TUESDAY - - NOVEMBER 18, 2003 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 8:11 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Kerr, Gilmore,
Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(03 -518) Briefing by the Information Technology Director on the
achievements of the Information Technology Department.
The Information Technology Director gave a PowerPoint presentation
on the achievements of the Information Technology Department.
Vice Mayor Daysog requested that the IT Director return with an
analysis of the department's cost relative to the savings
generated; for example, training previously conducted off site can
now be conducted on centralized equipment; requested the analysis
include costs to maintain and service the training facility versus
previous costs; another example would be employees completing
applications electronically; said type of comparisons would be
helpful for Council to evaluate.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the on -line permit application was
completed by IT, to which the IT Director responded in the
Councilmember Kerr stated having documentation available on the web
site has provided public access to information; noted benefits of
access in electronic format; stated the City has come a long way in
the past seven years.
(03 -519) Briefing by the Public Works Department on the
Transportation Master Plan.
Mayor Johnson announced that there will be a meeting regarding the
master plan tomorrow.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she requested the presentation
because documentation indicated that the City would be launching a
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$430,000 Transportation Plan based on a Joint Council/
Transportation Commission (TC) meeting last June; the meeting did
not have a Council quorum; launching a $430,000 program should be
considered by the Council.
Mayor Johnson requested staff to respond.
The City Manager stated the City has not launched an initiative to
conduct a full transportation master planning process; there was
not a vote at the joint meeting; the Public Works Director has
indicated that activities are underway that will serve as a basis
for launching the planning process.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the matter would be brought to
Council for a vote in the future, to which the City Manager
responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the matter should be brought to
Council sooner, rather than later.
The Public Works Director stated that staff is in the process of
starting the foundation of what will be a Master Transportation
Plan; the discussion from the joint meeting prompted the TC to
discuss the need to be strategic and proactive; the work that
Public Works is currently doing will be the foundation for the
master plan and is within the authority of the TC.
The Public Works Director gave a PowerPoint presentation on the
Transportation Master Plan.
Mayor Johnson stated if the matter needs to be brought to Council,
it should be placed on an agenda for action.
The Public Works Director stated the current work is within the
existing budget allocation and uses existing staff time; staff is
not requesting additional allocation.
The Acting City Attorney stated the TC would come forward with a
policy recommendation; staff is not ready to move forward with
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the $400,000 budget has to be
approved by Council, to which the Acting City Attorney responded
the budget would need to be approved if the amount has not been
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The City Manager stated the $135,000 needed for the foundational
work has been appropriated; the additional $275,000 has to be
Mayor Johnson stated the question is whether the matter should be
presented to the Council for action or if it is appropriate to
The City Manager requested the Public Works Director to explain
when the project would be defined enough to be presented to the
The Public Works Director stated the details of the Master
Transportation Plan will be fleshed out as public input is sought;
staff can initiate identifying inconsistencies and the scope of
work; then, staff would present the strategy, costs and possible
funding sources.
The City Manager inquired when the matter would be presented to
Council, the Public Works Director responded four to six months.
Mayor Johnson inquired how much money staff plans to spend before
bringing the issue to Council; stated transportation is a very
important issue; the City should not spend $135,000 if the Council
will be giving different direction; bringing the matter to Council
at the beginning of the project would be better than spending money
and then, requesting more money from the Council.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the process is backwards; the
Council should give direction; concurred with Mayor Johnson that
$135,000 should not be spent without Council direction; requested a
report to council with preliminary recommendations from the TC and
staff following the workshop; Council should be given the
opportunity to refine the scope and the direction; the public
should have an opportunity to hear Council's comments and provide
feedback; suggested the matter be placed on an agenda in February.
Councilmember Kerr stated Council direction is important because
Council understands Alameda Point development; Council can ensure
there is flexibility in the plan due to unknowns [Alameda Point
development]; the sooner the matter is presented to Council the
better; the initial $135,000 budget is Measure B funds, which could
be used for other things.
Mayor Johnson stated that she does not want to have staff spend
$135,000 before the matter returns to Council; Council would like
preliminary information for Council input.
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The Public Works Director noted the $135,000 is for staff time.
Mayor Johnson stated the Council's direction is to have staff
compile preliminary information and bring the matter to Council
prior to spending staff time, which is also a precious resource;
additional resources should not be spent until the matter is
considered by the Council.
Councilmember Matarrese thanked the TC for tackling tough issues;
stated people are concerned about traffic; there is a sense of
urgency to have the matter be presented to Council.
Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to award Contract
to J.W. Riley and Son, Inc. [paragraph no. 03 -523], the Resolutions
Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application for Grant
Funds for the Murray- Hayden Program and the Urban Park Act of 2001
Program [paragraph nos. 03 -527 and 03- 527A], the Resolution
Authorizing the Application for Funds to Construct a Bay Trail
Segment [paragraph no. 03 -528], the Resolution Amending the
Management and Confidential Employees Association Salary Schedule
[paragraph no. 03 -529], the Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the
Sale of the Western Half of the Vacated Portion of Market Street
[paragraph no. 03 -530], and the Ordinance Approving and Authorizing
the Sale of the Eastern Half of the Vacated Portion of Market
Street [paragraph no. 03 -531] were removed from the Consent
Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *03 -520) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on
October 14, 2003; Special Joint City Council and Community
Improvement Commission (CIC) Meeting held on October 21, 2003; and
the Special City Council Meeting, the Special Joint City Council,
CIC and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Meeting and the
Regular City Council Meeting held on November 4, 2003. Approved.
Councilmember Matarrese noted that he would abstain from voting on
the Minutes since he was absent from the November 4, 2003 meeting.
[Abstention: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.]
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( *03 -521) Recommendation to accept the Quarterly Investment Report
for the period ending September 30, 2003. Accepted.
( *03 -522) Recommendation to extend time by One -Year, to November
21, 2004, to file Final Map for Tract 7232 (43 County Road).
(03 -523) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of
$199,600, including contingency, to J.W. Riley and Son, Inc. for
Alameda Point Multi Use Field Renovation, No. P.W. 12- 02 -18; and
allocate $27,966 from the Dwelling Unit Tax Fund to provide
required match.
Mayor Johnson stated the Soccer Club contributed $64,000 toward the
project; the City will have more sports facilities at the former
Base; thanked everyone involved with the project.
Councilmember Kerr inquired as to which side of main gate the
fields would be installed.
The City Manager responded adjacent to the gym and swimming pool,
at the site of the old baseball field.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *03 -524) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of
$170,940, including contingency, to SpenCon Construction, Inc., for
the Repair of Portland Cement, Concrete Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter, and
Driveway and Minor Street Patching, No. P.W. 07- 03 -15. Accepted.
( *03 -525) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of
$167,200, including contingency, to Ransome Company for the
Littlejohn Park Upgrades Project, No. P.W. 03- 03 -06; and revise the
Fiscal Year 2003 -04 Budget (CIP #02 -04) to $212,150. Accepted.
( *03 -526) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications for
Seismic Upgrade and Facade Repair of Fire Station Number 3, No.
P.W. 08- 03 -17. Accepted.
(03 -527) Resolution No 13661, "Authorizing the City Manager to
Submit an Application for Grant Funds for the Murray- Hayden Program
Under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood
Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002." Adopted; and
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(03 -527A) Resolution No. 13662, "Authorizing the City Manager to
Submit an Application for Grant Funds for the Urban Park Act of
2001 Program Under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe
Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002." Adopted.
Mayor Johnson stated the applications are for funds for estuary
park and the gymnasium at Alameda Point; applications with matching
funds would be viewed more competitively; inquired whether there is
an opportunity to provide matching funds; stated property was just
sold for $1 million; inquired whether the applications should be
submitted with matching funds to be viewed more competitively.
The Recreation and Parks Director stated one important criteria is
matching fund.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that when the property was sold,
Council discussed putting money toward open space acquisition and
Mayor Johnson inquired how much matching funds would be sufficient.
The Recreation and Parks Director stated an amount was not
suggested; the application would be for $3 million, which is the
maximum; $1 million would be a 33% match, which is significant; the
grant application guidelines do not indicate a specific amount.
Mayor Johnson stated the matter should be placed on an agenda.
Councilmember Matarrese stated in addition to money, there should
be a strategy on the City's aggressive lobbying efforts to make
Alameda's application competitive; opportunity should not be
missed; the matter should be placed on an agenda as soon as
Mayor Johnson stated the money would be leveraged to bring in more
money to the City.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired what is the grant deadline, the
Recreation and Parks Director responded January 15.
The Recreation and Parks Director stated that staff has been in
contact with Assemblywoman Wilma Chan's office, which will try to
ensure Alameda receives as many competitive grants as possible.
Councilmember Kerr stated the park area needs another name; the
Coast Guard housing park area has been known as Estuary Park for
years; calling the proposed area by the same name is confusing;
distinct names are needed; further stated the proposed park is ten
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acres along 1,400 feet; inquired whether the average is 300 feet.
The Recreation and Parks Director stated the proposed ten acres
traverses the full length of the estuary; work must be done with
several property owners in the area; staff is working to identify
the best project.
Councilmember Kerr confirmed her calculations; stated 300 feet
depth would be great, although the depth will vary; she understands
staff has a lot of work with property owners.
The Recreation and Parks Director stated $3 million in funds would
not cover the purchase of ten acres; staff will identify as much
land as possible to acquire.
Councilmember Kerr inquired how the rest of the Council feels about
the park name.
Mayor Johnson stated the park should be named at the appropriate
point, not now; it is being referred to as estuary park and not
intended as the park name.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the park can be called anything for
designation purposes.
The Recreation and Parks Director stated the General Plan has the
name estuary park and will be submitted with the application; the
name can be decided in the future; estuary park is being used for
Mayor Johnson stated the City should not get bogged down by the
Deborah Greene, Estuary Park Action Committee, stated the northern
waterfront neighborhood is lacking open space; the General Plan
designated a park in the area; children need a park in the area.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the group is determined; inquired
whether funding sources that she previously discussed with Ms.
Greene were being considered tonight.
Ms. Greene responded in the affirmative; stated the grants are for
Proposition 40 funds.
Jim Sweeney, Alameda, urged Council to support the project in any
way possible.
Jean Sweeney, Alameda, stated the Army Corp. of Engineers would
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like to divest off shore land along the estuary, which would be
given to the City; suggested said land be retained, if the City
receives it.
Mayor Johnson stated the area is not in the same location as the
proposed estuary park.
Jay Ingram, Recreation and Park Commission, stated that for
reference purposes, the Franklin Park is four acres.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved adoption of the resolutions.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Mayor Johnson stated Council direction is that the matching funds
matter should return to Council as soon as possible.
(03 -528) Resolution No. 13663, "Authorizing the Application for
Funds to Construct a Bay Trail Segment Around Segments of Paden
School by the Paden Parent Teacher Association; and Agreeing to
Enter Into a Joint -Use Agreement with the Alameda Recreation and
Parks Department for Use and Maintenance of the Bay Trail
Facility." Adopted.
Judy Goodwin, Paden School Principal, introduced Paden students,
parents and staff.
Bridgette Lundy Paine, Thais Arjo, Alexandra Arjo and Evan Karazi,
Paden School Fourth grade students, urged the Council to vote for
the Bay Trails project.
Erik Morris, Paden School student, stated the Bay Trail would be a
great place for children to play, citizens would have a place to
see the Bay and it would benefit the ecosystem.
Cheyenne Seff, Paden School student, urged Council to vote for the
Bay Trail.
Ms. Goodwin stated the project demonstrates the community working
Clarice Olson, Paden School PTA, stated the project has had student
involvement and neighborhood meetings to allow input; Council is
being asked to enter into an agreement with the School District and
to allow for application for funds; thanked individuals involved in
the process.
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Jim Sweeney, Alameda, stated Alameda has to be tenacious to keep
having segments of the Bay Trail constructed; thanked everyone
involved with the project.
Mayor Johnson commended student participation; thanked everyone for
working on the project; extension of the Bay Trail is important.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the project is a gift from Paden
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(03 -529) Resolution No. 13664, "Amending the Management and
Confidential Employees Association Salary Schedule by Establishing
a Salary for the Position of Telecom Operations Supervisor."
Councilmember Kerr stated the telecom business would be discussed
at a Joint Meeting on Monday, November 24; until after the joint
meeting, hiring should not be considered.
The City Manager stated staff is needed to deliver the service;
until the Council makes a decision to withdraw from the business
initiative, staff needs to be hired.
The Human Resources Director stated the Council action creates the
position and pay classification; the recruitment process needs to
take place prior to hiring.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the Council is approving a
budget for the position.
The Human Resources Director responded the position has already
been approved in Alameda Power and Telecom's (AP &T) budget.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether there is a problem with
postponing the matter until the next Council meeting; inquired how
long it takes fill the position after Council authorizes the
The Human Resources Director stated waiting until the December 2
would not be a problem; creating the position tonight would allow
AP &T to start advertising.
Councilmember Kerr moved that the matter be held over until
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December 2.
Mayor Johnson stated the position is probably needed regardless of
the Joint Meeting on Monday.
The Human Resources Director stated postponement creates a delay in
the recruitment process.
Councilmember Gilmore stated applicants might not apply during the
holiday season.
The Human Resources Director stated most positions have had a great
amount of interest for most positions.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether there is
any reason to wait if the position is already budgeted and is
Councilmember Kerr stated the City does not know how long it will
be in the telecom business.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the question is filling, not
creating, the position; the City is currently in the telecom
business and needs the position.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Council could vote to create the
position and not authorize recruiting for the position until after
the Joint Meeting, November 24.
The City Manager stated the staffing is needed to complete the
Mayor Johnson noted the matter could return for Council to delete
the position.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the position could be
authorized with direction that staff not begin advertising until
after Monday night, to which the City Manager responded in the
Mayor Johnson noted Council is considering a $7 million loan; AP &T
will move forward with its plans in an alternative way if Council
does not authorize the loan.
The City Manager stated the meeting is to address financing.
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On the call for the question, THE MOTION FAILED by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Gilmore and Kerr - 2. Noes:
Councilmembers Daysog, Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 3.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution and the
advertising and filling of the position be held in abeyance until
after the Special Joint City Council /Public Utilities Board Meeting
November 24.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by the
following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Gilmore, Matarrese,
and Mayor Johnson - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1.
(03 -530) Introduction of Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the
Sale of the Western Half of the Vacated Portion of Market Street
Located South of Bridgeview Drive. Introduced.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the parcel of land is being sold to
two different individuals; requested transaction costs, including
the appraisal and parcel map, be borne by both parties equally;
inquired whether only one party paid for the appraisal.
The Acting Public Works Coordinator responded both parties have
paid their share.
Councilmember Gilmore stated one party contacted her with concerns;
that she would leave the matter to staff.
The City Manager stated staff would confirm with both parties.
The Public Works Director suggested that language be added to the
ordinance regarding the payment.
The Acting City Attorney stated that said language could be added.
Councilmember Gilmore moved introduction of the ordinance [with the
addition of language regarding both parties sharing transaction
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(03 -531) Introduction of Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the
Sale of the Eastern Half of the Vacated Portion of Market Street
Located South of Bridgeview Drive. Introduced.
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Councilmember Gilmore moved introduction of the ordinance [with the
addition of language regarding both parties sharing transaction
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *03 -532) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Repealing Subsection 8 -22.12 (Appeal to City Council) of
Section 8 -22 (Abatement, Removal of Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled
or Inoperative Vehicles); Adding New Subsection 2 -8.6 (Appeal of
Transportation Commission Decision) to Section 2 -8 (Transportation
Commission) of Chapter II (Administration) and Subsection 8 -1.5
(Appeal of Technical Transportation Team); Renumbering Subsections
8 -1.5 (Place of Traffic Control), 8 -1.6 (Traffic Signals Controlled
by Officer), 8 -1.7 (Safety Zones), 8 -1.8 (Neglect or Refusal to
Stop), and 8 -1.9 (Police Officer Defined) of Section 8 -1 (General)
of Chapter VIII (Traffic, Motor Vehicles and Alternative
Transportation Modes); and Amending Subsection 2 -8.2 (Membership,
Term of Office, Removal), Subsection 2 -8.5 (Duties) of Section 2 -8
(Transportation Commission) of Chapter II (Administration),
Subsection 8 -8.1 (Angled Parking) of Section 8 -8 (General Parking
Regulations), Subsection 8- 14.3(b), (No Cruising Zones) of Section
8 -14 (Cruising), Subsection 8 -22.11 (Hearing and Decision by
Transportation Advisory Committee), of Section 8 -22 (Abatement
Removal of Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled or Inoperative Vehicles),
Subsection 8 -27.3 (Transit Stops) of Section 8 -27 (Transit
Operations) of Chapter VIII (Traffic and Motor Vehicles),
Subsection 12 -11 (Definitions) of Article II (On Street Parking
Meter Zones), Subsection 12 -13.1 (Installation of Parking Meters)
of Section 12 -13 (Parking Meters), Subsection 12- 17.6(a) (Permit
Required) and Subsection 12- 17.8(d) (Prohibitions and Fines) of
Section 12 -17 (Preferential Parking) of Chapter XII (Parking Lots
and Parking Meters). Introduced.
( *03 -533) Introduction of Ordinance Levying Special Taxes within
Community Facilities District No. 03 -1 (Bayport Municipal Services
District). Introduced.
( *03 -534) Ratified bills in the amount of $1,944,034.40.
(03 -535) Susan McCormack, Alameda, submitted a request to appeal a
letter written by the Assistant City Manager dated November 13,
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2003; stated the Webster House has been an established business for
sixteen years; nothing has changed and the Planning and Building
Department is requiring that the business add a drug store or
obtain a use permit; the same request has been made in 1995 and
1987; gave a brief history of the property's use approvals; stated
that she does not want to have a drug store or use permit.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the decision was made by staff
or the Planning Board, to which Ms. McCormack responded staff.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether there is anything to be appealed.
The Assistant City Manager stated the issue is complex; staff would
prepare a report for Council; the letter might not need an appeal.
Mayor Johnson questioned whether the City should review its bed and
breakfast ordinance.
Ms. McCormack stated the Health Department requires bed and
breakfast establishments to have a transient occupancy kitchen,
which cannot serve the general public; suggested business license
codes be revised to include "food and fountain," which is a
permitted C -1 use.
Mayor Johnson stated the Assistant City Manager would provide
Council with a report.
(03 -536) Linda Larkin, Alameda, stated that she owns property at
2160 Buena Vista Avenue; her neighbor is doing construction; the
contractor has been using her water and has left materials,
including gasoline on her property; East Bay Municipal Utility
District (EBMUD) instructed her to call the Police and Planning
and Building Departments; outlined interactions with City staff;
stated staff agreed to send an inspector and nothing has been done;
the Police Department has not responded either; water use has
continued; problems with her neighbors on Clement Avenue have also
continued and have not been addressed by staff.
Mayor Johnson stated a report was received on the Clement Avenue
issue; stated the City has Code Enforcement; there is a continuing
problem; inquired whether Code Enforcement can be more aggressive.
The Assistant City Manager noted that property visits indicate that
issues have been corrected and the property owner is in compliance.
Mayor Johnson suggested providing some disincentives such as fines
or citations; requested a report outlining other means that would
provide disincentives in light of the fact that it is a continual
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problem and requested staff to follow up on Buena Vista problem.
Councilmember Kerr suggested that Police drive by Buena Vista
Avenue to see whether water is being used from Ms. Larkin's home.
Mayor Johnson offered to meet with Ms. Larkin to follow up with her
or any other council member.
Ms. Larkin stated that the Police Department needs to provide a
report on water usage because EBMUD would do an adjustment on her
water bill.
Councilmember Kerr noted the problem on Clement Avenue; it is zoned
M -2.
(03 -537) Mayor Johnson requested that staff ensure that street
contractors be made aware of street closure restrictions; stated
closure is not allowed until after 9:00 a.m.; outlined problems
caused by a High Street closure at 8:20 a.m.; suggested detour
signage be posted to alert motorists of closures.
(03 -538) Mayor Johnson requested that the Council receive periodic
updates regarding the Vehicle License Fee.
(03 -539) Mayor Johnson inquired whether a report on the Historic
Museum's rent would be brought to Council before February; stated
rent is committed through February; inquired what happens in
February; suggested that the matter be brought to Council since
there have been substantial rent increases over the past several
The City Manager stated that a report would be presented to Council
in January.
(03 -540) Mayor Johnson thanked and congratulated Assistant City
Manager Rob Wonder upon his retirement; acknowledged his responsive
and respectful work ethic.
Vice Mayor Daysog expressed his gratitude to Mr. Wonder for his
help throughout the years and thanked Mr. Wonder for his ability as
a problem solver.
Councilmember Kerr stated knowing Mr. Wonder since 1970 has been a
pleasure; thanked him for everything.
Councilmember Matarrese expressed his appreciation of Mr. Wonder's
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rapid responses in the areas of library matters, bicycles and
traffic; stated issues were handled in an efficient, friendly
Councilmember Gilmore thanked Mr. Wonder for his involvement with
City projects.
(03 -541) Vice Mayor Daysog stated his concerns about Alameda Power
and Telecom (AP &T) transferring funds from the electric to the
telecom side; when the telecom business started, Council wanted to
protect the electric side; the 1998 ballot argument stated that the
communication business plan does not indicate that electric rates
would subsidize cable operations; when Council issued bonds to fund
cable, the notion of a firewall ensuring there is not subsidy from
the electric side was reiterated by staff and Council; that he is
concerned that there have been missed opportunities for staff to
inform him that transfers occurred; that he found transfers through
audited statements; for example the 2000 audited statement showed a
$3 million transfer, which was paid back in fiscal year 2001; the
June 30, 2002 fiscal year budget had another transfer, which might
have occurred as a result of the Vectren deal; AP &T's fiscal year
2004 budget indicated $17 million from the electric working capital
would be transferred to telecom; now said amount is going to be
revised to $13 million; if AP &T obtains $7 million [from the
General Fund], the net would be a $6 million transfer; questioned
whether a loan constitutes a transfer; stated that he has questions
about the firewall - -was it for construction or was it for
everything ?; the January 18, 2000 minutes indicate it [firewall]
was for everything; that he would like more information on the $16
million transfer, which on top of the $17 million transfer, in the
fiscal year 2004 budget; noted the $16 million from the bonds has
already been exhausted; the citizens of Alameda should know about
the system financing; telecom should move forward; however,
structures and systems should be in place that ensure there is firm
Mayor Johnson noted a Joint Meeting is scheduled for Monday; said
issues can be addressed; suggested Council members give specific
questions to staff ahead of time.
The City Manager stated the more questions staff can have ahead of
time, the more can be prepared for and addressed as part of the
(03 -542) Councilmember Kerr noted that a past Council resolution
addresses when final decisions of the Council can be reconsidered;
the City Attorney does not consider a resolution strong enough;
suggested direction be created to address how many times an item
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can return to Council after a final decision has been made; stated
the City Attorney's opinion is that there should be an ordinance;
requested Council consider an ordinance to codify the current
Mayor Johnson noted that the matter should be considered with a
report under Council Communications.
Councilmember Kerr stated the resolution is being ignored; if the
resolution is meaningless, an ordinance should be considered; noted
the litigation issue discussed tonight was brought back after a
final decision was made.
Mayor Johnson noted that litigation issues often require further
direction and can go on for years; requiring that litigation items
come to Council only once would make her uncomfortable.
The City Manager suggested the existing resolution be placed under
Council Communication to allow Council to discuss the issue and
decide whether an ordinance should be prepared.
(03 -543) Councilmember Gilmore noted that the CalTrans's tube
closure signs are still up; requested staff to address the issue;
stated the signs could be detrimental to Webster Street merchants
during the upcoming holiday season.
Mayor John suggested that the signs read: THE TUBE IS NO LONGER
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 10:24 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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