2007-07-17 CIC 2-A SubmittalsElizabeth Acord - Alameda Theater Parking Garage North Elevation to be discussed at tonight's CIC meeting Page From: "Buckley,Christopher" <cbuckley @alamedanet.net> To: "'Elizabeth Acord"' <eacord @ci.alameda.ca.us> Date: 7/17/2007 1:28:31 PM Subject: Alameda Theater Parking Garage North Elevation to be discussed at tonight's CIC meeting Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: have reviewed the banner options for the Alameda Theater Parking Garage north wall as presented in the staff report for tonight's CIC meeting. believe that the banners are too small to adequately mitigate the sloped ramps. Additional options that should be considered include: 1. Provide larger banners or panels that cover at least the north wall's three center bays (covering all of the bays would be preferable). The columns might be left exposed to provide compositional interest and contribute to a sense of verticality. The panels could present some kind of architectural trompe d'oil treatment that could show a series of building facades that are architecturally compatible with the garage's west elevation and with the neighboring Civic Center structures (Carnegie Building, City Hall, etc.). See attached trompe d'oil facade I recently saw in Sori, Italy (near Genova) that include imitation as well as real windows. About half the buildings in Sori have trompe d'oil treatments. 2. Provide grilled panels with solid spandrels to hide the sloped ramps. The panels could be made of Dryvit (styrofoam covered with a stucco film) or similar lightweight material and be preassembled before installation. See attached image. 3. Provide a solid row of dense, closely spaced evergreen trees that will grow tall quickly, such as coast redwood. 4. Plant evergreen vines, such as creeping fig, at the base of the north elevation. This will probably be less satisfactory than Option 3, since the vines will probably take more time to cover the wall than would redwood trees. Landscaping options 3 and 4 should be considered in combination with architectural options 1 and 2. All of these options could be pursued as part of a separate contract and could be implemented AFTER completion of the Elizabeth Acord - Alameda Theater Parking Garage North Elevation to be discussed at tonight's CIC meeting Page 2 garage. This would allow competitive bidding to help keep costs down and allow time to find additional funds, if necessary. As I have previously stated, the best option is to construct another building against the parking garage's north wall on the Long's parking lot site that would hide the north wall. This could include an addition to the parking garage with a suitable architectural treatment on a new north wall. It is unfortunate that Long's does not appear interested in considering development options for their parking lot. Please call me at 523 -0411 if you would like to discuss these comments. Sincerely, Christopher Buckley Elizabeth Acord - 5 -18- 2007- 18.jpg Page 1 Elizabeth Acord - ParkingGarageNorthWallDesign Option.jpg Page 1 801 746 4011 Family Health Partners L�J 03:34:42 p.m. 07 -13 -2007 2 /2 SALT LAKE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER JULt( , aoo� (JcoNcLL ,1,14,3 Si; A-., QLQA AuENuE Al- Ai14'A' , QLFOq(JIA ?4O 1 p &:iuEQ-ficMJ -- ke,PGP.TY Ace-c. Iaa'7 � o"C6o PUDUjSTcrsE POO F}tAMoA , C-A - 9#Soi iEN LeAtwy\ I fAA 1-64kie t` [ u Ea LET-GS " GAQ [ 4 .1.0-1 W &UUN T ICeouNY 0(33E70 To LeiCiva R ,G �mN Y . wm Wu E f D iS Pure i N. 1PE -Afl1ou i T -We fw 1 CA- K A I � r i ce►- ` oo2 J u L Y i'1EErt NG Due' To MG FoL/_acu(NIS b-TTo DGu c.oPO A tJ ACC-g- BRc^raat F4L. LTLo N IN -f-I [ S 'R[,#-1-r LEG Thy TONE. A-No pis `3 (217 S [ 2EAiY . 141 s ocTQS ,Do.Haa.oLs Du j AN 0 r PaE H (iv Gcu.. r LAKe et-Cy, W u (NW NO ...110 #4.4^S #-kcj TO-10 aliq%)01Z. SuQccE e J f r [ u' r L f N R- H lB 4T SALT L.A ' c C1 oNAL. "97. re I 7c: Boz-6 UP ,-rlis S T , Pis 3 Loot) rfu,o c-.Q c2j L EA L~-t-- f vA Cz [ -K(s T•4iQo C. ag AT 84E- Ued{ zi-r-V OF- UTA14 C) I I.- +bSPTL. " L( z LNG s t-rs i� tit.. {- -�.�� � I��-7'HC � " ewe . eve kick LEFTS SIDE. � -TAINK You Ria YoUca ' UNDE1Q-CTANottJe. Sine cL V, ec fllFQA D 9ULIL L0t0—i<5 .0%=& 1 050 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 t: 801.350,411 1 f: 801.350.4323 Re: Agenda Item 5 -C 07 -17 -07 1-1-7 C.,,D\h)c_i ki A LA 44. aoA Cti--/ HALL Lfi, AF‘9,41 c1 51' 1 QA co2A(2_ C I I, 0 6 AJ ) J G Th' Alit c. - A c.T. rioicc Go ciu, S ET v 0,.,T E, r juy 13 2-co? 0Qa2.0ue :4 LA N s 6icE UiE C11 c)A.3 rr .STS O C.A.D L,( tEC 'CI c 7 CL sal AAY GM -A G 1-/" ' 8(e. C* j- A Cc, e'er 0 Cve } $-r-\) / e,p eA i D F � y 1 c cc "714 (Nur I )T L f 1 1r16 /= UN /4,1/41 �u rl�► n r� L, A 5. UN" ;- C.(4 ) 714 /2--b,-) G A r �- , 'Y c; . pcG-�c Ce Tre;2 -r-D Fit (4 Am9 3up,e_ 7/ --.),)7) s D'sP' 'E- 177c PEA Fry ce t et2 -r-0-1 0 J N AA) 5c' t cc ( J( D ►, 7 01 sf�7- Lt '< CAI 4a- r)s ,. Cf (AC LE11E C C i' -'y c �.=,t IL x pug L.- a c Lk]Rkc M2: ?4iiZf w � �Sr vL `''z A ' LA,A4D9 CA q sl.)1 Re: Agenda Item #5 -C 07 -17 -07 June 7, 2007 Mark Baird P.O. Box 509 Alameda, CA 94501 City of Alameda • California Account number: 13 299 Service address: 735 Taylor Avenue Amount due: $575.83 Notice of Pending Collection Action — Property Lien Dear Property Owner: An account with Alameda County Industries (ACI) for integrated waste management (IWM) services, for property owned by you, is now seriously past due. Since 1996, the City has held property owners responsible for delinquent accounts that are unpaid by their tenant. This letter is to request your immediate payment of the past due amount. The State Public Resources Code and Health and Safety Code require proper disposal of all refuse and discards. To maintain these required public health standards, the City of Alameda's Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance requires all residential and commercial properties to receive and pay for IWM services, as provided by the City's franchise hauler, ACI. On April 19, 2007, ACI, in accordance with their Franchise Agreement, assigned all delinquent IwM accounts to the City for collection after having made at least four (4) attempts to collect the outstanding balance on this account. ACI's records indicate that you were notified of the unpaid balance on your account and no attempt to pay any portion of the past due amount has been made. The City regrets having to take further action. This letter is to request immediate payment of the past due account. The amount now due is $575.83, for your property located at 735 Taylor Avenue. If you would like to clear this matter up now, so that further legal action will not be taken, your payment must be received no later than 5:00 PM, July 17, 2007. Please bring a certified cashiers check or money order made out to the "City of Alameda" in the amount indicated in this letter to: City of Alameda Public Works Department, City Hall West 950 W. Mall Square, Room 110, Attention: Laurie Stoerkel Office of the City Clerk 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 380 Alameda, California 94501 -4477 510.747.4800 • Fax 510.747.4805 • TDD 510.522.7538 0 Printed an Recycled Paper Notice of Pending Collection Action Property Lien June 7, 2007 Page 2 A public hearing to consider the collection of delinquent accounts by means of the property tax bills will be held by City Council on July 17, 2007, City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Third Floor, Council Chambers, Alameda, California. If you disagree with this letter or the amount due, please attend the July 17, 2007, public hearing. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. For your convenience, the Guide for Meeting Procedures is attached. If Council approves the collection of delinquent accounts by means of the property tax bills, the amount due will be added as an assessment and shall be a lien against your property. If you should need additional information, please call Laurie Stoerkel at (510) 749 -5840. Sincerely, atl Lara Weisiger „IV City Clerk LW:gc attachment cc: City. Attorney Public Works Director G:lpubworkslesdlenviron 2007\int waste12007AC112007 lien\POlienitr.DOC Pictures shown by Chris Buckley at the 07 -17 -07 CIC Meeting Re: Agenda Item #2 -A • at?, r 1- - •••• 4•-• , • ■,„ , • --"•a" r ••■• -•" AZ:t,2,6.,?,.4.1,701117*1 —• '