2004-07-01 Joint CC HABOC MinutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING THURSDAY - - - JULY 1, 2004 - - - 7:30 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 7:43 p.m. Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call - Present: Councilmembers /Commissioners Daysog, Gilmore, Kerr, Matarrese, Commissioner Torrey and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 6. Absent: None. enda Item (04 -320) Recommendation to allocate HOME Funds for Short -Term Rental Assistance Program and authorize the City Manager /Executive Director to negotiate and execute related agreements. Mayor /Chair Johnson requested the Housing Authority Executive Director to provide a brief explanation of the Section 8 Program; stated the public is being misdirected; energy could be spent more effectively; that she wants to provide an opportunity to educate the public. The Housing Authority Executive Director stated that the Section 8 Program is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded federal government program initiated in 1974; Program is for cities and communities throughout the country; the Section 8 Program is approximately 500 ($30 billion) of the HUD budget; Program provides low income families with housing subsidies; families rent a unit on the open market from a private landlord; a housing authority enters into a contract with the landlord to pay the difference between the landlord's established contract rent and 300 of the tenant's income; in Alameda, the housing subsidy is approximately $1000 per month, per family; there are approximately 1,625 families on the Section 8 Program; in January 2004 HUD changed funding of the Program; prior to January, funding was on a per -unit basis, regardless of the cost; HUD and Congress are now trying to put a cap on the cost; HUD established that costs would be frozen for the average cost from May, June and July of 2003; an adjustment factor was applied; the City was notified in early May that HUD's June housing subsidy payments would be cut by more than 500; the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners advised spending down reserves in order to make the June 1 payment; the Housing Authority no longer has any reserves; in May, the Housing Authority was advised of available funding for July and subsequent months of the fiscal year; there was an approximate $250,000 shortfall for July; Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Housing Authority 1 Board of Commissioners July 1, 2004 recommendation was made to terminate some families from the Section 8 Program. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired why the Housing Authority was short 250 vouchers. The Housing Authority Executive Director responded that HUD's funding formula provided approximately $1.5 million in funding per month; over $1.7 million per month is needed; staff calculated that 250 families would need to be terminated; 238 families were actually terminated. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether monthly funding would provide for approximately 1400 vouchers, to which the Housing Authority Executive Director responded in the affirmative. The Housing Authority Executive Director stated that termination notices were issued on June 4; staff has been successful in reducing approximately 100 rents through a reasonable rent test; budgeting process provided extra money; approximately 50 families have been absorbed into other housing authority programs; landlords have voluntarily reduced rents; termination notices have been recinded for 105 families; about 120 families may need to be terminated from the Program. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese inquired whether the original 238 families have been reduced to 120, to which the Housing Authority Director responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog stated that the Housing Authority and Council need time to review other strategies, such as rent increases, to allow the 120 families to remain in Alameda. Councilmember /Commissioner Kerr stated that Section 8 subsidies come from the federal government; the federal government cut the funding; the City did not cut anything; the Housing Authority is a pass- through organization for the federal funding; encouraged people to go to federal representatives who have the power to do something about the situation; that she was disgusted that HUD reinitiated cash flow to several cities other than Alameda. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that the City is still working on the issue; concurred with Councilmember Kerr; stated representatives are sympathetic to the cause; constituents should make phone calls and send letters; Council has expressed concern to the representatives. Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog inquired whether the City has a Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Housing Authority 2 Board of Commissioners July 1, 2004 calculation for rent increase, to which the Housing Authority Executive Director responded in the negative; the payment standard can be anywhere between 90% to 1100 of the fair market rent; payment standard was just lowered to 900 of the fair market rent, allowing payment of a smaller subsidy to the landlord; the tenant is still required to pay only 300 of their income for rent; tenant could voluntarily pay more out of pocket; rent increase would be different for each tenant based upon income; City's hands are tied because of federal law; an act of Congress is needed to change formula. Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog inquired whether the $250,000 per month discrepancy results in a difference of $155 per month, per unit, to which the Housing Authority Executive Director responded the difference is approximately $132 per month, per unit; he spoke to a HUD representative who indicated calculations may not be available for a couple of weeks; the Housing Authority calculates additional funding to be approximately $90,000; through landlord rent reductions, the gap could be closed for the fiscal year. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether federal representatives' telephone numbers and addresses are publicly available; to which the Housing Authority Executive Director responded that information is available at the Housing Authority office and on the web site. Mayor /Chair Johnson opened the public portion of the meeting. Speakers: Mai Lan Thi Do, Alameda; Hoa Duong, Alameda; B. Brooks, Campaign for Renters Rights; Lucinda Rosmon, Campaign for Renters Rights; Nguyet Ie, Alameda; Jeremy Prickett, Campaign for Renters Rights; Annie Kane, Alameda; Hong; Richard Melyn, Campaign for Renters Rights; Raquel Kuronen, Law Center for Families; Meka Acrey, Alameda; Ruben Tilos, Alameda; John Reimann. Mayor /Chair Johnson closed the public portion of the meeting. Councilmember /Commissioner Kerr moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese seconded the motion. Under discussion, Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog stated that focus needs to be on buying time; that he is not convinced that one month of HOME funds adequately exhausts all potential solutions; more than one month is needed to help families find adequate housing; $130,000 is not enough; that he will support recommendation but the City needs to address a three -month timeframe; there might be other solutions such as utility credits; there are some limited funds Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Housing Authority 3 Board of Commissioners July 1, 2004 that might buy more time to find a good solution. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese concurred with Vice Mayor /Commission Daysog; stated there is a tremendous impact when the Program moves from a voucher system to a block grant system; planning for that eventuality may lead to a solution; block grant systems reduce the amount of subsidies; City will continue to work until there is a solution; inquired whether approval of the recommendation bought time for the remaining 138 families, to which the Housing Authority Executive Director responded that acceptance would buy time for the remaining 120 families for the month of July. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether rent reasonableness has been applied on 100 units, to which the Housing Authority Executive Director responded it has been applied to over 100 units; staff needs to continue working for the remaining units. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated it is important to go through the procedure as soon as possible. Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog stated that the City owes low income Section 8 tenants more time; that the Housing Authority knew about the over leasing problem months ago; the problem worsened in May when the over leasing was compounded with the budget change; could have prepared families earlier; exhausting all solutions takes time. The Housing Authority Executive Director stated that the over leasing issue was brought to the Board of Commissioners in February; the City will try to get funds back; a fee cannot be charged to tenants; tenants paying extra is a good concept; the Authority is working with the Red Cross to set up a fund for displaced Section 8 tenants; landlords and tenants could make tax deductible contributions to the fund through the Red Cross. Commissioner Torrey thanked the landlords and the tenants who relinquished rights to the Section 8 Program; concurred with Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog regarding the need for more time. Vice Mayor /Commissioner Daysog requested that the motion include that options be provided by the third week of July. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated options could be provided at the next meeting. The Housing Authority Executive Director stated that he would attend the July 6 and July 20 Council meetings. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Housing Authority 4 Board of Commissioners July 1, 2004 On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 6. There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Joint Meeting at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Housing Authority 5 Board of Commissioners July 1, 2004