ARRA Resolution 40ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 40 CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (STATE CLEARINGHOUSE No. 2001062107); ADOPTING FINDINGS AND A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, MITIGATION MEASURES, AND A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS TO ACCEPT DREDGE SPOILS FOR THE ALAMEDA POINT GOLF COURSE PROJECT. WFIEREAS, the proposed Alameda Point Golf Course Project (Project) is an 18-hole links -style golf course, public open space with associated facilities, and a nine -hole (short) executive golf course with a hotel on approximately 215 acres at Alameda Point and WHEREAS, the Project includes acquiring dredge materials from the Port of Oakland, as they become available, to dewater and stockpile on the Project site for eventual use to construct the golf course; and WHEREAS, the ARRA issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Project on June 21, 2001; and WHEREAS, the ARRA issued a revised NOP on June 27, 2001 WHEREAS, the NOP was circulated for a 30 -day review period beginning on June 27, 2001 and ending on July 27; and WBEREA.S, a Draft EIR (July 2004) was circulated for public comment for a 45 -day period beginning on July 26, 2004 and ending on September 10, 2004 and written comments were received; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda Planning Board held a public hearing to solicit public comment on August 23, 2004 and oral comments were received; and WHEREAS, subsequent to issuance of the Draft EIR. seasonal wetlands were discovered on the Project site by the United States Navy (Navy) during reconnaissance for a radiological survey at the former Navy Disposal Installation Restoration Program. Site I that includes the western portion of the Project site; and WHEREAS, more detailed wetland delineation surveys were completed by the Navy and by the ARRA to determine the location and size of the seasonal wetlands; and WHEREAS, to address this new information regarding wetlands, the ARRA prepared a new volume of the EIR., titled Revisions to DEIR (March 2005), which was circulated for public comment for a 45 -day period beginning on March 1, 2045 and ending on April 15, 2005 and written comments were received; and WHEREAS, written responses were prepared addressing all environmental issues raised by commenters during the public review periods for the Draft EIR and for the Revisions to DEIR volumes, and published as the EIR Response to Comments volume (April 2006): and WHEREAS, the Final EIR, consisting of the Draft EIR, the Revision to DEIR, and the EIR Response to Comments volumes, was made available to the public on April 14, 2006 for a 10 -day public review period; and WHEREAS, the Final EIR was presented to the ARRA Board at a public hearing on Tune 7, 2006, and the ARRA Board has reviewed the Final EIR together with all associated staff reports, testimony and evidence; and WHEREAS, the Final EIR identifies certain significant effects on the environment that would result from implementation of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Final EIR identifies mitigation measures, which, when implemented, will substantially lessen or avoid the significant effects on the environment caused by the Project; and WITEREAS, the Final EIR identifies and analyzes alternative to the Project; and WHFR.EAS, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during Project implementation. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RES CALVED that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, having independently considered the environmental effects of the Project as shown in the Final EIR, hereby: 1. Certifies that the Final EIR was prepared in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code section 21000, et seq., and all .State and local CEQA guidelines, and reflects the independent judgment of the ARRA; 2. Adopts the Findings and Statement of overriding Considerations, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," for the Project; 3 Adopts and incorporates. into the Project all of the mitigation measures within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the ARRA that are identified in the Findings; 4. Adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, attached hereto as "Exhibit B," for all the mitigation measures within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the ARRA; and 5. having independently reviewed and analyzed the Final EIR, and having certified the Final EIR, directs staff to begin negotiations with the Port of Oakland and United State Army Corps of Engineers to accept dredge materials on the Project site. 2 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Governing Board of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority in regular meeting assembled on the 2 nd day of August, 2006, by the following vote to wit: AYES: 3 NOES: 1 ABSENT: Chair Beverly Johnson ABSTENTIONS: 0 IN WITNESS, WBEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the said Authority this 2 nd day of August, 2006. ma Glidden, Secretary Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority