ARRA Resolution 45ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. FINDING THAT ACQUISITION OF THE EIGHT -ACRE ESTUARY PARK, NORTH HOUSING PARCEL, FOR PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATION USES IS CONSISTENT f WITH THE NAS ALAMEDA REUSE PLAN AS AMENDED WHEREAS, in 1996 the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority p y adopted the NAS Alameda community Reuse Plan "Reuse Plan for the former Naval Air Station Alameda "Alameda Point"), was subsequentl q y amended in 1997; and WHEREAS in May 2000, the City of Alameda certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Reuse of Naval Air Station Alameda and the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Alameda Annex and Facility (State clearinghouse No. 96022105) "Reuse Plan EIR and WHEREAS, on November 5, 2007, the United States Department of the Navy "Navy declared surplus approximately 42 acres of property at Alameda Point (the "North Housing Parcel that contains 282 units of housing and an eight -acre park and was formerly leased to the U.S. Coast Guard, but was vacated by the Coast Guard in 2005; and WHEREAS, the ARRA has conducted the required, federal Base Realignment and Closure screening process for the North Housing Parcel to identify unmet homeless assistance needs and Public Benefit conveyances; and WHEREAS, as part of the screening process Notices of Interest "NOI were submitted to the ARRA and three of them were recommended for inclusion in the Reuse Plan for the North Housing Parcel; and WHEREAS, the three recommended proposals are permanent supportive housing for the homeless, self -help housing, and an eight -acre community park; and WHEREAS, the ARRA prepared an Addendum to the Reuse Plan EIR, which concludes that the proposed Reuse Plan Amendment would not trigger the need for subsequent or supplemental environmental review pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15163 of the California Environmental Quality Act "CEQA Guidelines, and Section 21166 of the Public Resources code; and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2009, following notice duly and regularly given as required by law, the ARRA held a public hearing on the Reuse Plan Amendment, and heard all interested persons expressing a desire to comment thereon or object thereto, expressing a desire to comment thereon or object thereto, adopted the Addendum to the Reuse Plan EIR, and approved the Amendment to the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan Main Street Neighborhoods Subarea. WHEREAS, the Reuse Plan Amendment identifies an eight -acre park and up to two acres of open space for a total of 1 acres; and WHEREAS, all of the uses shown in the Reuse Plan Amendment are consistent with the General Plan land use designation (Medium Density Residential) and zoning (R- 4, Neighborhood Residential) for the North Housing Parcel and do not exceed the intensity of uses analyzed in the Reuse Plan EIR for the Main Street Neighborhoods. NOVA, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRA finds that acquisition of the eight -acre Estuary Park, North dousing Parcel, is consistent with the NAS Alameda Reuse Plan as amended. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority in a Special Joint Meeting of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and the city Council on the 16 th day of June, 2009, by the following vote to wit: AYES: 5 ABSENT: 0 ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said Authority this 17 day of June 2009. l lidden, Secretary Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority elopment Authority