2007-05-31 SubmittalCity of Alameda City Council and Planning Board Joint Meeting May 31, 2007 Planning and Building Department Handouts from the 05-31-07 Joint Council/Planning Board Meeting 1 Planning & Bullding Activity July 1, 2006 — May 1, 2007 • 269 Minor Design Reviews • 92 Major Design Reviews • 21 Use Permits • 23 Certificates of Approval for Historic Buildings • 199 Home Occupation Permits • 34 Zoning Compliance Determinations • 56 Major Entitlements (General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Master Development Plan, Subdivision Map) • 6 Appeals Planning & Bullding Activity July 1, 2006 — May 1, 2007 • 5,335 Permits Issued — Value $146 mil (Including 4,055 Under Construction) • 567 Permits in Plan Check — Value $23 mil • $20 million increase in permit value for additions /alterations to existing buildings (20% over last year) Developing a Work Program Considerations • Community Interest • City Goals and Policies • State Law • Promoting a Livable Community • Projects Already Initiated • New Opportunities 1 Developing a Work Program Achievable Goals �ace� ecessar Implementing a Work Program Participation = Success 2007 -2009 Planning Work Program • General Plan Updates • Amendments to Development Regulations • Local Action Plan for Global Sustainability • Historic Preservation Work Program • Public Art Work Program • Improvements in Service Delivery • Special Projects Alameda Point Redevelopment Station Area Plan for Alameda Point > Housing Element/Measure A Workshop Carnegie Building Restoration 2 Status of Customer Service Improvement Committee Work Items May 9, 2007 work Item Status THEME 1: IMPLEMENT CITY GOALS AND POLICIES 1. Develo a clear threshold for when code u e : ades are ref uired. COMPLETE Z. Zoning Text Amendment AMC Section 30 -5.7 M COMPLETE 3. Rewrite Historic Preservation Ordinance to revise demolition penalties and clarify the demolition threshold. Held HAB workshop in March. Completion of draft delayed due to departure of contract planner. IN PROGRESS HAB workshop January or February 4. Develop a clear definition of what constitutes a bedroom Committee voted to delete this from the staff work items and suggested that reactors should develop their own industry standard for the purpose of listing and selling property. The City uses the denition of habitable space provided in the Building Code. DELETED 5. , Provide Code Interpretation on "Habitable Space" _ COMPLETE 6. Seismic Retrofit Incentive Ordinance. Ci Council a roved Jul 18. COMPLETE 7. • Exterior door replacements & Minor Design Review and Permit requirements. This item will be added to an inventory of publications to be prepared/revised. Staff Publication Group has been formed. First step, which includes updates and corrections to information on handouts and instructions are under way. Completion anticipated in 3 -4 months. Second step includes rewriting and reformatting publications. IN PROGRESS 8. Develop a mission statement for the Committee. Completed by Committee in October 2006. . _ COMPLETED 9. Provide a handout on the Historic Building- code. PENDING 10. Create an enterprise fund to provide more predictable revenue for the Planning and DELETED Building Department. There is no need to create an enterprisefund as the Planning and Buildin : De ■ artrnent is al read , a sub nd. Fi een ■ ercent o 'revenues in excess of operating expenses accrue to the General Fund, and 85% of excess revenues are set aside and may only be used for permit center facilities and activities such as, developing a One -Stop Permit Center at The Carnegie and for increased staff. Excess revenues over the past five years have ranged between $700,000 -- 800, 000. PENDING = Work on this task has not started. NOTE: Work products and tasks will be initiated according to the "Recommendation and Action Plan Summary" in the System and Assessment Improvement Plan. IN PROGRESS = Work has been initiated. 1 THEME 2: Co CATION OF REGULATIONS, REQUIREMENTS, AND PROCESS 1. The permit valuation formula should be posted on the website so individuals can roughly determine the fees without having to call in and talk with a Permit Tech. Saves staff time since they don't have to run sample fee calculations COMPLETE 2. On the back of the permit card have a notes section to show the date /inspector's name /notes, inspector's initials. Arrange permit information in date sequence rather than IN PROGRESS . permit type (alpha). A new two -sided permit card will be introduced at the same time the Planning and Building Department implements the Wireless Inspection Program. Staff engaged consultant to assist in implementation of the additional ACCELA modules. Work to be completed by June 2007. 3. Print the permit "hard" card with only the inspections that are required for that project, the other inspection s could be "struck through" so they could still be seen but not required. This prevents missed inspections prior to the final, or missing Design Review which leads to an expired permit, resubmitting plans, more fees. A new two -sided permit card will be introduced at the same time the Planning and Building Department implements the Wireless Inspection Program. Staff engaged consultant to assist in implementation of the additional ACCELA modules. Work to be completed by June 2007. • . IN PROGRESS 4. Clarification of "Housing and Building Code Appeal Board" - who is on it? When do they meet? Post it in the B &P Dept.; add it to hard cards, etc. Notice informing applicants of the existence of the Appeals Board is posted at the Permit Center Counter and will be handed out to all applicants. COMPLETE 5. Present an information sheet with appropriate items to the consumer, which also explains the obligation a contractor, has to the consumer vs. a city inspector to the consumer. Explain why permits matter. Link added from City website to CSLB website. COMPLETE 6. Provide a policy statement regarding the City of Alameda's obligation 1 commitment to maintain accurate records. Explain consumer recourse if the city loses records. Post/print this to the consumer. Provide a policy statement on the process if an applicant has records no longer in the City's possession. A handout will be added to an inventory of publications to be prepared/revised. Assigned to Publications Group. PENDING 7. Code Enforcement - explain what it is, how it happens, how an issue is assigned some type of priority. COMPLETE 8. Develop a checklist for structural calculation submittals. Vincent Wu working on it. IN PROGRESS 9. Develop public information handout regarding why permits matter. Two brochures from ICC have been added to our list of documents available in the Permit Center and on the City of Alameda Web Site. COMPLETE 10. Hold Response Letter standard format. COMPLETE 11. Provide copies of all of the Zoning Ordinance and the Historic Building Study list at the IN PROGRESS counter rather than at Alameda Printing. Both documents are available on the Planning and Building Department web site. Publications group will review other documents for posting on website, including the Housing Element and a PDF version of the Zoning Ordinance that can be bookrarked. 12. Provide articles to the local newspapers on various subjects including "What requires a permit ", and when to hire a professional (encourage applicants to have a professional involved, es eciall on residential ro'ects). Add to list o communi education tools. PENDING 13. Provide handout with submittal requirements for replacement -in -kind exemptions (windows and siding). Assigned to Publications Group. IN PROGRESS _ 14. Review current Water Supply Fixture Count and piping size code requirements. IN PROGRESS 15. Put Code Compliance Complaints "disclaimer" online in the Permit Manager (e.g. that Code Compliance Complaints are only available to be viewed via the Permit Office). Also put a disclaimer in the "Permit Manager" that the records online only go back to 1980. See if software can be changed to not include Code Complaint "Complainant" so that via the Permit Manager people can get a full "Permit History" online. Needs to be changed on link. PENDING 2 16. Come up with a "quick" way to determine if a commercial building or structure can be demolished. Include in flow chart that illustrates process — See no. 19. PENDING 17. Make it so all "Code Bulletins" are available Online. COMPLETE 18. Check list for Plan (Design Review) Submittal Requirements. Requirement to submit photos added to checklist. Checklist, being reviewed by Publication Group for additional submittal requirement such as, materials samples for minor design review and possibly replacement -in -kind. Checklist to be posted on City's website. IN PROGRESS 19. Provide a flow chart for the Permit Process. PENDING 20. Update the permit history request form to state that requests and responses may be made via e-mail with a 24 -hour turn around time. Assigned to Publication Group. IN PROGRESS 21. Research availability and cost of updated Sanborn Maps. This item will be researched in conjunction with preparation of next fiscal year's budget. PENDING 22. Provide an information sheet explaining when an architect's or engineer's stamp is required. Assigned to Publication Group (oversight by Greg). _ IN PROGRESS THEME 3: STAFF RESPONSIVENESS AND SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS 1. All forms near the Planning and Building door should be posted on the Department website. Publications Group will review website to determine which City forms, if any are to be posted and work with IT and vendor on posting as forms are updated/revised. IN PROGRESS 2. Regular work schedule of staff on individual voice mail. Keep reminding staff ONGOING 3. Direct shone numbers of ke staff assi _ ned to • ro' ect. . COMPLETE 4. Status of using sealed tubes so people other than city employees can transport drawings between City Hall and Alameda Point. Minimal delay occurs in the transport of plans from City Hall to City Hall West. DELETED 5. Development Services Department to provide public with commercial property availability on website. This information has been available on the Development Services Website for more than a year. Revision date is at the bottom of each page. COMPLETE 6. Visible policy statement in Planning & Building Department that NO referrals are to be made by staff. Notice informing applicants of this policy posted at the Permit Center Counter and will be handed out to all applicants. Make the city website more consumer friendly and have an obvious link to permit histories along with a disclaimer about how far back the computerized records go Link exists from City of Alameda home page. COMPLETE COMPLETE 7. 8. The website says that over - the - counter permits are for contractors only. That will eliminate the homeowner who cannot take time off of work from getting a permit to replace his water heater on the weekend. Staff is working with software company to allow homeowners to obtain over the counter permits via the web. Staff engaged consultant to assist in implementation of the additional ACCELA modules. Work to be completed by June 2007. IN PROGRESS 9. Install a computer at the front of the office with direct access to the online items that have been addressed here (permit histories, forms, fee schedules, etc). Place a printer behind the counter and charge the consumer per page printed. There is insufficient space to accommodate this request. Should the Permit Center be relocated there may be an opportunity to provide a customer work station. DELETED 3 10. Clarify that the counter sign up meeting with the planner is only for 15 minutes. Get the customers to make appointments with the planners. How long can those appointments last? How do they do that? And how do they get consistency with the planner? Is there a list yet of items a customer should bring that helps make the customer's meeting more productive? A notice regarding the 15 minutes is posted at the Counter Planners desk Customers are encouraged to schedule an appointment if they believe they need more than 15 minutes with the Planner. Appointments are scheduled directly with the Planner and can be for as long as the customer needs. An hourly fee is charged for the time spent. The Planners meet on a regular basis to discuss issues and foster consistent code calls. The Plan Review and Submittal Guideline pamphlet outlines what basic info is needed to begin the permit process. COMPLETE 11. Provide an organizational chart of the Planning and Building Department. COMPLETE 12. Keep copies of projects undergoing Design Review, Variance or Use Permit public review at a designated location. These projects are located in the "pending projects" file cabinet in the Planning Division. COMPLETE _ _ 13. Require staff to provide extended greetings on voice mail when they are away from the office (sick or vacation). Have alternate staff check voicemail for those who are out sick. Keep reminding staff. ONGOING 14. Add a question on the permit application forms asking how the customer would like PENDING to receive communications (FAX, e-mail or U.S. mail). 15. Ensure that applicant and owners are included in project notification list. COMPLETE THEME 4: PREDICTABILITY OF PROCESS AND RESULTS 1. Fees and reliability of the costs quoted to applicants (only subject to rate changes between the time the quote is made and applications submitted and/or the customer changing the project). Post/print the policy to the consumer. Fee estimates given are estimates. Planning and Building Staff provide the most accurate fee estimate possible based on the information provided by the applicant. Planning & Building staff do not have the authority to waive Council- adopted fees. A revised Master Fee Schedule was approved by City Council in October. COMPLETE THEME 5: ACCOUNTABILITY FOR QUALITY AND CONSISTENCY OF DECISION- MAKING 1. Clarify staff ability to meet "expediting" policy. Under - promise and over - deliver. Concurrent plan check is a service offered to expedite the permit review. Concurrent plan check time frames are met over 95% of the time. In those cases where the promised lime frame is missed the entire concurrent fee is refunded. The City has hired additional plan check staff and outsource some plan review. Plan Check Engineers are evaluating the plan check process to provide a quicker process for a larger number of permit types. The streamlined process would allow an increase in the types of permits that can be issued over the counter or within 2 -3 days. COMPLETE 2. Review customer service responses. "How Are We Doing Forms" available at the counter and online They can be dropped in our locked response box or returned to HR. Staff does not require nor encourage responses. ONGOING _ G:\Planbldg.adm \CUSTOMER SERVICE\Committee Work Items NovO6.doc 4 Objective A 1 2 General Plan Update 3 General Plan Update 4 General Plan Update 5 Project B Planning and Building Department Planning Work Program 2007 -2009 Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment Transportation Element Update: Update includes policies developed in conjunction with the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Joint project with Public Works. Land Use Element - Retail and Business Services Section Update: Based on policies developed in conjunction with Economic Development Strategic Plan Update. D Driver City Council- appointed Northern Waterfront Advisory Committee recommendations to guide redevelopment Required by State Law every 10 years. Current General Plan adopted 1991. Required by State Law every 10 years. Current General Plan adopted 1991. Ensure the community's economic health. General Plan Update 6 Zoning Overlay District 7 Amend Development Regulations 8 Amend Development Regulations Housing Element: Update required by State to include new housing allocation to meet Alameda's share of regional housing needs. Plan must provide for affordable housing based on percentages established by the State for low, very low and moderate - income households. Ranches Neighborhood Overlay District: Create a zoning overlay that provides additional height, mass and design regulations to preserve the existing character of the neighborhood. Second Unit Ordinance Required by State Law and HCD by June 2009. Planning Board must review dradft and make recommendation by mid -2008. Inititated by the Ranches Neighborhood. Required with Conditional Approval of 2001 -2006 Housing Element Density Bonus Ordinance. The State ordinance is Required by State Law the default if the City does not adopt its own density bonus ordinance. F Timeline Complete July 2007 Jan -Dec 2007 Jan -July 2008 Feb 2007 - June 2009 May - August 2007 G Status City Council hearing June 19, 2007. TMP underway by Public Works. Draft functional classification system completed. Requesting proposals for consultant services for environmental review and traffic analysis for Economic Development Strategic Plan Update underway by Development Services Department. Surveys completed. Housing site inventory underway. Required housing allocation received from State. Requesting proposals for consultant services. Consultant preparing photographic survey of existing neighborhood and illustrations of proposed overlay regulations. Neighborhood meeting to be scheduled in the near future. Sept 2007:Mar 2008 Sept 2007 -Mar 2008 Draft ordinance prepared, pending circulation to other Departments and public input. Draft ordinance prepared, pending circulation to other Departments and public input. 1 Planning and Building Department Planning Work Program 2007 -2009 2 A B D F 0 2 10 Objective Amend Development Regulations Project Subdivision Ordinance Amendment, including Condominium Conversion. Driver _ Not in compliance with current Subdivision Map Act. Current subdivision ordinance does not provide for open space dedication. Council & community interest in condominium conversions. Timeline - Sept 2007 - March 2008 , Status . Initiated work with consultant. 11 Amend Development Regulations y Parking Ordinance Amendment: Pending the outcome of the parking study, for the Webster and Park Street Commercial Districts and development of the Parking Management and Implementation Plan. Business community interest. Ensure community's economic health. TBD Development Services Dept. managing parking study underway for Park/Webster Street commercial districts to determine parking supply, demand and loading zone analysis. Public workshops conducted 2/26 and 2/28. • 12 Amend Development Regulations "Green" Building Ordinances: Extensive public outreach and education necessary for implementation. Ordiancnes to include anti- styrofoam measures and recommendations for charging station for electric vehicles in new developments. Community interest and environmental sustainability. Under consideration by Climate Protection Task Force. Aug 2007 - Jan 2008 , Researched ordinances adopted in other communities. Presentation by StopWaste.org to Planning Board 3/12. Staff attending green building seminars. Preparing Request for Proposals for consultant services. 13 Amend Development Regulations Landscaping Ordinance Amendment: Include Bay- friendly landscape requirements, provide for tree preservation, and add design standards. Community interest and environmental sustainability. Under consideration by Climate Protection Task Force. Jan - July 2008 Researching ordinances adopted in other communities. Presentation by StopWaste.org to Planning Board 3/12. 14 Amend Development Regulations Historic Preservation Ordinance Amendment Community and City Interest ___ June - Aug 2007 Amended ordinance drafted to include penalties, designation procedures and procedures for review of alterations. r 15 Amend Development Regulations Northern Waterfront Design Guidelines Implements the Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment goals and policies June -Nov 2008 Draft guidelines prepared several years ago, but project was never brought forward. 16 Amend Development Regulations Commercial Design Guidelines City's need to have appropriate development regulations to guide future development. June -Nov 2008 Draft guidelines prepared several years ago, but project was never brought forward. i7 Amend Development Regulations Small Lot Residential Guidelines w City's need to have appropriate development regulations to guide future development. June -Nov 2008 Researched guidelines of other municipalities. 2 1 2 18 20 21 A Objective Housing Element/Measure A Workshop Emergency preparedness and public safety program. Project Planning and Building Department Planning Work Program 2007 -2009 Develop a public forum for discussion of facts about Measure A and its benefits and limitations interest. on housing in Alameda. Driver Community, Planning Board and City Council Soft-story Seismic Retrofit Incentive Program: Develop an incentive program that encourages owners to improve seismic stability and safety of their buildings (primarily historic commercial buildings) in the event of an earthquake. Public safety and preservation of historic buildings. Apr -July 2007 Workshop in July Mar -Jul 2008 Prepare_StationArea Prepare Station Area Plan for Alameda Point: Plan Planned Development Concept for Alameda Point, Jan -Oct 2007 Plan for Alameda Point to relocate Main Street ferry terminal to create a grant funding from MTC, community interest in multi- transit station as recommended in the PDC. transit - oriented development. Global Sustainabilxty Prepare Local Action Plan to implement International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Cities for Climate Protection Campaign: Potential implementation of long -term programs and projects that the Climate Protection Task Force is developing. Community and City Implement the Alameda The Alameda Downtown Vision Plan calls for Downtown Vision Plan quarterly performance reviews to evaluate 22 im •Iementation of the Plan. 3 Planning Board and community interest in implementation of the Vision. This workshop will include discussion of the facts, benefits and limitations of Measure A in the context of the Housing Element and Pending hiring consultant to assist staff in inventory of soft story buildings. First workshop held March 29. Next workshop late June -July. Local Action Plan Jan -July 2007 Council- appointed climate Protection Task Force meets monthly. Established baseline year and collected emissions data. Identified and currently evaluating potential programs and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Prioritizing action items. Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Promote Public Awareness of Local History & Architecture Promote Public Awareness of Local History & Architecture Promote Public Awareness of Local History & Architecture Provide Resources & Incentives for Historic Preservation B Project Planning and Building Department Historic Preservation Work Program 2007 -2009 Establish a plaque or marker program for historic properties Annually celebrate Historic Preservation Month and have programs and events Create a comprehensive permanent exhibit of Alameda history and historical architecture D Driver HAB, AAPS, Alameda Museum and community interest HAB, AAPS, Alameda Museum and community interest HAB, MPS, Alameda Museum and community interest E Timeline Sept -Dec 2007 Annually July -Dec 2009 F Status Researched plaque program in San Francisco. AAPS willing to participate in funding. Develop an on -line Citywide historic property database with photos using the California Resources Inventory Database (CHRID). Begin by digitizing 1979 Survey photos. HAB, AAPS, Alameda Museum First Phase Oct - Dec 2007 Preservation Month celebrated in 2006 and 2007. Looking at display space for rotating exhibit as part of potential Permit Center at The Carnegie. First Phase: Create database format and link to ACCELA and CIS. Requested consultant proposal for database services. 7 8 9 10 12 Provide Resources & Incentives for Historic Preservation Provide Resources & Incentives for Historic Preservation Provide Resources & Incentives for Historic Preservation Provide Resources & Incentives for Historic Preservation Provide Resources & Incentives for Historic Preservation Develop a historic building materials source list and make samples of materials available such as, windows, paneling and molding Determine feasibility of a Mills Act program to provide tax incentives for restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings in for Alameda Develop project criteria and a priority rating system for City's rehabilitation assistance program (facade grants) for historic buildings. Provide a centralized research center for historic buildings (City archive) in collaboration with MPS and the Alameda Museum. Prepare a Citywide historic commercial design review manual that includes the historic preservation concepts in the Guide to Residential Design and the Webster Street Design Review Manual HAB, AAPS, Alameda Museum and community interest HAB, AAPS, Alameda Museum HAB, AAPS, Alameda Museum and community interest HAB, AAPS, Alameda Museum and community interest HAB, Planning Board and community interest Sept -Dec 2007 Jan -Jun 2009 July -Dec 2008 First Phase Jul - Aug 2007 Jun -Nov 2008 Confirm with Finance Director. Requires City Council approval of program. Confirm with Development Services and work with DSD staff. First phase: Inventory relevant City documents. Coordinate with Library Director, Coordinate with development of other City design guidelines. 1 2 A Objective Planning and Building Department Historic Preservation Work Program 2007 -2009 D Project Driver E Timeline Status Amend Development Regulations 13 14 15 17 Amend ordinance to include penalties, designation City Council, HAB, AAPS procedures and procedures for review of alterations. Jan -Aug 2007 First draft ordinance reviewed by HAB 2006. Revisions under way. Con tin ue Surveys Con tin ue Surveys Conduct a detailed survey of 1850's through 1870's buildings Conduct a survey of significant accessory structures that are not adequately addresses in existing surveys HAB and community interest HAB and community interest Designate Historic Designate more Historic Monuments Monuments & Districts HAB and community interest Begin Jan 2009 Begin Oct 2009 Consultant services required. Consultant services required. 18 19 Designate Historic Designate historic overlay districts not specified in Monuments & Districts AMC. HAB and community interest Jan 2009, ongoing Consultant services required. Jun 2009 ongoing Consultant services required. Restore & Preserve City- Develop a preservation management program for owned Historic City -owned historic buildings. Buildings Restore & Preserve City- Determine how to adapt vacant or underutilized owned Historic City -owned historic buildings for reuse 20 Buildings HAB, AAPS and community interest HAB, AAPS and community interest Jul -Dec 2008 Jul -Dec 2008 Confirm and coordinate with Public Works and Recreation and Parks Departments. Consultant services required. Confirm and coordinate with Public Works and Recreation and Parks Departments. Consultant services required.