2007-06-19 Joint 3-B SubmittalDate: 6/1 4/07 To: The Honorable City Council Members Re: Council Meeting 6/19/07 City Budget Dear Council Members: RECEIVED 2001 JUN 14 P Ob CITY OF CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Most of you are aware of the citizen and staff committee known as the Customer Service Improvement Committee (the CSI) for the Building and Planning Department. At the request Council Member Materrese over three years ago, a group of local residents and business people who work frequently with the department were asked if they would volunteer time once per month to meet with city staff to address service concerns in the department. Topics have included processes among staff, staff interactions with the public, staffing (or lack thereof), permit requirements, inspection procedures, and public perception of the department As appropriate we have made recommendations to the Planning Board and the City Council at public meetings and via written correspondence. We are recommending to you at this time the approval of the two new staff positions as outlined in the budget before you. A third position, Administrative Management Analyst, is an upgrade of an existing unfunded position (office Assistant) in the Department and we recommend funding that position. Provision of these additional positions will allow staff to give more attention to longer range planning projects, such as much -- needed zoning ordinance updates. Completion of these longer range projects will help streamline the permit process and use staff time more efficiently. Alameda's current high level of development activity has absorbed most of the Planning and Building Department's staff resources and made it difficult to pursue these longer range projects. We are very aware of the challenges facing the department as a result of the increasing project workload, large and small, throughout the city. We are also aware that we lose staff to surrounding communities and private industry due to better benefits and/or pay, not to mention the loss of staff due to retirement. Alameda has become a fine training ground for those entering these fields. We must, and need to retain talented and dedicated employees. Cathy Woodbury, the department Director, is working hard to stabilize the personnel situation, improve the working environment (far too limited to meet the demands of our citizens), and create a synergy among staff that ensures a satisfactory citizen experience. Thank you for your consideration. If you have questions you may contact any of us. For t - BI Committee, Marilyn Schumache Broker Associate, Harbor Bay Realty (510)814 -4709 mws @are4s.com Special Joint CC /ARRAICIC Re: Agenda Item #3-B June 19, 2007 Denise Brady Realtor, Kane and Associates; AAPS (510) 469 -6324 dbrady001 @aol.com Christopher Buckley City Planner, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (510) 523 -0411 CBuckley@AlamedaNet. Net Italo Calpestri AIA (510) 522 -6769 calpestri @sbcglobal.net Ken Carvalho Buestad Construction Project Estimator (510) 523 - 1925 x206 kenc @buestad.com Jane Friedrich Realtor, Harbor Bay Realty (510) 814-4810 jfriedrich©hbrhomes.com Derek Pavlik Designer (510) 865 -8850 design @derekpavlikdesign.com Vincent Wu P.E. (510)865 -4623 vince @baselinealameda.com Andrew Thomas Alameda City Planner (510)747 -685Q athomas©ci.alameda.ca.us Greg McFann Alameda City Building Official (510)747 -6820 gmcfann @ci.alameda.ca.us Cathy Woodbury Director, Alameda Building and Planning Department (510)747 -6868 cwoodbury@ci.alameda.ca.us