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2004-06-08 Power Point One-Stop Permit Center
One —Stop Permit Center Oakland Naval Supply Center 1 MIciosort Coq) 0.11 light5 reserved 6 Oakland Public Works / Devloprnent Services / Fire Prevention ro .VVebster St to m 61 Alameda C 4fre [Planning & Building Department co ©r Set? a S os 4s here/% ads �' „Ql of 4, s� fiaSi( St nJC4r o thin Blvd -ao 0e 5 ,� sx � ► 72 Cjf it�� f Oas QZt e Ohs 4 61 Current Development Review Functions separated by 4 miles and 10 -15 minutes drive time. Why A One-Stop Permit Center? • Create full physical adjacency for all development permit processing groups (Building Services, Fire Prevention, Planning, PW /Engineering) to maximize customer convenience and staff service efficiency / effectiveness. • Provide opportunity for functional streamlining resulting from co- located development permit processing groups. • Enhance Alameda's reputation among development customers as "business /customer friendly" organization. • Increase community awareness / acceptance of Alameda Point as a permanent and essential City service delivery point. • Release space in City Hall critically needed by other departments. Permit Center Steps Already Taken • August 24, 2000 Kick -off Meeting • Customers and staff assess the development review process leading to a collection of recommendations and actions to improve the system. Completed 6/2001 • Develop an operational design, which provided a detailed description of how we would collectively work to make the development process better for our customers and staff. Completed in 2/2002. • Begin implementation of operational design. Ongoing. • Identify key attributes of a successful One -Stop Permit Center. 7/2002 • Identify possible locations for One -Stop Permit Center. 7/2002 • Identify Funding Source and establish CIP Project. 2003 Key Attributes of A Successful One -Stop Permit Center • Consistent entry point staffed with receptionist to direct customers. • Comfortable waiting area adjacent to Self Help Station. • Customer workstations where the customer is in one place and all required staff comes to the customer. • Separate walk up counter for simple questions, Over - the - Counter and Do -it- yourself permits. • Small conference rooms for early assistance/ review meetings. • Staff work areas behind the scenes to allow permit processing work to take place away from the public counter area. Location: City Hall West (Building One Alameda Point) Implementation: 9 to 12 months from start to move -in. Relocate existing Navy plans and files to an alternative location at Alameda Point. Remodel approximately 10,000 square feet split between two floors. Handicap accessibility upgrades to the existing first floor restrooms. Relocate and consolidate of staff within City Hall West. Relocate Planning and Building Staff to City Hall West. Costs: • $1.6 to 1.8 Million Funding: • Loan from the City's General Fund Reserve. Repayment: • Excess permit revenue. • Implementation of a Permit Center Fee added to all City permits. It is anticipated that the Permit Center will be able to repay the General Fund Reserve between $150,000 and $300,000 annually, with a complete payback occurring in 8 to 12 years. Permit Center Fee • Annual Cost Recovery: $100,000 - $150,000 • .15% of Permit Valuation — Increase in Average Permit Fee: $75.00 (based on $50,000 project) • Fees for typical 300 square foot room addition valued at $50,000. Filing $ 156.00 Building Permit $ 663.50 Electrical Permit $ 132.70 Mechanical Permit $ 99.53 Plumbing Permit $ 132.70 Plan Check $ 663.50 Design Review $ 67.00 SMIP $ 5.00 Police and Fire $ 46.50 Improvement Tax $ 500.00 Permit Tracking $ 92.40 Sub Total $ 2,558.83 Community Planning FE $ 150.00 Permit Center Fee $ 75.00 Total $ 2,783.83 Benefits to our customers • Physical co- location of all development review functions which allow for the full implementation of a review process that provides: o Consistent entry point o Early assistance o Self Help Resource Center o Coordinated, comprehensive public information both printed and on line. o Consistent application intake o Project Managers who act as the project advocate through the process o Reviews that utilize multi - disciplinary teams • Increased Customer Service o Reduced review timelines o Adequate parking o Ability to meet with all reviewers in one location o Fully functional Self -Help area for code, procedure or permit research o Walkup Over - the - counter and Do- it- yourself Permit Counter • Increased community awareness / acceptance of Alameda Point as a permanent and essential City service delivery point. • Release space in City Hall critically needed by other departments. • Increased coordination between development review departments will improve the City's reputation among development customers as "business /customer friendly" organization