Ordinance 0060Calling and providing fo a special election in and for the city of alameda, county of alameda, state of calidornia, to be held in said city on tuesday, the 23rd day of may, A.D. 1916, for the purpose of electing a board of fifteen freeholders, whose duties it shall be to prepare and propose a new charter for said city of alameda, pursuant to the provision of and and in the manner provided by the constiution fo the state of california; establishing the election precincts and designating the polling places therein for such election, and the names of election officers for each such precinct, and appoingint such election officers, and proclaiming such election and providing for giving notice thereof. ::. • ::.:.:,.::.,....,'......t.....:....:,...'',..:...:..fi..: ..,..g,.......::....:..,::...:..:......:...:.::.:::.l6.'...:.....:...:.::...:,.o:.!::,.::'*.!:::::i'li..:'..:.!.'.,.::...'.:..:...'.:.'.::.:.:.A::'..,,•, : . .::.:::,,':.7,:.':.....:.:......:.:E'......::...'..... .. :...:...:.:.l.::..:....::'.4::.:. 7:: ::...:::.::.:::....::::•:::::.::.::.::::.::.::::,.4.::,....:..':::'..:'..e....:...::.::.......i3..„.:..::::........:..°.,.............:.:....;:.!:::'.....:::..:...::::..!.::..:::i:.:..::..::,:..Z:.::t::.'.f,.::,... 1)...::i.:.:...:.::EI..1......:...:....:.:::.J., ::.:.'.,:..'::.::,'.:::...',.::...i......... .,..:.......,..::.:.....:...,::...„::...:.......:.............::.. .:..:......:.....:,:...:.:.:..... 4..::,:...: . .e.:::.:...........:.,....:.:i:..i:....:......,...:'.....:f.:.::.:,..:..,...:....::..:...::'...':......'..:'.:....::i..:.':.C........'...:....'.:. . .:'..::......:::: T. :.::.....:.::.....47 ind Jo 41:!11 P7.' e'a'. r;it:6l CONSOLIDATED PR::6:.7::: .t .1ngf!!0tipr,oinNo d ":)et;tiPt7A11.:..,:::. tv .:..:,:...:.....;::ea4,4t:iittV,:.o:a.s7bo:,iNIfee4.ii1: .14.ct„iie„e, it,r.1g "4,:4171::gg111(9,the cePr...:...::..:.::.:..:t:1Il"71i6ik6ANnx#,t40eLft00i1."'i31:771. .p. of . iP:::4 'Store l i .l. . :ii4 1.1:i r!!;t1i;p:4#4N$4y414474cl:l11q Jutlges—R. ,: ur. Clerks-Bertha : ..: . ., ... OLIDATED PEECINCT NO. 5. isting of election preclncts Nos. viag west of the center Hne of Street; north af tlie center line iia1 Avenue; wet of the center Park Street; north of the center t San Antonio Avenue: east LrLtr 1In of Oak Street and south at 242 tentra1 a 1 and 20, center line of Alanieda Avfnue. Location of PolUng PaCe: Portable flf San Antonio Avenue and WiUow • Judges-E. M. Wballey and WiUiarn SOLIDATED P of ConsisUng election precinets Nos 17 and 18. Description: AH of said elty lying wetof the eenter line of Mulberry Street ertended to Okland Harbor south of the center line of Buena Vtsta Avenue; west of the center line of WaJ- riut Street; north of the center line of Aiameda Avenue; east o the center Ine of Chestnut Street; sonth ot the jof tlie center line of Willow Street cxtentled to Ot1and Harbor. Location of o11ing Place: Basement ot the Halght School. Jndges-J. D. W. Warford and Oswald Liihhock Jr. Clerks-Mary Robinson and L. Meyer, • CONSOLIOATED FRECJNCP NO, 11. Cn$1sting of election preclncts Nos 28 and 24. Deseription: All of said City lying between the center lines ot Willow Street and Hthbard Street extended to the Oakland Harbor, and north of tbe center Une of Lincoln Avenue. cated et the Northwest corncr of coln Avenue and Chestnut Streei Inspectors-J. F. Bradford an Judgs-J . chel - Clerks-Emma Loonard an DATED g of elect tion: AU •,•••,•••:•••„t d Park Street, and north o utbwet ce: r Ter d Clifford ver and Ar- the center lines of Chestnut 11 Streets and between tlie een- - -- Enoinal Avenue and e precincts No. AI1 of said ..,....lEP.':',,ii:•:••• lylng 1...1!:,,......:..:.e.........7. ..!::::.,..:.:: . . ...:-.--'t- tg$.t'0::.:.0.t.. : enter 1te:WZY41 Jine :center 114:,qp : : 1 '.pr.....T.R: :::E:::;0:44,:::•,Iit.P0.! ...':-::: ''''.*.,q:...4...:4:,......:: Harbor. and Mrs. So- n1 Harry Aua- of PolIing Place: corner o Union ,; Street. glay said ea th o of a st :11;ll-e TUIIOCtL e e oc awl 2& 01 s .,...s.ii..........e..:.,..tt:':.:::::.:.:':::::::.i:O.f.e:..,.:::'::..x:::.,:.::::::.:::::::::,,t6.t:141..i...ii0-..,..i.::......:c•-•::0.:74:0-te.. .0::.4.:•..E.:.:.:... i'.....::.:.:::.o.4 ......Y4:p0::.::i: i1nnf E :..,,,,§:ookititt.:6-: ...- -''::::.....•:...:i....,::13iitpc:t.:..44.1:::::::.:t.:.::...::.:...61i.::i..17...:.!ii.i..'n°v:;:.,:!.!:lit.!......$..,......:1:::f4...:.:11:1....:....i.7.....9........:.0::::..1.•...::..0.:,....6;.1:..i::•E.:::..i.,...i.i.:::..:E...,::.;.;.:...e:::a.. :t:..:1,,,:::-Iii,1'.‘:,..p.t..,:t.i.i:::0.:::pf.:.0,:EIE.....:Liti:i',.:..,.;::::1..,..,,.''i!if.:.:.:1;....7..tt:!..„:":,:..t....:t:.:..ii,:„::.„:::::::::::ii,..:1.:0•.0.:..•i':......1'.....1:::...:.r.'ef#.P.:.E,:•':,:;..H.:;::•;.:,.1....4.4:L.i.•..1'.:•,,•::•:••.'.:.•::1.1.11He...:.•::.4.7::....,':.:::.•::::..:....::•.... ::::....s..r..:,,..:„.:::,:::„..wii:.:::::.:.,:fi.:q_..:0....:0.i.i.:..;Q`.......:,;:::.:::::::::.:i!ill:',':6‘E'..4tr. •.1 c:.......#1.1:.::1:::.:!.:E'E.::::E.E.:t:-....-...:..:. ::a:::t:4r.;.:::.:. iiA8.,;......:::.:::. :ifitifIli:::'''' ,. .........r....g.0t:::::'::::::::ti.:;.6.:::thN.0:::. 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Anes— th. ks—Laiira CQT rent axi Centra and 2 btween tile center line Street extcnded to Oakta • tended to Oakland 01: tiie center ij )r St. Charles d Harbor and Street eX- Carhor1 and north Lincoln Avenue. hwe ::::::•:.::...:...':..::.....::....:::::::::::::::...::...:..::„:::l:..::§'::::.::..:..:.:.::::,,:.:':..::..:.::.:::.::::.::!.::::., ::::'':::,:,:i::::.:.:,.,..:::::::::::.:.7!:..'.1:;:',i:.,..':,E:::::,:'::,,::::,':::::.:::::::'!::::':::::::::::::::::.::!::::;:.4:,.:..::::.::7.::::,::..:::.:::::..:..:„ „:...::. , ::t':..:.: E) ude77rs'::'.::,.: :: ..:i.: A:.,, . :: :::i ::::::.,,':1,,:,:E:',:,.i:::::::.':.,:',:.:.:::.:.':,:•=::::.::..:,:::,,::,.!''.::::..::.. .: :. : t't 4 c ks_mar 4: and 11)d Bosch 00i:4777: : :,' : :: ::..?:e°4,;iti:::e:6::;'P"::::: : ios ._,414!F p!tri,tio P11 o1 between ;ticeftl:Is N'!r. 4 4iifr:,vtja*s ' :i6049Iit.Ie71R:Aen%'' "cFg4"- of Polling Basement 6l4!;7jfig4o!:611)g 116.:7r,,n,*41 c1'7xid1.I1T :tu:. C1.It: 7:11:;i, Clara Scott. PRECINCP NO 2O Consisting of prednct0 Nos. 39 and 40. Viqot4 beta04„,e 8ti0,.:,gtt:1,,9: x9111?11o1o. Place : Basement :te97 of t1)C i,, . : CO Consisting ......:::'''''''''''''::'::':::::::: - - ::,::':':::: t : ,:,,d::::::::::::::+2':::::::::'''::4 1:0:.:::9ibiiiij.I:q:::::;:' ...::. .,.,...6v )?::P.::::,:::,:bt:qt:4:"::::':/i141?i1715S. Afl ,,,,,:'-'x'...i9f6iti...8ii.Igl..4.....tirt , .,y,,,,, , : t:::::::,..., ,:::::::::t.:9„..,,,....„:„.,::::p9::,:i.;i,,......., ...,,..„...::.1...........0.9,11:::,Ettig.:....-`,21.1:::::,....:::.,u — -11:iii, . ....., :e4,:::::::,,,„..d., 7.......:, .:,a,,:.„,„ and :, : ..ifli*ii..v..F.t!:::: 1...4'4:),:iiI,Tgli;i,40.::: R. :.:wi.::6*.,..7:7;,:: 'b.::u:n: c h l ber or 1 election above l a must, )eforev_"-niay o re ieetio;,EL k e provtd officers to fait huii 111)08 ei up° nbe CT mcda 18 hereby cause this ordi: five () times In Star and A1an1cd newspaper printe latcd in sald City tilis ordinance to 1 the polling plaees least tW0 (2) wee day of said election This ordinance e in force jmmdi .8, passage. , .... ............... .::.. ' y s r x� 3 fi thy: Couu R. ` B SHARD City ; Cl e ?k.; sme �;; e t l t r.a 91 f:':. .......:.:.:.. ..... .... :. :. : :.:..:......::.:...... ......; ..: ........:.::.::::. :......: . ;rod c ;; ,; b me hl. ;;; :;9:th ;;;�da r' ` :off .:::.::..:::.....:.. .... .........................:... :: . :.:: ... ..::' ............. :.......:.... ...:::.:.::................. .:..: ....::.:..::....:: .. " ;:: eertif= :twat t e: ore oin .:: tie: ; ` u 1 of the City of ., amec a..j �regula r rn eet assemb ed vn the .. ltd ad :y a . c ?, 1916,::; by the f€ Q ' n g :;; ; es neal,me ;. ; 3a.-rn.tnd :.ewer ......:.. :::.::::::.:..: :.::.......... ;; :.:�;;::. �ar�;e;> ; :... a ,.:; ; ; P ��n� : ark n 1 further; °cec if: th :s me ;`;as::::> resen:te:: =;;: ::< .::::::'::',.',!,:',I:::iiti::::P..:9:::PP:it;I:4.0.::.