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2007-02-20 Packet
CITYOFALAMEDA.CALIFORNJA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY - - - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 - - - 6:45 p.m. Time: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 6:45 p.m. Place: charnbelo�� Room, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street. Agenda: 1. Roll Call - City Council 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items only, may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: 3 -A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency Negotiators: Craig Jory and Human Resources Director Employee Organizations: All City Bargaining Units 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any 5. Adjournment -- City Council CITYOFALAMEDA.CALIFORNJA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk and upon recognition by the Chair, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item. 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally. 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Commission meetings. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION TUESDAY - -- - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 - - - 7 :27 P.M. Location: City Council Chimers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street. Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Commission may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Commission. . Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk if you wish to speak on an agenda item. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. ROLL CALL -- Community Improvement Commission 2. MINUTES 2 -A. Minutes of the Community Improvement Commission Meeting held on January 16, 2007. (City Clerk) 3. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 3-A. Report on Alameda Theater, Cineplex, and Parking Structure Project Construction update. (Development Services) 4. . ADJOURNMENT --- Community Improvement Commission c Beverly J Community ve air nt Commission AGENDA CITY OF ALAMEDA • CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item. 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally. 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Council meetings. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2007 - - 7 :30 P.M. [Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7:30 pm, City Hall, Council Chambers, corner of Santa Clara Ave and Oak St] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Consent Calendar 5. Agenda Items 6. Oral Communications, Non - Agenda (Public Comment) 7. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 8. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address .the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 6:45 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda (Closed Session) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT 7 :27 P.M. COMMISSION, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA 7:31 P.M. REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda 1. ROLL CALL - City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 -A. Proclamation declaring the period of January 30, 2007 to April 4, 2007 as A Season for Nonviolence. Continued from February 6, 2007. 3-B Presentation of City Map Project. (Development Services) 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 4 -A. Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on February 6, 2007. (City Clerk) 4 -B. Bills for ratification. (Finance) 4 -C. Recommendation to accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the period ending September 30, 2006. (Finance) 4 -D. Recommendation to accept the Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending December 31, 2006. (Finance ) 4 -E. Recommendation to amend Contracts with Lamphier - Gregory and Omni Means for environmental and traffic evaluations of the proposed expansion of the Alameda Towne Centre and amend Contract with Harsch Investment Realty for payment of consultant and staff costs. (Planning and Building) 4 -F. Recommendation to allocate $347,000 in Measure B Funds and award a Contract for Design and Construction Administration Services in the amount of $102,695, including contingencies, to Baseline Engineering for Grand Street Bridge and Ballena• Boulevard Bridge Repair and Resurfacing, No P. W. 11-06-24. (Public Works) 4 -G. Recommendation to authorize installation of Stops Signs to replace Yield Signs at the intersections of Adams Street and Peach Street; Post Street and Washington Street; Calhoun Street and Peach Street, Fairview Avenue and Cornell Drive; Bayo vista Avenue and Cornell Drive; Harvard Drive and Windsor Drive; Cambridge Drive and Windsor Drive. (Public Works) 4 -H. Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and authorize Call for Bids for installation of Countdown Pedestrian Signal Heads and Audible Pedestrian Signals, No. P.W. 01- 07 -01. (Public Works) 4 -I. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Open Market Purchase Pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the Alameda City Charter for Repair of the Main Street Ferry Terminal Pier, and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into Such an Agreement. (Public Works) [Requires four affirmative votes] 4 -J. Adoption of Resolution Approving the Application for California Cultural and Historical Endowment (CCHE) Grant Funds Under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002. (Development Services) 4 -K. Adoption of Resolution Amending City of Alameda Resolution No. 13937 to Change the Timing of Compliance for the Final Lighting and Signage Plan Condition of Approval for Design Review DR -5 -0041, the Proposed Cineplex at 2305 Central Avenue, from "Prior to Issuance of Building Permit" to "Prior to the Issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ", and to Change the Timing of Compliance for the Final Lighting, Signage, and Landscaping Plan Condition of Approval for Design Review DR05 -0028, the Proposed Parking Garage at 1416 Oak Street, from "Prior to Issuance of Building Permit" to "Prior to the Issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ;" and • Adoption of Resolution Amending City of Alameda Resolution No. 13907 to Change the Timing of Compliance for the Queuing Plan Condition of Approval for Use Permit UP05 -0018 from "Prior to Issuance of Building Permit" to "Prior to the Issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy." (Development Services) 4 -L. Final Passage of Ordinance to Repeal the Existing Time Limit for Incurring Debt in the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project. (Development Services) 5. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 5 -A. Adoption of Resolution Appointing Walter Schlueter as a member of the Housing Commission. 5 -B. Public Hearing to consider Parcel Map No. 9286, (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1950, 1960, and 1980 North Loop Road) to merge six existing parcels into five parcels with each parcel accommodating new flexible use building (warehouse, distribution, light manufacturing and administrative office) . The site is located within the Harbor Bay Business Park in the C -M -PD, Commercial Manufacturing, Planned Development Zoning District; and • Adoption of Resolution Approving Parcel Map 9286 (TM 06- 0005) for the Purpose of Establishing Five Commercial Lots Located at 1900 -1980 North Loop Road. (Planning and Building) 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda 7. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Councilmembers can address any matter, including reportin g on any Conferences or meetings attended 7 -A. Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Golf Commission. 8. ADJOURNMENT - City Council • For use in preparing the Official Record, speakers reading a written statement are invited to submit a copy to the City Clerk at the meeting or e -mail to: lweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us • Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the City Clerk at 747-4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter. • Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting. • Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available. • Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print. • Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request. • Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting. CITYOFALAMEDA.CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) TUESDAY - -- - FEBRUARY 20, 2 0 0 7 - - - 7:31 P . M . Location: City Council Chimers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street. Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council/Board /Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Council /Board /Commission may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council/Board/Commission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk if you wish to speak. 1. ROLL CALL - City Council, ARRA, CIC 2. AGENDA ITEM 2-A. Recommendation to accept the Fiscal Year 2007 Second Quarter Financial Report and budget adjustments. (Finance) 3. ADJOURNMENT -- City Council, ARRA, CIC Beverly n, Mayor Chair, Al _ •• - ■ R use and Redevelopment Authority and Community Improvement Commission UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY- - JANUARY 16, 2007- -7:29 P.M. Chair Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 7 :50 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Commissioners deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam, and Chair Johnson - 5. Absent: None. MINUTES (07- ) Minutes of the Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA), and Community Improvement Commission (CIC) Meeting held on December 5, 2006. Approved. Commissioner deHaan moved approval of the minutes. Commissioner Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Commissioner deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, and Chair Johnson - 4. Abstentions: Commissioner Tam --- 1. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY (07- ) Report on Alameda Theater, Cineplex, and Parking Structure Project Construction update. The Development Manager gave a brief presentation. Commissioner Gilmore inquired when the parking garage foundation would be poured. The Development Manager responded the foundation would be poured in phases, starting with the back corner of Long's and working forward; stated the first pour would be in three to four weeks. Commissioner Matarrese stated some value engineered items overlap with the list presented in July; inquired whether the parking garage exterior appearance would be altered by any of the value engineered items not presented in July. The Development Manager responded all value engineered items were on the July list with the exception of the stairs; stated the top slab was eliminated and does not affect the facade. Commissioner Matarrese stated he did not see the deletion of the Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission January 16, 2007 1 precast spandrel panels in the July report. The Development Manager stated said item was in the bid form as a deduct alternative; the cast in place walls are $80,000 less. Commissioner Matarrese inquired whether the concrete appearance would be the same, to which the Development Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whether $150,000 of the reserves would be used, leaving approximately $300,000. The Development Manager responded approximately $140,000 of the reserves would be used when small cost savings are taken into consideration; stated approximately $275,000 would emain. Mayor Johnson inquired whether items could be added back in if more contingency was not used, to which the Development Manager responded in the affirmative. Commissioner deHaan stated the Cineplex went through value engineering; inquired whether architectural items were taken away. The Development Manager responded value engineering was considered when the bid was received from Overaa Construction because the original price was higher; stated very little value engineered changes are anticipated for the Cineplex. Commissioner deHaan inquired whether the removed items have an impact on the Cineplex. The Development Manager responded the design changes are minor; stated the Planning and Building Director would determine whether the changes constitute substantial changes to design review. Commissioner deHaan inquired whether the Planning and Building Director would review the changes, to which the Development Manager responded in the affirmative. Commissioner deHaan inquired whether the project is on schedule since Cineplex funding is not in place. The Development Manager responded milestones and schedules are noted on Attachment 2; stated the theater and garage are on schedule; the developer hopes to be finished with the Cineplex by the end of the year; the final Cineplex schedule would be presented to Council once the General Contractor is on board and construction starts. Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission January 16, 2007 2 Mayor Johnson inquired whether the historic theater completion timeline is March or April 2008. The Development Manager responded in the negative; stated November 2007 is the anticipated completion date. Commissioner deHaan inquired whether the layout area would be a problem once the Cineplex construction starts. The Development Manager responded staff is meeting with Overaa and the developer to coordinate a number of issues; stated the site is tight; Overaa is prepared to deal with the issues; the trailers should be removed from the Cineplex site by the end of the month; Overaa could utilize some .unfinished space in the historic theater mezzanine area; staff would continue to coordinate with Overaa on an on- -going basis. Commissioner Matarrese requested that any Cineplex design changes come back to Council; stated discretionary decisions should not be made. Commissioner deHaan stated priorities have not been set. Chair Johnson called the public speakers. Richard W. Rutter, Alameda, outlined concerns with the value engineered changes itemized in Attachment 3. Christopher Buckley, Alameda, outlined some parking garage "at risk" details. Chair Johnson inquired when decisions need to be made on the items outlined by Mr. Buckley. The Development Manager responded the canopy and blade sign prices are secured for six months in addition to some items that may be added later. Chair Johnson inquired whether fund raising opportunities are possible. The Development Manager responded absolutely,; stated private funding could be used for the mural underneath the mezzanine wall. Commissioner deHaan inquired whether prices are secured for six months from now. Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission January 16, 2007 3 The Development Manager responded prices are secured for six months from the day the price was received from the Contractor, which was last week. Commissioner deHaan stated the steel galvanizing issue needs to be addressed now. The Development Manager stated the City's Architect does not feel that the project's integrity would be compromised by deleting the steel galvanizing. Chair Johnson stated the Commission would be able to make decisions when items are brought back. Commissioner deHaan requested that the Development Manager provide a list of items [value engineering add back] to be considered along with a timeline. Commissioner Matarrese requested: 1) an Off Agenda Report on the value engineered items, 2) any Cineplex and parking garage exterior design changes be approved by the Commission, and 3) a timeline outlining when decisions need to be made for adding back value engineered items; stated a decision would need to be made prior to pouring concrete on whether to use galvanized steel versus painted steel. The Development Manager clarified that all the column bases have granite tile. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger Secretary The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission January 16, 2007 CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission From: Debra Kurita Executive Director Date: February 20, 2007 Re: Report on Alameda Theater, Cineplex, and Parking Structure Project Construction Update BACKGROUND The City of Alameda Community Improvement Commission (CIC) approved construction contracts with C. Overaa & Co. (Overaa) on July 26, 2006 for the rehabilitation and restoration of the historic Alameda Theater and the design -build new construction of the Civic Center Parking Garage. The CIC approved the Theater construction contract for $8,800,000 million and approved the parking garage design - build contract for $9,104,000 with the condition that the garage project be value - engineered within the CIC's budget before the construction phase commenced. Since contract approval in July, CIC staff and Overaa finalized the value - engineering for the garage design, reducing the contract price to within the CIC's budget. The original contract price of $9,104,000 was reduced by $604,000, resulting in a final contract price of $8,500,000. The Theater construction contract commenced in October 2006; the design phase of the parking garage project, in August 2006; and the construction phase of the parking garage, in October 2006. The overall project will consist of an eight - screen movie theater, including a 484 -seat, single- screen theater in the historic Alameda Theater and seven screens in the new cineplex, 6,100 square feet of retail, and an approximately 340 -space parking garage. DISCUSSION The parking garage and theater projects are on schedule and on budget. The status of both the Theater and parking garage projects including the budget (including contingency), payments, and schedule are provided in Attachments 1 and 2, respectively. Both projects are expected to achieve substantial completion by the end of 2007. A summary of the status of each project is also provided below. Agenda Item #3 -A CIC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Chair and February 20, 2007 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 2 Alameda Theater The Alameda Theater rehabilitation and restoration has focused primarily on seismic work including completing concrete pours for both new footings in the lobby area. Additional work on the lobby and mezzanine shear wall and the footings in the storefront areas has commenced. Overaa has also continued roughing -in electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems, is finalizing exterior demolition work, and has begun scaffolding the auditorium to facilitate upcoming systems and restoration work. Lastly, the CIC's Architect -of- Record met with Overaa's historic lighting contractor to discuss progress being made on repairing and restoring historic light fixtures. The Architect approved of the quality of work completed to date. Current and pending contract changes are estimated to require the use of approximately $67,000 in contingency funds, or approximately six percent of the CIC's contingency budget. The total contingency budget for the Theater is $1.1 million (Attachment 1). Parking Garage Overaa has finalized foundation excavation and sheet - piling to prepare for foundation construction. The first of two concrete pours will be completed on February 23, 2007. Hazardous materials were not encountered in the soil or groundwater. Additionally, there is less groundwater at the site than originally expected. While less groundwater could result in fewer expended contingency funds, staff recommends maintaining the current dewatering and treatment systems budgets of $155,000 until the foundation work is complete. The foundation work is likely to be complete, and the dewatering system no longer necessary, by early March. At the March CIC construction update, CIC staff will report on the status of, and propose any potential changes to, these budget items. The construction of the parking garage affects Long's Drugs existing driveway and storm drain. In exchange for Long's cooperation during construction of the garage, including a grant to the CIC of a ten -foot construction easement on their property, it was agreed that the C1C would re- construct Long's affected driveway and storm drain improvements. It was also agreed that the new driveway would be re- constructed immediately to ensure Long's patrons have full access to their store during construction. The immediate reconstruction of the driveway was out -of- sequence with the other site work proposed for Oak Street. As a result, the work resulted in an approximate $13,000 change to the contract with Overaa. However, it is estimated that the construction easement saved the C1C approximately $1 00,000 in additional shoring costs. Current and pending contract changes are estimated to require the use of approximately $157,000 in contingency funds, or approximately 38 percent of the CIC's contingency budget. The total contingency budget for the garage is $415,000 (Attachment 2). Honorable Chair and February 20, 2007 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 3 The value - engineering changes made to the garage facade are listed below and depicted in Attachments 3 and 4 for the western and northern elevations, respectively. Attachment 5 illustrates the original exterior design approved by the City Council on March 21, 2006. The western facade changes i ncl ude1 : • Change anchored stone veneer at base from granite slab to 12" X 12" granite tile set in thinset and reduce area of granite to column bases ($48,685 cost savings). • Delete four canopies on West elevation ($18,200 cost savings). • Delete blade sign ($58,500 cost savings) and marquee canopy ($32,000 cost savings). Delete all associated electrical requirements. • Delete relief panels at stair towers and replace with simplified fluting pattern ($10,000 cost savings). The northern facade changes include': • Delete CMU wall on North elevation. Replace with typical concrete spandrel panels similar to other areas on the elevation ($47,500 cost savings). • Delete the canopy on the North elevation ($5,000 cost savings). Attachment 6 presents the garage exterior with all of the value- engineering changes except the deletion of the blade sign and including a simplified marquee canopy. Komorous -Towey Architects (KTA), the Design Architect for the garage, worked closely with 010 staff and Overaa in evaluating potential value- engineering changes to the garage including these minor changes to the western and northern facades. KTA believes that the slightly revised exterior design, as depicted in Attachment 6, is consistent with the original design developed by KTA and approved by the CIC on March 21, 2006. If the blade sign and marquee canopy are permanently deleted, a simplified signage plan would need to be developed and presented to the Planning Board for approval. 1 If the CIC decides to add back these value - engineering items into the parking garage scope of work, the cost to add them back in is likely to be greater than the credit received by the CIC due to cost inflation. In some instances (i.e., deletion of CMU wall on northern elevation), the date may have already passed for adding them back into the scope of work. Honorable Chair and February 20, 2007 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 4 Cineplex Alameda Entertainment Associates (AEA), the cineplex developer, has finalized a contract price for the construction of the cineplex component of the project. The General Contractor will be Theatre, Equipment, Construction Service, Inc. (TECS), a general contracting affiliate company of AEA. AEA's construction financing will be finalized by the end of February and commence construction in early March. As part of the subcontract bidding and contract negotiations for the cineplex construction contract, there are a few minor proposed value - engineering changes to the facade (Attachment 7). KTA supports the changes that are listed, with the understanding that the shape, size and depth of the awnings will match the design drawings. These changes include: • Change granite slab at base to 12" X 12" granite tile. • Change metal at column caps and bay windows to smooth, acrylic stucco, silver painted finish; the smooth stucco finish should create a reflective quality similar to metal. • Add minor mullion reconfigurations on bay windows and transition window between historic Theater and cineplex. KTA, the Design Architect for the cineplex, reviewed these minor changes to the cineplex facade. KTA believes that the slightly revised exterior design, as depicted in Attachment 7, is consistent with the original design developed by KTA and approved by the CIC on March 21, 2006. POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE Alameda Downtown Vision Plan 2000 — Action B1.0 — Renovate /restore Alameda Theater. Alameda Downtown Vision Plan 2000 — Action F4 — Consider building a parking structure as part of a Downtown parking management program. BUDGET CONSIDERATION /FISCAL IMPACT There are no proposed changes to the C1C's total budget for the Alameda Theater, Cineplex, and Parking Garage project. Honorable Chair and February 20, 2007 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 5 RECOMMENDATION For information only; no action required. -pectfully s "kip Leslie A. Little Development Services Director By: Dorene E. Soto er, Business Develo • m - nt Division Or By: J r Ott R de elopment Manager DK/LAIJDES /JO:ry Attachments: 1. Monthly Progress Status Report for the Alameda Theater Rehabilitation and Restoration 2. Monthly Progress Status Report for Civic Center Parking Garage 3. Civic Center Parking Garage Western Elevation with Value- Engineering Changes 4. Civic Center Parking Garage Northern Elevation with Value- Engineering Changes 5. Civic Center Parking Garage Original Western Elevation Approved by City Council on March 21, 2006 6. Civic Center Parking Garage Western Elevation with Value- Engineering Changes (Except Deletion of Blade Sign and Modified Marquee Canopy) 7. Cineplex Elevation with Value- Engineering Changes ATTACHMENT 1 Monthly Progress Status Report Alameda Theater Rehabilitation and Restoration City of Alameda February 20, 2007 C/C Meeting BUDGET= . •�: - T .. COI.. �RA��" . - . . _ _, . , . , Construction $8,800,000 Contingency $1,106,040 Original Contract Amount $8,800,000 Previous Changes $0 Executed Change Orders Replace Feeders to Stage Panel Box $8,805 Add Main Disconnect Switch $7,000 Revised Stage Acoustical Panel Design (Credit) ($17,918) Total Contract Budget $9,906,040 Subtotal Executed Changes ($2,113) Pending Change Orders (Cost Estimates) Additional Seismic Doweling $8,000 Unforeseen Hazardous Materials Abatement $15,000 Revise Electrical Room $35,000 Re- Routing Power to Viva Mexico $10,000 Temporary Alleyway Trash Enclosure $1,500 PAYMENTS �.... r; Previously Paid $794,430 Payment this Period • $268,722 Total Payment To Date $1,063,152 Subtotal Pending Change Orders $69,500 Total Changes $67,387 Estimated Revised Contract Amount $8,867,387 Remaining Contingency $1,038,653 CONTRACT STATUS 'PICTURES r`dr "u 0 i + -13TP 4 r te w � � T � •` Y. s�t r t.•4 � ice �� �` %h ro� �r4!r �` 4 0C � 04 %r -•4r-•: :. a . -,L -ak t ' .*:,7," f a rs s �`L 'WI' rzCLep � ''i"?! mkt' F , a n1 r p ay Y - .- }{p V, � r Y�n 4 , . .� ` Aggrai.V. a� ,_, ‘,,_,, � 1• " r� . . _ �r .y a= Chi =• - i.eJ.::3._ � . f .. 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".• " r. •'..w'S -4i � ■i' ; ? -u 1 :r'�. - Y - 4F y e k ee °L =aim ° �y _ y ' "�� _-�� - i 4' a •lr,f"" 0 . , . _ N _ Y� ,ss, y • L' 4 �... •� esiV��r:'."L!°7• tal 0 0 „� -�I +� -7 � .CJI• ,r..,v .wia� .�'r= r�- +►.,�. .ter. � r' -.-� �� Base Bid Amount: r . ,. d'- $8,800,000 . y}. • - Amount Paid to Date: $1,063,152 Percent Cost Expended: 12% Change Orders to Date: ($2,113) Pending Change Orders: $69,500 - Project Cost: $8,867,387 f ` ;fix• : •=': r, Percent Contingency Expended: 6% MILES ONES Milestone Baseline Forecast Approved 11/10/2006 Notice to Proceed 11/10/2006 11/10/2006 Substantial Completion 11/10/2007 11/10/2007 Final Completion 12/15/2007 12/15/2007 ,PROJECT T S - , e= Work Completed • Completed Demolition of Non - Historic Interior Elements This Period: • Began Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Rough -In • Completed Excavation of Lobby Footings • Poured Lobby Footings • Reviewed Historic Lighting Contractor Restoration Wdrk To Date • Continued Demolition of Exterior Elements inc. Mechanical Room Work Projects Next Period: • Scaffold Auditorium • • Begin Installing Fire Sprinklers • Pour Shear Wall at Mezzanine • Begin Marquee Restoration Status: • Project is on Schedule ATTACHMENT 2 Monthly Progress Status Report Civic Center Parking Garage City of Alameda February 20, 2007 CIC Meeting BUDGET � .. � �...- . CONTRACT - . Construction Contingency Total Contract Budget $8,499,889 $415,000 Original Contract Amount Value Engineering (Credit) Revised Contract Amount $9,104,000 ($604,111) $8,499,889 $0 $0 $75,000 $80,000 $13,000 ($11,000) $8,914,889 Previous Changes Executed Change Orders Executed Change Orders Pending Change Orders (Cost Estimates) Dewatering of Site Groundwater Budget Groundwater Contamination Budget Long's Driveway out -of- Sequence Revised Electrical Service (Credit) Subtotal Pending Change Orders Estimated Revised Contact Amount Remaining Contingency PAYMENTS ; MENTS .. , . , , ... , .... ,... -... � Previously Paid Payment this Period Total Payment To Date $1,144,166 $33,414 $157,000 $8,656,889 $258,000 $1,177,580 CONTRACT STATUS. - PICTURES ,R11�.5- r• _ ... - .i v_ .�N '.. .. J.ti, + A+�hr"- ' 1 : 'l n.,,,,..,-- -� ` �• _ •I1 .- _...._ _... 'r�'.r n �..:r�i.•� - -" ' • '• , , - __ •....i r f• y , r - _. }• ~� �,•y�^ 1,.. frl/r . _ i 1 - - — _. -- i _w ' ,• �i. - - -• - - f _. . 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Percent Contingency Ex ended: g Y p 38% MILESTONES - .. :•� Milestone Baseline Forecast Approved Notice to Proceed 11/1 0/2006 11/10/2006 i 11/1 0/2006 Substantial Completion 12/15/2007 12/15/2007 Final Completion 1/29/2008 1/29/2008 P Ro STAT • .. J CT� US Work Completed • Excavated Foundations This Period: • Installed Sheetpiling for Foundations • Began Forming for Foundations • Completed First Concrete Pour for Foundations • Continued Dewatering of Site, As Needed • Continued Testing Groundwater for Contamination Work Projects • Complete Foundation Concrete Pours Next Period: • Commence Vertical Concrete Forming and Pouring • Conclude with Dewatering and Treatment Systems Status: • Project is on Schedule NE- • MOM • linen ____--- - - - ao2.9.3e.a.,441..e.,•=m45gemfme • ATTACHMENT 4 W < WLU C) Z logm C] a u) a _I id gl hi 1 t �•�y .:•.' -ij+'6 liewAlimililiaTimil I �. .�f�l- - =••'1 •� y YI.`- �rr�►•s - .tom. i� -1U4�r - �t]�• -� yr;��l' 8 NORTH SIDE ti 1 liewAlimililiaTimil Illi_Mor, Coni-laiilir-ZIlig-- NORTH SIDE ti 1 WINN • 'MINN • •-• • • • • • AV.!' • . -.-1" ,' r'.1'" ."1,--',,:,-.• ,..',:' ' '-',, '..::,,4,ic..,:::,-.... ..,'.•,'' :-,,,,:•..,-1,--,,'!..:;'-,/,:',;", .',..",,:. i,,, ' ...' , ',=:,::,....,,,, •-,:_,,,A.:--,1:,',-...=:':,;';,:',.-r,-..,../..;',,,-....;:,,,,..!:,..4;.,-:,:i;,:::;:,4::',.,•-•,:-..,L,,,,!.=,':.Y.:fi:,,,;-:_:43;.-.:...-;:yi,,-, .,,,:.1-''..'::::::.: .,..,:s.-,.., •*,.'s ::::::,7 ___..— ,:5,-,,,,f,s. -...:.:',.;:-.,::: -- ..:::::::'--..:_:!".'.: . ,...-.. , ' . ','. : g' ..:!. , ,,r ,.: ..... _.......::.... ;,:),M.,:-;.7,7,:7,:._Zrik, ATTACHMENT 7 o0114 Acg YL.Lc FIAH1 P1241 WISP 511NWIt Prrror4AL Muw0141 E To MfwuF. srz.E tTAT101+6 OF GLASS THE HENRY ARCHITECTS, INC. 6203 DAYTON AVE. N. SEATTLE, WA 98103 206484-8984-PHONE 2066- 784- 0837 -FAX 4L4ME3& c'Nrx KEN/MOWS 217107 WffEREAS, PrOcfamation the City of Alameda, the State of California and our Nation continue to confront ghe challenges of violence in the form of hate crimes, brutality, domestic abuse, and other forms of inhumanity; and WHEREAS, violence in actions, attitudes, and words is ervasive in our p society; and WHEREAS, an awareness of nonviolent rinci les and practices is a P P p powerful way to heal and transform our lives and communities, to recognize the dignity and worth of every human being, and to promote peace and harmony among all people regardless of race, color, culture, class, language, faith, age, gender, sexual orientation, or other apparent difference; and WHEREAS, the principles and practices of nonviolence were epitomized in the lives and work of Mahatma Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and WHEREAS, W}fERE,4S, WHEREAS, an international campaign has been organized as the Season for Nonviolence, to extend from January 30 through April 4 of each year, the anniversaries of the assassinations of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. King and began in 1998 with observances at the United Nations and in hundreds of cities and locales around the world; and during the 2007 Season for Nonviolence, groups throughout the world will sponsor projects and programs to create greater awareness and consciousness of the principles and practices of nonviolence; and in Alameda we have a great opportunity to focus our hearts and minds on nonviolence in recognition and celebration of a Season for Nonviolence. Ivow, rOEgEFo1E, BE IT RESOLWD, that I, Beverly J. Johnson, Mayor of the City of Alameda, do hereby declare the period of January 30, 2007 to April 4, 2007 as A SEASON FOR NONVIOLEIVCE and encourage all citizens of Alameda to participate in a celebration of our community's cultural and ethnic diversity by being nonviolent in actions and interactions with each other in our homes, schools, and society, and to su••ort programs and projects conducted in the spirit of acceptance and nonviolence. Beverly Ma Agenda Item #3 -A 2 -20 -07 CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Presentation of the City Map Proiect BACKGROUND The City, in consultation with the Park Street Business Association, West Alameda Business Association, and Chamber of Commerce, has entered into a relationship with City Map Project, a company which specializes in creating high - quality, color maps for the municipalities across the United States. DISCUSSION The new City of Alameda map will be available throughout the City in strategic locations. Visitors and residents can use the map for directions and to locate the many goods and services provided by the Alameda business community. This map also serves as marketing material for the Alameda Film Commission; one of the panels is dedicated to promoting filming in Alameda, by publicizing the City's great visual resources and providing important phone numbers. The City related panels were designed by Alameda Film Commission Member Jeannette Copperwaite. BUDGET CONSIDERATION /FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact on the General Fund. Individual Alameda -based companies bought the advertising that made the map possible. Agenda Item #3 -B 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and February 20, 2007 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE Economic Development Strategic Plan, July 2000, Strategy #2: "Support the Chamber of Commerce, merchants and merchant associations in their efforts to increase the availability and quality of retail goods and professional services that meet the purchasing preferences of Alameda residents and the employees of Alameda firms..." RECOMMENDATION For information only. Respectfully submitted, Leslie A. Little Development Services Director By: Dorene E. Soto Manager, Business. Deielo ment Division L yam. By: °' uss Economic Development Coordinator DK/LAL /DES /SGR:ry cc: Alameda Film Commission c/o Development Services Dept. Alameda Chamber of Commerce Park Street Business Association West Alameda Business Association G:IBUSASSOC\map projectlstaff reports\Staff report giving council background & copy of the new map.doc UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY - - - FEBRUARY 6, 2007 - - -- 7:00 p . m . Mayor Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 7:10 p.m. Roll Call - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5. Absent: None. The Special Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: (07- ) Conference with Labor Negotiators; Agency Negotiators: Craig Jory and Human Resources Director; Employee Organizations: Alameda City Employees Association and Police Association Non - Sworn. Following the Closed Session, the Special Meeting was reconvened and Mayor Johnson announced that Council received a briefing from its Labor Negotiators; no action was taken. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- - FEBRUARY 6, 2007- -7 :30 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 7 :44 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5. Absent: None. * ** Mayor Johnson called a recess at 7:44 p.m. to hold the Alameda Public Improvement Corporation meeting and reconvened the Regular City Council meeting at 7 :46 p.m. * * * AGENDA CHANGES (07- ) Mayor Johnson announced that the consideration of Appeal [paragraph no. 07- ] would be continued to the March 6, 2007 City Council meeting at the request of the Appellant. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (07- ) Proclamation declaring the period of January 30, 2007 to April 4, 2007 as A Season for Nonviolence. Continued to February 20, 2007. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Johnson announced that the Recommendation to adopt Specifications [paragraph no. 07- ], Introduction of Ordinance [paragraph no. 07- ] , and Final Passage of Ordinances [paragraph no. 07- ] were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] ( *07- ) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on January 16, 2007. Approved. ( *07_ ) Ratified bills in the amount of $5,622,716.97. (07- ) Recommendation to adopt Specifications and authorize Call for Bids for three marked police vehicles. The Police Chief gave a brief presentation. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 February 6, 2007 Councilmember Matarrese stated he requested that the item be pulled because the City has a vehicle selection policy that starts with electric vehicles and continues with availability and practicality of vehicle use; the staff report notes that an alternative fuel vehicle does not meet the Police Department's needs; compressed natural gas was the alternative fuel for a Crown Victoria, but the alternative fuel cars are no longer in production. The Police Chief stated compressed natural gas is not available as a standard item with Ford Motor Company or any other company making a police vehicle; there are design issues in terms of idling for long periods of time and limited trunk space; ample trunk space is needed for equipment. Councilmember Matarrese requested that future staff reports include steps taken to evaluate that the recommended vehicle is the most practical solution. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the three vehicles are the only vehicles being replaced this year, to which the Police Chief responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the three vehicles reached the mileage point for replacement. The Police Chief responded the three vehicles are in excess of 95,000 miles. The City Manager stated three police motorcycles would be replaced at a later date. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the three motorcycles would be evaluated the same way in terms fuel efficiency. The Police Chief responded the motorcycles have the same issues as the police vehicles. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Crown Victoria is still being produced. The Police Chief responded that Ford Motor Company had reported that 2009 would be the last year that the Crown Victoria would be produced; stated Ford Motor Company reconsidered the matter and plans to continue production. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Ford Motor Company was looking at alternative fuel sources; stated taxicabs using natural Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 February 6, 2007 gas have factory -type installations. The Police Chief responded technology will continue to advance in the next few years; stated alternative fuel sources would be monitored at trade shows. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the meter enforcement vehicles are gas or electric, to which the Police Chief responded electric. Councilmember Matarrese stated more creativity is needed as the City replaces fleet vehicles; the Crown Victoria was the standard at a time when gas was cheap; police departments around the world use smaller, more fuel - efficient cars. Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation with the notation that staff evaluated potential alternative fuel source vehicles. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *07- ) Recommendation to authorize the Fire Chief to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Oakland to participate in the California Task Force #4 Urban Search and Rescue Team. Accepted. ( *07- ) Resolution No. 14065, "Appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84 -2." Adopted. ( *07- ) Resolution No. 14066, "Appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for Maintenance Assessment District 01 -1 (Marina Cove)." Adopted. ( *07- ) Resolution No. 14067, "Approving Revised Memorandum of Understanding Between the Alameda City Employees Association and the City of Alameda for the Period Commencing July 1, 2006 and Ending June 30, 2009." Adopted. (07- ) Introduction of Ordinance to Repeal the Existing Time Limit for Incurring Debt in the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project. Introduced. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. David Kirwin, Alameda, urged Council to give the community a choice on whether or not to use bonds. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 3 Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBA), urged approval of the staff recommendation. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager provided a brief explanation of redevelopment and tax increment. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City keeps 21% of the assessed tax, to which the City Manager responded the City keeps 27%. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated the tax base is frozen when a redevelopment area is established; taxes are distributed in the same way as though there was no project area; tax increment accrues to the redevelopment agency as property values increase; the City captures a minimal increase through a standard pass - through agreement; taxes are not raised by virtue of bonds being issued. Councilmember Matarrese stated the proposed ordinance takes away the limitation of issuing new bonds after 2011; requested an explanation on the advantages and disadvantages. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded forty years is the typical lifespan for a redevelopment agency; stated a number of redevelopment project areas were adopted prior to 1994; local jurisdictions adopted time limits for issuing debt; bonds were issued up to a certain time, after which the ability to issue debt went away because that 'is what the City preferred. Councilmember Matarrese inquired how 2011 was established. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded she did not know; stated the project area was pre -1994; the West End Community Improvement Project (WECIP) does not have the same requirements; the Alameda Business Improvement Area has the ability to issue debt through the life of the project area; efforts are being made to bring BWIP into conformity with the other two project areas. Councilmember deHaan inquired why the issue was not addressed in 2003. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded staff was dealing with the [WECIP] project area where time limits were expiring; stated 2011 seemed far away; there was time to address the BWIP time limits. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 4 Councilmember deHaan inquired whether consideration was given to impacts on other taxing entities; further inquired whether the School District would be impacted. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded all entities have pass - through agreements; stated AB 1290 sets pass - throughs statutorily; the School District receives some portion of the proceeds; the City provided assistance with the Ruby Bridges Elementary School and joint use park; the School District benefits. Councilmember deHaan stated money would not be going to other taxing entities after 35 years; some money goes to the County. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated every taxing entity reaps the benefits of increased property values when the project area goes away. Councilmember deHaan stated the clock would start over again by merging with another development area. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated she was not sure whether the clock would start over by merging with another project. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the BWIP final date is 2025. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded she is not sure whether the final date extends another twenty years passed 2011. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the ability to pay back bonds out of proceeds would be compromised by being close to the end of the redevelopment area time limit. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded in the negative; stated outstanding debt can be serviced with the collection of sufficient increments at the end of the project time limit. Councilmember Matarrese inquired why timing is not being set; stated the City would have ten years to pay the bond back if the bond was issued on the last day. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded the limits are set automatically by statue; stated tax increments can be collected for another ten years after the project area expires. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 5 Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether ten years is sufficient, to which the Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whether tax increment can be collected after the redevelopment period ends. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded only the amount of any outstanding debt owed. Mayor Johnson stated the tax increment is a benefit to the City; the City keeps the money instead of sending the money to the State or other jurisdictions. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether a statutory control prevents the City from over bonding. The City Attorney responded in the affirmative; stated the City would not be able to issue a bond without the capacity to repay the bond within the legal time limits. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether bond issuance could go to the , ballot. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded the proposed ordinance does not have an impact on Council's decision to put bonds before the people for a vote. Councilmember Matarrese moved introduction of the ordinance. Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (07- ) Ordinance No. 2961, "Reclassifying and Rezoning Property Located Adjacent to the Oakland Estuary and Grand Street from M -2, General Industrial (Manufacturing) District to MX, Mixed Use Planned Development District (MX) . " Finally passed; and (07- A) Ordinance No. 2962, "Approving Master Plan MPO5 -01 for a Mixed Use Development Including Single - Family Residential, Recreational Marina, Maritime Commercial, and Open Space Uses, Located Within a Project Area Encompassing Approximately 8.36 Acres of Land and Water at the Intersection of Grand Street and the Oakland Estuary." Finally passed. Vice Mayor Tam stated that she would abstain from voting on the matter. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 6 Councilmember Matarrese moved final passage of the ordinances. Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, and Mayor Johnson - 4. Abstentions: Vice Mayor Tam - 1. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (07- ) Public Hearing on Housing and Community Development needs for Community Development Block Grant Annual Plan. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager gave a brief Power Point presentation. Mayor Johnson stated she would like to know more about the East Bay Community Mediation (EBCM) services. The Community Development Program Manager stated training services are provided; staffing is on a volunteer basis; volunteers are certified through a 40 -hour training program. Mayor Johnson inquired whether volunteers are required to provide mediation services. The Community Development Program Manager responded in the negative; stated experience has shown that volunteers have a personal commitment to provide mediation services. Mayor Johnson inquired whether other cities use EBCM. The Community Development Program Manager responded in the affirmative; stated funding would be one-time. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Teen Center would qualify for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The Community Development Program Manager responded the West End Teen Center is funded through the Boys and Girls Club. Mayor Johnson stated she was referencing the Teen Club in the Elk's Lodge basement; the Teen Center needs improvement. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated funds are for public services, not physical improvements; staff can research the matter and bring it back to Council in April. Mayor Johnson inquired whether tonight's discussion was for the balance of Fiscal Year 2006 -2007. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 7 The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded tonight's hearing was for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Council is being requested to approve funding for the listed public services, to which the Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded in the negative. Mayor Johnson stated she would like to do something for the Teen Center. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated information would be provided to Council in April. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether $15,000 could be better spent on existing public services. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated some other public services were augmented, such as BANANAS, Inc. and the Red Cross. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager continued with the Power Point presentation. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. Cyndy Wasko, Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) President, commented on the SSHRB's recommended service needs and funding allocation. Priscilla Kindley, Alameda, spoke about the difficulty that low- income families face in securing affordable housing in Alameda. Mayor Johnson suggested that Ms. Kindley follow up with the Assistant City Manager. Noel W. Folsom, Homeless Network Chair, urged Council to follow the SSHRB's recommendations. The Assistant City Manager stated the federal government has cut back on Section 8 housing; Alameda has fewer vouchers than the demand. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. (07- ) Consideration of an Appeal of the Transportation Commission's decision to install new bus stops on Otis Drive at Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 8 Pond Isle, and authorization to install new bus stops at Otis Drive and Sandcreek Way, and Otis Drive and Willow Street. Continued to March 6, 2007. (07- ) Recommendation to accept comprehensive Sidewalk Repair Program and adopt Plans and Specifications and authorize Call for Bids for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 repair of Portland Cement Concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveway and minor street patching, No. P.W. 08- 06 -18. The Associate Civil Engineer provided a Power Point Presentation. Mayor Johnson inquired who filled in the areas around the Shoreline Drive trees with concrete, to which the Associate Civil Engineer responded that he was not sure. Mayor Johnson suggested looking into an ordinance that would prevent homeowners from filling in the area around trees. The Associate Civil Engineer stated staff would look into the matter. Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether staff is proactively encouraging homeowners to use drought tolerant plants; further inquired whether drought tolerate trees are being considered for the Master Tree Plan. The Associate Civil Engineer responded information could be provided to homeowners through the City's website or leaflets. Vice Mayor Tam stated an ordinance would be better. Councilmember deHaan stated the Bayport planting strips are very small; trees are very aggressive; •sidewalks are being replaced every five to ten years; inquired whether repair would be less often if the staff recommendations are followed. The Associate Civil Engineer responded repair should be less often; stated branch trimming has not been done in the last few years but would be incorporated into the Master Tree Plan. Councilmember deHaan stated many deteriorated sidewalks are not the result of tree issues; inquired whether the matter has been reviewed. The Associate Civil Engineer responded concrete will deteriorate in eighty years; stated the homeowner is responsible for repairing the sidewalk if the City is not responsible for the damage; letters are Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 February 6, 2007 sent to homeowners requesting that the sidewalk be repaired. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City could provide homeowners with the name of a sidewalk repair contractor. The Associate Civil Engineer responded homeowners are provided with the name of the City's Contractor in order to get a better rate. The Public Works Director stated homeowners are provided with the name of the City's Contractor; the cost would be twice as much as the bid price if the City did the work through the Contractor; mobilization and demobilization costs are higher for smaller areas. Mayor Johnson inquired whether homeowners could get a better price by getting a bid through the City's Contractor, to which the Public Works Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the permit fee could be waived by using the City's Contractor; stated the permit fee is $80 to $90. The Public Works Director responded permit fees are waived for the first 25 linear feet of sidewalk replacement. Mayor Johnson suggested putting the City's sidewalk repair Contractor contact information on the City's website. Councilmember Gilmore thanked staff for a very detailed report; inquired whether residents are provided with care and feeding information when trees are planted; stated most homeowners do not know the consequences of improper watering. The Public Works Director stated young trees need deep watering in the first three to five years. Councilmember Gilmore stated the first step is educating the public. The Public Works Director stated a PVC sleeve would be used with all new sidewalk replacements. Mayor Johnson stated money would be saved in the long run if proper steps are taken; money is saved when tree pruning is eliminated, but costs are incurred when sidewalk, streets, and gutters are damaged. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 10 Proponents (In favor of staff recommendation) : Dave Needle, Fernside Homeowners Association; Jon Spangler, Alameda; Ron Bishop, Oakland (submitted handout); Rob Ratto, PSBA; Michael J. Torrey, Alameda; Christopher Buckley, Alameda. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mayor Johnson thanked Mr. Buckley for his personal interest in City trees. Councilmember Matarrese applauded staff for the presentation; stated he likes the approach given to signature trees; inquired whether the scope would be for City trees in general, not just street trees. The City Engineer responded the plan is to look at trees that fit within the neighborhood; stated the focus is on the landscape strip. Councilmember Matarrese stated people are excited about sidewalk repair; the staff recommendation is solid; he likes the idea of updating the Master Tree Plan; stated a different tree was planted on Gibbons Drive. Mayor Johnson inquired whether attention would be given to planting the same type tree on major streets; stated the replanted Gibbons Drive tree is different. The City Engineer responded a Red Oak was planted on Gibbons Drive; stated Liquid Ambers require a wider base; a larger base would require encroaching on private property; the Red-Oak is similar to Liquid Ambers. Mayor Johnson stated major street trees should be consistent; Palm Streets should be replanted on Eighth Street and Burbank Avenue; suggested looking at the Eucalyptus tree on Encinal Avenue between Fernside Boulevard and High Street; stated houses would be damaged if the tree fell; requested that staff take a look at the tree to ensure sturdiness. Councilmember Matarrese stated the Climate Protection Campaign Task Force should review the Master Tree Plan; biomass should be increased; the cost is worth the price; payback is not only in looks but in sequestering carbon dioxide. Councilmember deHaan stated Sycamore Trees do not displace concrete; many trees are missing throughout the City; infill needs Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 11 February 6, 2007 to be aggressive. Mayor Johnson stated cement needs to be removed from the areas around the Shoreline Drive trees; an ordinance might be necessary to deal with the problem. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of staff recommendation. Mayor Johnson stated the motion should include that the Master Tree Plan come back to Council. Councilmember Matarrese amended his motion to include that the Master Tree Plan come back to Council. Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (07- ) Eugenie Young, Alameda, (submitted handout) discussed bringing a cruise port to Alameda Point. (07- ) Art Javier, Alameda, expressed his support for a cruise port at Alameda Point. Mayor Johnson stated the Development Services Department is looking into the matter. (07- ) Deborah James, Alameda, stated existing bus routes need to be serviced; AC Transit does not response to complaints. Mayor Johnson stated AC Transit representatives attend some of the Transportation Commission meetings. Councilmember Gilmore stated Elsa Ortiz is the City's AC Transit representative; suggested that Ms. James contact Ms. Ortiz. Ms. James noted Ruth Hurch passed away in September; Ms. Hurch helped the Harbor Island Apartment residents through difficult times. (07- ) Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed cruise ships. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (07- ) Selection of Councilmember and alternate to serve as the League of California Cities East Bay Division representative. Mayor Johnson stated Vice Mayor Tam and Councilmember deHaan Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 12 expressed interest in serving as the League's representative. Councilmember Gilmore stated currently Vice Mayor Tam is serving a Presidential appointment on a sub - committee; it would most efficient if she was also the City's representative to the California League of Cities. Councilmember Gilmore moved approval of Vice Mayor Tam serving as the League's representative. Mayor Johnson stated that Councilmember deHaan could serve as the alternate. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of Councilmember deHaan serving as the League's alternate. Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Mayor Johnson stated that the job is huge; suggested that Vice Mayor Tam and Councilmember deHaan work together to cover more ground. Vice Mayor Tam stated she is in support of dividing the responsibilities for representing the City; Councilmember deHaan could attend the East Bay Division meetings; she will try to work on regional issues. (07- ) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Housing Commission. Mayor Johnson nominated Walter Schlueter for appointment to the Housing Commission. (07- ) Councilmember deHaan stated Alameda's deep water port is an asset; the matter was previously reviewed and there was no interest in cruise ships coming to the former Naval Air Station; he continues to endorse reviewing cruise ship port options at Alameda Point; Pier 3 should be considered. (07- ) Councilmember deHaan requested that the City Manager share thoughts expressed at the Joint City Council and Golf Commission meeting. The City Manager stated an operations review would be conducted; Request for Proposals (RFP) will be initiated similar to the RFP conducted for the telecom division of Alameda Power and Telecom (AP &T) . Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 13 (07- ) Councilmember deHaan stated Council discussed setting aside $20,000 to $30,000 to review a salt water pump station; Alameda's housing stock would be vulnerable in an earthquake; a feasibility study should be conducted. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City of Berkeley conducted a feasibility study; stated the Fire Department has not provided Council with sufficient information; Alameda could use the City of Berkeley's information if a study was conducted; she would like the Fire Department to provide information on whether or not the system is feasible. Councilmember deHaan stated the information could be weaved into the Disaster Plan. The City Manager stated staff is in the process of developing the Disaster Mitigation Plan; staff will. provide a report on what other cities are doing. Mayor Johnson stated San Francisco is charged with developing an Emergency Response Plan; requested that staff investigate whether Alameda has a representative attending the meetings. (07- ) Councilmember deHaan stated Alameda was established as an electric City in the late 1990's; requested the program be reviewed and reinstated. (07- ) Mayor Johnson stated she attended the Annual Mayor's Conference in Washington, D.C. during the week of January 23; Community Development Block Grant/Section 8 cuts are always a threat but are usually reinstated; interest in alternative power sources, greenhouse gases, and global warming has increased; the Mayor's Conference does a lot to advocate for cities. ADJOURNMENT (07- ) There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:07 p.m. in a moment of silence for Ruth Hurch. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council February 6, 2007 14 February 15, 2007 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: This is to certify that the claims listed on the check register and shown below have been approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers 156517 - 156988 E16143 - E16267 EFT 313 EFT 314 EFT 315 EFT 316 Void Checks: Amount $2,204,205.96 $88,246.53 $12,943.50 $1,500,000.00 $681.09 $22,434.08 156441 ($24,944.63) 142939 ($30.00) GRAND TOTAL Respectfully submitted, F-Pavtott J. 112,64, Pamela J. Sibley U (J Council Warrants 02/20/07 $3,803,536.53 BILLS #4 -B 2/20/2007 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Quarterly Sales Tax Report For the Period Ending September 30, 2006 BACKGROUND This report relates to the sales tax transactions during July through September 2006. These tax transactions are the basis for sales tax revenues received during the October through December 2006, time period. These transactions and resulting revenues occurred within the context of a state economy that experienced a continuing slowdown as compared to the same period of the prior year. Consumer pessimism led this slowdown. Growth was slowed by inflation rising faster than had been anticipated. The upward trend of gasoline prices helped slow growth as consumers spent more on gasoline and had less for discretionary spending. The weakening of the housing market was a minor contributor to the slower growth. DISCUSSION The sales transactions for this period decreased by 3.9 percent or $52,971 from the same quarter of the prior year. The key gains were in food products (3.5 percent or $10,520). The key declines came from business to business ( -18.8 percent or $52,357) and miscellaneous (-6.3 percent or $854). The top 25 businesses represent 47.5 percent ($619,858) of the quarter's sales transactions. The top 100 businesses represent 74 percent ($964,368) of the quarter's sales transactions. Agenda Item #4 -C CC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers A comparison of the key economic categories follows: Percent Change 0.1% 3.5% (3.0)% (18.8)% (4.1)% (6.3)% (3.9) % Total Sales Transactions Economic Category Transportation Food Products General Retail Business -to- Business Construction Miscellaneous Total - Quarter 3rd Quarter 2006 Total $429,306 $315,426 $256,315 $225,822 $65,398 $12,697 $1,304,964 Percent of Total 32.9% 24.2% 19.6% 17.3% 5.0% 0.97% 100.0% February 20, 2007 Page 2 of 3 3rd Quarter 2005 Total $428,928 $304,906 $264,164 $278,179 $68,208 $13,551 $1,357,935 Percent of Total 31.59% 22.45% 19.45% 20.49% 5.02% 1.00% 100.0% The transportation category experienced increases in service station sales of 10.1%. The miscellaneous category experienced a substantial percentage decline but minimal dollar change. The majority of businesses in this category are smaller businesses that may report less frequently and much smaller amounts. A comparison of the geographic generation of sales tax for the third quarter of 2006 as compared to the same period in 2005 follows. Percent Change 1.41% (1.02)% (6.34)% 7.20% (11.19)% (7.8)% (3.9)% Total Sales Transactions Geographic Areas Park — North of Lincoln Park — South of Lincoln Alameda Towne Centre Webster — North of Lincoln Webster — South of Lincoln All Other Areas Total - Quarter 3rd Qtr 2006 Total $3 17,306 $153,184 $219,562 $ 84,057 $ 26,119 $504,736 $1,304,964 Percent of Total 24.3% 11.7% 16.8% 6.4% 2.0% 38.7% 100.0% 3rd Qtr 2005 Total $312,905 $ 154,759 $234,435 $78,412 $29,410 $548,014 $1,357,935 Percent of Total 23.04% 11.4% 17.26% 5.77% 2.17% 40.4% 100.0% Honorable Mayor and February 20, 2007 Councilmembers Page 3 of 3 It is important to note that Alameda Towne Centre continues to have major construction work in progress during the third quarter of 2006. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIAL IMPACT Sales tax revenues received in the second quarter of FYO7 as compared to the second quarter of FY06 decreased by 12 percent. The payments by the State Board of Equalization are advanced based on estimated sales tax reports with a balancing payment at the end of the quarter which creates a lag in reported revenues for the City. The sales tax projections for the Fiscal Year 2006 -07 are meeting budget expectations. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the period ending September 30, 2006. Respectfully submitted, elle- • `: oyer Chief Financial Officer JB /dl Honorable Mayor and February 20, 2007 Councilmembers Page 4 of 3 bcc: Rob Ratto, PSBA Kathy Moehring, WABA Patty Jacobs, GABA Melody Marr, Chamber of Commerce CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Quarterly Investment Report for Period Ending December 31, 2006 BACKGROUND Each quarter the Investment Summary report is provided to the Council. Attached is the investment portfolio report for the quarter ending December 31, 2006. DISCUSSION The attached portfolio summary reflects the invested operating funds as well as the various assessment district funds and trusteed bond funds. These investments have been made in accordance with the provisions of the City's approved Investment Guidelines. The City of Alameda's expenditure requirements for the next six months are more than sufficiently covered by anticipated revenues from regular operations and liquidity of current investments. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL IMPACT As of December 31, 2006, the City has received 5 5.3 6 percent of the projected interest income for the fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending December 31, 2006. Respectfully submitted, elle -Ann r: oyer Chief Financial Officer JAB:d1 Attachment Agenda Item #4 -D CC 02 -20 -07 City of Alameda California February 20, 2007 Honorable Mayor and City Council 1 have reviewed the City of Alameda's Investment Report for the quarter ending 0 December 31, 2006 and find that it complies with the Investment Policy y established by my office. The interest of the Council is always appreciated. K K/d l Sin Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer Office of the City Treasurer 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 220 Alameda, California 94501 -4477 510.747.4881 Office • Fax 510.747.4890 • TDD 510.522.7538 Kevin K nedy City Tr- asurer r Attachment Agenda Item #4 -D CC 02.20 -07 INVESTMENT SUMMARY W CC PAR VALUE w 0;M,CD CO CO t 0 .1.0 N CD N. 0. c) r cd.(o Lei 0 o.rn.co 07 0) cc;:" c5a7 a'OiLn�r 0) o cv T 0) co �.c 6 co;o.Lei 0i N 0 0 0 T,M N- 0 CD O '1- CO 1- 0 0 0 (D CD Lt7 O CO O N . 07 0) 0 0C)av) O ti L6' 05 T 00 07 - 0 N CO 0) CD T T r (y T b'3 CO- o L 0i Ln T c) N O O 07 N O.0 0 c 0)'0) 0 0 N 0 CO LC") !` T CO CO cr)cDT Cr) Cri d: T 00 CO T t^ M [r] CD 07 CO (0 07 0 f. co O'7 co LC7 - ctrl CD: N 0 T CO OD CO N O I_ N O N BOOK VALUE ti (0 (0 LO 0) Oo L0 Cr7 N- 07 ti 0 c) co 100.0000% $1 31,953,546.43 ALL FUNDS 0 CO (0 NCO 0 F. W T ti o,o ui 0 00,0 dT9 0 (0 CO 0 co >. 0 r` 07. Lon COG Z 1"." Ln 0 ~ ~ J_ U CO z 0 w <U (0= J I- Q CO — J } Q F- Z Q 0 LL w Z o w zwLi! . 2'W o Z Z !2 Z1 .w p U) LL :� ~.° ' ;w'� .W;)- z ,p Z. w;z 0 .> :�,w, �� ❑ W �� ,�: 'w ��, . _ w w o o w f-- cn C'3 C7 w� C ?W g§ Z. 2 J .0 ,�Qwzw,w. ;w 1- oQ ��. __ Q]:1- wWo :› U �0 C7 C7 g Q < z a•0 :z: ;w.w I-' W F-- ,Q Q o v'Lr .U' , W❑ U :0 O in o w cC wWZ— ,o v o'W W ULL2ZLLJ F N N> a a -¢¢ CITY OF ALAMEDA CO 0 O N t•- w 1b 2 W 0 O z z❑ w w 0 H CC 0 0 0 0 w u) w Z 12/31/2006 W a> O co Z Q 2 ❑ LU - W D• Q c¢ � I- O co 0.0•C�) co O O alco d;co!(0 O 0 '(0 0.0) LC):0 0.0:0!0.0) 0 ;0.0;0;0!0,0'0;o'O,Ln:0;0 0;0 co . 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FUND co co N ti 0) 69 $395,754.28 N 0) 0 a 0 co O a op TOTAL AND AVERAGES CITY OF ALAMEDA INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO FOR THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 w IX J O > (9 0) Z ¢ • ❑ • LL W -J 7- 0 0 DESCRIPTION 0 m z W W Z i■► H 0 W ❑ w L CC U 0 0 0,0 0 0 u, LO 0 0) a0 0.0 ;• v 0 0'0, 11-5' L() 0)'0) LO . LC) Cor)'c) Co CD -0 .o u_ LL o ° CD CO (0 0) Mc, .0). o °v' °v LO LC) 0) r) CY) 0 0 O a O 0 0'0 LO' LC) ' a') 0 0 0 0 O v 0) O 0 0 0 O v 0) 0) C.1 0 O O N CO Cei ❑ 0 Ln 0 0 0 O 0 0 a) co m 4 Ln 0,0,co in o 0 0;00 0;0,0 0.0 0 0 o O,+n 0.0 0 c0,(0 O o,M,O co, 0,0 0 (D;o.a) C1 0 01.0 a7 c0 0) o o.4 :4;cv in.o;00 a) Olo,Ln co•O'o'0'Ln 0.N co oqn O'N;0 LO'CD a) M O;Ln Ln CO'0'co r tc) 0!O CO O f�;0'O:4,ct CD;r-'Ln�OICY) (0 (0 C' C\1'0'a);0 o OI(0 0) 0 ;N 4! (0,00;N!0'4' (0;r` N;r O oo M N (0 0 c:, N;Mi0,0),r.() 0 NICO'C0 (0 ;r`;r -,. 0!0'(0 0) (0 I(0 (+r) :LO:r -,- (0 F- i(0!0) (0 l('N M (0'N LO,Ca Ce)ir 1-. 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Three Contracts Require Amendments due to an Increased Scope of Work: 1) Lamphier- Gregory to Complete the Final EIR; 2) Omni Means to Complete Additional Traffic Evaluations; and 3) The Developer, Harsch Investment Realty, to Pay the City for These Additional Consultant and Staff Costs BACKGROUND The City Council is being requested to authorize the City Manager to execute amendments to three existing contracts related to consultation services for the environmental review of the proposed expansion of Alameda Towne Centre. These amendments will extend the contracts for one year and require the developer to provide additional funds to the City to cover the cost of completing the environmental and traffic evaluations of the proposed expansion. On March 28, 2005, the City entered into a City 1 Developer Agreement with the owner of the South Shore Center (recently renamed Alameda Towne Centre), Harsch Investment Realty, LLC, for professional services. That Agreement authorized the City to retain the consultants, Lamphier - Gregory and Omni•Means, to prepare environmental and traffic studies. As required in the City 1 Developer Agreement, the developer remitted $76,000 to the City to cover the cost of this work. On March 28, 2006, this agreement was extended for one year and was amended to include additional tasks, which included additional visual simulations, traffic analysis, the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and to cover the cost of City staff time and materials. As required under the First Amendment, the developer remitted an additional $55,255 to the City. DISCUSSION A Second Amendment to the Agreement is now required to complete the Final EIR and to conduct additional traffic analysis, as recommended by the Planning Board, Transportation Commission and the public. The Second Amendment to the Agreement (Attachment 1) Agenda Item #4 -E CC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 of 2 Councilmembers February 20, 2007 requires the developer to deposit $84,796 with the City to cover the cost of completing the tasks listed in the attached consultant scopes of work (Attachments 2 and 3) and estimated additional staff time that will be required to prepare the project for consideration at a public hearing. The current action requested of the Council is limited to approval of these contract amendments that will allow completion of the project environmental review. BUDGET CONSIDERATION /FINANCIAL IMPACT As outlined in the City / Developer Agreement and subsequent amendments, the developer shall pay the cost of completing the tasks in the attached scopes of work. No General Fund monies are being requested. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the City Manager to execute the three attached contract amendments. Respectfully submitted, Cathy I1oodbury Planning and Building Director A2,..._ 0., _ By: Douglas Garris Supervising Planner ATTACHMENTS 1. Second Amendment to City / Developer Agreement 2. Second Amendment to Lamphier- Gregory Agreement (includes scope of work) 3. Second Amendment to Omni•Means Agreement (includes scope of work) cc: Harsch Investment Realty, 523 West Plaza, South Shore Center, Alameda Ca. 94501 Attachment# 1 SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This amendment of the Agreement, entered into this day of February, 2007 by and between the CITY OF ALAMEDA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City "), and Harsch Investment Realty LLC whose address is 523 West Plaza, South Shore Center, Alameda, CA 94501 (hereinafter referred to as "Developer "), is made with reference to the following: RECITALS: A. On March 28, .2005, an agreement was entered into by and between City and Applicant (hereinafter "Agreement "). On February 24, 2006 this Agreement was amended to extend the term to March 28, 2007 and to include additional tasks. B. Additional tasks have been identified that are beyond the amended scope of work. C. City and Consultant desire to modify the Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the undersigned parties as follows: 1. TERM. The term of this contract is extended from March 28, 2007 to March 28, 2008. 2. The Conditions section of the original agreement is hereby amended to add the following: g) Additional tasks include: 1) Preparation of additional photo - simulations; 2) Additional analysis of visual impacts and incorporation into Draft EIR; 3) Additional traffic impact analysis; 4) Review of urban decay study and incorporation of economic impact analysis into Draft EIR; and 5) Preparation of the Final EIR. h) An additional deposit in the amount of $70,696 is required for the Consultants based on the amended scopes of work. Of this sum, $25,651 is for Omni -Means and $45,045 is for Larnphier- Gregory and their subconsultant Envision Design. i) In accordance with all ordinances and resolutions of the City Council related to fees, City anticipates Planning and Building Department staff time for work under this Second Amendment to be $14,100. j) The developer shall deposit a sum of $84,796 with the City to cover items g, h, and i, listed above. 3) Except as expressly modified herein, all other terms and covenants set forth in the Agreement shall remain the same and shall be in full force and effect. Harsch Investment Realty Second Amendment P 1 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this modification of Agreement to be executed on the date and year first above written. DEVELOPER CITY OF ALAMEDA Harsch Invest . u - nt *)7,- y LL P A Municipal Corporation By: TFAI if� J. Rani K e Se r Vice P • - side Director of evelo s ment By: Debra Kurita, City Manager RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL By: 11J GCA Cathy Wo;,.': ury, Planning and Building Director APPROVEDAS TO FORM: City Attorney By: City f ��Attorney G: IPLANNINGIADMIN\CONTRACT■2006\S shorelSecand Amendment -S Shore.doc Harsch Investment Realty Second Amendment P 2 of 2 Attachment 2 SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT Lamphier 1 Gregory & Associates This Second Amendment is entered into on February , 2007 between the City of Alameda, a municipal corporation (City) and Lamphier /Gregory & Associates (Consultant). This Second Amendment is made with reference to the following: RENTALS A. On April 25, 2005, the City and Consultant entered into an Agreement for Professional Services related to the expansion of the South Shore Shopping Center. Additional tasks were identified that were beyond the original proposed scope of work, The original agreement was amended on or about March 6, 2006. B. Additional tasks have been identified that are beyond the amended scope of work, C. City and Consultant wish to modify the Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth here. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree that: 1. Paragraph 1 of the Agreement, Term, is amended to read: "1. TERM: The term of this Agreement shall commence on the 25th day of April 2005 and shall terminate on the 28th day of March, 2008." 2. Paragraph 2 of the Agreement, Services to be Performed, is amended to add: "Exhibit F revised scope of work described in October 5, 2006 letter and revised budget contained in January 16, 2007 letter from Joan Lamphier." . Exhibit F is attached to this Second Amendment. 3. Paragraph 3 of the Agreement, Compensation to Consultant, is amended to add: "Consultant shall be compensated for services performed pursuant to this Second Amendment in the amount and manner set forth in Exhibit F, attached to this Second Amendment. Payment shall be made by checks drawn on the treasury of the City, to be taken from funds deposited with the City by the Applicant." 4. The other terms of the Agreement as amended by the First Amendment remain in effect. Lamphier Gregory Second Amendment p 1 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Second Amendment on the date first written above. CONSULTANT Lamphier Gregory By: CITY OF ALAMEDA A Municipal Corporation By: Debra Kurita, City Manager RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Cathy oodbury, Planni g and Building f 'rector APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney By: Donna Mooney, Assistant City Attorney Exhibits: Exhibit F Revised scope of work described October 5, 2006 letter and revised budget contained in January 16, 2007 letter from Joan Lamphier. G: IPLANNINGIADMINICONTRAC11200615 shore\Second Amendment -- Lamphier Gregory,doc Lamphier Gregory Second Amendment p 2 of 2 L A MP H I E R - G R E G OR Y January 16, 2007 Douglas Garrison 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Room 190 Alameda, CA 94501 Re: Alameda Towne Centre Budget Amendment Update Dear Doug, URBAN PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS At your request, we have revised our October 27, 2006 budget amendment request by $5,000. The October 27 estimate totaled $50,047.50; therefore, a reduction by the requested amount results in a budget estimate to complete the Final EIR totaling $45,045. Please be advised, however, per my email communication of January 4, 2007, that this entails a reduction in the estimated number of hours required to complete the CEQA process for this Project. Lamphier- Gregory ordinarily operates on a "tune and materials" basis in preparing Final EIRs due to the fact that public controversy associated with a given project often significantly increases the number of hours required to complete the Project. Lamphier- Gregory submitted our October 27, 2006 budget estimate after reviewing the large number of comments received on the Draft EIR, both written and oral, and estimating the number of hours required to provide adequate responses. A reduction of our budget amendment request by $5,000 requires us to reduce the estimated number of hours required to respond to comments. Therefore, if we are unable to complete this project in the number of hours included in this updated budget amendment request, an additional budget amendment request may be necessary. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please call me at (510) 535 -6690. Sincerely, La :I'e, ident HER- attachment: revised budget cc: file LAMPH +ER - GREGORY 1944 EMBARCADERO, OAKLAND, CA 94606 PHONE: 510- 535 -6690 .LAMPHIER- CREGORY.COM Alameda Towne Centre EIR -- Revised Budget Amendment, January 16, 2007 Schedule of Estimated Costs Task . Tasks performed outside Scope of Work Analysis of Urban Blight issues Additional analysis of Visual Resources Project management, coordination & meetings Document preparation and distribution enVislon design Print Public Review EIR Subtotal, Administrative Draft EIR 2. Final EIR Response to Comments Errata Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program Administrative Draft FEIR Publish Final EIR Subtotal, Final EIR 3. Attendance at Meetings* Amin. Draft FEIR Review Meeting w /City Staff Public Hearing on DEIR -- Planning Board Public Hearing on FEIR -- Planning Board Public Hearing on FEIR -- City Council Subtotal, Meetings 4. Coordination and Management Total Estimated Hours and Costs Principal Associate Planner Hours Budget t 150 /hr. Hours Budget @ $115/hr, 0.00 0.00 25.00 2,625.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 2,625.00 0.00 29.50 3,097.50 0.00 0.00 20.00 2,1 00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.50 10,447.50 0.00 1 16.50 13,397.50 0.00 8.00 920.00 0.00 8.00 920.00 4.00 600.00 4.00 460.00 4.00 600.00 8.00 920.00 8.00 1,200.00 144.50 16,617.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 600.00 4.00 460.00 4.00 600.00 4.00 460.00 8.00 1,200.00 8.00 920.00 16.00 2,400.00 30.06 3,450.00 Expenses/ Subconsultants Total Cost 5,400.00 2,160.00 7,560.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 2,625.00 2,625.00 3,097.50 2,100.00 5,400.00 2 160.00 18,007.50 13,397.50 920.00 920.00 1,060.00 2,770.00 19,087.50 0.00 0.00 1,060.00 1,060.00 2,120.00 5,850.00 32.00 4,800.00 282.00 31,435.00 * Any additional hours or direct costs will be performed and billed on a time and materials basis. 8,810.00 45,045.00 :r. L A M P H 1 E R G R E G 0 R Y October 27, 2006 Mr. Doug Gattison, Supervising Planner City of Alameda Planning and Building Dept. 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Rm. 190 Alameda, CA 94501 Re: UPDATE -- Alameda Towne Centre Expansion Project EIR Budget Amendment Request t IRi3,\N i'L,1NNINC: C NVI[:L )Ni iI N'I'AL ANAL 1' 4I Mr. Garrison, Lamphier- Gregory submitted a budget amendment request dated October 5, 2006 that included a budget for completing the Final EIR for the Alameda Towne Centre Expansion Project totaling $34,587.50. However, based on meetings with the City on October 17 and 26, and after conducting an initial review of the oral and written comments submitted for this Project, we have determined that completing the Final EIR will require significant additional effort to what was estimated in the October 5th request. Therefore, we are submitting a revised estimate totaling $50,047.50. The attached budget table itemizes the remaining tasks. Please note: Task 1 remains unchanged. If you have any questions, please phone our office. Sincerely, son Chain, Associate lamer Larnphier-- Gregory cc: File LAMPHIER -GREGORY 1944 EMBARCADERO, OAKLAND, CA 94606 PHONE: (510) 535-6690 FAX: (510) 535 -6699 Alameda Towne Centre EIR Budget Amendment, October 27, 2006 Schedule of Estimated Costs Principal Hours Task Budget a© $150 /hr. Associate Planner Expenses/ Total Hours I Budget a© Subconsuitants Cost $1151hr. . Tasks performed outside Scope of Work Analysis of Urban Blight issues Additional analysis of Visual Resources Project management, coordination & meetings Document preparation and distribution enVislon design Print Public Review EIR Subtotal, Administrative Draft EIR 2. Final EIR Response to Comments Errata Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program Administrative Draft FEIR Publish Final EIR Subtotal, Final ELR 3. Attendance at Meetings* Amin. Draft FEIR Review Meeting wlCity Staff Public Hearing on DEIR Planning Board Public Hearing on FEIR Planning Board Public Hearing on FEIR -- City Council Subtotal, Meetings 4. Coordination and Management 0.00 0.00 25,00 2,625.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 2,625.00 0.00 29.50 3,097.50 0.00 0.00 20.00 2,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.50 10,447.50 0.00 1 60.00 18,400.00 0.00 8.00 920.00 0.00 8.00 920.00 4.00 600.00 4.00 460.00 4.00 600.00 8.00 920.00 8.00 1,200.00 188.00 21,620.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 600.00 8.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 460.00 460.00 920.00 16.00 2,400.00 30.00 3,450.00 5,400.00 2,160.00 7,560.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 2,625.00 2,625.00 3,097.50 2,100.00 5,400,00 2,160.00 1 8,007.50 18,400.00 920.00 920.00 1,060.00 2,770.00 24,070.00 0.00 0.00 1,060.00 1,060.00 0.00 2,120.00 5,850.00 Total Estimated Hours and Costs 32.00 4,800.00 325.50 36,437.50 * Any additional hours or direct costs will be performed and billed on a time and materials basis. 8,81 0.00 50,047.50 Attachment#3 SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT Omni Means This Second Amendment is entered into on February ? , 2007 between the City of Alameda, a municipal corporation (City) and Omni Means (Consultant). This Second Amendment is made with reference to the following: RECITALS A. On March 1, 2005, the City and Consultant entered into an Agreement for Professional Services related to the preparation of a Traffic Impact Study for the updated South Shore Shopping Center Expansion. Additional tasks were identified that were beyond the original proposed scope of work. The original Agreement was amended on March 1, 2006. B. Additional tasks have been identified that are beyond the amended scope of work. C. City and Consultant wish to modify the Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth here. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree that: 1. Paragraph 1 of the Agreement, Term, is amended to read: "1. TERM: The term of this Agreement shall commence on the 1st day of March 2005 and shall terminate on the 28th day of March, 2008." 2. Paragraph 2 of the Agreement, Services to be Performed, is amended to add: Exhibit E: Work described in 11128/06 Extra Work Authorization ($25,651) Exhibit E is attached to this Second Amendment. 3. Paragraph 3 of the Agreement, Compensation to Consultant, is amended to add: "Consultant shall be compensated for services performed pursuant to this Second Amendment in the amount and manner set forth in Exhibit E attached to this Second Amendment. Payment shall be made by checks drawn on the treasury of the City, to be taken from funds deposited with the City by the Applicant." 4. The other terms of the Agreement remain in effect. OmniMeans Second Amendment p 1 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Second Amendment on the date first Written above. TA A4,442- •v R • /k/& (Lyre By: ,Mitilf/C eggsipe,vr ,eaR By: H. Ross Ainsworth, President CITY OF ALAMEDA A Municipal Corporation Debra Kurita, City Manager RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Cathy W: odbury, Planni ' and Building Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: Donna Mooney, Assistant City Attorney Exhibits: Exhibit E Work described in 11/28/06 Extra Work Authorization ($25,651) G: IPLANNING\ADMIN\CONTRACT\20061S shore\ Second Amendment - OmniMeans.doc OmniMeans Second Amendment p 2 of 2 • illill • P11��i95 NGINEE nb PL�NNFR6 EXTRA WORK AUTHORIZATION Attn.: • Mr. Doug Garrison Address: Alameda Planning'and Building Dept. 2263 Santa Clara Ave. Room 190 Alameda, CA 94501 -4477 Date. November 28, . Contract . March 1, 2005 2006 Date. Project: 2005 S. Shore Center Expansion Project Job No.: 3 5- 1040 -02 File No.: c876ewa004.doc Project Manager: George W. Nickelson Type: ❑ Task Authorization .Additional Work ❑ Change of Scope ❑ The following work will be performed under the same terms and conditions as in the original agreement unless otherwise stated. Additional work costs based on draft scope of work and .written comments received from Mr. Doug Garrison on the Alameda Towne Center Expansion Project —Draft Environmental Impact Report. . This extra work authorization (EWA) Is in addition to the three prior EWA's.issued last year (11-2- 05) and in January (1-4-06) and March (3-30-06). Based on written comments on the DEIR, new traffic issues have been raised regarding outlying Intersection operation, effects on bridges and tunnels, driveway intersections at the site, project trip generation, weekend peak hours, 2003 versus 2005 conditions, and. internal circulation. In response, the following efforts will be necessary to complete the draft report: DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES Weekday peak hour and weekend peak hour data collection at four -(4) new intersections with new analysis for all scenarios—Lincoln & Clinton at Park Street and Mound and Regent at Otis Drive. Observe St. Francis. Evaluate all five project scenarios, new graphics /changes; 46 hrs. Traffic Technician $100 24 hrs. Staff En ■ ineer • $124 Provide supplemental analysis on all four bridges and two tunnels accessing the island. Extend project vehicle trips and analyze potential impacts: . 12 hrs. Staff En . ineer • 124 Evaluate the Park/Franciscan & Willow/Whitehall project intersections based on existing. data and/or extrapolation. Evaluated all five project scenario: . 8 hrs. Staff Engineer @ $124 Provide a discussion of project vehicle trip generation on ITE shopping center versus "Stand Alone" retail rates. Discuss merits of both and why shopping center rate are applicable: 6 hrs. Staff Engineer c $124 Provide a discussion of weekend peak hours as they apply to shopping centers and how peak characteristics can differ durin the course of the 1 COMPENSATION $7,576.00 $1 ,488.00 $992.00 $744.00 $496.00 1 1901 Olympic Blvd., Suite 120, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 — (925) 935 -2230 fax (925) 935 -2247 March 30, 2006 day (Saturday): 4 hrs. Staff Engineer @ Explain and provide a discussion of Year 2003 data (and Figures) as $992.00 compared to Year 2005 data. Specifically explain the differences in intersection volume Figures and why certain study intersections have higher or lower volumes than previous analyses conducted for the shopping center: 8 hrs. Staff Engineer @ $124 'Responses to miscellaneous written comments and/or bus routes, $1,240,00 sidewalks, bike paths, turning radii, etc.: 10 hrs. Staff Engineer-@ $124 SUBTOTAL PREVIOUS EWA BALANCE TOTAL $13,528.00 ' $12,123,06 $25,651.00 EWA costs include providing a supplemental addendum report to the DEIR that will act as "master response" to the majority of written comments. EWA costs also include a separate line item for previously unpaid EWA's (dated 1-4-06 and 3- 30 -06). The total amount owed from previous EWA's has been adjusted down to reflect recent payments received from the City in October and November. The EWA costs do not include time for meetings or public hearings. These costs would be billed on a time and materials basis. Please call if questions. C . .'suttant: OMNI -M , LTD. r 4&! Date Merit Company /Agency Signature (Owner Authorized Representative) Date Please sign and return this original for Omni- Means, Ltd. files. 2 1901 Olympic Blvd., Suite 120, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 ' (925) 935 -2230 fax (925) 935 -2247 CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Recommendation to Allocate $347,000 from Measure B Funds and Award a Contract for Design and Construction Administration Services in the Amount of $102,695, including Contingencies, to Baseline Engineering, for Grand Street Bridge and Ballena Boulevard Bridge Repair and Resurfacing, No. P.W. 11 -06 -24 BACKGROUND The maintenance and inspection of the Grand Street and Ballena Boulevard bridges are a local responsibility. Every two years, through a state -local assistance program, Caltrans completes routine inspections of these bridges, rating their structural adequacy and overall general condition. Though the bridges have been found to be structurally adequate, Caltrans recommends several on- going maintenance improvements for each bridge. These include: replacing and repairing, as required, the bridge railing on the Grand Street Bridge, as well as patching the areas of concrete deterioration and sealing cracks for both bridges. Completion of this work will increase the total service life of the bridges. DISCUSSION To solicit the maximum number of responses and the most competitive price, a Request for Proposal was provided to over twenty qualified consultants throughout the Bay Area. In addition, a notice was published in the Alameda Journal and it was posted on the City's web site. Requests for Proposal were opened on January 5, 2007. Two consultants submitted bids. The list of bidders from lowest to highest for total project cost is as follows: • Bidder Location Bid Amount Baseline Engineering - Alameda $89,300 MGE Engineering Oakland $106,143 Staff recommends that the contract be awarded to Baseline Engineering for a price of $1 02,695, including 15% contingency. This contract amount includes design, bid phase support, construction phase support and an allowance for materials testing. Testing is needed because the Agenda Item #4 -F CC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 Councilmembers February 20, 2007 bi- annual routine inspections by Caltrans did not include physical testing of the concrete, which has been subject to salt -water weathering. A copy of the contract is on file in the City Clerk's Office. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE The project is Categorically Exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act in Accordance with CEQA Section 15301(c), Existing Streets and Section 15301(d), Restoration of Deteriorated or Damaged Structures. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIAL IMPACT The estimated cost for the design, construction, inspection and contract management of the required maintenance work is $347,000. Funds are available from the City's annual Measure B allocation. The City will also apply for a Caltrans preventative maintenance grant for eligible portions of the work, estimated at $47,000. If the grant is received, less Measure B funds will be required. Staff requests that Council allocate the required funds. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATION Allocate $347,000 from Measure B Funds and award a contract for Consultant Design and Construction Administration Services in Amount of $102,695, including contingencies, to Baseline Engineering, for Grand Street Bridge and Ballena Boulevard Bridge Repair and Resurfacing, No. P.W. 11-06-24. Respect r.�' y submitted Matt ew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Prepared by: i\JaWliSb 16)4,04--, Laurie Kozisek Associate Civil Engineer MTN:LK:gc cc: Watchdog Committee CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Authorize Installation of Stop Signs to Replace Yield Signs at the Intersections of Adams Street at Peach Street, Post Street at Washington Street, Calhoun Street at Peach Street, Fairview Avenue at Cornell Drive, Bayo Vista Avenue at Cornell Drive, Harvard Drive at Windsor Drive, and Cambridge Drive at Windsor Drive BACKGROUND The Public Works Department received a request from a resident who lives at the intersection of Peach Street and Adams Street to replace yield signs with stop signs at the intersection of Adams Street at Peach Street to address drivers' right -of -way concerns. Subsequent to this request, the Public Works Department reviewed all intersections in the City that are controlled by yield signs and determined that they should be replaced with stop signs to clearly establish drivers' right -of -way at the intersections. DISCUSSION There are currently seven intersections in the City, controlled by two -way yield signs and shown on the attached map. Those intersections are: 1. Adams Street at Peach Street 2. Post Street at Washington Street 3. Calhoun Street at Peach Street 4. Fairview Avenue at Cornell Drive 5. Bayo Vista Avenue at Cornell Drive 6. Harvard Drive at Windsor Drive 7. Cambridge Drive at Windsor Drive Of the seven intersections, four of the intersections experienced drivers' right -of -way related collisions within the last five years. Drivers' right -of -way collisions occur when a driver enters the intersection when it is not his/her turn. Adams Street at Peach Street had four reported right -of -way type collisions; Washington Street at Post Street had two reported right-of-way type collisions; and Bayo Vista Avenue at Cornell Drive and Fairview Avenue at Cornell Drive had one reported right- of-way type collision each. Agenda Item #4 -G CC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Page 2 February 20, 2007 While yield signs alert traffic to slow down or stop when required to allow drivers traveling in the opposite direction to have the right to proceed through the intersection (also know as right -of -way), it is based on the driver's discretion to yield the right-of-way. Stop signs, however, clearly indicate that traffic is always required to stop before entering the intersection. To improve traffic operations and to clearly establish the right-of-way at these intersections, staff recommends that the yield signs should be replaced with stop signs. As part of installing the stop signs, "STOP" pavement marking will also be installed at the street approaches. On January 10, 2007, the Transportation Technical Team (TTT) unanimously recommended that the City Council consider replacing yield signs with stop signs at the seven intersections. The Alameda Police Department, which has a representative on the TTT, supports this recommendation. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE The project is Categorically Exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act in Accordance with CEQA Section 15301(c), Existing Facilities. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIAL IMPACT The material and labor cost for the removal of yield signs and installation of stop signs and "STOP" pavement markings for these seven locations is estimated to be $4,000. These activities are considered maintenance and are programmed in the Public Works Department's budget. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. Alameda Municipal Code Section 8-2.2 specifies that the City Council is authorized, by motion, to designate and establish stop intersections within the City. RECOMMENDATION Authorize Installation of Stop Signs to Replace Yield Signs at the Intersections of Adams Street at Peach Street, Post Street at Washington Street, Calhoun Street at Peach Street, Fairview Avenue at Cornell Drive, Bayo Vista Avenue at Cornell Drive, Harvard Drive at Windsor Drive and Cambridge Drive at Windsor Drive. Respectfully submitted, Prepared by: obok6 °-kav\io Matthew T. Naclerio Obaid Khan 4 9 Supervising Civil Engineer Public Works Director MTN:OK:gc Attachment titautivz YOSEMITE EDISON CT LINCOLN AVE GARFIELD AVE JOHNSON AVE P.O. CT CONSTANCE a CIR BUREN 3200 STERLING AVE GRIST ST JACKSON BRIGGS AVE Marti Rae Ct ENCINAL MADISON FILLMOR�. E� ASHINGTo arcs SCHQQL CALHOUN 2600 OTIS TOYON TERR DR2700 2900 30Q0 STATE WATERTON tom.. TUWArA PAR /2007 Not To Scale EXHIBIT "1" VICINITY MAP City of Alameda Attachment Agenda Item #4-G CC 02 -20 -07 CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize Call for Bids for Installation of Countdown Pedestrian Signal Heads and Audible Pedestrian Signals, No. P.W. 01 -07 -01 BACKGROUND: In June 2004, the Commission on Disability Issues (Commission) updated the list of priority locations for the installation of audible and countdown signals. This past June, Paratransit Measure B monies became eligible for the installation of accessible crossing indicators at bus stop locations that served the disabled and senior community. Comparing the Commission's priority list with the Measure B requirement that funds be applied at signalized intersections with bus stops, Public Works staff identified a list of 25 locations for the installation of audible and countdown signals. DISCUSSION The proposed project will install new countdown pedestrian signal heads with audible "chirping" features at the following 25 existing signalized intersections in the City. Central Avenue /Eighth Street Constitution Way/Marina Village Parkway Encinal Avenue /Oak Street Encinal Avenue /Walnut Street Fernside Boulevard/Tilden Way Grand Street/Lincoln Avenue Lincoln Avenue/Fifth Street Oak Street/Santa Clara Avenue Otis Drive /Westline Drive Park Street/Lincoln Avenue Webster Street /Atlantic Avenue Webster Street /Central Avenue Webster Street /Santa Clara Avenue Central Avenue/Broadway Eighth Street/Santa Clara Avenue Encinal Avenue/Park Street Encinal Avenue /Willow Street Grand Street/Central Avenue Grand Street/Santa Clara Avenue Oak Street/Lincoln Avenue Otis Drive /South Shore Drive Otis Drive/Willow Street Park Street/San Jose Avenue Webster Street/Buena Vista Avenue Webster Street/Lincoln Avenue Agenda Item #4 -H CC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 Councilmember February 20, 2007 The project will enhance awareness and better facilitate pedestrian crossing for our visually and hearing impaired citizens. Since many disabled citizens are transit dependent, the selection of sites considered both the Measure B funding requirements and the transit locations in need of accessible crossing indicators with high ridership. The plans and specifications are on file in the City Clerk's office. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE The project is Categorically Exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act in Accordance with CEQA Section 15301(c), Existing Facilities. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL IMPACT The project is budgeted under CIP# 06 -05 with funds available from Measure B Paratransit. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize Call for Bids for Installation of Countdown Pedestrian Signal Heads and Audible Pedestrian Signals, No. P.W. 01- 07 -01. Respect ly submitted Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Prepared by, ctuNi2 Trung Nguyen Assistant Engineer MTN:TN:gc le-- cc: Watchdog Committee CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Open Market Purchase Pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the Alameda City Charter for the Repair of the Main Street Ferry Terminal Pier, and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into Such an Agreement (Requires Four Affirmative Votes) BACKGROUND On January 17, 2006, during an inspection of the pilings supporting the Main Street Ferry Terminal walkway, staff identified one piling that was partially deteriorated at the mean high tide water line. As a safety precaution, staff closed the facility until the pile could be repaired. Staff authorized Clausen Structural Engineers (Clausen) and Vortex Marine Construction to design and complete a temporary repair of the pier supports so that the terminal could return to service as soon as possible. This work was completed on January 20, 2007, and the terminal returned to service on Monday, January 22, 2007, after a two -day closure. The temporary repairs require bi- weekly monitoring to ensure there is no settlement of the repair work and no deterioration of any structural elements. The temporary repairs require on -going maintenance and occasional re- enforcing to ensure that the pier can be used. Immediate action is now needed to replace the temporary structures with permanent repairs. DISCUSSION The subject piling is one of four wooden piles that supports the first 60' of the aluminum walkway beginning at the gangway landfall. Clausen designed a permanent repair for this section which consists of clear - spanning the 60' length with steel supports secured to the underside of the pier. One end of the steel supports will be on the existing concrete crane pier while the land side will be supported on a concrete spread footing. To repair the support system under the standard Request for Proposal (RFP) process would result in continued delay of permanent repair, increasing costs associated with monitoring and maintaining the temporary repairs and the possibility that ferry service would have to be canceled if temporary repairs cannot be maintained. The City Charter, Section 3-15 states: "Council may, by four votes ... determine that in its opinion ...great necessity or emergency requires immediate action, and thereupon proceed to make such public work or improvements without contract and to purchase such materials or supplies in the open market." The delay in completing permanent repair of the pier Agenda Item #4-1 CC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and Page 2 Councilmembers February 20, 2007 constitutes a great necessity or emergency in that: a) continued delay increases the cost of maintaining and enhancing temporary repairs, thereby reducing limited ferry operating reserves; and b) the temporary repair is subject to deterioration that could result in the suspension of the Main Street Ferry Terminal operations, thereby disrupting the commute schedules of hundreds of Alameda citizens. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service is budgeted under CIP# 621.20 with funds available of between 75,000 and 100,000 from Measure B, Regional Measure 1, Redevelopment Funds and Tidelands Trust Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution authorizing open market purchase pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the Alameda City Charter for the Repair of the Main Street Ferry Terminal Pier, and authorize the City Manager to enter into such an agreement (Requires Four Affirmative Votes). Respectfully bmitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Prepared by, E),,,f.0- Ernest Sanchez Ferry Manager MTN:ES :gc cc: Measure B Watchdog Committee CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING OPEN MARKET PURCHASE PURSUANT TO SECTION 3 -15 OF THE ALAMEDA CITY CHARTER FOR REPAIR OF THE MAIN STREET FERRY TERMINAL PIER AND AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO SUCH AN AGREEMENT (REQUIRES FOUR AFFIRMATIVE VOTES) WHEREAS, on January 17, 2007, a routine inspection of the Main Street Terminal pier discovered that one of the supporting wooden piles was partially deteriorated at the mean high tide water line; and WHEREAS, as a safety precaution, staff closed the ferry terminal until temporary repairs of the pile could be completed; and WHEREAS, temporary repairs were completed and the terminal returned to service on January 22, 2007; and WHEREAS, temporary repairs are subject to deterioration that could result in suspension of ferry operations, and that temporary repairs require continued maintenance and enhancement thereby requiring the continued expenditure of limited operating reserves; and WHEREAS, immediate action is required to ensure continued uninterrupted ferry operations and prevent continued expenditure of limited funds to maintain temporary repairs; and WHEREAS, Section 3.15 of the City Charter provides that the City Council, by four affirmative votes, can authorize an open market purchase if it determines that great necessity or emergency requires immediate action; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that great necessity requires that immediate action be taken to repair the pier, without delays occasioned by the y formal bidding process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda, pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the City Charter, and by four affirmative votes, the City Manager, in cooperation of the Public Works Department, is hereby authorized to enter in an agreement, without bid, for the repair of the Main Street Ferry Terminal Pier. Resolution #4 -I CC 2 -20 -07 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 20th day of February 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 20th day of February 2007. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Resolution Approving the Application for California Cultural and Historical Endowment (CCHE) Grant Funds under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 BACKGROUND Last year, an unsuccessful grant application was made to the California Cultural and Historical Endowment (CCHE) for $3 million dollars to apply to the rehabilitation of the Alameda Theater project. Council adopted a Resolution at the time approving the submission of an application. DISCUSSION A third round of funding is being offered by CCHE with applications due March 1, 2007. A Resolution authorizing the filing must accompany the application. The maximum amount of funding that could be received is $3 million. This final funding cycle will allocate $43 million dollars throughout California for successful applicants. The process is extremely competitive with only one out of every ten applicants awarded grants. BUDGET CONSIDERATION /FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact on the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE • Alameda Downtown Vision Plan, 2000, Action B -1 : Restore the Alameda Theater • Economic Development Strategic Plan, 2000, Strategy #4: "Create recreational and entertainment facilities that serve residents and employees of local firms as well as business and tourist visitors to the community..." Agenda Item #4 -J CC 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and February 20, 2007 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution Approving the Application for California Cultural and Historical Endowment (CCHE) Grant Funds under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002. Respectfully submitted, Leslie A. Little evelopment Services Director 'iql 1,W, By: Dorene E. Soto Manager, Business Development Division By: Su Economic Development Coordinator DK/LALIDES /SGR:ry G:ICCHE app 2006 (Theater)lstaff reports\Staff Report approving 2007 CCHE application.doc Approved as to Form CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR CCHE GRANT FUNDS FOR THE CALIFORNIA CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL ENDOWMENT (CCHE) � CHE) UNDER THE CALIFORNIA CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR, SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, AND COASTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 2002 WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, ,and Coastal Protection Act of 2002, which provides funds to the State of California for the California Cultural and Historical Endowment OCHE i ) Grant Program and, WHEREAS, The CCHE has been delegated the responsibility p y f or the administration of the Grant Program, setting up necessary procedure • and WHEREAS, these procedures require the Grant Applicant to certify fy by Resolution the approval of an application before submission of the ' application to the CCHE; and WHEREAS, City of Alameda desires to make an application; ; and pp , WHEREAS, if the Grant Applicant is awarded a grant, the will g Grant Applicant will enter into a Grant Agreement with the CCHE for the ro' p Ject. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City City of 1. Approves the filing of a CCHE grant application for the above project p J e ct to be funded from the California Clean Water, Clean Air Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 and; 2. Certifies that the grant applicant has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the Project and where applicable to complete the project; and 3. Certifies that the Grant Applicant has reviewed, understands and agrees to the general provisions of the CCHE Grant application and Grant agreement; and 4. Appoints the Director of the Development Services Department as agent gent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, payment requests and other q er items, which may be necessary for the completion of the project. p J Resolution #4 -J CC 2 -20 -07 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this day of , 2007. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita Executive Director Date: February 20, 2007 Re: g City Recommendation to (1) Adopt a Resolution Amendin Cit of Alameda Resolution NO. 13937 to Change the Timing of Compliance for a Condition of Approval for Design Review DR05 -0041, the Proposed Cineplex, and for Design Review DR05 -0028, the Proposed Parking Garage; and (2) Adopt a Resolution Amending City of Alameda Resolution NO. 13907 to Change the Timing of Compliance for the Queuing Plan g Condition of Approval for Use Permit UP05 -0018. BACKGROUND On November 1, 2005 the City Council upheld Planning Board approval of Use Permit UP05 -0018 for the historic Alameda Theater and proposed Cineplex. A Condition of Approval for the movie theater Use Permit specified that the applicant submit a plan /diagram that clearly identifies the configuration of queuing lines associated with the ticket office as well as lines for ticket holders waiting to enter the theater to the Planning and Building Department prior to issuance of building permits (see attached Resolution N0.13907). On March 21, 2006, the City Council approved the final designs for the g proposed parking garage and cineplex project. The Conditions of Approval for the Design Review approval included that the Planning Board approve the final lighting, signage and g landscaping plan for the Parking Garage prior to issuance of building permit, and that gp the Planning Board approve the final lighting and signage plan for the prior Cineplex rior to P issuance of building permit (see attached Resolution NO. 13937). The City of Alameda Community Improvement Commission approved pp roved a construction contract with C. Overaa & Co. ( Overaa) on July 26, 2006 for the design- build new construction of the Civic Center Parking Garage. The CIC approved the g pp contract with the condition that the garage project be value- engineered within the CIO's budget before the construction phase commenced. Since contract approval in July, pp y, staff and Overaa finalized the value - engineering for the garage design, reducing the g g g Agenda Item #4 -K CC 02-20-07 The Honorable Chair February 20, 2007 . and Members of the City Council Page 2 contract price to within the CIC's budget. The final value- engineering changes were presented to the CIC at a January 16, 2007 CIC meeting. The overall project will consist of an eight - screen movie theater including a 484 -seat single- screen auditorium in the historic Alameda Theater and seven screens in the new cineplex, 6,100 square feet of retail, and an approximately 340 -space parking garage. DISCUSSION The cineplex and parking garage project construction drawings were submitted for plan check several months ago. Building permits for the projects are likely to be ready to issue within the next month. As a result, there are several timing changes to the Conditions of Approval for Design Review for the garage and cineplex and for the Use Permit for the Alameda Theater and cineplex that were requested by the Applicants and are recommended by staff. (A) Landscaping, Lighting and Signaqe Conditions The Applicants prepared and submitted the required landscaping, lighting, and signage program for both the cineplex and parking garage to the Planning and Building Department in Spring 2006. However, the value- engineering process approved by the City Council and CIC in July 2006 for the garage resulted in several changes to the proposed signage program. A number of the items value- engineered from the parking garage, including the signage changes, may be added back into the scope of work for the project, if funds remain available after the site is successfully excavated, the foundations have been poured, and unknowns eliminated. These construction milestones currently are expected to be achieved by late Spring 2007. It is a top priority to add back in the changes to the signage program to the parking garage scope of work. The Applicants, in conjunction with staff, request postponing a Planning Board hearing on the landscaping, lighting and signage plan until after the CIC has decided whether to add these changes back into the scope of work for the parking garage. Additionally, it is also recommended that the cineplex lighting and signage plan be presented and considered by the Planning Board in conjunction with the garage plans. As a result, the Conditions of Approval for Design Review related to Planning Board approval of the lighting and signage plan for the Cineplex, and the landscaping, lighting and signage plan for the parking garage need to be amended from "prior to issuance of a building permit" to "prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy." This provides the CIC with additional time to decide how to proceed with the garage signage plan in light of its budgetary constraints. (B) Queuing Condition The current Condition of Approval for the movie theater Use Permit specified that the applicant submit a plan /diagram that clearly identifies the configuration of queuing lines The Honorable Chair February 20, 2007 and Members of the City Council Page 3 associated with the ticket office as well as lines for ticket holders waiting to enter the theater to the Planning and Building Department prior to issuance of building permits. The Applicant has requested additional time to develop a complete and thorough queuing plan for review by the various City departments. This condition is an operational issue not construction- related and should be linked to a temporary certificate of occupancy not issuance of a building permit. The Applicant requests and staff recommends that this condition be amended from "prior to issuance of a building permit" to "prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy." POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE Alameda Downtown Vision Plan 2000 — Action B1.0 — Renovate /restore Alameda Theater. Alameda Downtown Vision Plan 2000 — Action F4 — Consider building a parking structure as part of a Downtown parking management program. BUDGET CONSIDERATION /FISCAL IMPACT There is no financial impact. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Implementation of the project requires local (City and CIC), state (State Office of Historic Preservation) and federal (HUD) actions, and therefore requires the environmental documentation actions of both CEQA and NEPA. The City of Alameda as the "Lead Agency" under CEQA and the "Responsible Agency" under NEPA prepared a joint environmental document in the form of a CEQA- authorized Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) supported by an Initial Study, and a NEPA - authorized Mitigated Finding of No Significant Impact (Mitigated FONSI) supported by an Environmental Assessment. The draft Initial Study /Environmental Assessment determined that there would be no unavoidable significant impacts and proposed a limited number of standard mitigations to avoid potentially significant aesthetic, air quality, cultural /historical, environmental hazard, geological, noise and transportation impacts identified in the Initial Study /Environmental Assessment. On May 3, 2005, the City Council unanimously adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study /Environmental Assessment. The proposed changes to the Conditions of Approval for the project do not involve any substantial changes in the project or substantial changes in circumstances or new information of substantial importance involving a new significant effect on the environment or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects that would warrant subsequent environmental analysis in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 or under NEPA. The Honorable Chair February 20, 2007 and Members of the City Council Page 4 RECOMMENDATION 1) Adopt a Resolution Amending City of Alameda Resolution N.O. 13937 to Change the Timing of Compliance for the Final Lighting and Signage Plan Condition of Approval for Design Review DR05 -0041, the Proposed Cineplex at 2305 Central Avenue, from "Prior to Issuance of Building Permit" to "Prior to Issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy," and to Change the Timing of Compliance for the Final Lighting, Signage, and Landscaping Plan Condition of Approval for Design Review DRO5 -0028, the Proposed Parking Garage at 1416 Oak Street, from "Prior to Issuance of Building Permit" to "Prior to the Issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy." 2) Adopt a Resolution Amending City of Alameda Resolution No. 13907 to change the timing of compliance for the queuing plan condition of approval for Use Permit UPO5 -0018 from "Prior to Issuance of Building Permit" to "Prior to Issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy." pectfully sub Leslie A. Little Development Services Director By: By: DK/LAL /DES /J O: ry orene E. Soto anger, Business Development Division en fer Ott ed velopment Manager Attachments: 1. City of Alameda Resolution NO. 13937 Approving Amended Final Designs for Design Review DRO5 -0041, the Proposed Cineplex at 2305 Central Avenue, and DRO5 -0028, the Proposed Parking Garage at 1416 Oak Street, dated March 21, 2006. 2. City of Alameda Resolution NO.13907 Upholding the Planning Board's Approval of Use Permit U PO5 -0018, dated November 1, 2005. ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 13 9 3 7 APPROVING AMENDED FINAL DESIGNS FOR DESIGN REVIE111! DRO5 -0041, THE PROPOSED CINEPLEX AT 2305 CENTRAL AVENUE, AND DRO5 -0028, THE PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE AT 1416 OAK STREET WHEREAS, an application was made by Alameda Entertainment Y rtainment Associates L.P. for Final Design Review, including consideration of ' g Section 106 findings, for the proposed Cineplex at 2305 Central Avenue, the corner of Oak Street and Central Avenue; and WHEREAS, an application was made by the City of Y y Alameda (Development Services Department) for Final Design Review for construction truction of a new parking structure, including consideration of Section 106 findings, at 14 g 1416 Oak Street, the corner of Oak Street and Central Avenue; and WHEREAS, the subject properties are located in a C -C -T (Community . Commercial, Theater Combining) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted prepared and ado p p on May 3, 2005 for the Alameda Theater, Cineplex and Parking Structure ctu re Project ( "Project ") by the City Council. Since that time there has been no substantial change in the project or substantial changes in circumstances es or new information of substantial importance involving a new significant effect on the environment or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects that would warrant subsequent environmental i analysis y in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162; and WHEREAS, ,,on June 27, 2005 the Planning Board held a ublic hearing O and approved DRO5 -0028 and DR05 -0041; and WHEREAS, Ani Dinusheva and Valerie Ruma appealed the approval of DR05 --0D0 pp 8 and DRO5 --0041 on July 7, 2005; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing and denied these appeals on August 16, 2005; and WHEREAS, City Council requested staff to make additional design modifications; and WHEREAS, the Historical Advisory Board reviewed the design n modifications and considered the revised Section 106 findings on January and • g nuary 5, WHEREAS, on March 7, 2006 the State Historic Preservation Office concurred with the City's determination that the Project's effects on the historic properties within the area of potential effect would not be adverse; and WHEREAS, on. March 17, 2006, City staff provided the City Council with a staff report dated March 8, 2006 detailing and further explaining the above steps (A copy of this report and its attachments are attached hereto and incorporated in full by this reference); and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2006 the City Council held a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council makes the following findings relative to Final Design Acceptance for DRO5 -0041: 1. The project will have no adverse effects on persons or property in the vicinity. With implementation of the mitigation measures adopted for the Project, the impacts of this Project will be reduced to a Less than significant level. 2. The project will be compatible and harmonious with the design and use of surrounding properties. After review by the Historical Advisory Board and the Section 106 consultant, City staff revised the design of the Cineplex which is compatible and harmonious with the design and use of surrounding properties. The design is consistent with state and federal historic preservation policies and standards (Le., Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Restoration) and the State Historic Preservation Office has concurred that the Project's effects on the historic properties within the area of potential effect would not be adverse. 3. The Project will be consistent with the Final Design Guidelines for the Proposed Cineplex. The Project meets the intent of the Design Guidelines adopted specifically for the project. WHEREAS, the City Council makes the following findings relative to the Design Review Acceptance for DRO5 -0028: 1. The Project will have no adverse effects on persons or property in the vicinity. With implementation of the mitigation measures adopted for the Project, the impacts of this Project will be reduced to a less than significant level, 2. The Project will be compatible and harmonious with the design and use of surrounding properties. After review by the Historical Advisory Board and the Section 106 consultant, City staff revised the design of the garage which is compatible and harmonious with the design and use of surrounding properties. The State Historic Preservation Office has concurred that the Project's effects on the historic properties within the area of potential effect would not be adverse. 3. The Project will be consistent with the City's Design Review Guidelines. The Project meets the intent of the City's Design Guidelines with building height, massing, setbacks and finishes which reflect and respect existing historic and architecturally significant structures in the vicinity. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby approves DR05 -0041 and DR05 „0028, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Cineplex and parking garage shall be constructed in substantial conformity with plans titled "City of Alameda Cineplex and Parking Garage” dated March 9, 2006, prepared by Komorous -Towey Architects. 2. The colors of the proposed Cineplex shall be compatible with the Historic Alameda Theater to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Director. 3. All windows shall be fitted with clear, non-tinted low e glass. 4. The minimum width of the proposed sidewalk along Oak Street shall be 10 feet wide. 5. Textured and colored pavement shall be installed along the mouth of the parking garage to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Director. 6. The project shall be subject to the City of Alameda Public Art Ordinance. The Public Art Committee shall approve the designs and dimension of the proposed temporary mural on the north elevation of the public garage. 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Cineplex, the Planning Board shall approve the final lighting and signage program for the Cineplex. The final lighting plan shall be prepared by a professional lighting designer. 8. Prior to the issuance of any building permit for the public garage, the Planning Board shall approve the final lighting plan, signage program and landscaping plan for the parking garage. The final lighting plan shall be prepared by a professional lighting designer. The interior illumination of the garage shall meet these minimum standards: . Minimum Horizontal Illumination is 1 foot - candle. . The Minimum Horizontal Uniformity is 10:1 (Maximum /Minimum). . The Minimum Vertical illumination is .5 foot - candles. 9. Vesting. This approval shall terminate one (1) year from the effective date of its approval, unless actual construction or alteration under valid permits has commenced within that time or the applicant applies for and is granted an extension prior to the expiration. 10. construction Noise. Construction noise impacts shall be minimized by restricting construction activities to the daytime hours specified by the Alameda Municipal Code. The current provisions limit construction to Monday through Friday, between 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on Saturday between 8 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m., with no Sunday construction. 11. Construction Soil Control_ All construction contracts shall contain dust control clauses. The developer shall require that all contractors control the dust by watering exposed earth surfaces, covering trucks transporting fill to the site, and daily removal of earth or mud carried onto City streets from the project site. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in the Special Joint Meeting g of the City Council on the 21st day of March, 2006, by the followin g vote to wit: AYES : Councilmembers Gilmore, Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 3 . NOES: Councilmembers Daysog and deHaan - 2, ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 22nd day of March, 2006. Lara Weisiger, City Cie City of Alameda ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 13907 UPHOLDING THE PLANNING BOARD'S APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT UPO5- E 0018 FOR: A) MULTI- SCREEN THEATER, LIVE THEATER, AND PUBLIC �.. ASSEMBLY USE IN THE C-C T DISTRICT PURSUANT TO AMC w SUBSECTION 30 -4.22; B) FIFTY EIGHT FOOT (58') BUILDING HEIGHT FOR cc THE CINEPLEX PURSUANT TO AMC SUBSECTION 30- 4.9A.G.2; AND C ac C) a EXTENDED HOURS OF OPERATION UNTIL 3:00 A.M. FOR 24 DAYS PER - YEAR FOR THE THEATER PURSUANT TO AMC SUBSECTION 30-- 4.9A.C.1 (A) FOR OCCASIONAL SPECIAL EVENTS AND SCREENINGS. -- �- THE SITE IS LOCATED AT 2305 -2317 CENTRAL AVENUE WITHIN THE C--C T, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL THEATER COMBINING DISTRICT. a WHEREAS, an application was made by Alameda Entertainment Associates L.P. ( "Applicant ") for the following: a) multi - screen theater, live theater, and public assembly use in the C -C T district pursuant to AMC Subsection 30 -4.22; b) fifty eight (58') foot building height for the Cineplex pursuant to AMC Subsection 30-4.9A.g.2; and c) extended hours of operation until 3:00 a.m. for the theater pursuant to AMC Subsection 30-4.9A.c.1(a) for occasional special events and screenings ("Project ") at 2305 -2317 Central Avenue, the corner of Oak .Street and Central Avenue, generally on the previous Video Maniacs site; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located in the C -C T, Community Commercial Theater Combining District; and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and adopted on May 3, 2005 for the Alameda Theater, Cineplex and Parking Structure Project by the City Council. Since that time there has been no change to the project or substantial changes in circumstances or new information that would warrant subsequent environmental analysis in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162; and WHEREAS, the application was deemed complete on September 6, 2005 pursuant to Government Code 65943 (Permit Streamlining Act). WHEREAS, Final Design Review of the proposed Cineplex was approved by the Planning Board on June 27, 2005 and upheld by the City Council on August 16, 2005 upon an appeal; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has held a public hearing on the Use Permit application during a Special - Meeting on September 29, 2005 and has examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents, and conditionally approved the Project; and WHEREAS, on October 10, 2005 Ani Dimusheva and Robert Gavrich on behalf of Citizens for a Megaplex Free Alameda filed an appeal of the Planning Board's approval; and WHEREAS, an November 1, 2005 the City Council of the City of Alameda held a public hearing for the appeal of the Planning Board's approval and examined pertinent documents as well as the record of the Planning Board hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings relative to the Use Permit for the multi- screen theater, live theater, and public assembly use: 1. The location of the proposed project is compatible with other land uses in the general neighborhood area. Multi- screen theater uses are complementary to other businesses in the Downtown area because a theater draws people to the area and allows them to cross - patronize other businesses. The project involves the restoration of an existing vacant Theater, which is crucial in developing a synergy with nearby retail uses to invigorate the Park Street commercial district. Furthermore, the proposed project would strengthen the existing civic and cultural center in the Downtown. 2. The proposed use will be served by adequate transportation and service facilities. This finding can be made because the proposed adjacent parking garage will contain approximately 350 parking spaces with additional bicycle parking to meet the parking demand for the project. The project will be adequately served by existing transportation facilities, such as AC Transit bus service, and available parking. 3. The proposed use, if it complies with all conditions upon which approval is made contingent, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Theater uses are complementary to other retail uses and would not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. The project will be conditioned to require submission of a queuing plan to ensure orderly assemblage and to maintain adequate pedestrian passage space on the sidewalk. 4. The proposed use relates favorably to the General Plan. General Plan Policy 3.4.c for the Civic Center identifies the need for a list of desired civic center spaces, and suggests spaces including a new theater. Furthermore, Policy 6.4.b "encourages the use of an existing architecturally distinguished building as an arts center," alluding to the City's desire for a cultural space that the restored Alameda Theater and proposed Cineplex can provide. WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings relative to the Use Permit for the extended hours of operation for the proposed theater use: 1. The location of the proposed project is compatible with other land uses in the general neighborhood area. Multi - screen theater uses are complementary to other retail businesses because they draw people to the area and allow them to cross - patronize other businesses. The theater use also offers variety to existing patrons and provides entertainment options that may extend their stay from dining and shopping. The proposed extension of hours on special occasions for the theater operation would offer a significant evening entertainment draw to Downtown and could support existing and potentially new complementary uses such as restaurants, cafes and other nighttime entertainment venues within the Park Street Business District. 2. The proposed use will be served by adequate transportation and service facilities. This finding can be made because the parking ara a will contain g 9 approximately 350 parking spaces with additional bicycle parking and to meet the parking demand for the project. Twenty four -hour AC Transit bus service is available on route 51, and routes 50 and 63 provide bus service until 1:00 a.m. Therefore, adequate transportation and service facilities are available to serve users of the theater during the occasional extended hours, 3. The proposed use, if it complies with all conditions upon which approval is made contingent, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Theater uses are complementary to other retail uses and would not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. 4. The proposed use relates favorably to the General Plan. The extended hours of operation are consistent with the Downtown Vision Plan, which calls for cultural and entertainment venues providing both day and evening activity along and around Park Street. The Downtown Vision Plan was adopted by the City in 2000 to implement General Plan guidelines for retail businesses and services. Therefore, the proposed extended hours of operation relates favorably to the General Plan. WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings relative to the Use Permit for the extended building height of up to 58 feet for the new Cineplex building: 1. The location of the proposed project is compatible with other land uses in the general neighborhood area. The proposed height of the Cineplex is compatible with other land uses in the vicinity because its height of 58 feet at the top of the rounded corner and 54 feet at the, top of the parapet is within the range of other building heights in the surrounding area. 2. The proposed use will be served by adequate transportation and service facilities. The proposed height does not affect transportation or service facilities. 3. The proposed use, if it complies with all conditions upon which approval is made contingent, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. The shading analysis of the project identified no significant adverse shading impact on neighboring properties. 4. The proposed use relates favorably to the General Plan. Gerieral Plan Policy 3.4.a indicates that the area surrounding City Hall should be developed as an identifiable civic center, and the proposed Cineplex building, with a height similar to other buildings in the vicinity, relates favorably to this policy. The proposed Cineplex height is consistent with other building heights within the area. WHEREAS, on May 3, 2005, the City Council adopted an initial Study ( "15 ") and Environmental Assessment ( "EA ") for the Alameda Theater, Cineplex and Parking Structure project (State Clearinghouse No. #2004-122-042), and adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration ( "MND "), adopted and incorporated into the project all of the mitigation measures within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City, and adopted a Mitigation Monitoring Program. WHEREAS, the Use Permit is a subsequent approval required to implement the Alameda Theater and Cineplex project and was fully analyzed in and contemplated by the analysis in the Initial StudylEnvironmental Assessment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda, having independently reviewed the adopted initial Study /Environmental Assessment, hereby finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental review is required, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines sections 15162, because: L There have been no substantial changes in the project that require major revisions of the previous Initial Study /Environmental Assessment due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts or a substantial increase of the severity of previously identified significant effects; There have been no substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous Initial Study /Environmental Assessment due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts or a substantial increase of the severity of previously identified significant effects; and There is no new information showing that the project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous Initial Study /Environmental Assessment, or that significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous Initial Study/Environmental Assessment. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council denies the appeal and upholds the Planning Board's approval of Use Permit UPO5-0018 for: a) multi-screen theater, live theater, and public assembly use in the C-C T district; b) fifty eight (58') foot building height for the Cineplex; and c) extended hours of operation until 3:00 am. for the theater for occasional special events and screenings, subject to the following conditions: 1. QUEUING. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning and Building Department a plan /diagram that clearly identifies the configuration of queuing lines associated with the ticket office as well as lines for ticket holders waiting to enter the theater and shall specifically address nighttime queuing. The queuing plan shall be reviewed by the Public Works Director, Planning and Building Director, and the Chief of Police, and shall specifically address overnight queuing, and the cost of extra police services, if and when necessary, shall be borne by the applicant. 2. HOBS_, .OF OPERATION_ Ticket sales shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. seven days a week. The latest movie screening shall be no later than 11:00 p.m. and the ticket sales shall end at the same time. Hours for all other events such as live performances, public assemblies and similar functions shall be limited to 1 2:00 a.m. 3. • : :: b. The extended hours shall be limited to initial releases of new first- run movies. c. The latest movie screening shall be no later than 12:15 a.m., and ticket sales shalt end no later than 12:30 a.m. d. Upon request, the theater operator shall provide to the City a schedule identifying when movie screenings occurred and the frequency of movie screenings occurring after 11:00 p.m. during the year. e. The extended hours of operation for the theater use shall be reviewed by the Planning Board after twelve (12) late -night screenings, or one year, whichever comes first. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to initiate the process for Planning Board review within 30 days after either of the above has occurred. The applicant shall bear the costs for staff time and materials associated with this review. The 24 days shall not include the 12 days designated for City use of the theater as specified in the Disposition and Development Agreement. 4. TIME AND MATERIALS. All Time and Materials charges shall be paid in full prior to issuance of building permits. 5. VESTING. The Use Permit approval shall terminate two (2) years from the effective date of its approval pursuant to AMC Subsection 30 -21.g, unless actual construction or alteration under valid permits has commenced within that time or the applicant applies for and is granted an extension prior to the expiration. 6. REVOCATION. This Use Permit for the theater use and extended hours of operation may be modified or revoked by the Planning Board, pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 30 -21.3d should the Board determine that: 1) the use or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity; 2) the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance; or 3) the use is operated in violation of the conditions of the Use Permit. 7. HOLD HARMLESS. The City of Alameda requires as a condition of this approval that the applicant, or its successors in interest, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Alameda or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, and employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City concerning the subject property. The City of Alameda shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and the City shall cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or the City fails to cooperate in the defense, the applicant shall not hereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City. 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CONDITIONS. The applicant shall acknowledge In writing all conditions of approval and .accept this permit subject to conditions, with full awareness of applicable provisions of the Alameda Municipal Code for this approval to be exercised. NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1 094.5 may be prosecuted more than ninety (90) days following the date of this decision plus extensions authorized by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in the regular meeting of the City Council on the 1St day of November, 2005, by the following vote to wit: AYES : Councilmembers Gilmore, Matarrese and Mayor Johnson — 3. NOES : Councilrnember Daysog 1. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS : C o unci lmemb er deHaan —1. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of November, 2005. • . 4 01 t Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Approved as to Form CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 13937 TO CHANGE THE TIMING OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE FINAL LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE PLAN CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR DESIGN REVIEW DRO5 -0041 THE PROPOSED CINEPLEX AT 2305 CENTRAL AVENUE, FROM "PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT" TO "PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY," AND TO CHANGE THE TIMING OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE FINAL LIGHTING, SIGNAGE, AND LANDSCAPING PLAN CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR DESIGN REVIEW DRO5 -0028, THE PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE AT 1416 OAK STREET, FROM "PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT" TO "PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY." WHEREAS, on March 21, 2005 the City Council of the City of Alameda . y approved City of Alameda Resolution No. 13937 and amended final designs for . g Design Review DRO5 -0014, the proposed Cineplex at 2305 Central Avenue, and d Design Review DRO5 -0028, the proposed parking garage at 1416 Oak Street; and9 , WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration ("MND") was rep ared and p adopted on May 3, 2005 for the Alameda Theater, Cineplex and Parking g Structure Project by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 13937 included a Condition of Approval that required: Prior to issuance of a building permit for the Cineplex, the Plannin g p Board shall approve the final lighting and signage program for the Cineplex. The p e final lighting plan shall be prepared by a professional lighting designer; and g g g , WHEREAS, Resolution No. 13937 included a Condition of Approval that required: Prior to issuance of a building permit for the public garage, the Planning g Board shall approve the final lighting plan, signage program and landscaping plan p 9p n for the public garage. The final lighting plan shall be re ared by a professional lighting designer; and p p Y p WHEREAS, the Applicants submitted the required landscaping lighting p g g g and signage plan for both the cineplex and parking garage in Spring 2006; and p g , WHEREAS, the construction value - engineering process approved by the pp y City Council and Community Improvement Commission on July 26, 2006 for the public parking garage resulted in several changes to the proposed signage program; and p Resolution #4 -K(1) CC 2 -20 -07 WHEREAS, a number of items value- engineered from the arkin p g garage, including the signage changes, may be added back into the scope of work for the project, if funds remain available after the site is successfully excavated, the foundations have been poured, and unknowns eliminated; and WHEREAS, the Applicants request postponing a Planning Board hearing on the lighting, signage and landscaping plan for the parking garage until after the Community Improvement Commission decides whether to add the signage i changes back into the scope of work; and WHEREAS, the Applicants request postponing a Planning Board hearing on the lighting and signage plan for the Cineplex until after the Community Improvement Commission decides whether to add the signage changes back into the scope of work for the parking garage so that the cineplex plans can be presented and considered in conjunction with the garage plans. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda, having exercised its independent judgment, hereby finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental review is warranted pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines sections 15162, because, since the adoption of the MND on May 3, 2005: 1. There have been no substantial changes in the project that require major revisions of the previous MND due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts or a substantial increase of the severity of previously identified significant effects; ii. There have been no substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous MND due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts or a substantial increase of the severity of previously identified significant effects; and iii. There is no new information showing that the project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous MND, or that significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous MND. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council amend Condition of Approval No. 7 for Design Review DRO5 -0041, the proposed Cineplex at 2305 Central Avenue, in the following manner: 7. Prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Cineplex, the Planning Board shall approve the final lighting and signage program for the Cineplex. The final lighting plan shall be prepared by a professional lighting designer. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council amend Condition of Approval No. 8 for Design Review DRO5 -0028, the proposed parking garage p gg geat 1416 Oak Street, in the following manner: 8. Prior to the issuance of any temporary certificate of occupancy for p Y the public garage, the Planning Board shall approve the final lighting plan, g p an, signage program and landscaping plan for the parking garage. The final lighting Ian g g plan shall be prepared by a professional lighting designer. NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant to Y California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 may be prosecuted more e than ninety (90) days following the date of this decision plus extensions authorized by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1 094.6. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the City Council of the City of Alameda in . y a regular meeting assembled on the day of 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: .. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this day of , 2007. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Approved as to Form CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 13907 TO CHANGE THE TIMING OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE QUEUING PLAN CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR USE PERMIT UPO5 -0018 FROM "PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT" TO "PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY." WHEREAS, on November 1 2005 the City Council y uncif of the City of Alameda approved City • pp y of Alameda Resolution No. 13907 and upheld the Planning Board's approval of Use Permit UPO5 -0018 for a) multi- screen theater, live a theater, and public assembly use in the C -C T district pursuant to AMC Subsection 30-4.22; b) fifty • } y eight foot building height for the Cineplex \!e1 pursuant to AMC Subsection 30- 4.9A.g.2; and c) extended hours of operation until 3:00 a.m. for the theater pursuant to AMC Subsection 30- 4.9A.c.1 a for occasional special events and screenings ("Project" } at 2305 -2317 Central Avenue, the corner of Oak Street and Central Avenue, generally on the previous Video Maniacs site; and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration ("MND") was prepared and adopted on May 3, 2005 for the Alameda Theater, Cineplex and Parking Structure Project by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 13907 included • a "Queuing" Condition of Approval that required the applicant submit to the Planning and Building Department a plan /diagram that clearly identifies the configuration of queuing lines associated with the ticket office as well as lines for ticket holders waiting to enter the theater and shall specifically address nighttime queuing prior to issuance of a building permit; and WHEREAS, queuing is an operational issue, not construction - related, and should be linked to temporary certificate of occupancy, not issuance of a building permit; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has requested additional time to develop a complete and thorough queuing plan for review by the various City Departments. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda, having exercised its independent judgment, hereby finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental review is warranted pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines sections 15162, because, since the adoption of the MND on May 3, 2005: Resolution #4 -K(2) CC 2 -20 -07 There have been no substantial changes in the project that �. g p require major revisions of the previous MND due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts or a substantial increase of the severity of previously identified significant effects; ii. There have been no substantial changes with respect to the p circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous MND due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts or a substantial increase of the severity of previously identified significant effects; and There is no new information showing that the project will have one .. p 1 or more significant effects not discussed in the previous MND, or that significant effects previously examined will be substantially more i severe than shown in the previous MND. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council amend Condition of Approval No. 1 for Use Permit U P05 -0018 in the following manner: 1. QUEUING. Prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy, y, the applicant shall submit to the Planning and Buildin g Department artment a plan /diagram that clearly identifies the configuration of queuing lines associated with the ticket office as well as lines for ticket holders waiting to enter the theater and shall specifically address nighttime queuing. . q. g The queuing plan shall be reviewed by the Public Works Director, Planning and Building Director, and the Chief of Police, and shall specifically address overnight queuing, and the cost of extra p olice services, if and when necessary, shall be borne by the applicant. NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 may be p rosecuted more than ninety (90) days following the date of this decision plus extensions authorized by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the City Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the day of 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this day of , 2007. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Approved as to Form CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. REPEALING THE EXISITING TIME LIMIT ON INCURRING DEBT FOR THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR THE BUSINESS AND WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda (the "City Council "), adopted Ordinance No. 2559 on June 18, 1991, approving and adopting the Community Improvement Plan (the "Community Improvement Plan ") for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (the "Project "); and WHEREAS, the City Council amended the Community Improvement Plan by Ordinance No. 2681, adopted on December 7, 1994 and Ordinance No. 2835, adopted on June 7, 2000 and Ordinance No. 2844, adopted on September 20, 2000 and Ordinance No. 2857, adopted on April 3, 2001 and Ordinance No. 2896, adopted on March 18, 2003 and WHEREAS, Section 502 of the Community Improvement Plan for the Project provides that, "the Commission shall not establish or incur loans, advances or indebtedness to finance in whole or in part the Project beyond twenty -five (25) years from date of adoption of this Plan. Loans, advances, and indebtedness may be repaid over a period of time beyond said time limit." and WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (the "Commission "), has been designated as the official redevelopment agency in the City of Alameda to carry out the functions and requirements of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) and to implement the Community Improvement Plan; and WHEREAS, Section 33333.6 of the Community Redevelopment Law, as amended by SB 211 which took effect on January 1, 2002, authorizes redevelopment agencies to repeal the time limit on the establishment of loans, advances, and indebtedness contained in redevelopment plans. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront improvement Project is hereby amended to repeal the time limit on the establishment of loans, advances, and indebtedness established by Ordinance No. 2559. Section 2. Ordinance Nos. 2259, 2681, 2835, 2844, 2857, and 2896 are continued in full force and effect as amended by this Ordinance. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send a certified copy of the Ordinance to the Commission. Final Passage of Ordinance #4 -LaC 2 -20 -47 Section 4. Severability. If any part of this Ordinance is held to be invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining this y emain�ng portion of this Ordinance, and this City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the remainder of this Ordinance if such invalid portion thereof had been deleted. Section 5. Certification of Passage; Posting. The City Clerk will certify to y the passage of that Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Alameda and cause the same to be posted in three conspicuous places in the City of Alameda, and it will take effect on the 31st day after its final passage. Presiding Officer of the Council Attest: Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2007 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of , 2007. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING WALTER SCHLUETER AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY HOUSING COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that p ursuant to the provisions of Subsection 2 -12.2 of the Alameda Municipal Code, and upon nomination of the Mayor, WALTER SCHLUETER is hereby appointed to the office of member of the Housing Commission of the City of Alameda for the term commencing on February 20, 2007 and expiring on June 30, 2010, and to serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in r re ula g meeting assembled on the day of , 2007 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of , 2007. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Resolution #5 -A 2 -20 -07 City of Alameda Memorandum DATE: February 20, 2007 TO: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Debra Kurita City Manager RE: Public Hearing to Adopt a Resolution Approving Parcel Map No. 9286 (1900 - 1980 North Loop Road). The Parcel Map Merges Six Existing Parcels into Five Parcels with each Parcel Accommodating a New Flexible use Building (Warehouse, Distribution, Light Manufacturing and Administrative Office). The Site is Located Within the Harbor Bay Business Park in the C -M -PD, Commercial Manufacturing, Planned Development Zoning District BACKGROUND On October 23, 2006, the Planning Board approved a Final Development Plan to construct five new office industrial buildings on the project site at 1900 — 1980 North Loop Road in the Harbor Bay Business Park. On December 11, 2006, the Planning Board adopted a resolution that recommended that the City Council approve Parcel Map No. 9286 to subdivide the property into five separate parcels for the five proposed buildings. The Planning Board minutes, resolution, and staff report are attached for additional information on the project. DISCUSSION /ANALYSIS Parcel Map 9286 was reviewed by City staff and found by the Planning Board to meet the requirements contained in the City of Alameda Subdivision Ordinance and the California Subdivision Map Act. The final parcel map has been reviewed and determined to be technically correct and in conformance with the Planning Board conditions of approval. There are no new public easements required, as all the improvements are private. The applicant has deposited sufficient funds to cover charges for the review and a mylar copy of the recorded Parcel Map. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Harbor Bay Business Park was evaluated previously in the 1974 Environmental Impact Report prepared by A. D. Little, certified in March 1974 and the 1988 Addendum to the EIR certified in 1989. Under Section 15162 of CEQA Guidelines, no additional review under CEQA is required. Agenda Item #5 -B 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and February 20, 2007 Councilmembers Page 2 ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT REFERENCE Actions taken on this item would not affect or deviate from any local Codes, Regulations, and Policies. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS/ FISCAL IMPACT Approval of the parcel map does not affect the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving Parcel Map No. 9286. Respectfully submitted, By: On File in the City Clerk's Office: Parcel Map No. 9286 0 Cathy /.odbury Planning and Building Director A rew Thomas Planning Services Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Board Minutes, December 11, 2006 2. Planning Board Resolution, PB- 06 -53, December 11, 2006 3. Planning Board Staff Report, December 11, 2006 (without attachments) Cc: Joe Ernst, SRM Associates, 2001 Broadway, Ste. M, Oakland, CA 94612 7 -B. Attachment #1 DR06 -0043 (Major Design Review) and V06 -0003 (Variance) — Sebastian Martinez — 1534 Buena Vista Avenue (DV). The applicant requests Major Design Review approval to re- construct a single-family residence that was substantially destroyed by two separate fires. A Variance is requested because the lot has a width of 25 -feet and the proposed residence will have side yard setbacks of 3 -feet, where a minimum 5 -foot side yard setback is required, and a front yard setback of 15 -feet, where a minimum of 20 -feet is required. The site is located within an R -4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. MIS Kohlstrand/Cook and unanimous to adopt Planning Board Resolution No. PB -06 -51 to approve a Major Design Review approval to re- construct a single-family residence that was substantially Y destroyed by two separate fires. A Variance is requested because the lot has a width of 25 -feet and the proposed residence will have side yard setbacks of 3 -feet, where a minimum 5 -foot side Y and setback is required, and a front yard setback of 15 -feet, where a minimum of 20 -feet is required. AYES — 5 (Cunningham, Mariani absent); NOES -- 0; ABSTAIN — 0 7 -C. TM06 -0006 (Tentative Map) — Alameda Development Corporation — 626 Buena Vista Avenue (DV). The applicant requests approval of Tentative Parcel Map 7846, consisting of 8 new lots. The site is located within the R -4 -PD Neighborhood Residential Planned Development Zoning District. M/S Kohlstrand/Cook and unanimous to adopt Planning Board Resolution No. PB -06 -52 to approve Tentative Parcel Map 7846, consisting of 8 new lots. AYES — 5 (Cunningham, Mariani absent); NOES — 0; ABSTAIN — 0 7 -D. TM06 -0005 (Tentative Map) — SRM Associates —1900 -1980 North Loop Road (DB). The applicant requests Tentative Parcel Map approval to merge six existing parcels into five parcels with each parcel accommodating a new flexible use building (warehouse, distribution, light manufacturing and administrative office). The site is located within the Harbor Bay Business Park in the C -M -PD, Commercial Manufacturing, Planned Development Zoning District. MIS Kohlstrand/Cook and unanimous to adopt Planning Board Resolution No. PB -06 -53 to approve a Tentative Parcel Map to merge six existing parcels into five parcels with each parcel accommodating a new flexible use building (warehouse, distribution, light manufacturing and administrative office). AYES — 5 (Cunningham, Mariani absent); NOES — 0; ABSTAIN — 0 Planning Board Minutes Page 5 December 11, 2006 Attachment ##2 CITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION PB -06 -53 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP 9286 (File No. TM06- 0005), FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING FIVE COMMERCIAL LOTS LOCATED AT 1900 -1980 NORTH LOOP ROAD WHEREAS, an application, TMO6 -0005, was . made on September 6, 2006 requesting approval of Parcel Map 9286, Applicant requests Parcel Map approval to merge six existing parcels into five parcels with each parcel accommodating a new flexible use • building (warehouse, distribution, light manufacturing and administrative office); and . WHEREAS, • the Tentative Parcel Map was accepted as complete on October 6, 2006; and WHEREAS, the subject property is designated as Business Park on the General Plan Diagram; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located in a C -M -PD, Commercial Manufacturing, Planned Development Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Board held a public hearing on this application on December 11, 2006 and examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings: 1. • The Proposal is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The- design. of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. The Planning Board approved the development of this property on October 23, 2006 (FDPO60003 and. DRO6- 0071). 3. The site is physically suitable for this type of development. Site design has been evaluated and was ,approved by the Planning Board .on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6-0003 and . DR06- 0071). A change in ownership pattern will .have no effect on the approved site development. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development. .Site design has been evaluated andwas approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6-0003 and DR06- 0071). A change in ownership pattern will have no effect on the approved density of the site. 5. The subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. Site design 1 has been evaluated and was approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6-0003 and DR06- 0071). A change in ownership pattern will have no effect on the approved site development. 6. The subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the subdivision. All easements are required to be retained and additional necessary access and other easements are being provided. Easements for parking and traffic circulation are required as conditions of approval for the final Parcel Map. 7. The subdivision will not cause serious public health problems.. Site design has been evaluated and was approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6-OOO8 and DR06- 0071). A change in ownership pattern will have no effect on the approved site development. The change in ownership pattern will not affect public health. NOW, THEREFORE BE : IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the City bf Alameda finds that the parcels are located in an existing business park. Approved uses are general commercial, light industrial and professional - administrative. offices. The business park was evaluated previously in the 1974. Environmental Impact Re art p prepared by A. D. Little, certified in March 1974 and the 198& Addendum to the EIR certified in 1989. Both documents are on file in the Planning Department. The. draft Resolution for this project contains findings pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15162. Under Section 15162 of CEQA Guidelines, no additional review under CEQA is required; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Board :hereby recommends that the City Council approve Parcel Map 9286, subject to the following conditions: Public Works: Conditions Applicable Prior to the Approval of the Parcel Map by the City Council: . 1. The parcel map shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City's consultant surveyor. 2. The subdivider shall pay for all reasonable office and engineering costs expended by the City Engineer's office, including overhead, in conjunction with reviewing the Parcel Map and in obtaining the map signature of the City's consulting surveyor.. 3. The subdividor shall post a refundable cashier's check in the amount of $400 to guarantee a Mylar copy of the recorded Parcel Map. 4. The final Parcel Map shall consist of three sheets. The third sheet shall be a site plan that shows the building, parking, and landscaping in addition to the location • of the proposed property lines. 2 5. The final Parcel Map shall include reciprocal easements for parking, and traffic circulation contiguous with the configuration of the approved parking lots. All easements shall be shown on the Final Map including private street ingress /egress access easements, surface drainage runoff, and utility easements for the benefit of the property owners. Public Works: Conditions After Approval of the Parcel Map by the City Council 6. • Provide Mylar copy of the recorded parcel map. 7. Improvements plans, Regional Water Quality Control Board C -3 certification, landscape /irrigation plans, geotechn -icai reports, specifications, storm drain and sanitary sewer calculations, urban runoff, waste management, . and other applicable submittals shall be provided as either part of the building plans or separate from the building plans for review and approval by the City Engineer and gd the Planning and Building Director. Submittals shall be prepared by licensed engineers, gectechriical engineers, landscape architects, etc., and shall be in conformance with City Standards and applicable codes. 8. Grading along the exterior -boundaries of the new parcel developments shall not interfere with the natural drainage of the surrounding areas. Slope areas or :retaining walls shall be provided where proposed grades do not match existin g grades. Sloped areas shall not direct drainage across adjacent property fines. 9. Obtain all necessary City permits (i.e., grading excavation, encroachment, etc.) and other governmental permits (Le., requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board) and. conditions. 10. The developer shall pay for all reasonable office and engineering costs expended by the City Engineer's Office, including inspection . and overhead • during the review and construction process and the C -3 certification. Conditions Applicable prior to Certificate of Occupancy .1.1. Prior to the granting of a certificate of occupancy; an operation and maintenance (O &M) agreement and plan for all post construction (permanent) storm water treatment controls, estimate of annual O &M costs for the plan and financial security shall be prepared and submitted to the City for approval. The O &M plan shall include: treatment type, . locations of treatment measures, maintenance requirements, maintenance schedule assurances of party responsible for the 0 &M, and assurances of access to inspect and. verify treatment system O &M for the life of the project. The maintenance agreement shall be recorded by the property owner among the deed records of the County Recorder's Office (Alameda County). And as terms of the above - mentioned agreement, an O &M Plan and an annual Inspection Report for storm water treatment measures shall 3 be provided for review and approval by the City of Alameda Public Works Department, Environmental Services Division in compliance with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order R- 22003 -0021, NPDES Permit No. Cas00298313, Section C3e. A bond, cashiers check, letter of credit or other approved instrument .shall be deposited with the City in the amount of the estimated annual operations and maintenance cost. 12. • Submit a report to the City's Environmental Services Division on actual tonnages • if disposed or recycled for each • material and the actual destination /processor. 13. Submit as -built plans of all civil and landscape plans in both Mylar and AutoCAD CD -ROM form. Prior to granting a certificate of occupancy, power easements shall be dedicated to the City of Alameda at all Alameda Power & Telecom (AP&T) transformer locations including conduit runs on the City side of transformer. Easements shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor in the State of California and to the approval of the City Engineer and AP &T. 14. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the Building Official shall establish addresses for each lot, which shall be included on the Final Map as a separate sheet. Public Works: Conditions Applicable to Acceptance of Improvements 15. All public improvements damaged during the construction of the subdivision shall be repaired to the satisfaction of City Engineer. Any excessive wear of the finished street pavement surface due to construction equipment prior to acceptance of the improvements by the City Engineer shall be repaired by an approved slurry seal process to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 16. - All tract improvements shall be installed including landscaping and irrigation and shall be subject to final inspection and approval of the City Engineer and the Planning and Building Director prior to acceptance of the improvements by the City Council and subsequent release of bond. 17. Developer shall have completed all permit conditions and obtained final permit signoffs. 18. As- builts of all improvement plans shall be prepared after construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall be provided in Mylar form. Public Works: Conditions Applicable to Final Closeout 19. Upon acceptance of the improvements and release of bond by the City Council the Public Works Director shall file a 60-day Notice of Completion with the County of Alameda. 4 Planning and Building: Other Conditions 20. The City of Alameda requires as a condition of this approval that the applicant, or . its successors in interest, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Alameda or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, and employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City concerning the subject property. The City of Alameda shall notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and the City shall cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to notify the applicant of any claim, .action, or proceeding, or the City fails to cooperate in the defense, the applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City. 21. The applicant shall acknowledge in writing ail conditions of approval and accept p this permit subject to conditions, with full awareness of applicable provisions of the Alameda Municipal code for this Parcel Map to be exercised. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of December 2006 by the Planning Board of the City of Alameda by the following vote: AYES: (5) Lynch, Cook, Ezzy Ashcraft, - Kohlstrand, McNamara, NOES: (0) ABSENT: (2) Cunningham, Marian' ATT ndrew as, Secretary City Planning Board 5 Acknowledgment of Conditions: 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of Planning Board Resolution No. • PB -06 -53 for the Planning Board's approval of Parcel Map, TIV106 -00051 approved on December 11, 2006. In accordance with conditions herein, 1 hereby verify that 1 understand and agree to comply with the Conditions of Approval of said Planning Board Resolution No. PB -06 -53 and the provisions applicable rovisions .of p Chapter 30 of the Alameda Municipal Code. .4,4. , 4--2 ( c n� r C E L. C� •--r�o n Executed at: By: City Applicant On: Date a 6/o //4 ket //et- Pi-es ;der/71 Title APPLICANT MUST FILL OUT AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT: G:IPLANNING \PB1Resolutions 12006112- 11- 061North, Loop Rd 1900- 1980_TMO6 -0005 final.doc 6 Attachment #3 CITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT ITEM NO.: APPLICATION: GENERAL PLAN: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: STAFF PLANNER: RECOMMENDATION: ACRONYMS: ATTACHMENTS: 1. 7 -D TM06 -0005, Parcel Map – SRM Associates – 1900 - 1980 North Loop Road. Applicant requests Tentative Parcel Map approval to merge six existing parcels into five parcels with each parcel accommodating a new flexible use building (warehouse, distribution, light manufacturing and administrative office). The site is located within the Harbor Bay Business Park in the C -M -PD, Commercial Manufacturing, Planned Development Zoning District. Business Park The proposal is covered by the Environmental determination for Harbor Bay Business Park, Resolution No. 1055. Dennis Brighton, Planner 111 Approve the Parcel Map to the City Council with conditions. C-M-PD—Commercial Manufacturing Planned Development E I R -- Environmental Impact Report FDP -- Final Development Plan 1. Draft Resolution 2. Parcel Map and Site Plans 3. Staff Report, Alameda Planning Board, October 9, 2006 (without attachments) 4. Staff Report, Alameda Planning Board, September 11, 2006 (without attachments) PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting approval of a Parcel Map that would combine six - parcels into five parcels. This map would complete the final phase of a Final Development Plan and Planning Board Staff Report Meeting of December 11, 2006 Page 1 Major Design Review, which have been approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006. The combined project proposes to build five flexible use warehouse, distribution, light manufacturing and administrative office buildings located at 1900 —1980 North Loop i Road in Harbor Bay Business Park. 11. BACKGROUND A. Existing Site Conditions Existing development within the Harbor Bay Business Park is approximately one -half of anticipated developement capacity. Previous development has been focused along Harbor Bay Parkway and South Loop Road. Existing land uses in this area include: the Raiders Headquarters, ESA Hotel, Frito Lay, the Ascend Campus, Cheeseworks, the Allergy Research Group, a mixed use office condominium building, a daycare center and the Chinese Christian School. Construction of the headquarters for Peets Coffee recently started to the south of the Venture project site. The project area is approximately 500 feet away from residential districts of Harbor Bay. The Metropolitan Oakland International Airport is approximately one -half mile to the south. B. Previous Approvals The site is a portion of the Harbor Bay Business Park. A Planned Development and Development Agreement has been adopted for the Business Park. A requirement of the Planned Development is that each project obtain a Final Development Plan (FDP) approval from the Planning Board. A FDP was approved for this project at the October 23 Planning Board meeting. 111. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The parcel is located in an existing business park. Approved uses are general commercial, light industrial and professional- administrative offices. The business park was evaluated previously in the 1974 Environmental Impact Report prepared by A. D. Little, certified in March 1974 and the 1988 Addendum to the E1R certified in 1989. Both documents are on file in the Planning and Building Department. The draft Resolution for this project contains findings pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15162. Under Section 15162 of CEQA Guidelines, no additional review under CEQA is required. IV. STAFF ANALYSIS The Parcel Map approval is the final phase of a Final Development Plan and Major Design Review, which received Planning Board approval on October 23, 2006. This approval addressed the buildings, landscaping, and parking configuration and was also based on the five -lot subdivision as presented by this application. Individual ownership of the five lots will not convey any additional rights or land uses beyond those established in earlier Planning Board Staff Report Meeting of December 11, 2006 Page 2 entitlements. Parcel Map 9286 has been reviewed by City staff and has been found to meet the requirements contained in the City of Alameda Subdivision Ordinance and the California Subdivision Map Act. Common area maintenance and distribution of arkin p g spaces were approved under the Final Development Plan and Major Design Review process and they will be further addressed in the Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions that are also further subject to review by City staff. Findings Pursuant to AMC 30 -78.5, the following findings have been made regarding the proposed subdivision: 1. The Proposal is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The design of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. The development of this property was approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6-0003 and DR06- 0071). 3. The site is physically suitable for this type of development. Site design has been evaluated and was approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6- 0003 and DR06- 0071). A change in ownership pattern will have no effect on the approved site development. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development. Site design has been evaluated and was approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6-0003 and DR06- 0071). A change in ownership pattern will have no effect on the approved density of the site. 5. The subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. Site design has been evaluated and was approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDP06 -0003 and DRO6- 0071 ). A change in ownership pattern will have no effect on the approved site development. 6. The subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the subdivision. All easements are required to be retained and additional necessary access and other easements are being provided. 'Easements for parking and traffic circulation are required as conditions of approval for the final Parcel Map. 7. The subdivision will not cause serious public health problems. Site design has been evaluated and was approved by the Planning Board on October 23, 2006 (FDPO6- 0003 and DRO6- 0071). A change in ownership pattern will have no effect on the approved site development. The change in ownership pattern will not affect public Planning Board Staff Report Meeting of December 11, 2006 Page 3 health. V. RECOMMENDATION Recommend that City Council approve TM06 -0005 based on the findings and with the conditions contained in the draft resolution (Attachment 1). G:I PLANNl NG \PB \Reports12006112- 11- 061North Loop 1900 -1980 TMO6- 0005.doc Planning Board Staff Report Meeting of December 11, 2006 Page 4 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 9286 (FILE NO. TMO6- 0005), FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING FIVE COMMERCIAL LOTS LOCATED AT 1900 -1980 NORTH LOOP ROAD WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 9286 was approved by the Planning Board on December 11, 2006; and WHEREAS, the subject property is designated as Business Park on the General Plan Diagram; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located in a C -M -PD, Commercial Manufacturing, Planned Development Zoning District; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Harbor Bay Business Park, including this site, was approved and pursuant to CEQA Section 15152, no new significant environmental impacts have been identified, nor have mitigation measures previously found to be infeasible become feasible since the EiR was adopted; therefore, no additional review pursuant to CEQA is required; and WHEREAS, the Parcel Map meets the requirements contained in the city of Alameda Subdivision Ordinance and the California Subdivision Map Act. WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings: 1. The Parcel Map is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The site is physically suitable for this type of development. 3. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development. 4. The subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 5. The subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the subdivision. All easements are required to be retained and additional necessary access and other easements are being provided. 6. The subdivision will not cause serious public health problems. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby approves Parcel Map No. 9286, subject to the following conditions: 1. A mylar copy of the recorded parcel map shall be provided to the Public Resolution #5 -B 2-20-07 Works Department. 2. Improvements plans, Regional Water Quality Control y trot Board C-3 certification, landscape /irrigation plans, geotechnical .. g reports, specifications, storm drain and sanitary sewer calculations, urban runoff, waste management, and other applicable submittals shall be provided p ed as either part of the building plans or separate from the building plans for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Planning and Building Bu�lding Director. Submittals shall be prepared by licensed Y engineers, geotechnical engineers, landscape architects, etc. and shall be in conformance with City Standards and applicable codes. 3. Grading along the exterior boundaries of the new arcel developments elopments shall not interfere with the natural drainage of the surrounding g areas. Slope areas or retaining walls shall be provided where ro ose p p d grades do not match existing grades. Sloped areas shall not direct drainage nage across adjacent property lines. 4. Applicant shall obtain all necessary City permits (Le., Y p radin grading excavation, encroachment, etc.) and other governmental permits requirements (Le., q s of the Regional Water Quality Control Board). } 5. The developer shall pay for all reasonable office and engineering g g co sts expended by the City Engineer's Office, including inspection and g p d overhead during the review and construction process and the C-3 p C3 certification. Conditions Applicable prior to Certificate of Occupancy p Y 6. Prior to the granting of a certificate of occupancy, o an operation on and maintenance (O &M) agreement and plan for all p ost construction (permanent) storm water treatment controls, estimate of annual O&M costs for the plan and financial security shall be prepared and submitted to the City for approval. The O&M plan shall include: treatment type, locations of treatment measures, maintenance requirements, q meats, maintenance schedule assurances of party responsible for the O&M, and assurances of access to inspect and verify treatment system O&M Y for the life of the project. The maintenance agreement shall be recorded by the property owner among the deed records of the County Recorder's s Office (Alameda County). And as terms of the above-mentioned agreement, an O&M Plan and an annual Inspection Report for storm water treatment measures shall be provided for review and approval b pp by the City of Alameda Public Works Department, Environmental Services Division in compliance with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order R- 22003 -0021, NPDES Permit No. Cas00298313 Section � on A bond, cashiers check, letter of credit or other approved instrument pp instrument shall be deposited with the City in the amount of the estimated annual operations and maintenance cost. T The applicant shall submit a report to the City's Environmental Services Division on actual tonnages if disposed or recycled for each material and the actual destination /processor. 8. The applicant shall submit as -built plans of all civil and Iandscape l ans iplans both Mylar and AutoCAD CD -ROM form. Prior to rantin a certificate to g ranting of occupancy, power easements shall be dedicated to the City of Alameda at all Alameda Power & Telecom (AP&T) transformer locations including conduit runs on the City side of transformer. Easements shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor in the State of California and to the approval of the City Engineer and AP &T. 9. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the Building Official shall establish addresses for each lot, which shall be included on the Final Ma p as a separate sheet. 10.A11 public improvements damaged during the construction of the subdivision shall be repaired to the satisfaction of City Engineer. Any � Y excessive wear of the finished street pavement surface due to construction equipment prior to acceptance of the improvements by the City Engineer shall be repaired by an approved slurry seal process to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 11. All tract improvements shall be installed including landscaping and i p g irrigation and shall be subject to final inspection and approval of the City Engineer and the Planning and Building Director prior to acceptance of the improvements by the City Council and subsequent release of bond. 12. Developer shall have completed all permit conditions and obtained final permit signoffs. 13.As-builts of all improvement plans shall be prepared after construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall be provided in Mylar form. 14. Upon acceptance of the improvements and release of bond by the City Y Council the Public Works Director shall file a 60 -day Notice of Completion with the County of Alameda. 15. The City of Alameda requires as a condition of this approval that the applicant, or its successors in interest, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Alameda or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, and employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City concerning the subject property. The City of Alameda shall notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and the City shall cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or the City fails to cooperate in the defense, the applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in Y a regular meeting assembled on the day of 2007, by following v ote to wit: Y AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this day of , 2007. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CURRENT APPLICATIONS GOLF COMMISSION ONE VACANCY Stewart G. Chen Bill R. Delaney Larry Warren Jones Paul D. Mountain John A. Piziali Victor K. Quintell William A. Wagner Re: Agenda Item 7 -A 02 -20 -07 CITY OF ALAMEDA MEMORANDUM Date: February 20, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Honorable Chair and Community Improvement Commission Members Honorable Chair and ARRA. Members From: Debra Kurita City Manager Re: Recommendation to Accept the Fiscal Year 2007 Second - Quarter Financial Report and Budget Adjustments BACKGROUND On July 5, 2006, the City Council adopted the budget for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 consistent with the City Charter and Government Code requirements. The total adjusted 2006 -07 budget for all City funds (exclusive of Housing Authority and Alameda Power & Telecom) is $260,141,246. The attached exhibits provide the details for recommended second - quarter budget adjustments for the General Fund and all other fund categories. The final exhibit is a Summary Analysis of Funds as of December 31, 2006, concluding with the Estimated Fund Balance as of June 30, 2007. DISCUSSION Exhibits A through D detail, by fund category, the revenues and expenditures as of December 31, 2006. Included in the exhibits are the recommended adjustments to the current budget resulting from estimated changes in revenues and expenditures. The exhibits also reflect the intra- period changes, such as transfers between funds and council- approved adjustments since the adoption of the budget. General Fu n d Revenues: General Fund revenues for the period ending December 31, 2006 totaled $36,767,374 representing 47 percent of revenue projections of $77,629,364. The main sources of local tax revenues include the property tax (27 percent), the local component of the sales and use tax (6 percent), Utility Users Tax (11 percent), Motor Vehicle In Lieu (8 percent), Property Transfer Tax (7 percent) and a variety of "all other levies" (12 percent). The latter includes franchise fees and payment in lieu of taxes, etc. Adjustments to revenue total $70,549, and include a transfer in from the Bayport Municipal Services District for funding FY07 operations of the new Bayport Park and other municipal services, a projected increase in ambulance billings, annual maintenance project adjustments and other items. Details of all adjustments to the revenue estimates can be found on the Summary of Adjustments, Exhibit A, page 2. General Fund revenue detail can be found in Exhibit B on pages 3 -6 of the attachment. Agenda item #2 -A CC /ARRA/C I C 02 -20 -07 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Honorable Chair and CIC Members Honorable Chair and ARRA Members February 20, 2007 Page 2 Certain revenue sources may appear below projected annual estimates. Property tax payments are received twice yearly, in January and April. There is a 30 -60 day lag in receipt of several major revenues. These revenue sources include sales tax, utility user tax, vehicle-in-lieu subventions, and franchise fee payments from Alameda County Industries, the City's contractor for solid waste removal. These revenues are only accrued at year -end and recorded on a cash basis during the fiscal year. The cable television providers make franchise fee payments quarterly while PG &E remits a franchise fee for natural gas on an annual basis. Transfers from Alameda Power & Telecom are remitted to the City's General Fund in 10 equal monthly installments. Finally, sales tax payments received in July and August are accrued for the prior year as these payments represent taxes paid or generated in Alameda for sales transactions in April, May and June of the prior fiscal year. A separate report analyzing the sales tax revenues appears on the February 20th City Council Agenda. General Fund Appropriations: General Fund adjustments of $306,377 for the second quarter include additional appropriations to provide for the Alameda County EMS agreement with the Fire Department, FYO7 operations budget for the new Bayport Park and other items. The recommended adjustments and other offsetting items are detailed in the Summary of Adjustments (Exhibit A, page 2). General Fu n d Expenditures: Year -to -date General Fund operating expenditures for the period ending December 31, 2006 are $36,993,876 representing 45 percent of the adjusted operating budget of $82,501,750 or 5 percentage points lower than the 50 percent straight -line target. Non - departmental expenditures totaled $185,963 and are comprised of Alameda County tax collection services, rent subsidy to the Alameda Historical Museum and administrative support for the Social Services Human Resources Board. Additionally, transfers from the General Fund to special funds included: Library operations $903,448, Post - Employment Benefits $853,500, Capital Improvements (PW) $365,772, Debt Service - City Buildings $414,319, Risk Management $404,440, and Urban Runoff $33,154. General Fund expenditures by departments are detailed on pages 7 -9 of Exhibit B. Special Revenue and Enterprise Funds: The summary of revenues and expenditures for special funds and enterprise funds are summarized in Exhibit C: Revenues, pages 10 -13, and Expenditures, pages 14 -17. The majority of adjustments comprise several new CIP projects including repairs of Grand and Ballena bridges, and realignment of CIP projects across funds. A summary of adjustments can be found at Exhibit C, page 18. It is important to note that the timing of receipts and payments have caused some deviations from the straight -line projections. Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Honorable Chair and CIC Members Honorable Chair and ARRA Members Staffing Discussion: February 20, 2007 Page 3 At the request of the City Council, a Staffing History report was included in the FY 2006 -2007 budget document. It included a staffing history by department since Fiscal Year 1993 -1994. The budget was projected to include 693.7 full time equivalent positions. At mid -year, a snapshot in time, there are 633.7 full time equivalent positions filled. The majority (24) of these vacancies are at Alameda Power & Telecom with 14 recruitments and 10 vacancies under review. Exhibit E to this report provides a departmental comparison of the projected and mid -year actual staffing along with comments regarding vacancies, recruitments and appointments. Infrastructure Outlook: The FY 2006 -2007 budget document reflects $1,180,000 for street resurfacing under the Pavement Management Program, $300,000 for sidewalk repairs, and $350,000 for street tree pruning, a fiscal - year total of $1,830,000 for these programs. With the budget adoption, the Council directed that, if additional funds were available to appropriate for the Pavement Management Program, the desired target was $2.2 million. At mid -year, a financial update on each of these programs is provided as Exhibit F. The detailed update incorporates first quarter adjustments including: an additional $554,679 appropriated to the Pavement Management Program from 2004 and 2005 Proposition 42 funds received in Fiscal Year 2007; carryover balances from prior -year allocations for contracted work; and other adjustments. An additional appropriation of $465,321 from General Fund reserves would be needed to meet the goal of funding the FYO7 Pavement Management Program at $2.2 million. On February 6, 2007, Council approved the Comprehensive Sidewalk Repair Program, and a proposed contract of $1,000,000 for work developed in accordance with the parameters identified in the Comprehensive Sidewalk Repair Program, covered by current appropriations. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL IMPACT A Summary Analysis of funds for Fiscal Year 2006 -07 can be found at Exhibit D. Alameda Power & Telecom and Alameda Housing Authority are included only as memo entries. The projected General Fund balance for June 30, 2007, based on estimated revenues and expenses, is $18,131,316 representing 22 percent of FYO7 appropriations. General Fund Reserves Outlook: Certain identified future liabilities are expected to impact the fund balance during the current fiscal year. Item a), Retroactive FLSA pay, represents an estimate for this obligation while item b) represents the additional appropriation needed to meet the goal of funding the FYO7 Pavement Management Program at $2.2 million for the current fiscal year. The estimated obligations are Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Honorable Chair and CIC Members Honorable Chair and ARRA Members February 20, 2007 Page 4 presented for informational purposes only. The pro forma fund balance shown below represents a reserve at 20.5 percent of current appropriations, which is in excess of the 20 percent target by $415,645, and short of the 25 percent target by $3,709,442. Estimated Fund Balance - 6/30/07 $ 18,131,316 22.0% Less designated fund balance: Fire Station #3 400,000 $ 17,731,316 21.5% Less Estimated Obligations: a) Retroactive FLSA pay b) Resurfacing target gap from $2.2 million goal Estimated Proforma Fund Balance - 6/30/07 Targeted Fund Balance Range: Upper value Lower value Fund Balance Over (Under) Target: RECOMMENDATION Appropriate $465,321 from the General Fund Reserves to meet the FYO7 Pavement Management Program. This is a one -time Accept the second quarter financial report on the results of December 31, 2006 for all funds and approve the supplemental Respectfully submitted, Welle -Ann e oyer Chief Financial Officer 350,000 465,321 815,321 16,915,995 20,625,437 16,500,350 415,645 (3,709,442) 20.5% 25% 20% 20% 25% the target $2.2 million funding for expenditure. operations for the quarter ending appropriations. JAB: dl Attachments: General Fund Recap and Summary of Adjustments, Exhibit A General Fund Detail Receipts/Disbursements, Exhibit B Special Funds Detail Receipts/Disbursements and Summary of Adjustments, Exhibit C Summary Analysis of Funds, Exhibit D Position Control Staffing Summary, Exhibit E Infrastructure Programs, Exhibit F a H m 2 x w V7 H z w 2 w co ce m 0) El 0 z a 1- a W 0 w ix LL 0 z 0 H J a 1— Y. a 0 tx GENERAL FUND CO 0 N r- M E c.) 0 0 z z w 0 2 w a a 2 a a 0 r CO 0)Ce)000(0'00 V CO CA1`11)VIn )0)r0 r V r N 00 co r� c0 v 00 M00I N- C�l0O�?t= r co N . In 00 0 N 00 r` r N cv r� 00 v :r 1• r.: 1` r N N CO In 0) CO 0 V N c*I vtIn0)0 II) 0In0O 00101 00 0 C»a ,.Ie0)r- 07 -0)0; 0) C7 (0 r CO 0 r� 00 0O 01 0O 0 ti ti 0O � ~� 0 N 00 CO r in CI M CO co) CI. r 00 N ti ONO M r M r - -- ■- - - -- r L a N 12 c a) E c a! E a op In 0) 0i F 0 r N.' '7 C'7 N F r 0O 00 M F M t- v a v w V 0O 0) v h r D ) h ) CO 00 M 00 CO- 0) cos ti00 GD Oo 111 o0 0� v f` oa v I;: M ti tif`CV G7C �`� it) N� -- --- - - -•■-------------------- --- --- - -- C7Gr.- NN '�' inC C)CMLf CO 0 co N !` M nr- te I�n IC) ei id' v r - N ac tirM�c CO tin 1` N. -- --------- - - - - -- am in 0 0 co M to v l(0 i ■ r I0 C�7 ..r N r C7 v 0 a) M t0 M to a 9 CO O N iv 73 c a) E a 0 Cv m el v v v N co a7 v 0 00 N H4 V' 00 r 00 0ti N M in N N N ts• 0 (0 00 e- e v cD (n N 0) 0) v 00 tD v 00 co 0 Tr- in r� co 1111[111 0111 s ------ ---- --- ------ - - - - -- - - - -- 07 ------------------ MII�------- - - - - -- In0TIIIII C�iLv7r07 0r(0r�r r� C1 0) M 0 M r�oIn aNTr r co 0o 0 o) r- N r N sit h c0 In 0 r June 30, 2006 AUDITED FUND BALANCE 00 r c0 v r r CD M N N c;DO N 0 a) N 03 0 01 c1 N N r L0 N CI '.0) 0 N N Cfl v C7 H � '0 c t C 4- ii. cU a v oU)< w� L G Q CD u) E , = (1) a - .0) 0) .- E x1-• 0=z2a. co cw c=a =LLB �,0 a� 1— A 0 . C W — toJ y 5 _P E Q C N GCi CD ,fl. 2- 50H,cd =ocr a0JDLLre 00w 0 1 ._ E a (.3 2 0 .v a "~d' r N 0 e- c m c ca Y. 1 0 .C3 a H 0 co 'E 0 0) > 0) vocacE c = 0't 0 o 2. 0) co a) L ._ L 1 C) 0. 0 ca 0i 0 etufaz LI 2 to c 0) H a) E a) 0) 0. tt m Z. E 0. 0 w 06 0) .v a) 0 co a) L- 0 w 0 z J a m IX a w z ce re m 0 C1) w ce 1- Ei w x w c w m w w ax 1` C3 V N C7 w z m 0 z J Q m 0 z LL. w a E 1- W EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF ADJUSTMENTS - GENERAL FUNDS 0 0) 0 ots a) E r ca 0. a) 0 co c 0 a) v LL ET co L Cn C (5 E co 3) v Q ul o E o a) a)� = co v a C o LL C -co 0 U a) 0 CC 0 Q co o a v ❑ C x ❑ Q 2 v C.. . 0 ..._ (jj • 0 CO U) C U = � � v Q - LE 0) 0 v 0 0 ca 16 T. +.r 0 0 w • 0 ❑ 0 0 v E ca Q u) v L fJ C v 0. (1) 0 0) . � v ca C 10 0) ra v c 0 ❑ • C1) 0 0 ▪ o v 0. co vN = v ✓ CZ 2 • F) c C o c v n . - 5cn ❑ Tiui ! 8 =u) c -0 _❑ C 5 C0 _0 E o <0 0 co E rn (.'') ❑ 0 v 0 c'24) 0 0. v a L 0 C •_ c;-5 d a) 0 ❑ Q. a 0 .E 0 tan o ca U .0 M o o. co m E 2 4- L C a I- cn 4- 0 0 E a) ❑ 0 L 8 E a 2 E E 2 3i C i- a) 0 Li- a) ca 0 L C C1) C E Q 0 v 4- .0 J C LL 0 0 Q Et Et Q 4- ❑ 0 0. rn co ) 0) Li iii Y L 0 U 7 d a) o LL a) E V, ca 0 C CI) C .E 0 a) a J c LL 0 0 g rY Q 4- 0 o_ 0 a rn cn ❑ 0 0 .L 0 v C w o_ 5 0 u) u) 0 0 0 1 0 0 a) .a L 0. 0 E 0 C C Q v 0 L Q = E 0 .0 a. co 0) E ca Q E.' E 0 1)5 0 ❑ 0 0 u) 0 v E 0 0 E 0 c (0 ARPD: Transfer in from Bayport Municipal Svc Dist for new park operations and municipal services Trsfr to CIP: reclass maintenance project rollovers a) 0 v > 0 v 0 0_ 0) 0 0 0 L ,.0 0 acement: radios, 11 g 4.c.' a) E 0 Q -0 c LL iti ,... a� a cp V 0 i- 0. P. 0. ca. 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EA. 0 0 0 - 0 [r7 r d. r r nj LC) r CO N- r 00 r r b9- 69. 0 0 ', o CY) r N- u" N r •c- 69. Interest Income Rental Income _a 0 LC) 117 CO CY) 0 6i4 0 N co 00 SUB TOTAL - USE OF MONEY REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 0 0 0 o v o 0 Q 0 r co r N 0 r LC) OQ OO N LC] r N �LnoaCr)0NOOLn N LO 0) LC) r C) CV r r 3D L0 N rNI CO CO N CO ( N r 'et 10 CO CY) 0 OD r- CY) Ln C) r r I` o 1 N- LC) 0 LO r c1) ) r Co r• 0 N- CY] Car') C37 CN N C\j C 0 CJ CY) 69. 0 0 0 0 Cr) 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 r N 0 0 CO 0 o � cO 0 : r •• CO 0 N CA r (11 6g ' Q CD CO 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 r N 0 C. CO CD 0 Coo o 'cr Ln r cc) 0 N 0 r CSI Cis -C 0 N J CD E < g a) C ) r j , V co a3 ---' 2 c 7 a) C7 U3 C E Q] ,.. E •= A 1 i g — in N E CU 1 1 }' _ N C Y) ( (� _ C -o Q o 2 m U Q 0 0 0 0 0 CO N- 0 0 0 r a7 r N N N r OD CD r r C-J CV CV N CO 'it CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO CO CO CO CY) Cr) CY) CY) CO CO EXHIBIT B GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS p W I- L) W OW.. J U W Z W Q J � a� CO 0 H REVISED EST. 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CO CO LC] 03 N CO LC7 r 0) 0 CO N 'c- N. 0 M CO r N ityAdministration a] ]� U a] CU o Co < U 0 0 0 •Lt Human Resources Information Technology GENERAL GOVT SUB TOTAL: 0 0 N O 0 CD 0 N CN ❑ ❑ 0 10 CV ❑ 0 N Public Safety Police Services 3110 1 Bureau of Services 5 CI) p C E a. a) Q co 0 CD C E Q C5 o a) iiir CC E N U 'a CU a}, CO (La 0 w 0 ❑{!3[j C o a o E CO o 0 Q 0 0 O 0 O CO N 0) CD C7 T ‘C,7) T O M Fire Services C7 U CL C/) :.() J V CD `D C � o C 0 7 w 0- < Q Q N M Cr) C0 CO Police / Fire Pension PUBLIC SAFETY SUB TOTAL: 0, cy, -1- W 0 z J a m co v w re) CD co co co c .4 N---- ‘- oi 0) co Q r N N N 69} 6f, (1) W re H Z W EL x W co a 9 c) 7, In r- NI- co T N N.. co N N. r C'S1 0 r 0 1- r 3D 0 CO a) Cr) Q CO O N r co a) O M co T 0 CO co 10 M M O op tt Nt ..:1- .4. N 0 0 0 ,- Lri d' e 0 0 0 N 0 00 00 v 0 in ca Tr T V. CD CO Ch 0 0 r N N CO T N- N CO ti N N Cr) CO N ti I` N co N--- v- LK • d' C) Cr7 N it- r t- CN Ln 6F} in CO co- co N. CO 0) 0 00 co. 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Z; C0 N 2003 CIC TAX ALLOC 2003A1 r r N 2003 CIC TAX ALLOC 2003A2 2003 CIC TAX ALLOC 2003B in r N FISC/CATELLUS LAND SALE r r N -C-3 1- a- a w o_ 7? w?a 0 co o, 1 O z C7 z m • W M 0 • a 0 N Z • Z 0 D5 Z c4 m U amo, N a (NI 0 N v- 0 N N CIC - HOUSING IN -LIEU FEE in 00 N AUSD HOUSING FUND co 0 N CIC- ALAMEDA POINT in N CIC- AP1P LOW /MOD INC HSG C0 0 LIBRARY FUND - OPERATIONS 0 T N GAS TAX FUNDS r r N XIX TRANS IMPROVEMENT FUND N r N TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 3D r N MEASURE B in r N MEASURE B LOCAL ST & RD r r N MEASURE B BICYCLE PED IMP N Ili N MEASURE B TRANSBAY FERRY 3D in C1 MEASURE B PARATRANSIT V. r N MEASURE 8 CAPITAL PROJECT MEASURE B GAP FUNDING co r N MEASURE B NEW COUNTY PROG r N TIDELANDS TRUST L0 N ASSET SEIZURE FUNDS 0) r N DWELLING UNIT TAX FUND CI; N PARKING IN -LIEU FUND M N PARKING METER FUND 1' N 2 t 2 1- In N COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION N THEATRE/PARKING STRUCTR PROJ ✓ N N m w 1— 2 w 0 ct w a COLLECTED W 0 Z a m TO COLLECT e 0 0 e 0 '.1- N c0 a I-- Lri a 0 0 e 0 N. 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To 0' w • !J3 CY) Li) O CO CO O LO N CO 07 0 r- 0 CY) 1� N 0) Ctrl 0C) C3 LC) CO r CO r CO r ti r Li') r 00 LC) 000 V- 1- r 1` N upuP 0 0 0 cv 69- 0 v- r• O Tr N 6+g 0 01) a7 N a O 0 0 N 6g 00 0 co 07 ti 0 co 0 00 r N N 01) 0') Ln CO Tt- 00 N 0 00 V- 07 07 N N- 07 co r co E 0 0 LPL cp o a_ c L.L. a) E > 0 0. E c 0 0 V- N O CO rn r 0) r Lc) 0) c0 07 a7 '4' CY) N 05 LO r 4 CO 1"- CO N CO 01) N 0 N. 00 c'i (\J 0) N O 0) r a 0 w 0 0 t- 010 00 CO r 0 CO 0) N N 0 0 LC) N- CO CY) r N ^� 'c- ^0 O 0) '4t 0 r O N CV r- co N- r C'1 0 LO CO CO V- r 0 N 1` c 1` 1.-- co o co ' O i` N Ln 0 Co Ln 0 M 0 000 N- 0 r o CCO�1 N co 0 N CY] Tr CO r cv r N r-- O 0 r r N. 0 ii a CO 0 0) CO LO V- N. N CY) r 0 N 0 N (0 r M 0 N 0 Q co i- t) 5 0 N co (Y3 CY) 07 CY) N- 00 a7 r co r i` Lci r 2003 CIC Tax AIIo 2003A2 O 0 N CO r a V- co a) co 0 j` N r- LO N CD 0 N- 0') N r r r 07 0) 001)00D0co 4 O Cr) Lo r Do 1-- 0) co Lt) Li) CO 10 0'] � LO N r 0 r in 0 0 r N f` N 0 up N r 0 N 0 it- 0 r= Tr 01 r; r V- LO (1) 00 c .N 0 = a 5 W 0 U N- 0) LC) 00 41 N 0o 0 0 r N a m 0 0 V- N Co O N 0 V.- 0 d' CO 0 i• Lo 00 0 0 r O co co v- O 0 O 0o Lo- 0 r r 0 O N 0 Ln (0 d" r r N- T. 0 CC] 00 0 CO (O Tr a r 0 CO C .y 0 2 a. m 0 F 0 1"- 0 co (0 M LC) N CO r 0 N- "0 LL c .N 0 2 0 CO M a N CO 0 r r O 0 1- co M 0 - .c- o a) LC) 0 r Co a O r 000)0000c') ONc0000 '40C')00(0 0 -4- N v' co cv --rcON LO '4- 00 N V- 1` CY) 0 0 r N c0 up 0 co r- '- ti 00 co d' CY] 0 0 Liz 0) CD 0) Ln , r r- 0 N CO 0 1n r- � r 0) CV Li-) r- L6 cD N r 0 0 1- 0 O 0 0 0 N 6 Lo Tr N- N V- 07 Liz N CY) CO 04. 10 a N 1` N (0 r r 07 N- CO d- LO (0 r cv- E (0 r 0 r• LO CO LO N 0ti Oo O M T r 1'- 0 1• 07 v- N 0 r r CO N r LC) 0 a LC) CO � ooCo V- N CO r CD r-- N- 0 01) 0 O 0 r a LC] cv LC) N r r Lx) 0 CY; r 0') (N O) 0 a7 N N O 0 0) N v. up 0 10) r 4. In Cr) a7 1` a7 ni. 0) � a7 co- co r 0 10 0) co v. LL) (1) (NI 00 0 0 r 1` 0 0 LO O CO 1' 0) 0 1` (0 0 N- 07 CO 1` N N r• 0) N N- OD CO CY7 CO r 10') (0 co 0 0 00 LC) 0) (0 00 0) 0 0 0 OD 1� a 0 'ct CO 0 0 10 0 6 01) L0 CD CO CO LO r C) r r 0 CO LO 0 0 CO r CV r- 0 N 00 Cv R. •4" Ln 0 v- In CO 0') r CY) N c LL cm c � ja .y J 0a 2 •- U a a Is, 0 0 co O 0 CO 0 00 0 O 0 0 CO o 0. 0 LC) CO r 0 LO CO 0) r-- CO O CO LO V' CO CO 0) N. 0 CC) N Ln cO N co 'r o 0) 0 r CO N r 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 C '1 O o a 0 a) c0 00 O 0 Lo Co) N 00 0 c Li C1) E 0 0. c - LL C i co it cn m 03 X 3 C0 ca ca ca HC32222 .0 ca C Q 0 0.0 TO 12- co cti C) H C 1 1 LL m m N aa) 0? 0 r M In CD r3 r r r r r N LYi � �. L!1 9 Lei CD C7 r N M L[7 r N M '� � CD O a r r r r 0 0 0 Q C r r r r r _in in in in Lh r r N o 0 0 O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (iv N Narcotics Asset Seizure CD Cr) N N x W .a cil .E H W Fund Balance t- o N M co w co it 0) a) 0 00 0 CO r (i LC) N N L) N r-= .4. 00 O 0 O a7 0 O CD O N N co o0 0 0 O (0 00 L0 CD N- 0 N 0 co ✓ co (\J a) r C) 0) a) O 71. O 0') 0 m !• Ln CO 0 CO 0) in 0') a) r 0 Ctrl 10) N '1t r- CO N CO LO r 0) 0) 0) a) 0 O co in r N N r-- a) 0) CO N r CO co 3D 0 CO A-- 00 (D O 00 Li.) 0 N LO T.- 0) N 0 CO 0 ti CCVV O 0 L() 00 N 0 N N 0 r r CO 0 a7 00 co 06. N co L1) Co r a) N- 9 0 0 (Tv a) ca .E r w d a) C .c 0 2 0 .0 II y.. co N CO vi 0 O a7 1n 0 a CO 00 r co a) a co 0 La 0o (0 ✓ 0 CD 0 M a) V' 4. 0 CY) ti 0 cv- co 0) LO 00 Ai- O 0 0 L6 r 0 0 cri 0) N Cv CV CO CO (0 az 0 0 O N (6 00 co 0 co a7 a) 0 r CO 0 0 co a 0 0 CY) 0 0 L4) O Ln 0) co- ..,- a 0 0 -4- a 0 0 0 0 co C?) r O c) r 0 co a7 Co r N 0 1- a7 r 0 r s• r N. N op L 00 CO N C] ((V r 0 0 ti cv C7 C0 0 r 00 Co LX) N 1` N. O c0 co 01 0 CV r a0) CV o0 00 co [-- M 0 0 0 Co N N a) a7 0') N a 0 a7 00 LC) 00 00 0 00 co O cco 0 O CO N CO r CO N CO r a7 a7 N N CO N 0) CD co N. N 0) CD r 0 0') 0 N co 0 0 CD CO co a CD 00 Appropriations N. r-- ,- 0 A.- N 0 co a) 0 r 0 a) 0 0 0 LCj a) Liz co 0 CO CO 0 0 N. 0 CO N ✓ N N 00 00 00 00 r LC7 f--N-4 N O CO 0 r OD CO 0 O 0 L.] 0', co LC] 0 N 0 LO CO ON a M 0) r Co r 0 0 0 m a7 Lij 0) M m C7 N 0) r ti a7 0o r O O 0 LC? N ✓ a a7 0o E= 0 0 0 1` co r 0 0 N LC) r r 0 0) 0 0 a7 L{7 0o E-- N. O !` CO ',T- N r 0 r ti r 00 CO 0 A-- O 01) 0 0 CO 0 co r 0. r N r 0) r r 0') CV N ✓ N r d' C) r co Lc) 1L ) 0 ti r v 0 0 r r 0 CO N .. r 0) 0 N C0 M up -4' N- 0) CO 00 0) wzi- CN N. C'7 a7 0 N- 0_ Co o CO r CV — 0)0' -00 co c.6 !` t N 00 r a7 ' r r tt r -4 a N. 10 0 0 0 Lf7 N 0) a) 0 01) 0 00 a) N 1` 0 r co 0o 00 N CO r 07 N 0 co co N L0 A- 0; co CV 00 LN dw 0 0') N- CO CCD CO CO r CO ti LO a) E- r CO OD 0 CO a co 00 co N N r CV ▪ 0 CD a La � E co) ce W O 0 0 Li) r N 0 O O a 0 CO 0 0 l- 0 10 00 CO CO CO 0 N- 0) CO N CO • 00 CO CO t- L0 N N •:1- 0 0 0 0 oa) N- O a 0 rn N 0) 0) 0 CD ✓ 10 r r 0 CO 0 0 0 0 O 0 r a7 0 0 V r 0 N r-- A. CO 0 O 0 0') 0 0 10 CO co Lc) co 0 N. 01) 0 a 0 0o N CN CO O O CO Co CO Cl. r CO a 0') 0 0 i` ti co co 0 CO 0 LC) CO c0 N- A-- 0- O 0) r r M N N r l v- '1- 0 0 co co d' 0 N Fund Balance 0 N 0 C) CO re N.. N V.. CO N. r 0 co r CY) ti r N CO CEO r 00 10 r CO CO N- O r t- 0 O 0) CO CY] CO 0) N 0 N 1.6 0 CN N LO r N r 0') co co 0 0 r C) CO CO 0 CO N- O 0 0 a) 0o 0 00 Co N 0) r 10 r N CNV f` 1-- 0 co L!) N CO 1` r N CO 10 0) 0 co N N N [` a7 a) O CO C r Li) 0) C0 CO LO L0 0) M N a) r C4) Cr) 0 LC] d' N r 0 CV N .4' r r 06 co a) 00 0 r N a) N. 0 Co 0 Z LL ❑ 0 ct Z izX CC Z Z Z 0 FY 2006 -07 As of December 31, 2006 DESCRIPTION z LL C LI m c a c LL. ai J C ._ 1 a C LL. 0 2 a c ii E 0 E H 0 N To .' re •o 1 0) E E 0 0) CM i 0 C7 C i cc 0. 0 cu 0 0. .2 a) u. 0) E o 1 Co m 0 C LL 4g a cu 0 E o 1 c a E co 0. 0) re co 0) Et L- a 0) a) 0t N a J 0 0 T. 00 0 0 10 LL. FISC - Catellus Ph II Tr ((0 m Q L :a 0' a) .) a) .0 E .0) re Q 1 E 0 ii 0) 0 N 0 0 co 1 0) L 0. (0 .0 0) Q 2 C c 0 1 0) cc 0 U a Human Services CHRPO /LEAD C 0 re 0 .y 0 0 0 L S 0 u) 0 E. a -0 0) re N E cc L a L 0. Q) E a) c ca E cc >, 0 N ODD ca 2 0 C ca r N N 03 C CO E 0 c ca N N 00 _ cCV C 0 C Ca N N c■I 011 03 00 E ca G G O (.] C C co co N N 00 48 ca 2 At 0 C ca N N 00 ca 2 w 0 C co N !11 v. ‘g cc 2 0 C co co) H CC N N co) r I r 0 .2 0 co 2 0 (..) 3 c L. co 2 r 0 r 0 o 0 c L co 2 N Ce r 0 0 Q t o a. co m r N M N N 0 N N N r- ti N In CI N M N oo "CC N N in N r CO In N N CO N in N in N r CO N CO CO N co N. N oo 0 N 0 N.. N N. N N r Chi in !` N .t- in N N 6 N M 6 co !..... N. N N O in N CO N N.. 6 N CO ti N r CO N [,. N 0 CO N W Emp H M W c co FL 4- C0 0 CO 0) C\ Cr) 0 0 Ctrl N 0 c\J N N co ti 0) 00 Ln Cr) 0 0 i 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co Ri 0,1 CA Cr) CD N LC) 0) N 0 N N 0 0 00) 0 0) M 0 Ctrl LC) N. LC) LO N 0) Co 0 0) Ln N- O) 0) CO CO LS) Cv LC] N 0 r 0 0 0r� N 0 LC) c0 0 Ln 0o OD N cfl Ln N N 0 0 N '. N 0 0) 0 W 0 0 0) OD C'7 Cr) C7) Cr) CO N 27.514.733 ti 0 LO CO 0) CD 0) 0 0 0 0 Cfl 00 0) 0 0 0 N 0 CO 0 ti 0 0 CO 0 0 0 0 LO 0 0 LO '. 0 0 m CO N 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 N CO tD N 0 0 Cr) 0 00 a0 0 0) 0 N 0 0 0 0 LO Ln N LC) CO 0 01) 03) 0 LC) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i` 0) 0 0) N CO LO 0 co) 0 C0 'i 0 L 0 0 0 0 0 r- r- OD 93294.531 22.1 05.414 0 0 0 co 0 Liz C) 0 0 Ln 0 N. tt 0 0 0 0 0 0') CO CO CO LC) 0 0 0 0 0 N Lf) 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 (D 0 0 0 0 0 CO r 03) N a) To a 0 Lf) 0 0 CO Cr) 0 0 0 CO LO LO 0 0 L() 2 w .a to. cn Fund Balance 0 c1 w CO r N ti CY ) Li) r N ti O CY) CO CO C�\J ([] O a; (NI 0) 00 CY) 0 N- it) O CY) O O 0 co 0) 0 0 10 C►o 10 O co m 0 N C) 0) LO LO0) 0) 0 0 N E W 0) . 0 2 0 O N C) CO 0 N O O O 0 O CO r 0 L0 ti Co O CO O O O O 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O 0) 0. w N ti N LCD O O Ln CO LO N 0) r O L0 O N 0) r N 0 co 0 N 0 O (o 0 Co ti O C(NI 1l cY7 LO r M LO co N N- LC) CO CO CO O CO CO Lid N 0) • N CO_ t- CY) cn Appropriations 07 0) (O M 0? Cr 0 0 (0 28.336.524 rC:r ca E N w m 0) 0 O N CY) [+) co ti 0 O 07 07 CO CO N O CO d' N O co M O N O O ti 07 (1) N co 0 CD CY) co O 00 N CO 0)0)0 C1 CDL00 CO LC) CO O 10 (6C)O c� CY] N O 0) O 1` d- 0 0) CO O CO CY) Lc-) '1. N 07 O 07 N 0 0 N co 03 co N '- r OC LO 0) N N. CO 10 (0 L0 CO ('1 O LO N CO r CY) 10 � r 10 co N co CD 0) 0 0 CO CN O M 07 N 0 O N O c0 0 0 N r Lf) M 0 O N as O C37 C0 L? C LO LO 71: O 0) c0 git N 0) O ✓ O csi • 1.0 10 O N N CY) CO Cn r N 07 CO co coo a7 0 M CO 0 CO 0 0? CO N r CO CO CY). O 0) CO 0) T- (0 d' N Nt co r a) O co CY) 't 0) N L(] 10 r 10 ✓ Cy ✓ 07 LO CV 0 M a] CO C 6 C7 N CV Ln (0 LC) CO w L0 (NJ N L0 •TT 1- 0 0) L0 r N O 0 CO 0 CN- M CO CO CO OaLn10 Ln O 7 C �t 0] R. CO N 10 C N. C) r CY] O O M 0) N N 0 CO 10 0) !■ CY7 C7.1 N CY) CD N CO 0 O r CO r CO N N 10 O (O CS) V N- CN L0 N N LO 07 00 0) 0) i` CO 10 (0 CD N r CO CY) N O (0 O N L0 1-- co cv O O O O (0 O O O O L(0 O O CY) O O Fund Balance co 0 N 0 M (0 0 O ( r N N r 1= SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS FY 2006 -07 As of December 31, 2006 DESCRIPTION co cc m= `o 0) o€ C (0 co � =a C g ❑ LL LL 0 0 Capital Project Fund 1- Z LL M 0 co M Debt Service Fund Grou CO LO 0 CV CO co (O 1` o 0? Ln CD O co Lt) CO CO CO CO 0] 0) 0 (0 1 0 CO .4 07 co r N ✓ CO 0 CO O LO CO r r CO 1` C (G O CO O N.- 0) N CO c 0 ' cm CO �t 1` r O CA 0 LC) r 0) CO 0 0) CO CO CN- CO m 0 0) r CO a) H u C0 m Debt Svc -CIC Sub Bond m _0 a a 1- v 0 N a) a) 0 CO To d 1- r 0 r CNI N Csi CT) co gqr co co '1. 0 co CO co ise Fund Grou w ✓ NT CO LO CO CO 07 r l` O N CN�I O CO 07 CN C) 0 N 07 LO Cr3 LO N CO Golf Course Fund Sewer Service Fund Ji 0 c0 LL Eit li w Total Enterprise Fund CD 0 co r N r (0 Internal Service Fund Grou r CO 07 L[7 CO O r' GO (0 Co 1` M O O O Central Stores Fund 1 N _B1 CD CD ,z CD E Euo o ca > 0 CD co to _ O f- 0 ti 0 ti 0 J� r x W 'a CD v ra 0 E c4 H 'a M w c 0 FL 4- Ca 11 00 r r 0 co 0 0) (0 v 0 0 co 0v ti co in co ti 0 0 N 4) Ici .E co w a) a') co 0 ++ Z .0 ■ N r r 00 r 0 0 0 co 0 co co co co ti co c) L) 0 N.. 00 0 0 N r 10 CO CO 0) N 0 N M CO C\ 07 A- A- C6 r 0 d' r M 0,, N 10 Co N N r N N. To Ln r 10 0) CO M 0) to v r in r 0 Lc) T- 0) CO 0 a) co Go a) 0 0 co (NI a) Liz Tr co a 1n 0 N (o co c\i CO 0 r Ld 0) N a co ..4- 0 in in r M Co r a) r N. CV 107 C\1 r itc op 1) CD N N 0 CO 0) 0. x W a7 0 (o r 0 Lc) 0o r Co N. 0 N 0 (0 0 co co Lo Tr 0 r 0) N M a Co 0 (0 r CO 10 r 0 N a) 0 N 0) (0 c\i 0 i- N 0 N Co A- M CO CO N 10 ti ai co 10) r 7t. 0) N 0 r a) r Co 00 co r r 0 co 0 01) A-- Ca CO r 0 n- 0 !''7 0 r Appropriations N 0 a7 0 CO (0 C) CO r 0 N r N � co 0 N r N CO co r 0 0 r 0) N 0 a7 co CO a) N in I-- 0 a co- 0 a 0 Nr CO N 0) 10 V' CO 0 0 0 N 0 N. N 0 co 0 a 0.) 0 co 0 in r CO CO r ai r ti r 0 CO 0 260.141.246 r co M ,- 10 r c').- N- 00 0 N CO N Co Ct] N Co Lo 0') Ef} {f} IT a) a) co 0 co d' 0 r 0 0 r 00 0 in 00 o0 r N -0 0 Di 7 2 _ E cu W .Q 0 TS 7 Q Fund Balance 0 o N el 0 0 CO V r r r a 0) 0 r r 0 a 0 0 CO 0) 0) N. 10 60 0 0 cy 'fit 0 0) 0 0 r 0 co N N A.-. 0) CO 0 0 N 0 r C. CO 0 Co r LC] r 0 N 03 0 N 0 'it CO r 0 Nr N r 0 10 r co N (v co 0 0') 00 N a7 0 co N- ap Co ti r r a] N '4t CO : CA � 0 0) co co iN1 CD O N 0 0 0 0 00 0 o CO N- a ti N N 0 0) 07 CY] 60 0 0 Cs 0) V' Ch CD in a op in in 0 Cl N 03 N- M CO - co r co 0 COV o00 1r) N1 dw ti 0 v. Ctrl Co N CO bg 69} SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS FY 2006 -07 As of December 31, 2006 DESCRIPTION Service Fund Total Interna Z M u- M r ti 0 r l...- 0 N ti Fund Grou a) N- CO U3 Co 0 0) r r r 0 0 07 0 r N Liz N. CV CO 01 N C 3 Cr] 00 N 00 CY) Liz CO i` CO d• 00 07 0 0 d o • cti •.:1- CO C. N f` 0 r CD 0 CO Cr3 r Co It N N 0 N N Debt Svc for 508 84 -3A Debt Svc for 510 84 -3B P LL LP L 17 4t tioND � �❑❑ vv a) a) ww r r r — ❑ ❑ v ° °0°°'00 co .0 r c CO CO H .N W a) cu ❑ ❑ aa00c c4 L11 f12 4- ir ea.) v > 7 E E E !L > > 0 0 3 p� C) re Ce H O U V 4. .0 CO CD Oi 0 co co .. a. a ❑❑ F2 0) Q (4 Total Trust & Agency Fund GRAND TOTAL E a c) 0) 0 i- >, '� L .0 >, Q 0 0 � E 0 N .E 0) 0 CO 2 =Q All Inclusive Total 0 in v. 0 0 1. r 0 co N 0 OD N M 00 M M CO 0 M CO 0 (1) co 0 0 00 r 0 co W H Fa W ae 4 2 2 m co 0 co z -a LT CD LL E< co � aJ O ❑ > Ce 0 z 0 C) z 0 i co 0 a 0) c a 1 recruitmen co 0) 0 2 0. c 3 organization rev pending review 05 i(0 !) 0) 0 0. c 0 recruitments c 0 v a 1 appointmen ❑ N .0 La 0 ❑ To a E co 0) -0 0 t a Nr oa V) 2 0 L 0. c ///���3 r 0) 0) 0 a c 2 recruitment 0) 0) a a 3 2 06 0) 2 a) O. c c 03 E L 0 2 a) c a c 0) E c co 1 appointment pending 3 •> 0) c c 0) 0. r ces V) 2 0 2 a ,c c 0) E 2 op 2 vacancies with promotional appointments in progress & backfill recruitments planned c o it 0) 0) 0 D 0 ) L 0 0) 0 c ❑ ❑ 0) c .0) .0 .cicai i 8 • -6 co ,_ • v cr) -o ozs 2 ❑} 03 C ;c `0 c c = 0] 0 0 a' co co c 0) E 0 • �0 O c 2 8 ,:r � ui r.,.. u, i)o5 o • �' a 2 .c 03 y a C C CD CI) E _E 0) L 0) Cn r SJIONVOV ❑ ❑ 01 N CD 00 SN ❑!1!S ❑d �, LO M o r, �. a311l: !�! Ctif .4- N CV to ✓ CO r rn a r 0 a313Oan9 I— z W 2 i- ce a. W ci .0 c �❑ a c co 2 U a E Q U 0 c cQ c it C) 0 c .6 a) H 0 ca E a c co 2) L 0 a) X co E 2 .c 0 Z.= 8 co cu E _0 0) 0) CI c m 0) c •c c ❑ 0_ L o a 0 .c7) 0 2 co co 0 oes 0 :i+ 0) cc T ❑ 0 co r, co cei N. Cie7 co Library Police - TOTAL Swam Nonswom Fire AP &T - TOTAL Electric Telecom TOTAL 0 E N 0 0 vs z Resurfacing (82 -01) REVENUE ACCOUNT ,General Fund December 05 mtg General Fund Feb 06 mtg Gas Tax Fund CIP 06 Gas Tax Fund new CIP 07 Gas Tax Fund new CIP 08 CIT CIP 06 CIT new CIP07 CIT new CIP 08 Prop 42 CIP 06 Prop 42 new CIP 07 Prop 42 additional to be appropriated Measure B Local CIP 06 Measure B Local new CIP 07 Measure B Local new CIP 08 Urban Runoff new CIP 07 Urban Runoff new CIP 08 Sewer Fund rolled from ph 25 RAC grant (not yet in hand) CMAQ grant (not yet in hand) Charged, not yet assigned to a funding source Outstanding: Gallagher and Burk remainder Infrastructure Programs FY 0506 Budget 1,180,000 3 00, 000 350,000 192,233 240,000 300,000 100,000 FY 0506 FY 0607 Expense Budget (47,767) (65,526) 280,000 720,000 300,000 254,679 70,000 110,000 EXHIBIT F FY 0607 Balance Expense 1,180,000 300,000 (350,000) (280,000) (144,466) (464,971)1 255,029 (240,000) (193,711) 106,289 254,679 (234,474) (70,615) (615) 110,000 (110,000) (110,000) (100,000) Recommended Additional Appropriation TOTAL as of 2101107 Net Available for Spring 2007 Contract with contingency Engineering, const mgmt, inspection, permits, mist Total 2,662,233 1 of 2 465,321 (113,293) 2,200,000 (1,234) (1,234) (237,900) (237,900) 465,321 (2,427,371)1 2,321,569 2,151,197 170,402 2,321,599 EXHIBIT F Infrastructure Programs Sidewalk (82 -02) Measure B (FY 05/06 CIP Budget) Measure B (12/06/06) Prop 42 (12/06/06) Risk Mgmt Fund General Fund 8/5/2007 Expense Spencon 01/06 Expense Spencon FY0506 budget 300,000 400,000 70,000 156,000 800,000 06/06 Spencon Measure B (FY 06/07 CIP Budget) Encumbrances FY 06/07 Total Net Available for February 2007 Contract with contingency Estimated Contract Contingency Balance Trees (438301) CIT (FY 05/06 Budget) GF (FY 05/06 Budget) Midyear - sidewalk (12/06/06) FY 05106 Expense Measure B (12/06/06) FY06 /07 Expense 1,726,000 FY 0506 budget 80,000 50,000 300,000 FY 0506 expense (185,000) (190,000) FY 0607 budget FY 0607 Balance expense (436,000) (811,000), FY 0506 expense (130,000) 300,000 300,000 FY 0607 budget 350,000 Total Balance Estimated Routine Pruning Estimate Master PlanlSidewalk Trees Total 430,000 2 of 2 (130,000) 350,000 3 00, 000 400,000 70,000 156,000 800,000 (185,000) .(190,000) (436,000) 300,000 (124,357) (124,357) (124,357) 1,090,643 FY 0607 expense (99,345) (99,345) 250,655 3 00, 000 1,090,643 1,000,000 90,643 Balance 80,000 50 000 300,000 (130,000) 350,000 (99,345) 550.655 250,655 300,000 550,655