Ordinance 1223Ordinance No. 1223 lease substantially in the form and containing the terms, covenants and conditions set out in the aforesaid New Series form of lease, and the City Clerk is AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING hereby authorized and directed to EXECUTION - OF A LEASE OF attest to same. CERTAIN TIDE AND SUBMERGED Section 3. This ordinance shall be LANDS TO THE ENCINAL YACHT in full force and effect from and CLUB AND APPROVING THE after the expiration of thirty` (30) FORM AND TERMS THEREOF. days from the date of its final pas - WHEREAS, the Encinal Yacht Club, sage. R. P. KRANELLY of the City of Alameda, desires to lease from the City of Alameda a Presiding Officer of the Council. three -acre portion of City-owned tide and submerged lands, together with Attest: SHIRLEY H. TENNIER an easement of access thereto; and City Clerk ' WHEREAS, a form of lease contain- ing the covenants and agreements to I, the undersigned, hereby certify be entered into is on file in the office that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and of the City Clerk of the City of Ala- meda, and the Council of the City passed by the Council of the City of of Alameda is aware of the contents Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of February, 1957, by thereof; and WHEREAS, it is in the public in- the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Haag, Hove, Mc- terest that said lands be so leased; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT OR- Call, Moresi and President Kranelly, DAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE (5) NOES: None. CITY OF ALAMEDA as follows: Section 1. That the form of lease ABSENT: None, referred to in the preamble hereof, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have and the terms, conditions; covenants hereunto set my hand and affixed and agreements contained therein be, the official seal of said City this 20th and the same are hereby, approved. day of February, 1957. Section 2. That the Mayor of the SHIRLEY H. TENNIER City of Alameda be, and he is hereby (SEAL) City Clerk of the City authorized to ; execute, for and on of Alameda behalf of the City of Alameda, a Publish Feb. 22, 1957.