2004-09-01 Regular ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2 - Cj Wednesday, September 1, 2004 The meeting convened at 5:53 p.m. with Mayor Johnson presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Beverly Johnson, Mayor, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda (Member Daysog arrived at 6:15 p.m.) Frank Matarrese, Boardmember, City of Alameda Marie Gilmore, Boardmember, City of Alameda Absent: Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Recommendation to approve a 20 -year lease agreement with Nelson's Marine for Building 167. Terence Cox, attorney representing four Bay Area boatyards presented an exhibit describing the proposed five year increases and the dollar totals. He did not believe that the rental rate of one -fifth of what other boatyards were paying was fair to the competition or the taxpayers in terms of losing a potential $34 million of revenue. Paul Benoit noted that the ARRA contracts with PM Realty to manage the day -to -day leasing activities at Alameda Point. David Jaber, PM Realty and Mike Dunn, who was hired with the approval of Nelson Marine, performed a market rent survey, which consisted of examining industrial properties and comps around the Bay Area. Mr. Jaber advised that when the appraisal was concluded, they met with Nelson Marine and negotiated the final terms of the lease. Member Matarrese inquired whether the $34 million figure was a valid number, and suggested that the item be continued until the validity of those numbers could be tested. He suggested bringing the item back to the Board in one month. Member Gilmore agreed with Member Matarrese's suggestion, and believed that more information on those issues would be a crucial factor in their decision. Member Matarrese would like the in -town comps to be weighted more heavily in relation to the out -of- town comps. He did not have any problem with all of Alameda's boatyards having a competitive advantage over other cities, especially if the percentage of revenues were to be factored in. Member Matarrese motioned to continue this item to the next meeting for consideration by the full ARRA Board. The motion was seconded by Member Gilmore and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -3; Noes -0; Abstentions -0; Absent -2. 1 L `,Comdee Base Reuse& Redevp -ARRA 1\ IINUTES 2004'9 -1 -04 Regular ARRA minutes doe 2 -B. Recommendation to approve a five -year lease, with a possible 3(5 -year) options, with Nelson Marine for 400 linear feet of Pier 1. Member Matarrese motioned to continue this item to the next meeting for consideration by the full ARRA Board. The motion was seconded by Member Gilmore and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -3; Noes -0; Abstentions -0; Absent -2. 2 -C. Recommendation to authorize the Executive Director to direct P.M. Realty, acting as property manager, to enter into a contract with Urban Waterproofing Inc. to waterproof City Hall West (Building One) in an amount not to exceed $547,541. This item was withdrawn. 3. PRESENTATION 3 -A. Presentation /update on Alameda Point Navy Negotiations and Land Use Planning. Stephen Proud, Alameda Point Project manager, provided an update on the conversations and negotiations with the Navy, as well as the land planning process. He noted that they had been working with the Navy to develop a "Base Case" Land Use Plan, to determine the possibilities from a land planning perspective, given the existing constraints of the property. There was discussion about historic preservation. Mr. Proud displayed a slide outlining the key land use planning activities, and noted that they met weekly with ROMA and the technical consultants. Mayor Johnson advised that she received very positive feedback from some Planning Board members. Mr. Proud noted that the first community workshop was well- attended, and noted that Member Kerr had also attended. He estimated that over 60 members of the public were at the workshop, in addition to staff and consultants. Mayor Johnson advised that there was a good turnout, consisting mainly of people already focused on the Base. She would like to see more general community attendance, and suggested that a more central location may be a way to attract them. Mr. Proud noted that they were working on a time /location combination to capture a greater cross - section of the community. 4. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS There were none. 5. ORAL REPORTS 5 -A. Oral report from APAC. 2 L `,Comdee Base Reuse& Redevp -ARRA 1\ IINUTES 2004'9 -1 -04 Regular ARRA minutes doe Mayor Johnson echoed Mr. Proud's compliments of the APAC in the workshop, and noted that the feedback she had received was very appreciative. Chair Lee Perez thanked Mr. Proud for a thorough report, and complimented ROMA and staff on their presentations. 5 -B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. Member Matarrese advised that he had attended the August 5 meeting, and that another meeting would be held on September 2. He noted that there was a presentation by the engineers at Catellus for the storm water system that removed storm water from the development and reintroduced it through the treatment process into the Estuary. He noted that there was a report on BCT activities, as well as community comments on public notification, particularly in multiple languages. 5 -C. Oral report from the Executive Director (non- discussion items). There was no oral report from the Executive Director. He noted that there would be no closed session at this meeting. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) There were no oral communications. 7. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 8. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION OF THE ARRA TO CONSIDER CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: Mayor Johnson announced that the closed session would be postponed. 8 -A. Property: Alameda Naval Air Station Negotiating parties: ARRA, Navy, and Alameda Point Community Partners Under negotiation: Price and Terms Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any. 9. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Johnson adjourned the open session meeting at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Frankel ARRA Secretary 3 L `,Comdee Base Reuse& Redevp -ARR-A 1\ IINUTES 2004'9 -1 -04 Regular ARR-A minutes doe