Ordinance 0990ORDINANCE NO. 990 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- TIONS 17-362,17-363, 17-364 AND 17-365 OF ARTICLE 6, CHAPTER 3, TITLE XVII, OF THE ALA- MEDA MUNICIPAL CODE, RE- LATING TO PARKING METER. ZONES, AND ADDING SECTIONS 17-364.1, 17-364.2 AND 17-364.3 THERETO; REPEALING SUB- DIVISION (3) OF SECTION 17-341- AND AME,,NDING SUBDIVISIONS (6) AND (15) OF SECTION 17-342 OF ARTICLE 4, CHAPTER 3, TITLE XVII OF SAID CODE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA- MEDA : Section 1, That Section 17-362 of Article 6, Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Municipal Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec, 17-362. Parking Meter Zones F,stntilished. The following portions of streets in the City of Alameda are hereby established as parlijjjg meter zones: (1) Park Street from the south line of Buena Vista Avenue to the north line of Clinton Avenue proj- ecte•d easterly;. (2) Oak Street from the south line of Lincoln Avenue to the north line of Alameda Avenue: (3) Park AvenIAC frOm the south line of Santa Clara Avenue to the north line of Central Avenue; (4) Everett Street from the south- erly line of Webb Avenue produced easterly to the northerly line of Central Avenue: (5) Pacific Avenue from the east line of 0a1K Street to the west line of Park Street; (6) Lincoln Avenue rrom the east line of Oak Street to the west line of Everett Street (7) Webb Ave�ue from the cast line of Park Street to the west line of Elverett Street; (8) Santa Clara Avenue from a point 300 feet westerly from the west line of Oal: Street to the west line of Broadway; . (9) Central Avenue, on the north- erly side thereof, from the east line of Walnut Street to the westerly line of Everett Street; and on the southerly. side of Central Avenue from a point 300 feet westerly from the west line of Oak Street to the easterly line of Everett Street ex- tended southerly. (10) Alameda Avenue from the east line of Oak Street to the west line of Park Street; (11) Encinal Avenue from the east line of Oak Street to a point 242 feet easterly from the east line of Park Street; (12) Webster Street from the north i1ne of Central Avenue to the south line of Pacific Avenue; (13) Central Avenue from a point 300 feet easterly from.the east line of Webster Street to a point 300 feet westerly from the west line of Webster. Street; (14) Taylor Avenue from a point 300 feet easterly from the.east.line of Webster Street to a point 300 feet westerly from the west line of a Ordinance No. 990 inances New Series (15) Santa Clara Avenue from the west line of Page Street extended northerly to a. point 300 feet west - erly from the west line of Webster Street; . (16) Haight Avenue from a point 300 feet easterly from the east line of Webster Street to a point 300 feet westerly from the west line of Webster Street; (17) Lincoln Avenue from a point 200 feet easterly from the east line of Webster Street to a point 200 fee westerly from the west line of Webster Street, Section 2. That Section 17-363 of Article 6, Chapter .3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Municipal Code, is here- by amended to read as follows: See, 17-36" lastallation of Park- ing Meters. The Chief of Police shall cause parking meters to be installed in the parking meter zones hereby and liereafter to be established in such numbers and at such places as are particularly shown on engineer's drawings hereinafter referred to, ,nection 3. That Section 17-364 of Article 6, Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to road as follows: See, 17-364, Signs. The Chief of Police shall cause signs to be placed indicating the maximum parking time allowed in various parts of such parking meter zones. Section 4. That a new section to be known as Section 1 is hcreby added to Article 6, Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Mu- nicipal Code, which shall read as follows: See. 17-364.1. Maxiinum Parking Limits. That the maximum parking limits to be allowed in the various parts of said parking meter zones shall be, and the same are hereby determined to be, as follows: 24-31INUTE PARKING LIMIT 1. Park Street (Times Way to Santa, Clara . A venue). — com- mencin• at a point in the (a).West curb line . of Park Street 215 feet Southerly from the South line of Times Way and running thence Southerly 40 feet. - 2, Park Street (Santa Clara Ave- nue to Central. Avenue) — com- mencing at a point in the (a) East curb line of Park Street 15 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 42 feet. Park Street (Central Avenue to Alameda Avenue)—eommencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Park Street 8 feet Southerly from the South line of Central Avenue. and running thence Southerly 40 feet. 4. Central Avenue (Park Street to Park Avenue) — commencing at a pointin the (a) North curb line of Central Avenue 159.5 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 80 feet, 5. Santa Clara Avenue (East from Everett Street) --- commencing at a point in the (a) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 7 feet East- n,l­ Everett Street and running thence 40 feet Easterly. 6. Everett Street (South from Santa Clara Avenue) — com- mencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Everett Street 9 feet Southerly from the West line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 44 feet. 7. Webster Street (Central Avenue to Taylor Avenue) — commenc- ing at a,point in the (a) West, curb line of Webster Street 159 feet Northerly from the North line of Cen- tral Avenue . and running thence Northerly 44 feet: 8. Webster Street - (Santa_Clara Avenue to Haight Avenue) commencing at a point in the (a) WesL curb line of Webster Street 8 feet Northerly from the North line . of Santa Clara. Avenue and running thence Northerly 40 feet. 9. Webster Street (Haight Avenue to Lincoln Avenue)—commenc- ing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Webster Street 213 feet Northerly from the North . line of Haight Avenue and running thence Northerly 47 feet 1-noUlt PARKING LIMIT 1. Park Street (Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue) — commencing at a point in the (a) East curb line of Park Street 16 feet. Southerly from the South line of Lin - coln Avenue and running thence Southerly 176 feet. 2. Park Street (Webb Avenue to Santa Clara. Avenue) - com- mencing at a point in the (a) East curb line of Park Street 7: feet Southerly from the South line of Webb Avenue and running thence Southerly 167. feet: 3 Park Street (Lincoln Avenue to Times Way)— commencing at a point in the (a) West. curb line of lark Street 30 feet Southerly from the South line of Lin - coln Avenue and running thence Southerly 36 feet. (b) West curb line of Park Street 96 feet Southerly from the South line of Lincoln Avenue and running thence Southerly 64 feet. 4 Park Street (Times Way to Santa Clara Avenue) — com- mencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Park Street 17 feet Southerly from the South line of Times Way.. and running thence southerly 58 feet. (b) West curb dine of Park Street 87 feet Southerly from the South line of Times Way and running thence Southerly 128 feet. 5. Park Street (Santa Clara Ave- nue to Central Avenue)-- --com- mencing. at a point in the (a) East curb line of Park Street 57 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 150 feet.. (b) East curb line of Park Street 250 feet Southerly frnm the gonth line of Sa.nta. Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 154 feet. (c) West curb line of Park Street 24 feet Southerly from the South line of-Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 168 feet. (d) West curb line of Park Street 229 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 36 feet. (e) West curb line of Park Street 302 -feet Southerly from the South line of ,S,gnta Clara Avenue and run- ning thence Southerly . 110 feet 6 Park Street (Central Avenue to Encinal Avenue) — commencing at a point in the (a) East curb line of Park Street 11 feet Southerly from the South line of Cen- tral Avenue and running thence Southerly 279 feet. (b) East curb line of Park Street 308 feet Southerly from the South line of Cen- tral Avenue and runnin thence Southerly 36 feet. (c) East curb line of Park Street 356 feet Southerly from the South line of Cen- tral Avenue and running thence Southerly - 1(13 feet. (d) East curb line of Park Street 495 feet Southerly from the. South line of Cen- tral Avenue and running thence Southerly t46 feet.. 7. Park Street (Central Avenue to Alameda Avenue) commencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Park Street.. 48 feet Southerly from the South line of Cen- tral Avenue and running thence Southerly 41 feet. (b) West. curb line of Park Street 98 feet Southerly. from the South line of Cen- tral Avenue and running thence: Southerly 176 feet.. 8. lurk Street (Alameda Avenue to Encinal Avenue)--commene- ingg at a point in the (a) West curb line of Park Street 27 feet Southerly. from the. South line of'.Ala- meda Avenue and running thence Southerly 242 feet. 9. Webb Avenue (Park Street to 'Everet.t .Street) — commencing at a point in the (a) South curb line of Webb Avenue 8 .feet Easterly from the Last line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 62 feet. 10. Santa Clara Avenue (Everett Street to Broadway)---commene- ing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 54 feet East - erly from the East line of Everett Street and running thence Easterly 20 feet. (b) North curb' line of Santa Clara ,Avenue 94 .feet East- erly from the East line of Everett Street and running thence Easterly 22 feet. (c) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 131 feet East- erly from the East line of Everett Street and running thane.e Fastarly 16 feet_ (d) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 179 feet East- erly from the East line of Everett Street and running thence Easterly 58 feet. (e) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 47 feet East- erly from the East line of Everett Street and running thence Easterly 40 feet. (f) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 106 feet East- erly from the East line of Everett Street ,and running thence Easterly 22 feet. (g) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 143 feet East- erly from the East line of Everett Street and running thence Easterly 58 feet. (h) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 216 feet East- erly from the East line of Everett Street and running thence Easterly 20 feet. Santa Clara Avenue (Everett Street to Park Avenue)- --com- mencing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 101 feet West- erly from the West line of Everett Street and run- ning thence Westerly 36 feet. (b) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 150 feet West- erly from the West line of Everett Street and running thence Westerly 102 reet- (c) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 23 feet West- erly from the West line of Everett Street and running thence Westerly 38 feet (d) South curb line of Santa Clara, Avenue 83 feet West- erly from the West line of Everett Street and running thence Westerly 33 feet, (e) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 157 feet West- erly from the West line of Everett Street and running thence Westerly 36 feet, Santa Clara Avenue . (Park Street to Park Avenue)—com- mencing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 74.5 feet East- erly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 167 feet.- (b) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 16.5 feet East- erly from the. East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 236 feet Santa Clara . Avenue (Park Street to Oak Street) — com- mencing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 1.9.5 feet West- erIy from the West line of Park . Street and running thence Westerly 66 feet, (b) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 103.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and run- ning thence Westerly 198 feet, (c) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 334.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 36 feet, (d) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 53.5 feet West- 11 12 13. erly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 43 feet. (e) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 115.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 80 feet. (f) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 247,5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 66 feet. (g) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 353.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Par], Street and running thence Westerly 18 feet. 14, Santa Clara Avenue (Oak Street West) commencing at a point in the (a) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 48 feet West- erly from the West line of Oak Street and riinning thence Westerly 40 feet. 15. Central Avenue (Park Street to Park Avenue)—commencing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Central Avenue 17.5 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Street and runnin, thence, Easterly 108 feet (b) South curb line of Central Avenue 7.5 feet E asterly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 88 feet. (c) South curb line of Central Avenue 11.3 feet Easterly Prom the East line of Park Street, and running thence Easterly 1.8 feet. (d) South curb line of Central Avenue 149 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly IS feet. (e) South curb line of Central Avenue 185 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly IS feet. (f) curb line of Central Avenue 227 feet Easterly from the East linp. of Park Street. and running thence Easterly 66 feet. 16 Central Avenue (Park Street to Oak Street)--commencing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Central Avenue 21,5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 62 feet. (b) North curb line of Central Avenue 105.5 feet Westerly from the Wast line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 44 feet, (c) North curb line of Central Avenue. 193.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 44 feet. (d) North curb line of Central Avenue 258.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 18 feet. (e) South curb line of Central Avenue 19.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Wi-.qfP_r1v 1 r `oat (f) South curb line of Central Avenue :137.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 22 feet. (g) South . curb fine of Central Avenue 227.5 feet Westerly from the -West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly: 22 feel. (h) South curb line of C;eiitral Avenue 265.5 feet Westerly from the West line of i. ?m R Street and running . thence Westerly 22 feet. (i) South curb line of Central Avenue 1;26:5 feet Westerly from the. West lime of Park Street and . running thence Westerly :18. feet. 17. Central Avenue tOaR Street. West)—commen-cing at a point in . the (a) North curb line of Central Avenue 6 feet Westerly from the West line of Oak Street. and running thence West- erly 62 feet. (b) South curb line . of Central Avenue 6 feet Westerly from the West line of Oak. Street and running thence : Westerly 62 feet. 18. Encinal Avenue (Parr Street to Park Avenue) commencing at a point in the (a) South curb line of Encinal Avenue 12.5: feet Easterly from the East line of Parr Street and running , thence Easterly 44 feet. 19.Oak Street (Santa Clara Ave- nue to Central :Avenue)—com- mencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Oak Street 12 feet Southerly from the South: line of : Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 62: feet, 20. Everett Street :(Santa Clara Avenue to Central Avenue): — commencing at a point in. the (a) West curb line of Everett Street 53 feet Southerly from the South line :of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 44 feet. (b) East curb line of :Everett Street 9 feet Southerly: from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly :96 feet_ 21. Webster Street ' (Central Ave- nue to Taylor Avenue)-- -coxn- mencing° -at a point in the (a) West curb - line of Webster Street 9 feet Northerly from the North fine of , Central Avenue and running thence Northerly 62 feet: (b) West curb line of Webster Street 92 feet Northerly from the North.line of Cen- tral Avenue and running thence Northerly 20 feet. (c) West curb line of Webster Street 203 feet Northerly from the North line of Cen- tral Avenue and running thence Northerly: 62 feet. (d) East curb line of Webster Street 13 feet Northerly from the North line of Cen- tral Avenue and running; thence Northerly 170 feet. (e) East curb line of. Webster Street 249 feet ` Northerly tral Avenue and running thence Northerly 20 feet. 22. Webster Street (Taylor Avenue to Santa Clara Avenue) —com- mencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Webster Street 7.6 feet Northerly from the North line of Tay- lor Avenue and running thence Northerly 30 feet. (b) West curb :line of Webster Street 130 feet Northerly from the North line of Tay- lor: Avenue and running thence Northerly. 80 feet (c) West curb line of Webster Street 253 feet : Northerly from . the North-line of Tay - lor Avenue and running thence Northerly 20 feet. (d) East curb :line of Webster Street 10 : feet Northerly from the North line of Tay - lor Avenue : and running thence Northerly 150 feet. (e) East curb line of Webster Street 203 :: feet Northerly from the North tine of Tay- lor : Avenue and running; thence Northerly .60 Peet.' 23. Webster Street (Santa Clara . Avenue to Haight Avenue) -- commencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Webster Street 48 feet Northerly from the North. line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Northerly 216 feet. (b) East curb line of Webster Street 8 feet Northerly from the North dine of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Northerly 80 feet, (c ) : East: curb line of 'Webster Street :106 feet Northerly from the North line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Northerly 150 feet: 24. Webster Street (Haight Avenue to Lincoln Avenue)----commen- cing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Webster Street 10 feet. Northerly from the North line of Haight Avenue and running thence Northerly 203 feet. (b) East curb line of Webster Street 7. ,feet Northerly from the North line of Raight Avenue and running thence Northerly 190 feet. 2 -HOUR PAMfING LIMIT 1. Parr Street (East Side, £3uena Vista avenue to Lincoln Avenue) — commencing; at a point in the (a) l +last curb lime- of Park Street 189 feet Southerly from the South line of Buena Vista Avenue and running thence Southerly 22 feet: (b) Fast curb line of Park Street 237 feet Southerly from the South line of Buena Vista Avenue and running thence Southerly -84 feet: (c) East curb line of Park Street 363 feet " Southerly from the South line of Buena Vista Avenue and running thence Southerly 62 feet. (d) East curb line of Park Street .463 feet: Southerly from the South line of running thence Southerly 22 cinal Avenue and running feet. thence Southerly 88 feet, Park Street (West Side, Buena (c) West curb line of Park Vista Avenue to Pacific Ave- Street 265 feet Southerly nue)—commencing at a point from the South line of En- in the cinal Avenue and running (a) West curb line of Park thence Southerly 19 feet, Street 116 feet Southerly 6. Park. Street (West Side, San from the South line of Antonio Avenue to San Jose Buena Vista Avenue and Avenue) --commencin g at a point running thence Southerly 44 in-the feet. (a) West curb line of Park (b) West curb line of Park Street. 17 feet Southerly Street 184 feet Southerly from the South line of San from the South line, of Antonio Avenue and running Buena Vista Avenue and thence Southerly 264 feet, running thence Southerly 22 7. Pacific Avenue (West from feet. Park Street)—commencing at a point in the (c) West curb line of Park North curb line of Pacific Street 225 feet Southerly Avenue 3.5 feet Westerly from the South line of from the West line of Park Buena Vista Avenue and Street, and running thence running thence Southerly 58 Wasterly 44 feet. - f eet. (b) South curb line at Pacific Park Street (West Side, Pacific Avenue 3.5 feet Westerly Avenue to Lincoln Avenue) — from the West line of Park commencing at a point in the Street and running thence (a) West curb line. of Park Westerly 44 feet. Street 6 feet Southerly from 8. Lincoln Avenue (West from the South. line of Pacific Park Street)—commencing at a Avenue and. running thence point in the Southerly 194 feet. (a) North curb line of Lincoln Park Street (East Side, Encinal Avenue 1.5 feet Westerly Avenue to San Jose Avenue) from the West line of Park commencing at a point in the Street. all d running thence (a) East curb line of Park Wester 44 feet. Street 10 feet Southerly (b) North curb line of Lincoln from the South line of En- Avenue 64,5 feet Westerly cinal Avenue and running from the West line of Park thence Southerly 80 feet. Street and running thence (b) East curb line of Park Westerly 154 feet. Street 108 feet Southerly (c) North - curb line of -Lincoln of from the South line En- Avenue 236.5 feet Westerly cinal Avenue and running from the West line of Park thence Southerly 58 feet. Street and running thence (c) East curb line of. Park Westerly 36 feet. Street 182 feet Southerly (d) North curb line of Lincoln from the South line of En- Avenue 293 feet Westerly cinal Avenue and running from the West line of Park thence Southerly 44 feet. Street and running thence (d) East curb line of Park Westerly 40 feet. Street 246 feet Southerly (e) South curb line of Lincoln from the South line of En- Avenue 35.5 feet Westerly einal Avenue and running from the West.line of Park thence Southerly 84 feet. Street and running thence (e) East curb line of Park Westerly 44 feet, Street 366 feet Southerly (f) South curb line of 1,11100111 from the South -line of En- Avenue 112.5 feet Westerly cinal , L_venue and running from the West line of Park thence Southerly 18 feet. Street and running thence (f) East curb line of Park Westerly 40 feet. Street 400 feet Southerly 9 Lincoln Avenue (East of Park from the South line of En- Street) —commencing at a point cinal Avenue and running in the thence Southerly 124 feet, (a) North curt) line of Lincoln (g) East curb line of Park Avenue 57.5 feet Easterly Street 547 feet Southerly from the East line of Park from the South line of En- Street extended and run- cinal Avenue and running ning thence Easterly 128 thence Southerly 19 feet. feet, (h) East curb line of Park (b) South curb line of Lincoln Street 622 feet Southerly Avenue 40 feet Easterly from the South line of En- from the East line of Park cinal Avenue and. running Street and running thence thence Southerly 20 feet. Easterly 88 feet. Park Street. (West Side, Mncinal (c) South curb line of Lincoln Avenue to San Antonio Ave- Avenue 141 feet Easterly nue)- —commencing at a point in from the East line of Park the Street and running thence (a) West curb line of Park Easterly 36 feet. Street 22 feet Southerly 10. Santa Clara Avenue (West from from the South line of En- Oak Street) -- commencing at a cinal Avenue and running point in the thence Southerly 102 feet, (a) North curb line of Santa (b) West curb line of Park Clara Avenue 102 feet West- Street 146 feet Southerly erly from the West line of 11 12 13 thence Westerly 88 feet. (b) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 102 feet West- erly from the "West line of Oak Street and running thence Westerly 39 feet. Central Avenue (least from Park Avenue) — commencing at a point in the (a) North curie line of Central Avenue 6 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Ave- nue and running thence Easterly 18 feet. (b) North curb line of Central Avenue 55 feet Easterly from the Ea=st line of Park Avenue and running thence Easterly 38 feet. (e) North curb line of Central Avenue 109 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Avenue and running �Uhence Easterly 80 feet. (d) South curb line of Central Avenue 53 feet Easterly from the East line of..Park Avenue and running thence Easterly 22 feet. (e) South curb line of Central Avenue - 11.3 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Avenue an -d running thence Easterly - 18 feet. Alameda Avenue (Park Street to Oak Street) _. --- commencing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Alameda .Avenue 17.5 feet Westerly from th West, line of Park Street and running thence Westerly .124 feet. (b) North curb line of.Alaxnrda Avenue 184.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 22 feet. (c) North curb line of - Alameda Avenue 227.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly .102 feet. (d) South curb line of . Alameda Avenue 17.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and: running thence Westerly 82 feet.. (e) South curb line of Alameda. Avenue. 124.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 20 feet. (f) South curb line of Alameda Avenue '180.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and runnin thence Westerly 39 feet.. (g) South curb line of Alameda Avenue .247.5 feet Westerly from the -West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 1S feet. (h) South -curb line of Alameda Avenue 283.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 44 .feet. Encina.l Avenue (Park:Street to Park Avenue) — commencing at a point in the (a) North curb line of Encinal Avenue 12.5 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 95.5 feet. {b) North curb line of EncinaI Avenue 7.30.5 feet Easterly frnm the l"i n-t lino of Pnrlr Street and running thence ]easterly 62 feet. (c) South curb line of Encinal Avenue 82.5 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 88 feet. (d) South curb line of Rncina.l Avenue 192.5 feet Easterly from the East line of Park Street and running thence Easterly 38 feet. 14. Park Avenue (Santa - Clara -Ave- nue to Central -- Avenue)—com- mencing at a point in the (a) Last curb line of Parr Ave- nue 1.03 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara : Avenue and running thence Southerly- :36 feet. (b) East curb line of Park: Ave- nue 156 feet Southerly from the south line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 44 feet. (c) East : curb line of Park Ave - nue 327 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running . thence Southerly 22 feet. 15 Oak Street (North from Santa Clara. Aven tie) —commencing at a point in the (a) Fast curb line of Oak Street 75 feet Northerly from the North line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Northerly 58 feet: (b) West curb line. of Oak Street 13 feet Northerly from the North line of Santa' Clara Avenue and running thence Northerly 84 feet. 16. Oak Street (Santa Clara Avenue to Central Avenue)— commen- cing at a point in the (a) East curb line of Oak Street 37 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 20. feet. , (b) East curb line of (yak Street 97 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 62 feet (c) East curb line of Oak Street 175 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly l8 feet. (d) East : curb line of Oak Street 216 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly -36 feet. (e) East curb line of Oak Street 267 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly ,81 feet. (f) West curb line of Oak Street 74 feet southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 66 feet. (g) West curb line of Oak Street 1.7:1 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Southerly 85 feet. (h) West curb line of Oak Street 283 feet Southerly from the South line of Santa Clara. Avenue and running thence Southerly 110 feet. 17 Only gtrppt (("antral Avan­a fn Alameda Avenue) — commencing at a point in the (a) East curb line of Oak Street 36 feet Southerly from the South line of Central Ave- nue and running thence Southerly 39 feet:. (b) East curb line of Oak Street 111 feet Southerly from the South line of Central Ave - nue and running thence Southerly 81 feet. (c) East curb line of Oak. Street 217 feet Southerly from the South line of Central Ave- nue and running thence Southerly 59 feet. (d) West curb line of Oak Street .15 feet Southerly from the South dine of Central Ave- nue an running thence Southerly '88 feet. (e) West curb line of Oak Street 129 feet Southerly from the South line of Central Ave - nue and running thence Southerly 58 feet. (f) West curb line.of Oak Street 214 feet Southerly. from the South line of Central Ave - nue and running thence Southerly 42 feet. Encinal Avenue (Park Street to Oak Street) — commencing at a point in . the (a) North curb .line of Encinal Avenue 7.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 105 feet. (b) North curb line of Encinal Avenue 143.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 18 feet. (c) North' curb line of Encinal Avenue 178.5 feet Westerly from. the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 22 feet. (d) North curb line of Encinal Avenue 216.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 18 feet: (e) North curb line of Encinal Avenue 265.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and 'running thence Westerly 36 feet. (f) South curb line of Encinal Avenue 9:5 feet Westerly from the West dine of Park Street and running thence Westerly 110 feet. (g) Saul -h Curb line of Encinal Avenue 136.5 feet Westerly from the West. line -of Park Street and running thence Westerly 36 feet. (h) South curb. line.of Encinal Avenue 192.5 feet Westerly from the West line of Park Street and running thence Westerly 102 feet. Webster Street (Lincoln . Ave - nue to Pacific Avenue)—com- mencing at a point in the (a) West curb line of Webster Street 52 feet Northerly from the North line of Lin - coln Avenue and running thence Northerly 80 feet. (b) West curb line of. Webster Stree =t 168 - feet Northerly from the, North line of Lincoln Avenue and.running 18 19 (c) West curb line of Webster Street 248 feet Northerly from the north line of Lincoln Avenue and running thence.: Northerly 18 feet. East curb line of Webster Street 88 feet Northerly from the North line of Lincoln Avenue and running thence Northerly 58: feet: East curb line of Webster Street 166 feet Northerly from the. North line of Lincoln Avenue and running thence Northerly 38 feet. East curb line of Webster Street 266 feet Northerly from the North line of Lin- coln : Avenue and running thence Northerly 38 .feet. (d) (e) (f} 20 Central Avenue (East from Webster . Street) — commencing at a point in the (a) South curb line of Central Avenue 43 feet Easterly from the East line of Web- ster Street extended.Soutla- erly and running thence Easterly 40 feet. (b) North curb line of Central Avenue 46: feet Easterly from the Last line of Web - ster Street and running thence Easterly . 42 feet. 21. Central Avenue (West from Webster Street) commencing; at a point in the (a) South curb line of Central Avenue 15 feet Westerly from the West line of W eb- ster.Street extended South- erly thence running West- erly 42 feet. (b) North curb line of Central Avenue 10 feet Westerly from the West line of Web- ster Street thence running Westerly 42 feet. 22. Santa Clara Avenue'(East from Webster Street) -- commencing at a point in the (a).North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 62 feet East- erly from the East line of Webster: Street and running; thence Easterly. 43 feet. 23. Santa Clara Avenue (West from Webster Street) — commencing at a point in the (a) South curb :line of Santa Clara Avenue 24 feet "vest- erly from the West line of Webster Street and runnings thence Westerly 36 feet, (b) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 73 feet- West- erly from the West line of Webster Street and running thence Westerly 40 feet. (c) North curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 22 feet West - erly from the West line of Webster : Street and running thence Westerly 107 feet. 24 Haight Avenue (East from Web - ster Street) — commencing at a point in the (a) South curb line of Haight Avenue 15 ' feet Easterly from the East line of Web - ster Street and running thence Easterly 60 feet. (b) North curb line of Haight Avenue 18 feet Easterly from the .East line of Web- ster Street and running 25 Haight Avenue (West from "Webster Street) —commencing at a point in the (a) South curb dine of Haight Avenue 15 feet 4V.esterly from the West line of Web- ster Street and running thence Westerly 44 feet. (b) North curb line of Haight Avenue 16. feet Westerly from the West line of Web- ster Street and running thence .Westerly 58 feet. 26. Lincoln Avenue (Fast from Webster Street) commencing at a point in the (a) South curb line of Lincoln Avenue 67 feet Easterly from the East line of Web- ster Street and running; thence Easterly 22 feet. (b) South curb line of Lincoln Avenue 128 feet Easterly from the East line of Web- ster Street and running thence Easterly 20 feet. (c) North curb line of Lincoln Avenue 49 feet Easterly from the . East line of Webster Street and running thence :Easterly 20 feet. (d) North -curb line of Lincoln .Avenue 83 feet _Easterly from the !last line of Webster Street and running thence .Easterly 18 feet. 27. Lincoln Avenue (West. from Webster Street.) - commencing from a point in the (a) South curb line of Lincoln Avenue 75 feet Westerly from the West line of Webster Street and running thence Westerly 36 feet; . (b) South curb line of Lincoln Avenue 1.30: feet Westerly from the West line : of Webster Street, and running thence Westerly 18 feet, Section 5. That a new section to be known:. as Section 17 -364.2 is hereby added to Article 6, Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Mu- nicipal Code, which shall: read as follows: See. 17- 364.2. That an enginee'r's Drawing 2964, Case S, Sheet l of 2, bearing date Nov. 1946, Re- vised No. 6. 12.12 -49, entitled, "Parking Plan --- Webster: Street," three copies of which said docu- ment are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the -City of Ala - meda, being marked `Filed Dee, 20, 1949," be, amd the same is hereby, incorporated herein and adopted by reference. Section 6. That a new section to be : known as Section 17 -364.3 is hereby .added to Article 6; Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Mu- nicipal. Code, which shall read as follow,- Seca 17- 364.3. That a,n . engineer's Drawing 2964, Case "S,: Sheet 2 of .2, bearing -date 11- 27 -46, Revised No.. 5, 12- 12.49, entitled, "Parking Plan —Park Street : Area "I three copies of which said document are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda, being marked "Filed Dee. 20, 1949, be, and the same is hereby, incorporated herein and adopted by reference. Section 7. That Section 17 -365 of Article 6, Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Municipal Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: See. 17 -365. Marling; of Meter Areas and Parking .Therein. The Chief of Police shall cause lines or marks to be .painted upon the curb or street next to each park- ing meter, de,0guating the park- ing; space for.which said meter is to be used, and each vehicle parked next to any parking. meter shall park within said lines or markings: tt shall be unlawful to park :any vehicle across any such line or marking, and to park a. vehicle in such a position that It shall not be entirely within the space designated by such lines or markings. Section 8. That subdivision (3) of Section 17 -341 of Article 4, Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda Mu- nicipai Cade, relating to one -hour parking limit on both sides of Web - ster - Street, between the northerly line of Central Avenue and the southerly: line of Taylor: Avenue, be, and. the: same is hereby repealed. Section 9 That Subdivisions (6) and (15) of Section 1.7- 342 of Article 4,, Chapter 3,. Title XVII, of the Ala- meda Municipal Code, relating to two-hour parking, are hereby amended to read as follows: (6) Central Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between a point 88 feet easterly from the east line of Webster Street and the westerly .line of Page Street; and on the southerly side: of :Cen- tral Avenue from a point 83 feet easterly from the east. line of Webster Street to the west line of Page Street projected southerly. (15) Santa: Clara Avenue, : on both : sides thereof, between a point 237 feet :easterly: from. the east: line of : Everett Street and the westerly line of Broadway. Section :10. .This ordinance shall be in full: force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final pas - W. J. BRANSCHEID, Presiding; Officer of the Council: A t.tTes t II '} City Clerk. 1 the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly. and regularly. adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meetings as- sembled on the 3rd day of January, 1.950, by the following_ vote, to wit: AYES: .Councilmen A n d e r s o n, .zones, Osborn, Sweeney and Presi- dent Branscheid, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 'set :toy hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 4th day of January, 1950. (SEAL) J. P. CLARK, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. Publish January 4, 1950.