2007-08-07 Joint 3-A Power PointJ`) Civic: Lefirer king Garage er•atlians Plan and Operating CIC/City Council August 7, 2007 Jr1 _ _ Background aces ► One lane eac oi-eiit Street op One elevator and two stair towers ow- Anticipated completion by January 2008 e<1.1E or) 0 Parking Structure Management & Operation Plan ■• Prepared by Interdepartmental Team •• Reviewed and endorsed by Economic Development Commission and Transportation Commission ■ Reviewed and endorsed by Park Street Business Association Basic Parking Structure Information Hours of Operation Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week Parking Rates $0.50 per hour 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday Rates will not exceed the cost of on- street parking Pay By Spac e74. Structure will h pay by space machines by ground floor elevator There will not be an entrance /exit gate with ticket booth j-]rj\jV r J se A Pay By Space Machine Motorist notes the parking space n umber Types the space n umber on the machine'sikeypad Inserts payment u p to a maximum of 4 hours How to Use A Pay By Space Machine (cont.) Can pay b cash, credit ca validat onthly p ilt card Advantages of Pay By Space Machines Best fits wit he size, scale, location, and rate poIicof e City's parking structure Eliminates need for gate at entrance /exit, which impedes traffic flow Requires less capital and operating expense, given relatively low parking rates eater Vtion Program Market will be the Movie-Theater DDA requires a $10,000 annual payment for validations Customers'wiJiI receive a coupon with a, ted code number, which may be entered at the pay by space machine dufiture visit Plan for future merchant validation after stabilization of parking patterns Monthly Permit Parking Program On top level of parking structure, including ramp spaces (a total of 40 ne er fitted parking spaces In addition to 44 permitted paces located in Lots A and C Between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday Initially, only available to businesses in the Park Street business district Monthly Permit Parking Program (cont.) Proposed price to be $80 per month, based on curre jurisdictio G errand and other ntee occ space L]nt], 10:00 a.m., then ied spaces will be available on first serve" basis parking lots a " i rs S ■ Monthly Permit Parking Program (cont.) Program will be evaluated after one year, or sooner, if necessary. Evaluation will include: Price and demand for permits Length of permits (e.g. monthly or six -month permits) Number of permits, which may be expanded to lower levels depending upon actual daytime demand for parking Possible expansion of program, depending on available spaces, for car - sharing and park - and -ride customers Enforcement Pay by space systems require regular enforcement, similar to on- street parking, to copeI people to pay Enforcement will be evenly distributed throughoue1entire business district Budget includes two new part -time enforcement technicians Regular, part -time patrols are paid through enforcement - enues Request for Proposals For Parking Management Company Scope of Work will consist of providing: General management of parking structure Maintenance and janitorial services Revenu ollection and deposit RFP included i sarate, op in for administration of validation and mo thly perms rogram J Request for Proposals Public Works DeartmwiII oversee facilities management. Managing parking management contract Monitoring maintenance and cleaning standards Public Works Department will add a 0.25 FTE Public Works Supervisor Revision of Ordinances Alameda Municipal Code will need to be modified to include Parking Structure as a public parking facility Public Works and Development Services are working together to bring those changes before the City Council later this summer c Education ► City will develop an extensive public education campaign to ensure smooth sition for the initial use of the garage EifiC the a Cfty \ C i:hE Streec Chirnb Jr space machines 'Hate these activities with Bcjsiness District and the imerce • ur mith P Concurrent with this work, the City is conducting a parking study for the Park Street and West Alajeda business districts City anticipates recommendations will include an increase in on- street parking rates The study is expected to be completed later this year with presentations to boards, commissions and City Council for approval arking Garage Budget: nual Expenditures Debt Si Payments for $7 million HUD Section 108 Loan for Construction of Parking Garage Parking Garage Maintenance and Operations Expenses: Parking Garage Manager Parking management company contract Utilities Security camera maintenance contract Capital reserve fund arking enforcement technicians (costs covered by enforcement revenues) Parking Garage Budget: Annual Expetitures (cont.) Years, Expenditures Include Only Expenses; BEDI Grant Co vice Payments Total Expenditures Range over. $1 million, Dese Payment • • C_I)perE Parking Garage Budget: Ann I Revenues Parking Related Revenues: Movie Theater Validation Payment Parking Meter and Monthly Permit Revenues Transfer of Parking -r Funds Alameda Theater Project Revenues: Building Lease Revenue Ground Lease Revenue Percentage Rent CIC Loan Repayment Retail Income BEDI Grant Funds for Interest Payments Parking Garage Budget: Annual Revenues (cont.) TotaI Annual Revenues Stabilize at Approxrr ctely $1.3 million AnnuaII ccrued Fund Balance Available as Debt Coverage and Contingency ►If Full Fund Balance Not Require, De Service Repayment Can Be Re- ruc ure Reduce Lo r c • sr I teres Costs Parking Garage Budge • Summary Parking Gar Benefits for Superviso Parking Salaries fo Technicians New City Personne �J J !kw-74, .F.P 0 -ivvu n anager — Sa ary an ublic Works Department ement Technicians a ime Parking rtment e Next Steps Review RFP proposals due August 6, 2007 ecojpnd approval of the Parking l'aintenance Contract to the City Council in September Consider approval of changes to the Municipal Code in September Launch the public education campaign in October