Ordinance 1286ORDINANCE NO. 1286 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN CITY - OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO THE ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIA- TION (ENCINAL HOUSING PROJECT — 22.3 ACRES) WHEREAS, the City of Alameda is the owner of certain real property situate in the City of Alameda, Coun- ty of Alameda, State of California, as hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid real prop- erty is no longer required by the City of Alameda for municipal pur- poses, and public convenience and necessity require the disposal of said real property; and WHEREAS, the Alaska Packers Association, a California corporation, has offered to purchase said real property for the sum of $231,296.24; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA: Section 1. That the City of Ala- meda transfer unto the Alaska Packers Association, a California corporation, all that certain real property situate in the City of Ala- meda and more particularly des- cribed as follows: REAL PROPERTY in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING at that certain granite monument located at the intersection of the center line between the main line tracks of the Southern Pacific Company, as Located easterly of Webster Street, between Work Street and Buena Vista Avenue, Alameda, California, with the "Line seg- regating the high and dry land from the marsh land, as sur- veyed by the Pacific Improve - ment Company ", as shown on the "Map of Alameda Marsh Lands ", etc„ filed July 30, 1900, in Book 25 of Maps, pages 74 to 78, inclusive, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; said point of intersec- tion lying between angle points 11 and 12 of said segregation line; running thence from said granite monument along said seg- regation line, south 84° 18' 40" east, 57.69 feet to a point on the eastern right of way line of the Southern Pacific Company, said point being the southwestern cor- ner of Tract 30, as said tract is shown on said Map of Alameda Marsh Lands; thence along the western line of said Tract 30, north 5 55' 40" west, 383.88 feet to the intersection thereof, with the western prolongation of the northern line of that cer- tain 6.89 acre tract of land de- scribed in the deed from Anglo California Natonal Bank of San Francisco to Alameda Belt Line, dated December 4, 1942, record - ed January 8, 1943, in Book 4318 said prolongation and along the northern line of said 6:89 acrer tract, south 87 14' 10" cast,; 488.056 feet to a point; said point= being the actual point of begin- ning of the land to be herein described; running thence north 3° 08' east, 182.261 feet; thence south 86 52' east, - 0.17 feet;' thence north 3 08' east, 671.184 feet to a point on a line drawn parallel with and distant at right angles, 430 feet southerly;- from the southern line of -land de- scribed as Parcel 2' in the deed from The Oakland Water Front Company to Union Iron' Works Company, dated March 29, 1917, recorded March 30, 1917, in Book 2547 of Deeds, page 41, Alameda County Records; thence: along said parallel line so drawn, north 89° 10' 20" east, 747.40 feet to the western line of the parcel; of land described in the deed to Alaska Packers Association, a California corporation, a dat'e'd May 21, 1958, recorded May 28, 1958, in Book 8684 of Official Records of Alameda County; page 35 (AP/52863); thence along the last named line south 3° 08' west, 718.90 feet to the southern line of the last named parcel of land; thence' along the last named lane south 87 14' 10" east, 1842.20 feet to a point on a line drawn parallel with and distant at right angles, 100 feet westerly from the : di- rect production northerly of the most western line of the land described in the deed from The Anglo California National Bank of San Francisco to Alameda Belt Line, dated August 15,;1941, recorded August 19, 1941, in Book 4117 of Official Records ' of -Ala- meda County, page 84; ; (said most western line being describ- ed in said deed as south 3 08' west, 811.35 feet); - thence along said parallel line so drawn; south 3 07' 36" west 181.38 feet to a point on the northern line of the above mentioned 6.89 acre tract; thence along the ' last named line, north, 87° 14' 10" west, 2434.84 feet to the most western point of the land de- scribed in the quitclaim deed from United States of America to Alameda Belt Line, dated Oc- tober 7, 1947, recorded March 30, 1949 in Book 5762 of Official Records of Alameda County, page 249; and thence along said northern line of said 6.89 acre tract above referred -to, north 87 14' 10" west 154.93 feet to the actual point of beginning. E X C E P T ING THEREFROM, that portion thereof, lying within the lines of the 1.029 acre tract of land described in the 'quit- claim deed from United States of America to Alameda ; Belt Line, dated October 7, 1947, re- corded March 30, 1949 in Book 5762 of Official Records of Ala- meda County, page 249 (AD /- 21732). TOGETHER with and 4appurt- .Want to said real nronerty an Alameda City Ordinances New Series Ordinance No. 1286 easements of right -of -way; ade quate for the passage of ;trucks, automobiles and pedestrians, and for public utility purposes, for ingress to and egress from the boundaries of said property, in, over and across ..the .;property . described as follows to -wit: BEING a parcel of land situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and further described to -wit: COMMENCING at that certain granite monument located at the intersection of the center line between the main line tracks of the - Southern Pacific Company as located easterly of Webster Street, between Work Street and Buena Vista Avenue, Alameda, California, with the "Line segre- gating the high and dry land from the marsh land as surveyed by the Pacific Improvement Com- pany" and so designated and de- lineated upon that certain map entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Lands as partitioned among the owners thereof in the suit num bered 8923 and entitled Pacific Improvement Company, - plain- tiff, vs. _James Waymire, et al., defendants, Superior Court of Alameda County, State of Cali- fornia ", filed July 30, 1900, Map Book 25, pages 74 to 78, Ala - media County Records; said point of intersection lying - between angle points 11 and 12 of the segregation line; RUNNING thence from said granite monument S 84° 18' 40" E a distance of 57.69 feet to a point on the easterly right -of -way line of the Southern Pacific Com- pany, said point being the South- west corner of Tract No. 30, as said tract is delineated and so designated upon the heretofore mentioned "Map of Alameda Marsh Lands," said point is the TRUE POINT OR BEGINNING; RUNNING thence along the Western line of said Tract 30, N 5' 55' 40" .W a distance of 383.88 feet to the intersection of the western prolongation of the Northern line of that certain 6.89 acre tract of land described in Deed from Anglo California Na- tional Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, to Alameda Belt Line; a corporation, dated De- cember 4, 1942, and recorded January 8 1943 in Book 4318 of Official Records ' of Alameda County, at page 209; RUNNING thence along said prolongation and along t h e Northern line of said certain 6.89 acre tract S 87 14' 10" E a distance - of 488.056 feet to the most southerly point of a west- erly line of the parcel of land described in the deed from the United States of America to the City of Alameda and recorded in Book 8218 of Official Records of Alameda County at page 576; THENCE continuing along the Northern line of said 6.89 acre tract 154.93 feet; morer:or less; ..... .,,,_._....... +...,.,... +.,.a., ..-. -+ . T +t o ed in the deed from the United States of America to Alameda Belt Line and recorded in Book 5762 of Official Records of Ala - meda- County at page 249; THENCE Southwesterly on the ` are of a curve concave :. to the -'.. Northwest <having a radius of 243.53 feet (the chord of which bears S 73° 04' 54" W 164.04 feet) {; an are distance of 167.31 feet to a point; THENCE N 87' 14' 10" W a dis - tance of 337.79 feet to a point; THENCE Southwesterly: on the arc of -a curve concave' to the Southeast having a radius of 70.06 1 f feet (the chord of which bears S 58° 21' 10" W 79.19 feet) an arc s'! distance of 84:15 feet to a point; THENCE continuing South -' westerly on the arc of a curve! r to the Southeast having ':a radius``? of 70.06 feet (the chord of which -' bears S 9° 00' 15" W 36.12 feet) an are distance; of 36.53; feet to a point. THENCE S 5° 56' 00" E a dis - tance of 20.86 feet to a point on the Western line of that cer- tain 18.77 acre tract of 'land de- scribed in the deed from Plana tal Company, a corporation, to Alameda Belt Line, a corporation,F! dated February 8, 1927 and re -'r corded May 17, 1927 in Book 1580 r of Official Records, page 286,x! said last mentioned line being the arc of a circle 'having' a radius: of 477.68 feet, the center of < which bears' N 55 °- 02' 40" E 477.68 feet from said last men -s <' tioned point; THENCE from - said last men - tioned points 5° 55' 40" E a dis - tance of 228.710 =feet to a point in the ' heretofore mentioned "Line segregating the high and dry land from the marsh land ast" surveyed by the Pacific improve - ment Company" as shown on the "Map of Alameda Marsh Lands"5 above referred to; THENCE continuing from said last mentioned point S 5° 55' 40 "- S' E a distance' of 310.03 feet along a , line parallel to and 60 feet dis- tant easterly', from said easterly ? line of the Southern Pacific Com pany to a point on the northerlyr < line of Eagle Avenue' distant Nr 5 88° 18` W 446.02 feet from the Westerly line of Eighth Street;`' THENCE along said Northerly line of Eagle Avenue N 88° 18' W a_ distance of 60.54 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of- way line of- the 'Southern Pacific Company; THENCE N 5° 55' 40" E along said easterly right-of-way line a' distance of 314.323 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING THEREFROM, THAT PORTION thereof lying within the lines of the tract of land described in the quitclaim deed from the United States of America to John Huston, dated June 27, 1951, - recorded ' October' 3, 1952 in Book 6840 of Officials <.rz rorrla': of Alameda County. at'.'! ® New Series Ordinances _ Ordinance No. 1281 RESERVING, HOWEVER, unto the City of Alameda a ,permanent ease- ment and right -of -way for the con- struction, `!reconstruction, operation and maintenance of = sanitary sewers in, through; under and along the following described real property: BEING a strip or parcel of land 12.50 -feet in width, situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and further described, to- wit: A PORTION of Tract 30, as said Tract is shown on the "Map of Alameda Marsh Land as par - titioned among the owners there- of in the suit numbered 8923 and entitled, 'Pacific Improvement Company, plaintiff, vs. James A. Waymire, et al., defendants, Superior Court of Alameda Coun- ty, State of California," which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, in Map Book 25, pages 74 to 78, on July 30 1900, bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest- ern corner of said Tract 30; run - ning thence along the western boundary line thereof, North 4' 46' 53" West (the bearing North 4 46' 53" West being assumed for the purpose - of this ` descrip- tion; same of record North 5 "55' 40" West), 383.88 feet to the intersection with the western prolongation of the northern line of that certain 6.89 acre tract of land described; is deed from Anglo California National Bank of San Francisco; a corporation, to Alameda Belt Line, ,a corpora - tion,, -dated December _4, 1942, and recorded January 8, 1943, in Book 4318 of Official Records of Alameda 'County at ,page 209; - thence along said prolongation and along the northern line of said 6.89 acre tract South 86° 05' 23" East (of record South 87 14' 10" East) 488.056 feet; 'thence North 4° 17' 07" East (of record North 3° 08' East) 182.261' feet; thence South 85° 42' 53" East (of record South 86° 52', East) 0.17 of a foot: thence North 4° 17' 07" East (of record North 3 08' East) 671.184 feet to a point on a' line drawn parallel with and distant 430.00 feet southerly, measured at right angles from the southern line -of -that cer- tain parcel of land designated as "Parcel 2" in the deed from The Oakland Water Front 'Com- pany, a 'corporation, to Union Iron Works Company, a corpora - tion, dated March 29, 1917, and recorded March "30, 1917 in Book 2547 of Deeds, at page 41, %Ala- meda County Records, r said last mentioned point being the AC- = TUAL POINT OF COMMENCE- MENT; thence - running, along] said parallel line, and the pro- longation thereof, South 89 40' 53" East (of record North 89 10` 20" East) 747.40 feet; thence .South 4 °:17' 07 "West (of record South 3 08' West) 12.53' feet; thence North 89° 40' 53" West East) 12.53 feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF COMMENCEMENT; for and in 'consideration of the su: of ' TWO HUNDRED THIRTY -ON THOUSAND, TWO :HUNDRED NINI TY -SIX and 24/100 ($231,296:2 DOLLARS,'; payable; to the - City j Alameda as follows: $69,388.90 down payment, payable coincidei with the closing of the transactio; a promissory note secured by second -deed of trust in the amotu of $161,907.34 payable in semi -annu installments of $23,129.62, the fir payment to be made on the 1st d, of November, 1959 ;' payments ther after to be made on the lst day May and the lstday of Novemb of each and every c year until ful. paid. Section - 2. That the Mayor of tl City of Alameda ; is hereby autho ized to execute, for and on beha of the "City of Alameda,s',a gran deed of the real property ^describ( above transferring' said real pro; erty to the r Alaska' Packers Associ tion, and the City ? Clerk is beret directed to attest to same. All clo ing costs- are to be _paid', by tI grantee with the exception of rev nue stamps. Said grant deed' is to delivered, to grantee only upon r ceipt of the payments and due ex cution of the instruments set out Section 1 above. Section 3 That the Mayor of tl City of Alameda is hereby autho ized to execute, for and on beha of : the ' City of r Alameda, that ce tain Agreement of Sale by and -b tween the City of Alameda 'ai Alaska Packers- Association' relath to the sale of the real ';proper: as set out herein, said Agreement Sale being on file in the office the City Clerk of the City; of Al media. The City : Clerk is here) directed to attest to same. Section 4. This ordinance shall 1 in full force and effect' from -at after the expiration of thirty (3 days from the ''date of its fin passage. WILLIAM M. McCALL Presiding Officer of the Council Attest: SHIRLEY H. TENNIER City Clerk a * o I, the undersigned, hereby certi that the foregoing Ordinance w duly and regularly adopted , ai passed by : the !Council of the Ca of Alameda in regular meeting sembled on the 18th day of Nove her, 1958, by the following vote, wit: AYES: Councilmen Collischon Freeman, Petersen, Schacht 'ai President McCall,; (5). NOES; None, ABSENT': None. IN WITNESS WHEROF, I ha' hereunto r set my hand and affixi the official seal of said City this 19 day of November, 1958. (SEAL) SHIRLEY H. TENNIEF City Clerk of the C1 of Alameda