2004-11-18 Regular ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 18, 2004 The meeting convened at 5:50 p.m. with Mayor Johnson presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Beverly Johnson, Mayor, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda Frank Matarrese, Boardmember, City of Alameda Marie Gilmore, Boardmember, City of Alameda Absent: Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda 2 -s Mayor Johnson advised that Member Kerr was representing the City of Alameda at the League of California Cities conference. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 7, 2004. 2 -B. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 4, 2004. 2 -C. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 1, 2004. 2 -D. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 6, 2004. Member Gilmore motioned for approval of the Consent Calendar items. The motion was seconded by Member Matarrese and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes — 4; Noes — 0; Abstentions — 0. 3. PRESENTATION 3 -A. Presentation /update on Alameda Point Navy Negotiations and Land Use Planning. Stephen Proud, Alameda Point Project manager, provided an update on the conversations and negotiations with the Navy, as well as the land planning process. He identified two key areas: 1. The acquisition of the property from the Navy. 2. The ongoing land planning effort, working towards a preliminary development concept for Alameda Point. Mr. Proud provided an overview of meetings with the Navy economic consultant team, in order to continue the dialogue and financial analysis and economic model they had been preparing. The Navy brought two new staff members on board to address historic preservation issues at Alameda Point, and to examine their obligations under an MOA for the historic district. They will also assist the ARRA in developing its process in reuse resources within the historic district itself. 1 L Comdee' Base Reuse &Redeep`-ARRA 1\ IINTTTES `,2004,11 -18 -04 Regular ARR-A minutes doe Mr. Proud noted that the monthly meeting with the Navy continued the discussion regarding property conveyance at Alameda Point. Several topics were addressed and elaborated upon: 1. The status of the new BRAC Project Management Office. 2. Final changes of the Draft Base Case Land Use Plan. The historic district was discussed, as well as a grant for transit options. Mr. Proud noted that the third item was a discussion of the long -term development timeline, and added that the Navy asked many questions about DDAs and the timeline for the environmental review process. The last discussion item dealt the Base Case Land Use Plan and the related economic model have continued to be refined. The next public workshop will be held at the Mastick Senior Center on December 2, 2004. Subsequent public workshops will be held in February, April, and June, 2005. Member Gilmore thanked Mr. Proud for a thorough report, and expressed concern about the poor turnout in the past. She inquired whether fi rther discussion about improving turnout may be necessary. Member Matarrese and Mayor Johnson suggested having the community meetings in conjunction with the Planning Board Meetings. 4. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 4 -A. Recommendation to approve a contract amendment with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS) for negotiation support services at Alameda Point in the amount of $137,000. Mr. Proud noted that the development of the economic model has been an intensive process with a tremendous impact if the contract is not retained. He noted that EPS has expertise vital to the conveyance that City staff did not possess. Mr. Proud confirmed that this amount was still within the ARRA budget and contingency. He added that this amount was factored into the line item at the last budget presentation before the ARRA. Member Matarrese motioned for approval of authorization of a contract amendment with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS) for negotiation support services at Alameda Point in the amount of $137,000. The motion was seconded by Member Gilmore and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes — 4; Noes — 0; Abstentions — 0. 5. ORAL REPORTS 5 -A Oral report from APAC. Chair Lee Perez noted that they held a very productive workshop the previous night to review the issues discussed by Mr. Proud. 2 L Comdee' Base Reuse &Redeep`-ARRA 1\ IINTTTES `,2004,11 -18 -04 Regular ARR-A minutes doe 5 -B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. Member Matarrese was unable to attend the previous meeting. The next meeting would be held December 2, 2004, immediately prior to the workshop at Mastick Center. 5 -C. Oral report from the Executive Director (non- discussion items). Paul Benoit advised that at the 10/6 ARRA Board meeting, there was discussion regarding new leases that would impact the City's ability to redevelop. The Board wanted to be apprised when long -term leases were signed and /or renewed. Nanette Banks summarized the leasing program, explaining that any lease over seven years was considered to be significant. Mayor Johnson believed that any lease longer than a year should come before the ARRA Board. This issue will be agendized for the next regular ARRA meeting. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) Doug Biggs, Alameda Point Collaborative, provided an update following a significant fire the previous Friday night, which displaced 16 households on Bessie Coleman Court. 7. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY Vice Mayor Daysog advised that Alameda beat Encinal in their "big game." 8. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION OF THE ARRA TO CONSIDER CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: 8 -A. Property: Alameda Naval Air Station Negotiating parties: ARRA, Navy, and Alameda Point Community Partners Under negotiation: Price and Terms Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any. 9. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Johnson adjourned the open session meeting at 6:51 p.m. Respectfiilly submitted, Irma Frankel ARRA Secretary 3 L Comdee' Base Reuse &Redeep`-ARRA 1\ IINTTTES `,2004,11 -18 -04 Regular ARR-A minutes doe