Ordinance 0766ORDINANCE NO. 766 An ordinance amending the alameda municipal code by amending section 11-1154 of and adding section 11-1165 to article 1 chapter 1 title 11 thereof by adding sibdivision 5 to section 11-139 and amending section 11-1324 of article 3 chapter 1 title 11 thereof and by amending section 11-1517 of and adding section 11-1522 to article 5 chapter 1 title 11 thereof Sheet No. 2 Ordinance Nca. 766 Alam e - da - - . i . - C ity . Urdinances New Series to s eh .porch or terrace ma' y . pro - ject not.. to eXcoed: Six (6 )'. feet into such Yar -d or ec�urt, .prc_v-ided ' that such la orch of ". terrace:: shall .. h'' its floor no hlghr ..th�:n sip ( feet; sip . it ehes,- Above, - gr'ade'. n openwork 'rail in -'� r'o . h ig her :. than .three (3) atdditional . f66t. a .. he , placed around �ubh: porch.', terrade' or. stairs . ( ) A. court, as- requ ired - by Sec tier 1 I 1513, extend ing - ,from ,..the . front : yard - -to -'.the ' rear - line of the front dW- elling - -sha11 - be '- �maih:tained . on . . one side .of Suoh' d ch ink, ex - ccpt that on:' a - 10 -t less than ' forty;: four .(44) -. fe'e't in wi dth th in 'in imum width - . 1. o ff f � S yb u y Ch eou' r .. t �y ..may b �-' re- .1 C+il' : .' feet } - f4r�� � except. . th - at wh:e�re . a dwelling. eklsted on -the. fron.t -vast .of SuCl1_ ;on August . I; 1.940 ' and such .dw'e11ing does not la ave -and : - did. - n of on su - oh date have . i . -court - of such . prescribed in in r� . width:, then- the. dW01ing- .on..the. rear. of th.e .lot shall' e : provided ' With a direct - : to hlio ►�tr which aec6s shall : not - .be. - :through any- part ' : bf the fr - dw.el.ling or i ildrigs aesory to the Front dwelling; and said ' acc . shall' be acro -E; - property . held -' 4n . - - one owner- - ship Rath -the Iot on which' such dwellings are situated (7). All -rog ula.ti.ons and require- ments ..of this chapter applicable to the " ; , , - District axed to group ..dwell.in.ggs . sh - all - .apply.. to such ' 1ot € xce�t as other is� Vin: -th.is section . ro id e' : 01CTTON '.7: This - ordinance' shall full 'forOe and effect. from and after. - :the e 'xp iration -'of . 'th i ty.. (3a ) days from the dat of . -1ts f iiial - passAge. HENRY. A .- WEICT ATIT, Presiding .Off - of the Council. AAtte t FORE. -R R..13-EATIE, City : C erk. I, -the un€IersiTed.; hereby � certify that -tho fore oin Ordivance was duly end regu l irly. adopt and gassed' by the ourieff of. -.thy .City of Alarned.a,- in'. -'r egular Meeting assem- bled . on the 1st- day of J 19 41 1 by. the following Vote, to - It:: . YE : ou.noilmeh Dr ns'cheld, Cad - f red, I3oe? : Maurer and 'resi -- den't W0chhart, (5) AB None.. -III" WITNE `HEREO '", T .have hereunto set my han:d'..an'd affixed the' : off ioia.I seal of said City: this 2nd day of July" 194 ( BEAD) '. LoREM. . BEATIE City - . Clerk -- of - - the - . City 'of Alameda,. Publish. July 1941.1