Ordinance 0730ORDINANCE NO. 730 NEW SERIES An ordinance amending the Uniform Building Code adopted by Ordinance No. 723, New Series. first story . of . �u�h boil "� I� � . " Ili' ' "" (�•�' : inches apart •vertically and "hare ":::, not comply with: •- s It re uire ne is o tai ly. " 1 rizorital ": ' . - "erred Vertical hu a .;: 'a - -n f the _ na eta;l reinfceain gha rn(ed " intQ or - :tr �"ir ` for .:€ k�e ::pp: d' .t east two (2) inches. - 4 - ste l' - ceniply with . r. : " - uire e t " s' :. " tuee shall consist of three:: "coats 1 (]� �y " raw . ""'���`'�`�""}jqy�� " }I ���J �fJ .•' new." uil JL'.ir a - L! "• �. 7 ik ".' ", �•' hv+ 0 7t ( 2 ) ' - ..: �•'�'•.�, 1►_ sc' . " -ti✓a " ■T y p � J �7 ■ �Vy� f ■1 (0) B 'a .b� o n coat �3). �'ini h. ��a�,tf �h� ti( n" . lc : built" t :. 11 1" •" Clt ." th i ,s� of h : h ' "'.. a�. S . thousand' + . ' square. , feet, prt U'�d -� shall : b e" . .'less than " e�ren- �eightlxs in g , : such b it ixg are.: d ivided: - b inch-'. fit':: ;every.:" . ppint� ::: No.. one 4 1 special Pi �paratiax�," �; speci� coat. . . of - . - st e�� s��,ll �� :; yes t han fled in section { 'into reams x of one - fourth ". •: inch th�ckp except • e.Yceeding " : " nine .. 'tho.usand ' (9000)" . the -. coat' - ' which - s b'6 at s quare : f fit: '. aIr] ��-��'��h 1 � ���h : �n . ." S E C T IO N . - . . :6. .'ghat: �ubdi�is : "r :.th�ckr��ss . a�t atly "" pent ":: ; . -of �9nctlob .'C t .: �f : aF ": <.. " `h e: , is -U-Cc sha e of : - port an -.. B u i lding bode, i here arnere." .t ` Cemen "t an . 1 aS specilfied, . 1 . read. as f € l o s : : "• ha,pter .. 2� " - with: an a dd ition S ee (e) St u cco. Stucco niay.. dare than. ten e nt •' aq,7 Of. -­-.. " hyd rate€ • lime or S imi a be applied with or without sheath : ":. sed o volume . o - c�ir��x�t in either: :. = ing r similar backing. the: : ;teh" coat . € r b 6 rt- co �;t f n.. "all • cases a prc ve .t r -�:::: , wifh x� t : t :'t an... hir " a •; y pr f paper or' aspYialt '_ satrac " felt "t v-�r :: per• - "c.en :'3 : € . h :. f gYng not less. ff teems:..` liri: �' :iriila�.`::rra,rial kad po.0 s pe.r ene hur r : -• : :: 've u e • " f :ee n in 'tie f rii s h. e . "k r. - : - .any su � an is way erproo - --.., .-C(��: pa er " whi te: - : . su c cessf u.11y : passed a ''T`he f lr t • r scratch: ' c At f : tUecc Ca- p�aun� :. "�i�llen test, . Vie'• ��= :::.:: ...: ,. : :. �. .� ' "• ... d thhliy thrpgh shall be she orou . plied, weatherboard • fahioni •j the met re a ring unt a ::' sp . over - the sh eathing: • Horizon, al c�a.nt� :._ • : bed re n �Y� e r�.etal e nd :the l�a� Ing shall " " be Ipped not less :: thxi - ... ;.. " so id y an such: ,t l.: -1s f ll sh a l � ) . inches and vertical joints not :10 []i fie ep . thoroughl pt during the Y than sip (6) inches. " being first" : twen - four hours y In all, cases a metal reinforcerr exit : ° .. "af ter. lied. T-h.e ro v . : boat shall be of either expanded mewl or wire thoruiy" : moi clurng _ "the f abric shall be used as - fol1()Ws : first- : ;twenty -four hours after being (1) . wire fabric composed of wires :: a�glied nd at least. seven_ d��s shall with. no openin or mesh ' : th er ein . ::: " elapse , - e t w.en .the p:pla- 0 .: . less than three- �faurt , : ( _ r ch" "rear: the se�ratch . cOat. ar d :th.e "• bra t coat greater than' tw o ( inc hes. ''the: e ee t when an .approved .igh- 'early-: = "• Minimum allowable - gauge . of the ;- strength. dement . is us�d. "" when �.t ix`e "(i� the dr`Xi meshesfiall least.. forty -eight hours . shall elapse be as follows: between the'.. a pplication . of .. - the-. or openin note exceeding one scratch. cast and : - brown- ' coat , +. (1) inch -18 W. & M. Gauge. The.-above requirements shall., not_ : .. For openings not exceeding two stueco.' :.placid . "o.p" : xr r ry' (2) i nch e s-1 6 F �• j u �;y r W. �.7L� G .�i ". �Before•_ - : =:ap . i g g _ 'i :• ' � y �` s. t� ::::" :h.:•'.�:- •:.. " :.- ••• -. •• ... " • . .'�f,$ . .• ..' "' y •••�•'..: - ()" Exp ande d . met lath•. •wexg iing.. • . _ } �''e X7 :. iti7S„�'=i '•.-F.�.4�..�#n .: any ,- .-�,+k.� .in ��vv �.yy (��n �j�s� j�/ } r ye 1R7hC2.,, th�rugY� ly } Y {.h,1�L6 -' G4l l .• : ,.' . not less than. " th (3). ounds : p• "• ole red . s q uare yar unite ' as defirecl in" " hay ter " a p ( 3 ) Electrically we lded. wire of 1 " shall be applied in ua " less'. than - terra ": W. M . gau wit o penin g s. not coats, " :• shall be r einforced . as exceedin two (2) inc in - g ":" sped fl ed.:.far' "Stucco"' in this se� diarnension and not exceeding faun tiara.. Gurlite -shall - be not less - than - (4 ) square inches in area. three, - f " - .(3/4 l inch in - thickness Metal reinfarci g S b e - s ' e securely ;`.,.: en .. one or'. tiro- 7story- hu�l�iings" an�1 fixed in place using • a "furring ' device:" not - less than • "' 7ne (1) - inch in thick that will.. positively ' fur . - the - . metal - • .: ness ' -on � t ree - -.9 dry b reinforcing - at • least three- eighths "- . ( ixxch frorx the Stud shea�thin ` - SC.�TC�1�T.' That Sect 3803, ..• • or other backing. N form of strips Chapt. eir 38 of said Building Code - " v.r metal rods. sha.11 be "" -.far, i ;: hereby amended. to read- as fol-� " " . : � ea -en f �urriat g wlriieh" will " serer : to lows the stuccoF metal reitnfreig shl : see. " 3503. Every •'binding" ' four ' . . or be. secured .with -not less ' tha . -four t • more stories �n " heigh shall 'b e enn nails Brie ' : t .t" : a three- . • -: .q pp d • : tYi x fir:: more . t ry : " ��h T net tit h : ". • tho . ".. l ar dR pe$ , . "_; tud "ter sha;thi : :bails •- "axicl: :fr : : "J ,: `"T'I Tls, i i That bd vision :(, . devices shall • be: not more than :'e� ht .::,. oaf . 0:6tien 3804, Cha.pter. 38 � of said Building .Code: - hereby. am to read: as f alloy sec: 3 -804:: ur Re -+red. ryli�g :Q.xxr yr r.re - stories Sri:. height . zero - the area - aril fl oo r a �.o�trc:: thy: t�ii�rd : flddr : :is, ten td uand It uarc, acct. cr: es 1. 'th not - - .than x c dry tand i :and an add ."ti.- on s aliapi :shall :b e' ins talled f.or :. e.acli additional .:-ten.- --, thousa .d. - 1.0 01 c are e t r fr tl n thereof - l�; '`I N liat�,.'- Section 3805 , ha - pt - er - 8, of said . D. U ia�g QQdei i� bb : . ended f - ''e as : allow .c t : o v6ry' - Group - -�A. }- R' and C 0ccuP<%ney of an Y -. height' - : ..x d...ariy Group �,: ' G - nd: - occup ree orr stories in he�ght, an t every. Group-. R .:. arid.: F uccgaxey overtwenty,. th o u and o, oY squar -e feet . i.n a.rea.: chair .b e. equipped - wi th one or.: -more - riteno . wet sta�n �a.i .es e tendi g : fr r :.tb ': cellar or b�s -- r en into' the topmost .- story , .Pro. vi€ ed -that '.Grou :- uil i.ngs.'-'- hav g no pern3.anent.:.stage 4nd having. -.a, seat caa 'Jess than i•Ie hri.rd.OW. :t :: be eq ped- ith -' ' int frzer . standpipe - s- ari dc!q, 1 urtner that Group H- build ings -three ) stdrle irk- height . .acrid having- not- - more than: two : (2) . apart. n enf ;s in an'.'- apartmen : house,..- or not • rnorc'. -: than, i goes or roo a natel,: ers� ire .aboe :tie seecrrd story :nee.d - not' he • •equipped-. 'ith. ' in- terior. 'et stand ip..es when portable hand.- extinguishers of approved snake and of . sucl. - - , size; - a.nd - . 43uch nu b1 ers. n" a r u -ir d. -b '.the :dire:. hi .f art : instal e - a�n;d . kept : n • sarviae4.b1e con.d - d-o. n at . 49 atidns :ire . s aid . - . build- ir�g des grated by: said.: Fire hiif SECTION. M. This-,'or hall l inn : f: 11 •fares any :f f- 6et.. rom an after' :t e e iratxon. ihi r y .- (30 - ) - cl ays . - fro'in ­ the''-. date : af -: itS:-.. mal :p �s age; 3�ITl. A. EI€�HH.ART`. .Presiding Officer of the Co - uncil Attest LOREME . BEATIE : City' Clerk.. 1, .. he : undersigned, -. --hereby.. cgrdfy: that the for egigrdinane duly: and re ula.r :: ad t d: - a . passe . .by -th . Cl oil . :'0 . f - the .City - la n da . in regU . ar - , rneeting� as1T scam l c ' an tile. the day.: g tt �, by: the faoi.g emote, t0 wit: .AYE '. ou cRmen- . :: Carringtc�n; Godfrey; -Maurer,'-'- and. 'P resi- d.en:t eiahhart 5) NOES; None.- S "I T NESS. �" IERE O I have here : my hwid : and aff fixe . the off icial. : seal Of -5aid City thi6. 21.s t: day- of.. - Aug st; ' 1940; ( SEAL) LonEmE R: BEATI35 City Clerk of the. City of .Al.ameda� 1940. 'relish A 2.1