ARRA Resolution 46ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 4(o APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING CERTAIN MONEYS FOR SAID EXPENDITURES IN FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to and filed with this Authority at this meeting, a budget representing the financial plan for conductin g the affairs of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority has a considered this financial plan at a duly noticed special meeting y p g of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority- WHEREAS, the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority has given this financial plan due consideration as to its projected revenues, anticipated expenditures and available (cash) balances; and WHEREAS, this financial plan ensures that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, including all funds, entities and component units, has exercised prudent judgment in its fiduciary responsibility as guardians of the public tax dollars. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Alameda that said budget as submitted to this Authority at this meeting, is hereby approved and adopted as the Operating and capital Improvement Budget for the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority for the Fiscal Year 2009-2010, and that the expenditure of the various sums of money therein by each department listed therein in detail are hereby approved and authorized as the total appropriations for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Governing Board of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority in regular meeting assembled on the 3rd day of August, 2009, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES. ABSENT: -k ABSTENTIONS: J? IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the said Authority his day of August, 2009. y y g 6 y m6lb lidd en, Secretary Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority