Ordinance 1555Alameda Cl Ordinances Ordinance No. 2555 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Ordinance No. 1555 Street and Otis Drive: (41) Intersection of Fernside Boulevard and Tilden Way. Now Series ,Section 5.: That Section 17 -432 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CER- (Stop) of the Alameda Municipal TAIN PORTIONS OF THE ALA- Code is hereby amended by adding MEDA MUNICIPAL CODE RELAT- thereto the following new : subdivi- ING TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS sion, which shall read as follows: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE (159) Bay Street and Pacific COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA- Avenue, signs shall be erected MEDA: on Bay Street at or near" the Section 1. That Section 17 -341 southeasterly and northwesterly corners of its intersection with One -hour Parking Limit) of the Pacific Avenue. Alameda Municipal Code is hereby Section 0. This ordinance shall amended by amending subdivision d in full force and effect from and (2) thereof, which shall read as after the expiration of thirty (30) follows: days from the date of its final (2) High Street, on the west- passage. erly side thereof, between the WILLIAM M. McCALL, northerly line of Central Ave- Presiding Officer of the nue and the southerly line of Council Liberty Avenue projected west- Attest: erly. Section 2. That Section 17 -333 (All SHIRLEY H. TENNIER, City Clerk. Time and Limited No Parking) of the Alameda Municipal Code is 1, the undersigned, hereby certify hereby amended by adding thereto that the foregoing Ordinance was the following new subdivision, duly and regularly adopted and which shall read as follows: passed by the Council of the City (50) Willow Street, on the of Alameda in regular meeting as- westerly side thereof, between sembled on the 5th day of Septem- the northerly line of San Jose ber, 1967, by the following vote, to Avenue and the southerly line wit: of Encinal Avenue. AYES: Councilmen Bartley, Fore, Section 3, That Section 17 -583 La Croix, Jr., Levy and President (Thirty-five Miles Per Hour Prima McCall, (5). Facie Limits) of the Alameda Mu- NOES: None. nicipal Code is hereby amended by ABSENT: None. adding thereto the following new IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subdivision, which shall read as hereunto set my hand and affixed follows: the official seal of said City this (3) Atlantic Avenue -- From 6th day of September, 1967. Main Street to Webster Street. (SEAL) Section 4. That Section 17 -442 SHIRLEY H. TENNrER, (Electrically Operated Traffic Con- City Clerk of the trol Signals) of the Alameda Mu- City of Alameda. nicipal Code is hereby amended by No. A- 306 - Publish Sept. 8, 1967. adding thereto the following new 's$ subdivisions, which shall read as