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Resolution 13481 and Staff Report0
WHEREAS, the Alameda Municipal Code and the California Government Code
provide that the City Council may set fees for reasonable cost of providing various services by
resolution; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, at the August 27, 1991 Special City Council meeting
directed staff to amend the Alameda Municipal Code to reflect that City fees shall be set by City
Council resolution; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 12191 (Master Fee Resolution), as amended codifies
existing fees for various City services and permits; and
WHEREAS, at the June 13, 2002 meeting of the Recreation and Park Commission,
field preparation fees and options were discussed and unanimously approved by the Recreation and
Park Commission.
0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that
+� cc Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 be amended by establishing the following Field Preparation Fee
cn as �-
including waivers:
0 Field Preparation Fee: $23.00
1. Youth groups may provide volunteer staff
that, upon completion of a City sponsored
training program, would be authorized to
complete the lining of fields and related field
preparation tasks at their own cost. Each
group would provide its own equipment or
materials. The Field Preparation Fee would
be waived.
2. Youth groups may choose to pay $23.00 per
field preparation to have City staff line the
fields and complete the lining process.
3. Volunteer waiver will not apply to the
College of Alameda Hardball Field and
groups will be charged $23.00 per game for
weekend field preparation per contractual
agreement with Peralta Community College
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly
adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 2 "d
day of July, 2002, by the following vote to wit:
AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and
Mayor Appezzato - 5.
NOES: None.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this
3rd day of July, 2002.
)tea L
Lara Weisiger, City C er c
City of Alameda
DATE: June 26, 2002
TO: Honorable Mayor and
FROM: James M. Flint
City Manager
RE: Adoption of Resolution Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191
to Establish Fees for Field Preparation
The Park Division has historically maintained and prepared the sports fields for youth
sports programs. Over the years the number of fields to be maintained has increased
significantly as youth sports programs have expanded. The Recreation and Park
Commission reviewed this issue at their April, May and June meetings. At the
Commission meeting of April 11, 2002, the Commission approved a field preparation
fee of $45 for local non - profit and Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) Programs
while eliminating the proposed option allowing groups to provide volunteer labor to
complete the field preparation. This action was appealed by Alameda Babe Ruth and at
the May 9, 2002, meeting the Commission requested staff to develop a compromise
proposal for consideration at its June 13, 2002, meeting.
Discussion /Analysis
Staff discussed the issue with representatives from the various Youth Sports Groups
and they indicated a strong desire to include an option for the groups to provide
volunteer labor to complete field preparation tasks. A detailed analysis of potential cost
savings was prepared based on the concept of allowing the Youth Sports Groups to
provide volunteer labor to complete the field preparation tasks. A direct cost savings of
$55,761 (1,358 hours of staff time) would be realized if volunteers were utilized to
prepare the fields. These 1,358 hours would then be available for maintenance staff to
concentrate on park landscaping, safety inspections, irrigation repairs and pruning. The
savings is equivalent to one full -time Park Maintenance Worker. Little League, Girls
Softball, and Alameda Soccer Club are currently lining the sports fields. If Park
Maintenance Staff were to take over the field preparations currently being completed by
these groups, it would increase our Park Division's workload by an additional 435 hours
per year.
Re: Resolutions #4 -F CC
7 -2 -02
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
Honorable Mayor
and Councilmembers
June 26, 2002
Page 2
Staff then formulated a recommendation and presented it to the Recreation and Park
Commission during the meeting of June 13th. The recommendation called for the
Commission to rescind its action of April 11 requiring Youth Sports Groups to pay $45
per field preparation and to replace it with the following:
1. City Staff will continue to drag the fields in order to retain a standard level
of maintenance.
2. Youth Sports Groups may provide volunteer staff that, upon completion of
a City sponsored training program would be authorized to complete the
lining of fields and related field preparation tasks at their own cost. Each
group would provide their own equipment and materials.
3. Youth Groups may choose to pay $23 per field preparation to have City
Staff line the fields and complete the lining process.
4. The volunteer option will not apply to the College of Alameda Hardball
Field and groups will be charged $23 per game for weekend field
preparation per contractual agreement with Peralta Community College
The Recreation and Park Commission unanimously approved the recommendation.
Staff has discussed the Commission's action with John Rosa, President of Alameda
Babe Ruth, and Mr. Rosa stated that the Board supported the policy and was
appreciative of staff's efforts to work with the youth sports groups on this matter.
Budget Consideration /Financial Impact
Adoption of this resolution will result in a direct cost savings of $55,761 and will result in
1,358 hours of park maintenance staff hours for park and landscape maintenance
The City Manager recommends that the Council adopt the Resolution amending Master
Fee Resolution No. 12191 to establish fees for field preparation.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Ota, Direc •
Alamei Recrea
B A/4 '• i . P s
i��,..r /. ,,
Dale Lillie , Recrea'°: n Services Manager
cc: Recreation & Park Commission
John Rosa, Babe Ruth President
Don Sherratt, Babe Ruth Representative
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
June 14, 2002
Honorable Mayor Ralph Appezzato and
Members of the Alameda City Council
City Hall
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
JUN 1 9 200?
Dear Mayor Appezzato and Members of The City Council:
You will be asked, in the near future, to consider approving a field preparation policy and fees
proposal from the Recreation and Park Commission, approved from staff's recommendation on
Thursday, June 13, 2002. This was the finalization of an ill- conceived proposal that first
appeared at a commission meeting on April 11, 2002, where the commission voted a forty -five
($45.00) field preparation fee. The latest proposal is summarized, in the background
information section of a memorandum voted on at the June 13, 2002 meeting.
This letter is to speak personally and on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Alameda Babe
Ruth Baseball Program, as we are in total opposition to this fee being imposed as it will have an
adverse impact on our programs and the youth in our programs and opens the door to future
Hopefully you will review this proposal and see first hand why we have our concerns. I
personally feel as well as the Board Members that we cannot trust this fee proposal to be a one
time enactment, but that it will lead to a continued escalation of fees, as expressed in the
discussion of the proposal at commission meetings, the past two months. We do not trust some
of the intentions of some members of the commission and hate to see an excellent working
relationship with your fine Recreation and Park staff be jeopardized, as our non - profit
organization has had an excellent track record of understanding and cooperation.
This nickel and dime proposal on the backs of the youth in the community who participate in our
High School, Little League, Babe Ruth and Alameda Soccer Programs, is not needed. The
overall savings generated by the policy will save an estimated $55,761, with over a third of it
being generated from increased Adult League fees. If the Recreation and Parks Department is in
such dire needs of money then let it be known and not hide behind a field preparation fee.
We need to encourage expansion of our youth program activities especially for our teenage youth
and not inhibit it. Maybe your current Recreation and Park Commission, needs to revisit its
mission statement, one which I used to be proud of when I served eight -years on the commission.
This proposal needs your review and understanding and I, along with the Babe Ruth Board of
Directors respect your judgment, and your decision will be a fair one. Please let me know when
this proposal will be heard at the council meeting level, as we plan to speak directly on the issue.
Sin erely,
01q, kiO4.W
on Sherratt
74 Basinside Way
Alameda, CA 94502
General Manager 16 -18 Senior Babe Ruth Program
Cc: Suzanne Ota, Director
Alameda Recreation and Parks
John Rosa, President of Alameda Babe Ruth and Board Members