2004-02-17 Joint CC APIC APFA MinutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION AND ALAMEDA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY MEETING TUESDAY- - FEBRUARY 17, 2004- -7:27 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Joint Meeting at 8:33 p.m. ROLL CALL - AGENDA ITEM Present: Councilmembers /Board Members Daysog, Gilmore, Kerr, Matarrese and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 5. Absent: None. (04- 056CC) City Council Resolution No. 13680, "Approving Public Utilities Board Action and Authorizing Negotiation, Execution, Sale and Delivery of Certain Revenue Bond Anticipation Installment Sale Financing Documents to Be Delivered in Connection with Amendments and Agreements Related to the Continued Development, Construction, Financing and Operation of the Citywide Hybrid Fiber Optic- Coaxial Broadband Telecom System, and Authorizing, Ratifying and Directing Certain Actions with Respect Thereto." Adopted. (04- 02APIC) APIC Resolution No. 04 -11, "Approving, Authorizing and Directing the Negotiation, Execution, Sale and Delivery of Certain Revenue Bond Anticipation Installment Sale Financing Documents with Alameda Power & Telecom (As the Bureau of Electricity Acting By and For the City of Alameda) to Be Delivered in Connection with Amendments and Agreements Related to the Continued Development, Construction, Financing and Operation of the Citywide Hybrid Fiber Optic- Coaxial Broadband Telecom System and Authorizing and Directing Certain Actions with Respect Thereto." Adopted. (04- 01APFA) APFA Resolution No. 04 -15, "Approving, Authorizing and Directing the Negotiation, Issuance, Execution, Sale and Delivery of Series 2004 Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes (Alameda Power & Telecom) and Related Agreements and Instruments to Be Delivered in Connection with Amendments and Agreements Related to the Continued Development, Construction, Financing and Operation of the Citywide Hybrid Fiber Optic- Coaxial Broadband Telecom System and Authorizing and Directing Certain Actions with Respect Thereto." Adopted. Vice Mayor /Board Member Daysog stated the $16 million bond previously issued must be repaid; in addition, $7 million is needed to complete the [telecommunications] project at Bay Farm and Harbor Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, 1 Alameda Public Improvement Corporation and Alameda Public Financing Authority February 17, 2004 Bay Island, which totals $23 million; $33 million is being requested; inquired why there is a $10 million differential. The AP &T General Manager responded that the $33 million consists of the $16 million certificates of participation, $4.8 million of "new money" and the remaining $12.2 million would be capitalized interest expense. Vice Mayor /Board Member Daysog inquired whether the $12.2 million in interest was previously capitalized or future interest. The AP &T General Manager responded that capitalized interest was on the combination of the $16 million and $4.8 million. Councilmember /Board Member Matarrese moved adoption of the Resolutions. Councilmember /Board Member Matarrese stated completing the project is important. Councilmember /Board Member Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers /Board Members Gilmore, Matarrese and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 3. Noes: Councilmembers /Board Members Daysog and Kerr - 2. Councilmembers /Board Members Daysog and Kerr noted that their reasons for voting against the bonds were stated at a previous meeting [December 16, 2003 Regular City Council Meeting]. ADJOURNMENT Chair /Mayor Johnson adjourned the Special Joint Meeting at 8:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk Secretary, Alameda Public Financing Authority and Alameda Public Improvement Commission The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, 2 Alameda Public Improvement Corporation and Alameda Public Financing Authority February 17, 2004