Ordinance 3021CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE 3021 New Series AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 12771 N.S. TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY .085 ACRES LOCATED AT 709 LINCOLN AVENUE APN 073 041801400 FROM C-C, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT, TO R-5, GENERAL RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATION I BE IT ORDAINED b the Cit Council of the Cit of Alameda that: Section 1-. Section 11-116 of Ordinance No. 1277, N.S. is hereb amended b reclassif all the real propert situated within the Cit of Alameda, Count of Alameda, State of California, consistin of .085 acres and located at 709 Lincoln Avenue as shown on the attached Exhibit A from C-C, Communit Commercial Zonin District, to R-5, General Residential Zonin Desi Section 2: The above amendment shall be known as and referenced to as Rezonin Amendment No. 211 to Ordinance No. 1277, N.S. Section 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirt (30) da from the date of its final passa Attest: Lara Weisi Cit Ctgrkk Cit of Alameda Presidin h Otrice Nflh' Cit Council N4ftj q I