TUESDAY - - - MARCH 2, 2004 - - - 7:25 P.M.
Time: Tuesday, March 2, 2004, 7:25 p.m.
Place: Council Chambers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue
and Oak Street.
Public Comment
Anyone wishing to address the Commission on the agenda item only
may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes.
Roll Call
Agenda Item
1. Recommendation to send letters in support of FY 2005
Department of Defense Appropriation Bill for a $1.5 million
line item for the development of Advancing California's
Emerging Technologies' (ACET's) 35,000 square foot Bio-
technology Incubator to be located at the Fleet Industrial
Supply Center site.
March 1, 2004
To: Honorable Chair and Members of the
Community Improvement Commission
From: James M. Flint
Executive Director
Subject: Recommendation to send Letters in Support of FY 2005 Department of Defense
(DoD) Appropriation Bill for a $1.5 Million Line Item Amount for the Development
of Advancing California's Emerging Technologies' (ACET) 35,000 Square Foot Bio-
technology Incubator to be Located at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC) Site
in Alameda
In August 2002, Advancing California's Emerging Technologies (ACET), a non - profit bio-
technology incubator located at Alameda Point, received a $6.44 million grant from the federal
Economic Development Administration (EDA) to acquire land and construct a minimum 35,000
square foot bio- technology incubator. ACET expressed an interest in remaining in Alameda and
identified the Enterprise Landing business park as an ideal location for its new incubator.
In July 2003, the City Council and Community Improvement Commission (CIC) both approved
resolutions to assist in retaining ACET in Alameda. In November, 2003, the Community
Improvement Commission (CIC) authorized the Executive Director, by resolution, to enter into a
Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Catellus Development Corporation and ACET
for the Sale and Development of Certain Real Property at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC)
in support of the development and construction of the new ACET facility.
ACET is building a new 40,000 sq. ft. laboratory -based incubator facility near the entrance to the
Webster Tunnel in Alameda on the former FISC site. The new facility is projected to have numerous
laboratories and office space for the purposes of producing about 45 start-up
biotechnology /environmental companies with an anticipated graduation rate of 15 companies after its
first two years in the new building. The bricks and mortar construction resources for this new facility
are funded by a $6.44 million EDA grant and by a $1.61 million match in discounted land provided
by the City of Alameda. The $6.44 million construction grant from the Economic Development
Administration (EDA) provides no planning or marketing funds to implement the new facility and
therefore ACET is seeking a $1.5 million line item from the DoD in order to meet its construction
needs, summer 2005 opening, 100% occupancy goals, and opportunities for local and international
business retention efforts. ACET is requesting CIC support of its request, through the DoD, for the
$1.5 million appropriation for ACET, via a written letter of support to federal congressional
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
Honorable Chair and Members of the
Community Improvement Commission
Budget Consideration /Financial Impact
March 1, 2004
Page 2
The Executive Director recommends that the Community Improvement Commission support
inclusion of a $1.5 million line item for the development of ACET's 35,000 square foot bio-
technology incubator in the FY 2005 DoD Appropriation Bill by sending letters of support to the
requested congressional legislators.
Attachment: Draft Letters of Support
Respectfu submitted,
Jame . F int
Exec tive Director
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
March 2, 2004
The Honorable Diane Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20510
Dear Senator Feinstein:
My colleagues on the Alameda City Council and I are writing in support of a $1.5M line
item in the Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment's FY'05 budget for
ACET: Advancing California's Emerging Technologies. These funds are to plan for the
development and the expansion of ACET, the international high technology incubator
facility to be re- located at the Navy's former Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC) in
Alameda next year. ACET has developed a successful and replicable model for military
base conversion with a strong economic development component. With the construction
of its new 40,000 -ft2 facility, ACET will be the first commercial/R &D occupant of
Enterprise Landing, the conversion and reuse of the FISC site.
We are anticipating that increased activity in the new incubator will translate to fifteen+
graduate companies per year beginning at the end of the second year of full operations in
the new facility. We believe that many of these companies will locate in Alameda, at both
the FISC property, now Enterprise Landing, and at the Naval Air Station, now Alameda
Point, providing many new jobs and investment in Alameda, and also helping to speed
the conversion of these former military bases to civilian use and the tax base for
ACET graduate companies currently now occupy more than 200,000 ft2 in the Bay Area
and directly employ about 500 technical and non - technical staff. Standard economic
projection methods indicate that more than 1,500 additional indirect and support jobs
have been added to the local economy as well. These ten companies have also raised
more than $200M in private sector investment capital. ACET has developed a successful
model for military base conversion and will be able to share this model with other
communities similarly, or soon to be, affected by base closings. ACET will document its
model and disseminate this information as requested by DoD's Office of Economic
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
The Honorable Diane Feinstein
March 2, 2004
Page 2
The line item ACET is requesting for inclusion in the 2005 DoD Appropriations Bill will
also help to bring a mix of American, European, and Pacific Rim new small life sciences,
energy, and environmental companies to the City of Alameda. It will also help ACET to
achieve 90% occupancy by the end of the second year, and retain in Alameda most of a
projected 6,000 to 10,000 new jobs and $1 billion in new private sector investment in
ACET graduates. Finally, it will help ACET create a dissemination package based on the
successful City of Alameda -ACET base -reuse partnership experience that can help other
communities in the same situation survive and thrive by attracting high - technology, high -
value added emerging businesses and jobs to locate on former DoD property.
Our experience with ACET over the past six years, and our belief in the enormous
potential of the new facility, has inspired us to vote to supply ACET with the 20% match
required for ACET's $6.44M construction grant by selling the land for the building at a
substantial discount, as well as exempting the new facility from several types of
development taxes.
We hope that you will also support ACET by helping to obtain this $1.5M earmark. The
ACET project is an important priority for the City of Alameda and this request is fully
endorsed by the Alameda City Council.
Very truly yours,
Beverly Johnson, Mayor
Frank Matarrese, Councilmember
Marie Gilmore, Councilmember
Tony Daysog, Vice -Mayor
Barbara Kerr, Councilmember
cc: Representative Jerry Lewis, Representative John Murtha
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
March 2, 2004
The Honorable Fortney Pete Stark
United States House of Representatives
239 Cannon Building
Washington, D. C. 20515
Dear Representative Stark:
My colleagues on the Alameda City Council and I are writing in support of a $1.5M line
item in the Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment's FY'05 budget for
ACET: Advancing California's Emerging Technologies. These funds are to plan for the
development and the expansion of ACET, the international high technology incubator
facility to be re- located at the Navy's former Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC) in
Alameda next year. ACET has developed a successful and replicable model for military
base conversion with a strong economic development component. With the construction
of its new 40,000 -ft2 facility, ACET will be the first commercial/R &D occupant of
Enterprise Landing, the conversion and reuse of the FISC site.
We are anticipating that increased activity in the new incubator will translate to fifteen+
graduate companies per year beginning at the end of the second year of full operations in
the new facility. We believe that many of these companies will locate in Alameda, at both
the FISC property, now Enterprise Landing, and at the Naval Air Station, now Alameda
Point, providing many new jobs and investment in Alameda, and also helping to speed
the conversion of these former military bases to civilian use and the tax base for
ACET graduate companies currently now occupy more than 200,000 ft2 in the Bay Area
and directly employ about 500 technical and non - technical staff. Standard economic
projection methods indicate that more than 1,500 additional indirect and support jobs
have been added to the local economy as well. These ten companies have also raised
more than $200M in private sector investment capital. ACET has developed a successful
model for military base conversion and will be able to share this model with other
communities similarly, or soon to be, affected by base closings. ACET will document its
model and disseminate this information as requested by DoD's Office of Economic
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
The Honorable Fortney Pete Stark
March 2, 2004
Page 2
The line item ACET is requesting for inclusion in the 2005 DoD Appropriations Bill will
also help to bring a mix of American, European, and Pacific Rim new small life sciences,
energy, and environmental companies to the City of Alameda. It will also help ACET to
achieve 90% occupancy by the end of the second year, and retain in Alameda most of a
projected 6,000 to 10,000 new jobs and $1 billion in new private sector investment in
ACET graduates. Finally, it will help ACET create a dissemination package based on the
successful City of Alameda -ACET base -reuse partnership experience that can help other
communities in the same situation survive and thrive by attracting high - technology, high -
value added emerging businesses and jobs to locate on former DoD property.
Our experience with ACET over the past six years, and our belief in the enormous
potential of the new facility, has inspired us to vote to supply ACET with the 20% match
required for ACET's $6.44M construction grant by selling the land for the building at a
substantial discount, as well as exempting the new facility from several types of
development taxes.
We hope that you will also support ACET by helping to obtain this $1.5M earmark. The
ACET project is an important priority for the City of Alameda and this request is fully
endorsed by the Alameda City Council.
Very truly yours,
Beverly Johnson, Mayor
Frank Matarrese, Councilmember
Marie Gilmore, Councilmember
Tony Daysog, Vice -Mayor
Barbara Kerr, Councilmember
cc: Representative Jerry Lewis, Representative John Murtha
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service