TUESDAY - - MARCH 28, 2000 - - 4:00 P.M.
Mayor Appezzato convened the Special City Council Meeting at 4:05
p.m. Captain Duke Campbell, Chair, Mastick Advisory Board, led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson,
Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5.
Absent: None.
[Note: Vice Mayor Daysog arrived at 4:07 p.m.]
(00 -153) Ordinance No. 2828, AApproving and Authorizing an
Agreement Between the City of Alameda and the Alameda Unified
School District Exchanging Real Property Interests and Other
Consideration Between the Parties.— Finally passed.
Mayor Appezzato stated the agreement will transfer Mastick Senior
Center to the City, transfer 20 acres of land to the School
District, and provide funds for new school construction and school
facility upgrades; there will be no charge to the taxpayers; once
homes are built at the Catellus site, school fees will be allocated
to the School District; recognized Frank McCormick, Chair of the
Property Committee; Duke Campbell, President of the Mastick
Advisory Board; George Oliver, Member of the Recreation & Park
Commission; Sebastian Baldassarre, Member of the Public Utilities
Board; former Mayor Chuck Corica; and former School Superintendent
Dennis Chacones.
The Deputy City Manager stated the Agreement resolves a number of
issues that have been outstanding for years between the City and
the School District with respect to development and the impact of
development on schools; outlined the specifics of the Agreement;
stated the School District will receive: 1) 12 acres on the former
Base; 2) 8 acres on the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC) for
the development of an elementary school; 3) $2.27 per square foot
of residential development above the State statutory limit for a
total of $4.20 per square foot; the estimated total value for the
Catellus project is $3,000,000.00; 4) 6.4 acres of Tidelands Trust
property for a school site in the northern waterfront area; 5) the
City will provide support, cooperation and assistant to the
District in voluntary negotiations with potential developers of
Special Joint Meeting of the
Alameda City Council and
Alameda Board of Education
March 28, 2000 1
residential projects, in the northern waterfront area in
particular, to seek donations above the Sterling Act School Impact
Fees; the City will receive Mastick Senior Center.
Dennis Chacones, former Superintendent Alameda Unified School
District, thanked former City Manager Bill Norton and current City
Manager Jim Flint for their work on the Agreement; stated the
Agreement does two things one: 1) ensures seniors have a quality
place; and 2) defines the partnership between the City and School
District to provide quality [school] facilities; congratulated the
City Council and the Board of Education on the Agreement.
Patrick Lynch, Alameda, stated State law requires the School
District to investigate the environmental condition of property
prior to acquiring school sites in order to receive State funding;
if the Agreement is approved, State funding would be threatened;
California Education Code Section 17213 requirements should be
taken into consideration before final action is taken.
Diane Litchenstein, Alameda Point Advisory Committee (formerly
B.R.A.G.), stated seamless integration is beginning; the community
along with the City Council and School Board are beginning to
create a neighborhood community at the former Base.
Yael Johnson, Alameda Education
would like to express thanks to
for producing the Agreement.
Foundation (AEF), stated the AEF
the School Board and City Council
Mayor Appezzato stated the Agreement serves youths and seniors; the
City Council appointed Councilmember Johnson and him to be the
negotiating team for the City; thanked Councilmember Johnson and
District =s negotiating team Board of Education members Gail Greely
and Berresford Bingham.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the City Council and School District hit a
home run; children, parents, and senior citizens all benefit;
thanked members of the Alameda Education Foundation and
representatives from Mastick for participating in discussions.
Councilmember Kerr complimented Mastick Senior Center members for
the incredible amount of time and money put into the Center; stated
finally, the City will have title; noted former Mayor Bill McCall
was one of the first to work on Mastick Senior Center.
Councilmember DeWitt stated former Mayor Bill McCall dreamt that
the City would own the Senior Center; the City =s relationship with
School District is important; the Agreement demonstrates that
working together makes Alameda a great city; thanked the School
Special Joint Meeting of the
Alameda City Council and
Alameda Board of Education
March 28, 2000 2
OT- ell
Councilmember Johnson thanked the Mayor and Council for having her
participate in the negotiation process; stated some of the first
meetings were fairly stormy; thanked City staff, the City
Attorney =s office, the School District =s attorneys, School Board
Members Greely and Bingham, the Mayor, Alameda Education Foundation
members and the seniors; stated the Agreement is a great thing for
the City; two issues, Mastick and school facilities, are being
resolved; the Agreement is the beginning of a change in the
relationship between the City and the School District; both
recognize there is one goal in regards to children: to provide the
best quality of education.
Mayor Appezzato thanked City staff.
Councilmember Johnson moved final passage of the Ordinance.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the
Special Joint Council at 4:31 p.m. [Following the Special Council
Meeting, the Alameda Board of Education held a Special Meeting.]
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
Special Joint Meeting of the
Alameda City Council and
Alameda Board of Education
March 28, 2000 3
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Joint Meeting of the
Alameda City Council and
Alameda Board of Education
March 28, 2000