Cal Land Venture LLC 465 (deHaan)Supplemental Independent Expenditure Report (Government Code Section 84203.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. 0 Amendment ( Explain Below Committee/Filer Info . rmation I.D. NUMBER (If recipient committee COMM ITTEE /FI LER'S NAME Cal Land Venture, LLC , includin a contributions of SCO Alameda Point, LLC (a compan under, Conty'act ' -', -with Cit of Alameda and S�CC Rancho Mira cL2 LLC N STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIPHONE r vi.ne CA, 92614 (949) 777-40 2 OPTIONAL- FAX/ E-MAIL ADDRESS SUPPLEMENTAL INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE . ......... Report covers period Date Stamp CALI FORNIA OW ■ A iq, &% MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE OPTIONAL: FAX ,E -MAIL ADDRESS 2. Name of Candidate or Measure Supported or Opposed CHECK ONE NAME OF CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD AND DISTRICT IF APPLICABLE SUPPORT OPPOSE DO L1, 11)eHaan Ma Cit of Aiatrneda NAME OF BALLOT WASURE X BALLOT NO./LETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 3. Independent Expenditures Made A ttach a ddition al information on appropriatel labeled continuation sl CUMULATIVE TO DATE DATE NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT CALENDAR YEAR D4Lrect Mail Center ( JAN - . 1 - DEC. 31 Pi ntin data., and posta for maJL.1er 10/27/2010 to oppose Dou Dehaan 3,484-83 San Franci co A 94107 By_ SCC Alameda Point LLC 23h. C Morse' Ave, Irvine, CA 92614 Momentum Southwest: LLC 416-67 Desi for mailer to oppose Dou Dehaar 1.0/27/2010 3,484-83 At NM 7 C Irvine, L i t t cV cT B SCC Alameda Poi,nt Ltter2 4� Morse CA 92614 FPPC Form 465 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) T or print in ink. SUPPLEMENTAL INDEPENDENT. EXPENDITURE Supplemen Independent Expenditure Report Amounts ma be rounded Report covers period A to whole dollars. '4 f rom 01/01/2010 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC includin ag contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC [ a compan under, contract with Cit of Alameda) and SCC Rancho Mira LLC ............ . . 4. Summar 1. Total independent expenditures of $100 or more made this period. (Part 3.) ........................................... -'— ...................................... 2. Total independent expenditures under $100 made this period. (Not itemized.) ........................................ ................... - ........ ........ ...... Pa 2 Of----L— I.D. NUMBER ( if recipient cam. $ 3,484.83 $ 0.00 3. Total independent expenditures made this period ( Add Lines 1 + 2. ....... ...................... .......................... ............. .............. TOTAL $ 3,484-83 W . ...... ...... 5. Filin Off icerS Enter the name and address of each filin officer with whom the filer's most recent campai statements ( Form 45G, 460 or 461) have been filed. 1) NAME OF FILING OFFICER 3) NAME OF FILING OFFICER Otfice of the Cit Clerk - Cit o-'L-. Alameda ADDRESS (NO, AND STREET) ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP CODE A]-ameda, CA 94901. 2 NAME OF FILING OFFICER ADDRESS ( NO, AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP CODE through 12/31/2010 CITY STATE ZIP CODE 4) NAME OF FILING OFFICER ADDRESS ( NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE 6. Verification ......... I have used all reasonable dili in preparin and reviewin this statement and to the best of m knowled the information contained herein is true and complete. I certif under P e natt of P e r u r un the l aws of the State of Ca that the fore is true and Correct. Executed on — J �-- By DATE Executed on DATE Executed on DATE Executed on . ................ . .. DATE SIGNATURE OP FILER, TREASURER OR ASSISTANT TREASURER B SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER. CANDIDATE STATE MEASURE PROPONENT, OR RESPONSIBLE OFFICER OF SPONSOR B SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, STATE MEASURE PROPONENT B SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE. STATE MEASURE PROPONENT FPPC Form 465 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772)