2007-05-07 SubmittalJoint City Council /Transportation Commission Meeting
May 7, 2007
Transportation Commission Role
The Transportation Commission (Commission) was established by Ordinance in 2002
and first meet in September 2002. The role of the Commission as identified in the
Alameda Municipal Code (copy attached) is to advise the City Council on City
transportation policies through the development of transportation plans. When
necessary, the Commission shall review proposed plans and policies with the Planning
Board prior to making a recommendation to Council. The Commission is also
responsible to monitor the implementation of approved transportation plans and policies
through quarterly staff reports.
The Commission is comprised of seven members, which are appointed by the City
Council for a term of four years. The appointed members are intended to represent a
cross- section of various transportation modes and be balanced between commuter,
business, and recreational use.
Joint meeting of City Council and Transportation Commission:
Prior to.today's meeting, the City Council and Transportation Commission met briefly on
June 25, 2003. Although there was not a quorum of Councilmembers, there was
discussion on the following issues:
■ The Commission Chair should meet with Planning Board President, Planning
Director, and Public Works Director to devise a system for the Commission to
pass along ideas to the Planning Board.
• Development of a Citywide Transportation Plan to incorporate the Bike Plan,
Transit Plan, etc.
Summary of major Commission accomplishments since previous joint meeting:
• Reviewed previous AC Transit proposed routing reduction and identified
rerouting recommendations to better serve community. These recommendations
were implemented by AC Transit.
• Transportation Master Plan (TMP)
O Completion of TMP survey to identify community concerns regarding
O Multi -modal Circulation Plan policies and street functional classification
system to be forwarded to Council as part of the update of the
Transportation Element (TE)
O Pedestrian Plan policies to be forwarded to Council as part of the update
of the Transportation Element (TE)
O Transportation Systems Management/Transportation Demand
Management (TSM/TDM) policies to be forwarded to Council as part of
the update of the Transportation Element (TE)
• Policies recommendations to Council regarding the review of EIRs — considered
by Council in October 2006
• Provided input on several EIRs, including Northern Waterfront, Alameda Landing,
and Alameda Towne Centre
• Provided input on several other projects /policies:
O Alameda Point Transportation Strategy
O Bus stop /red curb policies
O Shuttle service and operations analysis
O Alameda Landing TDM program
O Bus shelter survey
Commission's future near term key projects include the following:
• General Plan Amendment to update the TE. Currently the draft TE is being
presented to the City's Boards and Commissions to obtain their feedback.
Following this input, an environmental and traffic analysis will be conducted in
accordance with CEQA. This process is expected to be complete by the end of
• Completion of the Pedestrian Plan by the Spring of 2008. Staff is presently
conducting a citywide bike and pedestrian survey to gather public input on these
modes of transportation.
• AC Transit scheduling and routing recommendations -- Routes 63
(Otis /Shoreline) and 51 (Multi-jurisdictional task force)
• Review of key transportation environmental analyses, both EIRs and Negative
2 -8.1 Committee Established; Purpose.
The Transportation Commission is hereby established and authorized to perform the functions set
forth herein. The Transportation Commission shall advise the City Council on City transportation policies,
through the development of transportation plans including but not limited to Transit Plan, Bike Plan,
Circulation Plan, Pedestrian Plan, Ferry Plan, and Transportation Demand Management Plan, and shall
monitor, via quarterly staff reports, implementation of approved transportation plans and policies. Thy'
Transportation Commission shall review proposed plans and policies with the Planning Board, where
appropriate, prior to making recommendations to Council. In no event shall the authority of the
Transportation Commission subvert, duplicate, or lessen the authority, duties, and responsibilities of
existing City Committees, Commissions, Boards, and City Manager. (Ord. No. 2537 N.S. § 2 -391; Ord.
No. 2881 N.S. § 1)
2 -8.2 Membership; Term of Office; Removal.
The Transportation Commission shall consist of seven (7) voting members nominated by the Mayor
and approved by Council. The voting members shall be selected to represent a diversity of transportation
modes and be balanced between commuter, business, and recreational use. The term of the appointed
representatives shall be four (4) years. Terms shall be staggered so that one -third of the terms expire in
three consecutive years, which shall be implemented by a one -time term of two years for two seats and
three years for two seats. Appointed representatives shall serve a maximum of two full terms plus any
unexpired term.
Any appointed member may be removed by majority vote of the City Council. A vacancy in the office of
any such member shall be filled and appointed in the manner hereinabove set forth and shall be for the
unexpired portion of the term of office vacated. (Ord. No. 2537 N.S. § 2 -392; Ord. No. 2881 N.S. § 1; Ord.
No. 2914 N.S. § 2; Ord. No. 2927 N.S. § 1)
2 -8.3 Qualifications; Quorum; Voting.
The seven (7) appointed representatives of the Transportation Commission shall, at the time of their
appointment and continuously during their incumbency, either be residents of the City of Alameda or
employed by a business operating within the City. A maximum of two (2) appointees can be non - residents
of Alameda. A quorum will consist of four (4) members of the Transportation Commission. The vote of
four (4) members shall be necessary for any action of the Transportation Commission. (Ord. No. 2537
N.S. § 2 -393; Ord. No. 2881 N.S. § 1; Ord. No. 2927 N.S. § 2)
2 -8.4 Meeting.
The Transportation Commission shall meet monthly in the City Hall Council Chambers or other
appropriate location that is accessible by public transit. Additional meetings may be held as necessary as
determined by either the majority of the Transportation Commission, the City Manager or City Council.
Meetings shall be open to the public and properly noticed. (Ord. No. 2537 N.S. § 2 -394; Ord. No. 2881
N.S. § 1)
2 -8.5 Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Transportation Commission to:
a. Develop transportation policy recommendations for Council approval. Such policy recommendations
shall be consistent with other adopted City plans and policies. The Transportation Commission shall
consider the economic, community development (including environmental, aesthetic, public health and
safety, and social welfare) and legal impacts of any recommended policies.
b. Adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of the meetings and business.
c. Select from its membership a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson, each of whom shall serve in such
offices for a term of one (1) year or until successors are selected. The Secretary of the Transportation
Commission shall be the City Engineer or his or her designee. (Ord. No. 2537 N.S. § 2 -395; Ord. No. 2881
N.S. § 1; Ord. No. 2914 N.S. § 3)
2.8.6 Appeal of Transportation Commission Decision.
Any interested person may file an appeal of a decision of the Transportation Commission by filing a
written letter-with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the Transportation Commission decision and
submitting an appeal fee as set forth by the master fee resolution. Appellant must state the reason for the
Any member of Council may call for a review of the decision of the Transportation Commission by
notifying the City Clerk. The call for review must be done within ten (10) days of the Transportation
Commission decision. No fee shall be paid for a call for review.
Appeals or calls for review shall be scheduled for public hearing and decision by the Council no later than
the third regularly scheduled and held meeting following submittal of the appeal or call for review. An
alternate date for the hearing may be selected by mutual agreement of the appellant and the City.
The Council shall review the appeal de novo and may affirm, reverse or remand. The appeal fee will be
refunded only if the decision of the Transportation Commission is reversed. (Ord. No. 2914 N.S. § 4)