thanked everyone
who spoke on both sides of the issue for speaking intelligently,
speaking from their hearts and showing other speakers great
Councilmember Matarrese thanked everyone in attendance and everyone
who submitted letters and e- mails; stated people in Alameda are
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Alameda City Council 3
March 16, 2003
civil and thoughtful; that he put his feelings about the leader of
Iraq and the United States aside and viewed the matter based on the
effect of the federal government's policy; his oath of office was
not to the City Charter of Alameda, it was to the Constitution of
the United States, which provides the right to petition government
in the First Amendment; the Council is petitioning the government
to protect Alameda; before troops are deployed to make sacrifices
to protect U.S. citizens, everyone's voices should be known; the
death penalty does not carry the same importance in Alameda;
however, he would support Council involvement if it did have the
same importance; Alamedans will be on the line; two Coast Guard
cutters have been deployed; the City will be faced with [budget]
cuts; the Council must be involved with budget matters to protect
the City; that he supports the resolution.
Mayor Johnson stated that she received comments about additional
language in the resolution; suggested Council consider adding
language about supporting the efforts of President Bush to disarm
Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, protect national security, and
remain committed to the UN process; stated Secretary of State
Powell affirmed commitment to the UN process this morning; the end
of the process might not be peace; however, going through the [UN]
process is important; the City Council deals with matters not
within the City's purview on a regular basis; Councilmember Kerr
represents the City on the League of California Cities, which
routinely deals with matters beyond Council's purview that have a
great impact on the City; due to the economic structure of the
government, there are no longer independent levels of government;
money is sent to the federal government, which, hopefully, returns
to the local level; State budget cuts have an impact on the City's
ability to pay for public safety; activities which go on at the
federal level impact Alameda; City government should not be
involved with all issues, such as the death penalty; Alameda
residents are deployed and ready to go to war; if her son was
deployed and his life was lost in the next 30 days, she might not
believe it was worth it; continuing efforts with the UN might
provide another solution; the resolution is not pro- or anti -war;
the resolution encourages the President to continue working with
the UN process; inquired about Council's preference about adding
language or adopting the resolution as presented.
Vice Mayor Daysog requested Mayor Johnson to provide the specific
language being proposed.
Mayor Johnson responded language could be added that: "the City
Council supports the efforts of President Bush to disarm Iraq of
weapons of mass destruction and his efforts to protect national
security; and the City Council supports President Bush and his
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Alameda City Council 4
March 16, 2003
commitment to the UN process."
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he supports adding language
about the effort to disarm going through the UN; the point is to go
through the process; that he supports adding language that George
Bush's role as President of the United States is to protect
citizens from terrorism.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether the proposed language might
already be captured in the first operative clause of the
resolution; stated adding language to support President Bush's
effort to disarm weapons of mass destruction amplifies what is
stated; suggested the resolution remain as written.
Mayor Johnson stated the existing language supports the concept;
however, adding language clarifies that the Council supports the
UN's efforts to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the first operative clause only states
"generally support multilateral diplomatic approach to Iraq;" Mayor
Johnson's suggestion adds that the point is to remove weapons of
mass destruction from Iraq.
Mayor Johnson stated language could be added to the first operative
Vice Mayor Daysog suggested the first operative paragraph read:
"Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the City Council of the City
of Alameda does hereby encourage a genuinely multilateral
diplomatic approach to the Iraq situation provided by the United
Nations regarding the removal of weapons of mass destruction."
Mayor Johnson stated that she concurred with said recommendation.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the existing language is being amplified;
the emphasis is still to work through multilateral efforts and the
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution with the
addition of the proposed language.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr stated the League of
California Cities efforts are directed toward the State's efforts
to override the City's zoning laws, to leave the City with only 260
of property taxes, and Sacramento's efforts to interfere with the
sovereignty of the cities in California.
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Alameda City Council 5
March 16, 2003
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Matarrese and Mayor
Johnson - 3. Noes: None - 0. Absent: Councilmember DeWitt - 1.
Abstentions: Councilmember Kerr - 1.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Special Meeting at 5:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council 6
March 16, 2003