Ordinance 0606ORDINANCE NO. 606 Providing for the licensing of and fixing the annual license fee for automobile wrecking establishments Section 1. For the purpose of this ordinance the term "Automobile Wreckin Establishment" shall have the meanin ascribed to it b Section 12-741 of the Alameda Municipal Code-, Section 2. It shall be unlawful for an person, firm or corporation to en in, conduct or carr on within the City of Alameda the business Of an Aufornobile Wreckin Establish- ment without first procurin a h- cemie therefor in accordance with Section 3 of this ordinance, Seetion 3. Ever person, firm or corporation -who en in, conducts or carries on the -business of an Automobile Wreckin Establishment shall first procure - an annual license from the License Collector of said Cit and pa for -such license the, Sum of $50.00.- The term of all li- censes issued -pursuant to the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be for one y ear be on. the first da of Jul and- expirin on the 30th da of June. followin All such licenses sball be due and -pa to -the Li- cense Collector of the Cit of Ala- meda, in. advance, on the first da of Jul of each. If an su ,h license, be issued after the be nin of the. current license term, the same shall be issued for a period expirin on the --last da of the. term in which. the- -same, is issued and- the fee therefor shall be prorated on the basis of the number of month re.- mainin in the - term.• 1n - computin =tech. .-if .the ' license -_-be`,is- sued. on or before the fifteenth da of an month the period ;shall be computed from the first da of such month, and if issued after the fif- teenth da of an month from the first da of the followin month. Section 4. An person violatin an of the p r ovisions of this -ordinance shall he deemed guilt of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction there- of shall be punished b a f in of not more than Three Hundred Dol- lars ($300) or b imprisonment for a period of not more than six ( 6 ) months, or b both such fine and imi)risonment. Section 5. This ordinance, shall g o into effect at the expiration of thirt da from the date of its final pas- oa HENRY A. WEICHHART, Presi.din Officer of the Council, 1, the undersi hereb certif that the foreizoin Ordinance was dul and re adopted and P a.f;s1Pd by the Council of the Cit-v of' Alameda -in re meetin as- sembled on the Ist da of June, 1937, b the followin vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen. Carrin Godfre Maurer ' Morris and Presi- dent Weichhart,,, (5). NOES: None. A13SENT : None. IN WITNESS VMEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the official seal of said Cit this 2nd da of June, 1937. (SEAL) D. - ELDER DYER, Cit Clerk of the Cit of Alameda, Publish June 3, 1937.