Revitalize Alameda Point 497 - 1T or pr1n4 in hok. 111,197 Contil'buflon Repot Awn o u sit s wa be rounded t* whole doll ar3. A 4-97 COUMBU110N REPORT NAME OrTILIER Elate of 1r,-sbMP 4 J FP A. iff TkF--Vit,u1j-ze Alaux---aft raixLt wi -Aj o�L f -Lu-1dia f L UW SCC AlLalme-da Poiat j wk T-HIS Filin j&ant,jzQc--'T.T11 2- P-st "4--Weasure AREACODEfliONE NI WRFR I.D, NLWBER f ff a A Raport No 2010012.:9 L STREET ADC)REW 0 852 W Midip-ay E] Armen men Ali to Report No. '41 E DA CITY STATE ZIP c 0 a E -CA i OF ALA No. of Pa Ala-nv�!da, C% 914501. '17 -'1 li,f'% CIFTY 1. trbun Received LA. DATE FULL NAME, S RFFT AMRESS AW) 21P riODF OT- Ct-*TRJBWs OR t IF CLUMh FE, ALSO M FER fAl 6XMBFR� oriiia Larid Affiliated Entities Lfitle-rl thr,-+ii ACC' Alameda PuiaL TALC (Contribut-or) [same arldrppa) Im-Lirine, CA 92614 le De=- „ricer 111/29/2010 �-D CD UL (7--) Calitornia Land Venture Mtillat5d Ent itier, [filer) throu, SCE.” Al.am-a-i9a 'Point LLC (Contributor) [oamz adcIxess] 1xvine, CA a2-514 C;L-o1-,,P-r2bLv.Joa1 c-onaultin California laud Vm-xture 4; Aff-U--'ated r-,Iaititie�o lfil-trl through roc .Alameda Volnb LL-C 510;nt--ributorl [same add4 f----trine, CA $12514 GOTIJ Mailers Reasvnn fnr ArnendmenU Alto CaNTRIBL11"OR 00or aw scc IND El. CO GTH INN cm OTH MY r cc WM11ND[VIDLIA], ENTE OCCU 10N AN D L MPLOY L R 11 F GELF- ELIPLME Q, UfM R NAME OF BUSINESS) ANC�UNT Ctieck if Loan P(w4do i4west rate 3- W3. El Check if Lin Rtmeide jfl(ef,a�-t Ll Ch c ck i I L can Plmy;'de Interest a-alc- F *CoWbutot Godc- s IN ID I c d i vH i- j;A W' 'We (th flian ff or Y SGC'r 0010 R Vent Comml oer OYH Other (e. busliness gntit PTY— Politkll Piarty p I Por -Sr-C Small C.,untrftutorComwnitlee FPPC Form 497 (HovonsbertWj FPPG Tell Free alp fine:.8Gr34ASK-FV?C (8GWZT5-3T7Z) 497 Contribution Report Type or pr W in ink. A m ounts wa be rounded to whole dollars. NAME OF FILER 'ailin linty and labeio Date of Revitalize Ala-ft"a:9a Point, mrith mal'or fundin from SCC Ajam�-_da paiRt "I This F111ti 01 -29120-10 —T.T.P A REA CO 6 6P HON E t W1013 E R J.D. NUMBER o va W �mnfs Provide iatecaftf mte Report No. MEET ADDIRESS Alameda Point LLB' f Cant ribrutor) [sarne acldxoss] a5l 'W Midwa Amendme"i Irvine, CA 92614 OT Glheck if Loan cunsultant fseg Frry Is C; G Tlmulde. IrowAr.1 rate Cali ±ornia Larid.Yent;3re Affiliated Fbatities Efilcxj rough scc f Al-a-saopda Point.LLC IrContributor) [�;awe addxess) -21 3 72 SO C 4 I-c-Vi nee Ch 921 61 4 caupala-ij blo Website 0-1-H C.hmk If Loan Reawn fbit Amendment '-Contrttutor Codes IND Irmfitidual COI R ed Go rnn4ftee (other than PTY or SCO) CM4 Other (e. entit Palffical Rarty SC G -Sn1211 C01'& bUtOF'C aromMe FPPC Form 497 (INovember107) FPPC Toll-Free Het pline.-B661ASK-PPIPC (BM 12T_5.TrM