2005-05-12 Special ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, May 12, 2005 The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Beverly Johnson, Chair, City of Alameda Doug DeHaan, Boardmember, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda Marie Gilmore, Boardmember, City of Alameda Frank Mataresse, Boardmember, City of Alameda 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only. One speaker slip from Helen Sause, however she was not present. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR None. 4. PRESENTATION 2 -B 4 -A. Presentation/Update on Alameda Point Navy Negotiations and Land Use Planning. Stephen Proud briefed the Board on two different fronts: 1) the Navy conveyance process, and 2) the land planning effort. A proposal has been submitted to the Navy - they wrote a counter proposal that we responded to which is under consideration right now with them. We're hoping to have an official response from the Navy by the end of June and that coincides with Alameda Community Partners election to proceed timeline. Mr. Proud gave a brief overview of the May 7, 2005 Community Meeting, commenting that staff is pleased with the community's continued participation in the planning process and there was a lot of good feedback. The next community workshop is June 8th at Mastick. The next step would be to come back to the ARRA board with a copy of the preliminary development concept for the regular July ARRA meeting. Member Mataresse requested that a section be included that has a summary of compliance with the General Plan amendment, compliance with the Economic Development Strategic plan and compliance with other relevant plans, for that preliminary development concept that will be coming back in July. 1 5. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 5 -A. Provide Direction to the Acting Executive Director regarding the term of the lease extension for Building 613 Sublease Agreement between the ARRA and Alameda Point Collaborative. Debbie Potter requested direction on a sublease between the ARRA and APC for building 13 which is currently being used as an office to house the Red Cross. She gave a brief history of the lease and requested extension thri Dec 31, 2006 so that it coincides with the overall development plan for Alameda Point. Several representatives from APC spoke in support of a lease extension until 2012, including Doug Biggs and Jim Franz. In response to Member Matarrese regarding the time frame for development of that parcel, Bill Norton replied that plans are for the Navy to turn that property over to the City at the end of 2006. Stephen Proud, Alameda Point Project Manager, also noted that if we reach an agreement with the Navy and the developer at the end of 2006, infrastructure and geotechnical work would start in 2007 After discussion from Boardmembers regarding the timing of development, Chair Johnson advised that it would make more sense to have the shorter term now and consider a longer term when we know more at the end of Dec 2006, supporting staff recommendation. Staff recommendation accepted and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -5; Noes -0 Abstentions -0 5 -B. Study Session of the FY 2005 -06 ARRA Budget Bill Norton, acting Executive Director, introduced this item with an overview of Part 1 of the Budget Study Session. Leslie Little, Development Services Director, presented Part 2 - a summary of the FY 2005 -06 ARRA Budget - by walking the Board through the staff report. She discussed overriding issues: the pro forma and the development assumptions at Alameda Point. Member DeHaan raised the question regarding $1.8M that should be absorbed back into the general fund. Bill Norton confirmed Member DeHaan's comments and advised the Board of a new proposed budget for 05 -06 for all city funds, including the general fund, noting that revenues for different departments are down and we have accounted for this in our budget for the next fiscal year. There was brief discussion about the storage of surplus equipment the Navy left for the City. Leslie noted some plans for the surplus equipment, including an auction to raise fiends. She then discussed the organizational stricture for the Development Services Department, namely the Base Reuse and Redevelopment Division — where 4 staff members are paid from the ARRA Budget. Leslie discussed Building One tenants: Development occupies the entire 2nd floor; the Alameda Development Corporation which maintains a 2nd floor office; and a storage room for the Navy's records. Public Works, Fire Prevention and Information Technology occupy the first floor and balance of the building. 2 L:',Comdev Base Reuse& Redevp ERR I \IINLTrES 2005 May 12. Special ARRA.minutes.doc Leslie discussed the employee positions and vacancies in the department and how they fit together with the three budget categories: Community Development, ARRA, and the CIC. Municipal Services fiinding was noted in length, with Member Daysog requesting a separate report /background information on the mitigation fund. Bill Norton advised that there are still negotiations with the developer upcoming and if the developer exercises their notice to proceed, they will make direct cost recovery payments, until we have a disposition and development agreement, to DSD and the general fund. Member Matarrese advised that we have to be prepared for the developer not exercising their right to proceed, and that if we are able to segregate general fiind obligations from ARRA fiind obligations, that would be the foundation for making a decision on anything less than the best case scenario. Leslie Little concluded her presentation. 6. ORAL REPORTS 6 -A. Oral report from APAC. There were no representatives from the APAC to give a report. 6 -B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. Member Matarrese gave a brief overview of the last RAB meeting he attended. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) 8. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 9. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION OF THE ARRA TO CONSIDER: 9 -A. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: Property: Alameda Naval Air Station Negotiating parties: ARRA, U.S. Navy, and Alameda Point Community Partners Under negotiation: Price and Terms 9 -B. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: Property: Alameda Naval Air Station Negotiating parties: ARRA and U.S. Navy Under negotiation: Price and Terms Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any. 10. ADJOURNMENT L:',Comdev Base Reuse& Redevp ERR I \IINLTrES 2005 May 12. Special ARRA.minutes.doc Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary L:',Comdev Base Reuse& Redevp ERR I \IINLTrES 2005 May 12. Special ARRA.minutes.doc