Ordinance 1337Alameda C.ity .. Oro CrAnance No. 1337, NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING. AND REPEALING PORTIONS OF CHAP`PERS 3 AND 8-OF TITLE XV, AND ADDING CHAPTER 9 TO SAID TITLE XV, RELATING TO HOSPITALS, IN- STITUTIONS FOR CHILD CARE, AND BOARDING HOMES FOR AGE ED PERSONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAME DA : SECTION 1. The Alameda Munici- pal Code is hereby amended by add- ing Section 15 -311 to Article 1, Chap- ter 3, Title XV thereof, which shall read as follows: Article 1. In General See. 15 -311. " hospital" Defined. As used in this chapter "hospital" means any institution, place, building, or agency which maintains and op- erates organized facilities for one or more persons for the diagnosis, care or treatment of human illness, including convalescence and includ- ing care during and after pregnancy, or which maintains and operates or- ganized facilities for any such pur- pose, and to which persons may be admitted for overnight stay or longer. "Hospital" shall include any sani- tarium, nursing home, and materni- ty home. SECTION 2. That Article 2, Chapter 3, Title XV, of the Alameda Munici- pal Code is hereby amended by re- pealing Sections 15 -322 and 15 -323 thereof, and by. amending Section 15 -321 to read as .follows: Article 2. License Required Sec. 15 -321. License to Establish and Maintain. No person shall. establish, conduct or maintain any hospital in the City of Alameda without first having obtained a license from the State of California in conformity with the ,provisions of Division 2, Chapter 2, of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. SECTION S. That .Article 3, Chap- ter 3, Title XV, of the Alameda Muni - cipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Article 3. Zones of Quiet .Seca 15 -331. Zones of Quiet Blear Hospitals. There is hereby . created and established a zone of quiet in all territory embraced within a dis- tance of three hundred feet of every hospital in the City of Alameda. Sec. 15 -332. Signs and Placards. It shall be the duty of the City placed, ger to place, or cause to be placed, on lamp posts or other conspicuous places on every street or streets on which any hospital may be . situated and at a distance of not Tess than three hundred feet in every direc- tion from said hospital, a sign or placard. displaying . the words:. "No- tice. Zone of Quiet. No loud or un- necessary noises permitted." finances..... New Series Ordinance No: M7 Sec. 15 -333. Unnecessary Noises Within Zone of Quiet. Prohibited.. It is hereby ;declared to be unlawful for army person., firm or corporation to make, cause or permit to be made. or caused, any unnecessary noise or blow any bugle, horn, whistle or trumpet, or beat any : drum, or ring any bell, or play any music, or to call or hawk wares or merchandise upon the public streets, avenues or alleys in the City of Alameda, within any such Zone, that disturbs the peace and quiet ' of any of : the -in- mates of any hospital. SECTION 4. That Article 4, Chap- ter 3, Title XV, of . Alameda Municipal Code, relatig to Nursing Hones, is hereby repealed. SECTION 5. That Article 1 of:Chap ter 8, Title XV of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows. Chapter 8. Institutions for Child care. Article 1. In General See. 15 -811. Requirement for Op- eration. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain, conduct, or aid in the maintaining or conducting of any institution., boarding .home, day nursery, or other place for the re- ception and care of children . under the age of sixteen, or engaged in the business of receiving or caring for such children or receive or care for any such children in the ab- sence of its parents or guardian, whether with or without compensa- tion, unless there shall .. have been issued a valid license or permit from the State Department of Social Wel- fare or such agency as may be au- thorized by it to issue such license or permit. SECTION 6. That Section :15 -812 of Article 1, Chapter 8, Title XV, of the Alameda Municipal Code, is here- by repealed. SECTION 7. That Chapter 9 is hereby added to Title XV of : the Alameda Municipal Code, : and _ shall read as follows: CHAPTER 9. BOARDING HOMES FOR AGED PERSONS Article 1. In General 2. Permit or License Required 3. Housing, Fire and Health Regulations Article 1. In General Sec. 15 -911. "Boarding Home for Aged Persons " Defined. As used in this chapter "boarding home for aged persons" shall mean any institution, boarding home, : or other place for the .reception or care of aged persons. Seca 15 -912. "Aged Persons" Do- fined. As used in this chapter "aged person " shall mean any person sixty- five (65) years of age or over who, by reason of old age or infirmity; is in need of or receives special care, assistance, or attendance beyond that which is usually given in hotels; lodging or boarding homes. Sec. 15 -913. "Non - Ambulatory Per- son" Defined. As used in this :chap- ter a "non - ambulatory .person" shall Alamed.a.-C Ordin . ance.s.... ity New Series Ordinance :No. 1337 mean anyone who, in the event of portable fire .extinguisher or equal, an emergency; is :incapable of leav- of approved make, shall be installed ing a :building without assistance: and kept in each story . for each Article 2, permit or License Required twenty -five hundred : (2500). square 'See, '15 -921. Permit' or License Re- feet, or fraction thereof, of floor quired.. No person, association or space area in such .story; provided, corporation shall, without having first that where the floor . area is but obtained a valid permit or license in slightly in excess : of twenty -five accordance with the provisions of ' hundred (2500) square feet or a multi- Division 3, Chapter :2, of the Welfare ple thereof, . the Fire Marshal may and Institutions Code of the State of dispense with the installation of an California, maintain or conduct in extra fire extinguisher for such ex- the City of Alameda any boarding cess area if in his opinion sufficient home for the. aged, nor receive or fire protection will be afforded the care for any such person not related inmates of such boarding home for to him by blood or affinity within aged persons. the second degree. (2) The Fire Marshal hay require Article 3. Housing, Health such additional extinguishers to . be installed as he deem and Safety Regulations may necessary for proper fire protection. Sec. 15 -931. Housing .Regulations. it (3) All fire extinguishers must be shall be unlawful to maintain, con- kept in serviceable condition at all duet or operate a boarding home for tunes and shall be recharged i aged persons in any one story wood znediately after being in use and in frame building of less than one -hour any event at least once each year, fire resistance construction or in any with approved ingredients of first wood frame building greater than quality. The date of such recharging one story that is not equipped with a . shall be marked on a tag which must sprinkler system throughout. be kept attached to the extinguisher. Sec, 15 -932. Exits Required. It shall (4) Fire extinguishers shall be be unlawful to maintain, conduct or mounted vertically and suspended to operate a boarding : home for aged a bracket or hook firmly attached persons in any building not having to the side wall and in such manner at least two (2) means of egress on that the top of the extinguisher any floor to which aged persons have shall not be more than five (5) feet access; provided, however, that each from the floor. room housing any non - ambulatory (5) All fire fighting equipment shall person must have direct access to an be located in an accessible and con - outside ramp or must adjoin a cor- spicuous place approved by the Fire ridor not less than eight (8) feet in Marshal. width leading to an outside ramp. Sec. 15 -933. Regulations for Hous•- Sec. 15 -9361, . Gas Shut -Off. An y ing Non- Ambulatory Persons. It shall building hereafter erected, enlarged be unlawful .to house in any boarding or reopened as, or converted into, a home for aged persons a non -ambu- boarding home for aged persons shall latory person on any floor level provide the gas service piped to such greater than eight (8) feet above out- building with an approved manually side grade. Every room housing any operated shut-off valve or cock. The non- ambulatory person. shall be manual control shall be located in a equipped with at least one manually suitable box or vault at a convenient operated electric push button signal and conspicuous place outside the transmitting system adjoining each building and shall be adequately bed. Such system shall meet such marked. specifications as may be established See. 15 -937. Fire Prevention. It shall by the Fire'Marshal or his authorized be unlawful for any person operating representative. or . conducting a boarding home for Sec. 15 -934. Lighting Requirements. aged persons to permit a fire hazard All hallways and stairways in a to exist in the building or on the boarding home for aged persons shall premises." The Fire Marshal of the be sufficiently lighted - at all times City of Alameda is .hereby em.pow- and whenever natural daylight is in- ered to promulgate such rules and sufficient, adequate electric illumina- regulations as may be deemed neces- tiorl shall be provided. nary to insure compliance with the In any boarding home for aged provisions of this chapter. persons having accommodations for Sec. 15 -938 Health Officer's Regu- more .than .four (4) persons, or which lations. The County Health Officer has accommodations on any floor shall have the power to adopt such above the first or ground floor, the health and sanitation regulations for electric lights in . hallways and stair- the operation of braading homes for ways must connected to an inde- aged persons in the City.of. Alameda . be pendent circuit separate from lights as he may .deem necessary or proper on other portions of the building. to carry out the intents and purposes ..Sec. 15 -935. Fire Extinguishing of this article. Equipment. Fire extinguishing. equip- See. 15 -939. Application of This ment shall be 'provided for every Chapter. Every boarding home for boarding home for aged persons in aged persons established prior to the accordance with the following re- ,. adoption of this chapter, and which quirements: does not conform to the provisions (1) One (1) two and one- half . (2%) of :this chapter, may continue to be gallon soda' and acid or foam type operated and maintained until either the use of such boarding home is dis- continued or abandoned. for any rea- son whatever, or there occurs a change of ownership or .transfer of any interest therein. Upon the hap- pening of any of the aforementioned events the provisions of this chapter shall thereafter be applicable. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. WILLIAM M. McCALL Presiding Officer of the Council. Attest: SHIRLEY H. TENNIER City Clerk dinances New Series Ordinance No. 1337 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that :the. foregoing .Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council : of the. City of Alameda in .adjourned regular meeting. assembled on the . 28th day on June, 1960, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Collisehonn; Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and President McCall, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 29th .day of June, 1960.. (SEAL) SHIRLEY IER, City the Publish Jane 30, 1960.