MONDAY- - NOVEMBER 24, 2003- -6:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 6:40 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Kerr, Matarrese,
and Mayor Johnson - 4.
Board Members Baldassare, Bangert,
McCormick, City Manager Flint and
President Lucas - 5.
Absent: Councilmember Gilmore - 1.
Public Comment
Jim Meyer, Alameda, stated that he uses Alameda Power and Telecom
(AP &T) services; the internet is a vital service; losing the
telecom service would be tragic.
The Special Joint Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 6:47
p.m. to consider:
(03 -547) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation;
Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of
Section 54956.9; Number of cases: One.
Following the Closed Session, the Special Meeting was reconvened at
7:28 and Mayor Johnson announced that the Council /Board discussed
exposure to litigation, received a briefing and gave direction.
(03 -548) Study Session to discuss Alameda Power and Telecom's
telecommunication business.
Alameda Power and Telecom (AP &T) staff gave a PowerPoint
presentation regarding the telecommunication services and system
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that in fiscal year 2000, there was a $3
million loan which was paid back the following year; inquired what
said funds were used for.
The Competitive Strategies and Administration Manager responded
funds were used to pay for start -up costs.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and 1
Public Utilities Board
November 24, 2003
Councilmember Matarrese stated the value of the system is based
upon the number of customers; inquired what the value would be
without customers.
The AP &T General Manager responded the industry only measures value
based upon customers.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether Alameda Point buildout is
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager responded that Alameda
Point is not included in the business plan; AP &T would engage the
developer using the same approach that was used recently with the
Warmington Homes and KB developments; noted AP &T had 60% market
penetration of internet service at the KB development.
Councilmember Kerr inquired why the buildout strategy has not
included multiple dwelling units, which would be cheaper to
The Marking Specialist responded property owners have rights over
telecom access; for example, the property owners of Ballena
complexes have exclusive contracts with satellite companies; AP &T
will attempt to penetrate the market once the contract ends.
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager noted a monthly report
on marketing efforts is prepared for the Public Utilities Board
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he wants to be confident that systems
are in place to meet marketing targets; the Return On Investment
(ROI) on marketing strategies must be cost effective; questioned
whether the June 2004 targeted number of customers could be met.
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager stated customer
acquisition is not on a straight -line basis; customer acquisition
is directly related to new inventory; noted buildout has not been
completed in some areas as fast as was intended.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the number of customers is expected to
take a large jump in an eight -month period; performance measures
show how money is being spent, but do not measure whether there is
a return on the investment; a system should be in place to evaluate
the ROI; measuring the number of pages of advertisements does not
measure performance.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and 2
Public Utilities Board
November 24, 2003
The AP &T General Manager noted that the system's value is dependent
on the number of customers; system buildout in 2008 has a target of
16,000 customers.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired about the cost associated with spending
a specific amount of time on the phone to get new customers;
inquired whether one -time costs are involved.
The AP &T General Manager stated the same size head -end, including
equipment, staff levels, etc., is needed regardless of the number
of customers.
Vice Mayor Daysog requested a report be provided evaluating how
sponsorship of events attracts new customers.
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager stated all sponsorships
are measured based upon customer impressions; a variety of events
are sponsored.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether there are other monitoring
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager responded the budget
process provides monitoring and includes the specific events that
will be sponsored; stated that he would provide information on the
sponsorship evaluation process.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he is trying to flush out information
to ensure the project is on track; there is little room in the
budget for slack.
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager stated marketing
expenditures are high because AP &T is in the customer acquisition
phase; the budget will decrease after buildout; marketing is
focusing on affinity because national advertisements cannot be
purchased as can be done by competitors.
President Lucas noted expansion slowed around the Vectren problem;
however, the new contractor is excellent and there should not be
further problems.
Board Member McCormick stated the Vectren situation was well
navigated and has resulted in a great opportunity for the City.
Councilmember Matarrese
connection with Parent
business practices do no
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Public Utilities Board
November 24, 2003
stated that he applauds the marketing
Teacher Associations (PTAs); regular
t apply; AP &T cannot stick to the usual
modes because the public owns the business; having a portion of the
City without service is not acceptable; that he needs to know that
costs will not go beyond $7.5 Million; there should be assurance
for the public.
The AP &T General Manager stated the buildout Contract is a fixed
price contract with 15% contingency.
The Competitive Strategies and Administration Manager stated the $7
million does not cover unknowns or lateral installations.
Councilmember Matarrese requested that a final amount be provided.
The Utility Services Manager stated an estimate could be provided;
however, lateral installations depend upon how many customers want
the service; the greater the number of laterals, the higher the
Mayor Johnson inquired whether change orders would increase costs
during the 20 -month buildout; inquired whether enough revenue would
be generated from new customers to pay for cost increases.
The AP &T General Manager responded in the affirmative; stated cost
increases are anticipated to be paid for from revenue.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the question is how to go about paying for
buildout, especially relative to policies; there could be a $13
million loan with $7 million from the General Fund and $6 million
from electric fund working capital; that he needs answers to
questions, such as is it healthy to reduce electric fund working
capital; inquired whether fund shifts are occurring because there
is a fundamental problem or if the system is healthy.
Mayor Johnson inquired how AP &T would pay for lateral
The Utility Services Manager stated lateral installations are
included in operating costs; AP &T's crews can install laterals.
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager stated revenue is
attached to the expense of installing lateral lines.
Councilmember Kerr stated operating expenses in the business plan
were $3.5 million; actual costs were $9.5 million; the number of
customers needed to break even was 6,000 in the business plan; now,
the number is 16,000; the original business plan was for a
different system; costs have been moving targets, which causes her
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and 4
Public Utilities Board
November 24, 2003
concern about loaning money; noted the General Fund is facing
problems because cities are inheriting the State budget problem;
and breaking down the firewall is an option that is being explored;
if electrical rates were raised, it would result in 700 of the
population subsidizing 300; commented on electric deregulation and
investor owned companies ability to lobby the State elected
officials; noted the electric business is not bullet proof.
Mayor Johnson stated none of the proposals involve using electric
rates to cover telecom.
The AP &T General Manager stated the electric rates are based upon
the cost to serve customers; rates will not be raised to subsidize
Councilmember Kerr stated if the firewall is lowered, it is
conceivable that rates could be raised if funds are needed.
Mayor Johnson noted that many options are being explored.
President Lucas noted that the firewall was created to protect the
City from a lender, such as Citibank, taking over the electric
business; the firewall was to keep electric assets out of the reach
of a third -party lender; the firewall was a wise decision, which
she supports retaining.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he would like clarity on the ROI
strategies, including the targets for the number of subscribers and
ways that will be used to check progress; $15 million out of $16
million in bonds has been spent without a way to repay the bonds;
specific targets are needed; he would like to know the impact of
leaving electric working capital at $4 million.
The Competitive Strategies and Administration Manager noted the
working capital amount would grow.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he would like to know whether $4
million is an acceptable amount.
The Competitive Strategies and Administration Manager stated the
amount is below the industry standard.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he would like to know what is
AP &T's target and what is the delta.
Board Member Bangert stated the ROI is not an appropriate measure
in AP &T' s case; the goal is to meet the needs of residents; the
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and 5
Public Utilities Board
November 24, 2003
rate structure would be different if the ROI was the goal; although
the ROI can be calculated, it is not the goal.
Councilmember Kerr noted a goal is to increase revenue for the
Board Members Baldassare and Bangert concurred that increasing the
City's revenue is a goal.
Mayor Johnson requested further explanation of the PTA marketing
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager stated the marketing is
an attempt to replace door -to -door salespeople with affinity sales;
a school teacher spreading the word that fieldtrips are being paid
for by PTA sales of AP &T services is a great advertisement.
Mayor Johnson stated giving organizations the opportunity to get
money by promoting AP &T services is an excellent idea.
Board Member McCormick noted the Alameda Educational Foundation has
been involved, too.
The Marketing and Customer Service Manager noted most sponsorship
events sell services, rather than providing outright contributions.
The AP &T General Manager stated AP &T has a low turnover rate; not
many customers end service, unless they move out of town.
Vice Mayor Daysog suggested that there be a review of the Council
having final say of the PUB budget.
Board Member Baldassare stated the Council has say because it can
remove PUB members.
Vice Mayor Daysog noted the Council is held accountable.
Mayor Johnson stated the project cannot remain at its current
status; the system will make money upon buildout; the project
should continue; the best way to proceed needs to be determined.
Board Member Bangert stated that there should be more communication
between the Council and PUB; that he appreciated the meeting.
Mayor Johnson requested that a joint meeting be held every four or
six months to cover any questions while there is such a high level
of activity.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and 6
Public Utilities Board
November 24, 2003
Board Member Baldassare invited the Council to participate in the
PUB's budget process.
Board Member Lucas stated AP &T staff and PUB members are always
available if questions arise.
Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer, commented on the firewall.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired when the matter would be
considered by the City Council.
The City Manager responded the matter is tentatively scheduled for
December 16.
Board Member Baldassare stated that he is concerned about delay.
Board Member Bangert noted six alternatives are being explored.
The City Manager stated a report would be provided on the
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Special Joint Meeting at 9:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and 7
Public Utilities Board
November 24, 2003