2007-06-19 5-B Revised ReportCITY OF ALAMEDA
Memorandum REVISED
To: Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
From: Debra Kurita
City Manager
Date: June 19, 2007
Re: Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate a Grant Agreement Between the
City of Alameda and the Alameda Historical Museum
The Alameda Historical Museum was first established in 1948 with the purpose of
collecting and conserving tangible artifacts relevant to the cultural and architectural
heritage of Alameda. The Museum first received an annual rent subsidy from the City in
1991 when it relocated to the Masonic Building on Alameda Avenue. The Council
authorized funding Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 rent in the amount of $38,400, noting that
approximately one -third of the collection consisted of City artifacts. During the ensuing
years, rent subsidies have been included in the City's adopted budget. For Fiscal Year
2006 -2007, the Museum's annual rent subsidy allocation was $46,160.
Each relationship between the City and a grantee organization should have an agreement
that outlines the responsibilities of each party. However, there is no existing written
agreement between the City and the Alameda Historical Museum (Museum). In its
negotiations with the Museum, City staff has offered to provide the Museum $3,462 per
month, or $41,644 for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008. This constitutes a reduction of 10% of the
$46,160 rent subsidy for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007. In exchange for the funds, the City has
proposed that the Museum develop and implement an annual work plan that contains its
goals and strategies for self - sufficiency as well as a funding and technical assistance plan
to implement the Museum's business plan. This subsidy is subject to Council approval
through the adoption of the budget. The Museum recently sent a letter to the Mayor and
City Council, which is attached, asking that the rent subsidy not be reduced.
Staff also proposes including a provision requiring that an informal performance report be
submitted by May 30, 2008. The report should include a narrative of program operations, a
report of business plan milestones completed, a report of contributions, donations, and
bequests, and a summation of volunteers engaged in educational endeavors for the
Museum. Any agreement should also stipulate the types and amounts of insurance
coverage the Museum is required to carry and name the City as an additional insured.
Special Joint CC /ARRAlCIC
Report Re:
Agenda Item #3 -B II.
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
June 19, 2007
Page 2 of 2
The Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Budget as presented for adoption includes sufficient funds in
the Non - Departmental Cultural Arts line item to fund a grant agreement in the amount of
Authorize the City Manager to negotiate the grant agreement between the City of Alameda
and the Alameda Historical Museum for an amount not to exceed $41,544.