Ordinance 1311Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1311 New Series Ordinance No. 1311 cam g mencement; thence continuing alon said line of Willow Street northerly on the are of last said New Series curve 75.30 feet; thence ?parallel ' AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING with said line of Otis Drive north AND REZONING CERTAIN PROP- 63' 48' 58" west 211.78 feet; thence ERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF south 26 11' ;02" west 75 feet; ALAMEDA r BY AMENDING ; ZON- thence south 63' 48' 58" east 216.60'" ING ORDINANCE NO. 1277, N.S. feet to the actual point- of com -' BE IT, ORDAINED BY THE COUN- mencement. CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA SECTION 2. The above amendment' as follows: SECTION 1. Section 11 -116 of Ordi- shall be known as and referred to as nonce No. 1277, N.S., is hereby Reclassification and Rezoning Amend- amended by reclassifying and rezon- ment No. to Ordinance No. 1277, N.S. ing, from R -4 -PD (Neighborhood Apartment ,'Planned Development) SECTION 3. This ordinance shall District to AP (Administrative-Pro- be in full force and effect from and ' fessional) District all the real prop- after the expiration of ; thirty (30) erty situate within the , City of days from the date of its final pass- Alameda as described below: age' A PORTION of Lot 107 in Block WILLIAM M. McCALL 3, according to the Map of Tract Presiding Officer of the Council. 1866, South Shore Unit No. 1, filed Attest: October 30, 1957 in the office of SHIRLEY H. TENNIER the County Recorder of Alameda City Clerk. County and of record in Map Book 38, pages 50 to 54 inclusive, bound - I the undersigned, hereby certify ed as follows: that the foregoing Ordinance was BEGINNING at the northern ex- duly and regularly adopted and tremity of the curve with a radius passed by the Council of the City of = of 20 feet that connects the north- Alameda in regular meeting as- ' eastern line of Otis Drive with the sembled on the 21st day of July,'; general western line of Willow 1959, by the following vote to wit: Street, as shown on said map, (all AYES: Councilmen Collischonn, bearings, distances and radii here - Freeman, Petersen and President ' in are based on the California Co- McCall, (4). ordinate System Zone III), and NOES: None. running thence -along said line of ABSENT: Councilman Schacht (1). " Willow Street, as follows: - IN - WITNESS WHEREOF, < I have North' 26° 11' 02 ; east 38 feet, - hereunto set -my hand and affixed northerly on the arc of _a tangent the official ; seal of said City this r curve to the left with a radius of 22nd day of July, 1959. 290 feet a distance of 136.66 feet, (SEAL) and northerly on the are of a com- SHIRLEY H. TENNIER pound curve to the right with a City Clerk of the City radius of 350 feet a distance of of Alameda. 104.83 feet to the actual point of Publish: July 24, 1959.