2007-09-04 Special ARRA MinutesPresent: Chair Beverly Johnson Boardmember Doug deHaan Boardmember Frank Matarrese Boardmember Marie Gilmore Vice Chair Lena Tam 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 7, 2007. 2 -B. Approve Two -Year Sublease for Architectural Glass & Aluminum at Alameda Point. 2 -C. Approve the Proposed Sale and Disposition of Surplus Property at Alameda Point, Itemized as Five Rapid Electric Rectifiers, One Industrial Oven, Two Abrasive Blasters, and One Abar Ipson IVD Machine, for a Total Amount of $84,000 in Revenue to the ARRA. 2 -D. Approval to Provide Building 24 for No Cost for Alameda Boys & Girls Club Fundraiser. Member deHaan pulled Item 2 -D. Approval of the balance of the Consent Calendar was motioned by Member deHaan, seconded by Member Matarrese and passed by the following voice votes: 5 ayes, 0 noes, 0 abstentions. Member Gilmore abstained from Item 2 -A (Aug. 7 Minutes), as she was absent from that meeting. Member deHaan asked why Item 2 -D was brought before the ARRA on short notice. Debbie Potter, Base Reuse & Community Development Manager, explained that the ARRA Board meets once a month, and often times requests come through, particularly from non - profits or small businesses that might not be familiar with the steps and processes necessary to approve their requests. Their lack of familiarity that any requests would have to come to the board is the reason for the short notice, and as soon as the request was received, it was placed on the agenda. Ms. Potter fiirther explained that it is not unusual to take and approve requests for fee - waivers from non - profits; but in the past, this was done administratively, and just more recently, the policy was to bring these requests to the ARRA. Member deHaan motioned to approve Item 2 -D, seconded by Member Tam, and passed by the following voice votes: 5 ayes, 0 noes, 0 abstentions. 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 3 -A. Alameda Point Update -- Presentation of Master Project Schedule Prepared by SCC Alameda Point LLC Debbie Potter summarized the Alameda Point project to date and introduced Pat Keliher, SunCal's Project Manager, to present the Master Project Schedule. The ENA calls for the master plan to be prepared initially, and updated on a quarterly basis and presented to the ARRA. The first update of the Master Schedule will be presented in the Dec. - Jan. timeframe. Pat Keliher walked through highlights of the Project Master Schedule and explained that the schedule was put together in a logical manner, first with the public planning process, which clearly is important to set the stage for a final development plan. The first community meeting will be scheduled very soon, and consist of land, site, design constraints and charettes. The second stage of public process includes returning back to the public to present a development concept. Mr. Keliher emphasized how critical it is to remain consistent and continue the public process throughout the project timeline. Next critical item on the schedule is the traffic, location, and infrastructure impacts of the VA issue and scope of their project. Mr. Keliher stated that SunCal began early on working together with the VA. The next key phase is the Planning and Entitlement phase where the development concept, public amenities, adaptive reuse, and historic district issues are refined. Mr. Keliher explained that SunCal has met with members of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), and with Chris Buckley and Richard Rutter, to evaluate buildings and uses in the historic district. SunCal's next key item on the schedule is the submittal of the Entitlement Application in March 2008. Mr. Keliher did not go into detail with the balance of schedule which includes the DA, DDA, CAA, Business Plan, MOA, Tidelands Trust Agreement, etc. He further explained that the NEPA & CEQA processes can't start until project description is in place. He expressed how critical the next three to six months are and that SunCal is committed to meeting the milestones. Member Matarrese focused on the zoning issue and asked when Zoning will be adopted. He requested that the Zoning is put under the control of the City and is locked so that the City protects itself. Debbie Potter explained that the city anticipates the entitlement package (Development Agreement, Disposition and Development Agreement, General Plan Amendment, Zoning amendment, and Master Plan) will all come together as one package, and, pursuant to the ENA allows this in July 2009. One of the mandatory milestones is the submittal of an initial entitlement package by May 2008, which will trigger the CEQA process. David Brandt, Deputy Executive Director, explained that the milestone is not an actual exchange, just a framework agreement of how we'll proceed. Chair Johnson requested it is made clear that the milestone is a framework. Mr. Brandt further explained that once the CEQA process is complete, the City Council can then adopt Zoning, but legally it cannot be done without an environmental review process. Member Matarrese expressed concern about zoning changes and that any changes have to go thri the City so that it is not left open if the Navy decides to change the riles. Debbie Potter explained that the intent is to execute all required documents simultaneously such that we protect our existing position as our role as the trustee. Ms. Potter assured that she will discuss with the Planning dept. about whether or not the existing EIR done for the General Plan Amendment is sufficient, or whether we will have to undertake additional environmental review. An update on this issue will be reported at the Oct. ARRA meeting. Member deHaan asked if the Navy will be able to meet the timeline, and if not, what the consequences are. David Brandt stated that we cannot guarantee that the Navy will perform and we cannot control third party delay. Debbie Potter stated that we should be hearing from the Navy about the schedule in the next day or so. Member Gilmore commented that our sense of urgency does not match the Navy's and that they need to come to the realization that time is money for everyone involved. The costs of constriction, infrastructure, etc. makes the project difficult, and the factors that affect our developer, and would affect any developer, affects the Navy as well. Pat Keliher stated that SunCal has a tactical strategy to deal with the Navy — that they have a streamlined process of sharing technical studies and other documents that underpin the CEQA & NEPA processes; but that there are still a lot of unknowns, including whether there will be funding for clean -up. Chair Johnson compared the Oaknoll site to Alameda, that Oaknoll was a clean site without Tidelands Trust issues. Mr. Keliher reiterated SunCal's commitment to the challenging, but necessary task, stating that SunCal would work with the City of Alameda, their consultants and lobbyists, to deal with the changing climate ahead that may affect things moving forward. The Board thanked Mr. Keliher and SunCal for presenting the Master Project Schedule and expressed it was a job well done. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) There were no speakers. 5. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 6. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m. by Chair Johnson. Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary